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( 12 ) United States Patent ( 10) Patent No .: US 10,807,929 B2

Chan et al . (45 ) Date of Patent : Oct. 20 , 2020
( 54 ) PROCESS FOR PREPARING ETHYLENE ( 56 ) References Cited
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Ferry, NJ (US ) 3,563,914 A 2/1971 Wattimena
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( 72 ) Inventors: Chun Chau Chan , Brooklyn , NY (US ); 3,867,113 A 2/1975 Foster et al .
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Barry Jay Billig , Irvington, NY (US ) ; 4,160,116 A
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( 73 ) Assignee: Scientific Design Company, Inc. , Little 4,766,105 A 8/1988 Lauritzen
Ferry, NJ (US ) 4,778,567 A 10/1988 Kakimoto et al .
4,875,909 A 10/1989 Kakimoto et al .
( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this ( Continued )
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( 21 ) Appl . No .: 16 /399,153 CN 1208135 A 2/1999
CN 103709001 A 4/2014
(22 ) Filed : Apr. 30, 2019 (Continued )
( 65 ) Prior Publication Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS
US 2019/0330134 A1 Oct. 31 , 2019 International Search Report dated Aug. 12 , 2019 , received in
International Application No. PCT/US2019 /029830 .
Related U.S. Application Data (Continued )
( 60 ) Provisional application No. 62/ 664,603 , filed on Apr.
30 , 2018 . Primary Examiner Yate ' K Cutliff
(74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Scully Scott Murphy and
( 51 ) Int . Ci . Presser
C07C 29/152 ( 2006.01 )
C07C 29/153 ( 2006.01 ) ( 57 ) ABSTRACT
( 52) U.S. CI. An improved catalytic hydration process that includes a
CPC C07C_29 / 152 ( 2013.01 ) ; C07C 29/153 catalytic hydration reaction section containing adiabatic
(2013.01) reactors with ion exchange resin catalyst and which main
( 58 ) Field of Classification Search tains low resin swelling and excellent selectivity while also
CPC C07C 29/10 ; C07C 29/106 ; C07C 29/152 ; reducing process complexity and increasing versatility.
C07C 29/153
See application file for complete search history . 16 Claims , 4 Drawing Sheets

30 *


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( 56 ) References Cited EP 2121646 B1 2/2011

JP 2010528113 A 8/2010
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS WO 0035840 A1 6/2000
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FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Van Hal , J. W., et al . , “ Investigation of three types of catalysts for
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US 10,807,929 B2
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PROCESS FOR PREPARING ETHYLENE oxide to monoethylene glycol . However, while effective at
GLYCOL suppressing the production of higher ethylene glycols , using
a large excess of water relative to ethylene oxide presents a
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED problem for the plant operator in removing these large
APPLICATION 5 excesses of unreacted water because such removal is energy
intensive and requires large - scale evaporation /distillation
The present invention claims the benefit of U.S. Provi facilities . Accordingly, there has been intensive research into
sional Patent Application No. 62 /664,603 filed Apr. 30 , alternatives to the standard thermal hydration of ethylene
2018 , the entire content and disclosure of which is incor oxide for the production of ethylene glycol .
porated herein by reference . 10 One early example of an alternative to conventional
thermal hydration is the homogeneous catalytic hydration of
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ethylene oxide to monoethylene glycol . The earliest
examples of this approach included the homogeneous
The role of ethylene glycol in society has advanced catalysis of sulfuric acid and their associated salts ( see
considerably from the time when shortly after its first 15 Othmer, D. F. and Thakar, M. S. , Glycol Production
synthesis the molecule's properties became the subject of a Hydration of Ethylene Oxide . Ind . Eng . Chem . 1958 , 50 ,
fierce dispute between two giants of early organic chemistry, 1235 ) . European Patent No.0123 700 described refinements
Adolphe Wurtz and Hermann Kolbe . In particular, Wurtz of these earlier generations of acid catalysts by treating them
and Kolbe disputed ethylene glycol's functionality and with, e.g. , ethylamines to partially neutralize them in the
chemical formula among the still emerging understanding of 20 hope of improving the selectivity of the hydration reaction
alcohol homologs , which were key to Kolbe's greater theo to monoethylene glycol . Since then other salts have been
ries about chemical structure . The laboratory soon became a proposed for homogeneous systems, such as quaternary
proxy war of the rising industrial and technical might of the phosphonium salts as described in U.S. Pat . No. 4,160,116
growing rivalry between Germany and France with both and metallate and bicarbonate salts as described in U.S. Pat.
countries devoting considerable resources to the scientific 25 No. 7,683,221 . Increasingly creative combinations of
investigation and Wurtz's wizardry at chemical synthesis organic species such as EDTA and Salen compounds have
giving France a considerable advantage. The dispute was also been proposed as homogeneous catalysts ( see Hal , J.
ended only by resort to arms when Bismarck's German W., Ledford , J. S. , and Zhang, X. , Catalysis Today 123
Confederation annexed Wurtz's Alsatian homeland as a ( 2007 ) , 310-315 ) .
result of the Franco -Prussian war and thus, essentially 30 Homogeneous catalyst systems are often utilized in a
turned an international dispute into a domestic one . two - step process for manufacturing ethylene glycol , see e.g. ,
Today, interest in ethylene glycol is more peaceful but all U.S. Pat. No. 4,519,875 in which ethylene oxide is first
the more competitive because ethylene glycol is one of the reacted with carbon dioxide to manufacture ethylene car
most widely produced organic chemicals. Since large scale bonate , which is then hydrolyzed to ethylene glycol , with
industrial production of ethylene glycol began on the eve of 35 typically the same catalyst being used in both steps . Fol
the First World War, dramatic increases in the use of the lowing this pioneering patent, continued research has pro
internal combustion engine to power automobiles and other duced incremental refinements in the two - step process. For
vehicles has spurred demand for ethylene glycol as a coolant example , in U.S. Pat . No. 5,763,691 , the carbonation reac
and antifreeze. Since then , the increase in the production of tion is catalyzed in the ethylene oxide absorbate in the
ethylene glycol has only accelerated, so that by 2017 , the 40 presence of a halogenated organic phosphonium salt car
estimated worldwide production of ethylene glycol was in bonation catalyst . Additional research has considerably
excess of 25 billion tons . expanded the scope of known catalysts ; see for example
Ethylene glycol is typically prepared as one of many of macrocyclic chelating compounds ( " crown ethers ”)
the derivatives of ethylene oxide , and though other produc described in U.S. Pat . No. 7,453,015 .
tion routes are available , most is produced from ethylene 45 While homogeneous catalysts improved the selectivity of
oxide in a liquid phase non- catalytic thermal hydration the hydration reaction towards ethylene glycol compared to
process. Because ethylene oxide reacts with ethylene glycols non - catalytic hydration, homogeneous catalysts have draw
more readily than it reacts with water it is inevitable that a backs that more than offset these improvements. In particu
mixture of monoethylene glycol (MEG) , as well as higher lar, the glycol product solution contains soluble or sus
glycol coproducts, such as diethylene glycol ( DEG ) , trieth- 50 pended homogeneous catalyst essentially contaminating
ylene glycol (TEG) and yet still higher ethylene glycols will the product with the catalyst that is detrimental to product
be formed . Although these higher glycols have considerable quality as well as highly corrosive as , for example, in the
economic value , many producers and plant operators wish to case of acid catalysts . Thus, an additional step of separating
avoid producing them because the end- user market for these the homogeneous catalyst from the glycol product solution
products is not as well developed and it may be difficult to 55 is necessary increasing the cost and complexity of the
find and distribute these higher glycols to industrial con process is required. For example, while U.S. Pat. No.
sumers who have a need for them . 5,763,691 mentioned above seeks to simplify the two -step
In order to suppress the reaction between product glycol ethylene glycol manufacturing by reacting the ethylene
and ethylene oxide and thereby reduce the formation of oxide and carbon dioxide in the absorbate , the patent still
these higher glycols , conventional non -catalytic hydration is 60 requires a separate distillation step for removing the car
performed with an amount of water that far exceeds the bonation catalyst.
stoichiometric amount of water for the hydration of ethylene This process complexity brings with it the additional flaw
oxide to ethylene glycol , e.g. , 15 to 40 moles of water per that it is neither very versatile nor flexible. For example, the
mole of ethylene oxide . This addition of excess water is process lacks the flexibility to be operated partially catalyti
effective at balancing the kinetically - favored competing 65 cally, i.e. , in a mixed catalytic and non - catalytic mode
reaction between product glycol and ethylene oxide , which which would allow more higher glycols to be produced
as mentioned above competes with the hydration of ethylene should the operator so desire and would also accommodate
US 10,807,929 B2
3 4
the plant in case of some logistical or operational upset hydration reactor, which as mentioned above may be outside
where it was not capable of operating in a catalytic mode , for the range of temperatures that the resin can satisfactorily
example when sufficient catalyst is not available . The two tolerate.
step hydration process also lacks the versatility to be used Swelling is not only a problem in itself but can also reduce
both for new plants and revamps. The two - step hydration 5 efficiency and complicate the catalytic hydration process; for
process can be used only for new plants and cannot be used example , when the excess swelling requires that the resin be
for revamps because in the case of revamps it would be replaced and thus, the catalytic hydration unit in which it is
necessary to remove and replace the entire "back - end ,” contained taken offline. Various attempts have been made to
making such a revamp cost -prohibitive. A drawback of the address these difficulties, including attempts to find resins
two - step hydration process is the need to inventory concen 10 less
prone to swelling under typical operating conditions and
addition developing various process modifications the
trated ethylene oxide ( greater than 70 % concentration ) for
the production of the ethylene carbonate intermediate in the attempt to either improve performance as well as or in
first step of the process. The carbonation reaction in the first addition
828 086
to reducing swelling . For example, EP Patent No. 1
discloses the use of " guard beds ” designed to
step is conducted by bubbling carbon dioxide into this 15 remove impurities that purportedly can cause resin swelling ,
concentrated liquid ethylene oxide solution at high tempera but such efforts have been ineffectual .
ture and pressure (e.g. , greater than 1.6 MPa) . The large Rather than protecting the resins with a guard bed to
volume of concentrated ethylene oxide requires consider attempt to minimize swelling , another more successful
able additional measures (e.g. , the provisioning of liquid approach outlined in PCT Publication WO2008/ 150338
cold storage) to prevent reactions or events that could result 20 seeks not to protect the resin but instead facilitate the process
in ignition , combustion, deflagration, detonation or explo of removing the ion exchange resin that has exceeded its
sion of any gas stream , but especially those containing usable life by the hitherto unsuggested operation of the
higher than typical concentrations of ethylene oxide . catalytic reactor in an upflow mode, which expands the
Unsurprisingly, given the aforementioned drawbacks of catalyst bed, allows for segregation of the catalyst particles
both non -catalytic and homogeneous catalyzed hydration 25 by size and thereby the selective removal of swollen par
systems , heterogeneous catalysis using solid or supported ticles . A still further approach is that shown in U.S. Pat . No.
catalysts has also been investigated . Those looking for the 6,160,187 , which asserts that reductions in swelling can be
benefits of higher -selectivity of catalytic hydration without obtained under adiabatic reaction conditions and the use of
the aforementioned disadvantages have turned their atten an adiabatic reactor. However, the examples contained in the
tion toward heterogeneous catalyst systems . Because het- 30 ’ 187 Patent did not actually demonstrate any improvement
erogeneous catalysts are not absorbed into the liquid phase in swelling performance of the resins, nor have there been
reaction or product solutions, do not contaminate products subsequent developments of adiabatic operation, whose
solutions, do not require a separation step , and facilitate development has been neglected .
continuous operation of the hydration reactor there has been Accordingly, while there have been several promising
considerable interest in them . 35 developments in individual aspects of heterogeneous cata
A variety of solid materials have been proposed as het lytic hydration , there remains a considerable need for further
erogeneous catalysts for hydration . This list include zeolites improvements of catalytic hydration under adiabatic process
such as those described by U.S. Pat. No. 3,028,434 as well conditions .
as amorphous aluminosilicates, solid base and supported
acid catalysts such as those disclosed by U.S. Pat. No. 40 BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
4,165,440 . Ion exchange resins have also been proposed
with partially amine neutralized sulfonic acid styrene-divi The present invention relates to a liquid phase process for
nyl benzene resin described in EP 0 123 709 ; quaternary the production of ethylene glycol comprising: providing a
phosphonium ion exchange resin catalysts , see PCT Publi water stream and an aqueous ethylene oxide feed stream ;
cation WO 2000/35840; and strong base ion exchange resins 45 dividing the aqueous ethylene oxide feed stream into at least
as summarized by U.S. Pat . No. 6,211,419 being among the a first equal proportion and a second equal proportion ;
first ion exchange resins proposed to catalyze the reaction of combining the first proportion and the water stream to form
water and ethylene oxide . More recent publications have a first feedstream ; feeding the first feedstream into an inlet
expanded the field to wide swaths of anion exchange resins, of a first adiabatic reactor, the inlet of the first adiabatic
see e.g. , CN Patent No. 1208135 . 50 reactor being at an inlet temperature; reacting the ethylene
While strong results have been achieved using heteroge oxide and water in the presence of a first ion exchange resin
neous ion exchange resin catalysts , there are also certain catalyst in the first adiabatic reactor to thereby produce a first
disadvantages to their use . In particular, ion exchange resin reactor effluent stream containing water, ethylene glycol ,
have limited tolerance to heat, so that under typical reaction and unreacted ethylene oxide ; withdrawing the first reactor
conditions over long service times the resins experience 55 effluent stream from an outlet of the first adiabatic reactor ;
swelling leading to deactivation . Swelling , which results cooling the first reactor effluent stream through a heat
from internal polymerization within the resin bed and the exchanger located downstream of the first adiabatic reactor
overall buildup of high molecular weight byproducts, is a to the hydration temperature; combining the second propor
serious issue that is the essential limiting factor in the tion and the cooled product stream to form a second feed
lifespan of an ion exchange resin . Resins typically experi- 60 stream ; conveying the second feedstream to an inlet of a
ence some reversible swelling during operation as they are second adiabatic reactor, the inlet of the second adiabatic
exposed to solvents; however, through careful management reactor being at the hydrolysis temperature ; reacting ethyl
this swelling can be mitigated and the effective life of the ion ene oxide and water contained in the second feedstream in
exchange resin extended . However, exposure of the ion the presence of a second ion exchange resin catalyst in the
exchange resin to ethylene oxide can cause a more prob- 65 second adiabatic reactor to thereby produce a second reactor
lematic and irreversible swelling of the resin especially effluent stream containing water, ethylene glycol , and unre
when such exposure occurs at the higher temperatures of the acted ethylene oxide ; wherein the first adiabatic reactor and
US 10,807,929 B2
5 6
the second adiabatic reactor each contain an ion exchange conventional non - catalytic adiabatic reactor cannot advan
resin catalyst in a fixed catalyst bed and the outlet tempera tageously be configured to have multiple reactor stages in
ture is higher than the inlet temperature . series with injection of fresh aqueous ethylene oxide solu
tion . In such a configuration the introduction of fresh eth
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL 5 ylene oxide to a reactor effluent stream containing an appre
VIEWS OF THE DRAWINGS ciable concentration of product glycols would cause the
excessive reaction of product glycols to undesirable higher
The foregoing summary, as well as the following detailed glycols . In the present invention , these problems are
description of preferred embodiments of the invention , will addressed by providing a catalytic hydration reaction section
be better understood when read in conjunction with the 10 with two or more adiabatic reactors in series, inter-stage
appended drawings . For the purpose of illustrating the cooling between each reactor, and injection of fresh aqueous
invention, there is shown in the drawings embodiments ethylene oxide solution to each reactor. The inter- stage
which are presently preferred. It should be understood, cooling removes the heat of reaction of the effluent, reducing
however, that the invention is not limited to the precise its temperature so that it may be combined with fresh
arrangements and instrumentalities shown . In the drawings: 15 aqueous ethylene oxide solution for the next successive
FIG . 1 is a schematic flow sheet for a process for reactor stage . The present invention makes use of both the
preparing a concentrated ethylene oxide stream as incorpo cooled effluent temperature from each inter -stage cooler and
rated in the present invention ; the proportion of fresh aqueous ethylene oxide injection to
FIGS . 2-3 are schematic flow sheets for process embodi each reactor to control the maximum temperature in each
ments for preparing ethylene glycol according to the present 20 mance
reactor. within a range desirable for catalyst life and perfor
Moreover, from a process perspective cooling by
invention; and
FIG . 4 is a schematic flow sheet showing a simulated external inter - stage heat exchangers is easier, more efficient,
exemplary method according to the present invention for and less complicated than configuring the appropriate duty
preparing ethylene glycol . for internal reactor cooling, and can be adjusted to absorb
25 normal fluctuations in the process while maintaining the
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE performance of the catalytic reactors . Thus, the use of a
INVENTION series of adiabatic reactors such as this present invention
improves process versatility and allows for a revamping or
All parts, percentages and ratios used herein are expressed retrofitting of a conventional non - catalytic hydration process
by volume unless otherwise specified. All pressures are 30 into a catalytic one , as will be described in greater detail
absolute . All documents cited herein are incorporated by below .
reference. In the present invention these benefits are achieved while
By " water" it is meant any kind of water suitable for use still preserving the high selectivity of preceding catalytic
in chemical and petrochemical processing , including deion hydration systems to monoethylene glycol . In each adiabatic
ized, demineralized , industrial, potable and distilled water. 35 reactor bed , ethylene oxide and water react in the presence
Condensate of steam and condensate obtained from the of a heterogeneous catalyst (such as ion -exchange resin ) to
dehydration and evaporation section of the glycol manufac form monoethylene glycol with at least 98 % of the ethylene
ture process may also be used. oxide converted into monoethylene glycol , with only small
By the present invention, an improved adiabatic catalytic percentages being converted into higher glycols like dieth
hydration process has been developed in which catalyst 40 ylene glycol or triethylene glycol .
swelling is reduced, process flexibility is considerably Thus, by the present invention an improved process
improved , and the process is configured such that it can be scheme has been developed that includes a catalytic hydra
advantageously employed to revamp a non - catalytic process tion reaction section containing adiabatic reactors in series,
to a catalytic one . A particular advantage of the present which maintains low resin swelling and excellent selectivity
invention is that a series of adiabatic reactors are used with 45 while also reducing process complexity and increasing ver
injection of fresh aqueous ethylene oxide solution to each satility.
adiabatic reactor. Conventionally, the non - catalytic hydra This catalytic hydration reaction section (also " reaction
tion reaction is carried out in a single adiabatic reactor section ” ) prepared according to the present invention as
without regard to the outlet, or maximum temperature of the described above is shown as 25 in FIG . 2 and will be
reactor. Such operation could pose particular hazards for the 50 described in greater detail below. The reaction section 25 is
ion exchange resins of the present invention since tempera fed with , among other feed streams, a water feed stream 36 ,
tures outside the temperature range designated for such a liquid cold feed stream conduit 40 , which is highly
resins can increase swelling and reduce catalyst life as enriched with ethylene oxide and which is provided at
discussed above . pressures high enough to keep ethylene oxide in liquid . The
Rather than use these single - stage adiabatic reactors and 55 reaction section 25 includes a finishing adiabatic non -cata
the disadvantages which accompany them ( such as high lyzed thermal EO hydrolysis reactor 26 , which assures total
temperature in the presence of the catalyst) , the present conversion of remaining unconverted EO ( present in the last
invention instead makes use of multi-stage adiabatic reactors adiabatic reactor effluent of the reactor train 22 ) to ppm
arranged in series with external inter-stage cooling and levels , reducing the total required catalytic reactor volume of
injection of fresh aqueous ethylene oxide solution to each 60 reactor train 22 significantly.
stage . Since no heat is removed in the adiabatic reactor, the Any suitable means for generating this liquid feed stream
temperature of the effluent exceeds the temperature of the which is highly enriched with ethylene oxide is applicable to
feed, and the heat of reaction must be removed from the the present inventive process for catalytically producing
effluent by a coolant after each stage . This is particularly ethylene glycol . One suitable means for doing this is the
important to prevent the aforementioned resin swelling and 65 direct two - stage flash absorber - stripper section shown in
to prevent excessive non- catalytic reaction of product gly FIG . 1. FIG . 2 shows the communication between absorber
cols with ethylene oxide to higher glycols . Further, the stripper section 1 and the reaction section 25 that has been
US 10,807,929 B2
7 8
prepared according to the present invention . A process for Residence times in commercial - scale reactors are generally
preparing ethylene oxide with reference to this direct two on the order of about 2 to about 20 seconds .
stage flash absorber - stripper section will now be described In FIG . 1 the scrubbing column liquids ( hereinafter
in more detail. referred to as the “ rich cycle water ” stream ) flows through
Ethylene oxide is produced by continuously contacting an 5 conduit 1 and is supplied to a flash drum 5. The rich cycle
oxygen - containing gas with an olefin , preferably ethylene, in water stream is an aqueous stream comprising 1.5 mol % to
the presence of an ethylene oxide (" epoxidation " ) catalyst 4 mol % ethylene oxide with some dissolved light gases such
(described in greater detail below ) . Oxygen may be supplied as methane, ethylene and others. This rich cycle water
to the reaction in substantially pure molecular form or in a 10 stream is supplied at a pressure of preferably between about
mixture such as air. By way of example, typical reactant feed 0.4 MPa to about 0.6 MPa to the flash drum 5. An absorber
mixtures under operating conditions may contain from about unit 9 is permanently and directly and permanently affixed
0.5 % to about 45 % , preferably about 5 % to about 30 % of to the top of the flash drum 5 and an opening is provided in
ethylene and from about 3 % to about 15 % oxygen , with the the flash drum for communication with the absorber 9. In the
balance comprising comparatively inert materials including is present invention the pressure in both the flash drum 5 and
such substances as carbon dioxide, water, inert gases , other absorber 9 assembly is maintained within a sufficient range
hydrocarbons, and the reaction moderators described herein . so that when the rich cycle water enters the flash drum 5 the
Non - limiting examples of inert gases include nitrogen , “ light” gases that are dissolved in the rich cycle water that
argon , helium and mixtures thereof. Non- limiting examples have a volatility greater than that of ethylene oxide flash out
of the other hydrocarbons include methane, ethane , propane 20 of rich cycle water on entering the flash drum 5 and the light
and mixtures thereof. Carbon dioxide and water are byprod gas vapor is directed by pressure differential between the
ucts of the epoxidation process as well as common contami flash drum 5 and the absorber 9 to rise upwardly through the
nants in the feed gases . Both have adverse effects on the opening into the absorber 9 to form the overhead of the
catalyst, so the concentrations of these components are absorber 9 , while the ethylene oxide solute stays largely
usually kept at a minimum . 25 solubilized within the rich cycle water stream in the liquid
Also present in the reaction , as previously mentioned , are bottoms of the flash drum 5. These more volatile “ light”
one or more reaction moderators , non- limiting examples of gases include the aforementioned inert, unreacted or byprod
which include organic halogen -containing compounds such uct gas rich cycle water solutes (In addition, traces of
as C , to Cg halohydrocarbons; especially preferred are chlo ethylene oxide may also vaporize with the more volatile
ride - containing moderators such as methyl chloride , ethyl 30 light gases in the rich cycle water stream .) The small
chloride , ethylene dichloride, vinyl chloride or mixtures amounts of ethylene oxide that effervesce out of the rich
thereof. Controlling chloride concentration level is particu cycle water and rise into the absorber 9 with the light gas
larly important with rhenium -containing catalysts . solute vapor may be recovered by an downwardly -moving
As mentioned above, a usual method for the ethylene wash stream ( not shown) to absorb and recover the upwardly
epoxidation process comprises the vapor -phase oxidation of 35 moving ethylene oxide ).
ethylene with molecular oxygen , in the presence of an As mentioned above , the absorber 9 is directly and
epoxidation catalyst, in a fixed -bed tubular reactor. Conven permanently affixed to the top surface of the flash drum 5 , by
tional, commercial fixed -bed ethylene -oxide reactors are for example, welding . The absorber 9 is affixed to the flash
typically in the form of a plurality of parallel elongated tubes drum 5 in the same manner as a still - column and reboiler
( in a suitable shell ) approximately 0.7 to 2.7 inches O.D. and 40 configuration well -known to those skilled in the art. More
0.5 to 2.5 inches I.D. and 15-53 feet long , each filled and specifically, the absorber 9 is affixed to the flash drum 5
packed with catalyst . The reaction feed mixture ( described along the longitudinal axis of the flash drum 5 but is
above) is introduced into these tubes, and the resulting preferably fixed at the midpoint of the longitudinal axis. The
reactor effluent gas contains ethylene oxide , un -used reac cross - section of the absorber 9 matches the shape of the
tants , and byproducts. 45 opening in the flash drum 5 over which the absorber 9 is
For purposes of illustration only, the following are con affixed and which allows communication between the flash
ditions that are often used in current commercial ethylene drum 5 and the absorber 9. The cross - section of the absorber
oxide reactor units: a gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) of and the shape of the opening in the flash drum 5 have the
1500-10,000 h - 7, a reactor inlet pressure of 150-400 psig , a same matching shape and that shape may be any shape
coolant temperature of 180-315º C. , an oxygen conversion 50 between a circle and an ellipse , between an eccentricity of
level of 10-60% , and an EO production rate (work rate ) of O and an eccentricity of 1. The opening in the flash drum 5
7-20 lbs . EO / cu.ft. catalyst /hr. The feed composition in the and the absorber 9 are aligned so that the center of the
reactor inlet after the completion of start-up and during opening is collinear with the center of the absorber 9 .
normal operation typically comprises (by volume % ) 1-40 % Configuring the opening in the flash drum 5 and the shape
ethylene, 3-12 % O2 ; 0.3 % to 20% , preferably 0.3 to 5 % , 55 of the absorber 9 and their respective alignments ensures
more preferably 0.3 to 1 % of CO2 ; 0-3 % ethane, an amount that there is proper fluid communication between these two
of one or more chloride moderators, which are described elements . The absorber 9 is preferably welded flush to the
herein ; and the balance of the feed being comprised of argon , inner diameter of the opening made in the flash drum 5 so
methane , nitrogen or mixtures thereof. that the outer diameter of the absorber 9 is flush with the
Typical operating conditions for the ethylene epoxidation 60 diameter of the opening in the flash drum 5 .
process involve temperatures in the range from about 180 ° In order to ensure the balance between flashing the more
C. to about 330 ° C. , and preferably, from about 200 ° C. to volatile " light" solutes while maintaining high solubility of
about 325 ° C. , and more preferably from about 225 ° C. to ethylene oxide in the rich cycle water, the pressure in the
about 280 ° C. The operating pressure may vary from about flash drum 5 is maintained at about 0.1 MPa to about 0.3
atmospheric pressure to about 30 atmospheres, depending 65 MPa and the pressure in the absorber 9 to which there is
on the mass velocity and productivity desired . Higher pres direct communication is just slightly lower than the pressure
sures may be employed within the scope of the invention . in the flash drum 5. The temperature of the gases at the top
US 10,807,929 B2
9 10
of the absorber 9 is from about 30 ° C. to about 45 ° C. , while systems or elsewhere in the ethylene oxide plant both
the temperature in the flash drum 5 is from about 50 ° C. to upstream and downstream of what is illustrated . The sepa
about 60 ° C. ration in the stripper 15 is so effective that nearly all of the
The overhead components of the absorber 9 are returned ethylene oxide in the rich cycle water that enters the stripper
through conduit 12 to the upstream reaction section ( not 5 15 is successfully separated and recovered from the rich
shown ) as possible recycle to the reactor . The rich cycle cycle water and leaves the stripper 15 as net liquid overhead
water flows as liquid bottoms from the flash drum 5 through stream while only a very small portion of EO leaves the
pump 14 and through optional heat exchanger 20 (which stripper 15 elsewhere.
preheats the stream ) and to the stripper 15. The pressure in The pressurized stripper -overhead stream made in stripper
the stripper 15 in maintained by control of the back pressure 10 15 flows at elevated pressure through conduit 30 from the
provided by the vapor vent from vent condenser 19. The stripper section 1 to the reaction section 25 as shown in FIG .
temperature in the stripper 15 overhead is to be from about 2. In the present invention the reaction section contains two
25 ° C. to about 40 ° C. and the stripper 15 bottoms is about or more reactors . In FIG . 2 , a reaction section 25 is shown
120 ° C. to about 160 ° C. The rich cycle water stream can be with a train of four catalytic reactors arranged in series
preheated in heat exchanger 20 to reduce the duty necessary 15 configuration with each separated by a heat exchanger.
to operate the stripper 15. The pressure in the stripper 15 is Specifically, as shown in FIG . 2 and also in more detail in
maintained within a range of about 0.2 MPa to about 0.6 FIG . 3 , the reactor section 25 shows a reactor train 22 of four
MPa . The stripper 15 may also utilize a steam ejector system down - flow , fixed -bed , series - arranged adiabatic reactors, 38 ,
well- known to those skilled in the art, with steam supplied 40 , 46 , and 52 with three inter - stage coolers , on - line heat
from either : ( 1 ) steam generated elsewhere in the ethylene 20 exchangers 39 , 43 , and 49. The reactor are designated as the
oxide production facility or ( 2 ) medium- or high -pressure first adiabatic reactor 38 , the second adiabatic reactor 40 , the
steam supplied externally /OSBL ; or a combination of these third adiabatic reactor 46 , and the fourth adiabatic reactor
two sources . 52 , but as used herein these adiabatic reactors 38 , 40 , 46 , and
The pressurized stripper -overhead stream flows through 52 may also be referred to as “ reactors ” .
conduit 30 to the reaction section 25 as shown in FIG . 2. The 25 As discussed above , such inter - stage cooling is necessary
stream flows to a condenser 16 and then to a flash drum 17 because the reaction of water with ethylene oxide is highly
that separates the flashed light gases from the concentrated exothermic , so is it necessary to remove the heat of reaction
ethylene oxide aqueous liquid stream that feeds pump 18 . from the product or outlet streams when the reaction occurs
The discharge of pump 18 splits into two streams: one in adiabatic reactor as in the present invention to avoid
stream as a reflux back to the stripper 15 and one net product 30 excessive reactor bed temperature rise that can compromise
liquid aqueous stream concentrated in ethylene oxide . The the life of temperature sensitive catalyst such as ion -ex
flashed light gases from flash drum 17 flow to a vent change resins. This differs from isothermal conditions where
condenser 19 to further recover ethylene oxide from the the heat of reaction is removed directly from the reactor.
flashed vapor stream and control the amount of dissolved Maintaining the ion exchange resin catalyst at temperatures
light gases in the concentrated liquid ethylene oxide solution 35 that the resin can tolerate is of course critical to reduce
40. Compared to the highly diluted aqueous solution found swelling , prevent degradation and maximize catalyst life. If
at a comparable location in the ethylene oxide recovery operated properly the adiabatic temperature rise can be
section of the conventional process , pressurized stripper controlled to a level which maintains both good performance
overhead stream is considerably more enriched in ethylene and life.
oxide , containing at least about 40 mol % , preferably at least 40 Lastly, positioned down - stream of the reactor train 22 is
about 50 mol % ethylene oxide with the balance of being a conventional non -catalytic adiabatic pipe reactor 26 ( this
mostly water . The pressurized stripper -overhead stream is reactor of course contains no catalyst ).
thus supplied both at high concentrations of ethylene oxide As the pressurized stripper overhead stream flows through
and at high pressure . This makes the stream extremely useful conduit 30 into the reactor section, it is divided into equal
for further processing into ethylene glycols via catalytic 45 proportions among the four reactors in series ; then the first
hydrolysis on a highly economical basis as the stream does equal proportion of highly concentrated ethylene oxide
not need to be further enriched or pressurized in a down stream is mixed with a source of water 36 ( previously heated
stream processing steps . Another advantageous process in a heat exchanger 35 ) , in a mixing device, e.g. , a static
option of the present invention is that the liquid bottoms of mixer, to create a dilute aqueous ethylene oxide feed stream
the stripper 15 , which is a lean cycle water solution con- 50 37. Stream 36 is heated in a heat exchanger 35 in order to
taining little ethylene oxide ( from about 1 molar ppm to bring mixed stream 37 to a temperature of between 50 ° C.
about 50 molar ppm) and which is also free of light and 90 ° C.
components as well as impurities, may in preferable Also present is a water stream 36. The water stream 36
embodiments be used in a variety of other heat integration may be taken from any source of water, including OSBL , but
schemes elsewhere in the plant depending on need and 55 preferably is taken from another section in the ethylene
conditions . oxide/ethylene glycol plant. For example, the water may
Under these circumstances of streams having a higher come from the recovery condensed water from ethylene
than typical ethylene oxide concentration , operators will glycol evaporation section of the plant specifically the
continue to maintain appropriate safety standards that are water may be condensed from the overhead vapor of one or
always observed when producing, handling or storing eth- 60 more of the evaporators in the evaporation section .
ylene oxide . As always , measures must be taken to prevent When taken together, the water stream 36 and pressurized
reactions or events that could result in ignition , combustion , stripper overhead stream flowing through conduit 30 form
deflagration , detonation or explosion of any gas stream , but the combined diluted feed stream to the reactor train 22. This
especially those containing higher than typical concentra combined feed stream will have a stoichiometric excess of
tions of ethylene oxide. Accordingly, to prevent such events 65 water to ethylene oxide than is necessary for the hydration
relief devices may be used to relieve or reduce undesirable of ethylene oxide to ethylene glycol , however, the amount of
pressure built -up in the process , reaction , or separation this excess is considerably lower than the excess amount
US 10,807,929 B2
11 12
used in the prior art . Accordingly in the present invention the phase. Accordingly, the temperature and pressure in each
combined streams 40 and 36 have molar ratio of water : reactor is such that as the streams are supplied to and enter
ethylene oxide mole ratio of about 5 : 1 to about 15 : 1 , into each reactor, they are maintained in the liquid phase .
preferably about 7 : 1 to about 12 : 1 . And thus, because the The temperature and pressure in each reactor is thus regu
combined overall feed stream contains less water, the final 5 lated to maintain the contents of the reactor in a liquid phase .
reactor train product stream 88 will also have correspond The choice of temperature is largely determined by the
ingly lower amounts of water that need to be removed from considerations of the aforementioned paragraphs. Thus
the product, as described below . given the temperature ranges, below, in the present invention
The aqueous ethylene oxide contained in stripper product with the reactor contents being in liquid form , the pressure
liquid stream 40 is divided into four approximately equal 10 will be between about 0.5 MPa to about 1.5 MPa , preferably
streams 57 , 61 , 64 , and 67 , each of these streams containing 0.8 MPa to 1.2 MPa .
approximately equal molar amounts of water and ethylene In selecting the temperature, two competing requirements
oxide . Of these, stream 57 is combined with water stream 36 must be balanced . First , the temperature of the inlet in the
( after being heated in heat exchanger 35 ) to form the feed present invention must be sufficiently high to drive the
stream 37 to reactor 38 so that the molar ratio of water : 15 hydration reaction of ethylene oxide so that the conversion
ethylene oxide in feed stream 37 is about 40 : 1 to about 10 : 1 , of ethylene oxide to monoethylene glycol is complete or
preferably about 30 : 1 to about 20 : 1 . This is a considerable nearly complete. Specifically , by “ complete ”, “ nearly com
improvement over conventional operation of catalytic and plete ", or " completion ” it is meant the conversion percent
non -catalytic hydration. By co -feeding stream 57 along with age of ethylene oxide to monoethyelene glycol should be
the water stream 36 to the first reactor 38 and then co- 20 about at least 97 % , preferably at least about 99 % . Thus, the
feeding the other equal portions ( 61 , 64 , 67 ) of the aqueous temperature at the inlet to reactors 38 , 40 , 46 , and 52 must
ethylene oxide feed stream 40 with reactor effluent (70 , 73 , be within the range of about 50 ° C. to about 90 ° C. ,
76 ) a high diluted water: ethylene oxide ratio in the feed preferably within the range of about 70 ° C. to about 85 ° C.
stream to each reactor can be obtained while simultaneously However, the temperature in the reactor (and consequently
maintaining a lower overall water :ethylene oxide ratio in the 25 at the reactor outlet) should not be too high because , as
product stream 88 at the end of the reactor section which is mentioned above , a significantly high temperature increase
fed to the evaporators for water removal. Thus, the reaction inside the reactor causes swelling and degradation of the ion
of ethylene oxide and water is catalyzed in the presence of exchange resin . High temperatures in the reactor are the
ion exchange resin and at a significant excess of water to result of the exothermic hydration reaction and so to mod
ethylene oxide . This encourages selectivity to monoethylene 30 erate any temperature increase this heat of reaction must be
glycol production and suppression of higher glycol homolog removed . In such applications, adiabatic reactors have con
formation — there is thus a benefit of both effects . And yet siderably fewer process complications but have the disad
this is maintained while having a final product that is much vantage that they do not remove the heat of reaction .
more concentrated in ethylene glycol and thus requires far Accordingly, in the present invention it has been discovered
less energy in the evaporation section . For example in the 35 that the temperature rise can nonetheless be at least partially
present invention the final product of the reactor section, the moderated by the superabundant water in each reactor which
combined reactor product 88 , may have a water : ethylene acts as a heat sink . Thus, while one goal of the present
glycol ratio of 10 : 1 or even lower while by contrast in a invention is to reduce the amount of water used in the
conventional plant the glycol reactor effluent sent to the production of ethylene glycol , nonetheless at least a mini
evaporation section has a water : ethylene oxide mole ratio of 40 mum amount of water is necessary to moderate the tem
about 25 : 1 , thus reducing the amount of heat duty necessary perature increase in the reactors arising from the exothermic
for evaporation of the excess water by a factor of at least 2.5 . reaction . As described above , both of these goals are met in
A significant advantage of the present invention is that the the present invention by dividing the aqueous ethylene oxide
water : ethylene oxide mole ratio can be adjusted and opti feed stream 40 into four equal portions 57 , 61 , 64 , and 67
mized as necessary and desired for catalyst and energy 45 and co - feeding ( “ stage feeding ” terminology can also be
usage , ethylene oxide availability, and product yield require used) them to form the feed streams to reactors 38 , 40 , 46 ,
ment. 52. With this inventive configuration a high water :ethylene
Having illustrated the overall operational scheme of the oxide ratio is obtained inside each reactor moderating the
reactor section and the benefits of the present invention, the exotherm so that at the outlet of each reactor the temperature
process of the present invention will now be described in 50 is between about 85 ° C. to about 120 ° C. , preferably
further detail with continued reference to FIG . 3 . between about 100 ° C. to about 110 ° C.
As mentioned above, streams 57 and 36 are combined to Despite the success of the present invention at moderating
form the feed stream 37 to the first reactor and thus, the the temperature rise in the reactor it may nonetheless be
catalyst bed outlet temperature of reactor 38 is regulated by necessary to reduce the reactor effluent temperature still
controlling the heating of the water stream 36 in the 55 further until reaching the acceptable inlet temperature range
exchanger 35 , which will in turn control the inlet tempera mentioned above . In order to do this streams 70 , 73 , and 76
ture of the stream 37. The catalyst bed outlet temperature in are passed through heat exchangers 39 , 43 , and 49 , respec
the successive series reactors 40 , 46 , and 52 is each regu tively . This presents an opportunity for heat integration as a
lated with the use of exchangers 39 , 43 , and 49 , respectively, flow stream ( not pictured) from outside the reaction section
used to cool the feed stream to each reactor. 60 may be heated in any of heat exchangers 39 , 43 , and 49 by
Regulating temperature and pressure are important parts indirect heat exchange with the reactor effluent from one or
of the process of the present invention . The hydration more of the series reactors .
reaction in the present invention is carried out as a liquid As noted above , at higher temperatures there is nearly
phase process . In the present invention by “ liquid phase complete conversion of ethylene oxide to monoethylene
process” it is meant that the feed streams supplied to the 65 glycol—at lower inlet temperatures not all of the ethylene
reactor, the reactor product or reactor effluent streams, and glycol will react and detectable amounts of ethylene oxide
the reactants inside the reactor are maintained in the liquid will appear and remained unreacted ( “ break through ” ) in the
US 10,807,929 B2
13 14
reactor effluent. In certain situations it may be desired to ethylene oxide feed stream 40 to form the third feedstream
reduce the inlet temperature in order to reduce the ethylene 75 which reacts in the presence of a third ion exchange resin
oxide conversion to allow for more ethylene oxide break catalyst bed in the third reactor 46 to form a third reactor
through — when for example it is desired to extend the life of effluent 76. The third reactor effluent 76 cooled in heat
the ion exchange resin catalyst or in other situations, as 5 exchanger 49 and combined with equal portion 67 to form
described below . a fourth feedstream 77 , which reacts in the presence of a
In addition to the above -mentioned parameters and oper fourth ion exchange resin catalyst bed in the fourth reactor
ating conditions , other factors that may be considered when 52 to form a fourth reactor effluent 79 , each effluent becom
operating the process include but are not limited to : reactor ing successively more enriched in monoethylene glycol as
and process configuration , the conversion rate and selectiv- 10 described above .
ity of the ion exchange resin catalyst , and reactants flow rate In addition to the previously described reactor train 22
( LHSV) . This unique reactor configuration allows flexibility encompassing the four down - flow , fixed -bed series reactors ,
in choosing reactor operating parameters that best suits plant the reactor section 25 also includes a conventional pipe
operation targets in terms of catalyst and energy usage , reactor 26 to which the fourth reactor effluent 79 may be
ethylene oxide availability, and product yield requirement. 15 supplied to after being heated in heat exchanger 55. In the
In addition, the preparation of the highly concentrated present invention this pipe reactor 26 is configured and
ethylene oxide liquid feed stream 40 that feeds the present operated to provide hitherto unknown levels of versatility
invention reduces considerably the number of steps required and operability to a catalytic hydration process scheme,
in the epoxidation process section, when compared to con which shall now be described in more detail .
ventional commercial plants that require more steps because 20 First , in addition to increasing the conversion and selec
of the need for more dilute aqueous ethylene oxide and high tivity of the reaction of ethylene oxide and water to MEG ,
temperatures for the conventional non -catalyzed thermal the present invention may also be operated and configured to
hydrolysis. increase the versatility and adaptability of the hydration
With the aforesaid considerations in mind , feed stream 37 , process by allowing the process operator to make di- and
at an appropriate temperature, enters reactor 38 where the 25 triethylene glycol . This can be done by physically bypassing
ethylene oxide reacts with water in the presence of an ion one or more of the catalytic reactors 38 , 40 , 46 , 52 ( this
exchange resin catalyst or catalyst bed to form monoethyl bypass itself is not illustrated) and thereby removing the one
ene glycol . In the adiabatic reactors of the present invention , or more catalytic reactors from the circulation of the feed
e.g. , reactor 38 , mixing ethylene oxide with hot dilution stream . The ethylene oxide that “ breaks through ” that
water to achieve the appropriate temperature in the presence 30 remains unreacted after by -passing one or more of the
of the catalyst results in the hydration of ethylene oxide that aforementioned catalyst reactors is sent to the non - catalytic
is highly selective to monoethylene glycol so that at least pipe reactor 26 for thermal conversion of ethylene oxide and
about 95 % , preferably at least about 98 % of the ethylene water to ethylene glycol . As the pipe reactor 26 is non
oxide that is converted is to monoethylene glycol with only catalytic and relies entirely on thermal conversion the fourth
small percentages being converted into higher glycols like 35 reactor effluent 79 is preheated in heat exchanger 55 to arrive
diethylene glycol or triethylene glycol . So for example with within the effective temperature range for non - catalytic
respect to reactor 38 on a molar basis the number of moles hydration of ethylene oxide into monoethyelene glycol ,
of monoethylene glycol in the reactor effluent 70 will preferably the inlet temperature of the pipe reactor 26 is
approximate the number of moles of ethylene oxide in the from about 130 ° C. to about 160 ° C.
feedstream 38. In addition to the monoethylene glycol 40 Of course this non -catalytic thermal conversion is signifi
product, each effluent of the reactors in the present invention cantly less selective to MEG , with substantial amounts of
contains water ( the excess unreacted water for use in the higher glycols relative to MEG such as DEG and TEG also
next reactor), monoethylene glycol and trace quantities of produced so that by increasing the amount of ethylene oxide
other components including ethylene oxide and higher gly that is converted into ethylene glycol in the pipe reactor, the
col homologs. 45 combined reactor product 88 contains less MEG and more
Despite the pressure drop across the length of reactor 38 , DEG and TEG than would be produced if only the catalytic
there is sufficient pressure differential between reactor 38 reactors in the reaction section 22 were being used . This
and 40 for the first reactor effluent 70 to pass through heat provides the operator a versatile and flexible process for
exchanger 39 , where it is cooled and then the first reactor ethylene glycol production as the output of mono- , di- and
effluent is combined with stream 61 to form a second 50 triethylene glycol product may be adjusted by the operator
feedstream 81 which enters reactor 40 as in reactor 38 the to meet demand . In a limiting case , all four series reactors
ethylene oxide reacts with water at a high selectivity and are bypassed so that only the final non - catalytic pipe reactor
conversion rate so that substantially all of the ethylene oxide 26 is left and all hydration will occur in this reactor — thus
is reacted with a stoichiometric amount of water to product converting the catalytic process into a non -catalytic one .
monoethylene glycol at the aforementioned conversion per- 55 Alternatively, the catalytic train 22 adds flexibility to
centages . The second reactor effluent, which like the first decrease utility consumption in the plant while still main
reactor effluent contains unreacted water, monoethylene taining a fixed monoethylene glycol production, compared
glycol and the trace components mentioned above , travels to the same production in a plant employing non- catalyzed
by pressure differential through heat exchanger 43. Essen EO hydrolysis. If about half of the production of ethylene
tially the only difference between the first reactor effluent 70 60 glycol is made in the catalytic reactors 38 and 40 of reactor
and the second reactor effluent 73 is that the latter contains train 22 (with reactors 46 and 42 bypassed ), and the balance
more monoethylene glycol because it contains the amount of is made in the pipe thermal reactor 26 , the plant product
monoethylene glycol that is produced in both reactors 38 distribution obtained will be similar to a conventional non
and 40. Reactors 46 and 52 and their associated streams are catalytic thermal hydrolysis process , but with the advantage
operated in the same manner as 38 and 40 with the second 65 of running the plant at an approximately 20 % lower molar
reactor effluent 73 cooled in heat exchanger 43 and com ratio of water:ethylene oxide , resulting in significant utility
bined with equal portion 64 of the aqueous concentrated savings in glycol evaporation .
US 10,807,929 B2
15 16
Alternatively, rather than physically bypassing the reac complexity can be reduced because the amount of heat duty
tors , a “ temperature bypass ” can be effected by reducing the necessary for evaporation of the excess water has been
inlet temperature to one or more of the series reactors as low reduced as noted above and as detailed in the example,
as desired to reduce the reaction between the ethylene oxide below . Thus, while prior art plants often incorporate evapo
and water and reducing the amount of monoethylene glycol 5 ration systems having several effects or stages ( see e.g. , EP
made in the reactors, meaning more unreacted ethylene No. 2121646 B1 ) the present invention requires fewer
oxide “breakthrough ” is seen in the outlets of the catalytic number of stages .
reactors . This ethylene oxide is then converted to ethylene As discussed above , the present invention may involve
glycol in the pipe reactor as set forth above . one or more ion exchange resin catalysts . Ion exchange
The pipe reactor may also function in a “ finishing ” role. 10 resins have a polymer matrix which contain on the surface
Even when the train of reactors 22 is operating within ion exchanging sites populated by ionic functional groups.
normal catalytic efficiency as designed to maximize the Ion exchange resins are typically differentiated between
conversion of ethylene oxide to ethylene glycol , nonetheless cationic or anionic exchange resins , although other types of
a small amount of unreacted ethylene oxide will remain ion exchange resins are also available. For a more compre
unreacted through all four reactors in train 22 and this 15 hensive description of cation- and anion -exchange resins
ethylene oxide will “ breakthrough ” in the fourth reactor see , de Dardel, F. and Arden , T. V. Ion Exchangers in
effluent 79. In the present invention train 26 is preferably Ullman's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry (2005 ) .
operated so that the concentration of ethylene oxide in the Suitable polymer matrices for the ion exchange resin
fourth reactor effluent 79 will be no greater than about 1 mol catalysts include a polystyrene matrix , a polyacrylic matrix ,
% . This remaining ethylene oxide can then be converted to 20 a polyalkylamine resin as well as other polymeric materials.
monoethylene glycol in the pipe reactor 26 . Preferably, the polymer matrix is cross - linked with divenyl
Finally, the pipe reactor 26 can also be used as a stand- by benzene to a sufficient degree to increase the operating
reactor in situations where one or more of the catalytic capacity while also not increasing the density of the ion
reactors malfunctions or has to be otherwise removed from exchange material to such an extent that the ion exchange
service because of exhaustion , a blockage in the resin bed or 25 material becomes too physically hard and too chemically
nozzle or some other difficulty commonly observed in resistant to chemical treatment. Preferably the matrix is a
operation of ion exchange resin beds . When this happens the styrene, divenylbenzene co -polymer.
malfunctioning catalytic reactor must be taken out of ser Fixed to sites on the polymer matrices described above
vice . This means that there will be excess unconverted are ionic stationary groups that determine whether the resin
ethylene oxide in the reaction section 22 which is undesir- 30 functions as a cationic or anionic ion exchange resin . In
able . This excess ethylene oxide breakthrough can be con solutions, the positive or negative charge of the stationary
verted into ethylene glycol in the pipe reactor 26. Thus, the groups is compensated for by ions of opposite charge which
presence of the pipe reactor 26 in the present prevention are referred herein as the functional group .
provides considerable flexibility and operability for the Strongly acidic cationic ion exchange resins typically
process operator. Unlike in the prior art where the inability 35 include sulfonic groups as stationary groups in turn attached
to replace or repair the ion exchange resin catalyst or reactor to a styrene -divenylbenzene polymer matrix . Examples of
is a serious disadvantage of solid /heterogeneous catalytic strongly acidic sulfonic cation -exchange resins include
systems , in the present invention reactors may be taken Amberlite IR 120 , Dowex HCR , Lewatit S 100 , and
offline for such repair without interrupting operation . Amberlyst 15 , among others.
While four reactors and three heat exchangers are shown 40 Cationic ion exchange resins may also include the resin
in the reactor section of FIGS . 2 and 3 , this is for purposes material that is the copolymer obtained by the addition
of illustration only. More or fewer reactors may be used polymerization of an acrylic or methacrylic acid and divi
depending on specific needs and requirements. Increasing nylbeneze such as disclosed in U.S. Pat . No. 3,957,698 .
the number of reactors has the advantage of reducing the Other suitable polymer materials for cationic exchange
exotherm across each reactor — thus moderating the amount 45 resins include the resin matrix formed when polyvinylpyri
of temperature - induced irreversible swelling the ion dine resin cross - linked with divenylbenzene. Such materials
exchange resin catalyst experiences inside each reactor. are available under the Reillex HPQ trademark . Sulfonated
Additionally , increasing the number of reactors also phenolic polymer resins are also suitable cationic ion
increases the dilution of the ethylene oxide, and because exchange resins.
ethylene oxide degrades most ion exchange resins increased 50 Weakly acidic cationic ion exchange resins typically
dilution is expected to extend resin life. In addition, the total include carboxylic groups as stationary groups. Examples of
catalyst volume requirement is reduced. weakly acidic cation - exchange resins include Amberlite IRC
The primary drawbacks of more reactors is cost and 86 , Dowex Mac - 3 , Lewatit CNP, among others .
complexity including the additional capital cost of reactors, As used herein in the present invention , strongly basic
pumps, exchangers and other equipment as well as the 55 anionic exchange resins contain quaternary ammonium sta
operating costs of larger volumes of ion exchange resin tionary groups. These are further divided into Type I , made
catalyst as well as additional piping , instrumentation and by the reaction of trimethylamine with the styrene-divenyl
operational complexity. benzene copolymer after chloromethylation, and Type II
The alkylene glycol in the combined reactor product 88 obtained by the reaction of the styrene-divenylbenzene
can then be recovered by a multi - effect evaporator or 60 copolymer with dimethylethanolamine. Suitable examples
vacuum distillation , or any other suitable means known to of such Type I resins include Lewatit MP 500 available from
those skilled in the art . Recovery techniques can be com Lanxess, and Amberlyst 26 and Amberlite IRA 402 , and IRA
bined for different stages in the recovery . For example, the 410 available from Dow . Suitable examples of strongly basic
multi - effect evaporator can be used to remove water from Type II resins include , e.g. , Purolite A510S (Purolite Cor
the reactor effluent while vacuum distillation can be used for 65 poration ).
glycol drying. Indeed , it is one of the benefits of the present Weakly basic anion exchange resins typically include
invention that in the post - glycol reaction section of the plant, polyacryclic resins provided with stationary groups by reac
US 10,807,929 B2
17 18
tion with a polyfunctional amine to result in anion exchange of the present invention . With respect to the operation of the
resins such as the tertiary ammonium weakly basic Amber ion exchange resin - containing catalytic reactors, in FIGS . 2
lite IRA 67 and Amberlyst 21 resins (available from Dow ) . and 3 the feedstream travels in a direction from the top of the
It should be especially noted that this ion exchange resin can reactor downwards through each of the reactors . This is
be then be further treated with chloromethane or dimethyl 5 referred to as “ down - flow ” mode, but in the present inven
sulfate to give a quaternary amine strongly basic Type I resin tion the reactors may be operated in either " down - flow ” or
Amberlite IRA 458 resin ( Dow ) . Weakly basic anion “ up - flow ” modes. Down - flow mode processes have the
exchange resins may also include a free base group as the advantage of increasing the density or volume of catalyst
stationary group such as the Amberlite IRA -67 resin ( Dow ) . within the reactor and thereby reducing the size and cost of
In a particular embodiment of the present invention the 10 the reactors themselves. Down - flow operation also minimize
strongly basic anionic exchange resin contains a “ linking ” the non - catalytic reaction of water and ethylene oxide to
group of 3-7 linking atoms, preferably 3-5 carbon atoms ethylene glycol . However, during the course of down - flow
between the quaternary ammonium stationary group and the operation catalyst selectivity may be impaired both by local
benzene group of the polymer matrix /material. An example inhomogeneities and impurities that may develop and
of such a linking chain in a strong base resin is illustrated in 15 become entrapped in the catalyst bed and by " channeling ”
U.S. Pat . No. 5,945,568 and was produced under the name that develops in the catalyst bed .
Diaion TSA1200 (Mitsubishi Chemical). As specified in the As can probably be surmised , in up - flow operation the
²568 patent the linking group which links the quaternary feedstream travels in a direction from the bottom of the
ammonium stationary group to the benzene group of the reactor upwards. In PCT Publication No. WO2008 /
polymer matrix is not particularly limited as long as it is 20 150338A1 increased stability and operational life of ion
sufficiently long. Suitable examples of the linking group are exchange resin in up - flow operational mode was reported . In
an alkylene group or an alkyleneoxyalkylene group . A the present invention with liquid -phase reactants and a solid
preferred example for use in the present invention is an catalyst up - flow operation may provide a modest amount of
anion exchange resin which comprises , as the substrate , a bed fluidization during up - flow operation which increases
polymer of a vinyl aromatic compound and which has a 25 the void fraction between adjacent resin particles allowing
structure such that a quaternary ammonium group is bonded for the reduction of the inhomogeneities and contaminates
to the aromatic group via a linking group having a chain that otherwise become embedded and trapped in the catalyst
length of at least 3 . bed during down - flow operation and degrade catalyst per
Without being limited by theory it is believed that in the formance. U.S. Pat . No. 6,160,187 has previously dispar
present invention this linking group prevents the nucleop- 30 aged up - flow operation of catalytic reactors because the
hilic attack on the ammonium stationary group from the resulting bed fluidization purportedly causes greater catalyst
benzene ring which otherwise would lead to accelerated attrition and reduced monoethylene glycol selectivity due to
deactivation and degradation of the ion exchange resin axial mixing . However, it has been discovered in the present
catalyst and reduced stability and catalyst life. invention that in the liquid phase process of the present
A variety of ions are suitable for use as the functional 35 invention these criticisms are not realistic because they are
group in anionic resins of the present invention and may be more likely to occur in gas/ solid catalyst systems where
selected from the group including bicarbonate , carbonate, there are much higher velocities , a greater difference in
hydroxide, bisulfite, carboxylate, citrate , and metalate, and densities ( between the gas reactant and solid catalyst com
molybdate anions. These functional groups may be used pared to a liquid reactant and solid catalyst ), and thus a much
with any of the stationary groups and resin material identi- 40 greater bed expansion than in the present liquid / solid cata
fied above . lyst system of our invention . Thus, up - flow operation
In the present invention it is preferred that the ion remains a suitable mode of operation in the present inven
exchange resin catalyst is from the group of type I strongly tion .
basic anion exchange resins, more preferably type I strongly Silver - Based Epoxidation Catalyst
basic anion exchange resins with a bicarbonate or monoci- 45 The silver -based epoxidation catalyst includes a support,
trate functional group , and most preferably type I strongly and at least a catalytically effective amount of silver or a
basic anion exchange resins with a bicarbonate or monoci silver - containing compound ; also optionally present is a
trate functional group with a linking group . promoting amount of rhenium or a rhenium -containing
In addition to the ion exchange materials specified above, compound; also optionally present is a promoting amount of
any other suitable cationic or anionic exchange resin may be 50 one or more alkali metals or alkali-metal -containing com
used such as the cation- and anion -exchange resins set forth pounds . The support employed in this invention may be
above in de Dardel, F. and Arden, T. V. 2008 , Ion Exchanger, selected from a large number of solid, refractory supports
in Ullman's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. that may be porous and may provide the preferred pore
In addition to the aforementioned ion exchange material structure. Alumina is well known to be useful as a catalyst
it is also possible to use a combination of a homogeneous 55 support for the epoxidation of an olefin and is the preferred
and heterogeneous catalyst - for example a solid catalyst on support.
which is adsorbed a soluble metallic catalyst. In this case , Regardless of the character of the support used, it is
first a solid catalyst having a metallic catalyst adsorbed on usually shaped into particles, chunks, pieces , pellets , rings,
it is prepared . Then , during the liquid -phase hydration spheres, wagon wheels , cross- partitioned hollow cylinders,
reaction described above , the metallic catalyst is desorbed 60 and the like , of a size suitable for employment in a fixed -bed
from the solid catalyst and can effectively catalyze the epoxidation reactor. The support particles will preferably
reaction . The metallic catalyst must then be separated from have equivalent diameters in the range from about 3 mm to
the reaction products and can be reused for re -adsorbing on about 12 mm , and more preferably in the range from about
to the solid catalyst . The solid catalyst in this case can be an 5 mm to about 10 mm . (Equivalent diameter is the diameter
ion exchange resin . 65 of a sphere having the same external surface ( i.e. , neglecting
The above paragraphs concern the selection of suitable surface within the pores of the particle ) to volume ratio as
ion exchange resin catalysts for use in the catalytic reactors the support particles being employed .) Suitable supports are
US 10,807,929 B2
19 20
available from Saint-Gobain Norpro Co. , Sud Chemie AG , preferably from about 15 ppm to about 2000 ppm , and even
Noritake Co. , CeramTec AG , and Industrie Bitossi S.p.A. more preferably from about 20 ppm to about 1500 ppm , and
Without being limited to the specific compositions and as especially preferred from about 50 ppm to about 1000
formulations contained therein , further information on sup ppm by weight of the total catalyst , measured as the metal.
port compositions and methods for making supports may be 5 Suitable alkaline earth metal promoters comprise ele
found in U.S. Patent Publication No. 2007/0037991 . ments from Group IIA of the Periodic Table of the Elements ,
In order to produce a catalyst for the oxidation of an olefin which may be beryllium , magnesium , calcium , strontium ,
to an olefin oxide , a support having the above characteristics and barium or combinations thereof. Suitable transition
is then provided with a catalytically effective amount of metal promoters may comprise elements from Groups IVA ,
silver on its surface . In one embodiment, the catalytic 10 VA , VIA , VIIA and VIIIA of the Periodic Table of the
effective amount of silver is from 10 % by weight to 45 % by Elements , and combinations thereof.
weight. The catalyst is prepared by impregnating the support
with a silver compound, complex or salt dissolved in a transition metal ofpromoter
The amount alkaline earth metal promoter ( s) and / or
( s) deposited on the support is a
suitable solvent sufficient to cause deposition of a silver
precursor compound onto the support. Preferably, an aque- 15 promoting amount. The transition metal promoter may typi
cally be present in an amount from about 0.1 micromoles per
ous silver solution is used .
A promoting amount of a rhenium component, which may gram to about 10 micromoles per gram , preferably from
be a rhenium -containing compound or a rhenium - containing about 0.2 micromoles per gram to about 5 micromoles per
complex may also be deposited on the support, either prior gram .
to , coincidentally with , or subsequent to the deposition of 20 The silver solution used to impregnate the support may
the silver. The rhenium promoter may be present in an also comprise an optional solvent or a complexing /solubi
amount from about 0.001 wt . % to about 1 wt . % , preferably lizing agent such as are known in the art . A wide variety of
from about 0.005 wt . % to about 0.5 wt . % , and more solvents or complexing/ solubilizing agents may be
preferably from about 0.01 wt . % to about 0.1 wt . % based employed to solubilize silver to the desired concentration in
on the weight of the total catalyst including the support, 25 the impregnating medium . Useful complexing/solubilizing
expressed as the rhenium metal . agents include amines, ammonia, oxalic acid , lactic acid and
Other components which may also be deposited on the combinations thereof. Amines include an alkylene diamine
support either prior to , coincidentally with , or subsequent to having from 1 to 5 carbon atoms. In one preferred embodi
the deposition of the silver and rhenium are promoting ment, the solution comprises an aqueous solution of silver
amounts of an alkali metal or mixtures of two or more alkali 30 oxalate and ethylene diamine. The complexing/ solubilizing
metals , as well as optional promoting amounts of a Group agent may be present in the impregnating solution in an
IIA alkaline earth metal component or mixtures of two or amount from about 0.1 to about 5.0 moles per mole of silver,
more Group IIA alkaline earth metal components, and / or a preferably from about 0.2 to about 4.0 moles , and more
transition metal component or mixtures of two or more preferably from about 0.3 to about 3.0 moles for each mole
transition metal components, all of which may be in the form 35 of silver.
of metal ions , metal compounds, metal complexes and /or When a solvent is used , it may be an organic solvent or
metal salts dissolved in an appropriate solvent. The support water, and may be polar or substantially or totally non -polar.
may be impregnated at the same time or in separate steps In general, the solvent should have sufficient solvating
with the various catalyst promoters. The particular combi power to solubilize the solution components. At the same
nation of support, silver, alkali metal promoter ( s ), rhenium 40 time, it is preferred that the solvent be chosen to avoid
component, and optional additional promoter( s) of the having an undue influence on or interaction with the sol
instant invention will provide an improvement in one or vated promoters. Organic - based solvents which have 1 to
more catalytic properties over the same combination of about 8 carbon atoms per molecule are preferred . Mixtures
silver and support and none, or only one of the promoters. of several organic solvents or mixtures of organic solvent ( s)
As used herein the term “ promoting amount " of a certain 45 with water may be used , provided that such mixed solvents
component of the catalyst refers to an amount of that function as desired herein .
component that works effectively to improve the catalytic The concentration of silver in the impregnating solution is
performance of the catalyst when compared to a catalyst that typically in the range from about 0.1 % by weight up to the
does not contain that component. The exact concentrations maximum solubility afforded by the particular solvent/solu
employed, of course , will depend on, among other factors, 50 bilizing agent combination employed. It is generally very
the desired silver content, the nature of the support, the suitable to employ solutions containing from 0.5 % to about
viscosity of the liquid, and solubility of the particular 45 % by weight of silver, with concentrations from 5 to 35 %
compound used to deliver the promoter into the impregnat by weight of silver being preferred.
ing solution . Examples of catalytic properties include, inter Impregnation of the selected support is achieved using
alia, operability ( resistance to runaway), selectivity, activity, 55 any of the conventional methods; for example, excess solu
conversion , stability and yield . It is understood by one tion impregnation, incipient wetness impregnation, spray
skilled in the art that one or more of the individual catalytic coating , etc. Typically , the support material is placed in
properties may be enhanced by the “ promoting amount ” contact with the silver -containing solution until a sufficient
while other catalytic properties may or may not be enhanced amount of the solution is absorbed by the support. Preferably
or may even be diminished . 60 the quantity of the silver -containing solution used to impreg
Suitable alkali metal promoters may be selected from nate the porous support is no more than is necessary to fill
lithium , sodium , potassium , rubidium , cesium or combina the pores of the support. A single impregnation or a series of
tions thereof, with cesium being preferred, and combinations impregnations, with or without intermediate drying, may be
of cesium with other alkali metals being especially pre used , depending, in part, on the concentration of the silver
ferred. The amount of alkali metal deposited or present on 65 component in the solution . Impregnation procedures are
the support is to be a promoting amount. Preferably, the described, for example, in U.S. Pat. Nos . 4,761,394 , 4,766 ,
amount ranges from about 10 ppm to about 3000 ppm , more 105 , 4,908,343 , 5,057,481,5,187,140 , 5,102,848 , 5,011,807 ,
US 10,807,929 B2
21 22
5,099,041 and 5,407,888 . Known prior procedures of pre EXAMPLES
deposition, co -deposition and post -deposition of various the
promoters can be employed . The invention will now be described in more detail with
After impregnation of the support with the silver-contain respect to the following non - limiting examples.
ing compound, i.e. , a silver precursor, a rhenium component, 5
an alkali metal component, and the optional other promoters, Example 1 ( Prior Art)
the impregnated support is calcined for a time sufficient to
convert the silver containing compound to an active silver
species and to remove the volatile components from the A process for preparing ethylene glycol according to the
impregnated support to result in a catalyst precursor. The 10 prior art is simulated with use of a single, non -catalytic
calcination may be accomplished by heating the impreg tubular /pipe reactor. In the process a feedstream is fed to the
nated support, preferably at a gradual rate, to a temperature reactor from which is taken the reactor effluent, with the
in the range from about 200 ° C. to about 600 ° C. at a table below giving values in kilograms per hour :
pressure in the range from about 0.05 to about 3.5 MPa . In
general, the higher the temperature, the shorter the required 15
heating period. A wide range of heating periods have been Feedstream Reactor Effluent
suggested in the art; e.g. , U.S. Pat . No. 3,563,914 discloses Temperature 150 190
heating for less than 300 seconds , and U.S. Pat. No. 3,702 , Ethylene Oxide 1000 0
259 discloses heating from 2 to 8 hours at a temperature of Water 10191 9798
from 100 ° C. to 375 ° C. , usually for duration of from about 20 MEG 45 1315
0.5 to about 8 hours . However, it is only important that the Heavy Glycols 0 124
heating time be correlated with the temperature such that EO Conversion (% ) 100 %
WEOR (mol) 25
substantially all of the contained silver is converted to the
active silver species . Continuous or step - wise heating may 25
be used for this purpose.
During calcination, the impregnated support may be As used above , “ WEOR ” is the molar ratio of water to
ethylene oxide. This prior art process produces ethylene
exposed to a gas atmosphere comprising an inert gas or a glycol at good
mixture of an inert gas with from about 10 ppm to 21 % by water — which conversation
must then be
rates but uses a large excess of
removed from the ethylene
volume of an oxygen - containing oxidizing component. For
purposes of this invention, an inert gas is defined as a gas 30 glycol product making the process significantly more energy
that does not substantially react with the catalyst or catalyst intensive than the process according to the present invention
as will be discussed below .
precursor under the conditions chosen for the calcination .
Further information on catalyst manufacture may be found
in the aforementioned U.S. Patent Publication No. 2007 / Example 2 (Present Invention )
0037991 . 35
For purposes of illustration only, the following are con A process for preparing ethylene glycol according to the
ditions that are often used in current commercial ethylene present invention is simulated according to FIG . 4. This
oxide reactor units : a gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) of
1500-10,000 h- , a reactor inlet pressure of 1 Mpa to 3 MPa , embodiment is configured similarly to the reaction train 25
a coolant temperature of 180-315º C. , an oxygen conversion 40 in FIG . 2 described above, where the conventional pipe
thermal reactor 26 is equivalent to pipe reactor “ DD ” .
level of 10-60% , and an EO production rate (work rate) of
100-350 kg EO /m3 catalyst /hr and a change in ethylene As shown in FIG . 4 , in the simulation there are four
oxide concentration, AEO , of from about 1.5 % to about down - flow , fixed -bed series arranged catalytic reactors with
4.5 % . The feed composition in the reactor inlet after the three inter - stage, on - line heat exchangers as heating means .
completion of start-up and during normal operation typically 45 In this simulation the reactors are filled with one or more of
comprises (by volume % ) 1-40 % ethylene, 3-12 % O2 ; 0.2 % the suitable ion exchange resins as described above. The
to 10 % , preferably 0.2 % to 6 % , more preferably 0.2 % to 5 % process is operated according to the present invention so that
of CO2 ; 0-5 % ethane, an amount of one or more chloride the temperatures and compositions of the streams, inlet and
moderators, which are described herein ; and the balance of outlet points and reactors are as set forth in Table I , below,
the feed being comprised of argon , methane, nitrogen or 50 where the contents of the streams in the table are given in
mixtures thereof. units of kilograms per hour.
“ Heated "
Stream Stream Stream Stream Inlet Reactor Outlet Stream Stream
A B ? D E F G H I

Temperature ( ° C. ) 45 84 45 78 78 110 84 45
Ethylene Oxide 1000 0 250 250 250 22 22 750
Water 1000 3000 250 3250 3250 3157 3157 750
MEG 0 0 0 0 318 318 0
Heavy Glycols 0 0 0 0 2 2 0
EO Conversion (% ) 91 %
WEOR (mol) 32 : 1
US 10,807,929 B2
23 24
Stream Stream Stream Inlet Reactor Outlet Stream Stream Stream

Temperature ( ° C. ) 45 45 79 79 110 86 45 45
Ethylene Oxide 250 500 272 272 25 25 250 250
Water 250 500 3407 3407 3307 3307 250 250
MEG 0 0 318 318 659 659 0 0
Heavy Glycols 0 0 2 2 10 10 0 0
EO Conversion ( % ) 91 %
WEOR (mol) 31 : 1

Stream Inlet Reactor Outlet Stream Stream Inlet Reactor Outlet


Temperature ( ° C. ) 81 81 110 88 84 84 110

Ethylene Oxide 275 275 24 24 274 274 25
Water 3557 3557 3457 3457 3706 3706 3607
MEG 659 659 998 998 998 998 1331
Heavy Glycols 10 10 21 21 21 21 37
EO Conversion ( % ) 91 % 91 %
WEOR (mol) 32 : 1 33 : 1

Stream Reactor Outlet


Temperature ( ° C. ) 160 163

Ethylene Oxide 25 0
Water 3607 3600
MEG 1331 1351
Heavy Glycols 37 50
EO Conversion ( % ) 100 %
WEOR (mol) 360 : 1

As can be seen in the table above , water and ethylene broad inventive concept thereof. It is understood therefore
oxide are provided to the process at a molar ratio of 10 : 1 that this invention is not limited to the particular embodi
( combination of Streams A and B )—which is much lower ments or configurations or compositions disclosed, but it is
than prior art process , for example that shown in Example 1 , intended to cover modifications within the spirit and scope
above . However, by dividing the input streams into multiple 35 ofWe
the present
claim :
invention as defined by the appended claims .
streams fed to multiple reactors as specified by the present 1. A liquid phase process for the production of ethylene
invention, much higher water to ethylene oxide ratios are glycol comprising:
obtained in each reactor as shown above the molar ratio of
water to ethylene oxide in the streams entering the reactor is providing a water stream and an aqueous ethylene oxide
approximately 32 : 1 in each case . This high WEOR not only 40 feed stream ;
improves the selectivity and conversion of ethylene oxide to dividing the aqueous ethylene oxide feed stream into at
MEG (as shown above conversion to MEG in this simula least a first equal proportion and a second equal pro
tion was at 99 % ) but it also helps moderate the temperature combining the first equal proportion of the aqueous eth
rise in each reactor reducing the amount of cooling neces 45 ylene oxide feed stream with the water stream to form
sary in the interstage heat exchangers and reducing the high a first feedstream containing ethylene oxide and water;
temperatures that could potentially damage the ion exchange feeding the first feedstream into an inlet of a first adiabatic
resin catalyst. reactor, the inlet of the first adiabatic reactor being at an
Furthermore, as mentioned above , the use of lower inlet temperature;
WEOR in the process prepared according to the present 50 reacting ethylene oxide and water contained in the first
invention results in considerable energy savings compared feedstream in the presence of a first ion exchange resin
to the prior art . In this simulation of the process according catalyst in the first adiabatic reactor to produce a first
to the present invention (Example 2 ) and the simulation of reactor effluent stream containing water, ethylene gly
the comparative prior art process (Example 1 ) the final col , and unreacted ethylene oxide;
evaporation load was : 55 withdrawing the first reactor effluent stream from an
outlet of the first adiabatic reactor ;
Evaporation cooling the first reactor effluent stream through first
Overall WEOR Load ( tph) inter -stage heat -exchanger located downstream of the
first adiabatic reactor to a hydration temperature;
Present Invention (Example 2 ) 10 : 1 196 60 combining the second equal proportion of the aqueous
Prior Art (Example 1 ) 25 : 1 523
ethylene oxide feed stream and the cooled first reactor
effluent stream to form a second feedstream ;
Thus, the prior art process has an evaporator load that is conveying the second feedstream to an inlet of a second
2.5 times higher that of the present invention . adiabatic reactor, the inlet of the second adiabatic
It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that 65 reactor being at the hydration temperature ; and
changes could be made to the embodiments of the liquid reacting ethylene oxide and water contained in the second
phase process described above without departing from the feedstream in the presence of a second ion exchange
US 10,807,929 B2
25 26
resin catalyst in the second adiabatic reactor to produce combining the fourth equal proportion and the cooled
a second reactor effluent stream containing water, eth third reactor effluent stream to form a fourth feed
ylene glycol , and unreacted ethylene oxide , stream ;
wherein the first adiabatic reactor and the second adia conveying the third feedstream to an inlet of a fourth
batic reactor each contain an ion exchange resin cata- 5 adiabatic reactor ; and
lyst in a fixed catalyst bed , and wherein the first reacting ethylene oxide and water contained in the fourth
adiabatic reactor has an outlet temperature that is feedstream in the presence of a fourth ion exchange
higher than the first inlet temperature , and the second resin catalyst bed in the fourth adiabatic reactor to
produce a fourth reactor effluent stream containing
adiabatic reactor has an outlet temperature that is 10 water, ethylene glycol , and unreacted ethylene oxide .
higher than the second inlet temperature of the first 8. The liquid phase process according to claim 7 , further
adiabatic reactor, and wherein the water stream is comprising feeding the fourth reactor effluent stream to a
heated , prior to combining with the first equal propor non - catalytic reactor.
tion of the aqueous ethylene oxide feed, by a non 9. The liquid phase process according to claim 1 , wherein
inter - stage heat -exchanger located upstream from the the aqueous ethylene oxide feed stream is prepared accord
first adiabatic reactor, wherein the non inter - stage heat
15 ing to the following steps:
exchanger differs from the first inter -stage heat providing a rich cycle water stream containing ethylene
exchanger. oxide , methane , ethylene, and other dissolved light
gases ;
2. The liquid phase process according to claim 1 , wherein separating, in a flash drum , a light gas solute vapor from
each of the first inlet temperature and the second inlet 20 the rich cycle water stream ;
temperature is from about 50 ° C. to about 90 ° C. directing upwardly the light gas solute vapor through an
3. The liquid phase process according to claim 1 , wherein opening in the flash drum allowing fluid communica
each of the first outlet temperature and the second outlet tion to an absorber affixed to the flash drum to form an
temperature is from about 85 ° C. to about 120 ° C. absorber vapor overhead ;
4. The liquid phase process according to claim 1 , wherein 25 pumping and heating the rich cycle water from a liquid
a molar ratio of water : ethylene oxide in the first feedstream bottoms of the flash drum to a stripper; and
is about 40 : 1 to about 10 : 1 . separating into : ( 1 ) an enriched overhead stripper liquid
5. The liquid phase process according to claim 1 , con stream comprising at least about 40 mol % ethylene
ducted continuously. oxide ; and ( 2 ) a lean cycle water solution in a
6. The liquid phase process according to claim 1 , wherein 30 stripper bottoms containing about 1 to about 50
a total molar ratio of water : ethylene oxide in the water molar ppm ethylene oxide in the stripper bottoms.
stream and the aqueous ethylene oxide feed stream when 10. The liquid phase process according to claim 1 ,
added together is about 5 : 1 to about 15 : 1 . wherein the ion exchange resin catalyst present in both the
7. The liquid phase process according to claim 1 , wherein first adiabatic reactor and the second adiabatic reactor is a
the aqueous ethylene oxide feed stream is further divided 35 type11.I strongly basicphase
The liquid anionprocess
resin . to claim 1 ,
into a third equal proportion and a fourth equal proportion wherein the ion exchange resin catalyst present in both the
and further comprises the following steps : first adiabatic reactor and the second adiabatic reactor has a
withdrawing the second reactor effluent stream from an bicarbonate or monocitrate functional group .
outlet of the second adiabatic reactor ;
cooling the second reactor effluent stream through a 40 12. The liquid phase process according to claim 1 ,
second inter -stage heat- exchanger located downstream wherein the ion exchange resin catalyst present in both the
of the second adiabatic reactor; first adiabatic reactor and the second adiabatic reactor
combining the third equal proportion and the cooled includes a linking group .
second reactor effluent stream to form a third feed 13. The liquid phase process according to claim 1 ,
stream ; 45 wherein the first and second feedstreams are substantially
conveying the third feedstream to an inlet of a third free of carbon dioxide .
adiabatic reactor; 14. The liquid phase process according to claim 10 ,
reacting ethylene oxide and water contained in the third wherein the type I strongly basic anion exchange resin
feedstream in the presence of a third ion exchange resin includes a quaternary ammonium stationary group .
catalyst bed in the third adiabatic reactor to produce a
50 15. The liquid phase process according to claim 1 ,
third reactor effluent stream containing water, ethylene wherein a molar ratio of water :ethylene oxide in the first
glycol , and unreacted ethylene oxide ; feedstream is about 30 : 1 to about 20 : 1 .
withdrawing the third reactor effluent stream from an 16. The liquid phase process according to claim 1 ,
outlet of the third adiabatic reactor ; wherein a total molar ratio of water :ethylene oxide in the
cooling the third reactor effluent stream through a third 55 water stream and the aqueous ethylene oxide feed stream
inter - stage heat-exchanger located downstream of the when added together is about 7 : 1 to about 12 : 1 .
third adiabatic reactor;

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