80116-134 Erbejet2 Service
80116-134 Erbejet2 Service
80116-134 Erbejet2 Service
V 1.0.x
V 1.1.x
All rights to this manual, in particular rights of duplication, dissemination and translation, are reserved. No part of this man-
ual may be reproduced in any form (by photocopying, microfilming or other methods) or processed, duplicated or dissem-
inated by the use of electronic systems without the written consent of Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH.
The information contained in this manual may be amended or supplemented without prior notice and represents no obli-
gation on the part of Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH.
Printed in Germany
Copyright © Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH, Tübingen 2017
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Classification of the safety information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Knowledge of the User Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Protection from the risk of electric shock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Electrostatically sensitive components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Liability and warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2 Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Controls at the front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Controls at the rear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3 Technical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5 Remedying malfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
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Table of Contents
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1 • Safety information
Safety information
ATTENTION! The ATTENTION! safety indication refers to a risk which can cause
equipment to become unserviceable.
For safety reasons, multiple outlets and extension cords should not be
used. If their use is unavoidable, they also must be provided with proper
WARNING! Unplug the power cord from the outlet before exchanging parts of the
unit or cleaning it.
WARNING! Do not plug a wet power cord into the unit or into an outlet.
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1 • Safety information
WARNING! Do not touch any unprotected wires or conductive surfaces while the
unit is opened and under voltage.
WARNING! Blown line fuses may only be replaced by a competent technician. Only
replacement fuses of the rating specified on the unit's name plate may
be used. Before resuming operation the unit must be subjected to a
performance test by a competent technician.
It is recommended that the technical safety check also be performed by
Erbe or persons trained by Erbe.
ATTENTION! Only use original Erbe spare parts. The manufacturer accepts no liability
and the warranty rights becomes void if original spare parts are not
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2 • Controls
IMPORTANT! This chapter contains an overview of the controls of the unit(s). The rel-
evant User Manual for the unit(s), knowledge of which is assumed for
servicing work, provides detailed information about how to use the
Fig. 2-1
1 Power Switch
2 –7 Selection buttons
8 Pump shaft
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2 • Controls
Fig. 2-2
1 Footswitch socket
2–3 ECB socket (Erbe Communication Bus)
4 Potential equalization terminal
5 Power supply module with fuses
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3 • Technical Data
Technical Data
Power connection
Activation Footswitch
Separating medium Sterile, physiological saline solutions
Suction as a separate module (Erbe ESM 2) adjustable -100 to -800 mbar (± 50 mbar)
Applicators Sterile single-use applicators, rigid and flexible for
open, laparoscopic, endoscopic, microsurgical, mini-
mal-invasive and micro-invasive applications, from
1.3 mm outer diameter.
Nozzle diameter 120 μm
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3 • Technical Data
If the unit has been stored or transported at temperatures below +10 °C or above +40 °C, the unit will
require approx. 3 hours to acclimatize at room temperature.
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4 • Setup and Service settings
Setup and Service settings
General information
This unit features two levels for changing settings:
• Setup level
• Service level
Button volume 1.0.x Setting for the volume of the selection buttons.
System volume 1.0.x Setting for the volume of the status and error messages.
Activation volume 1.0.x Setting for the volume of the activation sounds. The activation
sounds must be easy to hear!
ml-signal volume 1.1.x Setting for a tone emitted for each milliliter (ml) separating
medium output.
Automatic time 1.0.x Setting for the time span during which an entry window is
shown in the display before the unit returns to the "Settings"
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4 • Setup and Service settings
IMPORTANT! From V 1.1.x on, this menu is available in English only – regardless of
the language setting selected on the device.
auomatically terminated.
Operating hours Operating hours 1.0.x Displays the operating hours of the ERBEJET 2 water
ERBEJET ERBEJET jet surgical unit.
Operating hours Operating hours 1.0.x Displays the operating hours of the ESM 2 suction
ESM ESM module.
– Volume Mea- 1.1.x Displays the amount of separating medium used.
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4 • Setup and Service settings
2. Select the "SETUP" menu item. The unit switches to the Setup level.
See Table page 13 for the settings which can be changed there.
2. Select the "SERVICE" menu item. The unit switches to the "Keyword
entry" window.
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4 • Setup and Service settings
4. Confirm keyword with "OK". The unit switches to the Service level.
See Table page 14 for the settings which can be changed there.
IMPORTANT! Once the keyword has been entered and provided the unit remains
switched on, the Service level can be called up direct, i.e. without hav-
ing to repeat keyword entry. By switching off the unit the Service level
is protected by the keyword against unauthorized access again.
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5 • Remedying malfunctions
Remedying malfunctions
Safety information
ATTENTION! Adjustments, technical tests, modifications, maintenance and repair
work may only be performed by Erbe or persons trained by Erbe. If the
work is not performed by trained persons, Erbe accepts no liability and
warranty rights become void.
Error messages
Displays for the error messages Errors messages are displayed on the unit as follows:
on the ERBEJET 2
• as a combination of error code and text
• only as text
Display for the error messages All relevant error messages are only saved with error code in the "Error
in the service setting "Error list" setting (see Service level).
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5 • Remedying malfunctions
Regarding the ERROR list The error messages are only entered with error code in the ERROR list of
this section. Status messages are not a component of these instructions.
They are described in the User Manual for the unit.
J 07 Pump unit is not detected by the If the pump unit is not located in the
photoelectric sensor. The pump unit pump shaft correctly, attempt to push
might have been pushed out of the the pump unit inside. The error mes-
shaft. sage will disappear if you are success-
If the error remains, completely remove
the pump unit from the pump shaft and
attempt to insert an unused pump unit.
Inform Erbe Service if this occurs fre-
J 08 Signal of photoelectric sensor and Inform Erbe Service.
microswitch inconsistent.
J 09 Photoelectric sensor defective or not Inform Erbe Service.
J 0A Hardware incompatible with soft- Inform Erbe Service.
J 0B Operating voltage +24 V too high. Inform Erbe Service.
J 0C Operating voltage +24 V too low. Inform Erbe Service.
J 0D Operating voltage +5 V too high. Inform Erbe Service.
J 0E Operating voltage +5 V too low. Inform Erbe Service.
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5 • Remedying malfunctions
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5 • Remedying malfunctions
J 40 Temperature of the drives too high Allow ERBEJET 2 to cool down until a
=> Drives are switched off. message appears indicating that you
can continue working with the unit.
J 50 Nozzle of the applicator is blocked. Remove applicator + pump unit and
connect new, unused applicator + pump
Operating error: An attempt was unit.
made to connect a used pump unit.
Drive mechanism is defective. Inform Erbe Service.
Drive blocked/too stiff.
J 5D The software version of the con- Check software version of ESM 2 and
nected ESM 2 suction module is ERBEJET 2 => Version list. Connect
incompatible with that of the ERBE- ESM 2 with compatible software ver-
JET 2. sion.
J 5E The software version of the con- Check software version of footswitch
nected footswitch is incompatible and ERBEJET 2 => Version list. Connect
with that of the ERBEJET 2. footswitch with compatible software
J 60 Power fail message from the power Reactivate ERBEJET 2.
supply unit without subsequent volt-
Inform Erbe Service if this occurs fre-
age drop (false alarm).
J 80 Operating error: No footswitch has Connect footswitch.
been communicated to the unit
because no footswitch is connected.
No footswitch has been communi- Inform Erbe Service.
cated to the unit because the con-
nected footswitch is defective.
The software version of the con- Check software version of footswitch
nected footswitch is incompatible and ERBEJET 2 => Version list. Connect
with that of the ERBEJET 2. footswitch with compatible software
J 82 No deactivation signal has been If the footswitch pedal is still pressed
received after an activation interrup- => Release pedal.
If the footswitch pedal is not pressed
=> Inform Erbe Service.
J 83 Status message: ESM 2 suction mod- Switch on ESM 2. Check ECB connection
ule has been canceled by the ERBE- between ESM 2 and ERBEJET 2. If the
JET 2. error remains inform Erbe Service.
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5 • Remedying malfunctions
J 87 Button has been kept pressed down Restart the unit without pressing a but-
when starting the unit. ton again.
Button jammed. Inform Erbe Service.
J 88 Activation requirements without the Switch on ESM 2. Check ECB connection
ESM 2 being ready for operation. between ESM 2 and ERBEJET 2. If the
error remains inform Erbe Service.
J 89 Operating error: Two footswitch ped- Only press one pedal.
als have been pressed at the same
J 90 Activation requirements without Do not begin activation until a message
operational availability of the ERBE- appears indicating that the unit is
JET 2. ready for operation.
If no pump unit is connected to the
unit, connect pump unit + applicator.
J 95 Operating error: ReMode button of Do not press ReMode button or create
the footswitch has been pressed second program level.
even though no second program level
is present in the program used.
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5 • Remedying malfunctions
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Maintenance and servicing
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
20150-030 Applicator
30150-103 Belt tensioning tool
Safety information
WARNING! For safety reasons (personnel protection) the test specimen should
generally be operated by a suitable isolating transformer. An excep-
tional case is the tests for grounded conductor resistance, and ground
leakage current, in which the test specimen is supplied with current via
the safety tester.
ATTENTION! In the event of a fault occurring in the test specimen or individual com-
ponents during the technical safety check the test steps taken so far no
longer apply.
Remedy the defect and repeat the technical safety check from the
ATTENTION! The specifications made in this chapter for test programs / test pro-
gram settings allow the service technician to perform the technical
safety check. In addition, the test program mode provides a number of
diagnostic and inspection options for the service technician. They are
described in the repair manual. Erbe Elektromedizin expressly states
that the full functional range of the test program mode may not be
used without precise knowledge of the individual test programs.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
IMPORTANT! An unused, new pump cartridge must be used for all test stages, unless
otherwise indicated.
IMPORTANT! It is assumed that the user knows how to operate the test specimen,
the test equipment, the measuring equipment, and auxiliary test equip-
ment. The test instructions only apply in conjunction with the relevant
test steps.
IMPORTANT! The test report for the technical safety check can be requested from
Erbe Technical Service Tübingen. For the address see address sheet on
last page.
Performance tests
Test setup
• The test specimen is connected to the power supply via the connecting
cable and switched on.
• The single-pedal footswitch is connected.
• An unused, new pump cartridge is ready.
Test procedure
Power switch 1. Check power switch for smooth operation. The power switch must be
easy to operate and must neither stick nor scrape.
2. Press power switch. The power switch must snap into the "ON" posi-
tion and the test specimen must perform a system start.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Start routine / 1. The test specimen must start without error message(s).
acknowledgement tone 2. The test specimen must emit an acoustic signal (=acknowledgement
tone) during the self-test.
Control buttons / 1. Set the "Button tone volume" to >1 in the Setup level.
acknowledgement tone when 2. Check all selection buttons on the control panel for functionality.
pressed Press each button at least twice. An acoustic signal (=acknowledge-
ment tone) must be emitted each time the buttons are pressed.
Display and display backlighting 1. Check the function of the display backlighting. If the backlighting is
faulty, the image is very dark, almost black (poor contrast).
Activation tones 1. Set the "Activation tone volume" to >1 in the Setup level.
2. Press light gray pedal on the single-pedal footswitch at least twice.
An acoustic signal (=activation tone) must be emitted each time the
pedal is pressed.
Sensor ATTENTION! The "TP Movement" test program used for the following test
steps only provides correct results if the drives of the test specimen have
been correctly referenced beforehand. In addition, the referencing pre-
vents the test specimen from being damaged by manually moving the
1. Switch test specimen (with empty pump shaft) off and back on after 3
sec. This ensures that the drives are correctly referenced.
2. Select "TP Movement" test program. On the test specimen:
– Call up service level (see page 15).
– Highlight the "Testprograms" setting and select with OK. The test
specimen switches to the test program selection list.
– Select "TP Movement" test program and press OK. The following
appears on the unit:
3. Press "Yes" to confirm that the drives have been correctly referenced.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
5. Remove pump cartridge from the pump shaft. The symbol must
be deactivated in the Test program when "Sensor" is displayed.
6. Remain in the Test program.
2. Remove pump cartridge from the pump shaft. The symbol must
be deactivated in the Test program when "Switch" is displayed.
3. Press to exit the test program.
4. "Return" takes you to the test program selection list.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Ventilator 1. Select the "TP Measured Values" test program in the test program
selection list and press OK.
2. Set the "Vent." setting to 100 % with the selection button. The venti-
lator must remain constantly and audibly activated.
3. Press to exit the test program.
Footswitch activation
Test setup
• The test specimen is connected to the power supply via the connecting
cable and switched on.
• The single-pedal footswitch is connected.
Test procedure
Pedal activation for single- 1. Select the "TP Activation Signals" test program in the test program
pedal footswitch selection list and press OK. A single-pedal footswitch in the test pro-
gram indicates that a single-pedal footswitch is correctly con-
2. Press light gray pedal on the single-pedal footswitch. The Test pro-
gram must confirm the activation through illumination of the pedal on
the single-pedal footswitch.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Single-pedal footswitch
WARNING! You need to reach into the open pump shaft for certain service work.
This entails a risk of injury, for example the pump mechanism can crush
or cut off your fingers.
ATTENTION! Never use liquids or sharp cleaning objects for cleaning the pump shaft.
• Phillips screwdriver PH 1
• Phillips screwdriver PH 2
• Torx screwdriver T15
• lint-free, dry cloth
Test setup
• The housing cover of the test specimen is removed.
• The test specimen is connected to the power supply via the connecting
cable and switched on.
• The single-pedal footswitch is connected.
• On the test specimen the basic program is selected.
• An unused, new pump cartridge is ready.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Test procedure
Belt tension of long belt on 1. Hold frequency measuring instrument over the belt of motor 1. Start the
motor 1 belt vibrating. The frequency displayed must be between 107 and 183 Hz.
2. Readjust belt if necessary.
Belt tension of short belt on 1. Hold frequency measuring instrument over the belt of motor 2. Start the
motor 2 belt vibrating. The frequency displayed must be between 138 and 236 Hz.
2. Readjust belt if necessary.
Clean pump shaft 1. Remove cover of the pump shaft.
2. Clean pump shaft carefully using a dry, lint-free cloth.
3. Leave pump shaft open.
Engaging function 1. Insert the pump unit in the pump shaft. The pump plungers must
engage without any problem.
Holding function 1. Activate test specimen via footswitch. The pump plungers must also
travel during activation.
Disengaging function 1. Press EJECT on test specimen. The pump plungers must disengage
without any problem.
2. Remove pump unit.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Checking the components in the 1. Check all screws in the pump shaft for correct fitting.
pump shaft 2. Check all mechanical components for corrosion. Replace if needed.
3. Image: Only for the slide assembly with locking washers (1) and a
sliding axle (2):
– Position 1: Check both locking washers (one per slide) and ensure
that they are secure and positioned correctly. Should they be
Test run
Test setup
• The test specimen is connected to the power supply via the connecting
cable and switched on.
• The single-pedal footswitch is connected.
• On the test specimen the basic program is selected.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Test procedure
1. Connect applicator to the pump unit.
2. Connect distilled water (only suitable for service purposes) to the
pump unit.
3. Insert pump unit into pump shaft and allow to engage.
4. From V 1.1.x: Start Prime mode and wait until the filling process is
5. Carry out the following settings on the test specimen in the basic pro-
– Suction: OFF
– Effect: 5
6. Activate test specimen via footswitch. The applicator must provide a
constant jet of water.
7. Remove connected pump unit.
8. Push the pump unit still filled with water back into the pump shaft.
The test specimen must indicate that the pump unit is used.
9. Remove connected pump unit.
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