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Capillary-Driven Boiling Heat Transfer on Superwetting

Yimin Li, Xiaolong Yang,* Xu Tian, and Yu Tang
Cite This: ACS Omega 2022, 7, 35339−35350 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: Boiling can transfer a vast amount of heat and thereby is widely used
for cooling advanced systems with high power density. However, the capillary force
of most existing wicks is insufficient to surpass the liquid replenishing resistance for
high-efficient boiling. Herein, we report a new microgroove wick on high-conductive
copper substrates that was constructed via ultraviolet nanosecond pulsed laser
Downloaded via on June 28, 2023 at 04:54:12 (UTC).

milling. The phase explosion, combined with melting and resolidification effects of
laser milling induces dense microcavities with sizes around several micrometers on
the microgroove surface. The hierarchical microstructures significantly improve the
wettability of the microgroove wicks to obtain strong capillary and meanwhile
provide abundant effective nucleation sites. The boiling heat transfer in a visualized
flat heat pipe shows that the new wicks enable sustainable liquid replenishing even
under antigravity conditions, thus resulting in maximum 33-fold improvement of
equivalent thermal conductivity when compared with the copper base. This research
provides both scientific and technical bases for the design and manufacture of high-performance phase change cooling devices.

1. INTRODUCTION heterogeneous thermal conductivities were used, an ultrahigh

Nowadays, most civilized activities of human beings involve heat transfer limit can be reached.12 The capillary-driven boiling
thermal management. Thermal generation, transmission, and heat transfer utilizes the inherent capillary force from the
storage play an important role in many frontier fields.1 For new microstructures, commonly known as wicks, to transport the
energy facilities, e.g., fuel cell stacks, further improvement of the working fluid to the hot spot for phase change and thereby
power density and the future lightweighting design remain taking away the latent heat. The heat transfer of boiling reaches
challenging due to the rising temperature of the bipolar the limit, resulting in dry out at the hot spot, when the capillary
plates.2−5 In the electronic field, with the ever-increasing rate force cannot surpass the resistance imposed by the viscous loss
of data processing, the power density of electronics has risen. of liquid replenishing and pressure drop from vapor extraction.
The failure rate of electronic systems thus increases exponen- To improve the capillary force of the wicks, diverse micro-
tially with the increased temperature. Reports revealed that 55% structures, including grooves,13 sintered powder/fibers,14
failure is caused by the overheated core electronic compo- mesh,15 and composite structures16,17 have been developed.
nents.6−8 As a result, development of efficient and lightweight Nevertheless, the capillary of those wicks is still far insufficient
cooling devices that can rapidly dissipate heat from those for liquid replenishing from a distance larger than 10 mm.18 In
systems with high power density is desired. High heat- addition, how to increase the effective nucleation sites for boiling
conductive materials are good candidates for this purpose. For while maintaining the strong capillary is vital and remains
example, aluminum and copper are most used materials for unclear.
dissipating heat via conduction. However, those traditional Herein, we report a new microgroove wick on high-
materials are unable to extract the ever-increasing heat flux due conductive copper substrates that were constructed via laser
to the relatively low thermal conductivity. Therefore, new milling (Figure 1a). The phase explosion, combined with
promising materials, such as diamond, graphene, silicon carbide, melting and resolidification effects of the ultraviolet nanosecond
and newly discovered BaS with extremely high thermal pulsed laser induces dense microcavities with sizes around
conductivity, are attracting intensive attentions. But heat
dissipation capacity simply via the heat conduction is limited
and the compatibility issues of the materials induced by direct Received: August 22, 2022
contact between the heat-conductive materials and target Accepted: September 14, 2022
components need careful consideration.9,10 Published: September 26, 2022
Alternately, phase change heat transfer, e.g., boiling heat
transfer, can extract a large amount of heat due to the high latent
heat of the vapor; 11 particularly, when materials with
© 2022 The Authors. Published by
American Chemical Society https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c05381
35339 ACS Omega 2022, 7, 35339−35350
ACS Omega http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acsodf Article

Figure 1. Schematic of the visualized flat heat pipe: (a) heat pipe assembly and wick fabrication and (b) diagram of the flat heat pipe structure.

Figure 2. Visualized heat pipe test system: (a) schematic and (b) digital photo of the visualized heat pipe system and (c) digital photo of the visualized
heat pipe assembly.

several micrometers on the microgroove surface. The of the microgroove wicks to obtain strong capillary and
hierarchical microstructures significantly improve the wettability meanwhile provide abundant effective nucleation sites. The
35340 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c05381
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 35339−35350
ACS Omega http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acsodf Article

boiling heat transfer test implemented on a visualized flat heat assembly was installed on a rotating platform that can be tilted
pipe (Figure 1b) shows that the new wicks enable sustainable to a specific angle (−90°−90°).
liquid replenishing from a distance more than 70 mm even under 2.5. Charge of Working Fluid. The compatibility between
antigravity conditions. The equivalent thermal conductivity of the fluid and wick materials should be carefully considered when
the hierarchical microgroove-wicked flat heat pipe demonstrates selecting the working fluid. Water is compatible with copper and
maximum 33-fold improvement compared with the copper base. has high latent heat and a wide operatable temperature range
This research provides both scientific and technical bases for the (30−200 °C). Therefore, water is a commonly used working
design and manufacture of high-performance phase change medium for electronic heat dissipation equipment. The tilting
cooling devices. angle of the visualized heat pipe assemble was fixed at 50° for the
charge of working fluid. Deionized water was degassed in a
2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION commercial vacuum chamber for at least 30 min to remove the
2.1. Fabrication of Microgroove Wicks. A copper base noncondensable gas and then was pumped into the heat pipe
was immersed in acetic acid for 1 min to remove the surface chamber through valve 1 using a needle. The visualized heat pipe
oxide and contaminants19 before subjected to laser milling using was initially completely flooded to eliminate the nonconden-
an ultraviolet nanosecond laser machining system (KY-M- sable gas inside. Then, valve 1 was closed, and valve 2 was
UV3L, Wuhan Keyi). Scanning interval of 1 μm, scanning speed opened to extract excess water and air between valve 1 and the
of 1500 mm·s−1, and average output power of 3.3 W were held vacuum pump. When the pressure drops to about 5.0 Pa, valve 1
constant during the laser treatment (Figure S1). Microgrooves was opened to remove some water. After each removal, the
with widths of 100 ± 4, 203 ± 5, 303 ± 7 and 404 ± 13 μm were remaining water was collected in the lower part of the visualized
obtained by controlling the scanning path in a strip region. The heat pipe, so that the filling ratio can be calculated by the ratio of
microgroove ridge was set equal to the width for all samples. the water level to the chamber height. Valves 1 and 2 should be
2.2. Capillary Test. The capillary test was implemented on opened frequently and alternately to ensure precise control of
an assembled platform which consists of a high-speed camera, the filling ratio.
XYZ-axial stage, liquid pool, and light source (Figure S2). The 2.6. Data Deduction. The equivalent thermal conductivity
sample for the capillary test was prepared by milling micro- λeff was used to characterize the performance of the heat pipe and
grooves in a region of 6 mm × 30 mm on a copper sheet (60 mm was deduced as follows20
× 20 mm × 2 mm). The as-prepared sample was fixed on the Z-
eff = Q indx/A sdT (1)
axial stage to move downward slowly to the liquid pool. The
high-speed camera was used to record the liquid rising once the
liquid contacted the microgrooves. The videos were then where Qin is the input heating power that can be adjusted with a
postprocessed to extract the frames so that the rising height at DC power supply, T is the surface temperature, AS is the cross-
different times can be measured directly. sectional area of the heat pipe, and x is the coordinate of the heat
2.3. Assembly of Visualized Heat Pipe. The heat transfer transfer surface. The temperature gradient dT/dx can be
performance of microgroove-wicked heat pipe is analyzed on a obtained using the following equation
visualized heat pipe composed of a copper base and a plexiglass
dT /dx = ((T4 T1)/L14 + (T5 T2)/L 25)/2 (2)
cover plate. The copper base with O-ring seal groove and
rectangular recess (77 mm × 25 mm × 3 mm) was directly where Lij represents the distance between thermocouples Ti and
formed by NC machining (Figures S3 and S4). Microgroove Tj (Figures S6−S21). Substituting eq 2 into eq 1, the
wicks were textured in the bottom of the recess. Five holes with a corresponding equation for the equivalent thermal conductivity
diameter of 0.25 mm and a depth of 1.0 mm were drilled at the will be
bottom of the copper base to bury the thermocouples (T-type,
deviation 0.1 °C) for temperature acquisition. To evaluate the = Q in/(2As(T4 T1)/L14 + (T5 T2)/L 25)
eff (3)
heat transfer performance of the heat pipe, a ceramic heater with
adjustable heating power and a copper sink were installed at the
evaporation and condensation sections, respectively, on the back
of the heat pipe. The outlet of the thermostatic for the copper 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
sink was 5 °C (high cooling power) and 20 °C (low cooling 3.1. Surface Property of the Laser-Milled Micro-
power), and the mass flow rate was 0.65 L·min−1. grooves. Physical effects of the nanosecond pulsed laser
2.4. Test Platform for the Heat Pipe. As shown in Figure milling of metal materials include melting, evaporation, boiling,
2a, the visualized heat pipe test system mainly consists of a and phase explosion.21 When the pulsed laser with sufficient
vacuum pump (Edwards, RV8), thermocouples, a pressure energy density acts on the material, the material is heated
sensor, a data acquisition system (Keysight 34970A with rapidly, and the temperature reaches the melting point, boiling
34901A module), a high-speed imaging system, and auxiliary point, and critical temperature of the material in turn. The laser
facilities such as valves and connectors, power supplies, laptops, energy density is too high, and the heat deposition time is too
and light sources. The visualized heat pipe was connected to the short (less than 100 ns); as a result, the surface pressure of the
vacuum through three ball valves, a T-joint, and a KF bellows. material cannot be balanced; the material does not boil in time,
One of the valves (valve 1) was screwed directly into the and thus, the state of superheating is established. When the
plexiglass cover to connect the heat pipe chamber, and valve 2 internal bubbles in the melting materials grow to a certain size
was connected to the T-joint near the pressure sensor (Figure and number, a severe phase transition explosion occurs. The
2b,c). Noncondensable gases significantly reduce the heat explosion zone produces a mixture of steam and liquid/solid
transfer capacity of visual heat pipes, so all valves and micro/nanoparticles.22 Nanosecond pulsed laser energy follows
connections were used in a high vacuum to ensure the removal the Gaussian distribution, and the laser energy density at the
of noncondensing gases. The whole visualized heat pipe beam (x, y) can be expressed as22
35341 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c05381
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 35339−35350
ACS Omega http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acsodf Article

Figure 3. Surface property of laser-milled microgrooves: (a) SEM images of the microgrooves with different widths; (b) static contact angle of the plain
copper and laser-milled copper; (c) XPS spectrum of laser-milled microgrooves.

jij ij (x
2y processing used in this work was calculated to 51.4 J·cm−2. The
jj jj xc)2 + (y yc )2 yzzz zzzz threshold laser energy density that enables phase explosion for
I(x , y) = I0 exp jjj 2jjj zz zz
zz zz
jj jj z zzz copper is 30 J·cm−2,24 which manifests that the materials were
jj 0
k k {{ (4) removed mainly via phase explosion and evaporation from the
center to the outside of the laser spot. By taking advantage of the
where (xc, yc) is the central point coordinate of the spot and ω0 is laser-induced rapid material removal, microgrooves with
the waist radius of the laser beam (ω0 = 10 μm). The peak energy
designed width and depth can be shaped by controlling the
density of the pulsed laser is23
scanning path and scanning cycles. It was notable that the cross-
2E p 2Pa sectional profile of the microgrooves was inverted trapezoid due
I0 = 2
= 2 to the uniform Gaussian-like material removal at the laser milling
0 0 f (5)
region. Particularly, when the width of microgrooves is less than
where Ep is the single pulse laser energy, Pa is the average output 100 μm, which is close to the waist radius of the laser beam, the
power of the pulse laser, and f is the laser repetition frequency. cross-sectional profile of the laser-milled microgrooves is
According to eq 5, the peak energy density of pulsed laser Gaussian-like V-shaped. The violent agitation of the melted
35342 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c05381
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 35339−35350
ACS Omega http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acsodf Article

Figure 4. Capillary test on the microgroove wicks: (a) time-lapse images of capillary rising in the microgroove wicks with widths of 100 ± 4 μm (upper
panel) and 404 ± 13 μm (lower panel); (b) schematic of the capillary rising test; (c) capillary rising height versus time for the microgrooves with
different widths; (d) average capillary rising velocity versus microgroove width; (e) transient capillary rising velocity versus time for microgrooves with
different widths; (f) capillary rising height versus time for microgrooves with different depths; (g) capillary rising height versus time for different
liquids; (h) time-lapse images of capillary rising of different liquids in the microgroove wicks.

metals during phase explosion, together with the resolidification When the liquid wets the microgrooves, meniscus forms at the
effect creates dense microcavities with the size of several sidewall and bottom surface of the microgrooves with the aid of
micrometers (Figures 3a and S5). These unique hierarchical interfacial surface tension. Maximum dimension of the micro-
microgrooves significantly improve the surface superhydrophi- grooves is less than 400 μm, which is much smaller than the
licity (Figure 3b) and provide effective nucleation sites for capillary length lcp = /( g ) , a function of surface tension γ,
boiling heat transfer.25 XPS spectrum illustrates that copper liquid density ρ, and gravity acceleration g (for deionized water,
atoms interact with oxygen atoms in the air under the action of lcp ≈ 2.7 mm). This means that the surface tension governs the
laser, forming binding bonds (Figure 3c). It was evidenced that liquid interfacial shape, rather than the gravity, and it is
the copper oxide has no impact on the thermal conductivity of reasonable to assume a perfect curve of the liquid meniscus in
the copper base and is suitable for the heat transfer application.26 the microgrooves. The radius of the curvature of the liquid
3.2. Capillary Transport. The capillary of the wicks is very meniscus at the sidewall and bottom surface can thus be
important for enhanced phase change heat transfer as it calculated by the following formula
determines the capacity of rewetting and liquid replenishing to
the hot spot, thus dominates the heat transfer limit.27,28 h
rside = ; rfoot =
Microgroove wicks have strong capillary pressure and weak 2 cos A cos A (6)
viscous resistance; in addition, the liquid replenishing direction
can be easily manipulated for heat dissipation application on where θA is the apparent contact angle of the inner surface of the
both 1-D and 2-D regions. microgrooves and ω and h are the width and depth of the
35343 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c05381
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 35339−35350
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Figure 5. The influence of volume filling ratio and inclination angle on the heat transfer performance of the visualized flat heat pipe: (a) the equivalent
thermal conductivity of the visualized flat heat pipes with different volume filling ratios at different inclination angles; (b) schematic of capillary wicking
of the flat heat pipe with different volume filling ratios; temperature across the surface of the flat heat pipe with different volume filling ratios at
inclination angles of (c) −90°, (d) 0°, and (e) 90°.

microgrooves, respectively. Ignoring the effects of hydrostatic rising in microgrooves with a small width. However, an
pressure and air pressure, the Laplace pressure produced by the interesting phenomenon is that the average capillary rising
meniscus can be expressed as velocity Vaverage slows in the microgrooves with a width smaller
2 cos cos than 100 μm (Figure 4d). This is possibly ascribed to the
plap = + = + increased hydraulic resistance imposed on the V-shaped
rside rfoot h (7) channels.29 As shown in Figure 4e, we measured the transient
while the hydraulic resistance is capillary rising velocity Vtransient (Vtransient = (Hτ+5 − Hτ−5)/10,
where τ is the transient moment and H is the rising height at the
ul corresponding time) and found that at the beginning of the
Rf =
A2 (8) capillary, the microgrooves with widths of 50 and 30 μm were
where η is the dimensionless geometrical correction factor, l is faster than that with a width of 100 μm. But as the capillary rising
the capillary rising height, μ is the dynamic viscosity of the liquid, proceeded, hydraulic resistance dominated and thus slowed the
and A = ∫ Ωdxdy is the cross-sectional area. The flow rate qm can average capillary rising velocity.
thereby be calculated using the following formula27 The depth of the microgrooves determines both the Laplace
pressure and hydraulic resistance thus is highly associated with
dl plap the capillary wicking capability of a heat pipe. Substantial
qm = h=
dt Rf (9) capillary rising experiments were implemented to analyze the
impact of the microgroove depth on the capillary wicking
Finally, we can obtain an equation that describes the relationship capacity (Figure 4f). It is found that the rising velocity of the
between liquid transport distance and time by substituting eqs 7 liquid initially creases with the depth but shows no obvious
and 8 into eq 9 improvement when the depth of the microgroove is higher than
i 2 cos 148 μm due to the shape deformation of the deep microgrooves.
dl cos Ay A2
h = jjj A
+ zz
z However, the transported liquid volume for 296 μm depth
dt k h { l (10)
should be larger than that for 148 μm depth due to the increased
According to the above analysis, the capillary driving pressure cross-sectional area of the microgroove.
(Laplace pressure) increases with the decrease of the width of Different working fluids may be used in flat heat pipes under
the microgrooves (Figure 4a−c), thus resulting in fast capillary different working conditions. The capillary performance of those
35344 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c05381
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 35339−35350
ACS Omega http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acsodf Article

Figure 6. Heat transfer performance of microgroove wicks with different depths: the equivalent thermal conductivity of the heat pipes with different
deep microgroove wicks at different input heating powers in the (a) along-gravity, (b) horizontal, and (c) antigravity working conditions; (d)
schematic of the heat pipe with 60 ± 5, 120 ± 6, and 296 ± 17 μm deep microgroove wicks in the antigravity working condition; the temperature
distribution at the bottom of the heat pipe with (e) 60 ± 5 μm, (f) 120 ± 6 μm, and (g) 296 ± 17 μm deep microgroove wicks in the antigravity working

working fluids, which determines the heat transfer capacity, surface (static contact angle θA = 0°). As a result, the
differs with the liquid properties, such as surface tension and superhydrophilic surface combined with microgrooves design
viscosity. Herein, both ethanol and acetone were used to do the can achieve ultrafast capillary transport with an average velocity
capillary rising test and to compare with the DI water results obviously higher than those of the traditional mesh and powder
(Figure 4g). The capillary performance (the rising velocity) sintering structures.13−17
improves with the ratio of surface tension to the viscosity of the 3.3. Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement. The boiling
liquid (γ/μ) according to eq 10. heat transfer makes use of the latent heat of the phase transition
It is clear that γ/μ of DI water (γ/μ = 0.081) is much larger of the working fluid to transfer a large amount of surface heat to
than that of ethanol (γ/μ = 0.020) and acetone (γ/μ = 0.072).30 ensure low surface temperature.31 The form of boiling heat
Thus, both the rising height and rising velocity of the DI water transfer changes from thin film evaporation to nucleate boiling
are higher than those of ethanol and acetone (Figure 4h). and then to film boiling with the increase of superheat of the
According to eq 10, the capillary rising velocity also increases heated surface. Among them, nucleate boiling is the most
with the decrease of apparent contact angle θA of the groove effective. During nucleate boiling, nucleation, growth, and
surface. The microcavities produced by phase explosion and departure of bubbles occur alternately and constantly, taking
resolidification effects during nanosecond pulsed laser milling away the surface heat. However, with the increase of
significantly improve the superhydrophilicity of the groove temperature, the bubbles grow fast and join together to form
35345 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c05381
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 35339−35350
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Figure 7. Heat transfer performance of the visualized flat heat pipe: (a) equivalent thermal conductivity of the visualized flat heat pipe orientated at
different inclination angles at a heating power input of 50 W; equivalent thermal conductivity at different heating powers in (b) antigravity and (c)
along-gravity working conditions; schematic of the liquid film detaining in the flat heat pipe (d) without wicks and (e) with microgroove wicks at an
inclination angle of 30°.

an unstable vapor film, which leads to the surface drying out and wicking with a larger volume-filling ratio is better due to the
the transition from nucleate boiling to film boiling. The surface small distance from the liquid level to the hot spot and weak
heat transfer coefficient decreases significantly, and the surface gravity-imposed resistance (Figure 5b), which ensures an
temperature rises sharply until it burns out32 (Movie S1). Thus, essential liquid film for evaporation on the hot spot and thus
construction of microstructures with strong capillary that can results in much more uniform temperature (Figure 5c−e).
overcome the bubble extraction pressure and viscous resistance Therefore, the equivalent thermal conductivity of the heat pipe
to transport the working fluid to the hot spot for sustainable increases with the filling volume ratio.
boiling was essential. Regarding the heat transfer performance of microgroove
The heat transfer performance of the heat pipe can be wicks with different depths, the equivalent thermal conductivity
evaluated by the equivalent thermal conductivity λeff obtained and the temperature distribution for wick depths of 60, 120, and
using eq 3. According to the equation, higher λeff represents 296 μm were analyzed at different inclination angles. It can be
more uniform surface temperature and better heat transfer seen clearly that the wicks with 296 μm depth show the smallest
performance. temperature gradient and largest equivalent thermal conductiv-
The volume-filling ratio is readily important for a heat pipe; as ity among these three samples at a large-range heating power
a result, the dependence of the heat transfer performance on the input and inclination angle due to a uniform liquid film for
volume-filling ratio should be first investigated and optimized. sustainable evaporation induced by strongest capillary wicking
Additionally, the orientation of the heat pipe affects the capillary capability (Figure 6a−c). This capillary-induced change of the
wicking performance of the wick structures, which is also highly heat transfer performance is particularly significant in the
associated with the volume-filling ratio. Therefore, the influence antigravity working condition with high heating power input.
of the volume-filling ratio at different inclinations of the flat heat For example, the temperature gradient for 120 μm depth rises
pipe on the heat transfer performance was analyzed. obviously between the testing points T3 and T5 when the
As shown in Figure 5a, under the horizontal (inclination of heating power input is higher than 70 W. This is possibly
0°) and along-gravity (inclination of −90°) working conditions, ascribed to that the capillary rising liquid volume in the shallow
the liquid volume-filling ratio of 10% allows for enough space for microgrooves was limited and insufficient for sustainable
effective vapor exaction and meanwhile ensures sufficient evaporation at a high thermal upload (Figure 6d−g). When
capillary wicking to form a thin liquid film at the hot spot for the wick depth is further decreased to 60 μm, the capillary
sustainable evaporation; thus, the volume-filling ratio of 10% wicking weakens; thus, the temperature gradient exhibits the
performs better. However, in the case of antigravity working largest (Figure 6e).
conditions, the capillary wicking capability rather than the space To study the effect of cooling power on the performance of
for vapor exaction dominates the heat transfer performance of a the heat pipe, the outlet of the thermostatic for the copper sink
heat pipe because the gravity hinders the capillary wicking of was varied from 20 °C (low cooling power) to 5 °C (high
working fluid and early dry out normally occurs. The capillary cooling power) and the mass flow rate was maintained constant
35346 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c05381
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 35339−35350
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Figure 8. Time-lapse images of boiling in the visualized flat heat pipe in the along-gravity working condition: (a) boiling on the microgroove wicks with
low cooling power at a heating power of 30 W; boiling on (b) the microgroove wicks and (c) plain copper at a heating power of 50 W with high cooling
power; (d) visualization of the plain copper at a heating power of 20 W with high cooling power.

at 0.65 L·min−1. For the high water-cooled power, the heat plain copper, demonstrating a 10-fold improvement of
extraction rate at the condensation end increases, thus enlarging equivalent thermal conductivity (Figure 7c). Moreover, the
the maximum sustainable thermal uploads of the device but sustainable boiling can be maintained at an input heating power
increasing the temperature gradient and decreasing the as high as 300 W.
equivalent thermal conductivity (Figure 7). However, when the inclination angle of the heat pipe was
At a much low heating power (20 W) and the along-gravity −30° (in the along-gravity working condition, the level of the
working condition, the microgroove-wicked flat heat pipe stars evaporation end was lower than that of the condensation end),
up due to the large amount of effective nucleation sites induced regarding the flat heat pipe without wicks (plain copper filled),
by phase explosion during laser milling, exhibiting a λeff of 644.8 the collected working fluid at the evaporation end and the
W·m−1·K−1, which is 2.8-fold larger than the heat pipe without detained ultrathin liquid film near the evaporation end can
wicks. When the heating power increases, the capillary is the sustain the boiling/evaporation (see Movie S2). Meanwhile, the
main limitation encountered in the working condition of the working fluid in the sample of “plain copper filled” will not be
heat pipe. In addition to the dense nucleation sites, the laser- transported to the condensation end because of the absence of
milled microgroove wicks were also endowed with strong
wicking force. As a result, the cold surface of the condensation
capillary that enable the sufficient liquid replenishing at high
end was exposed to the vapor, and condensation efficiency was
heat flux. At the input heating power of 50 W, the equivalent
thermal conductivity of the microgroove-wicked flat heat pipe much higher than the flat heat pipe with 100 μm wicks where the
that was orientated in the horizontal direction was 39% higher working fluid can be transported back to cover the cold surface
than that of the heat pipe without wicks (Figure 7a). It was of condensation, inhibiting the essential condensation (Figure
notable that the strong capillary of the microgroove wicks can 7d,e). In other words, in the along-gravity working condition
overcome the gravity and replenish the liquid to the hot spot for with inclination of −30°, evaporation and condensation
sustainable evaporation. The equivalent thermal conductivity of function normally for the flat heat pipe without wicks. Therefore,
the microgroove-wicked flat heat pipe at a heating power of 30 it is superior to the flat heat pipe with wicks.
W shows 37% higher than that without wicks in the antigravity On the contrary, when the flat heat pipe was oriented at an
working condition (Figure 7b). inclination of 30° (in the antigravity working condition, the level
In the along-gravity working condition, the advantage of of the evaporation end was higher than that of the condensation
strong capillary of the microgroove wicks is more predominant end), the working fluid must be transported back to the
with the aid of gravity. The heat transfer performance of the evaporation end for sustainable phase change. The flat heat pipe
microgroove-wicked flat heat pipe was much superior to that of with 100 μm wide microgroove wicks has strong capillary for
35347 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c05381
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 35339−35350
ACS Omega http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acsodf Article

liquid replenishing to the evaporation end, and thus, its heat The microcavities induced by phase explosion and resolidifica-
transfer performance is superior to that without wicks. tion during the laser milling are effective nucleation sites for
Regarding the low water-cooled power (the outlet temper- boiling and simultaneously improve the superhydrophilicity to
ature of the thermostatic for the copper sink was set at 20 °C), obtain strong capillary.
the heat extraction rate at the condensation end decreases, thus The maximum thermal conductivity of the microgroove-
lowering the temperature gradient. High equivalent thermal wicked heat pipe in the horizontal working condition was 3064
conductivity can be obtained, but the maximum thermal uploads W/mK for the wick depth of 296 μm, and the maximum data in
are weakened. The thermal uploads of the optimized wicks in the the along-gravity working condition was 6704 W/mK, which is
along-gravity, horizontal, and antigravity working conditions are 2-fold higher than the horizontal condition and 33-fold higher
130, 90, and 90 W, respectively. The maximum obtained than the plain copper without fluid charging.
equivalent thermal conductivity in the horizontal working The new microgroove wick on high-conductive copper
condition is 3064 W/mK for the wick depth of 300 μm, and the substrates were constructed via laser milling that provided
maximum data in the along-gravity working condition is 6704 enlightenments on designing new heat transfer devices, for
W/mK, which is 2-fold higher than the horizontal condition and example, heat pipe to dissipate high flux heat from future
33-fold higher than the plain copper without fluid charging. integrated 5G microelectronic devices or fuel cells which usually
Moreover, the thermal conductivity of the reported device can have limited space for traditional cooling techniques.
be increased further considering the following reasons: (1) the
water-cooled heat sink was used to exact the heat from the
condensation end of the flat heat pipe. This heat sink cooling
* Supporting Information

power was not considered when calculating the equivalent The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
thermal conductivity. Namely, only the heating power at the https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.2c05381.
evaporation end was used as the Qin in the Fourier’s equation (eq
1) to calculate the equivalent thermal conductivity λeff; (2) to Boiling and drying out at 300 heating power input (MP4)
visualize the multiphase interface dynamics, a heterogeneous Comparison of boiling between plain copper and
material (plexiglass cover) was attached on the copper plate to microgroove wicks with 50 W heating power input at
assemble the visualized system; as a result, the size of the heat the inclination of 30° (MP4)
pipe was technically enlarged for setting the O-ring seals and Boiling in the visualized flat heat pipe (MP4)
screwing. Provided that these sealing and fastening features can
Comparison of boiling between plain copper and
be omitted, the equivalent thermal conductivity of the heat pipe
microgroove wicks with 50 W heating power input in
can reach 35755 W/mK (the cross-sectional area of the heat
the along-gravity working condition (MP4)
pipe AS in eq 1 is downsized). Additionally, the visualized flat
heat pipe was assembled by a wicked copper plate and a Laser trajectory; capillary rise measurement system;
plexiglass cover with low thermal conductivity. Hence, the phase drawing of the flat heat pipe; and temperature information
change process occurs only on one side of the device. Assuming across the bottom of the flat heat pipe (PDF)
that both sides of the heat pipe were textured by the optimized
wicks, the equivalent thermal conductivity of the flat heat pipe
can be increased further.
Corresponding Author
To characterize the boiling heat transfer performance of the
Xiaolong Yang − College of Mechanical and Electrical
microgroove wicks, we designed a visualized flat heat pipe with
Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and
microgroove wicks and analyzed the bubble dynamics to reveal
Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, P. R. China; Jiangsu Key
the heat transfer enhancement mechanism of the new wicks. We
Laboratory of Precision and Micro-Manufacturing
observed that the evaporation end of the heat pipe began to boil
Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and
when the heating power reached 50 W under horizontal work
Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, P. R. China; Aero-engine
(Movie S3) or reached 30 W in the 90° along-gravity working
Thermal Environment and Structure Key Laboratory of
condition with the low cooling power (Figure 8a). With the high
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 210016
cooling power, it was visualized that the laser-milled micro-
Nanjing, P. R. China; orcid.org/0000-0002-2324-6172;
groove wicks showed more intense bubble activities at a heating
Email: xlyang@nuaa.edu.cn
power of 50 W (Figure 8b), while the bubble growth frequency
on the surface of plain copper was much lower (Figure 8c,d and Authors
Movie S4). On the other hand, the bubble ebullition occurred at Yimin Li − College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
many sites on the microgroove wicks, and the collision reaction Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing
between bubbles aggravated this reaction. This is because there 210016, P. R. China; Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Precision and
are a large number of nucleation sites on the surface of Micro-Manufacturing Technology, Nanjing University of
microgrooves obtained by laser milling, and thus, bubbles can Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, P. R. China;
nucleate and grow at multiple sites, and the bubble ebullition orcid.org/0000-0002-4527-8925
period is short.33−38 However, the plain copper lacks effective Xu Tian − College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
nucleation sites, bubbles are detected only at the corner, and the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing
ebullition period is long.39 210016, P. R. China; Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Precision and
Micro-Manufacturing Technology, Nanjing University of
4. CONCLUSIONS Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, P. R. China
Microgroove wicks overlaid by dense microcavities with size Yu Tang − College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
around several micrometers were created on the high- Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing
conductive copper base using nanosecond pulsed laser milling. 210016, P. R. China; Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Precision and
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