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Plastic Bags Bio

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,637,608 B2

Rosen (45) Date of Patent: May 2, 2017

(54) BIODEGRADABLE PLASTICS, METHOD (58) Field of Classification Search

FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF AND USE CPC .......... C08K 3/26: C08K 3/265; C08K 3/267;
THEREOF C08L 67/00; C08L 67/02: C08L 67/03;
LIMITED, Central H.K. (HK) (56) References Cited
(72) Inventor: Ake Rosen, Cannes (FR)
4,126,593. A 11/1978 Takahashi
(73) Assignee: AKTEC DEVELOPMENT 4,542,066 A 9, 1985 Delzant
LIMITED, Central H.K. (HK) (Continued)
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 315 days. EP
O 347 329
O 439 373
7, 1991
(21) Appl. No.: 14/399,713 (Continued)
(22) PCT Filed: Apr. 23, 2013 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(86). PCT No.: PCT/SE2O13AOSO438 Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority Issued
Sep. 5, 2013 in PCT/SE13/050438 Filed Apr. 23, 2013.
S 371 (c)(1), (Continued)
(2) Date: Nov. 7, 2014
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2013/169174 Primary Examiner — Walter B Aughenbaugh
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Oblon, McClelland,
PCT Pub. Date: Nov. 14, 2013 Maier & Neustadt, L.L.P.
(65) Prior Publication Data (57) ABSTRACT
US 2015/O125639 A1 May 7, 2015 The present invention concerns a plastic composition which
is biodegradable, and which does not discharge contami
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data nants during incineration or leave plastic fragments after
decomposition. According to the invention the composition
May 7, 2012 (SE) ....................................... 1250.465 comprises: (i) 30-50% by weight of a polyester which is
biodegradable and/or decayable; (ii) 20-40% by weight of
(51) Int. Cl. starch from vegetable oil origin from corn, potatoes, and/or
C08K 3/26 (2006.01) sunflower; (iii) 20-40% by weight of a filler composition
COL 67/00 (2006.01) comprising dolomite and/or calcium carbonate, wherein the
(Continued) filler composition particles have a polished Surface; and (iv)
(52) U.S. Cl. 1-5% by weight of a binding agent comprising a resin ester
CPC .................. C08K 3/26 (2013.01); B32B I/02 of vegetable origin; wherein said polyester and said starch
(2013.01); B32B5/16 (2013.01); B65D 65/466 together form a bioplastic base composition and together
(2013.01); comprise 55-79% by weight of the total weight of said
(Continued) (Continued)
US 9,637,608 B2
Page 2

plastic composition. The present invention further concerns 428/1352 (2015.01); Y10T 428/1372
a method for preparing said plastic composition; a plastic (2015.01); Y10T 428/1397 (2015.01)
film prepared of said plastic composition; and a waste bag (58) Field of Classification Search
prepared of said plastic film. CPC ........... C08L 67/04; C08L 101/16; C08J 5/10;
B65D 65/46; B65D 65/466; B32B 1/02:
20 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets B32B5/16: Y1OT 428/131; Y10T
428/1334; Y1OT 428/1345; Y10T
428/1348; Y1OT 428/1352; Y10T
428/1372; Y1OT 428/1397
(51) Int. Cl. See application file for complete search history.
COL 67/04 (2006.01) (56) References Cited
B65D 65/46 (2006.01)
B32B5/16 (2006.01) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
COL 67/02 (2006.01)
COL 67/03 (2006.01) 5,206,087 A * 4/1993 Tokiwa ................. CO8L 101.00
B32B I/02 (2006.01) 428,325
COS 5/10 (2006.01) 5,462.983 A * 10/1995 Bloembergen ............ CO8L 3.06
C08 3/20 (2006.01) 5,910,520 A 6/1999 Dabi et al.
COS 5/18 (2006.01) 2011/0172326 A1 7/2011 Weismann et al.
COSL3/02 (2006.01) 2012/0196950 A1 8/2012 Weismann et al.
COSL3/00 (2006.01)
C08L 101/16 (2006.01)
EP O 606923 T 1994
(52) U.S. Cl. GB 2 127 009 4f1984
CPC ................. C08J 3/203 (2013.01); C08J 5/10 KR 10 2009 0008117 1, 2009
(2013.01); C08J 5/18 (2013.01); C08L 3/00 WO OO 31166 6, 2000
(2013.01); C08L 3/02 (2013.01); C08L 67/00 WO 2009 O77860 6, 2009
WO 2013 061068 5, 2013
(2013.01); C08L 67/02 (2013.01); C08L 67/03
(2013.01); C08L 67/04 (2013.01); B09B 3/00
(2013.01); C08J 2300/16 (2013.01); C08.J OTHER PUBLICATIONS
2367/04 (2013.01); C08L 101/16 (2013.01); International Search Report Issued Sep. 5, 2013 in PCT/SE13/
C08L 2201/06 (2013.01); Y02W 90/II 050438 Filed Apr. 23, 2013.
(2015.05); Y02W 90/12 (2015.05); Y02W Extended European Search Report issued Nov. 10, 2015 in Patent
90/13 (2015.05); Y10T 428/13.1 (2015.01); Application No. 13788002.7.
Y10T 428/1334 (2015.01); Y10T 428/1345
(2015.01); Y10T 428/1348 (2015.01); Y10T * cited by examiner
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Fig. 1
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Fig. 2b
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Fig. 3

Fig. 4
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Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Fig. 5
US 9,637,608 B2
1. 2
BIODEGRADABLE PLASTICS, METHOD and polyolefin are not biodegradable. Instead plastic films
FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF AND USE containing polyolefin ends up as plastic fragments within
THEREOF nature.
Thus, there is a need for an improved biodegradable
TECHNICAL FIELD plastic film material which may be used for waste bags for
collection of organic waste for decomposition and decaying,
The present invention relates to a plastic composition and especially for decaying.
which is biodegradable, and which does not discharge
contaminants during incineration or leave plastic fragments SUMMARY OF INVENTION
after decomposition. The present invention further relates to
a method for preparing said plastic composition; a plastic One object of the present invention is to provide a plastic
film prepared of said plastic composition, and a waste bag composition which is biodegradable, and which does not
prepared of said plastic film. discharge contaminants during incineration. A further object
of the present invention is to provide a plastic composition
BACKGROUND which does not leave plastic fragments after degrading.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a
More and more domestic establishments are urged to method for preparing a plastic composition.
separately gather organic waste. Such as food Scraps, waste Yet other objects of the present invention is to provide a
products from food preparation, garbage and so forth. On plastic film produced from said plastic composition, to
commercial basis, this is done for composting and biogas provide a plastic film produced according to said method,
preparation. The domestic establishments are today offered and to provide a waste bag prepared of said plastic film.
paper bags for the gathering of organic waste. However, the The present invention concerns a plastic composition
paper bags are bulky to distribute and store, and when which is biodegradable, and which does not discharge
exposed to moisture, the paper bags weakens. When a paper 25 contaminants during incineration or leave plastic fragments
bag filled with moistures organic waste is to be lifted over after decomposition. According to the invention the com
to an outdoor waste container, paper rupture may occur, position comprises: (i) 30-50% by weight, based on the total
whereby the organic waste may end up on the floor indoors weight of the plastic composition, of a polyester which is
or on the driveway outside the house. During cold seasons biodegradable and/or decayable; (ii) 20-40% by weight,
with outdoors temperatures below 0° C., other problems 30 based on the total weight of the plastic composition, of
may arise. The moisture from the organic waste may pen starch from vegetable oil origin from corn, potatoes, and/or
etrate the paper bag wall, and with temperatures below 0°C., sunflower; (iii) 20-40% by weight, based on the total weight
the paper bags may freeze onto each other and onto the inner of the plastic composition, of a filler composition compris
walls of the outdoor waste container, which will raise ing dolomite and/or calcium carbonate, wherein the filler
difficulties during garbage collection.
35 composition particles have a polished surface; and (iv) 1-5%
Additional problems with the paper bag for organic waste by weight, based on the total weight of the plastic compo
are that the paper bag is not possible to seal before being sition, of a binding agent comprising a resin ester of veg
etable origin; wherein said polyester and said starch together
placed in the outdoor waste container, which may give rise form a bioplastic base composition and together comprise
to problems with blowfly, maggots and odour during warm 40 55-79% by weight of the total weight of said plastic com
SCaSOS. position.
Commercial decaying of organic waste is getting more Hereby an improved plastic composition is provided,
and more frequent in order to produce biogas. The paper which plastic composition is feasible to grind together with
bags used as of today are degradable, but to slow for the organic waste with sufficient result, and which thereafter is
commercial decaying process and therefore have to be 45 decayable. Dolomite and/or calcium carbonate will not
separated from the organic waste before decaying. In order influence the process of decaying, but will act as a soil
to solve the problem with paper rupture, the organic waste improvement agent when the digested sludge is distributed
may be placed in biodegradable plastic bags. However, out on the fields as it will provide pH increasing, which is
many of the biodegradable plastic bags of today are not favourable for soil deficient in lime. Further, the addition of
degradable during the decaying process, and even if being 50 dolomite and/or calcium carbonate will make the plastic
degradable during the decaying process, the plastic bags still composition possible to tear with sustained flexibility. Even
needs to be grinded together with the organic waste before further, as the filler composition has a polished surface, the
decaying in order to reduce the decaying process time. Some wear of the machinery during mixing and extrusion of the
grinds which are today arranged to grind the waste bags of plastic composition will be decreased.
paper will not be able to grind biodegradable plastic bags, as 55 In one embodiment said plastic composition comprises (i)
plastic bags usually are made of Such thin films that the 35-45% by weight, based on the total weight of the plastic
plastic bags will pass the mill without being grinded com composition, of a polyester which is biodegradable and/or
pletely. By proper choice of mill, such as a shredder mill, decayable; (ii) 25-30% by weight, based on the total weight
biodegradable plastic bags may be grinded to a proper of the plastic composition, of starch from vegetable oil
degree. 60 origin from corn, potatoes, and/or sunflower; (iii) 25-35% by
Further important to understand is that even though the weight, based on the total weight of the plastic composition,
waste bag is produced from a biodegradable plastic film, the of a filler composition comprising dolomite and/or calcium
waste bag may not necessarily fulfil the environmental carbonate, wherein the filler composition particles have a
legislation for a waste bag which is allowed to be used in a polished surface; and (iv) 1-5% by weight, based on the total
decaying process. It is particularly important that the 65 weight of the plastic composition, of a binding agent com
remaining digested sludge is free from plastic fragments, prising a resin ester of vegetable origin, wherein said poly
and many of the plastic films used today contain polyolefin, ester and said starch together form a bioplastic base com
US 9,637,608 B2
3 4
position and together comprise 60-74% by weight of the weight, based on the total weight of the plastic composition,
total weight of said plastic composition. of iron oxide. The addition of iron oxide to the plastic
In another embodiment said plastic composition com composition will improve the UV-light initiated degradation
prises (i) 40-42% by weight, based on the total weight of the of the plastic composition. By adding iron oxide to the
plastic composition, of a polyester which is biodegradable plastic composition, the degradation may be regulated. The
and/or decayable; (ii) 25-27% by weight, based on the total iron oxide may have an almost catalysing effect on the
weight of the plastic composition, of starch from vegetable degradation.
oil origin from corn, potatoes, and/or sunflower; (ii) 30% by The present invention further concerns a method for
weight, based on the total weight of the plastic composition, preparing a plastic composition according to claim 1.
of a filler composition comprising dolomite and/or calcium 10
According to the invention the method comprises: (a) pol
carbonate, wherein the filler composition particles have a ishing filler composition particles of dolomite and/or cal
polished surface; and (iv) 1-5% by weight, based on the total cium carbonate to remove sharp edges on the Surface of the
weight of the plastic composition, of a binding agent com filler composition particles; (b) mixing said polished filler
prising a resin ester of vegetable origin; wherein said composition with a binding agent comprising a resin ester of
polyester and said starch together form a bioplastic base 15
composition and together comprise 65-69% by weight of the vegetable origin during heating to provide wetting of said
total weight of said plastic composition. filler composition with said binding agent; (c) cooling said
In one embodiment of the present invention at least 90% filler composition wetted with said binding agent during
of said filler has a particle size of 1-2 um, and preferably stirring to provide a non-sticky mixture thereof; (d) heat
98% of said filler composition has a particle size of 1-2 um. mixing a bioplastic base composition comprising (i) 30-50%
The rest of the filler composition, also named as “top cut”. by weight, based on the total weight of the plastic compo
should have a particle size of less than 10 um, preferably less sition, of a polyester which is biodegradable and/or decay
than 8 Lum. By limiting the top cut to a particle size less than able; and (ii) 20-40% by weight, based on the total weight
10 um, the products produced with the plastic composition of the plastic composition, of starch from vegetable oil
according to the invention will have requisite strength. 25 origin from corn, potatoes, and/or Sunflower, wherein said
The filler composition according to the present invention bioplastic base composition comprises 55-79% by weight of
has a polished Surface. Such that Substantially no sharp edges the total plastic composition; thereafter, during continued
remain on the Surface of the filler composition particles. mixing, (e) adding said non-sticky mixture of step (c) to said
Removing substantially all the sharp edges of the filler heat mixed bioplastic base composition; and (f) extruding
composition particles will increase tear strength and will 30 the mixture of step (e) into granules of said plastic compo
limit the apparatus wear during processing thereof. sition.
In one embodiment of the present invention said filler In one embodiment of the method according to the present
composition is dolomite. invention, a moisture absorbent, preferably chosen from
In one embodiment of the present invention said resin silica, SiO, and/or calcium oxide, CaO, is added in the
ester is pine resin, and in a further embodiment of the present 35 mixing step (c).
invention said resin ester has a molecular weight of less than In one embodiment of the method according to the present
10 000 g/mol. In one embodiment of the present invention invention, iron oxide is added in the mixing step (c).
said resin ester has a molecular weight between 1000-10000 In another embodiment of the method according to the
g/mol. By using a binding agent with low viscosity a proper present invention, the mixing in step (e) is performed under
wetting of the filler material is provided, and the binding 40 air venting.
agent will to some extent penetrate the wall surface of the In one embodiment of the method according to the present
filler composition particles. This will enhance the usability invention, the mixing in step (e) is performed under con
of the plastic composition and the products produced trolled pressure, and in one such embodiment the pressure is
thereof, as the binding between the filler composition and controlled Such that the temperature of the plastic compo
the bioplastic base component is enhanced. When plastic 45 sition is kept below 200° C. By controlling the pressure in
bags, such as waste bags, are produced of the plastic order to keep the temperature below 200° C., the plastic
composition in which the binding agent has wetted the wall composition is protected against heat decomposition.
surface of the filler composition particles or even has to The present invention also concerns a plastic film pro
some extent penetrated the wall surface of the filler com duced from the plastic composition according to the present
position particles, welded seams will have improved 50 invention, and a plastic film produced by to the method
strength in comparison with the use of a binding agent that according to the present invention.
does not wet the filler material to the same extent as in the In one embodiment of the plastic film according to the
present invention. present invention, micro cracks have been provided within
In another embodiment of the present invention said the plastic film by stretching said plastic film after produc
plastic composition may further comprise 0.5-1.5% by 55 tion thereof.
weight, based on the total weight of the plastic composition, The present invention further concerns a waste bag pre
of a moisture absorbent, preferably chosen from silica, SiO, pared of the plastic film according to the present invention.
and/or calcium oxide, CaO. When using a moisture absor The advantages referred to above concerning the plastic
bent within the plastic composition, the moisture absorbent composition are in pertinent parts also true for the plastic
will absorb water from the organic waste gathered in a waste 60 film prepared from said plastic composition according to the
bag produced of the plastic composition. During absorption present invention and the waste bag according to the present
of water from organic waste also bacteria will be absorbed invention.
which will initiate degrading and decaying. This will initiate Further, when a plastic component prepared of the plastic
and to Some extent accelerate the degrading and decaying composition according to the present invention is used in a
process. 65 combustion process, examples of plastic components being
In another embodiment of the present invention said plastic bags for remaining waste, coffins for cremating and
plastic composition may further comprise 0.1-0.2% by so forth, the CO-discharge is reduced with up to 70% in
US 9,637,608 B2
5 6
comparison with combustion of a corresponding plastic The plastic composition according to the present inven
component made of polyethylene. tion thus comprises
(i) 30-50% by weight of polyester which is biodegradable
(ii) 20-40% by weight of starch from vegetable origin
FIG. 1 shows a schematic view of a process line for the from corn, potatoes, and/or Sunflower;
method according to one embodiment of the present inven (iii) 20-40% by weight of a filler composition; and
tion. (iv) 1-5% by weight of a binding agent, all percentages
FIGS. 2a and 2b show schematic views of two embodi given are based on the total weight of the plastic composi
ments of a polishing and a mixing apparatus as used in the 10 tion, wherein said polyester and said starch together form a
process line of FIG. 1. bioplastic base composition and together comprise 55-79%
FIG. 3 shows an unpolished dolomite particle. by weight of the total weight of said plastic film composi
FIG. 4 shows a polished dolomite particle. tion.
FIG. 5 shows the decomposition time of a plastic film The plastic composition may further comprise 0.5-1.5%
according to one embodiment of the present invention. 15 by weight of a moisture absorbent, and may even further
comprise 0.1-0.2% by weight of iron oxide, again all per
DEFINITIONS centages given are based on the total weight of the plastic
The term "dolomite” means the mineral CaMg(CO), or In one embodiment of the present invention the plastic
a commercially available product which is won from a composition comprises 35-45% by weight, based on the
natural occurring dolomite deposit or which is sold as total weight of the plastic composition, of polyester which is
“dolomite'. biodegradable and/or decayable, and 25-30% by weight,
The term “biodegradable” means material which decom based on the total weight of the plastic composition, of
poses Substantially fully, and which does not discharge starch from vegetable oil origin from corn, potatoes, and/or
contaminants during incineration or leave plastic fragments 25 Sunflower, wherein said polyester and said starch together
after decomposition. comprise 60-74% by weight of the total weight of the plastic
The term "particle size” means, for a non-spherical par composition.
ticle, the diameter of a corresponding spherical particle In another embodiment of the present invention the plastic
which apart from material is identical with the non-spherical composition comprises 40-42% by weight, based on the
particle regarding Volume, weight or area. 30 total weight of the plastic composition, of polyester which is
The term “top cut” means the largest particle size present. biodegradable and/or decayable, and 25-27% by weight,
Thus, all particles have a size less than the top cut value. based on the total weight of the plastic composition, of
The terms in the claims should have their general meaning starch from vegetable oil origin from corn, potatoes, and/or
within the technical area; unless any other definition has Sunflower, wherein said polyester and said starch together
been give above. All referral to “a” or “the “plastic 35 comprise 65-69% by weight of the total weight of the plastic
composition, layer, container, plastic film, waste bag' composition.
should be read as a referral to at least one of said plastic In one embodiment of the present invention the biode
composition, layer, container, plastic film, waste bag, etc. gradable and/or decayable polyester may be a polyhydroxy
unless something else is specified. alkanoate (PHA), a linear polyesters produced in nature by
40 bacterial fermentation of Sugar or lipids. Examples of Such
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE linear polyester are polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), and deri
INVENTION vates thereof, such as polycaprolactone (PLC). In industrial
production of PHA, the polyester is extracted and purified
The present invention concerns a plastic composition from the bacteria by optimizing the conditions of microbial
which is biodegradable, and which does not discharge 45 fermentation of Sugar or glucose. As raw material for the
contaminants during incineration nor does it leave any fermentation, carbohydrates such as glucose and Sucrose can
plastic fragments after decomposition. be used, but also vegetable oil.
It is an international standard, called EN 13432, which The filler composition may, according to the present
defines how rapid and in what extent a plastic material needs invention comprise dolomite and/or calcium carbonate.
to degrade under commercial decomposition to be allowed 50 Thus, it may comprise dolomite, or comprise calcium car
to be named biodegradable. It is be noted that some plastic bonate, or a mixture thereof. However, dolomite is a pre
material, both petroleum based and biologically based plas ferred filler composition according to the present invention.
tic material, seems to be categorized as biodegradable Dolomite is a mineral material comprising calcium magne
according to this standard but ought not be categorized as sium carbonate (CaMg(CO)). The filler composition has a
Such. Some of these plastic materials, such as polyethylene, 55 polished surface, and by polishing the surface thereof the
are degraded by means of UV light and oxygen, i.e. not by filler composition particles do not give rise to tear initiation
microorganisms. However, Such degradation will result in in a plastic film prepared from the plastic composition. In
that the plastic molecular chains will only degrade to some FIG.3 an unpolished dolomite particle is shown, and in FIG.
extent. This will result in a scatter of plastic material in small 4 is a polished dolomite particle shown. Thus, all the edges
fragments. These Small fragments will eventually end up in 60 that may give rise to a tear initiation in a plastic film has been
the soil on the fields, which may give rise to environment removed on the dolomite particle shown in FIG. 4, and a
issues. Thus, these plastic materials are not substantially level surface is produced which is smooth without any sharp
fully biodegradable. corners. In one embodiment the filler composition consti
The plastic composition according to the present inven tutes 20-40% by weight of the plastic composition. In
tion is however substantially fully biodegradable and will 65 another embodiment it constitutes 25-35% by weight and in
not discharge contaminants during incineration or leave one embodiment it constitutes 30% by weight of the total
plastic fragments after decomposition. weight of the plastic composition.
US 9,637,608 B2
7 8
At least 90% of the filler composition has further, accord prising polylactic acid according to prior art require a
ing to one embodiment of the present invention, a particle temperature of 70° C. for the decomposition to start.
size of 1-2 um and a top cut of a particle size of less than 10 Test measurements have shown that at a temperature of
um. In another embodiment the top cut has a particle size of 35-40° C., which is a normal degrading temperature, a
less than 8 Jum. 5 plastic film according to the present invention was com
Further, in one embodiment about 98% of the filler pletely decomposed after 30 days, see FIG. 5.
composition has a particle size of 1-2 um, and the top cut During a decaying process of the organic waste together
corresponds to 2% of the filler composition. Thus, 98% of with the plastic film according to the present invention, some
the particles have a size of 1-2 um and 2% of the particles of the plastic film will decay and give rise to biogas, and the
have a size of 2-10 um or 2-8 Lum.
10 remaining within the digested sludge will be spread out on
the fields. Dolomite and/or calcium carbonate will not
The binding agent may, according to the present invention influence the decaying process, but will act as a soil
comprise a resin ester of vegetable origin, and in one improvement agent out on the fields as it will increase the
embodiment the resin ester is pine ester. Resin esters impart pH, which is favourable for soil deficient in lime.
excellent specific adhesion to a wide range of Substrates due 15 More and more, the governments strive to limit the use of
to their polarity and polymer compatibility. Their low non-renewable raw material, and presently there are discus
molecular weight distribution, combined with their cycloa sions on-going concerning requirements of that at least 50%
liphatic aromatic structure, make resin esters the most of the raw material used for biodegradable materials should
broadly compatible of all adhesive tackifiers. Pine ester is come from renewable raw materials. The plastic composi
one Such resin ester. In one embodiment of the present tion according to the present invention fulfils this require
invention the resin ester may have a molecular of below 10 ment. The filler composition is a neutral component within
000 g/mol and in another embodiment of the present inven the plastic composition, as it is returned back to the nature
tion said resin ester has a molecular weight of between in the same form as it is withdrawn from the nature. The
1000-10 000 g/mol. With a low molecular weight the resin resin ester and the starch according to the present invention
ester becomes more compatible with the bioplastic base 25 come from vegetable origin, which is a renewable raw
composition. The resin ester should also have a low viscos material, while the polyester available on the market as of
ity. The lower the viscosity of the resin ester is the better the today mostly is from non-renewable raw material, but also
wetting and penetrating of the resin ester on and into the from renewable sources, such as PHA and PHB disclosed
filler composition becomes. The binding agent normally above. The plastic composition according to the present
used within prior art, Such as magnesium Stearate and 30 invention may only comprise 30-50% by weight of a non
calcium stearate, will only form a layer around each filler renewable raw material and therefore fulfils this new
composition particle, and will not penetrate the surface of requirement. Additional polyesters from vegetable origin are
the filler composition particles. Thus, using a resin ester as under development and will soon reach the market. When
binding agent, instead of magnesium Stearate or calcium the polyester in the plastic composition according to the
stearate, will provide an improved binding between the filler 35 invention is of vegetable origin, the plastic composition will
composition and the bioplastic base composition. This comprise only renewable raw material.
increased binding will provide a more amorphous structure The present invention further concerns a method for
in the plastic film material with increased strength in both preparing a plastic composition according to above. The
longitudinal and transverse directions in the plastic film method according to the present invention comprises:
material as Such and in welded seams in bags produced of 40 (a) polishing the Surface of the filler composition;
the plastic film material. (b) mixing said polished filler composition with a binding
The plastic composition may further comprise moisture agent during heating:
absorbent in an amount of 0.5-1.5% by weight based on the (c) cooling said mixture of filler composition particles
total weight of the plastic composition. Examples of mois wetted with said binding agent;
ture absorbents are silica, SiO, and calcium oxide, CaO. 45 (d) heat mixing a bioplastic base composition,
Also mixtures of moisture absorbents may be used. An (e) adding said mixture of step (c) to said heat mixed
advantage of using a moisture absorbent within the plastic bioplastic base composition; and
composition is that ambient moisture may be absorbed, (f) extruding the mixture of step (e) into granules of said
which will accelerate the startup of the degrading and plastic composition.
decaying process. The ambient moisture may for example 50 If moisture absorbent is to be included in the plastic
come from the organic waste, such as garbage and food composition, this moisture absorbent may be added during
waste, being placed in a waste bag produced of the plastic the mixing step (c).
composition according to the present invention. If iron oxide is to be included in the plastic composition,
The plastic composition may even further comprise iron it may be added during the mixing step (c).
oxide in an amount of 0.1-0.2% by weight based on the total 55 The granules of said plastic composition may then be used
weight of the plastic composition. The iron oxide will for production of a plastic film. In one embodiment, and
contribute to improved decomposition during exposure to especially if the plastic film produced is to be used for waste
UV-light, and may even to some extent catalyze the decom bags, plastic bags for fruit, sanitary towels or other appli
position. Thus, by adding iron oxide, the decomposition cations in which permeable plastic film is preferred, the
process may be controlled. The iron oxide may be chosen 60 prepared plastic film may be stretched to provide micro
from the group comprising ferrihydrate, goethite, hematite cracks within the plastic film.
or magnetite. The iron oxide may also be present naturally The granules of said plastic composition may further be
within the filler composition deposit and already be part of used for production of e.g. plant pots, urns, and coffins.
the filler composition material as such. In one embodiment of the present invention, the method
With the plastic composition according to the present 65 steps (d), (e) and (f) are performed in a twin screw extruder.
invention it is sufficient with normal room temperature to In one embodiment of the present invention air venting
initiate decomposition, while bioplastic compositions com and/or degassing is performed during step (e). In one
US 9,637,608 B2
embodiment of the present invention the method steps (d), that the filler composition particles are wetted properly with
(e) and (f) is performed during controlled pressure. It may be the binding agent. Asserting a proper wetting of the filler
important to keep the temperature below 200° C., and this composition particles is important for the tear strength of the
may be controlled by pressure adjustments. plastic film, as explained above.
During the polishing of the filler composition particles, 5 After finalizing the mixing of the filler composition and
the sharp edges of the particles are removed and the filler the binding agent, the mixture is cooled down to a tempera
composition receives a Smooth and edge free outer Surface. ture at which the mixture is no longer Sticky.
FIG. 3 shows a dolomite particle in its natural stage after The bioplastic base composition comprising polyester and
ordinary grinding into correct particle sizes, and FIG. 4 starch, as disclosed above, is heat mixed during continued
shows a dolomite particle after having been polished. When 10
mixing. This mixing is preferably performed in an extruder,
the sharp edges is removed from the filler composition most preferably a twin-screw extruder.
particles, possible tear initiation points within plastic film The non-sticky mixture of filler composition and binding
produced from the plastic composition is reduced, and a
plastic film with enhanced tear strength is provided. The agent is thereafter added to the heat mixed bioplastic base
machinery wear during mixing and extrusion is also 15 composition and mixed into a plastic composition; where
decreased when having the Surface of filler composition after the plastic composition is extruded into granules.
particles polished. During the mixing step (e) air enclosed in the non-sticky
The polishing apparatus to be used for this process step is mixture of filler composition and binding agent may be
also disclosed. Two embodiments thereof are shown in FIG. vented out from the mixing device. This is preferably
2A and FIG. 2B. According to a first aspect this apparatus performed in a venting Zone of an extruder. The internal
(110, 210) comprises a container with cylindrical vertical pressure within the mixing/extruder device may have to be
wall (112. 212), a top surface (113, 213), a bottom surface controlled to make sure that the temperature of the mixture
(114, 214), at least one inlet (not shown), at least one outlet is kept below 200°C., otherwise the plastic composition will
(not shown), and a stirring device (111, 211). In a second be destroyed from a too high temperature.
aspect, the inner wall of said vertical wall (112, 212) is 25 Optionally a moisture agent and optionally iron oxide
Surface treated to provide a rough surface. One example of may be added during the cooling of the filler composition
Such a Surface treatment is sand-blasting. In a third aspect of wetted with said binding agent.
this apparatus, the top surface is dome shaped (213) or The granules of the plastic composition may then be used
trapezium (113). In a fourth aspect of this apparatus, said at for production of plastic film material.
least one inlet is arranged in said top Surface, and said at 30 The plastic film has in one embodiment a wall thickness
least one outlet is arranged in said bottom Surface, or in a of 10-50 um. If the plastic film is to be used for waste bags
lower part of said cylindrical vertical wall. In a fifth aspect the wall thickness may be within the range of 15-25 lum.
of this apparatus, said bottom Surface is inversely dome The plastic film may be used for preparation of waste
shaped (214) or inversely trapezium shaped (114). In a sixth bags, plastic bags for fruit and/or vegetables, sanitary tow
aspect of this apparatus, said inner wall of the dome shaped 35 els, etc.
or said trapezium shaped top surface is at least in the lower The plastic composition may also be used in a multi-layer
part adjacent the cylindrical vertical wall surface treated to plastic film, where at least one layer comprises the plastic
provide a rough Surface. Again, one example of Such a composition according to the present invention.
Surface treatment is sand-blasting. In a seventh aspect of this Waste bags may be provided in rolled up rolls where the
apparatus, said stirring device (111, 211) is a high speed 40 waste bags are connected to each other with a weakening
stirring device, having an axis (115, 215) centrally extending line. In comparison with the waste bags for organic waste of
in the vertical direction. According to an eight aspect the today, the waste bags according to the present invention in
stirring device comprises radial extending wings (116, 216) rolls require 10 times less storage space, which results in
arranged in the lower part of the container. According to a decreased storage and distribution costs.
ninth aspect said radial extending wings are inclined towards 45 The waste bag according to the present invention may be
the central axis. Thus, the radial extending wings have a used for collecting organic waste for a couple of weeks
lower vertical position at the central axis in comparison with without degrading or material rupture. The start up time of
the outer end thereof. In a tenth aspect of this apparatus, the the degrading depends on temperature, humidity and mois
radial extending wings have arranged in the outer end ture within the organic waste and the aerobic environment.
thereof an edge (117, 217) with an inclination different to the 50 A waste bag with a wall thickness of 15-25 um may easily
radial extending wings. In an eleventh aspect the inclination be sealed by tying the opened end thereof. The waste bags
of said edge is less steep than the inclination of the radial may have handles; tabs or other arrangements for facilitate
extending wings. In a twelfth aspect the inclination of said tying. By having the waste bag properly tied, the problems
edge is steeper than the inclination of the radial extending with blowflies, maggots and odour may be eliminated or at
wings, and in a thirteenth aspect the edge is vertically 55 least decreased in comparison with the paper waste bags
arranged in the outer end of the radial extending wing. In a used as of today.
fourteenth aspect of this apparatus, said stirring device is
arranged to spin a particulate material towards the inner EXAMPLES
walls of the vertical cylinder wall, and in some embodiment
even towards the inner wall of the dome shaped or trapezium 60 By way of examples, and no limitation, the following
shaped top surface to thereby polish the surface of the examples 1-5 identify a variety of plastic compositions
particulate material. In a fifteenth aspect of this apparatus, pursuant to embodiments of the present invention, and
said particulate material is dolomite and/or calcium carbon example 6 identifies a method for preparation of plastic
ate. composition pursuant to an embodiment of the present
The mixing of the polished filler composition particles 65 invention. All percentages given in the tables below are %
and the binding agent is performed under heating, preferably by weight and is based on the total weight of the plastic
at a temperature of about 70-90° C., in order to make sure composition. “PC” stands for Plastic Composition. The
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11 12
polyester used in the examples below is polycaprolactone, -continued
and the starch is potato starch.
Example 1 Filler Composition
An Embodiment a Plastic Composition dolomite 33% based on total weight of PC
Binding Agent
pine ester 5% based on total weight of PC
Component: 10

Bioplastic Base Component 68% based on total weight of PC Example 5

polyester 41% based on total weight of PC
starch 27% based on total weight of PC
Filler Composition An Embodiment of a Plastic Composition
dolomite 30% based on total weight of PC
Binding Agent
pine ester 2% based on total weight of PC Component:
Bioplastic Base Component 68% based on total weight of PC
polyester 41% based on total weight of PC
Example 2 starch 27% based on total weight of PC
Filler Composition
An Embodiment of a Plastic Composition dolomite 28% based on total weight of PC
Binding Agent
pine ester 3.5% based on total weight of PC
Moisture Absorbent
Silica, SiO2 0.5% based on total weight of PC
Bioplastic Base Component 65% based on total weight of PC
polyester 39% based on total weight of PC 30
starch 26% based on total weight of PC
Filler Composition Example 6
dolomite 30% based on total weight of PC
Binding Agent An Embodiment of a Method for Preparation of
pine ester 4.5% based on total weight of PC 35 Plastic Composition
Moisture Absorbent
Below an embodiment of a method for preparing a plastic
Silica, SiO, 0.5% based on total weight of PC composition is disclosed. Referral is made to FIG. 1. A
plastic composition of example 1 was prepared.
40 The filler composition of example 1 is introduced in a
Example 3 polishing and mixing apparatus 10. The filler composition
comprises dolomite and 98% of the particles have a particle
An Embodiment of a Plastic Composition size of 1-2 um and a top cut, 2% of the particles, have a
particle size of less than 8 um. The stirring device 11 is
45 rotated at high speed to spin the dolomite particles against
Component: the vertical inner walls 12 of the mixing apparatus and,
dependent on the speed used, also against the lower part of
Bioplastic Base Component 71% based on total weight of PC the inner surface of the top surface 13. The inner walls have
polyester 39% based on total weight of PC
starch 32% based on total weight of PC been Surface treated to provide a rough Surface against
Filler Composition 50 which the filler composition will become polished in order
to remove any sharp edges of the filler composition particles.
dolomite 25% based on total weight of PC When the polishing is completed, a binding agent is added
Binding Agent
to the polished dolomite in the polishing and mixing appa
pine ester 4% based on total weight of PC ratus. The binding agent added in this example is pine ester
55 with a molecular weight below 10 000 g/mol. The polished
dolomite is mixed with the pine ester at high speed mixing
Example 4 and under heating at a temperature of about 80° C.
After thorough mixing and proper wetting of the dolomite
An Embodiment of a Plastic Composition particles with the pine ester, the mixture is transferred to a
60 low speed mixing container 20. In this low speed mixing
container 20 the mixture is cooled under stirring to a
temperature at which the mixture has become essentially
Component: non-sticky.
Bioplastic Base Component 62% based on total weight of PC The bioplastic base components is added to a twin-screw
polyester 37% based on total weight of PC 65 extruder 30 and mixed therein under heating to a tempera
starch 25% based on total weight of PC ture of 180° C. The non-sticky mixture is thereafter intro
duced into the extruder and is therein mixed with the heated
US 9,637,608 B2
13 14
bioplastic base component into a plastic composition. The 8. A method for preparing the plastic composition accord
extruder is a twin-screw extruder having a venting Zone ing to claim 1, the method comprising:
therein provided with at least one air vent 31 for air venting (a) polishing filler composition particles of dolomite
and degassing. The plastic composition is mixed in the and/or calcium carbonate to remove sharp edges on a
extruder and the pressure therein is controlled to keep the 5 surface of the filler composition particles;
temperature below 200° C. (b) mixing and heating the polished filler composition
The plastic composition is thereafter extruded into gran particles with the binding agent comprising the resin
ules of the plastic composition. ester of vegetable origin thereby wetting the filler
The granules were later on used for production of a plastic composition with the binding agent;
film with a thickness of 20 Lum. The plastic film was 10 (c) cooling and stirring the filler composition wetted with
thereafter stretched to create micro cracks in the plastic film the binding agent thereby obtaining a non-sticky mix
to make the plastic film permeable. ture thereof;
While the present invention has been described in con (d) heat mixing the bioplastic base composition compris
nection with what is presently considered to be the most ing (i) 30-50% by weight, based on the total weight of
practical embodiments, it is to be understood that the inven 15 the plastic composition, of the polyester which is
tion is not to be limited to the disclosed embodiments, but biodegradable and/or decayable; and (ii) 20-40% by
on the contrary, is intended to cover various modifications weight, based on the total weight of the plastic com
and equivalents included within the spirit and the scope of position, of starch from vegetable oil origin from corn,
the appended claims. potatoes, and/or sunflower, wherein the bioplastic base
The invention claimed is: composition is 55-79% by weight of the total plastic
1. A plastic composition which does not discharge con composition;
taminants during incineration or leave plastic fragments and thereafter, during continued mixing,
after decomposition, the composition comprising: (e) adding the non-sticky mixture to the heat mixed
(i) 30-50% by weight of a polyester which is biodegrad bioplastic base composition, thereby obtaining a further
able and/or decayable, based on a total weight of the 25 mixture; and
plastic composition; (f) extruding the further mixture into granules of the
(ii) 20-40% by weight of starch from vegetable oil origin plastic composition.
from corn, potatoes, and/or Sunflower, based on the 9. The method according to claim 8, further comprising
total weight of the plastic composition; adding a moisture absorbent during the cooling and stirring
(iii) 20-40% by weight of a filler composition comprising 30 (c).
dolomite and/or calcium carbonate, based on the total 10. The method according to claim 8, further comprising
weight of the plastic composition, wherein the filler adding iron oxide during the cooling and stirring (c).
composition particles have a polished Surface; and 11. The method according to claim 8, further comprising
(iv) 1-5% by weight of a binding agent comprising a resin air venting during the adding the non-sticky mixture to the
ester of vegetable origin, based on the total weight of 35 heat mixed bioplastic base composition (e).
the plastic composition; 12. A method for preparation of the plastic composition
wherein the polyester and the starch together form a according to claim 8, further comprising controlling pres
bioplastic base composition and together are 55-79% Sure while adding the non-sticky mixture to the heat-mixed
by weight of the total weight of the plastic composition, bioplastic base composition (e) and while extruding the
and 40 further mixture (f).
wherein the plastic composition is biodegradable. 13. A plastic film obtained from the plastic composition of
claim 1.
2. The plastic composition according to claim 1, wherein 14. A plastic film obtained from a plastic composition
the filler composition is dolomite. prepared according to the method of claim 8.
3. The plastic composition according to claim 1, wherein
at least 90% of the filler composition has a particle size of 45 15. The plastic film according to claim 13, wherein the
1-2 um and a top cut of the filler composition has a particle plastic film is obtained by a process comprising stretching
size of less than 10 Lum. the plastic composition after production thereby providing
4. The plastic composition according to claim 1, wherein micro cracks within the plastic film.
the resin ester is pine resin. 16. The plastic film according to claim 13, which has a
5. The plastic composition according to claim 1, wherein 50 layer thickness of 10-50 um.
the resin ester has a molecular weight below 10,000 g/mol. 17. A waste bag comprising the plastic film of claim 13.
6. The plastic composition according to claim 1, wherein 18. The plastic composition according to claim 6, wherein
the plastic composition further comprises 0.5-1.5% by the moisture absorbent comprises silica and/or calcium
weight of a moisture absorbent, based on the total weight of 19. The method according to claim 9, wherein the mois
the plastic composition. 55
7. The plastic composition according to claim 1, wherein ture absorbent comprises silica and/or calcium oxide.
the plastic composition further comprises 0.1-0.2% by 20. The plastic composition according to claim 1, wherein
weight of iron oxide, based on the total weight of the plastic the polyester comprises a polyhydroxyalkanoate.
composition. k k k k k

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