High-pH-Magnesium Coagulation-Flocculation in Wastewater Treatment
High-pH-Magnesium Coagulation-Flocculation in Wastewater Treatment
High-pH-Magnesium Coagulation-Flocculation in Wastewater Treatment
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Chemically enhanced wastewater treatment is attracting substantial interest, especially for wastewaters that are not
amenable to treatment by conventional biological treatment strategies. Among the currently employed chemical unit
processes in wastewater treatment, coagulation–flocculation has received considerable attention for yielding high
pollutant removal efficiency. Over the past years, several authors have investigated the role of magnesium ions as a
potential coagulant for the chemical clarification of wastewater. This paper presents a comprehensive review of high-
pH–magnesium coagulation–flocculation processes in wastewater treatment, describes their applicability and reveals
the contribution of such treatment strategies to the chemical clarification of various wastewaters. More importantly,
the paper discusses the advantages, disadvantages and process efficiency of high-pH–magnesium coagulation–
flocculation in relation to various sources of magnesium ions. The characteristics of sludges produced from lime-
based chemical wastewater treatment processes are also discussed. Finally, factors impacting the economics of the
process are considered to estimate the costs incurred.
䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Wastewater; Chemical treatment; Coagulation–flocculation; Industrial wastewater; Seawater; Bittern; Magnesium;
Metals; Lime; Caustic
The rationale for the increasing popularity of chemical than is produced by conventional primary treatment
treatment plants pertains to the following associated (Harleman and Morrissey, 1990). However, with
advantages (Poon and Brueckner, 1975; Stuckenberg, reduced chemical costs and feasible sludge disposal,
1975; Forstner and Van Leirde, 1981; Eilbeck and chemically enhanced treatment could prove to be one
Mattock, 1987; Harleman et al., 1991; Ødegaard, 1987, of the most appropriate technologies in wastewater
1992): treatment, particularly when coastal waters are the final
destination of treated effluents (Ayoub, 1994).
● They proceed rapidly, are more predictable, more
As previously stated, coagulation–flocculation has
subject to control by simple techniques, and are most
always attracted considerable attention for yielding high
frequently amenable to automatic control.
removal efficiency in wastewater treatment. Over the
● They are relatively tolerant to toxic compounds and
past years, a wide array of laboratory- and pilot-scale
temperature changes, and can be operated on an on–
experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of
off basis without the need for an acclimatization
both calcium and magnesium precipitation on the chem-
ical clarification of wastewater. This paper presents a
● In contrast to biological systems, they can accom-
comprehensive review of the coagulation of alkalized
modate variable input loads and flows, such as
wastewaters by high-pH–magnesium coagulation–floc-
seasonal flows, as well as intermittent and complex
culation processes and describes the chemical aspects
discharges, as in the case of industrial wastewaters.
of applied treatment strategies. It also reveals and
● When needed, chemical plants are flexible and can
compares the contribution of such treatment strategies
be readily modified without necessity for a change
to the chemical clarification of various wastewaters.
in the basic structure.
● Chemical treatment systems generally have lower
2. Background information on chemical treatment of
space requirements and substantially lower installa-
tion costs. However, it is noteworthy to mention that
operation costs can be high, especially with large-
Generally, wastewater colloidal suspensions consist
scale plants.
of negatively charged particles. When particles are
● Chemically enhanced wastewater treatment can han-
similarly charged, the resulting repulsive forces tend to
dle higher hydraulic loads compared to conventional
stabilize the suspension and prevent particle agglomer-
treatment methods.
ation. The process of coagulation is complex and may
● When used as a pre-treatment stage, subsequent
involve several mechanisms to achieve destabilization,
biological systems become more efficient in dealing
which allows particle agglomeration and enhances sub-
with lowered biochemical oxygen demand influents.
sequent particle removal. Coagulation is typically
Moreover, following advanced primary treatment,
accomplished through chemical addition and mixing.
subsequent secondary biological systems occupy a
The process is used to enhance the degree of removal
considerably smaller land area and handle higher
of total suspended solids (TSS), biochemical oxygen
hydraulic loadings compared to conventional biolog-
demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and
ical systems.
bacterial population in primary settling facilities, as well
● Almost complete removal of phosphorus and limited
as to improve the performance of secondary treatment
quantities of nitrogen may be achieved at sites where
processes (Tchobanoglous and Burton, 1991).
eutrophication is a problem.
Flocculation is the physical process of bringing the
● Significant particle removal, and consequently effec-
destabilized particles in contact to form larger flocs that
tive removal of micro-pollutants, heavy metals, bac-
can be more easily removed from suspension. Floccu-
teria and viruses, may be achieved.
lation is almost always used in conjunction with and
● Usually, chemical processes can be designed to pro-
preceded by coagulation. The process is generally
vide useful by-products.
accomplished by slow mixing of the destabilized sus-
On the other hand, a number of disadvantages may pension to provide an opportunity for the particles to
accompany chemical treatment processes. For instance, come into contact with one another and bridge together.
relatively larger quantities of inorganic sludge are pro- Therefore, flocculation enhances subsequent sedimen-
duced, in addition to the higher salinity in the effluent tation or the performance of filtration systems by
discharged on account of the additive nature of the increasing particle size, resulting in increased settling
process (Eilbeck and Mattock, 1987; Tchobanoglous and filter-capture rates.
and Burton, 1991; Van Nieuwenhuiyzen et al., 1999). The most commonly used coagulants–flocculants in
Conventional chemical treatment processes produce wastewater treatment are: the trivalent salts of iron
between 1.5- and 2.0-fold more sludge than is produced wFeCl3, Fe2(SO4)3x and aluminum wAl(SO4)3 x; ferrous
by conventional primary treatment, whereas biological sulfate (FeSO4); and calcium hydroxide wCa(OH)2x.
treatment produces approximately 1.9-fold more sludge These are often used with various coagulant aids, such
L. Semerjian, G.M. Ayoub / Advances in Environmental Research 7 (2003) 389–403 391
solution of 5 N NaOH was used to test the effectiveness the treatment efficiency steeply increases when the pH
of seawater for the removal of algae from oxidation value is at approximately the theoretical value for
pond effluents. As a result, algae removal in excess of Mg(OH)2 precipitation, pH 11.3 (Leentvar and Rebhun,
80% was achieved at an initial pH of 10.5 and 5–10% 1982; Elmaleh et al., 1996).
seawater. On the other hand, almost complete algae The contribution of calcium and magnesium com-
removal ()95%) was attained at pH 11.0 and 10–15% pounds to the efficiency of water treatment was first
seawater. In another study, a lime dosage of 1000 mgyl reported in the late 1920s (Dziubek and Kowal, 1986).
resulted in more than 80% algae removal. When caustic Since then, several researchers have investigated the
soda was used instead of lime to raise the pH to the effects of high-pH magnesium and calcium precipitation
same level, only 50% removal was achieved. Moreover, on coagulation using a variety of magnesium ion
the same study also revealed similar patterns of oil sources, such as magnesium chloride, magnesium car-
removal from alkaline wastewaters (94–97%) when bonate, magnesium hydroxide, processed dolomite, sea-
using either lime or NaOH to raise the pH to similar water, seawater liquid bittern and marine dried bittern.
levels in the presence of 5–10% seawater (Ayoub, In a study by Leentvar and Rebhun (1982), signifi-
1994). cant reductions in suspended solid extinction (rate of
reduction of light absorbance) and total organic carbon
3.1.3. Role of magnesium ions at high pH (TOC) were obtained by low-pH lime treatment (pH
As previously noted, flocculation at high pH achieves 9.5); however, even better efficiency was attained by
efficient removal of particles, colloids and certain dis- the high-pH lime treatment (pH 11.0–11.5), apparently
solved materials present in the wastewater. However, due to both CaCO3 and Mg(OH)2 precipitation. On
alkaline flocculation was found to be most effective in average, 45% of TOC and 85% of the extinction were
matrices containing relatively high concentrations of removed by CaCO3 formation; an additional 16% of
magnesium ions (Minton and Carlson, 1976; Leentvar TOC and 7% of suspended solid extinction were
and Rebhun, 1982; Elmaleh et al., 1996). When mag- removed by Mg(OH)2 precipitation. The experiments
nesium is initially present in wastewater, an increase in showed that, in practice, coagulation–flocculation with
pH upon alkalization will result in the precipitation of lime give better removal when the initial magnesium
magnesium hydroxide: content in the wastewater is high. Also, as the magne-
sium concentration in the wastewater increases, the pH
Mg2qq2OHy°MgŽOH.2x (7)
value needed for precipitation of colloidal particles with
Magnesium precipitation begins at approximately pH Mg(OH)2 is reduced (Vrale, ¨ 1978).
9.5, becomes significant above pH 10.5, and is essen- A high-pH lime–magnesium process was also used
tially complete at pH 11.0–11.5. Good clarification is by Dollof et al. (1972) for the treatment of municipal
usually not achieved until pH 11.0–11.5 is reached wastewaters. The process yielded reductions of 31%,
(Merril and Jordan, 1975; Dziubek and Kowal, 1984). 91% and 97% for total nitrogen, suspended solids and
The resulting magnesium hydroxide is a gelatinous total phosphorus, respectively, and 80% for each of
precipitate, which was found to serve as an efficient TOC, COD and BOD.
coagulant and flocculant aid (Vrale,
¨ 1978). Therefore, Dubose (1973), in his raw municipal wastewater
in order for the treatment process to operate efficiently, treatment studies, concurrently used lime and recycled
either lime or NaOH should be used to increase the pH magnesium ions. Compared to treatment with lime
of the original wastewater to pH 11.0–11.5 (Dziubek alone, better removal efficiency was obtained for COD,
and Kowal, 1989; Ayoub, 1994). At such a high pH, phosphates, TSS and color.
two major reactions are effective in liquid–solid sepa- In a pilot-plant study, the high-pH lime–magnesium
ration: CaCO3 and Mg(OH)2 precipitation. Both the process (pH 11.5) also proved efficient in the removal
CaCO3 precipitate (point-of-zero-charge at approximate- of most pollutants from secondary effluents by the
ly pH 8–9, Parks, 1967) and the primary particles are mechanisms of coagulation–flocculation and sedimen-
negatively charged. The formation of CaCO3 induces a tation (Idelovitch, 1978). The process led to a reduction
sweep coagulation process, whereby only the larger in suspended solids (including algae), colloidal and
particles are entrapped. On the other hand, the soluble organic matter, bacteria, viruses and some inor-
Mg(OH)2 precipitate (point-of-zero-charge of magnesi- ganic dissolved solids. In addition, phosphorus, partic-
um oxide is approximately at pH 12.4, Parks, 1967; ulate organic nitrogen, boron and fluoride concentrations
Stumm and Morgan, 1981) has a large adsorptive were reduced by 91%, 33%, 53% and 67% in the
surface area and a positive superficial charge, which summer (20–30 8C) and 75%, 30%, 35% and 55% in
attracts the negatively charged colloidal particles, winter (10–20 8C), respectively.
including the CaCO3 flocs, thus inducing adsorption Finally, suspensions of lime were used by Dziubek
and agglomeration. This explains the significant effi- and Kowal (1984) as coagulant for the chemical treat-
ciency achieved when Mg(OH)2 is precipitated. In fact, ment of secondary wastewater effluent. Precipitation of
L. Semerjian, G.M. Ayoub / Advances in Environmental Research 7 (2003) 389–403 393
Table 3
Pollutant removal efficiency in various municipal wastewater treatment schemes (Shin and Lee, 1997; Ayoub et al., 1999; Qasim,
Table 5 Table 6
Percentage of total metal concentration bound to suspended Comparison of removal efficiency for various individually add-
solids in raw wastewater (Ødegaard, 1989) ed metals from MWW by alkalization and alkalization–LB
processes (Semerjian, 2000)
Metal Zn Cu Ni Cr Pb Cd
Metal Metal removal (%)a
Bound (%) 51 48 13 71 71 82
soda. The addition of LB increased the initial metal Nickel 32.5 75.3 52.3 75.5
removal efficiency by 14.8–58.2% when MWW was Chromium 64.6 93.0 87.3 98.7
Copper 43.3 63.2 70.8 82.8
alkalized with caustic soda, and 1.6–23.2% when slaked
Lead 77.4 92.2 92.4 95.9
lime was the alkalizing agent. It is apparent that the Cadmium 72.8 97.5 82.4 99.1
contribution of LB is greater in the former process, Zinc 46.6 75.2 80.0 91.5
since the sole employment of caustic soda alkalization Arsenic 22.8 70.7 63.0 71.1
resulted in lower metal removal efficiency compared to Mercury 14.9 84.0 77.8 99.5
that attained in the lime alkalization process. For the a
Average of triplicate trial experiments.
lime–LB treatment process, high removal ()90%) was
achieved for cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury and
zinc, and reasonably good removal (71%, 82% and 75 until a batch of white crystals is obtained. The settled
%) for arsenic, copper and nickel, respectively. As crystals are washed and harvested to be used as DB.
stated earlier, efficiency enhancement can be attributed Chloride and sulfate are the major anions in DB. The
to the enriched magnesium content, as well as to the major cation of bittern solids is magnesium, weighing
high ionic strength of LB. In conclusion, metal removal approximately 10.1% of the total bittern solid weight.
patterns were directly correlated with suspended solid Thus, the magnesium concentration of this bittern is
removal patterns. This is explained by the fact that approximately 40-fold greater than that of seawater
metals are associated with suspended colloidal particles (Wang and Chen, 1983). The typical chemical constit-
to a great extent, but with varying affinity, as summa- uents of DB collected from salt production and process-
rized in Table 5. ing industries are presented in Table 9.
Table 6 compares the average removal efficiency for Seawater DB was also evaluated as a potential source
various individually added metals by alkalization and of magnesium for the coagulation of alkalized waste-
alkalization–LB processes. Table 7 compares the aver- waters. Several jar-test experiments were conducted
age removal efficiency for individually and concurrently using DB as the coagulant, in an attempt to compare its
added metals during the alkalization and the alkaliza- coagulating power relative to other sources of magne-
tion–LB treatment processes (Semerjian, 2000; Ayoub sium ions, such as seawater and LB. Known amounts
et al., 2001). of seawater, LB or DB were successively added to each
The data in Table 7 suggest that, regardless of the of six jars containing 2 l of alkalized municipal waste-
alkalization mode, the concurrent presence of metals water. Table 10 compares the efficiency of seawater,
does not induce a significant hindrance effect, except LB and DB in terms of percentage removal of turbidity,
for nickel. In fact, in the lime–LB treatment process, TSS and DOC, and the percentage increase in TDS.
the percentage removal of nickel increased by 18.5%
when the metal was concurrently present with other Table 7
metals. The same study has also revealed that higher Comparison of removal efficiency for individually vs. concur-
influent concentrations of a single metal showed higher rently added metals from MWW by the alkalization–LB pro-
removal efficiency (Semerjian, 2000; Ayoub et al., cess (Semerjian, 2000)
2001). On the other hand, when compared to the metal
removal efficiency obtained in pilot-scale activated- Metal Metal removal (%)a
sludge systems, the lime–LB process exhibited higher NaOH q LB Ca(OH)2 q LB
efficiency. The average removal efficiency of a range
of metals attained in various pilot activated-sludge Individual Concurrent Individual Concurrent
treatment plants are summarized and presented in Table Cadmium 97.5 91.9 99.1 99.3
8. Chromium 93.0 94.4 98.7 98.7
Copper 63.2 60.8 82.8 86.8
3.4. High pHyseawater dry bittern Lead 92.2 86.1 95.9 93.8
Nickel 75.3 74.1 75.5 94.0
Zinc 75.2 76.3 91.5 87.3
Seawater dry bittern (DB) may be prepared by the
evaporation of liquid bittern, followed by direct heating Average of replicate trial experiments.
L. Semerjian, G.M. Ayoub / Advances in Environmental Research 7 (2003) 389–403 397
Table 8
Metal removal efficiency in activated-sludge pilot plants (Esmond, 1980; Petrasek and Kugelman, 1983; Lester, 1987; Chino et al.,
Table 8 (Continued)
Parameter Influent Average Reference
concentration removal
(mgyl) efficiency
Zn 612 16 Patterson and Kodukula, 1984
598 54 Rossin et al., 1982
1226 57 Davis and Jacknow, 1975
NR 62 Esmond, 1980
1280 64 Petrasek and Kugelman, 1983
915 65 Esmond and Petrasek, 1974
554 65 Stephenson et al., 1985
224 70 Chino et al., 1991
102 273 89 McDermott et al., 1962
81 818 89 Barth et al., 1965
Table 10 reveals that the three sources of Mg2q ions geous over other chemically enhanced processes, such
generally produced satisfactory results. Turbidity and as polymer–ferric chloride or polymer–alum treatment.
TSS removal efficiency was highest (99.6% and 99.4%, From the standpoint of operation and process per-
respectively) when Mg2q ions were supplied by LB at formance, all of the experiments discussed earlier sug-
a concentration of 140–150 mgyl. Dried bittern was gest that magnesium ions, regardless of their source,
second in turbidity and TSS removal (98.0% and 96.5%, can be regarded as an effective coagulant for the
respectively) at a Mg2q concentration of 130 mgyl, purification of wastewater. However, process advantages
followed by seawater (95.4% and 88.6%) at a Mg2q and disadvantages may vary with varying sources of
dose of 165 mgyl. With respect to DOC, the most magnesium ions. Table 11 summarizes such character-
efficient removal was observed for seawater (55%), istics in relation to the various sources of magnesium
whereas approximately similar efficiency (35–36%) ions.
was recorded for liquid and dried bitterns. The addition
of optimum doses of Mg2q resulted in percentage
increases in TDS of approximately 405%, 53% and Table 10
102% for seawater, LB and DB, respectively. Thus, the Percentage removal of selected parameters from lime-alkalized
use of LB results in an appreciably lower increase in MWW using different sources of Mg2q ions (Ayoub et al.,
effluent TDS when compared to seawater and DB. An 1999)
approximate eight-fold increase in TDS is obtained
when seawater is used compared to LB, and four-fold Mg2q source Total Mg2q Removal (%) TDS
when compared to DB. This is attributed to the different concentration increase
(mgyl) Turbidity TSS DOC (%)
ionic compositions of the various sources of Mg2q ions.
Seawater 51.0 94.2 80.7 36 136
4. Discussion 87.6 95.7 76.8 50 234
126.2 91.1 76.3 54 232
4.1. Operation and process performance 166.8 95.4 88.6 55 405
209.6 94.2 76.3 56 527
255.0 93.4 72.8 51 657
As stated earlier, the lime–magnesium process has
been investigated by various researchers in the past two Liquid bittern 36.5 97.6 97.7 20 72
decades (Vrale,
¨ 1978; Ferguson and Vrale,¨ 1984; Ayoub 72.0 97.8 98.3 25 53
and Koopman, 1986; Ayoub et al., 1986, 1992; 107.6 98.9 97.9 29 44
143.2 99.6 99.4 35 53
Ødegaard, 1992). The process proved to be advanta-
178.9 99.5 97.5 36 104
214.5 99.5 97.5 30 142
Table 9
Chemical constituents of seawater dry bittern (Wang and Chen, Dried bittern 19.4 98.3 96.5 23 135
1983) 54.9 97.9 96.5 16 121
90.8 97.3 94.5 24 111
Chemical constituent Cly SO2y Naq Kq Mg2q H2O 126.5 98.0 96.5 36 102
162.2 97.9 95.1 43 95
Total solid weight (%) 33.5 2.3 0.5 0.6 10.1 53 197.9 97.3 94.7 39 84
L. Semerjian, G.M. Ayoub / Advances in Environmental Research 7 (2003) 389–403 399
Table 11
Process advantages and disadvantages of various sources of Mg2q ions
It is noteworthy to mention that the pollutant removal experiments discussed were conducted under controlled
efficiency achievable is greatly affected by the initial laboratory conditions, the coagulant requirements and
physico-chemical composition of the wastewater, mainly process efficiency may vary under actual operational
in terms of the concentration of magnesium ions, sus- conditions, such as large-scale wastewater treatment
pended solids, bicarbonate alkalinity, total hardness and plants. It is advisable that optimum conditions and
the presence of organic complexes or chelating agents. achievable performance in the treatment of wastewaters
The type and dosage of coagulant employed, the pres- produced under different environmental conditions be
ence of flocculants or coagulant aids, the type and separately evaluated.
structure of the particles, the pH and the temperature
may also alter process efficiency. Physical operational 4.2. Sludge characteristics of lime based treatment
variables, most notably mean velocity gradient and processes
mixing time, are also important determinants of the
performance of coagulation–flocculation processes. Oth- The increased volume of sludge generated in chemical
er operational factors, such as overflow rate, settling wastewater treatment has mostly hindered the adoption
time and recirculation ratio, should also be taken into of the process as a wastewater treatment strategy. How-
account (Lee et al., 1994). Therefore, since most of the ever, lime-based chemical treatment processes have been
400 L. Semerjian, G.M. Ayoub / Advances in Environmental Research 7 (2003) 389–403
Table 12
Chemical costs of alternative coagulation–flocculation processes (Semerjian, 2000)
reported to produce sludges that are relatively compact Regarding operation and maintenance costs, the lime–
and possess certain advantageous qualities over other LB process introduces appreciable savings in chemical
chemical sludges. Improved sludge settling, compacti- costs, especially since lime is readily available in most
bility and dewatering characteristics; bacterial inactiva- countries and LB can be easily obtained in coastal
tion capability; recirculation and recycling potentiality; regions. Table 12 compares the cost of treatment chem-
and sludge stability comprise the major advantages of icals associated with the lime–LB process to those used
lime-based sludges. Such advantages could partly offset in currently operating secondary chemical treatment
the burden of increased sludge volumes (Minton and facilities.
Carlson, 1976; Ramirez and Malina, 1980; Forstner and Additional savings resulting from the lime–LB treat-
Van Leirde, 1981; Westphal and Christensen, 1983; ment process include the costs associated with disinfec-
Ferguson and Vrale, 1984; Teringo, 1987; Che et al., tion. The high pH of the process induces almost
1988; Ødegaard, 1989; Suthaker et al., 1993; Guldner complete disinfection, thus eliminating the need for a
et al., 1994; Poon and Boost, 1996; Boost and Poon, separate disinfection process in the treatment system
1998; Ayoub and Merhebi, in press). (Ayoub et al., 1999, 2000). Bacterial inactivation is not
However, further research and experimentation are achieved in either the ferric chloride (pH 5.5–6.5) or
highly recommended for more comprehensive and crit- the alum (pH 5.0–6.0) coagulation–flocculation pro-
ical quantification and characterization of sludge in cesses. On the other hand, such high-pH effluents are
chemical wastewater treatment systems. not suitable for direct discharge into inland waters.
Therefore, a recarbonation stage becomes necessary with
4.3. Factors impacting the economics of the lime–LB the lime–LB treatment process when the receiving water
treatment process bodies are inland waters. However, when discharging to
sea, the high effluent pH does not pose any adverse
The lime–LB chemical treatment process bears a effect, since it will be rapidly neutralized when dis-
great resemblance to a conventional primary chemical charged through an efficient outfall diffuser (Ferguson
treatment strategy in terms of system configuration, and ¨ 1984; Ødegaard, 1989).
and Vrale,
thus capital costs. The components of the system include Another advantage of the lime–LB system, which
a chemical feed system, a rapid mix tank, a flocculating translates into long-term cost-effectiveness, is the poten-
tank, a clarifier and sludge handling units, which are tial of the system to be more heavily loaded hydrauli-
typical for any chemical coagulationyprecipitation treat- cally than primary precipitation plants operating with
ment scheme. Additional land areas, and thus capital alum, ferric chloride or lime alone as the coagulant.
costs, may be needed if seawater is to be evaporated The reason given for this potential is that flocs in the
on-site for the production of concentrated liquid bittern. lime–seawater process flocculate and settle very well;
Otherwise, the liquor can be transported from nearby however, this has not yet been scientifically demonstrat-
salt production works. ed (Ødegaard, 1989).
L. Semerjian, G.M. Ayoub / Advances in Environmental Research 7 (2003) 389–403 401
The main disadvantage presented by the lime–mag- Economically, the lime–LB process appears to impose
nesium process remains the large amounts of sludge moderately higher total operation and maintenance
generated compared to the amounts produced in con- costs, mostly due to sludge handling and processing.
ventional secondary chemical processes employing alum However, the various advantages associated with the
or ferric chloride as coagulants. Fortunately, sludges lime–magnesium process, such as: (a) local availability
resulting from lime treatment possess superior thicken- of treatment chemicals; (b) marine discharge of resulting
ing and dewatering characteristics and are suitable for effluents; (c) simplicity, flexibility and reliability of the
filter pressing at lower cost than sludges generated from system; (d) enhanced efficiency for TSS, total phos-
ferric chloride or alum (Forstner
¨ and Van Leirde, 1981). phates and metal removal; (e) savings incurred in
In practice, the thickened sludge production is only 0.6– coagulant and disinfection chemicals costs; and finally,
1% of the wastewater flow (Ferguson and Vrale, ¨ 1984). (f) enhanced sludge characteristics, will offset the costs
Another advantageous characteristic of the sludge pro- resulting from handling and treatment of the increased
duced is that it can be efficiently dewatered without the sludge volumes. However, in-depth economic assess-
addition of polymers or more lime, which are necessary ment is highly recommended as further research for a
for the conditioning of sludges produced from ferric more accurate and comprehensive evaluation of the
chloride or alum coagulation processes. This character- capital, operation and maintenance costs incurred by the
istic results in further savings in treatment chemicals. high-pH–magnesium treatment process.
Because of its high lime content and high pH, the sludge Further research is also highly recommended to over-
produced is chemically ‘stabilized’, does not decompose come the burden of handling and treating increased
rapidly, and causes few odor problems (Ødegaard, sludge volumes. Sludge reuse and recycling into eco-
1989). Although sludge generation is higher for the nomically viable products may help in minimizing the
lime–magnesium process, the quality of the sludge impact of increased sludge production.
partly offsets equivalent escalations in sludge handling
and treatment costs. Moreover, the increased metal References
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