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Work Life Balance and Employee Performance in Selected Commercial Banks in Lagos State

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European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences Vol. 3 No.

4, 2015
ISSN 2056-5992



Dr. Orogbu Lilian Obiageli, Dr. Onyeizugbe Chinedu Uzochukwu & Chukwuemeke Deborah Ngozi
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, NIGERIA


The study examined work life balance and employee performance in selected commercial
banks in Lagos state. The problem identified in this study is poor working organizational
culture in the commercial banks which may not encourage various types of work life balance
practices. The specific objective of this research is to determine the extent to which leave
policy affects service delivery which is also in line with the research question and hypothesis.
The research adopts a descriptive survey research design, the population of the study is 759
and the sample size is 262 using Taro Yamane’s formula. 262 copies of structured
questionnaire was distributed and completely filled and returned. Pearson product moment
correlation and regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis. Cronbach alpha was used
to test the reliability of the instrument. It was discovered that there is a significant positive
relationship between leave policy and service delivery. The findings revealed that leave
policy motivate employee ability to deliver services efficiently and effectively, in conclusion
work life balance practice is an important factor in increasing employee performance. The
researcher recommends that managers of these commercial banks should prioritize creating
different work life balance incentives that will improve employee performance.


Every individual is an integral part of the family in particular and the society in general. In
today’s business world, employee performance is key determinant in the achievement of
organizational goals. As a result, organizations look for different ways of motivating their
employees, in order for them to give their best to the organization. Employee performance is
a focal point in any establishment. Every policy should be geared towards increasing the
employee performance. For organizations to remain on top they should be able to improve
their employee performance and monitor it. In a situation where this does not occur, they are
liable to face several challenges which stands as a set back to the organization in the sector
where they belong.

Work life balance is a very important phenomenon that is of great concern to various
employees in both private and public sector. It goes beyond prioritizing the work role and
one’s personal life. It also affects the social, psychological, economical and mental well being
of the individual. All these is been reflected in the output of the individual, which affects his
or her performance in the work place on the long run. Work life balance has implication on
employee attitudes, behaviours, wellbeing as well as organizational effectiveness (Eby,
Casper, Lockwood, Bordeanx and Brindley, 2005). The competition for market leadership in
the banking sector, may lead to bank managers giving their employees excessive work load in
order to meet up with their target. Employees try their best to be retained in the organization
by putting in more time at work which may be at detriment of their personal life. All these
may affect the upbringing of children, lead to broken and unhappy homes and poor social

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European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences Vol. 3 No. 4, 2015
ISSN 2056-5992

According to Epie (2011), the Nigerian banking sector is known for its long hour culture, and
high work load of employees. United Bank for Africa Plc, First Bank of Nigeria Plc and
Zenith Bank Plc are not exempted from this culture. They are most likely to be faced with
issue of work life balance, due to the nature of the work environment. Policies are been made
regarding work life balance, but its implementation has become an issue that needs to be
looked into. Ensuring effective delivery of service to customers may be achieved by the
ability of the management of these banks to maintain policies that promote work life balance
The reform in the banking sector made it mandatory for commercial banks to have a
minimum of 25 billion naira capital base to continue their operations. Consequently,
commercial banks had to go into strategic alliance with other banks, by merger and
acquisition. This has changed the focus of United Bank for Africa Plc, First Bank of Nigeria
Plc and Zenith Bank Plc to form new strategy that entails expansion, increasing capital base
and customer base. All these have lead to managers having higher expectation of employees’
performance. It is most likely that there will be a misplacement of priority of interest by the
employees trying to meet up with the target of the banks, which may affect their personal life.
Hence, the study of work life balance and employee performance is imperative.

The multi-faced demand between work and home responsibilities have assumed increased
relevance for employees in commercial banks in recent years. This is due to demographic and
workplace changes, such as; transformation in family structures, growing reluctance for ‘long
number of hours’ acceptance culture, greater number of women in the workforce and
technological advancement. All these may result in the employees having difficulty in
prioritizing between their work roles and their personal lives. When commercial banks like
United Bank for Africa plc, First Bank of Nigeria plc, Zenith bank plc have a poor working
organizational culture; such as buying of work-leave of employees, inconvenient period of
leave for employees and the inability of employers to keep to leave policy in their
employment agreement. All these may lead to stretched workloads which bring about
different issues in the employee. These issue involves both the psychologically and the
emotional well being of employee and these action may result in reduction in employee
performance such as, poor service delivery and health related issues.

Another major issue that may hinder employee performance are when work life balance
incentives like, leave entitlement, flexi time, and family and welfare policies, are not adhered
to by the management of these banks. These may lead some bankers to work round the clock
with little attention to themselves and their families, which may result to broken home and
poor parental upbringing. The personal issues that employees of United bank for Africa plc,
first bank of Nigeria plc, zenith bank plc face outside work, may demoralize them and in turn
discourage them to be zealous in their service delivery to customers. All these may result in
customers threatening to withdraw their patronage from the banks. These are the issues that
prompted this research investigation. The broad objective of the present study is to determine
the extent to which work life balance affects employee performance in commercial banks in
Lagos state. Specifically, the study is to determine the extent to which leave policy affects
service delivery.



The term work-life balance is commonly used as a more comprehensive expression to

describe policies that have been previously termed 'family-friendly', but are now extended
beyond the scope of the family. Work-life balance refers to the flexible working

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European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences Vol. 3 No. 4, 2015
ISSN 2056-5992

arrangements that allow both parents and non-parents to avail of working arrangements that
provide a balance between work responsibilities and personal responsibilities (Redmond
Valiulis and Drew, 2006).

The origin of work-life balance practices spans from work-life conflict experienced by
employee. Work Life Conflict is the inter-role conflict that results when one’s roles as an
employee is incompatible with one other area such as being a spouse, parent or with other
religious and leisure activities. The concept of Work Life Conflict recognises that most
individuals have multiple roles. Work-life balance practices help minimise the amount of
Work Life Conflict and also target the antecedents (Lero and Bardoel, 2007). Some of the
antecedents’ of work-life conflicts include heavy job demands and job overloads.

Work Life Balance proposed by Barrera (2007) would be adopted because it is broad and
encompassing “Employers working constructively with their employees to put in place
arrangements, which take into account the needs of the business as well as the non-work
aspects of employees’ lives” Barrera (2007). It comprise of both employees and employers
who are both central to the subsequent use and successful implementation of Work Life
Balance policies and practices. This can only be achieved as a joint effort between employers
and employees.

A review of the work-life literature reveals that Work Life Balance initiatives can be broadly
divided into four dominant categories which include flexible working arrangement (home
working, compressed hours); leave arrangement (annual leave, Parental leave); dependent
care assistance (Child care arrangements and Crèche) and general services (Employment
assistant programs) (De Cieri, Holmes, Abbott and Pettit, 2005; De Cieri and Bardoel, 2009).
Work life balance are practices that are meant to help employees better manage their work
and non-working times are called in the literature as work-family policies, family-friendly or
family-responsive policies. In recent years, the term “work-life balance” has replaced what
used to be known as “work-family balance” (Hudson Resourcing, 2005), there are other life
activities that need to be balanced with employment may include study, travel, sport,
voluntary work, personal development, leisure or eldercare. Work life balance in its broadest
sense, is defined as a satisfactory level of involvement or ‘fit’ between the multiple roles in a
person’s life.

According to Clarke, Koch and Hill (2004), work-life balance is generally associated with
equilibrium between the amount of time and effort somebody devotes to work and personal
activities, in order to maintain an overall sense of harmony in life. To understand work-life
balance, it is important to be aware of the different demands upon us and our personal
resources- our time and our energy- that we can deploy to address them. Research has
indicated that those workers who have some form of control over their working environment
tend to suffer less stress-related ill-health, with clear implications for the concept of work-life
balance Organizations can implement various work-life balance initiatives that may assist
employees to better balance their work and family responsibilities, gain improvements in
well-being and provide organizational benefits. There are a large variety of family friendly
policies which include, but are not limited to the following: flexible working hours, job
sharing, part-time work, compressed work weeks, parental leave, telecommuting, on-site
child care facility (Hartel, 2007).

Work life balance studies have significantly furthered our understanding of the phenomena;
there remains great unevenness within Work Life Balance studies in a non-Western context.

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European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences Vol. 3 No. 4, 2015
ISSN 2056-5992

In essence, while Work Life Balance in the West has received enormous research exposure,
far less attention has been devoted to exploring the concept of Work Life Balance of
individuals in Nigeria (Ojo 2014).

Leave Policy
Employee Performance
Work Annual Leave
Life Sick Leave
Service Delivery

Balance Efficiency
Study/Training Leave
Carer Leave

Figure 1: Work Life Balance Relationship With Employee Performance

Researchers’ View (2015)


Employee Performance in a firm is a very important area in the workplace. It can help the
firm increase and utilize the capacity of the human resources it has. It translates into good
service delivery and interaction in which affects every area of the organization. To achieve
this organization need to make polices that will encourage employee performance. An
employee’s job performance depends on or is a consequence of some combination of ability,
effort, and opportunity. But, the measurements can be done in terms of outcomes or results
produced (Ferris et al., 1998). Performance is defined as the record of outcomes produced on
a specified job function or activity during a specified time period. (Bernadrdin and Russel,
1998). According to this definition performance is set of outcomes produced during a certain
time period. Hence the researchers have developed the working definition of employee
performance for study purpose is that, “achievement of targets of the tasks assigned to
employees within particular period of time”. Performance is not only related to the action but
also involves judgment and evaluation process (Ilgen and Schneider, 1991).

According to Campbell (1993) performance is related to that which the individual that is
hired do in fulfilling his / her duties and the activities that can be examined and measurable
are reflected. An organization needs high performance of its employees, so as to meet its goal
and be able to achieve competitive advantage (Frese, 2002). According to business dictionary
employee performance is the job related activities expected of a worker and how well those
activities were executed. The organization success depends on the employee performance.
Therefore, it is important for a manager to create a well –rounded approach to managing and
coaching its workforce. The commercial banks are service industry and their main aim is to
satisfy their customer. The service employee renders to the customer and employee
performance is interrelated. When employees provide excellent customer service, they are
exceeding job expectations. The popularity of an organization’s service is based in part on the
level of service received by the customer. For service industry the business is based almost
solely on their employee’s performance. That is why management must look for various ways
in improving employee performance.

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European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences Vol. 3 No. 4, 2015
ISSN 2056-5992


Leave is the amount of hours/days employees of an organization are permitted to be away

from their employment position within a period of time without consequences. This time off
is paid by the company and employees are allowed to request the time for any reason they
wish to be off work. It also gives the ability for employee to release themselves from work
stress and create a balance between work and their family activities. This type of work life
balances helps employees to perform other duties outside work, which creates a balancing
effect between work activities and life activities. There are different types of leave policy
which are:

 Annual leave: Annual leave can defined as paid leave for the purpose of recreation
to which employees become entitled after a period of qualifying service or
employment with a particular employer (Work Place Information, 2002).
Nigeria has been greatly influenced by the British system. The provisions of the
Nigerian Labour Act (1974) mainly concern blue-collar workers and are very basic
with limited government regulations for employers. Daily hours of work are to be
fixed by mutual agreement or by collective bargaining between the employer and
employee (section 13:1). Provision is made for rest intervals of no less than one hour
in total if the day’s work is longer than 6 hours (section 13,3), and for one day’s rest
per week (section 13:7). After twelve months of continuous service, a worker is
entitled to an annual leave of at least six working days that may not be deferred by
more than twelve months (section 18).
 Parental Leave: Parental Leave is an official permission given to employees with
child care giving responsibilities. Women are entitled to twelve weeks’ maternity
leave with at least half pay but usually the customary benefits are more generous with
maternity leave fully paid. The female employees often times are the greater
beneficiaries of this leave in Nigeria where maternity leave allows a nursing mother
to be away from work for 3 months.
 Carer’s leave: Carer’s leave is an official permission for an employee to take time
off to take care for an immediate family or household member who is sick or injured
or help during a family emergence. But it comes out of the employee personal leave
 Paid Family and Medical leave: Paid Family and Medical leave relates with an
officially granted leave of absence from work to attend to dependent care challenges
or personal health concerns of the employee. Olumuyiwa Akinrole, Oludayo (2015)
 Sick leave: Sick leave is time off from work that an employee can use to address
their health and safety needs without losing pay.
 Study leave: Study leave is given to any staff member who is undertaking an
approved study course. Training leave is given to an employee for self development
and organization development.


Service delivery indicates ‘where’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ the service product is delivered to the
customer (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2004). The service delivery process can be broken down into
service encounters that comprise the main part of the whole process (Danaher and Mattsson,
1994) and, as noted by Chowdhary and Prakash (2007), some generalization within service
types is possible for different services and service providers, and managers may have to

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European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences Vol. 3 No. 4, 2015
ISSN 2056-5992

consider this in its design. Thus, the power to deliver optimal service quality will get the
service firms competitive advantages among others in the same industry (Turel, Serenko &
Bontis, 2007). According lash (1999) to work life balance helps to enhance service delivery
among the employees.

Service delivery is a component of business that defines the interaction between providers
and clients where the provider offers a service, and it could be an information or task. In the
banking sector different types of services are being offered. The heads of the banks are
located at one place. However, their branches are scattered and located across the country.
The jobs of offering the services are assigned to employees and the performance on the job
matters a lot. This is because it affects the customers’ satisfaction, getting and retaining
existing customers, complaints handling, targets achieved, sales turnover, profits, market
shares and good will of the company. The performance of employees is important, not only in
banking but other service sectors. Better performance gives satisfaction to the customers.
Services are to be provided with minimum processing and waiting time, proper response,
promptness and the desire to handle many customers as the demand arises


This study is anchored on spill over theory by Guest (2002). It postulates the conditions under
which spillover between the work micro system and the family micro system occurs. It can
either positive or negative. If work- family interactions are rigidly structured in time and
space, then spill over in term of time, energy and behavior is negative. When flexibility
occurs which enables individuals to integrate and overlap work and family responsibilities in
time and space lead to positive spill over which is instrumental in achieving healthy work life

According to Guest (2002), the determinants of work life balance are located in the work and
home contexts. Contextual determinants include demands of work, culture of work, demands
of home and culture of home. Individual determinants include work orientation (i.e. the
extent to which work (or home) is a central life interest), personality, energy, personal control
and coping, gender and age, life and career stage. The variables of the study are under the
contextual determinants, which are leave policy and service delivery. The leave policy is the
culture of work, while the service delivery is the demand of work.

The nature of work life balance was defined both objectively and subjectively. The objective
indicators include hours of work and hours of uncommitted or free time outside work.
Subjective Indicators refer to the states of balance and imbalance. He also noted that balance
may be reported when equal weight is given both to work and home or, when home or work
dominates by choice. Spill over occurs when there is interference of one sphere of life with
other. Also, numerous outcomes of work life balance which include personal satisfaction and
wellbeing at work, home and life as a whole, performance at work and home, impact on
others at work, family and friends.

The relevance of this theory to the study is that organizations are expected to adopt positive
work life balance policies that will enable employee have a positive work life balance in
which will make them be effectively committed to achieving the organization’s goals.

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ISSN 2056-5992


A number of studies have been carried at that is related to work life balance. Typically
Vishwa Et al (2015) investigated Empirical analysis of work life balance policies and its
impact on employee’s job satisfaction and performance. The aim of the research was to
analyze the relationship between work life balance policies and employee job satisfaction.
Questionnaire was filled by 240 respondents who were used for the survey. The Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the quantitative data using
correlation. The findings of this study emphasized that each of the work life balance policies
on its own is a predictor of job satisfaction.

Azeem and Akhtar (2014) investigated the influence of work life balance and job satisfaction
on organization commitment of health care employee. This was aimed at exploring the
influence of work life balance and job satisfaction has on organization commitment among
healthcare employee. Questionnaire was distributed to 275 respondents in the healthcare
sector. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the
quantitative data including correlation and reliabilities. The finding of the empirical test
shows that employee in the health care sector have a moderate level of perceived work life
balance, job satisfaction and commitment. There is a positive relationship between work life
balance, job satisfaction and organization commitment.

Ojo, Salau and Falola (2014) investigated the concept of work-life balance policies and
practices in three sectors of the Nigerian Economy namely the Banking, Educational and
Power Sector. The types of Work Life Balance initiatives available in the three sectors were
explored and the barriers to implementation of the Work Life Balance initiatives were
identified. Quantitative method was used to investigate the work-life balance practices in
three sectors of the Nigerian Economy. This was achieved using an in-depth case study
analysis of these sectors. The data set comprised of responses from both managers and
employees in the Banking sector with five hundred and eighty six copies of the questionnaire
retrieved. The Educational sector comprised of both managers and employees with five
hundred and thirty one copies of the questionnaire retrieved; while five hundred and seven
copies retrieved from the Power Sector. The findings reveal that there is diversity in terms of
how respondents perceive the concept of Work-Life Balance. The Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the quantitative data including Anova .There is a
wide gap between corporate Work Life Balance practices and employees’ understanding of
the concept; the paper suggests some policy implications which would aid the
implementation of Work Life Balance policies in the studied sectors.

Fapohunda (2014) investigated on the exploration of the effect of work life balance on
productivity. The aim of the study was to explore the connection between work life balance
and organization productivity and whether work life balance practice possibly decreases
employee turnover and absenteeism. 200 respondents in the banking industry were used for
the survey. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Chi square was used to
analyze the data. The finding of the result was that there is a positive relationship between
work life balance practice and employee turnover. It also found out that management support
was not satisfactory.

Kamau, Muleke, Makaya and Wagoki, (2013) investigated work life balance practices on
employee job performance at eco bank Kenya. The main objective was to determine the
effect of organization work life balance on employee performance. Fifty-Five (55) Eco Bank

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European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences Vol. 3 No. 4, 2015
ISSN 2056-5992

employees were drawn through quota sampling method who also responded to survey
questionnaires. Spearman’s Correlation Analysis was used to test the candidates’ work life
balance, their performance to the organization. The finding of the empirical study shows that
there was correlation between work life balance and employee performance. Typically, Hye
(2013) investigated “the work life balance and employees performance: the mediating role of
affective commitment” which was aimed at investigating the effect of work life balance on
affective commitment and in role performance. 293 respondents filled the questionnaires
which were used for the survey. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used
to analyze the quantitative data including reliabilities and multiple regressions. The finding of
the empirical test demonstrated that employee experience of work life balance increase
affective commitment.

Dissanayaka and Ali (2013) investigated the impact of work life balance on employee
performance. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between work life balance
and employee performance. 96 employees were used for the survey and questionnaire was
distributed to them in which the data was used to run analysis. Pearson moment correlation
was used to analyze the data. The finding of the result was that there is a positive relationship
between work life balance and employee performance. Also there is a need for systematic
effort to enhance work life balance of the employee to achieve better employee performance.

Ojo (2012) investigated work life balance practices and policies manager and employee
experience in Nigeria banking sector. The aim of the research is to explore the extent to
which work life balance policies/ practices in organization in Nigeria. Questionnaire was
used as the instrument and 600 respondents were used for the survey. Spearman’s correlation
analysis was used to analyze the data. The finding of the empirical study shows that there is
need to enlighten employee about the various work life balance. Sakthivel, Kamalanabhanb
and Selvarania (2011) investigated work life balance reflections on employee satisfaction
.The aim of the research was to analyze the relationship between employee satisfaction and
work/life balance. The construct used for this research consists of career opportunity,
recognition, work tasks, payments, benefits, superior subordinate relationship, employee
satisfaction, and work/life balance. Questionnaire was filled by 210 respondents working in
IT organization. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the
quantitative data including multiple correlation and regression. Findings of the empirical test
show that high correlation exists between work task and employee satisfaction with a
mediator variable namely work-life balance.

Similarly, Simonetta and Manfred (2010) looked at “work life balance which was an audit of
staff experience at oxford Brookes University” investigated the significance of work life
practise for the university. They looked at the various work life balances practices in the
university and how they were utilised by staff of the university. The sample included 492
staff of the oxford brooks university. The finding shows that it is important to achieve a
balance between paid work and personal life and that this enables them to work better. The
staff agreed that for this to be achieved it is a joint responsibility between the employers and
the employee. There are limited research on the use and availability of work-life balance
practices and the implementation of these programmes in developing countries. There
remains much to learn about Nigeria and how best to support their capacities to support
employees’ work-life balance, especially for arrangement of leave during a time of increased
economic pressure it is this gap in knowledge that research seeks to fill.

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European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences Vol. 3 No. 4, 2015
ISSN 2056-5992


The study employed the descriptive survey method. This method was used because it gives
greater room to study the subject matter and ensures that inferences can be made about some
characteristic attitude or behavior of the population in the study. To achieve a research –
oriented work the researcher delimited the work to the employees in United bank for Africa
Plc, First Bank Plc and Zenith Bank Plc in Lagos state, which comprise of the managerial and
non managerial staff. The managerial staff comprise of the heads of various department,
while the non managerial staff comprise of employees of the operation department, marketing
department and customer care representatives.

The population of this study is employees of United Bank for Africa, First Bank of Nigeria
and Zenith Bank Plc in Lagos State. The population under consideration is 759. The sample
size is two hundred and sixty two (262). It is obtained from the population unit (759) using
Yamane’s Statistical Distribution Formula. The sampling technique for the participant
selection was judgmental sampling. Bowley population allocation formula (nNh/N, where
n=Sample size, Nh= Population of each organization, N=Total Population) was used to
determine the number of participant to be drawn from each organization. United Bank for
Africa Plc (93), First Bank of Nigeria Plc (90), and Zenith Bank Plc (79). This method gave
the population equal chance of being included in the research study. Questionnaire structured
into two sections was used to collect data for analysis. it comprises of two parts which are ;
leave policy and service delivery which has six (6) Items each. 5–point likert Scale, weighted
1-5: Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), Undecided (UD) Agree (A) and Strongly Agree

The validity of the instrument was ascertained by giving out copies of the draft questionnaire,
research questions, hypothesis, alongside with the purposes of the study to expert . They were
asked to check the face and content validity of the instrument to see if the instrument will
actually measure what it intends to measure. Cronbach’s coefficient alpha was used to
determine the internal consistency and reliability of the multiple item scales.

Table 1: Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Statistics

Cronbach Alpha Cronbach Alpha based on standardised No. of items
964 .967 12
Source: Computed with SPSS 20.

The alpha value for the construct indicates that the items that formed them had reasonable
internal consistency reliability of 0.967. Hence the instrument is considered appropriate for
the study (George and Mallery, 2003). This implies that the questionnaire is valid for
measuring the relationship between leave policy and service delivery.


Descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages will be used in answering the
research question. . This hypothesis is tested using the Product Moment Pearson Correlation
Coefficient (r) to find the positive relationship between Leave Policy and Service Delivery in
Nigerian Banks. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient r measures the strength and direction
of a linear relationship between two variables. All the 262 copies of questionnaire distributed

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European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences Vol. 3 No. 4, 2015
ISSN 2056-5992

were properly completed and returned. Thus, the return rate is 100%. Therefore, the 262
respondents that participated in the study were used in the analyses.

Table 2: Characteristics of the Respondents

SN Variables Frequency Percentage
1 Sex
143 54.6
119 45.4
Total 262 100
2 Age
37 14.1
23 to 30 years
80 30.5
31 to 38 years
115 43.9
39 to 45 years
30 11.5
Above 45 years
Total 262 100
3 Experience
28 10.7
1 to 10 years
74 28.2
11 to 20 years
121 46.2
21 to 30 years
39 14.9
31 to 35 years
Total 262 100
Source: Survey data 2015, computation from SPSS 20 Analysis

Sex/gender distribution of the respondents indicate that 143 males and 119 females
representing 54.6% and 45.4% respectively, were involved in the study. The results show
that males are 9% more than the female respondents. The results also indicated that persons
between the ages of 23 to 30 years are 37 (14.12%), those between the ages of 31 to 38 years
are 80 (30.53%). Again, the number of persons between the ages of 39 to 45 years is 115
(43.89%) and those above 45 years of age are 30 (11.45%). The result indicate that the work
force in the Banks cluster around persons between the ages of 31 to 45, with those between
the ages of 39 to 45 having the highest number.

For years of experience, the results indicate that persons who have worked in the banks
between 1 to 10 years are 28 (10.69%), those who have worked between 11 to 20 years are 74
(28.24%), while those between 21 to 30 years are 121 (46.18%). However, those who worked
between 31 to 35 years are 39 (14.89%) persons. The analysis indicate that majority of the
respondents have adequate experience in the organization. This means that they understands
the work conditions of the organization and thus are suitable for the study.

Table 3: Responses on Application of Leave Policy in the Organizations

SN Variables SA A U D SD Remarks
1 My organization give me 52 106 50 44 10 Agree
leave to care and support my (19.8%) (40.5%) (19.1%) (16.8%) (3.8%)
2 My organization observes the 50 101 55 45 11 Agree
leave policy in the (19.1%) (38.5%) (20.0%) (17.2%) (4.2%)
employment agreement.
3 Sick leave helps me to take 54 110 49 39 10 Agree
care of my emotional health (20.6%) (42.0%) (18.7%) (14.9%) (3.8%)
4 Study/training leave allows 46 115 50 42 9 Agree
me to take time off for study (17.6%) (43.9%) (19.1%) (16.0%) (3.4%)
or training to improve on my
personal growth

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ISSN 2056-5992

5 Annual leave helps me to 51 102 52 45 12 Agree

reduce work related stress (19.5%) (38.9%) (19.8%) (17.2%) (4.6%)

6 My bank usually gives me 52 105 51 44 10 Agree

additional leave to complete (18.8%) (40.1%) (19.5%) (16.8%) (3.8%)
my annual leave.
Mean percentage response 19.23% 40.65% 19.37% 16.48% 3.93% Agree
Key: SA = Strongly Agree, A = Agree, U = Undecided, D = Disagree, SD = Strongly Disagree
Source: Survey data 2015, computation from SPSS 20 Analysis

The analyses on the table above answers whether there is implementation of Leave in the
Banking System. The responses are structured from strongly agree to strongly disagree. From
the results, highest frequencies of the responses in each of the question items are the Agree
Option. This means that most of the respondents generally agree that leave policy is
implemented in the banks. This implies that organizations under study (the banking system)
grants employee leaves.

Table 4: Responses on Level of Service Delivery Resulting from Leave Policy

SN Variables SA A U D SD Remarks
7 My work gives me time to 52 104 50 46 10 Agree
attend to my family (19.8%) (39.7%) (19.1%) (17.6%) (3.8%)
8 I normally feel efficient each 53 104 50 44 11 Agree
time I return from a leave (20.2%) (39.7%) (19.1%) (16.8%) (4.2%)
9 I feel motivated to render 52 105 51 44 10 Agree
more services to my (19.8%) (40.1%) (19.5%) (16.8%) (3.8%)
organization after the leave
10 My boss only allows me leave 39 117 50 42 14 Agree
when s/he feels I do not have (14.9%) (44.7%) (19.1%) (16.0%) (5.3%)
unfinished work on my table
11 My company’s leave policy 45 104 53 43 17 Agree
enables me to take care of my (17.2%) (39.7%) (20.2%) (16.4%) (6.5%)
personal life while remaining
12 My family life does not affect 65 98 45 46 8 Agree
my job efficiency. (24.8%) (37.4%) (17.2%) (17.6%) (3.1%)
Mean percentage response 19.45 40.21% 19.03% 16.87% 4.45% Agree
SA = Strongly Agree, A = Agree, U = Undecided, D = Disagree, SD = Strongly Disagree
Source: Survey data 2015, computation from SPSS 20 Analysis

The table above shows that opinion of the bank employees with regards to their service
delivery after Leave grants. The overall responses as shown in the mean percentage response
indicate that 19.45% of the respondents answer Strongly Agree, 40.21% answers Agree,
19.03% answers Undecided, while 16.87% and 4.45% answers Disagree and Strongly
Disagree respectively. The analysis indicates that majority of the respondent answers Agree.
This means that there is a general agreement that service delivery can relate to the
organisation’s leave policy.


Hypothesis: There is a positive relationship between leave policy and employee service

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European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences Vol. 3 No. 4, 2015
ISSN 2056-5992

Table 5: Correlation Analyses Cumulative Leave Policies and Total Service Delivery
Leave Policies Delivery
Leave Policies Pearson Correlation 1 .998**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 22 22
Service Delivery Pearson Correlation .998 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 22 22
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: SPSS 20 Computer Output
The result, the Coefficient of Correlation (r) is 0.998. Based on the decision rule, there is
strong positive correlation between Leave Policies and Service Delivery. The significance
level is 0.000 which is below 0.05 (p< 0.05). Based on the decision rule for significant level,
we reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, we conclude that “There is a positive relationship
between banks’ leave policies and service delivery”

This means that as the extent of implementation of Leave Policy have positive effect on the
level of employee efficiency in service delivery This implies that organizations that
implement leave policy tend to motivate their employee to be more efficient in service


The finding from the work revealed gender distribution of the respondents indicate that
representing 54.6% representing male and 45.4% female respectively, were involved in the
study. That means that work life balance affect both the genders in the work force. Every
individual is involved in issue that requires him/her prioritizing work role and personal
commitment which is in line with the assertion of Ojo (2012). It also revealed that leave
policy is implemented in the banking sector but there is more room for improvement. The
findings from this work revealed that there is a strong positive relationship between leave
policy and service delivery. Leave policy also goes a long way in motivating employee to be
more efficient in their duties. For an employee to remain productive in the organization, the
organization must continue to improve on their work life balance incentives. This will
produce an employee that will be more effective and efficient in delivery of services to the
customer. This study has shown that work life balance is an important factor that brings about
employee performance. The employee is productive by his ability to render a “come back
again services” to their customer and this is achieved when employee are motivated by the
various leave policy given to them by the organization

Ojo (2012); Dissanayaka and Ali (2013); Kamau, et al (2013); Hye (2013); Ojo et al
(2014); Azeem and Akhtar (2014) and Vishwa et al (2015) supported the finding that there
is a positive relationship between work life balance and employee performance.

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European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences Vol. 3 No. 4, 2015
ISSN 2056-5992



This study concludes that work life balance philosophy is associated with real benefits for an
organization. This is because the social and psychological life of every employee needs to be
rightly put in check for them to be an asset and not just an employee that is used to carry out
day to day operations of the organisation. In line with vans cotter (2000) high employee
performance lead an organization to have greater opportunities for employees than those who
have low performance. Therefore it is important for employer to look for better ways in
improving employee performance. This can be done by helping them prioritize their work
and life activities. When this is achieved, employee is motivated to render their service
efficiently and effectively
Employees are happier when they are able to balance their work life demands. Management
also experience improve relationship with employees. Management support for employees
work life balance fosters a good relationship between the work force and management which
improve effective communication in the organization.


On the basis of the findings and conclusion drawn from the study, the following
recommendations were made.
 The management of the Commercial banks should make sure they strategies different
work life incentive that will encourage the employees to be more productive on their
 Also, managers of these organisations should encourage their employee to fix their
leave at their convenient period after performing all their work related duties.
 Managers of these organisations should create activities that improve employee
leisure time. Sport activities
 Management should create forum for get together between employee and their family
and award ceremonies in which their immediate family will be involved.
 Management of commercial banks should create child care assistance this will help
the employee. Which are crèche services, day nursery and after school childcare.
 Provision of family welfare policies to encourage care for dependent.


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