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0x06 Python Classes

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Python - Classes and Objects

In this project, I began practicing object-oriented programming using classes and
objects in Python. I learned about attributes, methods, and properties as well as data
abstraction, data encapsulation, and information hiding.


"""Define a class Square."""

class Square:
"""Represent a square."""


"""Define a class Square."""

class Square:
"""Represent a square."""

def __init__(self, size):

"""Initialize a new Square.

size (int): The size of the new square.
self.__size = size


"""Define a class Square."""
class Square:
"""Represent a square."""

def __init__(self, size=0):

"""Initialize a new Square.

size (int): The size of the new square.
if not isinstance(size, int):
raise TypeError("size must be an integer")
elif size < 0:
raise ValueError("size must be >= 0")
self.__size = size


"""Define a class Square."""

class Square:
"""Represent a square."""

def __init__(self, size=0):

"""Initialize a new square.

size (int): The size of the new square.
if not isinstance(size, int):
raise TypeError("size must be an integer")
elif size < 0:
raise ValueError("size must be >= 0")
self.__size = size

def area(self):
"""Return the current area of the square."""
return (self.__size * self.__size)


"""Define a class Square."""
class Square:
"""Represent a square."""

def __init__(self, size=0):

"""Initialize a new square.

size (int): The size of the new square.
self.size = size

def size(self):
"""Get/set the current size of the square."""
return (self.__size)

def size(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise TypeError("size must be an integer")
elif value < 0:
raise ValueError("size must be >= 0")
self.__size = value

def area(self):
"""Return the current area of the square."""
return (self.__size * self.__size)


"""Define a class Square."""

class Square:
"""Represent a square."""

def __init__(self, size):

"""Initialize a new square.

size (int): The size of the new square.
self.size = size

def size(self):
"""Get/set the current size of the square."""
return (self.__size)

def size(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise TypeError("size must be an integer")
elif value < 0:
raise ValueError("size must be >= 0")
self.__size = value

def area(self):
"""Return the current area of the square."""
return (self.__size * self.__size)

def my_print(self):
"""Print the square with the # character."""
for i in range(0, self.__size):
[print("#", end="") for j in range(self.__size)]
if self.__size == 0:


"""Define a class Square."""

class Square:
"""Represent a square."""

def __init__(self, size=0, position=(0, 0)):

"""Initialize a new square.

size (int): The size of the new square.
position (int, int): The position of the new square.
self.size = size
self.position = position

def size(self):
"""Get/set the current size of the square."""
return (self.__size)
def size(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise TypeError("size must be an integer")
elif value < 0:
raise ValueError("size must be >= 0")
self.__size = value

def position(self):
"""Get/set the current position of the square."""
return (self.__position)

def position(self, value):
if (not isinstance(value, tuple) or
len(value) != 2 or
not all(isinstance(num, int) for num in value) or
not all(num >= 0 for num in value)):
raise TypeError("position must be a tuple of 2 positive integers")
self.__position = value

def area(self):
"""Return the current area of the square."""
return (self.__size * self.__size)

def my_print(self):
"""Print the square with the # character."""
if self.__size == 0:

[print("") for i in range(0, self.__position[1])]

for i in range(0, self.__size):
[print(" ", end="") for j in range(0, self.__position[0])]
[print("#", end="") for k in range(0, self.__size)]


"""Define classes for a singly-linked list."""

class Node:
"""Represent a node in a singly-linked list."""
def __init__(self, data, next_node=None):
"""Initialize a new Node.

data (int): The data of the new Node.
next_node (Node): The next node of the new Node.
self.data = data
self.next_node = next_node

def data(self):
"""Get/set the data of the Node."""
return (self.__data)

def data(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise TypeError("data must be an integer")
self.__data = value

def next_node(self):
"""Get/set the next_node of the Node."""
return (self.__next_node)

def next_node(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, Node) and value is not None:
raise TypeError("next_node must be a Node object")
self.__next_node = value

class SinglyLinkedList:
"""Represent a singly-linked list."""

def __init__(self):
"""Initalize a new SinglyLinkedList."""
self.__head = None

def sorted_insert(self, value):

"""Insert a new Node to the SinglyLinkedList.

The node is inserted into the list at the correct

ordered numerical position.

value (Node): The new Node to insert.
new = Node(value)
if self.__head is None:
new.next_node = None
self.__head = new
elif self.__head.data > value:
new.next_node = self.__head
self.__head = new
tmp = self.__head
while (tmp.next_node is not None and
tmp.next_node.data < value):
tmp = tmp.next_node
new.next_node = tmp.next_node
tmp.next_node = new

def __str__(self):
"""Define the print() representation of a SinglyLinkedList."""
values = []
tmp = self.__head
while tmp is not None:
tmp = tmp.next_node
return ('\n'.join(values))


"""Define a class Square."""

class Square:
"""Represent a square."""

def __init__(self, size=0, position=(0, 0)):

"""Initialize a new square.

size (int): The size of the new square.
position (int, int): The position of the new square.
self.size = size
self.position = position

def size(self):
"""Get/set the current size of the square."""
return (self.__size)

def size(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise TypeError("size must be an integer")
elif value < 0:
raise ValueError("size must be >= 0")
self.__size = value

def position(self):
"""Get/set the current position of the square."""
return (self.__position)

def position(self, value):
if (not isinstance(value, tuple) or
len(value) != 2 or
not all(isinstance(num, int) for num in value) or
not all(num >= 0 for num in value)):
raise TypeError("position must be a tuple of 2 positive integers")
self.__position = value

def area(self):
"""Return the current area of the square."""
return (self.__size * self.__size)

def my_print(self):
"""Print the square with the # character."""
if self.__size == 0:

[print("") for i in range(0, self.__position[1])]

for i in range(0, self.__size):
[print(" ", end="") for j in range(0, self.__position[0])]
[print("#", end="") for k in range(0, self.__size)]

def __str__(self):
"""Define the print() representation of a Square."""
if self.__size != 0:
[print("") for i in range(0, self.__position[1])]
for i in range(0, self.__size):
[print(" ", end="") for j in range(0, self.__position[0])]
[print("#", end="") for k in range(0, self.__size)]
if i != self.__size - 1:
return ("")


"""Define a class Square."""

class Square:
"""Represent a square."""

def __init__(self, size=0):

"""Initialize a new square.

size (int): The size of the new square.
self.size = size

def size(self):
"""Get/set the current size of the square."""
return (self.__size)

def size(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise TypeError("size must be an integer")
elif value < 0:
raise ValueError("size must be >= 0")
self.__size = value

def area(self):
"""Return the current area of the square."""
return (self.__size * self.__size)

def __eq__(self, other):

"""Define the == comparision to a Square."""
return self.area() == other.area()

def __ne__(self, other):

"""Define the != comparison to a Square."""
return self.area() != other.area()

def __lt__(self, other):

"""Define the < comparison to a Square."""
return self.area() < other.area()

def __le__(self, other):

"""Define the <= comparison to a Square."""
return self.area() <= other.area()

def __gt__(self, other):

"""Define the > comparison to a Square."""
return self.area() > other.area()

def __ge__(self, other):

"""Define the >= compmarison to a Square."""
return self.area() >= other.area()


"""Define a MagicClass matching exactly a bytecode provided by Holberton."""

import math

class MagicClass:
"""Represent a circle."""

def __init__(self, radius=0):

"""Initialize a MagicClass.

radius (float or int): The radius of the new MagicClass.
self.__radius = 0
if type(radius) is not int and type(radius) is not float:
raise TypeError("radius must be a number")
self.__radius = radius

def area(self):
"""Return the area of the MagicClass."""
return (self.__radius ** 2 * math.pi)

def circumference(self):
"""Return The circumference of the MagicClass."""
return (2 * math.pi * self.__radius)


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