Chapter3 SA3
Chapter3 SA3
Chapter3 SA3
Submitted By:
Dacuycuy, Angelica
Establecida, Yrvyll
Submitted To:
October 2022
Chapter 3: Methodology
Theoretical Framework
This research study was based on the study conducted by Dimri and Varshney (2015)
entitled “A Review on Strength of Concrete in Seawater” which aims to determine the effect of
seawater on different structural concrete. There are various theories in the field of study that
agree with the topic. These include the cement hydration property of seawater, concrete
structures and seawater compatibility, strength accelerating property of saltwater to cement
structures and so forth. Though these theories all postulate that seawater has a significant effect
on concrete structures, this might differ from the environment that surrounds the structure;
concrete barriers submerged to seawater. Tests are to be executed to determine the effects of
seawater as hydration material to concrete barriers in Manila Bay; the compressive strength,
tensile strength, flexural strength and bond strength. Another theory by P. Li states that increase
in strength of the concrete where seawater acts as the cement hydration can be achieved if proper
curing conditions are applied and admixtures are added, such as: blast furnace slag cement and
not the ordinary Portland cement; use an admixture of corrosion inhibitor and; and reinforced
with stainless steel or corrosion resistant reinforcement.
Method of Research
A quantitative approach was followed for this research study. According to Bhandari
(2020), quantitative research is defined as a formal, objective, systematic process to describe and
test results collected through the experiment will be analyzed by this study. Two types of
specimen will be tested, first is cylindrical specimen for compressive test and second rectangular
beam specimen for tensile strength and flexural strength. The cylindrical specimen that will be
used was the standard molding for testing of concrete, 6 inches by 12 inches (152mm by
305mm) and for the rectangular beam specimen, the standard molding will follow, 6in x 6in x
2in (152mmx152mmx50mm). The specimen will be prepared as follows:
Cement (kg) 3 3 3 3
Sand (kg) 6 6 6 6
Gravel (kg) 9 9 9 9
For the collection of data, different types of strength will be measured and computed such
as the compressive strength, tensile strength and flexural strength. These data will be conducted
four times, the span of the test for these data will be every 7 days after the molding of concrete.
The compressive strength will be displayed on the UTM machine. The tensile strength will be
calculated by dividing the maximum load displayed on a UTM machine to the area of the
specimen. Lastly, the flexural strength will be calculated by getting the inertia of the rectangular
beam specimen and the maximum moment of this specimen. Multiplying the maximum moment
by the centroid of the specimen and dividing it to the inertia will result in the flexural strength of
the specimen. These data will be used for the computation of Pearson R. This statistical method
was used to determine the correlation of the two variables (seawater and strength of concrete) of
the research study. The mean will be computed and will be used for the analysis of variance to
determine the difference between the existing prototype and the proposed prototype.
Sampling Design
For the sampling design of the research study, this study will be using the non-probability
sampling method wherein the first specimen for each type of specimen will be tested again for
compressive strength, tensile strength and flexural strength. The data that will be collected is
used for the rechecking. In this case, the specimen of the first test and second test for concrete
will be analyze and compare to the study conducted by Dimri and Varshney to determine if the
concrete was increased by 2.5% to 5.25% for a 7 days old cylindrical concrete specimen and an
increased of 3.4% - 11.9% for a 14 days old specimen in terms of strength.
Statistical Treatment
There are three statistical treatments that will be used for this study. First is the mean or
average of the data that will be collected throughout the experiment.
𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 (𝑥̄) = 𝑁
The second statistical treatment that will be used is the analysis of variance that was used
to determine the comparison between the two samples or the two prototypes (existing prototype
and proposed prototype).
Lastly, the statistical treatment that will be used is the Pearson R that is used to determine
the correlation of the two variables such as the seawater and the strength of the concrete.
𝑟 = 2 2
Σ(𝑥−𝑥) Σ(𝑦−ȳ)
The main function of coastal concrete barriers is to neutralize the effect of waves that
may hit the land. This may protect the citizens and the cities from moderate to high types of
waves or it can protect the other side from the storm surges that may be caused by the typhoon.
Seawater and chlorides strongly corrode exposed concrete and steel reinforcement in
coastal areas, which can cause long-term corrosion, leaks, and reduced structural durability.
According to a company named Pro Crew Schedule, protecting coastal concrete from corrosion
is a long process but can be achieved using the 4 following ideas:
1. Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag and Portland cement - Steel has a low resistance
to corrosion caused by coastal environments and hence requires shielding for improved
endurance. Instead of using ordinary steel, make it impermeable and thick to prevent the
entrance of chloride ions found in saltwater. Based on the IS 456:2000 suggestion, a mix
of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) and Portland cement can be utilized to
achieve this.
2. Concrete should be made with high-quality materials - A good quality concrete may be
made by using an acceptable amount of cement, a low water-cement ratio, and
small-sized high-grade aggregates. This will assist a coastal structure since concrete must
be solid with a good binding between aggregate and cement paste. And the mixture we
just described produces this thick concrete. It should be noted that chloride-containing
admixtures should not be utilized since they accelerate corrosion of reinforcing steels.
3. Correct Concrete Compaction - To reduce water penetration, we already said that
concrete must be impermeable and thick. This may be accomplished by correct concrete
compaction. When putting and vibrating procedures are improper, reinforcement is
clogged, the slump is too low, or forms are not conducive to the necessary flow of
concrete during placement, problems might emerge.
4. Proper Curing of Concrete - Another way to achieve low permeability is the proper and
sufficient curing of concrete. To explain, as the continued hydration of cement increases
the volume of the gel, the pore spaces in the concrete are decreased and hence blocks
capillaries where seawater can enter from.
Design Constraints
The constraints of the design of this study are budget allocated for the prototype, site
boundaries, and local weather conditions. First is the budget that will be allocated for this type of
design is very demandable because of the materials that are needed for the product that will be
used to attain the desired design strength of the prototype. Next, is the site boundaries, because
the location of the site is limited to Manila Bay, this study can not assure that the same design
can be implemented in other locations where seawater can be located. Next, is the local weather
conditions may affect the final output of this research study.
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