#2 Literasi Bahasa Inggris
#2 Literasi Bahasa Inggris
#2 Literasi Bahasa Inggris
More than 50% of all of the plastic ever If you or a loved one is required to use a
made has been produced since 2004. straw for medical purposes, or if you just
Plastic pollution is a result of the buildup of prefer to consume your beverages with
plastic waste that has accumulated over straws, there are many non-plastic straw
decades and especially over recent years. options available. Simply replacing cheap
The accumulated plastic finds its way into and disposable plastic straws with
our lakes, rivers, and oceans, where reusable stainless steel, glass, or
aquatic life is in danger of ingesting plastic biodegradable paper alternatives is an
or being exposed to the toxins that leach easy way to cut down on plastic pollution.
from it. Some wildlife, like sea turtles, sea
birds, and marine mammals, can even get (adapted from https://www.aza.org)
trapped or ensnared in plastic waste.
Millions of turtles, seabirds, and other The false idea that the author may hold
wildlife die each year from complications about plastic is that…
TO #2 Alphastude
Literasi Bahasa Inggris
A. Bacteria or other living things cannot Five hundred million straws are used each
breakdown plastic. day by people in the United States
B. The plastic waste is accumulated in the alone.[2] Plastic straws are one of the most
sea for decades. widely used, and therefore disposed of,
C. Plastic contains toxins that are harmful plastic products. Many types of straws
for wildlife. cannot be reused or recycled due to the
D. Straws is one of plastic products that chemicals they are made from. Most
are most commonly used. plastic straws are also not biodegradable
E. Plastic straws for medical purpose are and cannot be broken down naturally by
allowed to use. bacteria and other decomposers into non-
toxic materials. Straws are particularly
8. Plastic can be used to save wildlife, but it prone to ending up in our waterways, and
can also be extremely dangerous, ultimately the oceans, due to beach
especially when we over-produce, over- littering, wind that transports the
use, and over-consume and then fail to lightweight objects from trash cans and
reuse, recycle, and/or dispose of it trash collection facilities, and barges,
properly. Most plastics are not boats, and aquatic transport vehicles.
biodegradable and cannot be broken down Most plastic straws simply break into ever-
naturally by bacteria or other living things, smaller particles, releasing chemicals into
and as a result, most of it ends up in the soil, air, and water that are harmful to
wildlife habitats where it poses a threat to animals, plants, people, and the
plants and animals. environment.
More than 50% of all of the plastic ever If you or a loved one is required to use a
made has been produced since 2004. straw for medical purposes, or if you just
Plastic pollution is a result of the buildup of prefer to consume your beverages with
plastic waste that has accumulated over straws, there are many non-plastic straw
decades and especially over recent years. options available. Simply replacing cheap
The accumulated plastic finds its way into and disposable plastic straws with
our lakes, rivers, and oceans, where reusable stainless steel, glass, or
aquatic life is in danger of ingesting plastic biodegradable paper alternatives is an
or being exposed to the toxins that leach easy way to cut down on plastic pollution.
from it. Some wildlife, like sea turtles, sea
birds, and marine mammals, can even get (adapted from https://www.aza.org)
trapped or ensnared in plastic waste.
Millions of turtles, seabirds, and other Which paragraph(s) present(s) the dangers
wildlife die each year from complications of plastic straws?
directly related to plastic consumption. It’s A. Paragraph 1
estimated that as many as 70% of seabirds B. Paragraph 1 and 2
and 30% of turtles have ingested some C. Paragraph 3
type of plastic from the ocean. D. Paragraph 3 and 4
E. Paragraph 4
As one of the most common types of
single-use plastic, or plastic products that 9. Plastic can be used to save wildlife, but it
are generally used only one time and then can also be extremely dangerous,
thrown away, straws are one of the especially when we over-produce, over-
culprits of unnecessary plastic pollution. use, and over-consume and then fail to
TO #2 Alphastude
Literasi Bahasa Inggris
reuse, recycle, and/or dispose of it trash collection facilities, and barges,
properly. Most plastics are not boats, and aquatic transport vehicles.
biodegradable and cannot be broken down Most plastic straws simply break into ever-
naturally by bacteria or other living things, smaller particles, releasing chemicals into
and as a result, most of it ends up in the soil, air, and water that are harmful to
wildlife habitats where it poses a threat to animals, plants, people, and the
plants and animals. environment.
More than 50% of all of the plastic ever If you or a loved one is required to use a
made has been produced since 2004. straw for medical purposes, or if you just
Plastic pollution is a result of the buildup of prefer to consume your beverages with
plastic waste that has accumulated over straws, there are many non-plastic straw
decades and especially over recent years. options available. Simply replacing cheap
The accumulated plastic finds its way into and disposable plastic straws with
our lakes, rivers, and oceans, where reusable stainless steel, glass, or
aquatic life is in danger of ingesting plastic biodegradable paper alternatives is an
or being exposed to the toxins that leach easy way to cut down on plastic pollution.
from it. Some wildlife, like sea turtles, sea
birds, and marine mammals, can even get (adapted from https://www.aza.org)
trapped or ensnared in plastic waste.
Millions of turtles, seabirds, and other What is the best summary of the passage?
wildlife die each year from complications A. The over-produce, over-use, and over
directly related to plastic consumption. It’s consume of plastic should be limited
estimated that as many as 70% of seabirds because it can lead to plastic waste
and 30% of turtles have ingested some that harms the wildlife. It’s estimated
type of plastic from the ocean. that as many as 70% of seabirds and
30% of turtles have ingested some
As one of the most common types of type of plastic from the ocean.
single-use plastic, or plastic products that B. The plastic waste is accumulated in the
are generally used only one time and then river, sea, and ocean so the wildlife
thrown away, straws are one of the cannot live and die because they
culprits of unnecessary plastic pollution. consume the toxins exposed by the
Five hundred million straws are used each plastic.
day by people in the United States C. The use of plastic straws must be
alone.[2] Plastic straws are one of the most banned because five hundred million
widely used, and therefore disposed of, straws are used each day by people in
plastic products. Many types of straws the United States. Most plastic straws
cannot be reused or recycled due to the simply break into ever-smaller
chemicals they are made from. Most particles, releasing chemicals into the
plastic straws are also not biodegradable soil, air, and water.
and cannot be broken down naturally by D. Plastic straws should be replaced by
bacteria and other decomposers into non- the more eco-friendly straws to reduce
toxic materials. Straws are particularly the plastic waste in the ocean. It can be
prone to ending up in our waterways, and changed with reusable stainless steel,
ultimately the oceans, due to beach glass, or biodegradable paper
littering, wind that transports the alternatives is an easy way to cut down
lightweight objects from trash cans and on plastic pollution.
TO #2 Alphastude
Literasi Bahasa Inggris
E. Plastic can endanger animals, plants, kerosene and distillate oil. The residue
people, and environment on earth as remaining after the light oils are distilled is
they are not degradable and can pollue known as heavy or residual fuel oil and is
the environment. People can change used mostly for burning under boilers.
the plastic straw with the reusable Additional complicated refining process
ones to reduce the impact of plastic rearrange the chemical structure of the
waste. hydrocarbons to produce other products,
some of which are used to upgrade and
10. Petroleum products, such as gasoline, increase the octane rating of various types
kerosene, home heating oil, residual fuel of gasoline.
oil and lubricating oils, come from one
source - crude oil found below the Earth's Many thousands of hydrocarbon
surface, as well as under large bodies of compounds are possible because…
water, from a few hundred feet below the A. The petroleum products vary greatly in
surface to as deep as 25,000 feet into the physical appearance
earth’s interior. Sometimes crude oil is B. Complicated refining processes
secured by drilling into the Earth, but more rearrange the chemical structure
dry holes are drilled than those producing C. The two atoms in the molecule assume
oil. Either pressure at the source or many positions
pumping forces crude oil to the surface. D. The preassure needed to force it to the
surface causes molecular
Crude oil wells flow at varying rates, from transformation
ten to thousands of barrel per hour. E. Chemical elements forming petroleum
Petroleum products are always measured are many in number
in 42 gallon barrels.
11. Petroleum products, such as gasoline,
Petroleum products vary greatly in kerosene, home heating oil, residual fuel
physical appearance : thin, thick, oil and lubricating oils, come from one
transparent or opaque, but regardless source - crude oil found below the Earth's
their chemical composition is made up of surface, as well as under large bodies of
only two elements : Carbon and Hydrogen, water, from a few hundred feet below the
which form compounds called surface to as deep as 25,000 feet into the
Hydrocarbons. Other chemical elements earth’s interior. Sometimes crude oil is
found in union with the hydrocarbons are secured by drilling into the Earth, but more
few and are classified as impurities. Trace dry holes are drilled than those producing
elements are also found, but in such oil. Either pressure at the source or
minute quantities that they are pumping forces crude oil to the surface.
disregarded. The combination of carbon
and hydrogen forms many thousands of Crude oil wells flow at varying rates, from
compounds which are possible because of ten to thousands of barrel per hour.
the various positions and joinings of these Petroleum products are always measured
two atoms in the hydrocarbon molecule. in 42 gallon barrels.
2. E
3. C
4. B
TO #2 Alphastude
Literasi Bahasa Inggris
5. D
6. E
7. E
8. C
9. E
10. E
TO #2 Alphastude
Literasi Bahasa Inggris
11. D
12. A
13. E
14. C
15. C
TO #2 Alphastude
Literasi Bahasa Inggris
16. A
17. E
18. D
19. D
TO #2 Alphastude
Literasi Bahasa Inggris
20. A