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( 12 ) United States Patent ( 10) Patent No.: US 11,285,335 B2

Asprey et al. (45 ) Date of Patent : Mar. 29 , 2022
(54) PHOTO - THERAPEUTIC METHOD AND 6,860,896 B2 3/2005 Leber et al.
APPARATUS 7,201,765 B2 4/2007 McDaniel
7,887,533 B2 2/2011 Barolet et al .
8,852,254 B2 10/2014 Moscovici
( 71 ) Applicant: Biohacked , Inc. , Kent, WA (US ) 8,858,607 B1 10/2014 Jones
8,938,295 B2 1/2015 Baird et al .
( 72 ) Inventors: David Asprey , Cobble Hill ( CA) ; 8,945,196 B2 2/2015 Huttemann et al .
Timothy K. Brodesser , Auburn , WA 9,017,391 B2 4/2015 McDaniel
(US ) ; Haiping Zeng , Guangzhou ( CN) 9,132,279 B2 9/2015 Roersma et al .
D740,985 S 10/2015 Dooley
D778,456 S 2/2017 Knaus
( 73 ) Assignee : Biohacked , Inc. , Kent, WA (US ) D794,813 S 8/2017 Zsolcsak
D831,839 S 10/2018 Pelletier
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2002/0183811 A1 12/2002 Irwin
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2003/0009158
U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 81 days. 2004/0122492 A1 6/2004 Harth et al .
2004/0232359 Al 11/2004 Fiset
( 21 ) Appl. No .: 16 /154,673 2005/0004631 A1 1/2005 Benedict
(22) Filed : Oct. 8 , 2018 ( Continued )
( 65 ) Prior Publication Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS
US 2020/0108268 A1 Apr. 9 , 2020 2 TinEye search results from examination in U.S. Appl. No.
29/668,795 , dated Jul. 25 , 2019 , in 3 pages .
( 51 ) Int . Cl . ( Continued )
A61N 5/06 ( 2006.01 )
( 52 ) U.S. CI . Primary Examiner Rex R Holmes
CPC A61N 5/0616 ( 2013.01 ) ; A61N 2005/0626 Assistant Examiner - Jennifer L Ghand
(2013.01 ) ; A61N 2005/0652 (2013.01 ) ; A6IN (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Knobbe, Martens, Olson
2005/0659 (2013.01 ) ; A61N 2005/0663
(2013.01 ) & Bear, LLP
( 58 ) Field of Classification Search ( 57 ) ABSTRACT
CPC A61N 5/0616
See application file for complete search history. A wavelength specific photo -modulation treatment device
and method are disclosed which provide specific wavelength
( 56 ) References Cited colors from a group of four different electromagnet colors
arranged in a repeating scalable matrix array. The device
includes aa control system connected to the array for driving
4,932,934 A 6/1990 Dougherty et al. the devices in two different modes and three different color
5,071,416 A 12/1991 Heller et al . combinations.
5,800,479 A 9/1998 Thiberg
6,666,878 B2 12/2003 Carlgren 11 Claims , 7 Drawing Sheets
40 44 52 46 64

44 ?? -14

46 64 12,12 44 40
850 nm 580 nm 660 nm 630 nm
Invisible Light For Sensitive Anti-Aging Same as 660 nm
Deeper Skin Sun Pain Relief
Penetration Damage Wound Care
to Body Treatment
US 11,285,335 B2
Page 2

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U.S. Patent Mar. 29 , 2022 Sheet 2 of 7 US 11,285,335 B2





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U.S. Patent Mar. 29 , 2022 Sheet 3 of 7 US 11,285,335 B2



Button 1
Button 2
on /pulseloff
Yellow & reds
?? 38
Channel 1
Onyoulse /off
24 on /pulse /off

on /oulse /off MCU on /pulseloft

36 C2
66 32 A1,81 , C1 , A2 , B2,C2 are the
signals of leds on /pulse /off
LED light therapy controller Yellow Reds

28 28
(64) (40, 44, 46 )
FIG . 3
U.S. Patent Mar. 29 , 2022 Sheet 4 of 7 US 11,285,335 B2

44 40 44 52 46 40 56 64



46 64 12,12 44 40

850 nm 580 nm 660 nm 630 nm

Invisible Light For Sensitive Anti-Aging Same as 660 nm
Deeper Skin Sun Pain Relief
Penetration Damage Wound Care
to Body Treatment
FIG . 4
U.S. Patent Mar. 29 , 2022 Sheet 5 of 7 US 11,285,335 B2

30-42V 11 D2


3CS2N60 R4 1 3 1 C S 2 N 6 0 10K

12547100uF/25V ???
6 5 72
6.7458MHZ 0.1UF 5

7 6 5


78154 IN


1/25V0 uF VCC
1 2



1ANT GND 3 het


47uF50V 03
2 3
38 GV

U.S. Patent Mar. 29 , 2022 Sheet 6 of 7 US 11,285,335 B2

68nHL3 C7
11 09 NG


98 6

7 ? K42
8 7 26

Data 0
360F PBO PB1 90

C5 36PFL U2 1 2 3 4
PB4 TC8E53
02 10K 92
382 24
KI 22
BT1 3.3V ca
U.S. Patent Mar. 29 , 2022 Sheet 7 of 7 US 11,285,335 B2

Dserlicvted LED'S contiusly r?eached Yes Stop

?sel cted Yes 1sDel3ric2tvedLatdutyED's

Yes Yes
Start Yoenl oyw ?soelnclteyd Yandreldosw s?el cted
US 11,285,335 B2
1 2
PHOTO - THERAPEUTIC METHOD AND diodes operating at the following wavelengths, 605 nm , 630
APPARATUS nm , 660 nm , and 940 nm are beneficial for treating various
forms of dermatitis such as Rosacea . Baird et al believe that
TECHNICAL FIELD such wavelengths stimulate fibroblasts to generate collagen .
5 Baird et al overdrive the LEDs into thermal heating tem
The invention relates to photo -therapeutic treatment of peratures of 97 degrees to 106 degrees Fahrenheit to open up
human conditions. More specifically , the invention relates to the pores of the dermis . Jones teaches in U.S. Pat . No.
methods and apparatus for photo therapeutic treatment of the 8,858,607 ( the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by
human dermis and sub -dermal layers using specific wave reference ), that it may be necessary to provide convection
lengths of electromagnetic radiation . 10
cooling of LED lights to prevent overheating. McDaniel
BACKGROUND teaches in U.S. Pat . No. 9,017,391 ( the disclosure of which
is incorporated herein by reference and assigned to L’Oréal)
Photo - therapeutic treatment of human maladies has been that a variety of different wavelengths in the visible and
known since the time of the ancient Greeks. In modern 15 near-visible electromagnetic spectrum have different
history, tuberculosis sanatoriums often included solar inso absorption rates for human fibroblast absorption which may
lation as treatment for that malady. The development of be effective for treating a variety of human maladies . Photo
wavelength specific light sources , and particularly the solid- sensitizing drugs may also be used to concentrate light
state light emitting diodes have enabled manufacturers to absorption and energy transfer for the treatment of tumors
provide economically viable photo -therapeutic devices 20 ( See U.S. Pat. No. 4,932,934 to Dougherty et al . ) and
using specific wavelengths and frequencies of visible and further, light therapy may be coordinated with circadian
near-visible electromagnetic radiation to treat specific mala- rhythms and ultradian cycles to improve keratin growth . See
dies . The understanding of correlations between specific published application 2015/0025599 to Bornstein .
frequencies /wavelengths of photo -therapies and specific As should be apparent from the above review of the
maladies has been largely empirical. Although the basic 25 relevant prior art, the state of the art with respect to
formulas for relating electromagnetic frequencies and wave photo - therapeutic treatment of various human conditions ,
lengths to specific energy densities is well known by the including preferred frequencies and wavelengths is largely
product of frequency and plank's constant ( E = hf ), or the empirical, without sound theoretical basis and somewhat
product of plank's constant and the speed of light divided by contradictory . Thus, a need exists for a photo -therapeutic
the wavelength . Increases in frequency (and thus decrease in 30 method and apparatus which specifically targets various
wavelength ) while resulting in higher energy densities does human maladies in specific wavelengths. A further need
not necessarily translate into deeper penetration of those exists for an apparatus and method which limits such
wavelengths into the human dermis, or absorption of those photo - therapeutic treatments in both duration and intensity.
wavelengths by biological agents in the human body. Pri Further, a need exists for a photo - therapeutic treatment
marily, this is due to scattering as the light enters the dermis, 35 method and apparatus which avoids application of various
and whether or not the particular biological agent has dangerous frequencies and wavelengths and is cognizant of
physical size which is resonant with a specific frequency contrary indicated modalities .
associated with that wavelength . As a consequence , exten
sive research has been done by third parties related to BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
specific wavelengths of visible and near - visible light which 40
impact human biological functions through photo -biomodu- FIG . 1 is an environmental view of a wavelength specific
lation (hereinafter “ PBM ” ). For example, recent National photo -modulation dermal treatment device encased in a soft
Institute of Health Studies for Eye Health have shown that pillow including a remote control.
near - infrared radiation (670 nm ) advantageously repairs FIG . 2 is a perspective view of a second embodiment of
damaged retinal function by correcting mitochondrial 45 a wavelength specific photo -modulation dermal treatment
decline and stimulating Inosine tri -phosphate ( ITP ) produc- device housed in an elongated foldable and rollable mat
tion in the Krebs cycle . See Sivapathasuntharam et al . , including a remote controller and a power supply.
“ Aging Retinal Function is Improved by Near Infrared Light FIG . 3 is aa schematic representation of the control system
( 670 nm ) that is Associated with Corrected Mitochondrial at a remote controller of an example embodiment.
Decline” Journal of Neurobiological Aging , April, 2017 ; 50 FIG . 4 is aa schematic representation of aa matrix array of
52 : 66-70 . Huttemann et al . disclose in U.S. Pat. No. 8,945 , light emitting devices having a preselected matrix pattern .
196 , the disclosure which is incorporated herein by reference FIG.5 is aa schematic diagram of the control system for the
that light therapy for ischemic events ( oxygen starvation ) treatment device .
can be improved by exposing the effected tissues to wave- FIG . 6 is an electronic schematic for a remote controller
lengths in the range of 730 nm to 770 nm , infrared radiation 55 for the treatment device .
in the range of 850 nm to 890 nm and invisible radiation in FIG . 7 is a logical flow diagram of the methods steps
the range of 930 nm to 970 nm . Paradoxically, Huttemann et stored in a memory of the control system
al . contend that such irradiation prevents rapid re -profusion
injury by suppressing reactive oxygen species which exac DETAILED DESCRIPTION
erbates cell death and such therapies are beneficial after 60
myocardial infraction and cerebral ischemia . Thus, rather The present disclosure provides for a photo -therapeutic
than stimulating a biological function, Huttemann et al . apparatus and method which specifically targets various
discovered empirically that suppression of biological func- human maladies in specific wavelengths. Certain embodi
tion can be advantageous. ments also limit such photo - therapeutic treatments in both
Baird et al . disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 8,938,295 , (the 65 time and intensity and avoid application of various danger
disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference ), that ous frequencies and wavelengths and is cognizant of contra
a hand -held direct contact device having light emitting indicated maladies .
US 11,285,335 B2
3 4
The example photo -therapeutic apparatus and method is wavelengths enhance blood circulation , reduce wrinkles and
achieved by providing a wavelength specific photo -modu- fine lines, increase muscle recovery and decrease redness /
lation dermal treatment method and device utilizing a plu- irritation . There are no user settings or adjustments other
rality of light emitting devices, selected from a color group than the first button 22 , second button 24 , and third button
of four different electromagnetic colors arranged in a repeat- 5 26 associated with the remote control 18 best seen in FIG .
ing , scalable matrix array having a preselected matrix pat- 3. Maximum treatment time for safe utilization of the
tern . In an example embodiment, a control system is pro- treatment device is automatically fixed by the controller 16
vided for driving the devices in the array in two difference as will be described in further detail herein below . As used
modes and three different color combinations. A machine herein , “ light emitting device ” include narrow spectrum
interface is operably connected to the control system for 10 resistive bulbs , lasers , masers , light emitting diodes , flores
allowing an operator to select the modes and color combi- cent bulbs , high intensity discharge bulbs and other means of
nations for treatment of a specific malady. To effect treat- generating narrow bandwidth electromagnetic radiation yet
ment, human dermis is exposed to the device according to to be reduced to practice . As used herein a preferred wave
the selected mode and selected color combinations correlat- length or frequency means an electromagnet emission hav
ing to treatment of the specific malady. A maximum treat- 15 ing a fundamental frequency ( fo ) or wavelength @ ) and a
ment time may be programmed into the treatment device to bandwidth of less than approximately 20 nm . In the embodi
prevent overexposure . ments shown in FIGS . 1 and 2 , the light emitting devices are
In some example embodiments, the first mode drives all light emitting diodes which are generally available with a
of the devices of a select color continuously , and in aa second specific wavelength and power distribution properties which
mode all the devices of a selected color or colors are driven 20 will be described further herein below . With respect to the
at a duty cycle . The wavelengths of the light emitting first embodiment shown in FIG . 1 , the matrix array 14
devices preferably correspond to yellow, short red , red and includes a plurality of light emitting diodes 28 in a five row
near infrared electromagnetic radiation and preferably have by eight column matrix array. The foldable alternate
wavelengths corresponding to approximately 580 nm , 630 embodiment shown in FIG . 2 includes an elongated flexible
nm , 660 nm and 850 nm , respectively . The wavelength 810 25 housing 12 ' including a matrix array 14 ' of LEDs 28 in a 26
is avoided . row by 8 column matrix array. In one embodiment, the
In other example embodiments, the matrix pattern con- remote control communicates with the controller 16 con
sists of aa first row of devices having a repeating left to right tained in the housings 12 , 12 ' by a cable 30 or by wireless
sequence of a first, second and third color ; a second row of radio frequency transmission as will be described further
devices having a repeating left to right sequence of the 30 herein below . As best seen in FIG . 3 the controller 16
colors decremented with respect to the colors of the first includes a micro - controller 32 operatively connected to a
row ; a third row aof devices having devices all of the same first channel driver 34 which energizes only the LEDs 28
fourth color; and a fourth row of devices having a repeating associated with the color yellow and a second channel driver
left to right sequence of the first, second , and third colors 36 associated with driving only the LEDs 28 associated with
decremented with respect to the colors of the second row, 35 the color red (deep red , red and near infrared ). The controller
together all defining the matrix pattern . In some embodi- 16 can be provided with a receiving antenna 38 if wireless
ments, the matrix array of devices is housed in a soft pillow operation with the remote control 18 is desired .
enclosure which may be foldable and rollable. In other FIG . 4 is a schematic representation of a representative
embodiments, the machine interface is a remote controller light emitting device array 14 consisting of a plurality of the
which is operably connected to the control system either by 40 LED's 28. The LED's are arranged in a repeating pattern of
hard wire , radio frequency or by other means of communi- rows and columns which is advantageously scalable using
cation . the driving circuitry 34 , 36 under operation of the controller
A wavelength specific, photo -modulation treatment 16 merely by repeating the sequence of LED colors as
device in accordance with the principles described above is described herein . Array 14 includes a first row of LED's
generally indicated at reference numeral 10 in the various 45 generally indicated at reference numeral 39. Specifically,
Figures of the attached drawings wherein numbered ele- beginning at the upper left- hand corner of the array 14 , in the
ments in the figures correspond to like numbered elements first row and first column (Cartesian coordinate 1,1 ) a deep
herein . The treatment device includes a housing 12 including or short red LED 40 having a wavelength of approximately
a light emitting device array generally indicated by the 630 nm is provided. Moving to the right, a red LED 44
reference numeral 14. The housing encloses a controller 16 50 having a wavelength of approximately 660 nm is provided
generally shown in FIG . 3 for driving the light emitting occupying the Cartesian coordinate, ( 1,2 ) . Next, an invisible
device array. The treatment device further includes a remote light infrared LED 46 is provided at Cartesian coordinate
control 18 operably connected to the controller 16 to provide ( 1,3 ) . That three LED sequence (indicated at reference
a man machine interface for selecting various colors and numeral 48 ) repeats moving to the right four times making
modes of the array 14. The treatment device also includes a 55 for aa total five sequences 48 of the short red, red and infrared
power supply 20 as best seen in FIG . 2 for energizing the LED's 40 , 44 , and 46. The next row moving down generally
controller 16 which drives the array 14 . indicated by the reference numeral 50 includes a second
The treatment device 10 is a photo -modulation therapy sequence 52 of LED's including red LED 44 , near - infrared
device that emits energy for use in dermatology, muscle LED , 46 and short red LED 40. Those LED's occupy the
relaxation and tissue recovery. The device delivers optimal 60 Cartesian coordinates (2,1 ) ; ( 2,2 ) ; and (2,3 ) respectively, and
visible and near-visible electromagnetic radiation associated that sequence 52 is repeated to the right in the second row
with near -infrared, deep red, red and yellow / amber wave- 50 four times as well making for a total of five sets of second
lengths which are believed to react with cellular mitochon- sequence LED's 52 in the second row 50. Those of ordinary
dria to increase adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ) production. In skill in the art will note that the second sequence 52 is
turn , increased ATP production leads to faster production of 65 identical to the first sequence 48 except that the LED's are
collagen , vascular structures, DNA, RNA and other mate- decremented by one color. Skipping to a fourth row 58 , a
rials that are essential to the body's healing process . These third sequence of LED's 56 includes an infrared LED 46
US 11,285,335 B2
5 6
occupying Cartesian coordinate ( 3,1 ) ; a short red LED 40 enhances fertility, increases testosterone and decreases pain .
occupying Cartesian coordinate (4,2 ) ; and a red LED 44 The near - infrared LED's 46 penetrate deeper through the
occupying Cartesian coordinate (4,3 ) forming a third dermal layer into bone and for open wounds, the selected
sequence 56. That sequence is repeated four times to the way of lights of 630 nm and 660 nm accelerate healing.
right as with first row 39 and second row 15. Again , those 5 Near - infrared light radiation is used to treat a variety of
of ordinary skill in the art will note that the third sequence injuries, especially infected, and blood restricted bones .
56 is identical to the second sequence 52 , except that the Near -infrared light penetrates more deeply than ultraviolet
colors have been decremented by one color. A skipped third or visible light and is benign to living tissue . Near - infrared
row 62 consists all of a single color of LED , preferably a light generates virtually no heat thereby avoiding thermal
yellow LED 64 having a preferred wavelength of approxi- 10 injury and is well tolerated by biological tissues having no
mately 580 nm . As will be described in further details herein known detrimental effects. Near - infrared light operates by
below , the yellow LED's 64 are only used in the preferred activating color sensitive chemicals supplied to tissues ,
method during daylight hours so as to not disturb the diurnal stimulating the process and the cells mitochondria. Light
sleep cycle . As is apparent from review of FIG . 4 , the first, wavelengths from 680 nm to 880 nm have been found to
second and third sequence of LED's 48 , 52 and 56 along 15 travel through skin and muscle tissue , to promote tissue and
with three yellow LED's occupying Cartesian coordinates deep wound healing. Light penetration depends on power
( 3,1 ) ; ( 3,2 ) ; and ( 3,3 ) together comprise a four row by three and wavelength , with higher frequency wavelength , shorter
column sub array which is repeated moving to the right and LED's more likely to penetrate further. The basic premise is
repeated moving down to create a scalable array of any size that long wavelength light stimulates cellular energy ,
which can be driven by appropriately selected first and 20 metabolism and energy production. The three major photo
second channel drivers 34 , 36 resulting in a matrix array acceptor molecules in human tissue are known to absorb
having various dimensions which will be applicable for full light in the near - infrared range : hemoglobin, myoglobin and
body treatments such as that shown in FIG . 2 or treatments cytochrome co - oxidase . Of these three , C oxidase has been
of the scalp or other smaller areas of the body such as with associated with energy production. Wavelengths centered
the embodiment shown in FIG . 1 . 25 around 810 nm may be disruptive to cellular activity.
As best seen in FIG . 2 , the remote control has only three Yellow light therapy, also sometimes referred to as amber
buttons, first button 22 , second button 24 and third button light therapy is concentrated at 580 nm for the LED 64 .
26. The first button 22 only controls operation of the yellow Irradiation at this wavelength creates primary cellular move
LED's 64 in either aa first constant on, or second pulse mode, ment at the top layer of the dermis and although having
or off mode . The pulse mode preferably includes a duty 30 shallow skin penetration is effective for the treatment of skin
cycle of 62.5 % wherein the light emitting diodes are on for issues involved with redness such as spider veins and sun
250 m sec and off for 150 m sec . Similarly, the second button damaged tissue . Yellow light therapy is a drug free alterna
24 operates in a first or second mode in which all of the tive treatment for skin redness and flushing, skin irritation,
LED's 40 , 44 , 46 and 64 (yellow and all reds) are either rosacea, ultraviolet radiation damage , reducing the appear
operating in a constant ON or pulse mode following the 35 ance of tiny blood vessels on the nose / face, flushes from the
same duty cycle . The third button 26 cycles only the red skin , blood flow and increase cellular growth . Yellow light
LED's (40 , 44 , 46 ) though a constant ON first mode, and a therapy effectively reduces the symptoms of redness among
pulsed second mode employing the duty cycle . The control- many rosacea sufferers, because the blood vessels can
ler 16 includes a timer, 66 which limits the duration of reduce in size following the treatment. As a result, those
treatment regardless of the mode or colors used to a maxi- 40 blood vessels and their red color become less visible . This
mum of approximately 20 minutes. action makes LED yellow light therapy sessions extremely
As stated above the specific wavelengths and modes safe and appropriate for all skin types including those who
chosen for treatment are directed to different modalities and are sensitive and reactive . Yellow light therapy also stimu
maladies of the human body. Infrared treatment by 850 nm lates the production of red blood cells , which plays a vital
near - infrared LED's 46 result in deeper penetration to the 45 role in skin healing and skin rejuvenation . Yellow light
body of the electromagnet radiation . Yellow LED's 64 at therapy helps to give the look of being healthier overall. The
590 nm are used to treat sensitive skin which has been sun selective shallow penetration of yellow light therapy
damaged. Short red LED's 40 and red LED's 44 having exposes cells to light that are primarily visible . Thus, the
wavelengths of approximately 630 and 660 nm respectively, greatest impact on the skin occurs where it can actually be
are used for anti -aging treatments and pain relief and wound 50 seen as it is absorbed and uses a part of the natural healing
care. As stated above, yellow lights should only be utilized process clearing rosacea symptoms without causing irrita
during the daylight hours , as it may disrupt sleep patterns. tion or any other unwanted skin effects.
Although red light therapy has been around for over 40 Use of the second , pulsing mode promotes rapid healing
years , the Applicant's herein have discovered that the spe- of body tissue . When photo therapy is given in aa continuous
cific red - light wavelengths selected for the LED's 40 , 44 , 55 burst, the cells are sedated , and pain is reduced . When a
and 46 effect bodily cells in aa biochemical level by increas- single frequency of light is absorbed by a cell , the cell is
ing mitochondrial function when red light wavelengths stimulated to start producing more protein than it normally
penetrate 8 to 10 millimeters into the skin . Red light therapy does . As a result , the cells heal more quickly . Even after
is believed to decrease skin inflammation , smooth skin tone, exposure to the pulsating LED light, once the source is
repair sun damage , fade scars and stretch marks, and build 60 removed , the cells continue healing. Operating the LED's in
collagen in the skin which reduces wrinkles . Wound healing a continuous mode has a reverse effect that kills and dulls
is also improved. Red light therapy also enhances lymphatic pain, reduces inflammation and allows muscle tissues to
system flow to improve the body's detoxification abilities by relax .
increasing blood flow . Benefits include enhanced blood FIG . 5 is an electronic schematic diagram of the indi
circulation , anti- inflammatory effects, increase muscle 65 vidual circuit components of the controller 16. In its pre
recovery , increase collagen production , radiant skin , reduc- ferred embodiment, the controller 16 includes the receiving
ing scars, wrinkles and fine lines, speeds wound healing, antenna 38 for receiving signals from the remote control 18 .
US 11,285,335 B2
7 8
The antenna is tuned through inductors L1 , L2 as well as subset of light emitting devices, the first subset of light
capacitors C1 through C3 providing an input to antenna pin emitting devices being configured to emit red light and
1 on integrated circuit , U2 , a large integrated circuit receiver infrared light, the second subset of light emitting
70 ( Part No. TC 531 ) . The receiver 70 accepts a clock signal devices being configured to emit yellow light,
from a clock 72 so as to provide radio frequency output data 5 wherein a total number of the rows is the same as a total
74 on pin 5. That data is received by large scale integrated number of the columns,
circuit U2 , a conventional micro - controller 76 at pin 4. The
micro - controller has the first channel driver signal 34 at pin wherein a first subset of the rows comprises the first
6 and the second channel driver signal 36 at pin 5. Those subset of light emitting devices and none of the second
channels drive a first field effect transistor (FET ) 78 and a 10 subset of light emitting devices , and aa second subset of
second field effect transistor ( FET ) 80 which respectively the rows comprises the second subset of light emitting
drive the yellow LED's 64 , and red LED's 40 , 44 , 46. The devices and none of the first subset of light emitting
micro - controller 76 draws instructions and methods steps devices,
from a large - scale integrated circuit U3 , an erasable elec wherein the rows include at least twice as many of the first
tronic programmable read -only memory ( EEPROM , Part 15 subset of the rows as the second subset of the rows,
No. 24c02 ) 82. The EEPROM instructions received on pin wherein the first subset of light emitting devices are
3 of the micro - controller 76. The controller 16 is provided configured to emit a plurality of different wavelengths
with an internal power supply generally indicated by the
reference numeral 84 consisting of a conventional voltage of the red light and a common wavelength of the
regulator 86 (U4 Page No. 7815 ) and a low power drop out 20 infrared light, and the second subset of light emitting
voltage regulator 88 ( U5 , Page No.7536 ) to provide Vec for devices are configured to emit a common wavelength
large scale integrated circuits U1 through U3 . of the yellow light;
FIG . 6 is an electronic schematic diagram for the remote a controller configured to operate the plurality of narrow
control 18 consisting of a large -scale integrated circuit, U2 bandwidth light emitting devices in a first mode , a
( Page No. TC 8853 ) multiplexer 90 operatively connected to 25 second mode , and a third mode,
the first, second and third buttons 22 , 24 , and 26 at pins 2 , wherein in the first mode , the controller is configured to
3 and 5 of the multiplexer. Pin 4 is connected to a corrected activate the first subset of light emitting devices to emit
reset switch 92 not shown on the remote control 18. Data out
94 from the multiplexer as is provided on pin 7 to data in 96 the red light and the infrared light and deactivate the
on pin 6 of a large -scale integrated circuit U3 (Page No. 30
second subset of light emitting devices,
TC115 ) use of 3 radio frequency transmitter 98. The trans- wherein in the second mode , the controller is configured
mitter is driven by a transmitter clock 100 connected to pins to deactivate the first subset of light emitting devices
7 and 8 so that transmitter 87 can provide a radio frequency and activate the second subset of light emitting devices
output 110 at pin 4. The radio frequency output 110 is tuned to emit the yellow light,
by inductors L1 - L4 and capacitors C1 - C7 to broadcast the
radio frequency output 110 on transmitting antenna 114. A 35 wherein in the third mode , the controller is configured to
3.3 volt DC power supply 116 supplies DC voltage to the activate the first subset of light emitting devices to emit
radio frequency transmitter 98 and multiplexer 90. The DC the red light and the infrared light and activate the
supply voltage may be in the form of two AA batteries. second subset of light emitting devices to emit the
Finally, multiplexer 90 drives a display LED 118 through a yellow light ; and
resistor 120 to provide illumination to the first, second and 40 a user interface configured to permit a user to select the
third buttons 22 , 24 , 26 providing visual feedback to the user first mode, the second mode, or the third mode in which
that a button depression has been registered. to operate the plurality of narrow bandwidth light
FIG . 7 is a logic flow diagram for the program imple
mented in the micro controller 76 and stored in the emitting devices for treatment of skin tissue ,
EEPROM 82. In a first user step 119 , the user selects one of wherein the controller is configured to operate the plu
the buttons 22 , 24 and 26. The program determines at step 45
rality of narrow bandwidth light emitting devices in a
122 , 124 and 126 which button has been selected . If the pulse mode in which:
button is released , and pushed again, the pulse mode (Mode in the first mode and the third mode , the controller is
2 ) will be selected at step 128. If the button is not pushed configured to at least twice activate the first subset of
again , the constant on mode ( Mode 1 ) will be selected . If
mode 1 is selected the selected LED's will be driven 50 light emitting devices to emit the red light and the
continuously at step 130. If mode 2 is selected , the selected infrared light for a first duration and then deactivate
LED's will driven at the duty cycle in step 132. In either the first subset of light emitting devices for a second
case , once the pre - program time out is reached in step 134 duration , the first duration being 250 ms , the second
and the program stops at reference 136. In an alternative duration being shorter than the first duration, and
embodiment, if any button is pressed for a third time in any 55 in the second mode and the third mode , the controller
mode, before time out, the process stops . is configured to at least twice activate the second
Those of ordinary skill in the art will conceive of other subset of light emitting devices to emit the yellow
alternate embodiments upon reviewing this disclosure . light for the first duration and then deactivate the
Thus, the invention is not to be limited to the above
description but is to be determined in scope by the claims second subset of light emitting devices for the sec
which follow .
60 ond duration , and
The invention claimed is : wherein the controller is configured to :
1. A photo -modulation dermal treatment device compris monitor a duration of treatment by the plurality of
ing : narrow bandwidth light emitting devices , and
a plurality of narrow bandwidth light emitting devices 65 deactivate the plurality of narrow bandwidth light emit
being arranged in rows and columns and comprising a ting devices responsive to the duration of treatment
first subset of light emitting devices and a second satisfying a duration threshold .
US 11,285,335 B2
9 10
2. The photo -modulation dermal treatment device of wherein the first subset of light emitting devices emit a
claim 1 , wherein the plurality of narrow bandwidth light plurality of different wavelengths of the red light and a
emitting devices comprises a plurality of light emitting common wavelength of the infrared light, and the
diodes . second subset of light emitting devices emit a common
3. The photo -modulation dermal treatment device of 5 wavelength of the yellow light;
claim 1 , wherein in the pulse mode and the third mode , the receiving , via the user interface , a third user input to select
controller is configured to at least twice : a third mode ;
simultaneously activate the first subset of light emitting in response to receiving the third user input, activating the
first subset of light emitting devices to emit the red light
devices to emit the red light and the infrared light for and the infrared light and activating the second subset
the first duration and activate the second subset of light 10 of light emitting devices to emit the yellow light;
emitting devices to emit the yellow light for the first receiving , via the user interface , a fourth user input to
duration, and select a pulse mode;
then simultaneously deactivate the first subset of light in response to receiving the fourth user input at least :
emitting devices for the second duration and deactivate 15 periodically activating the first subset of light emitting
the second subset of light emitting devices for the devices to emit the red light and the infrared light for
second duration . a first duration and then deactivating the first subset
4. The photo -modulation dermal treatment device of of light emitting devices for a second duration, or
claim 1 , wherein the user interface is configured to permit periodically activating the second subset of light emit
the user to select the pulse mode . 20
ting devices to emit the yellow light for the first
5. The photo -modulation dermal treatment device of duration and then deactivating the second subset of
claim 1 , wherein the red light has wavelengths of 630 nm light emitting devices for the second duration;
and 660 nm , the infrared light has a wavelength of 850 nm , monitoring a duration of treatment by the plurality of
and the yellow light has a wavelength of 580 nm . narrow bandwidth light emitting devices ; and
6. A photo - therapeutic treatment method for treating skin 25 deactivating the plurality of narrow bandwidth light emit
tissue , the photo - therapeutic treatment method comprising: ting devices responsive to the duration of treatment
receiving, via a user interface, a first user input to select satisfying a duration threshold ,
a first mode ; wherein the first duration is 250 ms , and the second
in response to receiving the first user input, activating a duration is shorter than the first duration .
first subset of light emitting devices of a plurality of 30 7. The photo - therapeutic treatment method of claim 6 ,
narrow bandwidth light emitting devices to emit red wherein the plurality of narrow bandwidth light emitting
light and infrared light and not activating a second devices comprises a plurality of light emitting diodes .
subset of light emitting devices of the plurality of 8. The photo - therapeutic treatment method of claim 6 ,
narrow bandwidth light emitting devices , the plurality wherein said periodically activating the first subset of light
emitting devices and then deactivating the first subset of
narrowin bandwidth light emitting
rows and columns , devices being 35 lightemittingdevices is performed in response to receiving
the fourth user input.
wherein a total number of the rows is the same as a total 9. The photo - therapeutic treatment method of claim 8 ,
number of the columns,
wherein a first subset of the rows comprises the first wherein said periodically activating the second subset of
subset of light emitting devices and noneof the second 40 light
of light devices devices
emitting and thenis performed
deactivatingin response
the secondto
subset of light emitting devices, and a second subset of receiving the fourth user input.
the rows comprises the second subset of light emitting 10. The photo - therapeutic treatment method of claim 6 ,
devices and none of the first subset of light emitting wherein said periodically activating the second subset of
wherein the rows include more of the first subset of the 45 light emitting devices and then deactivating the second
rows than the second subset of the rows ; subset of light emitting devices is performed in response to
receiving, via the user interface , a second user input to receiving the fourth user input.
select a second mode ; 11. The photo - therapeutic treatment method of claim 6 ,
in response to receiving the second user input, activating wherein the red light has wavelengths of 630 nm and 660
the second subset of light emitting devices to emit nm , the infrared light has a wavelength of 850 nm , and the
yellow light and not activating the first subset of light
yellow light has a wavelength of 580 nm .
emitting devices,

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