US10696922 (Patent Fatty Acid)
US10696922 (Patent Fatty Acid)
US10696922 (Patent Fatty Acid)
(12) Bauer
Unitedet al.
States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No.: US 10,696,922 B2
(45 ) Date of Patent: Jun . 30 , 2020
BY ESTER HYDROLYSIS CPC C11C 1/04 ( 2013.01);
C11C 1/08 ( 2013.01); CIIC 3/003 (2013.01 )
( 71) Applicant: L’Air Liquide, Societe Anonyme pour (58 ) Field of Classification Search
l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procedes CPC C11C 1/04 ; C11c 1/08; C11C 3/003
Georges Claude, Paris (FR ) (Continued )
(72 ) Inventors: Ingo Bauer , Bad Vilbel (DE ); Armin
Brandner, Egelsbach (DE ); Gunter ( 56 ) References Cited
Brauner , Bad Wimpfen (DE ); Matthias
Kasper , Rodermark (DE ); Peter U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Potschacher , Frankfurt am Main (DE)
4,185,027 A 1/1980 Logan
( 73) Assignee : L’Air Liquide , Société Anonyme pour FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés
Georges Claude , Paris (FR ) DE 69 321 607 3/1999
GB 594141 11/1947
( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this (Continued )
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154 (b ) by 0 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(21 ) Appl. No.: 16 /316,248 Wang et al., Computers and Chemical Engineering , vol. 58 , pp .
(22) PCT Filed : Jun . 27 , 2017 144-155 , 2013.*
( Continued )
( 86 ) PCT No.: PCT/EP2017 / 025181
$ 371 (c )( 1), Primary Examiner — Deborah D Carr
(2 ) Date : Jan. 8 , 2019 (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Justin K. Murray ;
Elwood L. Haynes
( 87 ) PCT Pub . No .: WO2018 /007022
PCT Pub . Date : Jan. 11 , 2018 (57) ABSTRACT
(65) Prior Publication Data A process and a plant are specified , with which free fatty
US 2019/0211282 A1 Jul. 11, 2019 acids can be obtained in a simple manner by hydrolysis of
fatty acid alkyl esters , especially fatty acid methyl esters
( 30 ) Foreign Application Priority Data (FAME), or alternatively of fatty acid triglycerides present
in oils and fats of vegetable and animal origin . According to
Aug. 7 , 2016 (EP ) 16400026 the invention , a portion of the free fatty acids already
produced is recycled back into the reaction mixture , which
(51) Int. Cl. results in self-acceleration of the hydrolysis reaction .
ci1C 1/04 ( 2006.01)
C11C 1/08 ( 2006.01)
C11C 300 ( 2006.01) 18 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
7 10
H2O 5
2 14
15 13
US 10,696,922 B2
Page 2
International Search Report and Written Opinion for PCT/ EP2017/
025181 , dated Sep. 13 , 2017 .
Wang, et al., “ Product sampling during transient continuous countercur
rent hydrolysis of canola oil and development of a kinetic model,"
Computers & Chemical Engineering , vol. 58 , 2013, pp. 144-155 .
Russell, et al., “ Hydrolysis of Vegetable Oils in Sub- and Supercriti
cal Water," Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research , vol. 36 ,
No. 3 , Mar. 1, 1997 , pp . 932-935 .
Da Silva, et al.,“ Biodiesel production through non -catalytic supercriti
cal transesterification : curren state and perspectives,” Brazilian
Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 31, No. 2, Jun . 1, 2014 , pp .
271-285 .
Saka, et al., “Kinetics in Hydrolysis of Oils/ Fats and Subsequent
Methyl Esterification in Two-Step Supercritical Methanol Method
for Biodiesel Production ," Jan. 1 , 2006 , Retrieved from Internet :
URL : http: // ( retrieved
on Jan. 10 , 2017) .
* cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Jun . 30 , 2020 Sheet 1 of 2 US 10,696,922 B2
10 14 13
11 9
?? +
O) 10
MeOH 18
| -LO 12
14 A
4 16
? 2
FAME H20 2
US 10,696,922 B2
1 2
PROCESS FOR PREPARING FATTY ACIDS is used . As is the case with many homogeneously catalysed
BY ESTER HYDROLYSIS processes, here too , there is the drawback of separation and
workup for reuse of the catalyst from the reaction mixture .
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED A distillative workup of the reaction mixture under reduced
APPLICATIONS 5 pressure is likewise described here, wherein , in a first stage ,
methanol, water and unconverted fatty acid methyl ester are
This application is a § 371 of International PCT Appli removed . In a second stage, the FFA product is then sepa
cation PCT/EP2017 / 025181, filed Jun . 27 , 2017, which rated from the catalyst and the latter is recycled into the
claims the benefit of EP16400026.7 , filed Jul. 8, 2016 , both reaction system .
of which are herein incorporated by reference in their 10 US patent specification U.S. Pat. No. 4,185,027 describes
entireties . an acid - catalysed process using sulphuric acid , p -toluene
sulphonic acid or acidic ion exchanger within a similar
FIELD OF THE INVENTION temperature range to that in DE 69321607 T2 , wherein
propionic acid is additionally added as short-chain carbox
The invention relates to a process for preparing fatty acids 15 ylic acid . This reacts with release of the fatty acid to give
by hydrolysis of fatty acid alkyl esters, especially fatty acid methyl propionate as an intermediate . In this case too , the
methyl esters (FAME), or alternatively of fatty acid triglyc short-chain carboxylic acid added , as well as the catalyst,
erides present in oils and fats of vegetable and animal origin , has to be separated from the reaction mixture in a costly and
at high temperature and high pressure in the liquid phase inconvenientmanner. In the case of use of ion exchangers as
without the addition of external substances extraneous to the 20 catalyst, the removal of catalyst is simplified , but the con
process as homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysts, and to versions described are much lower compared to the conver
the workup of the hydrolysis product obtained to give free sions achieved in the case of homogeneous catalysis (sul
fatty acids. The invention further relates to a plant for phuric acid , p -toluenesulphonic acid ), or high
performing the process . concentrations of, for example , 12 to 27 g of ion exchanger
25 are required per 100 g of FAME in order to achieve high
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION conversions within an appropriate time. Moreover, in this
variant too , the propionic acid added finally has to be
The reverse reaction of esterification is called ester cleav removed from the reaction mixture .
age or ester hydrolysis . In this hydrolysis , one mole of water
is consumed per mole of ester bond , giving rise to one mole 30 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
each of free acid and alcohol. Being the reverse reaction of
esterification, hydrolysis is likewise an equilibrium reaction . The problem addressed by certain embodiments of the
In oleo -technology , the hydrolysis of triglycerides , i.e. the present invention is therefore that of specifying a very
hydrolysis of oils and fats of vegetable and animal origin , is simple process for preparing fatty acids by hydrolysis of
a procedure well known to those skilled in the art for 35 fatty acid alkyl esters at high temperature and high pressure
preparing free fatty acids. For instance, triglycerides are in the liquid phase without addition of external substances
hydrolysed with addition and consumption of water at extraneous to the process as homogeneous or heterogeneous
temperatures of 200 ° C. or higher and at a corresponding catalysts, in which the abovementioned disadvantages occur
water vapour pressure in the liquid phase to glycerol and free only to a minor degree, if at all.
fatty acids (FFA ). An example of an industrial embodiment 40 This problem is solved by a process and a plant having the
of this process is the Lurgi splitting tower process. This type features as disclosed herein .
of reaction regime for ester hydrolysis is established in Process According to an Embodiment of the Invention :
industry and proceeds with high efficiency, since the glyc Process for preparing fatty acids by hydrolysis of fatty
erol that forms separates out of the reaction mixture as a acid alkyl esters , especially fatty acid methyl esters (FAME),
separate phase during the reaction and hence promotes a 45 or of fatty acid triglycerides, can include the following steps :
shift in the reaction equilibrium in the direction of the FFA a ) providing the fatty acid alkyl esters or the fatty acid
target reaction product. Further details of the known proce triglycerides ,
dures for hydrolysis of triglycerides can be found , for b ) reacting the fatty acid alkyl esters or the fatty acid
example, in Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemis triglycerides with water under hydrolysis conditions at
try , Sixth Edition , 1998 Electronic Release , under “ Fatty 50 temperatures of at least 200 ° C., where the pressure is
Acids” , chapter 3.2 “ Fat Splitting ” . chosen such that the water is in the liquid phase and where
For preparation of fatty acids by hydrolysis of fatty acid no external substance extraneous to the process is added
alkyl esters , especially of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), as homogeneous or heterogeneous catalyst,
the literature describes processes which counteract estab c ) discharging a hydrolysis product comprising free fatty
lishment of equilibrium by evaporation of methanol formed 55 acids ( FFA ), water,unconverted fatty acid alkyl esters and
out of the reaction mixture . These processes work at low the corresponding alkanol, especially methanol, or uncon
pressure , for example ambient pressure, within a tempera verted fatty acid triglycerides and glycerol,
ture range of, for example, 70 to 150 ° C. As a result of these d ) feeding the hydrolysis product to a phase separation
low reaction temperatures, it is necessary to catalytically apparatus and separating the hydrolysis product under
accelerate the reaction in order to achieve the desired high 60 phase separation conditions into a light phase comprising
conversions based on industry standard reaction times and free fatty acids and unconverted fatty acid alkyl esters or
residence times . unconverted fatty acid triglycerides and a heavy phase
For example , patent publication DE 69321607 T2 comprising water and methanol or glycerol,
describes splitting of a FAME mixture of methyl caprylate e ) feeding the light phase into a first separation apparatus
and methyl capronate , conducted at ambient pressure in the 65 that works by a thermal separation process and separating
range from 70 to 110 ° C., wherein an acidic ,homogeneously the light phase into a first separation product enriched in
dissolved catalyst comprising alkylbenzenesulphonic acids free fatty acids and a second separation product enriched
US 10,696,922 B2
3 4
in unconverted fatty acid alkyl esters or in unconverted accelerate the formation of the two liquid phases obtained
fatty acid triglycerides, the separation being conducted in from the hydrolysis product . Important parameters in this
such a way that the second separation product further connection are the temperature and the strength of the field
comprises a proportion of free fatty acids, of gravity ( e.g. the Earth's gravity or a higher gravitational
f) discharging the first separation product as FFA product, 5 effect, for example in the case of centrifugation ).
and “ Thermal separation processes” are understood to mean
g ) recycling at least a portion of the second separation all separation processes based on the establishment of a
product to reaction step b ). thermodynamic phase equilibrium . More particularly, in the
Plant According to an Embodiment the Invention : context of the present invention , these are distillation or
Plant for preparation of fatty acids by hydrolysis of fatty 10 rectification , which make use of the establishment of the
acid alkyl esters, especially fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), evaporation equilibrium of the substances involved .
or of fatty acid triglycerides, comprising the following plant If it is a requirement that the separation be conducted in
components: such a way that the second separation product further
a ) means of providing the fatty acid alkyl esters or the fatty comprises a proportion of free fatty acids, the person skilled
acid triglycerides, 15 in the art will be able to configure the underlying thermal
b ) at least one hydrolysis reactor for reacting the fatty acid separation process in such a way that this objective is
alkyl esters or the fatty acid triglycerides with water under achieved . Thus, in the employment of the distillation , he will
hydrolysis conditions at temperatures of at least 200 ° C., correspondingly choose the temperature profiles in the dis
suitable for establishing a pressure at which the water is tillation apparatus, the reflux ratio and the flow rates of the
in the liquid phase at the reaction temperature , 20 top product and the bottom product.
c ) means of discharging a hydrolysis product comprising Means of introducing, discharging, feeding, recycling,
free fatty acids ( FFA ), water, unconverted fatty acid alkyl etc. are understood to mean all means that serve this
esters and the corresponding alkanol, especially metha purpose, i.e. especially but not exclusively pipelines, pumps,
nol, or unconverted fatty acid triglycerides and glycerol, compressors and intermediate vessels .
d ) a phase separation apparatus suitable for separating the 25 Especially in the case ofa continuous reaction regime, all
hydrolysis product under phase separation conditions into plant components are in fluid connection with one another .
a light phase comprising free fatty acids and unconverted Fluid connection between two plant components is under
fatty acid alkyl esters or unconverted fatty acid triglyc stood to mean any kind of connection that enables flow of a
erides and a heavy phase comprising water and methanol fluid , for example the reaction mixture , the hydrolysis
or glycerol,means of feeding the hydrolysis product to the 30 product or the individual separation products, from one to
phase separation apparatus,means of discharging the light the other of the two plant components , regardless of any
phase ,means of discharging the heavy phase, intervening regions or components .
e ) a first separation apparatus which works by a thermal The hydrolysis reactor selected by the person skilled in
separation process, suitable for separating the light phase the art will be a suitable reaction apparatus. More particu
into a first separation product enriched in free fatty acids 35 larly , these are reaction apparatuses having high mixing or
and a second separation product enriched in unconverted back -mixing . Therefore, useful reactors in the case of a
fatty acid alkyl esters or in unconverted fatty acid triglyc batchwise reaction regime are especially stirred reactors,
erides, the second separation product further comprising and useful continuous stirred reactors are , for example ,
a proportion of free fatty acids, means of feeding the light continuous stirred tank reactors , stirred tank cascades or
phase into the first separation apparatus, means of dis- 40 tower reactors with segmented mixing (hydrolysis tower).
charging a first separation product from the first separa These should be designed such that they are suitable for
tion apparatus, means of discharging a second separation establishing the pressure required , which is effected inter
product from the first separation apparatus, alia via the selection of appropriate wall thicknesses and the
f) means of discharging the first separation product as FFA provision of suitable pressure -retaining elements.
product, 45 The invention is based on the finding that the hydrolysis
g ) means of recycling at least a portion of the second of fatty acid alkyl esters and fatty acid triglycerides can be
separation product to the at least one hydrolysis reactor. accelerated in an autocatalytic manner. As soon as the first,
“Under hydrolysis conditions” is understood to mean slight conversion to the reaction products has occurred
those reaction conditions that bring about at least a partial (initiation phase ), the free fatty acid formed , because of its
conversion , preferably a conversion of industrial or eco- 50 acidity , acts as catalyst for the hydrolysis reaction , as a result
nomic relevance, of the fatty acid alkyl esters or the fatty of which the ester hydrolysis is subsequently accelerated .
acid triglycerides to free fatty acids . The person skilled in the Viewed against time, this gives rise to a typical S -shaped
art will select hydrolysis conditionsknown from the prior art profile of the conversion curve .
and , if necessary , modify them on the basis of routine tests As a result of the performance of the separation of the
in order to match them to other boundary conditions of the 55 light phase of the hydrolysis product in such a way that a
process procedure. certain proportion of free fatty acid is still present in the
External substances extraneous to the process are under fraction that also comprises the unconverted fatty acid alkyl
stood to mean those substances that do not take part in the esters and fatty acid triglycerides, and the subsequent recy
hydrolysis reaction or in the converse esterification reaction cling of at least a portion of this fraction into the hydrolysis
as co -reactants , and accordingly do not appear in the cor- 60 reaction , a proportion of free fatty acid gets into the hydro
responding reaction equations. lysis reactor and can have an accelerating effect on the
The terms “ light phase” and “ heavy phase ” relate to the reaction rate of the hydrolysis therein .
respective density ( the " specific weight” ) of the two liquid It should be noted that the equilibrium position of the
phases obtained from the hydrolysis product under phase hydrolysis reaction is shifted toward the reactants by the
separation conditions. 65 supply of free fatty acid as reaction product . With regard to
" Phase separation conditions” are understood to mean all the small amounts of free fatty acid required for the catalytic
physicochemical parameters which enable , promote or action , however, this effect can only be regarded as a minor
US 10,696,922 B2
5 6
effect . Overall, economic advantages result from the higher promoted . In addition , the amount or flow rate of the
reaction rate . These are manifested especially in the case of hydrolysis product is reduced , such that the downstream
a continuous reaction regime, for example in a continuous phase separation apparatus can be made smaller. If the
stirred tank reactor, a stirred tank cascade or another con hydrolysis product that has been freed of a portion of the
tinuous reaction apparatus with high backmixing : in the 5 methanol is to be cooled prior to introduction into the phase
steady state, the fresh , i.e. non -prereacted , reactants fed in separation apparatus, in order to promote phase separation ,
already encounter a non -zero concentration of free fatty acid the reduction in volume additionally results in a reduction in
as catalyst in the hydrolysis reactor. As a result, the initiation the amount of cooling energy required .
phase is effectively skipped and the conversion curve against It is particularly preferable here that the second separation
time immediately rises rapidly . To achieve a defined final 10 apparatus is configured as a flash stage which is preferably
conversion , therefore, there is a reduction in the reactor size configured and operated in an adiabatic manner. As a result ,
required . there is already preliminary cooling of the hydrolysis prod
In the case of a batchwise reaction regime, the invention uct that has been freed of a portion of the methanol prior to
can be employed , for example, such that a portion of the free introduction into the phase separation apparatus, such that
fatty acids obtained from a prior reaction mixture is retained 15 the amount of cooling energy required is reduced . In par
and then added as catalyst to a subsequent reaction batch . ticularly favourable cases in which the adiabatic expansion
In a preferred configuration of the process of the inven already brings about sufficient cooling action , it is possible
tion , the separation of the light phase ( step e )) and /or the as a result for a cooling apparatus upstream of the phase
recycling of at least a portion of the second separation separation apparatus to be dispensed with completely . How
product to reaction step b ) ( step g )) are effected in such a 20 ever, it is generally preferable that a cooling apparatus
way that , during reaction step b ), the proportion of free fatty upstream of the phase separation apparatus is also present,
acids, based on the proportion of fatty acid alkyl ester or since this gives rise to greater degrees of freedom with
fatty acid triglycerides, is > 0 % to 10 % by weight, preferably regard to the adjustment of the temperature in the phase
0.1 % to 8 % by weight, most preferably 0.5 % to 5 % by separation apparatus.
weight. It has been found that a favourable compromise is 25 In a development of the two preferred embodiments
obtained within these free fatty acid concentration ranges discussed above, the methanol-depleted hydrolysis product
between the catalytic acceleration of the reaction on the one is fed to the phase separation apparatus and separated therein
hand and the adverse effect on the equilibrium position on under phase separation conditions into a light phase com
the other hand . prising free fatty acids and unconverted fatty acid alkyl
In a further preferred configuration of the process accord- 30 esters and a heavy phase comprising water and methanol, the
ing to the invention , reaction step b ) is conducted at a heavy phase being at least partly recycled to reaction step b )
temperature of at least 220 ° C., preferably at least 240° C., and the light phase being fed to the first separation appara
most preferably at least 260° C. These reaction temperatures tus. The prior removal of a portion of the methanol from the
are favourable compromises between high reaction rates, the hydrolysis product improves and facilitates the phase sepa
onset of side reactions as a result of thermal breakdown of 35 ration in the phase separation apparatus, since methanol acts
the substances involved , and the technical complexity as solubilizer between the light organic/nonpolar phase and
involved in retaining the pressure , in order to keep water in the heavy aqueous/ polar phase and hence prevents phase
the liquid phase . separation .
In a preferred configuration of a process for preparing Preferably , the phase separation conditions comprise the
fatty acids by hydrolysis of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), 40 cooling of the hydrolysis product or of the methanol
the methanol-comprising heavy phase obtained in step d ) is depleted hydrolysis product to a temperature of s220 ° C.,
fed to a second separation apparatus that works by a thermal preferably s200 ° C., most preferably s180 ° C. This further
separation process and separated into a methanol-enriched improves and facilitates phase separation in the phase sepa
third separation product and a water-enriched fourth sepa ration apparatus. The improvement and facilitation of phase
ration product, the third separation productbeing discharged 45 separation is understood to mean the formation of a very
from the process as methanol product and the fourth sepa sharp , well-defined phase boundary within a minimum time.
ration product being at least partly recycled to reaction step In relation to the aforementioned aspect of the invention ,
b ). In this way, the use of fresh water as reactant is reduced the cooling is brought about by means of a cooling apparatus
and_optionally after further workupamarketable metha upstream of the phase separation apparatus and /or by virtue
nol product is obtained as by -product. Alternatively or 50 of the separation of the methanol -enriched top product from
additionally, methanol can be directly discharged from the the hydrolysis product being conducted adiabatically . The
reaction apparatus as top product. As a result , the reaction adiabatic cooling already results in preliminary cooling of
equilibrium is shifted in the direction of the hydrolysis the hydrolysis product that has been freed of a portion of the
products and hence the hydrolysis reaction is promoted . methanol before it is introduced into the phase separation
In a further aspect of the invention , in a process for 55 apparatus, such that the amount of cooling energy required
preparing fatty acids by hydrolysis of fatty acid methyl is reduced . In particularly favourable cases in which the
esters (FAME), the hydrolysis product obtained in reaction adiabatic expansion already brings about sufficient cooling
step b ) is first fed to the second separation apparatus in action , it is possible as a result for a cooling apparatus
which a methanol- enriched top product is selectively sepa upstream of the phase separation apparatus to be dispensed
rated from the hydrolysis product and discharged from the 60 with completely . In other cases, residual cooling is effected
process as methanol product. In this way too — optionally by means of a cooling apparatus upstream of the phase
after further workup — a marketable methanol product is separation apparatus, but one which can be made smaller
obtained as by -product. because of the prior adiabatic cooling .
Alternatively or additionally , methanol can be directly In a preferred configuration of the process of the inven
discharged from the reaction apparatus as top product . As a 65 tion , in the reaction of the fatty acid methyl ester with water
result, the reaction equilibrium is shifted in the direction of in step b ), the ratio of water to fatty acid methyl ester is at
the hydrolysis products and hence the hydrolysis reaction is least 2 mol/mol, preferably at least 10 mol/mol, most
US 10,696,922 B2
7 8
preferably at least 20 mol/mol. It has been found that, in this Preferably, the plant according to the invention further
way, a favourable compromise between the desired high comprises a cooling apparatus upstream of the phase sepa
conversions and the reactor volume required is achieved . ration apparatus. This can be used advantageously when the
In a particular configuration of the plant according to the cooling action of the adiabatic expansion stage for partial
invention for preparation of fatty acids by hydrolysis of fatty 5 separation of methanol on its own is insufficient for achiev
acid methyl esters (FAME ), said plant comprises a second ing good and rapid phase separation in the phase separation
separation apparatus suitable for separating the heavy phase apparatus.
into a methanol-enriched third separation product and a
water -enriched fourth separation product,means of feeding BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
the heavy phase into the second separation apparatus, means Developments , advantages and possible uses of the inven
of discharging the third separation product from the second tion will also be apparent from the description of working
separation apparatus and of discharging it from the plant as and numerical examples and of the drawings which follows.
methanol product, means of discharging the fourth separa In this context, all features that have been described and/ or
tion product from the second separation apparatus ,means of
recycling at least a portion of the fourth separation product 15 represented in images, in themselves or in any combination ,
form the invention , irrespective of their recapitulation in the
to the at least one hydrolysis reactor. In this way , the use of claims or the dependency references thereof.
fresh water as reactant is reduced and optionally after The figures show :
further workupamarketable methanol product is obtained FIG . 1 the schematic representation of the process accord
as by -product. 20 ing to the invention or of the plant according to the invention
Preferably, the plant according to the invention for prepa in a first configuration,
ration of fatty acids by hydrolysis of fatty acid methyl esters FIG . 2 the schematic representation of the process accord
(FAME) further comprises means of feeding the hydrolysis ing to the invention or of the plant according to the invention
product obtained in the at least one hydrolysis reactor to the in a second configuration.
second separation apparatus,means of selectively separating 25
a methanol-enriched top product from the hydrolysis prod DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
uct,means of discharging themethanol- enriched top product INVENTION
from the plant as methanol product. In this way too
optionally after further workup — a marketable methanol In the schematic flow diagram , shown in FIG . 1 , of a first
product is obtained as by -product. Moreover, the amount or 30 configuration of the process according to the invention or of
flow rate of the hydrolysis product is reduced , and so the the plant according to the invention , the fatty acid methyl
downstream phase separation apparatus can be made ester (FAME) and water (H2O ) are fed to the hydrolysis
smaller. If the hydrolysis product that has been freed of a reactor 3 via conduits 1 and 2. The hydrolysis reactor,
portion of the methanol is to be cooled prior to introduction indicated merely in schematic form , works continuously
into the phase separation apparatus, in order to promote the 35 with vigorousbackmixing and is configured , for example, as
phase separation , the reduction in volume additionally a continuous stirred tank reactor. A portion of the water
results in a reduction in the amount of cooling energy required for the ester hydrolysis can also be introduced into
required . the hydrolysis reactor as steam . Preferably, this is done in
With regard to the last-discussed configuration of the such a way as to additionally contribute to the mixing of the
plant according to the invention , it is particularly preferred 40 liquid reaction mixture, i.e. , for example , by blowing it into
when the second separation apparatus is configured as a the liquid mixture . It may also be the case that the steam
flash stage , preferably as an adiabatic flash stage. As a result, serves as heat carrier for heating of the contents of the
there is already preliminary cooling of the hydrolysis prod reactor.
uct that has been freed of a portion of the methanol prior to The reactor pressure is chosen such that the reaction
introduction into the phase separation apparatus, such that 45 mixture remains in the liquid phase at the reaction tempera
the amount of cooling energy required is reduced . In par ture established by a heating apparatus which is not shown
ticularly favourable cases in which the adiabatic expansion in the diagram . The pressure is adjusted in a known manner
already brings about sufficient cooling action , it is possible via the vapour pressure of the components involved and
as a result for a cooling apparatus upstream of the phase optionally additionally by addition of an inert gas .
separation apparatus to be dispensed with completely . How- 50 On attainment of a particular final conversion , the hydro
ever, it is generally preferable that a cooling apparatus lysis product leaves the hydrolysis reactor via conduit 4 , is
upstream of the phase separation apparatus is also present, cooled in the cooling apparatus 5 and is then fed to the phase
since this gives rise to greater degrees of freedom with separation apparatus 7 via conduit 6. The phase separation
regard to the adjustment of the temperature in the phase apparatus in the example shown is a simple vessel with
separation apparatus . 55 overflows and outlets for a heavy liquid phase and a light
In a further aspect of the plant according to the invention liquid phase, in which the phases are separated under gravity
for preparation of fatty acids by hydrolysis of fatty acid owing to the different density of the two liquid phases .
methyl esters (FAME), said plant further comprises means From the phase separation apparatus , the light nonpolar
of feeding the methanol-depleted hydrolysis product to the phase comprising the free fatty acid product (FFA ) and
phase separation apparatus, means of recycling at least a 60
portion of the heavy phase to the at least one hydrolysis
unconverted fatty acid methyl ester is removed via conduit
8 and introduced into the first separation apparatus which , in
reactor, means of feeding the light phase to the first sepa the example shown, is configured as a distillation . In the
ration apparatus . The removal of a portion of the methanol distillative separation of the light phase, a fraction enriched
from the hydrolysis product improves and facilitates the in free fatty acids is obtained ( first separation product),
phase separation in the phase separation apparatus, since 65 which is discharged from the process as FFA product via
methanol acts as solubilizer between the light organic / conduit 10. The remaining fraction (second separation prod
nonpolar phase and the heavy aqueous/ polar phase . uct)which is recycled via conduits 11 and 1 to the hydrolysis
US 10,696,922 B2
9 10
reactor 3 comprises , as well as unconverted fatty acid methyl been removed from the liquid phase beforehand . Because of
ester, also traces of methanol and significant proportions of the more rapid phase separation , the phase separation appa
free fatty acid . The latter , after being recycled into the aratus 7 in the configuration shown in FIG . 2 can thus have
smaller design .
hydrolysis reactor, acts as catalyst for the conversion of 5 In the distillative separation in the first separation appa
further fatty acid methyl ester to free fatty acid . ratus 9 to which the light phase is applied via conduit 8, a
The heavy polar phase comprising unconverted water and fraction enriched in free fatty acids is obtained (first sepa
methanol as co -product of the ester hydrolysis is removed ration product ),which is discharged from the process as FFA
from the phase separation apparatus 7 via conduit 12 and product via conduit 10. The remaining fraction (second
introduced into the second separation apparatus 13 which , in
the example shown,is likewise configured as a distillation. 10 separation
reactor 3 via conduits 11 and 1 comprisesthe, ashydrolysis
product ) which is recycled to well as
In the distillative separation of the heavy phase, the top unconverted fatty acid methyl ester, also traces ofmethanol
product obtained from distillation is a methanol product and significant proportions of free fatty acid . The latter, after
(MeOH ) (third separation product), which is discharged being recycled into the hydrolysis reactor, acts as catalyst for
from the process via conduit 14 and optionally sent to further the conversion of further fatty acid methyl ester to free fatty
workup. The bottom product obtained is a water-enriched 15 acid .
fraction (fourth separation product), which is recycled via The heavy polar phase discharged from the phase sepa
conduits 15 and 2 to the hydrolysis reactor 3 . ration apparatus 7 via conduit 12 , comprising unconverted
In the schematic diagram of a second configuration of the water and methanol as co - product of the ester hydrolysis, is
process according to the invention or of the plant according 20 recycled via conduit 12 and conduit 2 to the hydrolysis
to the invention shown in FIG . 2 , the process procedure as reactor 3 .
far as reference numeral 3 corresponds to that in FIG . 1. On Of all the recycle streams in the working examples shown
attainment of a particular final conversion , the hydrolysis in FIG . 1 and FIG . 2 , small proportions can be discharged
product leaves the hydrolysis reactor via conduit 4 , but is and discarded (purged ), in order to prevent the accumulation
then subjected to adiabatic ( flash ) expansion by means of 25 of impurities and other unwanted components .
expansion valve 16 and introduced via conduit 17 into the In both working examples discussed , it is possible to
second separation apparatus 13a , which is configured here discharge a methanol-rich stream as top product from the
as a simple phase separation apparatus for separation of a reaction apparatus via a conduit which is not shown . In this
gaseous,methanol- enriched phase (third separation product) way, the reaction equilibrium is shifted in the direction of the
from a methanol-depleted liquid phase (fourth separation 30 hydrolysis products and hence the hydrolysis reaction is
product). The top product obtained from the phase separa promoted .
tion apparatus 13a is a methanol product (MeOH ) (third
separation product ), which is discharged from the process NUMERICAL EXAMPLES
via conduit 14 and optionally sent to further workup .
On account of the adiabatic expansion , the temperature of Reaction Parameters
the fourth separation product is lower than that of the 35 To demonstrate the hydrolysis reaction , experiments were
hydrolysis product leaving the hydrolysis reactor 3. As a conducted in an autoclave with various experimental param
result, the cooling apparatus 5 to which the methanol eters and FAME chain lengths. The reaction mixture was
depleted liquid phase is applied via conduit 18 can be stirred here at a stirrer rotation speed of 500 min - 7. The
designed in a smaller size in terms of the cooling output 40 experimental results obtained are compiled in Table 1.
required to establish a defined temperature in the phase Within experiment series 1 , a distinct acceleration of the
separation apparatus 7 . conversion profile with increasing temperature becomes
Via conduit 6 , the methanol-depleted liquid phase is apparent. At 240 and 260 ° C. an identical final state is
applied to the phase separation apparatus 7 , the properties achieved , whereas at 220 ° C. the observation time was
and mode of operation ofwhich correspond substantially to 45 insufficient to attain this state .
those that have been elucidated in FIG . 1. However, the The effect of methanol discharge by means of flash
phase separation proceeds more easily or quickly compared evaporation during the reaction is shown by the comparison
to the configuration shown in FIG . 1, since methanol, which between Examples lc and 2a . The conversion achieved is
acts as a solubilizer between the polar and nonpolar phase about 5 % higher in the final state of the reaction mixture if
and hence makes the phase separation more difficult, has methanol has been removed from equilibrium .
FAME conversion as a function of reaction time, temperature and water/FAME ratio
Experiment No.
la 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c 4a 4b
time/h FAME conversion
0.5 h 2% 5% 24 % 21 % 12 % 5% 7% 10 % 3% 12 % 10 %
1.0 h 7% 23 % 60 % 63 % 43 % 32 % 26 % 33 % 13 % 44 % 41 %
1.5 h 19 % 61 % 74 % 73 % 61 % 44 % 52 % 58 % 37 % 68 % 58 %
2.0 h 35 % 76 % 78 % 75 % 63 % 45 % 72 % 72 % 52 % 71 % 62 %
3.0 h 58 % 80 % 80 % 75 % 63 % 45 % 77 % 75 % 62 % 72 % 63 %
4.0 h 67 % 80 % 80 % 75 % 63 % 45 % 79 % 75 % 62 % 72 % 63 %
* water/FAME ratio [mol of water per mole of FAME ]
**methanol was evaporated ( flashed ) out of the reaction mixture by lowering the pressure during the reaction
% w /w % w /w
20 Water 43.1
Water 64.2
Methanol 5.3 Methanol 6.8
FAME 8.3 FAME 19.9
FFA 30.1
Lower phase 50 % vol 54 % vol 57 % vol Lower phase not determined 48 % vol 39 % vol
component Water- + methanol-rich heavy phase
Water- + methanol-rich heavy phase 25
% w /w % w /w % w /w
% w /w % w /w % w /w
Water 86.9 89.5 84.6
Water 89.1 92.1 93.2 Methanol 8.1 8.1 8.3
Methanol 5.9 5.7 5.9 FAME 1.8 0.7 3.7
FAME 1.1 0.4 0.2 30 FFA 3.2 1.7 3.4
FFA 3.9 1.8 0.7
Industrial applicability
Formation of an FFA- and FAME -rich light phase and of The invention provides a process and a plant with which
a water- and methanol- rich heavy phase was observed . With free fatty acids can be obtained in a simple manner by
decreasing phase separation temperature (2a/ 1> 2a /2 > 2a/3 ),
hydrolysis of fatty acid alkyl esters , especially fatty acid
the separation was completed such that there was further methyl esters (FAME), or alternatively of fatty acid triglyc
enrichment of FFA and FAME in the light phase and further erides present in oils and fats of vegetable and animal origin .
enrichment of water and methanol in the heavy phase . Since the process does not require the use of external
Phase Separation of the Reaction Mixture in the Final 40 heterogeneous
substances extraneous
catalysts ,toparticular
the process as homogeneous
economic and ecologicalor
State from Experimental Example 2b
The reaction mixture from experimental example 2b (for advantages are obtained , since there is no need for any
catalysts to be recovered from the hydrolysis product and
preparation see Table 1 ) with a water/ FAME ratio of 8 subsequently regenerated or disposed of in a costly and
mol/mol was produced in an autoclave equipped with a 45 inconvenient manner. The autocatalytic action of the free
sightglass . Thus , the observation of phase volumes and the fatty acids added to the reaction mixture permits a reduction
controlled sampling of the individual phases was enabled . in size of the reaction apparatuses used for achievement of
As a result of the good solubility ratios of the relatively a fixed production rate.
short-chain reactants and products in one another in this While the invention has been described in conjunction
case Cg-FAME as reactant), a homogeneous reaction mix- 50 with specific embodiments thereof, it is evident that many
ture formed here too in the final state of the reaction . In the alternatives, modifications, and variations will be apparent
course of cooling of this homogeneous reaction mixture, to those skilled in the art in light of the foregoing descrip
commencement of phase formation was observed from 227 ° tion . Accordingly, it is intended to embrace all such alter
C. (cloud point). The cooling was continued gradually and natives, modifications, and variations as fall within the spirit
the phases that formed were each determined volumetrically 55 and broad scope of the appended claims. The present inven
tion may suitably comprise, consist or consist essentially of
and analysed (see Table 4 ).
Again , the formation of an FFA- and FAME-rich light of the elements disclosed and may be practiced in the absence
an element not disclosed . Furthermore , if there is lan
phase and of a water- and methanol-rich heavy phase was guage referring to order, such as first and second , it should
observed . Here too , the separation was completed with 60 be understood in an exemplary sense and not in a limiting
decreasing phase separation temperature (2b /1 > 2b /2> 2b /3) sense . For example , it can be recognized by those skilled in
in such a way that there was further enrichment of FFA and the art that certain steps can be combined into a single step .
FAME in the light phase and further enrichment of water and The singular forms “ a ”, “ an ” and “ the ” include plural
methanol in the heavy phase . An exception here is the water referents , unless the context clearly dictates otherwise .
and methanol-rich heavy phase in Example 2b /3 . In the 65 “ Comprising ” in a claim is an open transitional term
course of cooling to 180 ° C., cloudiness (an emulsion ) was which means the subsequently identified claim elements are
observed , which explains the deviation in its composition . a nonexclusive listing ( i.e., anything else may be addition
US 10,696,922 B2
15 16
ally included and remain within the scope of " comprising " ). enriched in free fatty acids and a second separation
“ Comprising” as used herein may be replaced by the more product enriched in unconverted fatty acid alkyl esters ,
limited transitional terms “ consisting essentially of ” and the separation being conducted in such a way that the
“ consisting of” unless otherwise indicated herein . second separation product further comprises a propor
“ Providing” in a claim is defined to mean furnishing, 5 tion of free fatty acids ;
supplying, making available, or preparing something. The f) discharging the first separation product as FFA product;
step may be performed by any actor in the absence of and
express language in the claim to the contrary. g ) recycling at least a portion of the second separation
Optional or optionally means that the subsequently
described event or circumstances may ormay not occur. The 10 2. product to reaction step b ).
The process according to claim 1, wherein feeding step
description includes instances where the event or circum e ) and/ or recycling step g) are effected in such a way that,
stance occurs and instances where it does not occur.
Ranges may be expressed herein as from about one during reaction step b ), the proportion of free fatty acids,
particular value , and /or to about another particular value . based on the proportion of fatty acid alkyl ester, is > 0 % to
When such a range is expressed , it is to be understood that 15 10 3.% by weight.
The process according to claim 1, wherein reaction step
another embodiment is from the one particular value and /or b ) is conducted at a temperature of at least 220 ° C.
to the other particular value, along with all combinations 4. The process according to claim 1, wherein the metha
within said range.
All references identified herein are each hereby incorpo nol-comprising heavy phase obtained in step d ) is fed to a
rated by reference into this application in their entireties, as 20 second separation apparatus that works by a thermal sepa
well as for the specific information for which each is cited . ration process and separated into a methanol-enriched third
separation product and a water-enriched fourth separation
LIST OF REFERENCE NUMERALS product, the third separation product being discharged from
the process as methanol product and the fourth separation
[ 1 ] conduit 25 product being at least partly recycled to reaction step b ).
[ 2 ] conduit 5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the hydro
[3 ] hydrolysis reactor lysis product obtained in step b ) is first fed to the second
[ 4 ] conduit separation apparatus in which a methanol- enriched top prod
[5 ] cooling apparatus uct is selectively separated from the hydrolysis product and
[ 6 ] conduit 30
discharged from the process as methanol product.
[7 ] phase separation apparatus 6. The process according to claim 5, wherein the second
[ 8 ] conduit separation apparatus is configured as a flash stage which is
[ 9 ] first separation apparatus (distillation ) preferably configured and operated in an adiabatic manner.
[ 10 ] conduit 7. The process according to claim 5 , wherein the metha
[ 11 ] conduit 35
nol-depleted hydrolysis product is fed to the phase separa
[12] conduit
[ 13 ] second separation apparatus (distillation ) tion apparatus and separated therein under phase separation
[13a ] second separation apparatus (phase separation appa conditions into a light phase comprising free fatty acids and
ratus, flash ) unconverted fatty acid alkyl esters and a heavy phase
[ 14 ] conduit 40 comprising water and methanol, the heavy phase being at
[ 15 ] conduit least partly recycled to reaction step b ) and the light phase
[ 16 ] expansion valve being fed to the first separation apparatus .
[ 17 ] conduit 8. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the phase
[ 18 ] conduit separation conditions comprise the cooling of the hydrolysis
The invention claimed is : 45 product or of the methanol-depleted hydrolysis product to a
1. A process for preparing fatty acids by hydrolysis of temperature of s220 ° C.
fatty acid alkyl esters, the process comprising the following 9. The process according to claim 8 , wherein the cooling
steps: is brought about by means of a cooling apparatus upstream
a ) providing the fatty acid alkyl esters ; of the phase separation apparatus and /or by virtue of the
b ) reacting the fatty acid alkyl esters with water under 50 separation of the methanol-enriched top product from the
hydrolysis conditions at temperatures of at least 200 ° hydrolysis product being conducted adiabatically .
C., where the pressure is chosen such that the water is 10. The process according to claim 1, wherein the phase
in the liquid phase and where no external substance separation conditions comprise the cooling of the hydrolysis
extraneous to the process is added as homogeneous or product or of the methanol-depleted hydrolysis product to a
heterogeneous catalyst ; 55 temperature of s180 ° C.
c ) discharging a hydrolysis product comprising free fatty 11. The process according to claim 1, wherein the ratio of
acids (FFA ), water, unconverted fatty acid alkyl esters water to fatty acid methyl ester in the reaction of fatty acid
and methanol ; methyl ester with water in step b ) is at least 2 mol/mol.
d ) feeding the hydrolysis product to a phase separation 12. A plant for preparation of fatty acids by hydrolysis of
apparatus and separating the hydrolysis product under 60 fatty acid alkyl esters, comprising the following plant com
phase separation conditions into a light phase compris ponents :
ing free fatty acids and unconverted fatty acid alkyl a ) means of providing the fatty acid alkyl esters ;
esters and a heavy phase comprising water and metha b ) at least one hydrolysis reactor for reacting the fatty acid
nol; alkyl esters with water under hydrolysis conditions at
e ) feeding the light phase into a first separation apparatus 65 temperatures of at least 200 ° C., suitable for establish
that works by a thermal separation process and sepa ing a pressure at which the water is in the liquid phase
rating the light phase into a first separation product at the reaction temperature ;
US 10,696,922 B2
17 18
c ) means of discharging a hydrolysis product comprising uct and a water- enriched fourth separation product , means of
free fatty acids (FFA ), water, unconverted fatty acid feeding the heavy phase into the second separation appara
alkyl esters and methanol; tus, means of discharging the third separation product from
d ) a phase separation apparatus suitable for separating the the second separation apparatus and of discharging it from
hydrolysis product under phase separation conditions 5 the plant as methanol product, means of discharging the
into a light phase comprising free fatty acids and fourth separation product from the second separation appa
unconverted fatty acid alkyl esters and a heavy phase ratus , means of recycling at least a portion of the fourth
comprising water and methanol, means of feeding the separation product to the at least one hydrolysis reactor.
14. The plant according to claim 13, further comprising
hydrolysis product to the phase separation apparatus,
means of discharging the light phase ,means of dis- 10 means of feeding the hydrolysis product obtained in the at
least one hydrolysis reactor to the second separation appa
charging the heavy phase;
e ) a first separation apparatus which works by a thermal ratus , means of selectively separating a methanol-enriched
separation process , suitable for separating the light top product from the hydrolysis product, means of discharg
ing the methanol- enriched top product from the plant as
phase into a first separation product enriched in free 15 methanol product.
fatty acids and a second separation product enriched in 15. The plant according to claim 14 , wherein the second
unconverted fatty acid alkyl esters, the second separa separation
tion product further comprising a proportion of free ably as an apparatus adiabatic
is configured as a flash stage , prefer
flash stage.
fatty acids, means of feeding the light phase into the 16. The plant according to claim 14, further comprising
first separation apparatus, means of discharging a first 20 means of feeding the methanol-depleted hydrolysis product
separation product from the first separation apparatus, to the phase
means of discharging a second separation product from a portion ofseparation the heavy
apparatus, means of recycling at least
phase to the at least one hydrolysis
the first separation apparatus ;
f) means of discharging the first separation product as reactor , means of feeding the light phase to the first sepa
ration apparatus.
FFA product; and
g ) means of recycling at least a portion of the second 25 acid17.alkyl The process according to claim 1 , wherein the fatty
esters comprise fatty acid methyl esters (FAME).
separation product to the at least one hydrolysis reactor. 18. The plant according to claim 13, wherein the fatty acid
13. The plant according to claim 12 , further comprising a alkyl esters comprise fatty acid methyl esters (FAME).
second separation apparatus suitable for separating the
heavy phase into a methanol-enriched third separation prod