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MAPEH 9 Q1 Achievement Test

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DIRECTION: Read the questions carefully, choose the letter of the correct answer and shade the
corresponding circle in your answersheet.
1. It is a form of secular vocal polyphonic music composition which originated from Italy. It was written
and expressed in poetic text and sung during courtly social gathering.
a. Madrigal b. Motet c. Mass
2. A polyphonic choral work in latin text it can be use in any services of the churches and usually in
acapella, sounds smoothing and imitative in nature
a. Madrigal b. Motet c. Mass
3. This describe as a pearl that is not round but of unpredicatble and elaborate shape or pearl of irregular
a. Baracco b. Barocco c. Burocco
4. A dramatic work of genre of classical time.
a. Opera b. Oratorio c.Suite
5. He made history in the world of music during the Medieval period, he is known for the uniqueness and
versatility, a self proclaimed genius often describe himself as Maistre or Master.
a. Adam Halle b. Thomas Morley c. Antonio Vivaldi
6. A religious narrative large scale work for orchestra and voices performed without costume,scenery or
a. Oratorio b.Opera c.Suite
7. An important part of consolidating the liturgy and music of the roman church.it is usually implies a
special branch of plainsong that constitutes the greatest body of pure melody known to man.
a. Baroque b. Madrigal c. Gregorian Chant
8. He was the most prolific composer of this style such s israel in egypt, saul,samson,and the most famous
among all –the Messiah Messiah
a. George Friedrich Hanlde b. Thomas Morley C. Antonio Vivaldi
9. This is similar to Oratorio, it deals varied subject matterm either religious or secular. It also written for a
small number of performer often limited to soloist with few accompanying instrument.
a. Oratorio b.Cantata C. Suite
10. A set of instrument compositions for dance styles.
a. Oratorio b. Suite C.Cantata
11. A mark made by a tool such as brush,pen or stick,
a. Shapes b. Line C. Colour
12. The arrangenment of opposite elements , light versus dark, rough versus smooth, small versus small.
a. Shapes b. Contrast c. Line
13. A regular repitition or alteration in elements to create cohesiveness and interest
a. Rhythm b. Contrast c. Line
14. A system of writing using pictures and symbols in ancient Egypt
a. Hieroglyphics b. Archaic c. Hellenistic
15. A Water base pigments on a freshly applied plaster on wall, ideals for durable and style.
a. Encaustic b. Fresco c. classizising
16. The technique use for decorative art r interior decorations
a. Mosaic b. Fresco c. Encaustic
17. Derive from latin word Murus which means wall.
a. Mosaic b. Mural c. Motet
18. This refers to painting flat panels of wood, it can be either small, single pieced or several panel joined
together depicted figural scenes, including portraits and still-life
a. Mosaic b. Mural c. Panel Painting
19. This refers to the degrees of lightness and darkness.
a. Values b. Contrast c. Colour
20. It is used to create the illussion of depth, this can be two dimensional, negative or positive.
a. Values b. Space c. Colour
21. This refers to set of measures designed to determine one’s level of physical fitness.
a. Health Related b. Physical Fitness Test C. Skill Related
22. The ability to exercise your entire body for long period of time
a. Cardiovascular fitness b.mascular strenght c. flexibility
23. The ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of motion.
a. Flexibility b. Mascular strenght c. Cardiovascular fitness
24. The ability to rapidly and accurately change direction of the whole body in space
a. Balance b. Agility c. Flexibility
25. The ability to use senses and body parts in order to perform motor task smoothly and accurately
a. Coordination b. Agility c. Flexibility
26. The ability to maintain the equilibrium while stationary or moving
a. Coordination b.balance c.Flexibility
27. The amount of tota fat and muscles in the body
a. Coordination b. body composition c. uscular endurance
28. The amount of force your muscle can produce.
a. Muscular Strenght b. Coordination c. Flexibility
29. The test of flexibility for the lower extremities particularly harmstring.
a. Push-up b. Sit and Reach c. Zipper Test
30. Measures the strenght of upper extremities.
a. Sit and Reach b. Push Up c. Zipper Test
31. A test of upper armand shoulder girdle felxibility intended to parallel streght/ endurance assessment of
the the region
a. Zipper test b. Push Up c. Sit and Reach
32. To measure abdominal muscle
a. Zipper Test b. Sit and Reach c. Curl Up
33. To asses the ability to balance the ball of the foot
a. Zipper test b. Stork Stand Test c. Curl Up
34. To measure the explosive strenght and power of the legs and muscles
a. Zipper test b. sit and reach c. standing long jump
35. To measure the ability to move quickly while maintaining balane
a. Zipper test b. standing long jump c. hexagonal agility test
36. It is defined as art and scienes of maintaining,protecting and improving the health of all members of the
community through organized and sustained community efforts
a. Community health b. healthy community c. environmental health

37. This is the sum total of all the surroundings whereby living organism, including natutal forces and other
living things interact
a. Community helath b.environment c.environmental health
38. This type of environment encompassess all living things and non living things occuring naturally.
a. Natural environment b. industrial environment c. social environment
39. This type of environment are usually harsher than normal work environments, people and equipment are
more exposed to more extreme conditions.
a. Industrial environment b. natural environment c.social environement
40. This type of environment consists of the sum total of societys beliefs,custom,practices,and behaviors
a. Social environment b. natural environment c.industrial environment

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