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Biodegradable Polyester Resin Composition

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(12) United States Patent (io) Patent No.: US 9,371,445 B2

Suzuki et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 21, 2016

(54) BIODEGRADABLE POLYESTER RESIN C08J2467/04 (2013.01); C08K 5/103

COMPOSITION (2013.01); C08L 101/16 (2013.01)
(58) Field of Classification Search
(71) Applicant: Kaneka Corporation, Osaka-shi, Osaka None
(JP) See application file for complete search history.

(72) Inventors: Noriyuki Suzuki, Settsu (JP); Nobuo (56) References Cited
Nakamura, Settsu (JP)
(73) Assignee: Kaneka Corporation, Osaka (JP)
4,426,477 A * 1/1984 Yasumatsu et al....... ..... 524/306
2004/0225269 Al 11/2004 Zhao et al.
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2012/0041109 Al* 2/2012 Krishnaswamy ...... ..... 524/101
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2012/0315454 Al 12/2012 Wang et al.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
(21) Appl. No.: 14/388,954
JP 59-074148 A 4/1984
(22) PCT Filed: Mar. 29, 2013 JP 2006-525136 A 11/2006
JP 2007-145423 A 6/2007
JP 2009-073498 A 4/2009
(86) PCT No.: PCT/JP2013/059493 JP 2009-227882 A 10/2009
§ 371 (c)(1),
wo WO-2011-080623 A2 7/2011
(2) Date: Sep. 29, 2014 * cited by examiner

(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2013/147139 Primary Examiner — Susannah Chung

Assistant Examiner — Robert T Butcher
PCT Pub. Date: Oct. 3, 2013
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Polsinelli PC
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2015/0073079 Al Mar. 12, 2015 This invention aims at improving the tear strength of a film
and a sheet molded from a resin composition containing
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data microorganism-produced aliphatic polyester. This invention
relates to a biodegradable polyester resin composition con­
Mar. 30, 2012 (JP) .................................. 2012-082310 taining polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) in the pro­
portion of 60 to 400 parts by weight and modified-glycerin in
Int. Cl. the proportion of 10 to 50 parts by weight based on 100 parts
C08G 63/60 (2006.01) by weight of aliphatic polyester (P3HA) having a repeating
C08K5/10 (2006.01) unit represented by Formula (1): [—CHR—CH2—CO—
C08K 5/103 (2006.01) θ—] (wherein R is an alkyl group represented by C„H2„+1
C08L 67/02 (2006.01) and n is an integer of 1 or more and 15 or lower) and a film or
C08J 5/18 (2006.01) a sheet obtained by molding the biodegradable polyester resin
C08L 67/04 (2006.01) composition in which the maximum major axis of phases
C08L 101/16 (2006.01) containing the aliphatic polyester (P3HA) measured by a
(52) U.S. Cl. transmission electron microscopy analysis-image analysis
CPC .. C08L 67/02 (2013.01); C08J5/18 (2013.01); method (TEM method) is 18 pm or lower and the average
C08L 67/04 (2013.01); C08J2300/16 value is 8 pm or lower.
(2013.01); C08J2367/02 (2013.01); C08J
2367/04 (2013.01); C08J2467/02 (2013.01); 11 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Jun. 21, 2016 Sheet 1 of 3 US 9,371,445 B2



U.S. Patent Jun. 21, 2016 Sheet 2 of 3 US 9,371,445 B2
U.S. Patent Jun. 21, 2016 Sheet 3 of 3 US 9,371,445 B2

Fig. 3


Comparative Example 1
US 9,371,445 B2
1 2
Patent Literatures
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 Patent Document 1: JP-A No. 2006-45365
APPLICATIONS Patent Document 2: International Publication WO2010/
This application is a National Phase filing under 35 U.S.C.
§371 of PCT/JP2013/05 9493 filedonMar. 29, 2013; and this SUMMARY OF INVENTION
application claims priority to Application No. 2012-082310 10

filed in Japan on Mar. 30, 2012. The entire contents of each Technical Problem
application is hereby incorporated by reference.
In view of the above-described problems, it is an object of
the present invention to improve the tear strength in the MD
15 direction of a film and a sheet molded from a resin composi­
TECHNICAL FIELD tion containing microorganism-produced aliphatic polyester.

Solution to Problem
The present invention relates to a biodegradable polyester
20 The present inventors have examined the microstructure
resin composition and a film and a sheet containing the same.
(morphology) of the molded article to be obtained by a trans­
mission electron microscopy analysis-image analysis method
BACKGROUND ART (TEM method) in order to solve the above-described prob­
lems, the present inventors have found that aliphatic polyester
25 components are drawn and oriented in the withdrawal direc­
In recent years, under circumstances where environmental
tion (MD direction) in molding. Furthermore, the present
problems caused by plastic waste have been brought to the
inventors have estimated that a reduction in the tear strength
fore and realization of the society with an environmentally -
in the MD direction of the film or the sheet described above
sound material cycle of a global scale has been greatly results from the drawn and oriented state of the above-de­
desired, a biodegradable plastic decomposed into water and 30 scribed aliphatic polyester component, and then have further
carbon dioxide by the action of microorganisms after use has examined in order to adjust the morphology of the molded
drawn attention. Examples of the biodegradable plastic articles. As a result, the present inventors have found that, by
include 1) microoiganism-produced aliphatic polyesters such the combined use of a specific amount ofmodified-glycerin in
as polyhydroxyalkanoate (hereinafter referred to as PHA), 2) addition to the microorganism-produced aliphatic polyester
petroleum-derived resin such as polylactic acid, polycapro­ 35 and another biodegradable resin, the morphology of the resin
lactone, polybutylene adipate terephthalate, polybutylene material in the molded articles, such as the film and the sheet,
succinate adipate, and polybutylene succinate, and 3) natural can be controlled. Then, the present inventors have succeeded
polymers such as starch and cellulose acetate, and the like. in increasing the tear strength in the MD direction of the
However, among petroleum-derived aliphatic polyesters, the molded articles, such as the film and the sheet for the first time
polylactic acid and the polycaprolactone have a problem with 40 by controlling the morphology, and thus have accomplished
heat resistance and the natural polymers have problems in that the present invention.
the polymers are non-thermoplastic or have poor water resis­ More specifically, a first aspect of the present invention
tance. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of a reduction in relates to a biodegradable polyester resin composition con­
carbon dioxide emission, the society has increasingly become taining polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) in the pro­
a society where the use of non-petroleum-derived resin with 45 portion of 60 to 400 parts by weight and modified-glycerin in
high biomass degree is desired. Then, the use of a biodegrad­ the proportion of 10 to 50 parts by weight based on 100 parts
able resin which contains plant materials and in which the by weight of aliphatic polyester (P3HA) having a repeating
proportion of the microorganism-produced aliphatic polyes­ unit represented by Formula (1): [—CHR—CH2—CO—
ter which does not increase the carbon dioxide on the earth, O—] (wherein R is an alkyl group represented by C„II2„+1
i.e., carbon-neutral, has been desired. 50 and n is an integer of 1 or more and 15 or lower).
In a preferable embodiment, the biodegradable polyester
Heretofore, as the film and the sheet containing the micro- resin composition is one for molding a film or one for molding
organism-produced aliphatic polyester, a film containing a sheet.
poly(3 -hydroxybutyrate-co-3 -hydroxyhexanoate, Abbrevia­ In a preferable embodiment, the aliphatic polyester
tion: PHBH) produced from microorganisms (Patent Docu­ 55 (P3HA) is at least one selected from the group consisting of
ment 1), a sheet containing a resin composition containing poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) (PHBH),
petroleum-derived resin such as polybutylene adipate tereph­ poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P3HB), poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-
thalate, polybutylene succinate adipate, polybutylene succi­ co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV), poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-
nate, and polycaprolactone, and PHBH (Patent Document 2) 4-hydroxybutyrate) (P3HB4HB), poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-
and the like are disclosed. 60 co-3-hydroxyoctanoate), and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-
However, when the microorganism-produced aliphatic hydroxyoctadec anoate).
polyester such as PHBH, and the resin composition contain­ In a preferable embodiment, the melt viscosity at 160° C.
ing the same have been molded into a film or a sheet by a of the aliphatic polyester (P3HA) is 900 to 3,600 Pa-s.
blown film method or a T-die extrusion method, the tear In a preferable embodiment, the ratio (P3HA/PBAT) of the
strength in the MD direction (the withdrawal direction in 65 melt viscosity of the aliphatic polyester (P3HA) to the melt
molding) of the obtained film or the obtained sheet has been viscosity of the polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) is
insufficient. 0.5 or more.
US 9,371,445 B2
3 4
In a preferable embodiment, polybutylene succinate (PBS) for producing poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybu-
is further contained in the proportion of 20 to 150 parts by tyrate), and the like. In particular, with respect to the PHBH,
weight based on 100 parts by weight of the aliphatic polyester in order to increase the PHBH productivity, an Alcaligenes
(P3HA). eutrophus AC32 strain (FERM BP-6038) into which genes of
In a preferable embodiment, the proportion of the aliphatic 5 a PHA synthetase group are introduced (J. Bateriol., 179, p
polyester (P3HA) based on the total amount of the aliphatic 4821-4830 (1997)) and the like are more preferable, and
polyester (P3HA), the polybutylene adipate terephthalate microorganism cells obtained by culturing these microorgan­
(PBAT), and the polybutylene succinate (PBS) is 45% by isms under appropriate conditions to accumulate the PHBH
weight or lower. in cells are used.
In a preferable embodiment, the modified-glycerin is 10 The weight average molecular weight of the P3HA for use
acetylated monoglyceride. in the present invention is preferably 50,000 to 3,000,000 and
A second aspect of the present invention relates to a film or more preferably 100,000 to 1,500,000 from the viewpoint of
a sheet, which is obtained by molding the biodegradable the balance between the moldability and the physical proper­
polyester resin composition, in which the maximum major ties. The weight average molecular weight used herein refers
axis of phases containing the aliphatic polyester (P3HA) 15 to one measured from a polystyrene conversion molecular
measured by a transmission electron microscopy analysis­ weight distribution using gel permeation chromatography
image analysis method (TEM method) is 18 pm or lower and (GPC) employing a chloroform eluate.
the average value is 8 pm or lower. As the P3HA for use in the present invention, one contain­
In a preferable embodiment, the film or the sheet is molded ing a repeating unit in which n of the alkyl group (R) in
by a blown film method or a T-die extrusion method. 20 Formula (1) above is 1 or one containing a repeating unit in
In a preferable embodiment, the withdrawal speed in mold­ which n is 1 and a repeating unit in which n is at least one of
ing is 30 m/min or lower. 2,3,5, and 7 is preferable and one containing a repeating unit
in which n is 1 and a repeating unit in which n is 3 is more
Advantageous Effects of Invention preferable. Specific examples of the P3HA include poly(3-
25 hydroxybutyrate) (Abbreviation: P3HB), poly(3-hydroxybu-
The present invention can provide a film or a sheet which tyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) (Abbreviation: PHBH), poly
contains a biodegradable resin material, in which the propor­ (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (Abbreviation:
tion of microorganism-produced aliphatic polyester which PHBV), poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate)
does not increase the carbon dioxide on the earth, i.e., carbon (Abbreviation: P3HB4HB), poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-
neutral, is high, and in which the tear strength in the MD 30 hydroxyoctanoate), poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxy-
direction of a molded article is high. octadecanoate), and the like. Among the above, P3HB,
PHBH, PHBV, and P3HB4HB are mentioned as those which
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS are industrially easily produced.
Among the above, the PHBH containing a repeating unit in
FIG. 1 is a TEM image of a film obtained in Example 1. 35 which n of the alkyl group (R) is 1 and a repeating unit in
FIG. 2 is an image in which the TEM image of FIG. 1 is which n is 3 in Formula (1) above is preferable from the
processed with image-analysis software and the maj or axis of viewpoint that, by varying the composition ratio of the repeat­
PHBH is distinguished. ing unit, the melting point and the crystallization degree are
FIG. 3 is a TEM image of a film obtained in Comparative varied, so that the physical properties such as Young’s modu­
Example 1. 40 lus and heat resistance can be varied, the physical properties
between polypropylene and polyethylene can be imparted,
DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENTS and the PHBH is industrially easily produced as described
above and is a plastic useful in terms of physical properties. A
A biodegradable polyester resin composition according to specific production method ofthe PHBH is described in Inter­
the present invention contains aliphatic polyester (P3HA) 45 national Publication W02010/013483 (Patent Document 2),
having a repeating unit represented by Formula (1): for example. As a commercially-available item of the PHBH,
[—CHR—CH2—CO—O—] (wherein R is an alkyl group “AONILEX” (registered trademark) of Kaneka Corporation
represented by C„H2„+1 andnis an integer of 1 ormoreand 15 and the like are mentioned.
or lower) and polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) in As the composition ratio of the repeating units of PHBH,
combination as resin components and further contains modi­ 50 the composition ratio of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)/poly(3-hy­
fied-glycerin. droxyhexanoate) is preferably 80/20 to 99/1 (mol/mol) and
Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) (Abbreviation: P3HA) for use more preferably 75/15 to 97/3 (mol/mol) from the viewpoint
in the present invention is produced from microorganisms of the balance between the flexibility and the strength. This is
and an aliphatic polyester polymer having a repeating unit because the composition ratio is preferably 99/1 or lower in
represented by Formula (1): [—CHR—CH2—CO—O—] 55 terms of flexibility and is preferably 80/20 or more in terms of
(wherein R is an alkyl group represented by C„II2„+ and n is the fact that resin has moderate hardness.
an integer of 1 to 15). In the PHBV, the melting point, the Young’s modulus, and
Microoiganisms which produce the P3HA are not particu­ the like vary based on the ratio of the 3-hydroxybutyrate
larly limited insofar as the microorganisms have production (3HB) component and the 3-hydroxyvalerate (3HV) compo­
capacity of the P3HA. For example, known as microorgan­ 60 nent. However, since the 3HB component and the 3HV com­
isms for producing a copolymer of hydroxybutyrate and ponent are co-crystallized, the crystallization degree is as
another hydroxyalkanoate are Aeromonas caviae which is a high as 50% or higher and the PHBV is flexible as compared
microorganism for producing a copolymer containing 3-hy­ with poly 3-hydroxybutyrate (P3HB) but the elongation at
droxybutyrate and 3-hydroxyvalerate as a monomer unit break tends to be as low as 50% or lower.
(hereinafter abbreviated as “PHBV”) and poly(3-hydroxybu- 65 In the P3HA for use in the present invention, the melt
tyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) (hereinafter abbreviated as viscosity at 160° C. is preferably 900 to 3,600 Pa-s. When the
“PHBH”), Alcaligenes eutrophus which is a microoiganism melt viscosity is lower than 900 Pa-s, the melt viscosity ratio
US 9,371,445 B2
5 6
to the polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) becomes Moreover, in the biodegradable polyester resin composi­
small, so that the morphology in resin compositions and tion of the present invention, due to the fact that polybutylene
molded articles obtained from the resin compositions, such as succinate (PBS) is contained, there is action of lowering the
a film and a sheet, is difficult to control in some cases. When melt viscosity of the PBAT. Therefore, the biodegradable
the melt viscosity is higher than 3,600 Pa-s, the molding 5 polyester resin composition of the present invention is excel­
processability is inferior in some cases. In the present inven­ lent in that the viscosity ratio of the P3HA to the PBAT
tion, the melt viscosity can be increased by adding isocyanate increases, the P3HA easily forms a non-continuous phase,
to the P3HA. and the tear strength improves. The PBS is an aliphatic poly­
In the P3HA produced by microorganisms, the crystalliza­ ester copolymer synthesized by dehydration polycondensa­
tion speed is particularly slow among aliphatic polyesters. 10 tion of 1,4-butane diol and succinic acid, and “Bionolle”
Therefore, the use of the processing method as in the present manufactured by Showa Denko K.K. and the like are men­
invention is particularly effective. Moreover, the P3HA is tioned as a commercially-available item thereof.
excellent in the biodegradability under any environment, such From the viewpoint that the tear strength is not affected, the
as an aerobic environment and an anaerobic environment, and content of the PBS in the biodegradable polyester of the
does not generate poisonous gas in combustion. In particular, 15 present invention is preferably 20 to 150 parts by weight and
the PHBH is also preferable because the PHBH has such more preferably 40 to 120 parts by weight based on 100 parts
excellent properties that the PHBH does not contain a petro­ by weight of the P3HA.
leum-derived substance as the raw material and contains plant To the resin composition of the present invention, at least
raw materials and the PHBH does not increase the carbon one of a filler, colorants such as pigments and dyes, odor
dioxide on the earth, i.e., carbon-neutral. Moreover, the 20 absorbents such as activated carbon and zeolite, flavor such as
present invention is advantageous in that a non-biodegradable vanillin and dextrin, an oxidation inhibitor, an antioxidant, a
crystal nucleus agent is not added and the excellent biode­ weatherability improvement agent, an ultraviolet absorber, a
gradability of the P3HA is not impaired. plasticizer, a lubricant, a mold release agent, a water repellent
The polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) for use in agent, an antibacterial agent, a slidability improvement agent,
the present invention refers to a random copolymer of 1,4- 25 and other secondary additives used as usual additives in the
butane diol, adipic acid, and terephthalic acid and is particu­ range where the effects of the present invention are not
larly preferably PBAT obtained by a reaction of (a) a mixture impaired may be added.
mainly containing 35 to 95% by mol of adipic acid or an ester In the present invention, the above-described resin compo­
forming derivative thereof or a mixture thereof and 5 to 65% sition and a film and a sheet obtained from the resin compo­
by mol of terephthalic acid or an ester forming derivative 30 sition are obtained by controlling the morphology. Specifi­
thereof or a mixture thereof (Total of each % by mol is 100% cally, the film and the sheet obtained from the resin
by mol.) and (b) a mixture containing butane diol (wherein the composition are obtained by controlling the morphology in
molar ratio of (a) and (b) is 0.4:1 to 1.5:1) as described in JP-T such a manner that the maximum major axis of phases con­
No. H10-508640. As a commercially-available item of the taining the P3HA measured by a transmission electron
PBAT, “Ecoflex” (registered trademark) manufactured by 35 microscopy analysis-image analysis method (TEM method)
BASF and the like are mentioned. is 18 pm or lower and the average value is in the range of 8 pm
The content of the PBAT in the biodegradable polyester of or lower in the film and the sheet obtained from resin com­
the present invention is preferably 60 to 400 parts by weight position and the P3HA forms a discontinuous layer in a dis­
and more preferably 100 to 250 parts by weight based on 100 persion state.
parts by weight of the P3HA. When the content is lower than 40 The TEM method in the present invention refers to a
60 parts by weight, the P3HA cannot form a discontinuous method including cutting out an about 100 nm thick piece
layer in a dispersion state, and therefore the tear strength from the film or the sheet using a microtome in parallel to the
decreases in some cases. When the content exceeds 400 parts surface of the film or the sheet in such a manner that the
by weight, the moldability decreases in some cases. observation in the MD direction can be performed, selectively
By further compounding modified-glycerin in the above­ 45 dyeing the P3HA with ruthenium tetroxide (RuO4), osmium
described resin components in the biodegradable polyester tetroxide, phosphotungstic acid, and the like, taking a photo­
resin composition ofthe present invention, the morphology in graph ofthe state ofthe phases containing the P3HA when the
the resin composition and molded articles obtained from the section of the film or the sheet is observed from the plane
resin compositions, such as a film and a sheet, can be con­ direction at an accelerating voltage of 80 kV using a trans­
trolled. 50 mission electron microscope (manufactured by JEOL Ltd.,
As the modified-glycerin, acetylated monoglycerides such JEM-1200EX) with a magnification of 10,000 times, and then
as glycerin diaceto monolaurate, glycerin diaceto monoca­ automatically measuring the major axis and the average value
prylate, and glycerin diaceto monodecanoate are preferable. thereof of the phases containing the P3HA in the range of
As a commercially-available item of the modified-glycerin, about 18 mxabout 25 pm of the image by binarized image
“RIKEMAL” (registered trademark) PL series of Riken Vita­ 55 analysis software (manufactured by Mitani Corporation,
min Co., Ltd., and the like are mentioned. “Win Roof’). Withrespect to the phases containing the P3HA
The content of the modified-glycerin to the biodegradable which cannot be distinguished with the image-analysis soft­
polyester of the present invention is preferably 10 to 50 parts ware, the major axis is manually determined.
by weight and more preferably 20 to 40 parts by weight based The major axis of the phases containing the P3HA indi­
on 100 parts by weight of the P3HA. When the content is 60 cates the longest diameter in each phase containing the P3HA
lower than 10 parts by weight, the maximum value and the in the image which is observed under a microscope and the
average value of the major axis of each phase containing the average value indicates the average value of the major axes of
P3HA become excessively large, the P3HA cannot form a all the phases containing the P3HA present in the visual field.
discontinuous layer in a dispersion state, and the tear strength When measuring the major axis, three visual field are
of a film and a sheet decreases in some cases. When the 65 observed at random as the visual fields to be observed.
content exceeds 50 parts by weight, the effects do not change Examples of the method for controlling the morphology
any more and bleed-out may occur. include 1) a method for setting the ratio (P3HA/PBAT) of the
US 9,371,445 B2
7 8
melt viscosity of the aliphatic polyester (P3HA) to the melt extrusion method. Specific conditions may be set as appro­
viscosity of the polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) to priate and, for example, in a blown film method, it is prefer­
0.5 or more, preferably 0.7 or more, and still more preferably able to perform drying until the moisture content of pellets
1.0 or more, 2) a method for setting the ratio of the amount of reaches 500 ppm or lower with a dehumidification drier or the
the aliphatic polyester (P3HA) based on the total amount of 5 like before inflation molding, and then setting the cylinder
the aliphatic polyester (P3HA), the polybutylene adipate preset temperature to 100° C. to 160° C. and the preset tem­
terephthalate (PBAT), and the polybutylene succinate (PBS) perature of an adapter and a die to 130° C. to 160° C.
to 45% by weight or lower and preferably 40% by weight or The thickness of the film or the sheet is not strictly speci­
lower, and, in molded articles such as a film and a sheet, 3) a fied. In general, one having a thickness of about 1 to 100 pm
method for setting the withdrawal speed in molding to 30 10 is referred to as a film and one having a thickness up to about
m/min or lower, preferably 25 m/min or lower, and more 20 mm exceeding 100 pm is referred to as a sheet.
preferably 20 m/min or lower. The film or the sheet of the present invention can be suit­
The ratio (P3HA/PBAT) ofthe melt viscosity in 1) above is ably used for agriculture, fishing, forestry, gardening, medi­
the melt viscosity ratio at 160° C. of the P3HA and the PBAT. cal science, health articles, food industry, garments, non­
When the melt viscosity ratio is lower than 0.5, the PHBH 15 garments, packaging, automobiles, building materials, and
constitutes a continuous phase in the resin, so that the tear other fields. For example, the film or the sheet of the present
strength in the MD direction in molded articles, such as a film invention are used for multifilms for agriculture, fumigation
and a sheet, excessively decrease in some cases. The upper sheets for forestry, binding tapes including a flat yam and the
limit of the ratio of the melt viscosity of the P3HA to the melt like, root wrapping films of garden trees, backseats of diapers,
viscosity of the PBAT is not particularly limited and is pref­ 20 packaging sheets, shopping bags, garbage bags, drainer bags,
erably 2.0 or lower from the viewpoint that when the ratio is other compost bags, and the like.
excessively large, the viscosity of the resin composition
becomes excessively high, so that the molding processability EXAMPLES
decreases in some cases and the P3HA is easily finely dis­
persed. Herein, the “ratio (P3HA/PBAT) of the melt viscosity 25 The present invention is more specifically described with
of the P3HA to the melt viscosity of the PBAT” refers to a reference to Examples and Comparative Examples described
value obtained by dividing the melt viscosity of the P3HA by below but the present invention is not limited to Examples at
the melt viscosity of the PBAT. all.
Examples of a method for measuring the melt viscosity
includes a method for measuring the melt viscosity using a 30 Manufacturing Example 1
high shear viscometer capillary rheometer at a preset tem­
perature of 160° C. to 170° C., a capillary size of φΐ mm, a 3-hydroxyalkanoate polymer
length of 10 mm, and a shear rate of 100 (1/sec) to 2,000
(1/sec). In Examples described later, the melt viscosity is PHBH (Raw material A-l) used in this example was pro­
measured by this method. 35 duced as follows.
In the method of 2) above, when the proportion of the For culturing and production of PHA, a KNK-631 strain
aliphatic polyester (P3HA) exceeds 45% by weight, the (refer to International Publication WO2009/145164) was
PHBH constitutes a continuous phase in the resin, so that the used.
tear strength in the MD direction in molded articles, such as a The composition of a seed culture medium was set to 1 w/v
film and a sheet, excessively decrease in some cases. The 40 % Meat-extract, 1 w/v % Bacto-Tryptone, 0.2 w/v % Yeast­
lower limit of the proportion of the aliphatic polyester extract, 0.9 w/v % Na2HPO4.12H2O, and 0.15 w/v %
(P3HA) is not particularly limited and the proportion of the KH2PO4andapH of 6.8.
content of the aliphatic polyester (P3HA) is preferably 1 % by The composition of a preculture medium was set to 1.1
weight or more from the viewpoint that the nonpetroleum w/v % Na2HPO4.12H2O, 0.19 w/v % KH2PO4, 1.29 w/v %
degree becomes large. When the proportion of the aliphatic 45 (NH4)2SO4, 0.1 w/v % MgSO4.7H2O, and a 0.5 v/v % trace
polyester (P3HA) is excessively small, the effect of increas­ metal salt solution (1.6 w/v % FeCl3.6H2O, 1 w/v %
ing the proportion of the microorganism-produced aliphatic CaCl2.2H2O, 0.02 w/v % CoC12.6H2O, 0.016 w/v %
polyester which is carbon-neutral decreases. Therefore, the CuSO4.5H2O, and 0.012 w/v % NiCl2.6H2O were melted in
proportion of the aliphatic polyester (P3HA) is more prefer­ 0.1 N hydrochloric acid). As the carbon source, palm kernel
ably 20% by weight or more and still more preferably 25% by 50 petroleum was added at once with a concentration of 10 g/L.
weight or more. The composition of the PHA production culture medium
In the method of 3) above, when the withdrawal speed in was set to 0.385 w/v % Na2HPO4.12H2O, 0.067 w/v %
the molding of a film, a sheet, and the like exceeds 30 m/min, KH2PO4,0.291 w/v % (NH4)2SO4,0.1 w/v % MgSO4.7H2O,
the major axis of phases containing the P3HA in the film, the a 0.5 v/v % trace metal salt solution (1.6 w/v % FeCl3.6H2O,
sheet, and the like become excessively long, and further a 55 1 w/v % CaCl2.2H2O, 0.02 w/v % CoC12.6H2O, 0.016 w/v %
phase continuous in the MD direction is obtained, so that the CuSO4.5H2O, and 0.012 w/v % NiC2.6H2O were melted in
tear strength considerably decreases in some cases. 0.1 N hydrochloric acid), and 0.05 w/v % BIOSPUREX200K
By any one ofthe methods 1) to 3) above, the film and sheet (Antifoaming agent: manufactured by Cognis Japan).
of the present invention in which the maximum major axis of First, a glycerol stock (50 pL) of the KNK-631 strain was
discontinuous phases containing the P3HA is 18 pm or lower 60 inoculated into the seed culture medium (10 ml, and then
and the average value is 8 pm or lower can be obtained. cultured for 24 hours for seed culturing. Next, 1.0 v/v % of a
The resin composition of the present invention can be seed culture solution was inoculated into a 3 L jar fermentor
produced by known methods, such as a method including (MDL-300 type, manufactured by B. E. Marubishi Co., Ltd.)
performing heating and melting using a single axis extruder, in which 1.8 L of the preculture medium was placed. The
a twin screw extruder, and the like. The film or the sheet of the 65 operating condition were set to a culture temperature of 33°
present invention can be manufactured by known molding C., a stirring speed of 500 rpm, and an airflow amount of 1.8
processing methods such as a blown film method and a T-die L/min. The culturing was performed for 28 hours while con-
US 9,371,445 B2
9 10
trolling the pH between 6.7 to 6.8 for pre-culturing. For pH was obtained in the same manner as in Manufacturing
control, 14% aqueous ammonium hydroxide solution was Example 1, except setting the culture time to 96 hours.
used. Raw material A-4: The raw material A-4 was obtained by 2
Next, 1.0 v/v % of the pre-culture solution was inoculated parts by weight of an isocyanate compound (manufactured by
into a 10 L jar fermentor (MDS-1000 type, manufactured by 5 Nippon Polyurethane Industry Co., Ltd., Millionate MR200)
B. E.Marubishi Co., Ltd.) in which 6 L of a production culture based on 100 parts by weight of the raw material A-l was
medium was placed. The operating condition were set to a melted and kneaded by a twin screw extruder at a preset
culture temperature of 28° C., a stirring speed of400 rpm and temperature of 100 to 130° C. and at a screw rotation speed of
an airflow amount of 6.0 L/min, and the pH was controlled 100 rpm. The melt viscosity ofthe obtained materials A-4 was
between 6.7 and 6.8. For the pH control, a 14% aqueous 10 2,350 Pa-s.
ammonium hydroxide solution was used. As the carbon Raw material A-5: PHBH with Mw of 480,000, 3HH of
source, palm core olein petroleum was used. The culture was 11.2% by mol, and a melt viscosity at 160° C. of 940 Pa-s
performed for 64 hours. After the end ofthe culture, microbial (manufactured by Kaneka Corporation), which was obtained
cells were recovered by centrifugal separation, washed with by hydrolyzing the raw material A-l at 80° C. for 36 hours at
methanol, and then freeze-dried. Then, the weight of the dry 15 a relative humidity of 95%.
microbial cells was measured. Raw material A-6: PHBH with Mw of 620,000, 3HH of
100 mL of chloroform was added to 1 g of the obtained dry 5.4% by mol, and a melt viscosity at 160° C. of 1,240 Pa-s
microbial cells, and then stirred at room temperature one (manufactured by Kaneka Corporation), which was obtained
whole day and night. Then, PHA in the microbial cells was in the same manner as in Manufacturing Example 1, except
extracted. The microbial cell residue was separated by filtra­ 20 using a KNK-005 strain in place of the KNK-631 strain.
tion, and then concentrated by an evaporator until the total <Polyester>
capacity was 30 mL. Then, 90 mL of hexane was gradually Raw material B-l: PBAT with a melt viscosity at 160° C. of
added, and then the resultant substance was allowed to stand 1,800 Pa-s (manufactured by BASF, “Ecoflex (registered
for 1 hour while slowly stirring. The deposited PHA was trademark)”).
separated by filtration, and then vacuum dried at 50° C. for 3 25 Raw material B-2: PBS (manufactured by Showa Denko
hours, whereby PHA was obtained. The composition analysis K.K “Bionolle (registered trademark)”).
of 3-hydroxyhexanoate (3HH) of the obtained PHA was per­ <Modified-Glycerin Compound>
formed by gas chromatography as follows. 2 mL of a sulfuric Raw material C-l: Acetylated monoglyceride (manufac­
acid-methanol mixed liquid (Capacity ratio 15:85) and 2 mL tured by Riken Vitamin Co., Ltd., “RIKEMAL” (registered
of chloroform were added to 20 mg of the dry PHA. Then, the 30 trademark) PL012).
container was hermetically sealed, and then heated at 100° C.
for 140 minutes, whereby methyl ester which was a PHA Examples 1 and 2
decomposed material was obtained. After cooling, 1.5 g of
sodium hydrogencarbonate was gradually added thereto for (Manufacturing of Resin Composition)
neutralization, and then allowed to stand until the generation 35
100 parts by weight of the polyester B-l (PBAT), 50 parts
of carbon dioxide stopped. 4 mL of diisopropyl ether was by weight of the polyester B-2 (PBS), and 25 parts by weight
added, sufficiently mixed, and then centrifugal separation of the modified-glycerin compound C-l (acetylated
was performed to analyze the monomer unit composition of monoglyceride) based on 100 parts by weight of the 3-hy­
the polyester decomposed material in the supernatant by cap­ droxyalkanoate polymer (Raw material A-l) were melted and
illary gas chromatography. As the gas chromatograph, kneaded with a twin screw extruder (manufactured by Japan
GC-17A manufactured by Shimadzu Corporation was used. Steel Works, Ltd.: TEX30) at a preset temperature of 100 to
As the capillary column, NEUTRA BOND-1 (Column length 130° C. and at a screw rotation speed of 100 rpm, thereby
of 25 m, Column inner diameter of 0.25 mm, Liquid film obtaining a polyester resin composition containing PHBH.
thickness of 0.4 pm) manufactured by GL Science, Inc. was (Manufacturing of Film)
used. As the carrier gas, He was used. The column inlet The obtained resin composition was molded into a film
pressure was set to 100 kPa and 1 pLofa sample was injected. 45 using a blown film molding machine (manufactured by
As the temperature conditions, the temperature was increased Hokushin Sangyo Co., Ltd.) at a circular die lip thickness of
at a rate of 8° C./min to the initial temperature of 100 to 200° 1 mm, a circular die lip diameter of 100 mm, a preset tem­
C. , and then the temperature was further increased at a rate of perature of 120 to 140° C., and a withdrawal speed shown in
30° C./min to 200 to 290° C. As a result of performing the Table 1.
analysis under the conditions, PHA represented in Chemical 50 (Measurement of Tear Strength in MD Direction)
Formula (1) above and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hy- The obtained film molded article or sheet molded article
droxyhexanoate) were confirmed. The 3HH composition was was measured for the tear strength using Elmendorf tear
11.2% by mol. After the culture, PHBH was obtained from strength tester (manufactured by Kumagai Machinery Co.
the culture solution according to the method described in Ltd.) according to JIS P8116.
International Publication WO2010/067543. The weight aver­ 55
(Observation of Dispersion State of PHBH)
age molecular weight measured by GPC was 570,000. More­ An about 100 nm thick thin piece sample was cut out from
over, the melt viscosity at 160° C. of the PHBH was measured the obtained film or sheet molded article using a microtome in
to be 1,150 Pa-s. parallel to the surface of the film or the sheet in such a manner
In Examples and Comparative Examples below, the fol­ that the observation in the MD direction can be performed,
lowing materials were also used. dyed with RuO4, and then the PHBH dispersion state was
60 observed using a transmission electron microscope (TEM)
<3-hydroxyalkanoate polymer>
Raw material A-2: PHBH with Mw of 320,000, 3HH of (manufactured by JEOL Co., Ltd., JEM-1200EX) at an accel­
11.2% by mol, a melt viscosity at 160° C. of 510 Pa-s (manu­ erating voltage of 80 kV. FIG. 1 shows a TEM image of the
factured by Kaneka Corporation), which was obtained by film obtained in Example 1. In FIG. 1, the vertical direction is
hydrolyzing the raw material A-l at 80° C. for 72 hours at a the withdrawal direction (MD direction).
relative humidity of 95%. 65 (Calculation of Major Axis)
Raw material A-3: PHBH with Mw of 790,000, 3HH of The maximum major axis and the average major axis were
10.4% by mol, a melt viscosity at 160° C. of 1,910 Pa-s, which calculated using image-analysis software (manufactured by
US 9,371,445 B2
11 12
Mitani Corp., “Win Roof’). The value was calculated in the The PHBH phases (white portions in FIG. 1) of the sheet
range of about 18 pmxabout 25 pm of the TEM image taken obtained in Example 1 had an oval shape slightly drawn in the
with a magnification of 10,000 times. MD direction as shown in FIG. 1 but the phases were dis­
A contrast was given to the image by RuO4 dyeing. How­ persed at random. As shown in Table 1, the maximum major
ever, when the contrast is not clear, the distinction of phases 5 axis of these PHBH phases was lower than 18 pm and the
containing PHBH by binarization processing with analysis average major axis was lower than 8 pm.
software is difficult to perform in some cases. In such a case,
the major axis was manually determined from the TEM pho­ Moreover, the PHBH phases of the film obtained in
tograph. FIG. 2 shows the state of the image in which the Example 2 and the sheet obtained in Example 3 also formed
major axis of the PHBH was distinguished with the image­ 10 the same dispersion phase as that of Example 1 and the
analysis software. maximum major axis of the PHBH phases of each of the film
and the sheet was lower than 18 pm and the average maj or axi s
Example 3 was lower than 8 pm. The tear strength in the MD direction
was 40 mN/pm or more in all Examples 1 to 3 and showed a
The resin composition obtained in Example 1 was molded 15 high value.
into a sheet, and then the tear strength and the maximum On the other hand, since the molecular weight is low in the
major axis and the average major axis of phases containing raw material A-2 used in Comparative Example 1 and Com­
PHBH were measured in the same manner as in Example 1. parative Example 2, the melt viscosity is low. Therefore, even
(Molding of Sheet) when a resin composition and a film or a sheet is molded
The obtained resin composition was molded into a sheet 20 under the same conditions as those of Example 1 or 2, the
using a T-die sheet molding machine (manufactured by Toyo
PHBHs (white portions in FIG. 3) were drawn and oriented in
Seiki Seisakusho Co., Ltd.: Laboplastomill), at a die lip thick­
the DM direction as shown in FIG. 3 and the maximum major
ness of 250 pm, a die lip width of 150 mm, a cylinder preset
axis was laiger than 18 pm and the average major axis was
temperature of 120 to 140° C., a die preset temperature of 150
to 160° C., and a withdrawal speed shown in Table 1. 25 larger than 8 pm, and thus layered phases with a very
large major axis were formed. Therefore, the tear strength
Comparative Example 1 was a low value as compared with the values of Examples 1
and 2.
A resin composition was manufactured in the same manner
as in Example 1, except using 100 parts by weight of a Examples 4 and 5
3-hydroxyalkanoate polymer (Raw material A-2) with a low
melt viscosity in place of 100 parts by weight the 3-hydroxy-
alkanoate polymer (Raw material A-1) and a film was molded (Manufacturing of Resin Composition)
by the same method as that of Example 2. Then, the tear 80 parts by weight ofthe polyester B-l (PBAT), 25 parts by
strength of the film and the maximum major axis and the 35 weight of the polyester B-2 (PBS), and 25 parts by weight of
average major axis of PHBH phases were calculated. FIG. 3
the modified-glycerin compound C-l (acetylatedmonoglyc­
shows a TEM image of the film obtained in Comparative
eride) based on 100 parts by weight of the 3-hydroxyal-
Example 1. In FIG. 3, the vertical direction is the MD direc­
kanoate polymer (Raw material A-3) were melted and
40 kneaded with a twin screw extruder at a preset temperature of
Comparative Example 2 100 to 130° C. and at a screw rotation speed of 100 rpm,
thereby obtaining a polyester resin composition containing
A sheet was molded by the same method as that of Example
3 using the resin composition obtained in Comparative In Example 4, a film was molded by the same method as
Example 1, and then the obtained sheet was measured for the that of Example 1 and, in Example 5, a film was molded by the
tear strength and the maximum major axis and the average same method as that of Example 2. In the obtained films, the
major axis of PHBH phases. tear strength and the maximum major axis and the average
The results of Examples 1 to 3 and Comparative Examples major axis of PHBH phases were calculated in the same
1 and 2 above are shown in Table 1. manner as in Example 1.

Example_____ Comparative Example

1 2 3 1 2 7

A-1 parts by weight 100

A-2 100
B-l parts by weight 100 100
B-2 50 50
C-l parts by weight 25 25
Molded article form Film Film Sheet Film Sheet Film
Molded article thickness pm 20 41 105 39 103 22
Melt viscosity ratio — 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.28 0.28 0.28
Withdrawal speed m/min 14 11 3 11 3 15
Maximum major axis pm 7.9 7.3 5.7 22.7 20.1 24.1
Average major axis pm 2.5 2.3 1.6 10.1 8.9 12.0
Tear strength mN/pm 43.6 45.6 50.1 13.8 15.2 9.7
US 9,371,445 B2
13 14
Example 6 Comparative Example 3

A polyester resin composition was manufactured in the

The resin composition obtained in Example 4 was molded same manner as in Example 5, except using 100 parts by
into a sheet by the same method as that of Example 3, and then weight of the raw material A-2 in place of 100 parts by weight
the obtained sheet was measured for the tear strength and the of the raw material A-3.
maximum major axis and the average major axis of PHBH The obtained polyester resin composition was molded into
phases. a film by the same method as that of Example 5, and then the
io obtained film was measured for the tear strength and the
maximum major axis and the average major axis of PHBH
Example 7

Comparative Example 4
A polyester resin composition was obtained by the same
method as that of Example 4, except using the raw material The resin composition obtained in Comparative Example 3
A-4 in place of the raw material A-3. was molded into a sheet by the same method as that of
A sheet was molded by the same method as that of Example Example 6, and then the obtained sheet was measured for the
3 using the obtained polyester resin composition, and then the 20 tear strength and the maximum major axis and the average
obtained sheet was measured for the tear strength and the major axis of PHBH phases.
maximum major axis and the average major axis of PHBH The results of Examples 4 to 7 and Comparative Examples
phases. 3 and 4 above are shown in Table 2.
Example Comparative Example

4 5 6 7 3 4 8

A-2 parts by weight 100

A-3 100
A-4 100
B-l parts by weight 80 80
B-2 25 25
C-l parts by weight 25 25
Molded article form Film Film Sheet Sheet Film Sheet Film
Molded article thickness pm 20 42 106 106 41 105 22
Melt viscosity ratio — 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.3 0.28 0.28 0.28
Withdrawal speed m/min 14 11 3 3 11 3 15
Maximum major axis pm 7.4 7.0 5.6 5.5 * * *
Average major axis pm 2.3 2.1 1.4 1.4 * * *
Tear strength mN/pm 32.8 35.4 40.0 43.7 7.4 7.6 7.6

* PHBH formed a continuous phase, and thus the major axis and the average axis were unmeasurable.

As shown in Table 2, the molecular weight of the PHBH

(Raw material A-3) in the films obtained in Examples 4 and 5
45 and the sheet obtained in Example 6 was high, and therefore
the melt viscosity was 1,910 Pa-s, which was higher than that
of Ecoflex (Raw material B-l) ((P3HA/PBAT) was 1.0 or
more.). Therefore, even when the PHBH composition ratio
exceeded 45% by weight of the total resin amount to reach
50 about 50% by weight, phases containing PHBH were able to
form a dispersion state. Furthermore, the maximum major
axis of the PHBH phases in all the films and the sheets
obtained in Examples 4 to 7 was lower than 18 pm and the
average maj or axis was lower than 8 pm, and therefore the tear
55 strength in the MD direction showed a high value in all the
films and the sheets. On the other hand, in Comparative
Examples 3 and 4, the polyester raw material A-2 formed a
continuous phase and did not form an island phase (disper­
sion phase), and therefore the maximum major axis and the
60 average major axis were not able to be calculated.

Examples 8 to 12

Films were molded by the same method as that of Example

65 1, except manufacturing polyester resin compositions in the
same manner as in Example 1 in the composition shown in
Table 3 and adjusting the withdrawal speed as shown in Table
US 9,371,445 B2
15 16
3. For the obtained films, the tear strength and the maximum castor oil fatty acid (manufactured by Itoh Oil Chemicals Co.,
major axis and the average major axis of PHBH phases were Ltd.) as a compound similar to the modified-glycerin in place
calculated. The results are shown in Table 3. of the modified-glycerin compound C-l (The composition is


8 9 10 11 12

A-1 parts by weight 100 100

A-5 100
A-6 100 100
B-l parts by weight 100 100 200 165 300
B-2 50 50 100 50 50
C-l parts by weight 25 25 25 31 45
Molded article form Film Film Film Film Film
Molded article thickness pm 39 40 18 41 43
Melt viscosity ratio — 0.52 0.69 0.69 0.64 0.64
Withdrawal speed m/min 11 11 23 11 11
Maximum major axis pm 16.6 7.0 11.2 2.9 1.3
Average major axis pm 6.5 2.2 4.0 1.4 0.5
Tear strength mN/pm 21.1 34.8 28.2 48.9 76.5

As shown in Table 3, since the maximum maj or axis in each shown in Table 4.). However, even when kneaded with resin
of the films obtained in Examples 8 to 12 was lower than 18 such as the raw material A-1 and the raw materials B-l and
pm and the average major axis was lower than 8 pm in each of B-2, they were not compatible with each other and bleed-out
the films, and therefore the tear strength in the MD direction 25 occurred, so that a resin composition was not able to be
showed a high value. obtained.
Comparative Example 5 Comparative Example 7
A resin composition was manufactured in the same manner 30 A resin composition was manufactured in the same manner
as in Example 2, except not using the modified-glycerin com­ as in Example 1, except using 100 parts by weight of a
pound C-l, a film was molded from the resin composition,
3-hydroxyalkanoate polymer (Raw material A-2) with a low
and then, for the obtained film, the tear strength and the
melt viscosity in place of 100 parts by weight of the 3-hy-
maximum major axis and the average major axis of PHBH
phases were calculated. The results are shown in Table 4. droxyalkanoate polymer (Raw material A-1), a film was
molded in the same manner as in Example 1, except setting
the withdrawal speed to 15 m/min, and then the tear strength
and the maximum major axis and the average major axis of
Compara­ Compara­ PHBH phases were calculated from a TEM image. The results
Ex­ tive Ex­ tive Ex­ are shown in Table 1 and the maximum major axis and the
ample 2 ample 5 ample 6 40 average major axis were all large as compared with those of

A-1 parts by weight 100 100 100 Example 2 and conversely the tear strength was low as in
A-2 parts by weight Comparative Example 5.
B-l parts by weight 100 100 100
B-2 50 50 50
Comparative Example 8
C-l parts by weight 25
Castor oil fatty acid parts by weight 25
Molded article form Film Film A resin composition was manufactured in the same manner

Molded article pm 41 40 as in Example 4, except using 100 parts by weight of the raw

material A-2 in place of 100 parts by weight of the raw
Melt viscosity ratio — 0.64 0.64 —
Withdrawal speed m/min 11 11 — material A-3, and a film was molded in the same manner as in
Maximum major axis pm 7.3 24.4 — 50 Example 1, except setting the withdrawal speed to 15 m/min.
Average major axis pm 2.3 11.8 — When a TEM image of the obtained film was confirmed,
Tear strength mN/pm 45.6 9.8 — PHBH phases formed a continuous phase, and therefore the
maximum major axis and the average major axis were not be
In Comparative Example 5, the maximum major axis and able to be calculated. The tear strength was measured to be as
the average major axis are all large as compared with those of 55 low as 5.9 mN/pm. These results are shown in Table 2.
Example 2 and conversely the tear strength is low. From this
fact, it is imagined that when there was no modified-glycerin The invention claimed is:
compound C-l, the maximum major axis and the average 1. A film or a sheet, which is obtained by molding a bio­
major axis became long in the non-continuous phase contain­ degradable polyester resin composition by a blown film
ing the PHBH in the resin composition and a thin phase as in 60 method or a T-die extrusion method, wherein the biodegrad­
Example 1 was not obtained, and, as a result, the tear strength able polyester resin composition comprises:
became low. polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) in a proportion
of 60 to 400 parts by weight based on 100 parts by
Comparative Example 6 weight of aliphatic polyester (P3HA) having a repeating
65 unit represented by
The manufacturing of a resin composition was attempted
with the same formula as that of Example 1, except using [—CHR—CH2—CO—O—], Formula (1):
US 9,371,445 B2
17 18
wherein R is an alkyl group represented by C„H2„+1 and n is 5. The film or sheet-according to claim 4, wherein a pro­
an integer of 1 or more and 15 or lower; and portion of the aliphatic polyester (P3HA) based on a total
acetylated monoglyceride in a proportion of 10 to 50 parts amount of the aliphatic polyester (P3HA), the polybutylene
by weight based on 100 parts by weight of the aliphatic adipate terephthalate (PBAT), and the polybutylene succinate
polyester (P3HA) having a repeating unit represented by 5 (PBS) is 45% by weight or lower.
the Formula (1); and 6. The film or the sheet according to claim 1, wherein a
wherein a maximum major axis of phases containing the withdrawal speed in molding is 30 m/min or lower.
aliphatic polyester (P3HA) measured by a transmission
7. The film or sheet-according to claim 2, wherein a melt
electron microscopy analysis-image analysis method
viscosity at 160° C. of the aliphatic polyester (P3HA) is 900
(TEM method) is 18 pm or lower and an average value is 10
to 3,600 Pa-s.
8 pm or lower, and
8. The film or sheet-according to claim 2, wherein the
wherein a ratio (P3HA/PBAT) of a melt viscosity of the
aliphatic polyester (P3HA) to a melt viscosity of the biodegradable polyester resin composition further contains
polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) is 0.5 or polybutylene succinate (PBS) in a proportion of 20 to 150
more. parts by weight based on 100 parts by weight of the aliphatic
2. The film or sheet-according to claim 1, wherein the polyester (P3HA).
9. The film or sheet-according to claim 3, wherein the
aliphatic polyester (P3HA) is at least one member selected
from the group consisting of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3- biodegradable polyester resin composition further contains
hydroxyhexanoate)(PHBEI), poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) polybutylene succinate (PBS) a proportion of 20 to 150 parts
(P3HB), poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) by weight based on 100 parts by weight of the aliphatic
(PHBV), poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) polyester (P3HA).
10. The film or sheet according to claim 8, wherein a
(P3HB4HB), poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-
hydroxyoctanoate), and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3- proportion of the aliphatic polyester (P3HA) based on a total
hydroxyoctadec anoate). amount of the aliphatic polyester (P3HA), the polybutylene
3. The film or sheet according claim 1, wherein the ali­ adipate terephthalate (PBAT), and the polybutylene succinate
phatic polyester (P3HA) has a melt viscosity at 160° C. of 900 (PBS) is 45% by weight or lower.
11. The film or sheet according to claim 9, wherein a
to 3,600 Pa-s.
4. The film or sheet-according claim 1, wherein the biode­ proportion of the aliphatic polyester (P3HA) based on a total
gradable polyester resin composition further contains poly­ amount of the aliphatic polyester (P3HA), the polybutylene
butylene succinate (PBS) in a proportion of 20 to 150 parts by adipate terephthalate (PBAT), and the polybutylene succinate
weight based on 100 parts by weight of the aliphatic polyester (PBS) is 45% by weight or lower.

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