MVGC Operating Manual
MVGC Operating Manual
MVGC Operating Manual
Service Manual
Service Manual
Voltage Regulating Relay
A person's normal movements can easily generate electrostatic potentials of several thousand volts.
Discharge of these voltages into semiconductor devices when handling electronic circuits can cause
serious damage, which often may not be immediately apparent but the reliability of the circuit will have
been reduced.
The electronic circuits of ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd products are completely safe from
electrostatic discharge when housed in the case. Do not expose them to the risk of damage by
withdrawing modules unnecessarily.
Each module incorporates the highest practicable protection for its semiconductor devices. However, if it
becomes necessary to withdraw a module, the following precautions should be taken to preserve the high
reliability and long life for which the equipment has been designed and manufactured.
1. Before removing a module, ensure that you are at the same electrostatic potential as the equipment
by touching the case.
2. Handle the module by its front-plate, frame, or edges of the printed circuit board.
Avoid touching the electronic components, printed circuit track or connectors.
3. Do not pass the module to any person without first ensuring that you are both at the same
electrostatic potential. Shaking hands achieves equipotential.
4. Place the module on an antistatic surface, or on a conducting surface which is at the same
potential as yourself.
5. Store or transport the module in a conductive bag.
More information on safe working procedures for all electronic equipment can be found in BS5783 and
IEC 60147-0F.
If you are making measurements on the internal electronic circuitry of an equipment in service, it is
preferable that you are earthed to the case with a conductive wrist strap.
Wrist straps should have a resistance to ground between 500k – 10MΩ. If a wrist strap is not available,
you should maintain regular contact with the case to prevent the build up of static. Instrumentation which
may be used for making measurements should be earthed to the case whenever possible.
ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd strongly recommends that detailed investigations on the electronic
circuitry, or modification work, should be carried out in a Special Handling Area such as described in
BS5783 or IEC 60147-0F.
1.1 Operating Sequences 10
1.2 Voltage regulating schemes 11
1.3 Optional external connections 11
1.3.1 Independent/parallel control 11
1.3.2 Auto /non-auto 12
1.4 Line drop compensation for parallel transformers 12
2.1 Reference voltage setting, VS 15
2.2 Deadband setting, ∆V % 15
2.3 Initial delay setting 16
2.4 Intertap delay 16
2.5 Line drop compensation settings, VR and VXL 16
2.6 Parallel compensating voltage, VC 17
2.7 Load shedding 17
2.8 Undervoltage and overvoltage supervision, VU and VO 17
2.9 Overcurrent detector, IL 17
2.10 Circulating current detector, IC 18
2.11 Internal setting switches 18
4.1 Commissioning preliminaries 20
4.2. Commissioning tests 21
4.2.1 Equipment and input requirements 21
4.2.2 General 22
4.2.3 Regulated voltage setting (VS) 22
4.2.4 Percentage deviation (∆V%) = 1/2 percentage deadband width. 22
4.2.5 Under voltage blocking (80% VS) 23
4.2.6 Load shedding 23 –3%, –6%, –9% of VS 23 +3%, +1.5%, –1.5% of VS 23
4.2.7 Time delays 24 Initial time delay 24 Inter tap time delay 25
4.2.8 Line drop compensation 26 Resistive compensation VR 26 Reactive compensation VXL 27
4.2.9 Parallel compensating voltage VC 27
4.2.10 Supervision circuits 27
4.2.11 Load check for MVGC relay 29
5.1 Preliminary checks 30
5.2 Functional check using the self test facility 30
5.2.1 Regulated voltage setting 30
5.2.2 Deadband setting ∆V% 31
5.2.3 Initial time delay 31
5.2.4 Intertap time delay 31
5.2.5 Undervoltage detector VU 31
5.2.6 Overvoltage detector VO 31
5.2.7 Fixed 80% undervoltage detector 31
5.2.8 Alarm timer 32
6.1 Servicing instructions 32
6.2 Equipment and input requirements: 32
6.3 Test procedure 32
6.3.1 Regulated voltage setting VS 32
6.3.2 Deadband setting ∆V% 33
6.3.3 Initial delay 33
6.3.4 Intertap delay 34
6.3.5 Fixed 80% undervoltage blocking 34
6.3.6 Line drop compensation 34
6.3.7 Parallel compensating voltage, VC 35
6.3.8 Load shedding/voltage boost 35
6.3.9 Supervision circuits 35
6.4 Re-calibration 37
This Safety Section should be read before commencing any work on the equipment.
Health and safety
The information in the Safety Section of the product documentation is intended to
ensure that products are properly installed and handled in order to maintain them in
a safe condition. It is assumed that everyone who will be associated with the
equipment will be familiar with the contents of the Safety Section.
Explanation of symbols and labels
The meaning of symbols and labels which may be used on the equipment or in the
product documentation, is given below.
*Note: The term earth used throughout the product documentation is the direct
equivalent of the North American term ground.
Before energising the equipment it must be earthed using the protective earth
terminal, or the appropriate termination of the supply plug in the case of plug
connected equipment. Omitting or disconnecting the equipment earth may cause a
safety hazard.
The recommended minimum earth wire size is 2.5 mm2, unless otherwise stated in
the technical data section of the product documentation.
Before energising the equipment, the following should be checked:
Voltage rating and polarity;
CT circuit rating and integrity of connections;
Protective fuse rating;
Integrity of earth connection (where applicable)
Older Products
Electrical adjustments
Equipments which require direct physical adjustments to their operating mechanism to
change current or voltage settings, should have the electrical power removed before
making the change, to avoid any risk of electric shock.
Mechanical adjustments
The electrical power to the relay contacts should be removed before checking any
mechanical settings, to avoid any risk of electric shock.
Draw out case relays
Removal of the cover on equipment incorporating electromechanical operating
elements, may expose hazardous live parts such as relay contacts.
Insertion and withdrawal of extender cards
When using an extender card, this should not be inserted or withdrawn from the
equipment whilst it is energised. This is to avoid possible shock or damage hazards.
Hazardous live voltages may be accessible on the extender card.
Insertion and withdrawal of heavy current test plugs
When using a heavy current test plug, CT shorting links must be in place before
insertion or removal, to avoid potentially lethal voltages.
Decommissioning: The auxiliary supply circuit in the relay may include capacitors
across the supply or to earth. To avoid electric shock or energy
hazards, after completely isolating the supplies to the relay
(both poles of any dc supply), the capacitors should be safely
discharged via the external terminals prior to decommissioning.
Disposal: It is recommended that incineration and disposal to water
courses is avoided. The product should be disposed of in a safe
manner. Any products containing batteries should have them
removed before disposal, taking precautions to avoid short
circuits. Particular regulations within the country of operation,
may apply to the disposal of lithium batteries.
Technical Specifications
Protective fuse rating
The recommended maximum rating of the external protective fuse for this equipment
is 16A, Red Spot type or equivalent, unless otherwise stated in the technical data
section of the product documentation.
Inter-tap t
Measuring VT
Figure 1
This is the standard method and is suitable where rapid correction of large voltage
deviations is required to give better regulation.
The initial delay setting determines the delay in initiating any tap change sequence.
After an initiating pulse of 1 second the inter-tap delay setting determines the delay
between subsequent tap change initiations. This process continues until the system
voltage is restored to within the deadband limits.
Method 2
For this method a tap changer operated, normally closed contact is connected such
as to interrupt the measuring voltage supply to terminal 17 and 18. This operates the
80% undervoltage inhibit circuitry to reset the initial delay timer during each tap
change step and hence the inter-tap delay feature is not used, i.e. set for continuous,
non-pulsing by setting intertap delay less than or equal to zero.
The normally closed contact is usually operated by direct movement of the tap
changer’s motor mechanism using the directional sequence switch.
T1 is determined by deviation Contact opens during tap
T1 from VS setting Measuring changer operation
Inter-tap delay ≤ 0 gives a non-pulsing output and is also suitable
for continuous adjusting equipment.
T1 Initial delay of VRR set for definite time gives set
time delay between each tap change initiation.
Figure 2
For inverse initial delays the time delay between tap changes gets progressively
longer as the voltage deviation decreases. With definite initial delay settings the time
delay between each tap change is the fixed initial delay setting.
Method 2 rapidly corrects large voltage deviations, but greatly extends the total time
the voltage remains outside the deadband and is suitable only where load conditions
will tolerate this.
1.2 Voltage regulating schemes
Where Method 2 is used to control a multiple tap change sequence then the relay’s
undervoltage relay contact will operate during each tap change step. To avoid
unwanted alarm signals the undervoltage contact may be used to initiate a time
delayed auxiliary relay type MVUA (see Publication R6039) which is typically set for
12 seconds delay on operate. Relay types MVGC and MVUA are available
connected together as a MIDOS scheme.
1.3 Optional external connections
1.3.1 Independent/parallel control
Where transformers connected in parallel are controlled using the minimum
circulating current principle, independent operation is selected by shorting the
interconnecting pilot wires as below.
A B To pilot loop
Figure 3
Contact A – OPEN for parallel control
CLOSED for independent control
Contact B – OPEN when local lv OCB is closed
CLOSED when local lv OCB is open
1.3.2 Auto /non-auto
Non-auto or manual control can be obtained by isolating the common terminal of the
relay’s raise/lower output contacts.
1 Raise
MVGC 3 Common
5 Lower
Figure 4
1.4 Line drop compensation for parallel transformers
Where parallel transformers feed distribution lines and line drop compensation is
required, it is sometimes necessary to parallel the line drop compensation (LDC)
CT inputs of each relay in the scheme.
This ensures that each relay measures a current which is proportional to the load
current of the power transformer (PT) irrespective of the number of parallel
transformers in the scheme. Therefore, when the number of transformers supplying the
load changes, the LDC settings on the relay will not need to be adjusted.
Traditionally, when paralleling LDC inputs, it was assumed that line load currents
would split equally between paralleled LDC circuits as LDC impedances were
considered large compared to the interconnecting lead resistances.
The MVGC 01 has a LDC burden of 0.4 VA at rated current. This is insufficient to
ensure that interconnecting lead resistances are neglible. Therefore, when the LDC
circuits are paralleled, it is necessary to pad out the burden of the LDC circuits by use
of an external resistor.
It should be remembered that when the LDC input CTs are paralleled, the LDC circuits
will not see any components of the circulating current between parallel transformers,
therefore negative reactance compensation cannot be used to combat circulating
current. Only the ‘pilot’ method of circulating current control or external means of
control can be employed.
The following notes demonstrate how the LDC CTs may be paralleled on an
MVGC 01 relay.
2RL1 = Lead loop resistance between CT1 and AVR1 plus resistance of AVR
circulating current CT input (terminals 25 and 26 of MVGC 01).
XM1 = CT1 magnetising impedance which will be ignored due to its high value
when CT is unsaturated.
RCT1 = CT1 winding resistance.
RL = Resistance of one lead between AVRs (including any interposing CTs).
CT1 = Driving CT (T1 loaded).
CT2 = Idling CT (T2 loaded).
2IL = Current flowing in line(s) fed by T1/T2 which creates line voltage drop,
which is to be compensated for.
27 I1 I2 RL 27
2RL1 2RL2
28 RL 28
is equivalent to:
5:0.5A 5:0.5A
2(RICT2 + RL')
2RL = 2RICT1 +
(RICT2 + RL')
RL = RICT1 +
MVGC 01 burden for LDC = 0.4 VA at In
= 0.016Ω
X= < 0.0526
(RICT2 + RL')
RICT1 + < 0.0526RLDC
or RLDC must be increased to RLDC' via a series resistor so that:
RLDC' > 19 (RICT1 + (RICT2 + RL'))
eg. RICT1 = 0.02
RICT2 = 0.3
RL' = 0.2
This gives:
RLDC' > 19(0.02 +(0.03 + 0.2))
> 0.475
Rs > 0.475 – 0.016
> 0.46
Choose a value of 0.5Ω.
Required continuous current capability
2In = 10A
Therefore minimum current rating = 50W and, allowing a 50% derating of the
component, a 100W resistor is required.
Note: Rs should withstand the maximum main CT secondary rms current for a
minimum of three seconds. The maximum output of the main CTs should not
exceed three times the steady state current through its connected burden and
CT resistance to cause saturation.
Application of 2 AVRs (1A rated) with direct paralleling
RL = 50m 2.5mm2 Cu = 0.37Ω
RLDC = = 0.4
X= < 0.0526 where RLDC' = RLDC + Rs
RLDC' > 19RL
RLDC' > 7.03
Therefore: Rs > 7.03 – 0.4
> 6.63
Choose a value of Rs = 6.8Ω.
Required continuous rating = 2In = 2A
Therefore required continuous power rating of Rs = 27.2 W.
Allowing a minimum power derating of 50%, use a resistor rated at 75W.
Note: See short time current withstand note given in example 1.
Section 2 SETTINGS
Note: All controls whether being used or not, should be set at some point within
their calibrated range and not set to either end stop.
2.1 Reference voltage setting, VS
The reference voltage setting is selected by thumbwheel switches in 1.0 volt steps
between 100 and 139 volts.
2.2 Deadband setting, ∆V %
This is set such that the nominal tap step increment is typically between 50% and
80% of the set deadband width, depending on preferred practice.
Tap step increment % = preferred ratio x set deadband width
e.g. Nominal tap step increment = 1.4%
Preferred ratio = 70%
Deadband width = x 100 = 2% of VS
Hence ∆V % = ±1% of set VS
2.3 Initial delay setting
The time delay to initiate a tap change sequence is set by the initial delay setting and
is continuously adjustable between 1.2 and 12 seconds or 12 and 120 seconds
depending on the range selected. A setting switch determines either a definite or an
inverse time characteristic.
For inverse characteristic the set time delay defines the operating time delay at the
edge of deadband, N = 1. Larger voltage deviations give correspondingly faster
operating times as given by IDMT characteristic, Figure 5, in Publication R6021.
initial delay setting
Inverse operating time =
Where N = Voltage deviation from VS in
multiples of ∆V% setting
i.e. N = 1 defines edge of deadband
2.4 Intertap delay
Where a multiple tap change sequence is required then the time delay between
successive tapping outputs can be set between zero and 10 seconds.
This is normally set to be slightly longer than the operating time of the tap changer
mechanism. Setting the intertap delay to less than zero then the output contacts are
non-pulsing as previously described in Section 1.1.
2.5 Line drop compensation settings, VR and VXL
These controls are set such that the voltage at a point remote to the tap changing
transformer can be regulated for varying load conditions.
The resistive setting is continuously adjustable between 0 and 24 volts at rated
The reactive setting is continuously adjustable between 0 and 24 volts, or 0 and 48
volts at rated current, depending on the range selected.
3.IP.R 3.IP.XL
VR = VXL =
VT ratio VT ratio
Where IP = primary rated current of line CT.
R = resistive component of line impedance
XL = reactive component of line impedance
VT ratio = ratio of primary to secondary voltages of line VT
A switch is provided, allowing selection of reverse reactance for control of
transformers connected in parallel. For reverse reactance control the settings are now
as below:
VXL (reverse) =
VT ratio
Where XT = reactance of transformer
3.IP R Cos Ø + XL Sin Ø + XT Sin Ø
Now VR = .
VT ratio Cos Ø
Where Cos Ø = power factor of load
The above shows that the effective VR compensation can vary significantly for varying
power factors. Reverse reactance control of parallel transformers is used where
transformers are dissimilar or at different locations and the power factor variation is
not too great.
2.6 Parallel compensating voltage, VC
An alternative method of achieving stable control of paralleled transformers is to
minimise the reactive circulating current IC. This is achieved by the introduction of a
parallel compensation voltage setting VC which is proportional to IC.
The VC setting is continuously adjustable between 0 and 24 volts, or 0 and 48 volts
depending on the range selected, for reactive rated current applied to the circulating
current inputs. The VC setting is determined during commissioning procedures such
that optimum stability is obtained for paralleled transformers. An approximate setting
is given by.
VC =
VT ratio
Circulating current control using VC setting allows both resistive and reactive
components of line drop compensation to be utilised and is independent of power
factor variations.
2.7 Load shedding
Three levels of load shedding or voltage targets are available, either –3%, –6% or
–9% of VS or +3%, +1.5% or –1.5% of VS, the latter incorporating a 1.5% or 3%
voltage boost. The required amount can be selected by either a local or remote
switch and LED indication of the selected value is given on the relay.
2.8 Undervoltage and overvoltage supervision, VU and VO
Independent controls are provided to detect undervoltage and overvoltage
conditions. The settings are continuously variable over the following ranges:
VU : 80 – 120 volts
VO : 110 – 160 volts
Independent output contacts are provided for each function. In addition, operation of
the overvoltage detector blocks raise operations, to prevent excessive voltage on
busbars local to the transformer. Similarly the undervoltage detector blocks lower
operations thus defining the normal working limits of the transformer and only
allowing tap changes in such a direction as to restore the regulated voltage.
2.9 Overcurrent detector, IL
The overcurrent detector setting IL is continuously variable between 100% and 200%
of INL. Where the total load current through a transformer exceeds this setting then
an internal relay operates blocking both raise and lower operations thus preventing
tap changer operation for fault or overload current through the transformer.
Note: Plugs for INL and INC should both be set to the same value (1A or 5A).
INL is selected as either 1A or 5A by the plug bridge on the front of the relay.
2.10 Circulating current detector, IC
The excessive circulating current detector setting is continuously variable between 5%
and 50% of IN. The detector can be used to operate where a given tap disparity is
exceeded. Where required, operation of a blocking relay for both raise and lower
operations can be selected by an internal setting switch. Another switch is provided,
allowing the circulating current detector to operate an alarm output relay and
operation can be either instantaneous or time delayed. A third switch can be used to
prevent any alarm initiation from the IC circuits.
Note: Plugs for INL and INC should both be set to the same value (1A or 5A).
INC is selected as either 1A or 5A by the plug bridge on the front of the
2.11 Internal setting switches
Three internal setting switches are provided to give the following options:
Switch Position A Position B
S6 VO and VU settings are VO and VU settings are
independent of selected reduced by selected
load shedding load shedding factor
S7 Indication only of Excessive circulating
excessive circulating current gives indication
current and also operates
blocking relay to prevent
tap change initiation
S8 Excessive circulating Excessive circulating
current causes alarm current causes
relay to operate after instantaneous operation
time delay of 180 seconds of alarm relay
Note: S8 is only effective with S10 in position A
S9 Out of dead band signal Voltage out of dead
does not initiate 180 band for > 180 seconds
second timer gives alarm output
S10 Excessive circulating Excessive circulating
current operates the current does not operate
alarm as defined by the alarm
the position of S8
The switches are found at the bottom of the relays pcb’s as follows:
Switch PCB Location
S6 ZJ0049 Bottom centre
S7 ZJ0044 Bottom front
S8 ZJ0044 Bottom rear
S9 ZJ0044 Bottom rear-front
S10 ZJ0044 Bottom rear-middle
Note: Earlier relays are not fitted with the switches S9 and S10. On these relays S9
is effectively in position B and S10 is effectively in position A.
3.1 Protective relays, although generally of robust construction, require careful treatment
prior to installation and a wise selection of site. By observing a few simple rules the
possibility of premature failure is eliminated and a high degree of reliability can be
3.2 The relays are either despatched individually or as part of a panel/rack mounted
assembly, in cartons specifically designed to protect them from damage.
Relays should be examined immediately they are received to ensure that no damage
has been sustained in transit. If damage due to rough handling is evident, a claim
should be made to the transport company concerned immediately, and the nearest
ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd representative should be promptly notified.
Relays which are supplied unmounted and not intended for immediate installation
should be returned to their protective polythene bags.
3.3 Care must be taken when unpacking and installing the relays so that none of the
parts are damaged or their settings altered, and they must at all times be handled by
skilled persons only.
Relays should be examined for any wedges, clamps or rubber bands necessary to
secure moving parts to prevent damage during transit and these should be removed
after installation and before commissioning.
Relays which have been removed from their cases should not be left in situations
where they are exposed to dust or damp. This particularly applies to installations
which are being carried out at the same time as constructional work.
3.4 If relays are not installed immediately upon receipt they should be stored in a place
free from dust and moisture in their original cartons and where de-humidifier bags
have been included in the packing they should be retained. The action of the de-
humidifier crystals will be impaired if the bag has been exposed to ambient
conditions and may be restored by gently heating the bag for about an hour, prior to
replacing it in the carton.
Dust which collects on a carton may, on subsequent unpacking, find its way into the
relay; in damp conditions the carton and packing may become impregnated with
moisture and the de-humidifying agent will lose its efficiency.
Storage temperature –25°C to +70°C.
3.5 The installation should be clean, dry and reasonably free from dust and excessive
vibration. The site should preferably be well illuminated to facilitate inspection.
An outline diagram is normally supplied showing panel cut-outs and hole centres.
For individually mounted relays these dimensions will also be found in publication
Publication R7012 is a Parts Catalogue and Assembly Instructions. This document will
be useful when individual relays are to be assembled as a composite rack or panel
mounted assembly.
Terminal allocation of relay
Terminals of the relay are usually allocated as follows but not all relay applications
will use all these terminals.
Reference ac voltage, VN 17, 18
Auxiliary ac voltage, Vx (110/125V) 15, 14
(220/250V) 13, 14
Input from line CT for line drop compensation 27, 28
Input from line CT for circulating current control 25, 26 (in series
with 27, 28)
Input from circulating current pilots 23, 24
Load shedding control contacts. Common 22
(Internally connected to Vx –3% or +3% 19
circuit) –6% or +1.5% 20
–9% or –1.5% 21
Tap changer control contacts. Common 3
Raise 1
Lower 5
Output contacts: Undervoltage 2&4
Overvoltage 7&9
Alarm for voltage outside deadband for 3 6&8
minutes or for excessive circulating current 10 & 12
either instantaneously or for 3 minutes
4.2. Commissioning tests
Typical application diagrams are shown in Figures 8 and 9
4.2.1 Equipment and input requirements
AC auxiliary supply suitable to supply a 30VA load. The frequency (Hz) must
be the same as the Vx and Hz given on the module rating label mounted in the
lower handle. The voltage must be set for the selected voltage input, ie. 110V for
110/120V input.
Stable measuring ac voltage supply of rated frequency with a fine adjustment control
to operate between 70 and 170 volts ac into a 3VA load.
High accuracy TRMS ac voltmeter, ac voltage accuracy less than 0.1% at full range,
50 or 60Hz.
Stopwatch or electronic timer
Two pole switch and resistor (typically 5kΩ 2W).
For testing the line drop compensator controls it is necessary to be able to phase shift
the angle between the regulated voltage supply and the current.
The following equipment is necessary:
Three phase 440V supply
Sinusoidal current source from 0 to 10 amps ac into a 10VA burden at rated current.
Phase shifter (440/240V line to line) and an adjustable single phase voltage
transformer (variac) to supply the regulated voltage supply.
Phase angle meter, accuracy better than 2°.
AC ammeter, range 0 to 10 amps.
4.2.2 General
Set all controls to the required settings.
NOTE: The ‘tens’ thumbwheel switch on the VS setting control can be set to any
number between 0 and 9, but positions 3 to 9 all produce the same setting
of 3.
If a test block is not used to isolate the normal VT, auxiliary, CT and any other
supplies, ensure that there is no accidental connection of test and normal supplies
and the CT is not open circuited. Check that the auxiliary ac supply is the correct
voltage and wire to terminals 15 and 14 (110/125V) or to terminals 13 and 14
(220/250V). Wire the regulated voltage supply to terminals 17 and 18 and the high
accuracy voltmeter either to the same terminals or to the monitor sockets on the front
of the relay.
4.2.3 Regulated voltage setting (VS)
Set the TEST/NORMAL switch to NORMAL.
Energise the auxiliary voltage supply and check that the ‘Volts Low’ indicator lamp is
Energise the regulated voltage supply and adjust the voltage to the nominal setting
voltage, as set on the VS thumbwheel switches. Check that the ‘Volts Low’, ‘Volts
High’ and ‘Tap’ lamps are not lit. Slowly increase the regulated voltage supply until
the ‘Volts High’ lamp just lights and note this voltage (VH). A fine control and
accurate voltmeter are essential to establish this voltage with accuracy.
Decrease the regulated supply and check that the ‘Volts High’ lamp goes out
Continue lowering the voltage until the ‘Volts Low’ lamp just lights and note this
voltage (VL).
Actual voltage setting = 1/2 (VH + VL) volts
Tolerance: ±0.5%
NOTE: The above accuracy limit makes no allowance for instrument error and
possible poor waveform which may be experienced during commissioning.
In service it may be found necessary to change the setting voltage VS. It is therefore
advisable to check all positions of the thumbwheel switches using the above
procedure. This involves fourteen checks, ten for the units and four for the tens.
NOTE: The tens switch cannot be set higher than 3.
Reset VS to the required setting.
4.2.5 Under voltage blocking (80% VS)
This is the voltage below which any further tap change initiation is prevented.
The blocking voltage is checked most easily if the intertap time delay control is
temporarily set below zero. This ensures that after the initial tap delay has elapsed
the ‘raise’ or ‘lower’ auxiliary will stay operated when the voltage is outside the
Reduce the voltage slightly below VL (as measured in the previous test) and check that
the ‘Volts Low’ and ‘Tap’ lamps both light continuously.
Continue lowering the voltage until the ‘Tap’ lamp is extinguished. This voltage
should be 80% of VS (tolerance ±3%). Reset the intertap time delay to the required
4.2.6 Load shedding
The effective regulated voltage setting can be reduced by selected amounts by
shorting the appropriate relay terminals. –3%, –6%, –9% of VS
Link terminal 22 to 19 and check that the 3% LED illuminates. Measure the new VH
and VL and calculate the centre of dead band voltage. This should be 3% lower than
the actual VS voltage previously measured.
Link terminal 22 to 20 and check that the 6% LED illuminates. Measure the new VH
and VL and calculate the centre of dead band voltage. This should be 6% lower than
the actual VS voltage previously measured.
Link terminal 22 to 21 and check that the 9% LED illuminates. Measure the new VH
and VL and calculate the centre of dead band voltage. This should be 9% lower than
the actual VS voltage previously measured.
Remove the link after test +3%, +1.5%, –1.5% of VS
Link terminal 22 to 19 and check that the +3% LED illuminates. Measure the new VH
and VL and calculate the centre of dead band voltage. This should be 1.5% lower
than the actual VS voltage previously measured.
Link terminal 22 to 20 and check that the +1.5% LED illuminates. Measure the new
VH and VL and calculate the centre of dead band voltage. This should be 1.5%
higher than the actual Vs voltage previously measured.
Link terminal 22 to 21 and check that the –1.5% LED illuminates. Measure the new
VH and VL and calculate the centre of dead band voltage. This should be 3% higher
than the actual VS voltage previously measured.
Remove the link after test
4.2.7 Time delays
To measure accurately the time delays, it is necessary to be able to carry out a step
change in voltage and start a timer at the same time. This can be conveniently done
using a two pole switch, a resistor (say 5KΩ) and an electronic timer, see Figure 5
below. Alternatively the time may be checked, approximately, using a stopwatch.
Start ac supply
15 13 14
17 1
stable 5 Timer
voltage stop
18 3
Figure 5 Initial time delay
Connect the relay as shown in 4.2.7.
Switch the Inverse/Definite time switch to ‘Definite’. With the two pole switch open
and the resistor in circuit adjust the voltage until it is inside the deadband, so that
neither the ‘Volts Low’ or ‘Volts High’ lamp is illuminated.
Close the switch and check that it:
(a) starts the timer,
(b) raises the voltage on the relay to above the VH value (measured in test 4.2.3) and
(c) energises the ‘Volts High’ lamp.
Also check that the ‘Lower’ contacts of the relay operate (Terminals 3 and 5) after the
initial time delay set on the relay.
NOTE: To obtain a consistent timing it is essential to ensure that the timer has reset
after each timing. Removal of the stable voltage supply does this
For 1.2–12s range, operating time should be 0.5s + setting.
Tolerance –0 +0.8s or ±10% whichever is greater.
For 12–120s range, operating time is as setting. Tolerance ±5%.
Inverse time delay
Switch the Inverse/Definite time switch to ‘Inverse’. In this position the initial time
delay depends on how far the voltage deviates beyond the operating threshold
(i.e. deadband edges). At the threshold the time should be as marked on the initial
time delay scale. At other voltages the following formula applies:
Initial time delay setting
Expected tinitial =
(% Voltage deviation from VS) /∆V%
The inverse initial time delay may be checked at any reasonable voltage outside the
deadband. The expected time may be calculated using the formula above.
The procedure given below is for an example where the voltage increases from
inside the deadband to a value higher than the setting voltage.
With the two pole switch open adjust the voltage until it is inside the deadband, so
that neither the ‘Volts Low’ nor the ‘Volts High’ lamp is illuminated.
Close the switch and:
(a) check that it starts the timer
(b) measure the voltage accurately (say VH)
(c) check the operating time (as previous removal of the stable voltage supply
between checks resets the timer).
Calculate the “percentage voltage deviation from VS” which is (VH – VS) 100/VS.
Calculate the expected tinitial from the formula given earlier.
Calculate the error in operating time.
For 1.2–12s range, operating time should be 0.5s + setting.
Tolerance –0 +0.8s or ±20% whichever is greater.
For 12 – 120s range, operating time is as setting. Tolerance ±20%. Inter tap time delay
When the applied voltage is first taken out of the deadband there will be the initial
time delay and then the raise or lower output auxiliary and the ‘Tap’ lamp will be
energised for 1 second ±0.2 seconds. When the auxiliary drops out there will be a
time delay equal to the intertap time delay before the auxiliary relay operates.
It will continue in this mode until the voltage is returned into the deadband.
Note: If the intertap time delay potentiometer is set below zero there will be no time
delay. Once the Raise or Lower auxiliary has been energised it will remain
operated until the voltage returns inside the deadband.
To measure the intertap time accurately it is necessary to use a timer which has
‘Dwell time’ facilities on it and will also start when the auxiliary relay contact opens
and stop when the same contact closes. The timer will need to be reset during the
1 second during which the auxiliary relay contact is closed.
Tolerance on the intertap time = ±10%
The intertap time may be reasonably accurately measured by timing any convenient
number of cycles with a stopwatch and then calculating the intertap time as follows:
Time measured
Intertap tap time = – number of cycles
Number of cycles
The initiation of the ‘Tap’ lamp in each cycle is a very convenient point from which to
start and finish timing.
4.2.8 Line drop compensation
For these circuits to operate correctly it is important to observe correct polarities for
voltage and current connections. Figure 6 below gives a typical test connection
a b c n Auxiliary
ac supply
110V 220V
120V 250V
15 13 14
17 27 I
18 28
Figure 6 Resistive compensation VR
With VR still on the required setting, set VC and VXL = 0.
Apply rated current to terminals 27 and 28.
Apply the reference voltage and adjust the phase angle until the voltage leads the
current by 90°.
Find the centre of deadband voltage as detailed previously for the regulated voltage
setting VS.
New values of VH and VL will be found and the centre of deadband voltage
= volts
This should be higher than the actual VS voltage measured earlier by the voltage set
on the VR control.
Tolerance ±0.5 volts or 5% whichever is the greater.
NOTE: If the voltage is lower than the actual VS it is almost certain that there is an
unintentional polarity reversal somewhere in the test circuit.
26 Reactive compensation VXL
Using the above circuit reset VXL to the required setting and set VC and VR = 0.
Set the Direct/Reverse switch to Direct.
Apply rated current to terminals 27 and 28.
Apply the reference voltage and adjust the phase angle until the voltage is in anti-
phase with the current.
Measure the new VH and VL and calculate the centre of deadband voltage. This
should be greater than the actual VS voltage measured earlier by the voltage set on
the VXL control. If the relay is to be used with the Direct/Reverse switch in the Reverse
position, check as above but with the voltage and current in phase. The voltage will
again be higher by the voltage set on the VXL control.
Tolerance ±0.5 volts or 5% whichever is the greater.
4.2.9 Parallel compensating voltage VC
The relay is connected as for 4.2.8 except that the current source is connected to
terminals 25 and 26. Ensure that the correct polarity is used (i.e. terminal 25
corresponding to the original connection to 27 and 26 to 28). The pilot connection
terminals (23 and 24) which go to the relay on the other transformer circuit must be
open circuited.
Apply rated current to terminals 25 and 26.
Apply the reference voltage and adjust the phase angle until the voltage is in phase
with the current.
Measure the new VH and VL and calculate the centre of the deadband voltage. This
should be greater than the actual VS voltage measured originally, by the voltage set
on the VC control.
Tolerance ±0.5 volts or 5% whichever is the greater.
Short circuit the pilot terminals 23 and 24 and measure VH and VL and calculate the
centre of the deadband voltage. This should be unchanged from the Actual VS
voltage measured originally. Remove the short circuit and reconnect terminals 23 and
4.2.10 Supervision circuits
(i) The undervoltage or overvoltage relays operate and energise the appropriate LED
indication when the input voltage falls below the VU setting or rises above the VO
Note: On pcb ZJ0049 switch 6 (was LKl) makes VU and VO either independent
of the load shedding (Position A or Link 1 between A and B) or
dependent on the load shedding (Position B or Link 1 between A and C).
Apply the actual setting voltage VS and check that neither the under or over
voltage LED’s indicate.
Reduce the voltage and check the value at which the <VU lamp indicates.
Check that the under voltage output contact has closed to complete the circuit
between terminals 2 and 4.
Increase the voltage and note that the <VU lamp de-energises.
Further increase the voltage and check the value at which the >VO lamp
Check that the overvoltage output contact has closed to complete the circuit
between terminals 7 and 9.
Tolerance for VO and VU ±10%.
(ii) The overcurrent blocking relay operates when the total load current exceeds the IL
Monitor across terminals 3 and 5 to check when the lower volts contact closes.
Apply the actual setting voltage VS and check that there is no circuit across 3 and
Increase the voltage until the relay operates and check that the circuit is complete.
Apply current to terminals 27 and 28 and check the current at which the 3/5
circuit becomes open circuit. This current should correspond to the IL setting.
Tolerance ±10%.
A similar test may be carried out with the voltage low, monitor terminals 1 and 3
and recheck the IL current setting.
(iii) The circulating current detector operates when the circulating current between
transformers connected in parallel exceeds the current set on the IC setting
Note: The calibration of the IC setting potentiometer is in terms of the CT
secondary current.
Wire a current source to terminals 25 and 26 with terminals 23 and 24 open
Apply current and increase until the excessive circulating current lamp (>IC)
indicates. This should be at the current set on the IC setting potentiometer.
Tolerance ±10%.
At the same time as the IC lamp is energised, the alarm circuit is initiated either
instantaneously or after a 3 minute time delay. Switch 8 (was LK3) on pcb
ZJ0044 gives alarm after 3 minutes when selected to position A (or Link 3
between A and B) or gives instantaneous alarm selected to position B (or link 3
between A and C). If S10 is fitted, position A gives normal operation as above
and position B gives no operation of the alarm from excessive circulating currents.
Check that when the circulating current exceeds IC, the alarm lamp operates and
the alarm circuits on terminals 6 & 8 and 10 & 12 are completed either after 3
minutes or instantaneously depending on the position of switch 8 (LK3).
Note: On pcb ZJ0044 switch 7 (was LK2) may be selected such that circulating
current gives indication of the IC lamp only, (Position A or Link 2 between
A and B) or that it gives indication and operates relay RL5 to prevent tap
change initiation. (Position B or Link 2 between A and C).
When in the position to prevent tap change the checks below should be carried
out to check that tapping is prevented. Maintain sufficient current to keep the IC
detector operated. Apply an adjustable voltage supply to terminals 17 and 18
and increase this until the voltage is inside the deadband (Volts Low and Volts
High lamps will not be lit).
Monitor contact outputs 1 & 3 and 3 & 5 and check that there is no circuit.
Reduce the voltage until the Volts Low lamp operates and check that after a
suitable time delay the tap lamp indicates but that there is still no circuit on the
Repeat with a higher voltage to operate the Volts High lamp. Remove the current
injected into terminals 25 and 26. Adjust the voltage until it is inside the
deadband and repeat the above procedure but check that output circuits 1 and 3
eventually close when the voltage is low, and that circuit 3 and 5 close when the
voltage is high.
(iv) The alarm output relay operates in approximately 3 minutes when the input
voltage remains continuously outside the deadband limits. If S9 is fitted position B
allows alarm operation, position A does not allow alarm operation. This may be
satisfactorily checked using a stopwatch. Apply the actual setting voltage VS and
check that none of the lamps indicate.
Raise the voltage by approximately 10% and start a stopwatch as soon as the
Volts High Lamp indicates.
Stop the stopwatch when the alarm lamp indicates. The time should be between
180s and 216s.
Monitor terminals 6 & 8 and 10 & 12 to check that the two contact pairs close
when the alarm lamp lights.
4.2.11 Load check for MVGC relay
When the line drop compensation facility is used it is essential to carry out a check
with load down the line to prove that the polarities of the VT and CT as connected to
the relay are correct. The results will be most conclusive if the load current is large.
Calculate the expected R and X voltage drops in the line at the CT rated primary
current and convert these to secondary values using the VT ratio.
Set the VR and jVXL controls on the relay to these latter voltages. Set the ∆V%
sensitivity setting to 3 and the switch below the jVXL control to ‘direct’.
At the receiving end of the feeder measure accurately the phase to phase voltage on
the secondary of the VT. This should be done (at the remote end) on the same pair of
lines as those used by the relay at the sending end.
Set the VS setting thumbwheel switches on the relay to the same voltage as that
measured at the receiving end of the feeder. The relay should be inoperative under
this condition, as indicated by an absence of the ‘volts high’ or ‘volts low’ lamps.
If either lamp is illuminated, it is highly probable that either the CT or VT has been
connected to the relay with the wrong polarity, or that the VR and jVXL relay settings
are not correctly matched to the line.
If the relay is inoperative for ∆V% = 3 then the approximate limits of the deadband or
inoperative zone can be established as follows:
Increase and then decrease the VS setting of the relay using the thumbwheel switches
until either the ‘volts low’ or the ‘volts high’ lamp indicates.
Record the two voltage settings at which the lamps first indicate. If the average of
these two voltages is within say 2% of that measured at the remote end of the feeder,
then the relative polarities of the CT and the VT are correct.
It will be appreciated that for this test to be conclusive the actual voltage drop down
the line at the current level available must be well in excess of 2%.
Reset the VS and ∆V% controls to the settings required for the particular application.
Note: All controls, whether being used or not, should be set at some point within
their calibrated range and not set to either end-stop.
5.2.2 Deadband setting ∆V%
Adjustment of the ‘test volts’ potentiometer about the VS position gives indication of
the edges of the deadband by illumination of either the ‘volts high’ or the ‘volts low’
LED’s. With ∆V% set at 3% there should be an obvious deadband as the ‘test volts’
potentiometer is moved above and below VS setting.
5.2.3 Initial time delay
Set selection switch to ‘definite’.
Set the voltage within the deadband by adjusting the ‘test volts’ potentiometer.
Set initial delay to desired value.
Adjust ‘test volts’ potentiometer to bring the voltage outside the deadband and start
the stopwatch as the ‘volts high’ (or ‘volts low’) LED comes on; stop timing when the
‘tap’ LED comes on. The indicated time should be approximately equal to the initial
delay setting.
Note: The initial delay timer is an integrating type and so it resets at a rate equal to
the rate at which it times out. The timer can be reset instantaneously if the
voltage is swung through the deadband from one side to the other and
returned immediately to inside the deadband. Following this procedure
before a timing check will ensure that the timer is starting from zero time.
The initial delay timer resets where the voltage varies about the centre of the
deadband, i.e. the actual VS setting.
5.2.4 Intertap time delay
If the test voltage is left outside the deadband after the initial time delay has elapsed
then a check may be made on the ‘intertap’ time delay. With the intertap time set for
10 seconds there will be a 10 second delay between successive tapping outputs.
To measure this time approximately, start the stopwatch when the ‘tap’ LED goes out
and stop the stopwatch when it comes on again. Reduction of the intertap time to
below 0 seconds will result in a continuous output indicated by a continuously
illuminated ‘tap’ LED.
5.2.5 Undervoltage detector VU
Set VU to the desired value.
Reduce the test volts until the VU LED just comes on; the indicated voltage should be
approximately equal to the set voltage VU.
5.2.6 Overvoltage detector VO
Set VO to the desired value.
Increase the test volts until the VO LED just comes on; the indicated voltage should be
approximately equal to the set voltage VO.
5.2.7 Fixed 80% undervoltage detector
Set the initial delay fully anticlockwise (to give minimum time delay) Set the intertap
time fully anticlockwise (to give continuous output) Set the test volts to between 80%
and 100% of set VS, so that the relay times out.
Gradually reduce the test volts until the ‘tap’ LED goes out; the indicated voltage
should be approximately 80% of the set VS.
5.2.8 Alarm timer
To test the timer ensure S9 is in position B.
Reset the alarm timer by bringing the test volts inside the deadband. Adjust the test
volts outside the deadband and start the stopwatch; stop the stopwatch when the
‘alarm’ LED comes on. The indicated time should be approximately 3 minutes.
Actual voltage setting VS = volts
Tolerance: actual VS = set VS ±0.5%
6.3.2 Deadband setting ∆V%
Set desired ∆V% value and again measure VOLTS HIGH and VOLTS LOW values.
or VH – VL x 100% (for all values of VS)
± ∆V% = % (for VS set at 100V)
6.3.3 Initial delay
To measure accurately the initial delay it is necessary to connect a variable resistor in
series with the measuring voltage supply to relay terminals 17 and 18 as shown in
Figure 7.
1 5 3
MVGC VS VN voltage
R supply
Figure 7
Potentiometer R should be approximately 5kΩ, 2W.
The input voltage VS on terminals 17 and 18 is monitored at the ‘VOLTAGE
MONITOR’ sockets with the ‘TEST’ switch in ‘NORMAL’ position.
Set initial time delay multiplier to 10.
a) Definite times
To check times on the lower side of the deadband: set VN equal to the
thumbwheel setting, open switch S1 and adjust R to reduce the monitored voltage
to the required value below set VS. Close S1 so that VS returns inside the
deadband and allow time for the relay to reset. Opening S1 will now initiate a
time delay which can be measured on the timer.
Required timer accuracy: accurate to 0.1 second
Initial delay accuracy: ±5% of INITIAL setting
To check ‘volts high’ times: set VN to required value above set VS. Open S1 and
adjust R to bring VS into the deadband. Arrange the timer to start on opening of
S1 and open S1 to measure time delay.
Accuracy: ±5% of INITIAL setting
Note: The initial timer can be reset instantaneously by a varying input voltage
both above and below the VS setting or alternatively by removing input
volts. This operates the 80% undervoltage circuits.
b) Inverse times
Select the inverse characteristic and set initial delay to 120 seconds.
Check the time delay for voltage deviation of 5 times and 10 times the deadband
setting away from the VS setting.
Voltage deviation (N) Time delay
5x 24s
10x 12s Tolerance ±15%
6.3.4 Intertap delay
Set the initial delay to 15 seconds and apply voltage to the relay to cause a volts low
or volts high condition. When the initial delay has elapsed the output relay will
continue to give pulsed closure for 1 second at intervals determined by the intertap
delay setting.
Arrange for the timer to start when the output contacts open and stop when they
reclose. The measured time is the intertap delay.
Tolerance: ±5% of setting
6.3.5 Fixed 80% undervoltage blocking
Set VS = 100V, initial delay = 15s inverse and intertap delay to continuous.
i.e. less than zero. With 82V applied the relay should time out and give a continuous
output and the ‘TAP’ LED should go out above 79V.
6.3.6 Line drop compensation
For these circuits to work correctly it is important to observe correct polarities for
voltage and current connections. See Figure 8.
Volts Current
Phase shifter
17 25 A
18 26
Figure 8
Set VS = 100 V
∆V% = ±1
a) Resistive compensation scale VR
With rated current applied to relay terminals 27 and 28 adjust the phase shift
such that the voltage leads the current by 90°.
Set : VC = VXL = 0, VR = 24 and VR multiplier = 1.
Obtain the new deadband centre voltage by recording the voltages at which the
‘volts low’ and ‘volts high’ LED’s illuminate.
Deadband centre = volts
This should be an increase of 24V ±5% on the actual VS value obtained in
Section 6.3.1.
b) Reactive compensation scale VXL
Set : VC = VR = 0, VXL = 24V ‘direct’ and VXL multiplier =1.
Apply rated current in antiphase with VS and obtain the deadband centre voltage
as before.
Again deadband centre = actual VS + 24V
Tolerance = ±5% of 24V
Adjust phase shift to give current and voltage in phase and with VXL = 24V
‘REVERSE’, check that deadband centre is within ±2% of the value determined for
current and voltage in antiphase.
i.e. VS – (–24V) = VS + 24V.
6.3.7 Parallel compensating voltage, VC
The relay is connected as shown in Figure 9. Ensure that pilot wire connection
terminals 23 and 24 are open circuited.
Apply rated current, to be in phase with the measuring voltage supply, to terminals
25 and 26.
Set VC = 24 and obtain the new deadband centre by recording the voltages at which
the ‘volts high’ and ‘volts low’ LED’s just come on.
This should be actual VS + 24V
Tolerance = ±5% of 24V
By short circuiting the pilot terminals 23 and 24 the deadband centre should be
returned to the actual VS value independent of the VC setting or applied current.
6.3.8 Load shedding/voltage boost
The effective regulated voltage setting can be altered by selected amounts as
indicated by the load shedding LED indications.
Connect terminal 22 to terminals 19, 20 and 21 to give load shedding as follows:
Link Actual VS value is altered by:
19 and 22 –3% or +3%
20 and 22 –6% or +1.5%
21 and 22 –9% or –1.5%
Check the appropriate LED indicator operates. Remove the link after test.
6.3.9 Supervision circuits
(i) Undervoltage and overvoltage relays operate where the input voltage is below or
above VU and VO settings respectively.
Set VS = 115V, ∆V% = ±0.5%
With VO = 110V and VU = 80V adjust the input voltage to just operate the
overvoltage relay, but below the lower deadband limit at approximately 113V.
Check that operation of the raise contact, terminals 1 and 3, is blocked by
operation of the overvoltage relay. Set VO = 140V and check that raise output is
no longer blocked.
Similarly, with VO = 140V and VU = 120V, set the input volts just above the
upper deadband limit at about 117V with the undervoltage relay operated.
Check that operation of the lower contact, terminals 3 and 5, is blocked by
operation of the undervoltage relay.
(ii) The overcurrent blocking relay operates where the total load current exceeds the
IL setting.
Set IL = 150% IN, IN = rated current
Apply 150% IN current to load current CT input, terminals 27 and 28. Check that
operation of overcurrent detector blocks both raise and lower output contacts.
(iii) The alarm output relay operates where the input voltage remains continuously
outside the set deadband limits. If S9 is fitted then it must be set to position B for
this test.
Connect the relay as in Figure 7, but connect stop terminals of timer to output
contacts of the alarm relay, terminals 6 and 8 or 10 and 12.
With SWl open adjust R such that the input voltage is within the set deadband.
Operation of SWl causes the relay to go to a volts high condition. Check that the
alarm LED and output relay operate after a period of approximately 180
(iv) The circulating current detector operates where the circulating current between
transformers connected in parallel, exceeds the IC setting. Apply a current source
to terminals 25 and 26 with terminals 23 and 24 open circuited.
Set IC = 25% IN
and set internal switches SW7 and SW8 to position A (see Section 2.11).
Apply 25% of rated current and check that LED indication is given for excessive
circulating current.
Set VC = 0
With the excessive circulating current detector operated, check that raise and
lower outputs are given. Check with SW7 in position B, that raise and lower
outputs are blocked by operation of a common blocking relay.
Operation of the circulating current detector initiates the alarm output relay.
If S10 is fitted then it must be selected to position A for this test.
Adjust the relay input volts to be within the set deadband.
Check that the alarm output relay operates 180 seconds after the operation of the
circulating current detector.
Check with SW8 in position B, that the alarm output relay operates
instantaneously with the operation of the circulating current detector.
6.4 Re-calibration
If necessary relay type MVGC 01 may be re-calibrated using the trimming
potentiometers indicated in the following table:
Scale Calibration Adjustment of Adjustment of
adjustment highest setting lower setting
VS – RV3 RV2
∆V% – RV5 RV6
Initial delay – RV9 RV8
Intertap delay – RV11 –
80% U/V inhibit RV12 – –
VU – RV23 RV24
VO – RV20 RV21
IL – RV29 RV30
IC – RV26 RV27
Alarm Timer RV31 – –
VR – RV16 RV34
VXL – RV14 RV33
VC – RV18 RV32
Each setting can be calibrated to be within the specified tolerance. It is essential that
high accuracy instrumentation is used throughout calibration.
Adjustment of RV2 can be used to provide a fine adjustment to give interim values of
VS setting.
25 RL6
A 1 S10 A S8 A t 2
3 min
S7 1 Alarm
26 A
>IC t B S9
24 Define
VC x1
x1 Inverse x1 1 RL2
Pilot Range &
x1 2
Range E E R &
RL5 <80%VS
2 1 RL1
IL & 2
>IL Raise
27 ∑ VS
VS 1 1
28 & 1
VS 1s
VXL Reverse Volts
x1 High Low
x1 Direct Test
Range R
17 RL7 t
RL7–1 1 0–10s
Loadshedding In Tap
Ref. volts B
–3% –6% –9% A RL3
S6 2
Com +3% +1.5% –1.5% Out VO RL6 6
22 RL7–2
8 Alarm 10
19 > VO
RL4 2 12 Alarm
20 Under
4 voltage RL2 RL4 5 Lower
21 4
VU volts
RL3 7 RL5 3
13 Over Common
220V < VU 9 voltage RL1 RL3 1 Raise
Auxiliary 110V 15 volts
14 Power
0V supply Note: Both ranges of load shedding limits are shown.
circuits The relay will have limits of either –3%, –6%, –9% or +3%, +1.5%, –1.5% as specified with order.
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