Module 2 Green Building
Module 2 Green Building
Module 2 Green Building
A rating system is a set of best practices that assess sustainability by incorporating a series of
indicators. Environmental assessment methods are considered to be powerful and effective ways
to enhance the efficiency of buildings. Sustainability tools are the processes for classifying,
predicting, and assessing the impact of various processes on major sustainability aspects. Rating
tools have begun to redefine a stable structure for sustainable development. The rating tools offer
a means of screening that the structure has succeeded in achieving the level expected to function
in several specified ways.
There are many GBRTs around the world to certificate buildings according to their sustainability
degrees. They work through some criteria and give points/credits to the building according to
meeting these criteria. And the building finally gets its certificate degree according to how much
point/credit it gets.
Most of the GBRTs have similarities in common more than differences. This is due to the fact
that all of these systems are trying to help us create a better world and leave our children a better
and cleaner world. Therefore, the principles are and should be nearly the same: principles to
decrease the harm given to the environment. Therefore, the aim of this study is to give an
overview of mostly used GBRSs around the world from the viewpoint of sustainability. This is
going to be done by describing sustainable development, sustainability and sustainable
architecture first, and then by explaining what a green/sustainable building is and how a building
can be assessed in terms of sustainability, then by describing some of the mostly used GBRSs
around the world, by discussing the common points of these GBRTs, in the end the results
achieved through this discussion will be put forward.
3.2 LEED
U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), co-founded by Mike Italiano, David Gottfried and Rick
Fedrizzi in 1993, is a private membership-based non-profit organization that promotes
sustainability in building design, construction, and operation. USGBC is best known for its
development of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building
rating systems and its annual Greenbuild International Conference and Expo, the world’s largest
conference and expo dedicated to green building. USGBC was one of eight national councils that
helped found the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC). The current president and CEO is
Mahesh Ramanujam who acquired this role in January 2017 after co-founder Rick Fedrizzi.
USGBC is made up of tens of thousands of member organizations, chapters, and student and
community volunteers. Currently, there are more than 76 chapters, 16,000 member
organizations, and 197,000 LEED professionals, and those numbers continue to grow. Members
of USGBC include engineers, architects, building owners, contractors, facility managers,
building product manufacturers, designers, utility managers, college students, college faculties,
government agencies, and more.
USGBC promotes buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable, and supportive of
human health.
USGBC’s Mission:
“To transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built, and operated, enabling an
environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the
quality of life.”
USGBC’s Vision:
“Buildings and communities will regenerate and sustain the health and vitality of all life within a
LEED: The most widely known and used green building program across the world.
Credentials: The LEED Green Associate credential and the various LEED AP credentials offer
professionals a designation to help them stand out in the building industry.
Greenbuild International Conference & Expo: The world’s largest expo, launched in 2002,
dedicated to green buildings.
Education: USGBC provides educational programs about green buildings to further spread
environmental principles and design.
Advocacy: At every level of government, USGBC provides policymakers and community
leaders with all the tools, strategies, and resources necessary to inspire action toward a
sustainable built environment.
Chapters & Committees: USGBC contains more than 76 regional USGBC chapter organizations
for involvement from the local level to the national level.
LEED which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design is a certification rating
system for green buildings, developed by the USGBC. Short after the formation of USGBC,
LEED Green Building Rating System was developed by the members of the USGBC committee
and is “voluntary, consensus-based and market-driven”. LEED is the most widely used green
building rating system in the world. Available for virtually all building types, LEED provides a
framework for healthy, highly efficient, and cost-saving green buildings. LEED certification is a
globally recognized symbol of sustainability achievement and leadership.
LEED is for all building types and all building phases including new construction, interior fit
outs, operations and maintenance and core and shell. Unsure of which rating system to use?
Check out our interactive Discover LEED tool to get started; then, use the rating system selection
guidance to make a final decision.
The GBCSA works with its membership community to inspire a built environment in which
people and planet thrive. They are passionate, collaborative planet shapers that operate across the
commercial, residential and public sectors to ensure that buildings and homes are designed, built
and operated in an environmentally sustainable way. Their combined influence drives
competitive, viable and professional membership advantages. GBCSA’s affiliations enable
access to a community of experts at home and abroad. The GBCSA is one of about 75 members
of the World Green Building Council.
What They Do
They Advocate
We host events and campaigns to advocate for a better built environment.
They Educate
Professional development is available through our education offerings.
They Certify
Their suite of rating systems offers tools for almost any type of building.
Residential Sector
Their work in the residential sector includes the development of rating tools that allow them to
build and occupy homes that are better to live in, and better for our environment. They offer
training in this sector.
Commercial Sector
All their rating tools can be used throughout the building industry, they have over 8 tools that
you can choose from depending on your building type. They offer training for our rating tools
and other green building topics.
Public Sector
They work in the public sector focuses on advocating with local and national government for
better building standards and to create better cities for you and me. They educational content and
training is relevant to the public sector.
The Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) is committed to continuously improving
the Green Star SA environmental rating tools for buildings. As such, the GBCSA conducts
periodic credit reviews based on stakeholder feedback and research and consultation. This is
done to establish the appropriateness of current credits, identify best practice benchmarks and
provide clear guidance to suppliers, manufacturers and Green Star SA project teams on the
compliance requirements.
Updates to the Green Star SA can be as a result of a Technical Clarifications (TC) and or a
Credit Interpretation Request (CIR). The Green Star SA Technical Clarifications, Credit
Interpretation Request (CIR) Rulings and Errata provide an essential source of information to all
projects undertaking Green Star SA certification.
Green Star SA is a voluntary environmental rating system that evaluates the environmental
design and construction of buildings. Green Star SA tools were developed to provide the
property industry with an objective measurement for green buildings and to recognise and
reward environmental leadership in the property industry.
Green Star SA consists of nine separate environmental impact categories under which specific
key criteria are grouped and assessed. These nine categories are:
Indoor Environmental Quality
Land Use and Ecology
The categories are divided into credits, each of which addresses an initiative that improves or has
the potential to improve a design, project or building’s environmental performance. Points are
awarded in each credit for actions that demonstrate that the project has met the overall objectives
of Green Star SA and the specific aims of the Green Star SA rating tool. Once all credits in each
category are assessed, a percentage score for the category is calculated. A Green Star SA
environmental weighting factor is then applied to each of the project’s category scores to reach a
single score. Green Star SA environmental weighting factors vary across rating tools to reflect
differing environmental concerns and imperatives for different building types and lifecycle
Materials Category
The Materials Category of the Green Star SA rating tools consist of Credits which target the
consumption of resources through selection, use, reuse and efficient management practices. The
credits reward reduction, reuse and the use of recycled and recyclable materials wherever
possible. The credits aim to address and improve the environmental impacts of building products
and materials by taking into consideration issues pertaining to the lifespan, lifecycle and
approach towards the use of these resources within the building fabrics of Green Star SA
certified projects. The various environmental and human health impacts arising from building
materials are reduced when use of virgin materials is limited and special attention is given to the
selection of ecologically and health-preferable materials. Aspects of the materials and resource
use that are rewarded under the Green Star SA include, but are not limited to: sustainable timber,
reuse of building façade and structure; recycled content of steel and concrete.