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USOO901 6409B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.016.409 B2

Zhang et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 28, 2015
(54) ROLLING CUTTER PLACEMENT ON PDC (56) References Cited
(75) Inventors: Youhe Zhang, Spring, TX (US); 4,104,344 A 8/1978 Pope et al.
Michael G. Azar, The Woodlands, TX 4,288,248 A 9, 1981 Bovenkerk et al.
(US) 4,553,615 A 11/1985 Grainger
4,738,322 A 4, 1988 Hall et al.
(73) Assignee: Smith International, Inc., Houston, TX 4,756,631 A 7, 1988 Jones
(US) 5,127.923 A 7/1992 Bunting et al.
5,494,477 A 2f1996 Flood et al.
5,662,720 A 9/1997 O'Tighearnaigh
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2003/0037964 A1 2/2003 Sinor et al.
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2006, O18035.6 A1 8/2006 Durairajan et al.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 92 days. 2007/0278017 A1* 12/2007 Shen et al. .................... 175.426
2010.0089661 A1 4/2010 Welch et al.
(21) Appl. No.: 13/303,837 2011/O155472 A1 6/2011 Lyons et al.
2011/0284293 A1 11/2011 Shen et al.
2011/0297454 A1 12/2011 Shen et al.
(22) Filed: Nov. 23, 2011
(65) Prior Publication Data
International Search Report and Written Opinion of PCT Application
US 2012/O132471 A1 May 31, 2012 No. PCT/US2012/065981 dated Mar. 25, 2013: pp. 1-11.
International Search Report and Written Opinion issued in related
International Patent Application No. PCT/US2011/037187: Dated
Related U.S. Application Data Nov. 15, 2011 (8 pages).
(63) Continuation of application No. 13/111.453, filed on * cited by examiner
May 19, 2011, now Pat. No. 8,881,849.
(60) Provisional application No. 61/346.260, filed on May Primary Examiner — Cathleen Hutchins
19, 2010. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Osha Liang LLP
(51) Int. Cl. (57) ABSTRACT
E2IBIO/36 (2006.01) A cutting tool cutting tool may include a tool body having a
E2IBIO/573 (2006.01) plurality of blades extending radially therefrom; and a plu
E2IBIO/627 (2006.01) rality of rotatable cutting elements mounted on at least one of
E2IBIO/43 (2006.01) the plurality of blades, wherein the plurality of rotatable
(52) U.S. Cl. cutting elements are mounted on the at least one blade in a
CPC ............... E2IB 10/43 (2013.01); E2IB 10/627 nose and/or shoulder region of the cutting tool at a side rake
(2013.01); E2IB 10/573 (2013.01) angle ranging from about 10 to about 30 degrees or -10 to
(58) Field of Classification Search about -30 degrees.
USPC .......................................... 175/331, 426,431
See application file for complete search history. 35 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets

y 2 TO



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FIG. 12A


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FIG. 12C
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FIG. 13
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FIG. 15
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1. 2
ROLLING CUTTER PLACEMENT ON PDC rates offlow between the cutting blades 14 for lubricating and
BITS cooling the drill bit 10, the blades 14, and the cutters 18. The
drilling fluid also cleans and removes the cuttings as the drill
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED bit rotates and penetrates the geological formation. The gaps
APPLICATIONS 16, which may be referred to as “fluid courses.” are positioned
to provide additional flow channels for drilling fluid and to
This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent provide a passage for formation cuttings to travel past the drill
application Ser. No. 13/111.453, filed on May 19, 2011, bit 10 toward the surface of a wellbore (not shown).
which claims priority under 35 U.S.C. S 119(e) to U.S. Pro The drill bit 10 includes a shank 24 and a crown 26. Shank
visional Application Ser. No. 61/346,260, filed May 19, 2010, 10 24 is typically formed of steel or a matrix material and
both of which are herein incorporated by reference in their includes a threaded pin 28 for attachment to a drill string.
entirety. Crown 26 has a cutting face 30 and outer side surface 32. The
particular materials used to form drill bit bodies are selected
BACKGROUND to provide adequate toughness, while providing good resis
15 tance to abrasive and erosive wear. For example, in the case
1. Technical Field where an ultra hard cutter is to be used, the bit body 12 may be
Embodiments disclosed herein relate generally to cutting made from powdered tungsten carbide (WC) infiltrated with
elements for drilling earth formations. More specifically, a binder alloy within a suitable mold form. In one manufac
embodiments disclosed herein relate generally to rotary drill turing process the crown 26 includes a plurality of holes or
bits having rotatable cutting elements installed thereon. pockets 34 that are sized and shaped to receive a correspond
2. Background Art ing plurality of cutters 18.
Drill bits used to drill wellbores through earth formations The combined plurality of surfaces 20 of the cutters 18
generally are made within one of two broad categories of bit effectively forms the cutting face of the drill bit 10. Once the
structures. Drill bits in the first category are generally known crown 26 is formed, the cutters 18 are positioned in the
as “roller cone' bits, which include a bit body having one or 25 pockets 34 and affixed by any suitable method, such as braz
more roller cones rotatably mounted to the bit body. The bit ing, adhesive, mechanical means such as interference fit, or
body is typically formed from steel or another high strength the like. The design depicted provides the pockets 34 inclined
material. The roller cones are also typically formed from steel with respect to the surface of the crown 26. The pockets 34 are
or other high strength material and include a plurality of inclined such that cutters 18 are oriented with the working
cutting elements disposed at selected positions about the 30 face 20 at a desired rake angle in the direction of rotation of
cones. The cutting elements may be formed from the same the bit 10, so as to enhance cutting. It should be understood
base material as is the cone. These bits are typically referred that in an alternative construction (not shown), the cutters
to as “milled tooth' bits. Other roller cone bits include may each be substantially perpendicular to the surface of the
“insert cutting elements that are press (interference) fit into crown, while an ultra hard surface is affixed to a substrate at
holes formed and/or machined into the roller cones. The 35 an angle on a cutter body or a stud so that a desired rake angle
inserts may be formed from, for example, tungsten carbide, is achieved at the working Surface.
natural or synthetic diamond, boron nitride, or any one or A typical cutter 18 is shown in FIG. 1b. The typical cutter
combination of hard or Superhard materials. 18 has a cylindrical cemented carbide substrate body 38 hav
Drill bits of the second category are typically referred to as ing an end face or upper surface 54 referred to herein as the
“fixed cutter” or "drag bits. This category of bits has no 40 “interface surface' 54. An ultra hard material layer (cutting
moving elements but rather have a bit body formed from steel layer) 44, Such as polycrystalline diamond or polycrystalline
or another high strength material and cutters (sometimes cubic boron nitride layer, forms the working surface 20 and
referred to as cutter elements, cutting elements or inserts) the cutting edge 22. A bottom surface 52 of the ultra hard
attached at selected positions to the bit body. For example, the material layer 44 is bonded on to the upper surface 54 of the
cutters may be formed having a Substrate or Support stud 45 substrate 38. The bottom surface 52 and the upper surface 54
made of carbide, for example tungsten carbide, and an ultra are herein collectively referred to as the interface 46. The top
hard cutting surface layer or “table made of a polycrystalline exposed surface or working Surface 20 of the cutting layer 44
diamond material or a polycrystalline boron nitride material is opposite the bottom surface 52. The cutting layer 44 typi
deposited onto or otherwise bonded to the substrate at an cally has a flat or planar working Surface 20, but may also
interface Surface. 50 have a curved exposed surface, that meets the side surface 21
An example of a prior art drag bit having a plurality of at a cutting edge 22.
cutters with ultra hard working surfaces is shown in FIG.1a. Generally speaking, the process for making a cutter 18
A drill bit 10 includes a bit body 12 and a plurality of blades employs a body of tungsten carbide as the substrate 38. The
14 that are formed on the bit body 12. The blades 14 are carbide body is placed adjacent to a layer of ultra hard mate
separated by channels or gaps 16 that enable drilling fluid to 55 rial particles such as diamond or cubic boron nitride particles
flow between and both clean and cool the blades 14 and and the combination is subjected to high temperature at a
cutters 18. Cutters 18 are held in the blades 14 at predeter pressure where the ultra hard material particles are thermo
mined angular orientations and radial locations to present dynamically stable. This results in recrystallization and for
working Surfaces 20 with a desired backrake angle against a mation of a polycrystalline ultra hard material layer. Such as
formation to be drilled. Typically, the working surfaces 20 are 60 a polycrystalline diamond or polycrystalline cubic boron
generally perpendicular to the axis 19 and side surface 21 of nitride layer, directly onto the upper surface 54 of the
a cylindrical cutter 18. Thus, the working surface 20 and the cemented tungsten carbide substrate 38.
side surface 21 meet or intersect to form a circumferential One type of ultra hard working surface 20 for fixed cutter
cutting edge 22. drill bits is formed as described above with polycrystalline
Nozzles 23 are typically formed in the drill bit body 12 and 65 diamond on the Substrate of tungsten carbide, typically
positioned in the gaps 16 so that fluid can be pumped to known as a polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC), PDC
discharge drilling fluid in selected directions and at selected cutters, PDC cutting elements, or PDC inserts. Drill bits made
US 9,016,409 B2
3 4
using such PDC cutters 18 are known generally as PDC bits. certain hard but not necessarily highly abrasive rock forma
While the cutter or cutter insert 18 is typically formed using a tions, the edge 22 of the working surface 20 that constantly
cylindrical tungsten carbide “blank” or substrate 38 which is contacts the formation begins to wear down, forming a local
sufficiently long to act as a mounting stud 40, the substrate 38 wear flat, oran area worn disproportionately to the remainder
may also be an intermediate layer bonded at another interface of the cutting element. Local wear flats may result in longer
to another metallic mounting stud 40. drilling times due to a reduced ability of the drill bit to effec
The ultra hard working surface 20 is formed of the poly tively penetrate the work material and a loss of rate of pen
crystalline diamond material, in the form of a cutting layer 44 etration caused by dulling of edge of the cutting element. That
(sometimes referred to as a “table') bonded to the substrate 38 is, the worn PDC cutter acts as a friction bearing surface that
at an interface 46. The top of the ultra hard layer 44 provides 10 generates heat, which accelerates the wear of the PDC cutter
a working surface 20 and the bottom of the ultra hard layer and slows the penetration rate of the drill. Such flat surfaces
cutting layer 44 is affixed to the tungsten carbide substrate 38 effectively stop or severely reduce the rate of formation cut
at the interface 46. The substrate 38 or stud 40 is brazed or ting because the conventional PDC cutters are not able to
otherwise bonded in a selected position on the crown of the adequately engage and efficiently remove the formation
drill bit body 12 (FIG.1a). As discussed above with reference 15 material from the area of contact. Additionally, the cutters are
to FIG. 1a, the PDC cutters 18 are typically held and brazed typically under constant thermal and mechanical load. As a
into pockets 34 formed in the drill bit body at predetermined result, heat builds up along the cutting Surface, and results in
positions for the purpose of receiving the cutters 18 and cutting element fracture. When a cutting element breaks, the
presenting them to the geological formation at a rake angle. drilling operation may Sustain a loss of rate of penetration,
Bits 10 using conventional PDC cutters 18 are sometimes and additional damage to other cutting elements, should the
unable to sustain a sufficiently low wear rate at the cutter broken cutting element contact a second cutting element.
temperatures generally encountered while drilling in abrasive Additionally, another factor in determining the longevity
and hard rock. These temperatures may affect the life of the of PDC cutters is the generation of heat at the cutter contact
bit 10, especially when the temperatures reach 700-750° C., point, specifically at the exposed part of the PDC layer caused
resulting instructural failure of the ultra hard layer 44 or PDC 25 by friction between the PCD and the work material. This heat
cutting layer. A PDC cutting layer includes individual dia causes thermal damage to the PCD in the form of cracks
mond “crystals” that are interconnected. The individual dia which lead to spalling of the polycrystalline diamond layer,
mond crystals thus form a lattice structure. A metal catalyst, delamination between the polycrystalline diamond and Sub
Such as cobalt may be used to promote recrystallization of the strate, and back conversion of the diamond to graphite caus
diamond particles and formation of the lattice structure. Thus, 30 ing rapid abrasive wear. The thermal operating range of con
cobalt particles are typically found within the interstitial ventional PDC cutters is typically 750° C. or less.
spaces in the diamond lattice structure. Cobalt has a signifi In U.S. Pat. No. 4,553,615, a rotatable cutting element for
cantly different coefficient of thermal expansion as compared a drag bit was disclosed with an objective of increasing the
to diamond. Therefore, upon heating of a diamond table, the lifespan of the cutting elements and allowing for increased
cobalt and the diamond lattice will expand at different rates, 35 wear and cuttings removal. The rotatable cutting elements
causing cracks to form in the lattice structure and resulting in disclosed in the 615 patent include a thin layer of an agglom
deterioration of the diamond table. erate of diamond particles on a carbide backing layer having
It has been found by applicants that many cutters 18 a carbide spindle, which may be journalled in a bore in a bit,
develop cracking, spalling, chipping and partial fracturing of optionally through an annular bush. With significant
the ultra hard material cutting layer 44 at a region of cutting 40 increases in loads and rates of penetration, the cutting element
layer Subjected to the highest loading during drilling. This of the 615 patent is likely to fail by one of several failure
region is referred to herein as the “critical region' 56. The modes. Firstly, thin layer of diamond is prone to chipping and
critical region 56 encompasses the portion of the ultra hard fast wearing. Secondly, geometry of the cutting element
material layer 44 that makes contact with the earth formations would likely be unable to withstand heavy loads, resulting in
during drilling. The critical region 56 is subjected to high 45 fracture of the element along the carbide spindle. Thirdly, the
magnitude stresses from dynamic normal loading, and shear retention of the rotatable portion is weak and may cause the
loadings imposed on the ultra hard material layer 44 during rotatable portion to fall out during drilling. Fourthly, the prior
drilling. Because the cutters are typically inserted into a drag art does not disclose optimization of the location of rotatable
bitat a rake angle, the critical region includes a portion of the cutting elements on a bit body.
ultra hard material layer near and including a portion of the 50 Accordingly, there exists a continuing need for cutting
layer's circumferential edge 22 that makes contact with the elements that may stay cool and avoid the generation of local
earth formations during drilling. wear flats, and the incorporation of those cutting elements on
The high magnitude stresses at the critical region 56 alone a drill bit or other cutting tool.
or in combination with other factors, such as residual thermal
stresses, can result in the initiation and growth of cracks 58 55 SUMMARY
across the ultra hard layer 44 of the cutter 18. Cracks of
Sufficient length may cause the separation of a sufficiently This Summary is provided to introduce a selection of con
large piece of ultra hard material, rendering the cutter 18 cepts that are further described below in the detailed descrip
ineffective or resulting in the failure of the cutter 18. When tion. This Summary is not intended to identify key or essential
this happens, drilling operations may have to be ceased to 60 features of the claimed subject matter, nor is it intended to be
allow for recovery of the drag bit and replacement of the used as an aid in limiting the scope of the claimed subject
ineffective or failed cutter. The high stresses, particularly matter.
shear stresses, may also result in delamination of the ultra In one aspect, embodiments disclosed herein relate to a
hard layer 44 at the interface 46. cutting tool that includes a tool body having a plurality of
In some drag bits, PDC cutters 18 are fixed onto the surface 65 blades extending radially therefrom; and a plurality of rotat
of the bit 10 such that a common cutting surface contacts the able cutting elements mounted on at least one of the plurality
formation during drilling. Over time and/or when drilling of blades, wherein the plurality of rotatable cutting elements
US 9,016,409 B2
5 6
are mounted on the at least one blade in a forward spiral Generally, rotatable cutting elements (also referred to as
configuration, and wherein each of the plurality of rotatable rolling cutters) described herein allow at least one surface or
cutting elements has a negative side rake angle. portion of the cutting element to rotate as the cutting elements
In another aspect, embodiments disclosed herein relate to a contact a formation. As the cutting element contacts the for
cutting tool that includes a tool body having a plurality of 5 mation, the cutting action may allow portion of the cutting
blades extending radially therefrom; and a plurality of rotat element to rotate around a cutting element axis extending
able cutting elements mounted on at least one of the plurality through the cutting element. Rotation of a portion of the
of blades, wherein the plurality of rotatable cutting elements cutting structure may allow for a cutting Surface to cut the
are mounted on the at least one blade in a reverse spiral formation using the entire outer edge of the cutting Surface,
configuration, and wherein each of the plurality of rotatable 10 rather than the same section of the outer edge, as observed in
cutting elements has a positive side rake angle. a conventional cutting element. The following discussion
In yet another aspect, embodiments disclosed herein relate describes various embodiments for a rotatable cutting ele
to a cutting tool cutting tool that includes a tool body having ment; however, the present disclosure is not so limited. One
skilled in the art would appreciate that any cutting element
a plurality of blades extending radially therefrom; and a plu 15 capable of rotating may be used with the drill bit or other
rality of rotatable cutting elements mounted on at least one of cutting tool of the present disclosure.
the plurality of blades, wherein the plurality of rotatable The rotation of the inner rotatable cutting element may be
cutting elements are mounted on the at least one blade in a controlled by the side cutting force and the frictional force
nose and/or shoulder region of the cutting tool at a side rake between the bearing Surfaces. If the side cutting force gener
angle ranging from about 10 to about 30 degrees or -10 to ates a torque which can overcome the torque from the fric
about -30 degrees. tional force, the rotatable portion will have rotating motion.
Other aspects and advantages of the invention will be The side cutting force may be affected by cutter side rake,
apparent from the following description and the appended back rake and geometry, including the working Surface pat
claims. terns disclosed herein. Additionally, the side cutting force
25 may be affected by the surface finishing of the surfaces of the
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS cutting element components, the frictional properties of the
formation, as well as drilling parameters, such as depth of cut.
FIG. 1A shows a perspective view of a conventional fixed The frictional force at the bearing surfaces may affected, for
cutter bit. example, by Surface finishing, mud intrusion, etc. The design
FIG. 1B shows a perspective view of a conventional PDC 30 of the rotatable cutters disclosed herein may be selected to
Cutter. ensure that the side cutting force overcomes the frictional
FIG. 2A-B show a schematic of a cutting element accord force to allow for rotation of the rotatable portion. Various
ing to one embodiment disclosed herein. design considerations of the present disclosure are described
FIGS. 3A-B show a schematic of a cutting element accord below, as well as exemplary embodiments of rolling cutters.
ing to one embodiment disclosed herein. 35 Placement of Rolling Cutters
FIG. 4 shows a schematic of a cutting element according to According to embodiments of the present disclosure, a bit
one embodiment disclosed herein. design consideration may include placement of rolling cutters
FIG. 5 shows a schematic of a cutting element on a blade on a drill bit. Placement design of rolling cutters on a drill bit
according to one embodiment disclosed herein. may involve, first, predicting where conventional cutter (fixed
FIG. 6 shows a bit profile according to one embodiment 40 cutter) wear occurs most frequently or quickly on a drill bit.
disclosed herein. For example, fixed cutter wear may be predicted using engi
FIGS. 7A-C show an expanded view and cross-sectional neering and design software. Such as I-DEAS, “Integrated
views of cutting element assemblies according to embodi Design and Engineering Analysis Software', or CAD soft
ments disclosed herein. ware. Such engineering and design software may also be used
FIG. 8 shows the progression of a wear flat in a conven 45 to optimize bit stabilization dynamics using various place
tional cutting element. ments of rolling cutters. Fixed cutter wear may also be pre
FIGS. 9A-B show profile views of a drill bit according to dicted by observing and/or measuring wear flat sizes on dull
embodiments disclosed herein. drill bits. In particular, as a drill bit having conventional, fixed
FIG. 10 shows a rotated profile view of a drill bit according cutters contacts and cuts an earthen formation, the cutting
to embodiments disclosed herein. 50 Surface and cutting edge of a fixed cutter may wear and form
FIG. 11 shows a bit profile according to one embodiment a wear flat. An example of a wear flat 2305 progression in a
disclosed herein. fixed cutter 2300 is shown in FIG. 8.
FIGS. 12A-D show a bit profile and corresponding graphs Once fixed cutter wear is predicted, criteria for the place
of the side rake angles of cutting elements on the bit. ment of rolling cutters may be set according to where the fixed
FIG. 13 shows a partial cross-sectional view of a drag bit 55 cutter wear occurs. For example, according to embodiments
illustrating only the rotatable cutting elements rotated into a of the present disclosure, rolling cutter placement design may
single profile. include replacing fixed cutters having the most amount of
FIG. 14 shows a top view of the cutting end of a drill bit. wear with rolling cutters. In one embodiment, rolling cutter
FIG. 15 shows a top view of the cutting end of a drill bit. placement design may include replacing half of the total
60 number of fixed cutters experiencing the largest amount of
DETAILED DESCRIPTION wear with rolling cutters. Further, in other embodiments,
rolling cutter placement design may include replacing fixed
In one aspect, embodiments disclosed herein relate to bit cutters with rolling cutters on only certain blades of a drill bit.
design using rotatable cutting structures. Specifically, According to embodiments of the present disclosure, roll
embodiments disclosed herein relate to improving the life of 65 ing cutter placement design criteria may be set so that rolling
a drill bit by positioning rotatable cutting elements in particu cutters and fixed cutters on a drill bit have a plural set con
lar arrangements on the drill bit. figuration. Drill bits having a plural set configuration have
US 9,016,409 B2
7 8
more than one cutting element at at least one radial position “backup cutting element' is used to describe a cutting ele
with respect to the bit axis. Expressed alternatively, at least ment that trails any other cutting element on the same blade
one cutting element includes a “back up’ cutting element when the bit is rotated in the cutting direction. Further, as used
disposed at about the same radial position with respect to the herein, the term “primary cutting element' is used to describe
bit axis. For example, referring to FIGS. 9A and 9B, a face 5 a cutting element provided on the leading edge of a blade. In
side profile view of a drill bit 2400 having a plurality of other words, when a bit is rotated about its central longitudi
cutting blades 2410 are shown, wherein the bits rotate in nal axis in the cutting direction, a “primary cutting element'
direction R. Primary blades 2410a extend radially from sub does not trail any other cutting elements on the same blade.
stantially proximal the longitudinal axis A of the bit toward Suitably, each primary cutting elements and optional backup
the periphery of the bit. Secondary blades 2410b do not 10 cutting element may have any suitable size and geometry.
extend from substantially proximal the bit axis A, but instead Primary cutting elements and backup cutting elements may
extend radially from a location that is a distance away from have any suitable location and orientation and may be rolling
the bit axis A. Cutting elements 2420, 2430 are positioned at cutters or fixed cutters. In an example embodiment, backup
the leading side of blades 2410, wherein the leading sides of cutting elements may be located at the same radial position as
blades 2410 face in the direction of bit rotation Rand trailing 15 the primary cutting element it trails, or backup cutting ele
sides of blades face the opposite direction. Further, as shown, ments may be offset from the primary cutting element it trails,
cutting element 2420 trails cutting element 2430 in plural set or combinations thereof may be used.
configuration, i.e., cutting element 2420 “backs up' cutting In particular, each blade on a bit face (e.g., primary blades
element 2430 at about the same radial position with respect to and secondary blades) provides a cutter-supporting Surface to
the bit axis A. Either cutting element 2420 or cutting element which cutting elements are mounted. Primary cutting ele
2430, or both cutting elements 2420 and 2430, may be rolling ments may be disposed on the cutter-supporting Surface of the
cutters. In a particular embodiment, a bit having a plural set blades and one or more of the primary blades may also have
cutter configuration may have at least one trailing or backup backup cutting elements disposed on the cutter-supporting
cutting element that is rotatable (a rolling cutter) and at least Surface of the bit. In an exemplary embodiment, backup cut
one leading or primary cutting element that is a fixed cutter. In 25 ting elements may be provided on the cutter-supporting Sur
another embodiment, a bit having a plural set configuration face of one or more of the bit primary blades in the cone
may have at least one fixed cutter trailing cutting element and region. In a different example embodiment, backup cutting
at least one rolling cutter leading cutting element. Advanta elements may be provided on the cutter-supporting Surface of
geously, by using a plural set configuration having at least one any one or more secondary blades in the shoulder and/or gage
rolling cutter, the cutting structure may be more robust. 30 region. In another example embodiment, backup cutting ele
Further, a bit may have a single set configuration of cutting ments may be provided on the cutter-supporting Surface of
elements, wherein each cutting element in a single set con any one or more primary blades in the gage region. In yet
figuration is at a unique radial position of the bit. In embodi another example embodiment, the primary and/or secondary
ments having a single set configuration, a plurality of rolling blades may have at least two rows of backup cutting elements
cutters may be placed at various unique radial positions with 35 disposed on the cutter-supporting Surfaces.
respect to the bit axis. For example, a plurality of rolling Primary cutting elements may be placed adjacent one
cutters may have a forward spiral or a reverse spiral single set another generally in a first row extending radially along each
configuration, wherein the rolling cutters are placed in Fur primary blade of a bit and along each secondary blade of a bit.
ther, a bit may have a single set configuration of cutting Further, backup cutting elements may be placed adjacent one
elements, wherein each cutting element in a single set con 40 another generally in a second row extending radially along
figuration is at a unique radial position of the bit. In embodi each primary blade in the shoulder region. Suitably, the
ments having a single set configuration, a plurality of rolling backup cutting elements form a second row that may extend
cutters may be placed at various unique radial positions with along each primary blade in the shoulder region, cone region
respect to the bit axis. For example, a plurality of rolling and/or gage region. Backup cutting elements may be placed
cutters may have a forward spiral or a reverse spiral single set 45 behind the primary cutting elements on the same primary
configuration, wherein the rolling cutters are placed in areas blade, wherein backup cutting elements trail the primary cut
experiencing wear. As used herein, a forward spiral layout ting elements on the same primary blades.
refers to a cutter placement where cutters having incremen In general, primary cutting elements as well as backup
tally increasing radial distances from the bit centerline are cutting elements need not be positioned in rows, but may be
placed in a clockwise distribution, as illustrated in FIG. 14, 50 mounted in other Suitable arrangements provided each cut
whereas a reverse spiral layout refers to a cutter placement ting element is either in a leading position (e.g., primary
where cutters having incrementally increasing radial dis cutting element) or a trailing position (e.g., backup cutting
tances from a bit centerline are placed in a counterclockwise element). Examples of Suitable arrangements may include
distribution, as illustrated in FIG. 15. In some embodiments, without limitation, rows, arrays or organized patterns, ran
the cutters may be placed in a forward spiral, where rotatable 55 domly, sinusoidal pattern, or combinations thereof. Further,
cutters are at least placed in the nose and/or shoulder region in other embodiments, additional rows of cutting elements
are rotatable, are placed in the nose, shoulder, and gage may be provided on a primary blade, secondary blade, or
regions in particular embodiments, and are placed in the cone, combinations thereof.
nose, shoulder, and gage regions in more particular embodi In some embodiments of the present disclosure, rolling
ments. In some embodiments, the cutters may be placed in a 60 cutter placement design criteria may be set so that rolling
reverse spiral, where rotatable cutters are at least placed in the cutters are positioned in the areas of the bit experiencing the
nose and/or shoulder region are rotatable, are placed in the greatest wear. For example, rolling cutters may be placed in
nose, shoulder, and gage regions in particular embodiments, the shoulder region of a drill bit. Referring to FIG. 10, a
and are placed in the cone, nose, shoulder, and gage regions in profile 39 of a bit 10 is shown as it would appear with all
more particular embodiments. 65 blades and all cutting elements (including primary cutting
Additionally, leading and trailing cutting elements may be elements and back up cutting elements) rotated into a single
placed on a single blade. However, as used herein, the term rotated profile. A blade profile 39 (most clearly shown in the
US 9,016,409 B2
9 10
right half of bit 10 in FIG. 10) may generally be divided into 5 to +35 degrees, 10 to +35 degrees or 15 to +30 degrees. In
three regions conventionally labeled cone region 24, shoulder a particular embodiment, the direction (positive or negative)
region 25, and gage region 26. Cone region 24 comprises the of the side rake may be selected based on the cutter distribu
radially innermost region of bit 10 (e.g., cone region 24 is the tion, i.e., whether the cutters are arranged in a forward or
central most region of bit 10) and composite blade profile 39 reverse spiral configuration. For example, in embodiments, if
extending generally from bit axis 11 to shoulder region 25. As cutters are arranged in a reverse spiral, positive side rake
shown in FIG. 10, in most fixed cutter bits, cone region 24 is angles may be particularly desirable. Conversely, if cutters
generally concave. Adjacent cone region 24 is shoulder (or are arranged in a forward spiral, negative side rake angles may
the upturned curve) region 25. Thus, composite blade profile be particularly desirable.
39 of bit 10 includes one concave region—cone region 24, 10 In some embodiments, each rolling cutter placed in the
and one convex region—shoulder region 25. In most fixed nose and/or shoulder region of the bit may have a side rake
cutter bits, shoulder region 25 is generally convex. Moving ranging from 10 to 30 degrees or -10 to 30 degrees. In other
radially outward, adjacent shoulder region 25 is the gage embodiments, each rolling cutter placed in the nose and/or
region 26 which extends parallel to bit axis 11 at the outer shoulder region of the bit may have a side rake ranging from
radial periphery 23 of composite blade profile 39. Outer 15 20 to 30 degrees or -20 to -30 degrees. In some embodi
radius 23 extends to and therefore defines the full gage diam ments, rolling cutters radially outside the shoulder, i.e., in the
eter of bit 10. Cone region 24 is defined by a radial distance gage region, may range from 5 to 35 degrees or -5 to -35
along the X-axis measured from central axis 11. It is under degrees. In more particular embodiments, rolling cutters in
stood that the X-axis is perpendicular to central axis 11 and the gage region may be >5 degrees, >10 degrees, >15 degrees,
extends radially outward from central axis 11. Cone region 24 >20 degrees, >25 degrees, >30 degrees, and/or <10 degrees,
may be defined by a percentage of outer radius 23 of bit 10. <15 degrees, <20 degrees, <25, <30 degrees, <35 degrees,
The actual radius of cone region 24, measured from central with any of Such angles being positive or negative, and any
axis 11, may vary from bit to bit depending on a variety of upper limit being used with any lower limit. Further, in some
factors including without limitation, bit geometry, bit type, embodiments, cutters may be placed in the cone region of the
location of one or more secondary blades, location of back up 25 bit may have a side rake of less than 20 degrees or ranging
cutting elements 50, or combinations thereof. The axially from 10 to 15 degrees in more particular embodiments. In
lowermost point of convex shoulder region 25 and composite various embodiments, cutters in the cone region may be either
blade profile 39 defines a blade profile nose 27. At blade fixedly attached or may be rolling, but may have such side
profile nose 27, the slope of a tangent line 27a to convex rake range if fixed or rolling. It is specifically understood that
shoulder region 25 and composite blade profile 39 is zero. 30 any of the side rake angles for any region may be used in
Thus, as used herein, the term “blade profile nose' refers to singly or in combination with any of the other ranges for other
the point along a convex region of a composite blade profile of regions.
a bit in rotated profile view at which the slope of a tangent to In another embodiment, a cutter may have a back rake
the composite blade profile is Zero. For most fixed cutter bits ranging from about 5 to 35 degrees. In a particular embodi
(e.g., bit 10), the composite blade profile includes only one 35 ment, the back rake angle of a rolling cutter may be >5
convex shoulder region (e.g., convex shoulder region 25), and degrees, >10 degrees, >15 degrees, >20 degrees, >25 degrees,
only one blade profile nose (e.g., nose 27). Advantageously, >30 degrees, and/or <10 degrees, <15 degrees, <20 degrees,
by placing rolling cutters in areas of the bit experiencing the <25, <30 degrees, <35 degrees, with any upper limit being
greatest wear, for example at the shoulder region 26 of a bit, used with any lower limit. Suchback rake angles may be used
the wear rate of the bit may be improved. 40 in for rolling cutters in any of the cone, nose, shoulder orgage
Further, in a particular embodiment, a bit may have cutting region of the bit, but in particular embodiments, a backrake of
elements placed in a single set configuration with rolling between 10 and 35 degrees (or 15 to 35 degrees or 20 to 30
cutters placed in areas of the bit experiencing the greatest degrees in more particular embodiments) may be particularly
wear. In another embodiment, a bit may have cutting elements suitable for cutters in the nose and/or shoulder region of the
placed in a plural set configuration, wherein at least one 45 bit. A cutter may be positioned on a blade with a selected back
rolling cutter is placed in areas of the bit experiencing the rake to assist in removing drill cuttings and increasing rate of
greatest wear. penetration. A cutter disposed on a drill bit with side rake may
Position of Rolling Cutters beforced forward in a radial and tangential direction when the
Bit design considerations of the present disclosure may bit rotates. In some embodiments, because the radial direction
further include positioning of rolling cutters on a drill bit. 50 may assist the movement of a rotatable cutting element, Such
Position design of rolling cutters on a drill bit may include rotation may allow greater drill cuttings removal and provide
adjusting the back rake (i.e., vertical orientation) and the side an improved rate of penetration. One of ordinary skill in the
rake (i.e., a lateral orientation) of the cutting element, or art may realize that any back rake and side rake combination
adjusting the extension height of the cutting element, for may be used with the cutting elements of the present disclo
example. 55 sure to enhance rotatability and/or improve drilling effi
Referring to FIG. 11, a cutting structure profile of a bit ciency.
according to one embodiment is shown. As shown in this As a rolling cutter contacts an earth formation, the rotating
embodiment, cutters 2600 positioned on a blade 2602 may motion of the cutting element may be continuous or discon
have side rake or back rake. Side rake is defined as the angle tinuous. For example, when the cutting element is mounted
between the cutting face 2605 and the radial plane of the bit 60 with a determined side rake and back rake, the cutting force
(X-Z plane). When viewed along the Z-axis, a negative side may be generally pointed in one direction. Providing a direc
rake results from counterclockwise rotation of the cutter tional cutting force may allow the cutting element to have a
2600, and a positive side rake, from clockwise rotation. Back continuous rotating motion, further enhancing drilling effi
rake is defined as the angle Subtended between the cutting ciency.
face 2605 of the cutter 2600 and a line parallel to the longi 65 In accordance with the present disclosure, a plurality of
tudinal axis 2607 of the bit. In one embodiment, a cutter may rotatable cutting elements are disposed on a bit body utilizing
have a side rake ranging from 0 to ta-5 degrees, for example two or more side rake angles, for example three or more side
US 9,016,409 B2
11 12
rake angles. In one or more embodiments, the two or more of radially adjacent rotatable cutting elements may vary
side rake angles may vary by at least 1 degree, for example at within the range of from 45 to 1 degrees, for example from 15
least 2 degrees (i.e., the difference between the greatest side to 1 degrees, from 10 to 1 degrees, or from 1 to 5 degrees. In
rake and the least side rake) or at least 5 degrees. In one or yet other embodiments, the side rake angles of radially adja
more embodiments, the side rake angles of radially adjacent cent rotatable cutting elements may vary within other vari
rotatable cutting elements may vary in the range of from 1 to ances of angles, for example greater than 45 degrees. In one or
45 degrees, for example from 1 to 15 degrees, from 1 to 10 more embodiments, the side rake angles of radially adjacent
degrees, or from 1 to 5 degrees. In one or more embodiments, rotatable cutting elements may vary by at least 2 degrees, for
the side rake angles of radially adjacent rotatable cutting example at least 3. In one or more embodiments, the side rake
elements may vary by at least 2 degrees, for example at least 10
angles of the radially adjacent rotatable cutting elements may
3. In one or more embodiments, the side rake angles of the vary in the range of from 2 to 10 degrees or from 2 to 5
radially adjacent rotatable cutting elements may vary in the degrees.
range of from 2 to 10 degrees or from 2 to 5 degrees. Bits having a plurality of rolling cutters of the present
FIGS. 12A-D show an example of rolling cutters 1, 2, 3, 4,
and 5 positioned on a bit blade 2702 and corresponding 15 disclosure may include at least two rolling cutters, for
graphs of the side rake angles of each rolling cutter. As shown example at least three, at least 4, at least 6, at least 9, or at least
in FIG. 12B, the side rake angle of each rolling cutter 1, 2, 3, 12 rolling cutters, with any remaining cutting elements being
4, 5 monotonically increases as the rolling cutters move far conventional fixed cutting elements. In one or more embodi
ther from bit axis 2707. Advantageously, by monotonically ments, two or more primary blades may contain one or more
increasing the side rake angles of rolling cutters in relation to rolling cutters, for example each primary blade may contain
the radial distance from the bit axis, the rolling cutters farther one or more rolling cutters. In one or more additional embodi
from the axis may have a faster rotating speed, and thus ments, one or more secondary blades may also contain one or
benefit more from the rotating motion. In one or more more rolling cutters, for example each secondary blade may
embodiments, the side rake angles of radially adjacent rotat contain one or more rolling cutters. In one or more embodi
able cutting elements may monotonically increase within the 25 ments, all cutting elements may be rotatable.
range of from 1 to 45 degrees, for example from 1 to 15 FIG. 13 illustrates an exemplary partial rotated profile of a
degrees, from 1 to 10 degrees, or from 1 to 5 degrees. In yet drag bit shown as it would appear with all blades and only the
other embodiments, the side rake angles of radially adjacent rolling cutters rotated into a single rotated profile (the fixed
rotatable cutting elements may monotonically increase cutting elements excluded). As shown in FIG. 13, rolling
within other variances of angles, for example greater than 45 30 cutters 85a-85fare each positioned at a unique radial position
degrees. In one or more embodiments, the side rake angles of within the nose 27 and shoulder area 25. Rolling cutter 85a
radially adjacent rotatable cutting elements may monotoni has a side rake angle of 20 degrees and a backrake angle of 24
cally increase by at least 2 degrees, for example at least 3. In degrees. Rolling cutter 85b has a side rake angle of 25 degrees
one or more embodiments, the side rake angles of the radially and a back rake angle of 24 degrees. Rolling cutter 85c has a
adjacent rotatable cutting elements may monotonically 35 side rake angle of 25 degrees and a back rake angle of 24
increase in the range of from 2 to 10 degrees or from 2 to 5 degrees. Rolling cutter 85d has a side rake angle of 22 degrees
degrees. and a back rake angle of 24 degrees. Rolling cutter 85e has a
In another embodiment, as shown in FIG. 12C, the side side rake angle of 25 degrees and a back rake angle of 25
rake angle of rolling cutters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 may monotonically degrees. Rolling cutter 85f has a side rake angle of 22 degrees
decrease as the cutters are farther from the bit axis. Advanta 40 and a back rake angle of 25 degrees.
geously, by monotonically decreasing the side rake angles of In other exemplary embodiments, different types of rolling
rolling cutters in relation to the radial distance from the bit cutters may be used to provide increased design freedom. For
axis, this can achieve relatively equal rotating speed on the example, rolling cutters that do not have an outer shell may
rolling cutters and maintain similar wear to the elements take up less space on a downhole cutting tool, and therefore,
Surrounding the cutters. In one or more embodiments, the side 45 more of the rolling cutters without a shell may be placed on
rake angles of radially adjacent rotatable cutting elements the cutting tool, which may provide an increased diamond
may monotonically decrease within the range of from 45 to 1 cutting density. Further, using rolling cutters without an outer
degrees, for example from 15 to 1 degrees, from 10 to 1 shell may provide more space on the cutting tool for higher
degrees, or from 1 to 5 degrees. In yet other embodiments, the side rake angles. For example, rolling cutters without an outer
side rake angles of radially adjacent rotatable cutting ele 50 shell may be positioned on a cutting tool, wherein the rolling
ments may monotonically decrease within other variances of cutters each have a side rake angle ranging between 0 and 40
angles, for example greater than 45 degrees. In one or more degrees.
embodiments, the side rake angles of radially adjacent rotat In one or more embodiments, one or more first rolling
able cutting elements may monotonically decrease by at least cutters may be mounted on one or more primary blades at a
2 degrees, for example at least 3. In one or more embodi 55 first side rake angle and one or more second rolling cutters
ments, the side rake angles of the radially adjacent rotatable may be mounted on one or more secondary blades at a second
cutting elements may monotonically decrease in the range of side rake angle which second side rake angle differs from the
from 2 to 10 degrees or from 2 to 5 degrees. first side rake angle by at least 2 degrees. In one or more
In yet another embodiment, as shown in FIG. 12D, the side embodiments, a third rolling cutter may be mounted on
rake angle of rolling cutters may correspond with the wear 60 another of the primary blades having a different side rake
pattern on the blade cutting profile. For example, as the wear angle from the one or more first rolling cutters. In one or more
rate of cutting elements placed in a certain region of a bit embodiment, a fourth rolling cutter may be mounted on
blade increases, the side rake angle of the cutting elements another of the secondary blades having a different side rake
may increase. Likewise, as the amount of wear experienced angle from the one or more second rolling cutters. In one or
by cutting elements in certain regions of a bit blade decrease, 65 more embodiments, the first, second, third, and fourth rolling
the side rake angle of those cutting elements may be cutters may be the same rolling cutters with different side rake
decreased. In one or more embodiments, the side rake angles angles and optionally different back rake angles. Alterna
US 9,016,409 B2
13 14
tively, one r more of the first, second, third and fourth rolling cavity defined by the bottom portion 222 and side portion
cutters may use two or more different rolling cutter devices. 224, includes a cutting face 212 portion disposed on an upper
In alternate embodiments, cutting elements may be dis surface of substrate 214. Additionally, while bottom portion
posed in cutting tools that do not incorporate back rake and/or 222 and side portion 224 of the outer support element 220 are
side rake. When the cutting element is disposed on a drill bit shown in FIG.2 as being integral, one of ordinary skill in the
with Substantially Zero degrees of side rake and/or back rake, art would appreciate that depending on the geometry of the
the cutting force may be random instead of pointing in one cutting element components, the bottom and side portions
general direction. The random forces may cause the cutting may alternatively be two separate pieces bonded together. In
element to have a discontinuous rotating motion. Generally, yet another embodiment, the outer support element 220 may
Such a discontinuous motion may not provide the most effi 10 be formed from two separate pieces bonded together on a
cient drilling condition, however, in certain embodiments, it Vertical plane (with respect to the cutting element axis, for
may be beneficial to allow substantially the entire cutting example) to Surround at least a portion of the inner rotatable
surface of the insert to contact the formation in a relatively cutting element 210.
even manner. In Such an embodiment, alternative inner rotat In various embodiments, the cutting face of the inner rotat
able cutting element and/or cutting Surface designs may be 15 able cutting element may include an ultra hard layer that may
used to further exploit the benefits of rotatable cutting ele be comprised of a polycrystalline diamond table, a thermally
mentS. stable diamond layer (i.e., having a thermal stability greater
According to Some embodiments, the extension height of than that of conventional polycrystalline diamond, 750° C.),
cutting element cutting faces (i.e., the upper Surface of the or other ultra hard layer such as a cubic boron nitride layer.
cutting table of the cutting element) may vary. In an example As known in the art, thermally stable diamond may be
embodiment, cutting faces of primary cutting elements may formed in various manners. A typical polycrystalline dia
have a greater extension height than the cutting faces of mond layer includes individual diamond “crystals' that are
backup cutting elements (i.e., "on-profile' primary cutting interconnected. The individual diamond crystals thus form a
elements engage a greater depth of the formation than the lattice structure. A metal catalyst, such as cobalt, may be used
backup cutting elements; and the backup cutting elements are 25 to promote recrystallization of the diamond particles and
“off-profile'). As used herein, the term “off-profile' may be formation of the lattice structure. Thus, cobalt particles are
used to refer to a structure extending from the cutter-support typically found within the interstitial spaces in the diamond
ing Surface (e.g., the cutting element, depth-of-cut limiter, lattice structure. Cobalt has a significantly different coeffi
etc.) that has an extension height less than the extension cient of thermal expansion as compared to diamond. There
height of one or more other cutting elements that define the 30 fore, upon heating of a diamond table, the cobalt and the
outermost cutting profile of a given blade. As used herein, the diamond lattice will expand at different rates, causing cracks
term "extension height’ is used to describe the distance a to form in the lattice structure and resulting in deterioration of
cutting face extends from the cutter-supporting Surface of the the diamond table.
blade to which it is attached. In some example embodiments, To obviate this problem, strong acids may be used to
one or more backup cutting faces may have the same or a 35 “leach the cobalt from a polycrystalline diamond lattice
greater extension height than one or more primary cutting structure (either a thin volume or entire tablet) to at least
faces. Such variables may impact the properties of the BHA, reduce the damage experienced from heating diamond-cobalt
in particular the drill bit, which can affect the arrangement or composite at different rates upon heating. Examples of
positioning of the different types of cutting elements. For “leaching processes can be found, for example, in U.S. Pat.
example, “on-profile' cutting elements may experience a 40 Nos. 4.288,248 and 4,104.344. Briefly, a strong acid, typi
greater amount of wear and load than “off-profile' cutting cally hydrofluoric acid or combinations of several strong
elements. Also, primary cutting elements may experience a acids may be used to treat the diamond table, removing at
greater amount of wear and load than backup cutting ele least a portion of the co-catalyst from the PDC composite.
mentS. Suitable acids include nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid, hydro
Exemplary Embodiments of Rolling Cutters 45 chloric acid, Sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, or perchloric
Rolling cutters of the present disclosure may include vari acid, or combinations of these acids. In addition, caustics,
ous types and sizes of rolling cutters. For example, rolling Such as sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide, have
cutters may beformed in sizes including, but not limited to, 9 been used to the carbide industry to digest metallic elements
mm, 13 mm, 16 mm, and 19 mm. Further, rolling cutters may from carbide composites. In addition, other acidic and basic
include those held within an outer support element, held by a 50 leaching agents may be used as desired. Those having ordi
retention mechanism or blocker, or a combination of the two. nary skill in the art will appreciate that the molarity of the
Examples of rolling cutters that may be used in the present leaching agent may be adjusted depending on the time desired
disclosure may be found at least in U.S. Publication No. to leach, concerns about hazards, etc.
2007/0278017 and U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/351, By leaching out the cobalt, thermally stable polycrystalline
035, which are hereby incorporated by reference. Exemplary 55 (TSP) diamond may beformed. In certain embodiments, only
embodiments of rolling cutters are also described below: a select portion of a diamond composite is leached, in order to
however, the types of rotatable cutting elements that may be gain thermal stability without losing impact resistance. As
used with the present disclosure are not necessarily limited to used herein, the term TSP includes both of the above (i.e.,
those described below. partially and completely leached) compounds. Interstitial
Referring to FIG. 2A-B, a cutting element in accordance 60 Volumes remaining after leaching may be reduced by either
with one embodiment of the present disclosure is shown. As furthering consolidation or by filling the volume with a sec
shown in this embodiment, cutting element 200 includes an ondary material. Such by processes known in the art and
inner rotatable (dynamic) cutting element 210 which is par described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,127,923, which is herein incor
tially disposed in, and thus, partially surrounded by an outer porated by reference in its entirety.
support (static) element 220. Outer support element 220 65 Alternatively, TSP may beformed by forming the diamond
includes a bottom portion 222 and a side portion 224. Inner layer in a press using a binder other than cobalt, one such as
rotatable cutting element 210, partially disposed within the silicon, which has a coefficient of thermal expansion more
US 9,016,409 B2
15 16
similar to that of diamond than cobalthas. During the manu while the exposed portion 216 is shown as being constant
facturing process, a large portion, 80 to 100 Volume percent, across the entire diameter or width of the inner rotatable
of the silicon reacts with the diamond lattice to form silicon cutting element 210, in the embodiment shown in FIG. 2,
carbide which also has a thermal expansion similar to dia depending on the geometry of the cutting element compo
mond. Upon heating, any remaining silicon, silicon carbide, nents, the exposed portion 216 of the inner rotatable cutting
and the diamond lattice will expand at more similar rates as element 210 may vary, as demonstrated by Some of the figures
compared to rates of expansion for cobalt and diamond, described below.
resulting in a more thermally stable layer. PDC cutters having In a particular embodiment, the cutting face of the inner
a TSP cutting layer have relatively low wear rates, even as rotatable cutting element has a thickness of at least 0.050
cutter temperatures reach 1200°C. However, one of ordinary 10
inches. However, one of ordinary skill in the art would rec
skill in the art would recognize that a thermally stable dia ognize that depending on the geometry and size of the cutting
mond layer may beformed by other methods known in the art, structure, other thicknesses may be appropriate.
including, for example, by altering processing conditions in
the formation of the diamond layer. In another embodiment, the inner rotatable cutting element
The substrate on which the cutting face is disposed may be 15 may have a non-planar interface between the Substrate and the
formed of a variety of hard or ultra hard particles. In one cutting face. A non-planarinterface between the Substrate and
embodiment, the substrate may be formed from a suitable cutting face increases the Surface area of a Substrate, thus may
material Such as tungsten carbide, tantalum carbide, or tita improve the bonding of the cutting face to the Substrate. In
nium carbide. Additionally, various binding metals may be addition, the non-planar interfaces may increase the resis
included in the Substrate. Such as cobalt, nickel, iron, metal tance to shear stress that often results in delamination of the
alloys, or mixtures thereof. In the substrate, the metal carbide diamond tables, for example.
grains are supported within the metallic binder, such as One example of a non-planar interface between a carbide
cobalt. Additionally, the substrate may beformed of a sintered Substrate and a diamond layer is described, for example, in
tungsten carbide composite structure. It is well known that U.S. Pat. No. 5,662,720, wherein an "egg-carton' shape is
various metal carbide compositions and binders may be used, 25 formed into the Substrate by a suitable cutting, etching, or
in addition to tungsten carbide and cobalt. Thus, references to molding process. Other non-planar interfaces may also be
the use of tungsten carbide and cobalt are for illustrative used including, for example, the interface described in U.S.
purposes only, and no limitation on the type substrate or Pat. No. 5,494,477. According to one embodiment of the
binder used is intended. In another embodiment, the substrate present disclosure, a cutting face is deposited onto the Sub
may also be formed from a diamond ultra hard material Such 30 strate having a non-planar Surface.
as polycrystalline diamond and thermally stable diamond. An inner rotatable cutting element may be retained in the
While the illustrated embodiments show the cutting face and outer support element by a variety of mechanisms, including
substrate as two distinct pieces, one of skill in the art should for example, ball bearings, pins, and mechanical interlocking.
appreciate that it is within the scope of the present disclosure In various embodiments, a single retention system may be
the cutting face and Substrate are integral, identical compo 35 used, while, alternatively, in other embodiments, multiple
sitions. In such an embodiment, it may be preferable to have retention systems may be used.
a single diamond composite forming the cutting face and Referring again to FIGS. 2A-2B, cutting elements having a
Substrate or distinct layers. ball bearing retention system are shown. As shown in these
The outer support element may beformed from a variety of embodiments, inner rotatable cutting element 210 and outer
materials. In one embodiment, the outer Support element may 40 Support element 220 include Substantially aligned/matching
be formed of a suitable material Such as tungsten carbide, grooves 213 and 223 in the side surface of the substrate 214
tantalum carbide, or titanium carbide. Additionally, various and inner surface of the side portion 224, respectively. Occu
binding metals may be included in the outer Support element, pying the space defined by grooves 213 and 223, are retention
Such as cobalt, nickel, iron, metal alloys, or mixtures thereof, balls (i.e., ball bearings) 230 to assist in retaining inner rotat
Such that the metal carbide grains are Supported within the 45 able cutting element 210 in outer support element 220. Balls
metallic binder. In a particular embodiment, the outer Support may be inserted through pinhole 227 in side portion 224. In
element is a cemented tungsten carbide with a cobalt content Such an embodiment, following assembly of the cutting ele
ranging from 6 to 13 percent. ment 200, pinhole 227 may be sealed with a pin or plug 232
In other embodiments, the outer Support element may be or any other material capable of filling pinhole 227 without
formed of alloy steels, nickel-based alloys, and cobalt-based 50 impairing the function of retention balls/bearings 230. In
alloys. One of ordinary skill in the art would also recognize alternative embodiments, cutting element 200 may beformed
that cutting element components may be coated with a hard from multiple pieces as described above such that pinhole 227
facing material for increased erosion protection. Such coat and plug 232 are not required.
ings may be applied by various techniques known in the art Balls 230 may be made any material (e.g., steel or carbides)
Such as, for example, detonation gun (d-gun) and spray-and 55 capable of withstanding compressive forces acting thereupon
fuse techniques. while cutting element 200 engages the formation. In a par
Referring again to FIG. 2A, as the inner rotatable cutting ticular embodiment the balls may be formed of tungsten
element 210 is only partially disposed in and/or surrounded carbide or silicon carbide. If tungsten carbide balls are used,
by the outer support element 220, at least a portion of the inner it may be preferable to use a cemented tungsten carbide
rotatable cutting element 210 may be referred to as an 60 composition varying from that of the outer Support element
“exposed portion 216 of the inner rotatable cutting element and/or substrate. Balls 230 may be of any size and of which
210. Depending on the thickness of the exposed portion 216, may be variable to change the rotational speed of inner rotat
exposed portion 216 may include at least a portion of the able cutting element 210. In certain embodiments, the rotat
cutting face 212 or the cutting face 212 and a portion of the able speed of dynamic portion 210 may be between one and
substrate 214. As shown in FIG. 2, exposed portion 216 65 five rotations per minute so that the surface of cutting face 212
includes cutting face 212 and a portion of Substrate 214. may remain sharp without compromising the integrity of
However, one of ordinary skill in the art would recognize that cutting element 200.
US 9,016,409 B2
17 18
Referring to FIGS. 3A-B, a cutting element having a faces may be included on one of the substrate or the outer
mechanical interlocking retention system is shown. As shown Support element, where carbide comprises the other compo
in this embodiment, cutting element 500 includes an inner nent.
rotatable (dynamic) cutting element 510 which is partially To further enhance rotation of the inner rotatable cutting
disposed in and thus, partially Surrounded by an outer Support element, the bottom mating Surfaces of the inner rotatable
(static) element 520. Outer support element 520 includes a cutting element and outer Support element may be varied. For
bottom portion 522, a side portion 524, and a top portion 526. example, ball bearings may be provided between the two
Inner rotatable cutting element 510 includes a cutting face components or, alternatively, one of the Surfaces may contain
and/or be formed of diamond.
512 portion disposed on an upper surface of substrate 514.
Inner rotatable cutting element is disposed within the cavity 10 In another embodiment, at least a portion of at least one of
defined by the bottom portion 522, side portion 524, and top the bearing Surfaces may be surface treated for optimizing the
portion 526. Due to the structural nature of this embodiment, rotation of the inner rotatable cutting element in the inner
inner rotatable cutting element is mechanically retained in the Support element. Surface treatments Suitable for the cutting
outer support element 520 cavity by bottom portion 522, side elements of the present disclosure include addition of a lubri
15 cant, applied coatings and Surface finishing, for example. In a
portion 524, and top portion 526. As shown in FIG. 3, top particular embodiment, a bearing Surface may undergo Sur
portion 526 extends partially over the upper surface ofcutting face finishing such that the Surface has a mean roughness of
face 512 so as to retain inner rotatable cutting element 510 less than about 125 u-inch Ra, and less than about 32 u-inch
and also allow for cutting of a formation by the inner rotatable Ra in another embodiment. In another particular embodi
cutting element 510, and specifically, cutting face 512. ment, a bearing Surface may be coated with a lubricious
In various embodiments including, for example, those material to facilitate rotation of the inner rotatable cutting
shown in FIGS. 2A-B above, the cutting elements disclosed element and/or to reduce friction and galling between the
herein may include a seal between the inner rotatable cutting inner rotatable cutting element and the outer Support element.
element and the outer support element. As shown in FIGS. In a particular embodiment, a bearing Surface may be coated
2A-B, a seal or sealing element 240 is disposed between inner 25 with a carbide, nitride, and/or oxide of various metals that
rotatable cutting element 210 and outer support element 220, may be applied by PVD, CVD or any other deposition tech
specifically, on the conical Surface of the inner rotatable cut niques known in the art that facilitate bonding to the Substrate
ting element 210. Sealing element 240 may be provided, in or base material. In another embodiment, a floating bearing
one embodiment, to reduce contact between the inner rotat may be included between the bearing surfaces to facilitate
able cutting element 210 and the outer support element 220 30 rotation. Incorporation of afriction reducing material. Such as
and may be made from any number of materials (e.g., rubbers, a grease or lubricant, may allow the Surfaces of the inner
elastomers, and polymers) known to one of ordinary skill in rotatable cutting element and the outer support element to
the art. As such, sealing element 240 may reduce heat gener rotate and contract one another, but result in only minimal
ated by friction as inner rotatable cutting element 210 rotates heat generation therefrom.
within outer support element 220. Further, sealing element 35 In another embodiment, Surface alterations may be
240 may also act to reduce galling or seizure of bearings 230 included on the working Surfaces of the cutting face, the
or pin due to mud infusion or compaction of drill cuttings. In Substrate, and/or an inner hole of the inner rotatable cutting
optional embodiments, grease, or any other friction reducing element. Surface alterations may be included in the cutting
material may be added in the seal groove between inner elements of the present disclosure to enhance rotation
rotatable cutting element 210 and outer support element 220. 40 through hydraulic interactions or physical interactions with
Such material may prevent the build-up of heat between the the formation. In various embodiments, Surface alterations
components, thereby extending the life of cutting element may be etched or machined into the various components, or
2OO. alternatively formed during sintering or formation of the
In one embodiment, the bearing Surfaces of the cutting component, and in Some particular embodiments, may have a
elements disclosed herein may be enhanced to promote rota 45 depth ranging from 0.001 to 0.050 inches. One of ordinary
tion of the inner rotatable cutting element in the outer Support skill in the art would recognize the Surface alterations may
element. Bearing Surface enhancements may be incorporated take any geometric or non-geometric shape on any portion of
on a portion of either or both of the inner rotatable cutting the inner rotatable cutting element and may be formed in a
element bearing Surface and outer Support element bearing symmetric or asymmetric manner. Further, depending on the
Surface. In a particular embodiment, at least a portion of one 50 size of the cutting elements, it may be preferable to vary the
of the bearing Surfaces may include a diamond bearing Sur depth of the surface alterations.
face. According to the present disclosed, a diamond bearing While the above embodiments describe surface alterations
Surface may include discrete segments of diamond in some formed, for example, by etching or machining, it is also
embodiments and a continuous segment in other embodi within the scope of the present disclosure that the cutting
ments. Bearing Surfaces that may be used in the cutting ele 55 element includes a non-planar cutting face that may be
ments disclosed herein may include diamond bearing Sur achieved through protrusions from the face. Non-planar cut
faces, such as those disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,756,631 and ting faces may also be achieved through the use of shaped
4.738.322, assigned to the present assignee and incorporated cutting faces in the inner rotatable cutting element. For
herein by reference in its entirety. example, shaped cutting faces Suitable for use in the cutting
In some embodiments, diamond-on-diamond bearing Sur 60 elements of the present disclosure may include domed or
faces may be provided. This may be achieved by using dia rounded tops and saddle shapes.
mond enhanced bearing Surfaces on both the inner rotatable Further, the types of bearing surfaces between the inner
cutting element and outer Support element, or alternatively, rotatable cutting element and outer Support elements present
the substrate may be formed of diamond and diamond in a particular cutting element may vary. Among the types of
enhanced bearing Surfaces may be provided on the outer 65 bearing Surfaces that may be present in the cutting elements of
Support element. In other embodiments, diamond-on-carbide the present disclosure include conical bearing Surfaces, radial
bearing Surfaces may be used, where diamond bearing Sur bearing Surfaces, and axial bearing Surfaces.
US 9,016,409 B2
19 20
In one embodiment, the inner rotatable cutting element Referring now to FIG. 5, a cutting element 2000 disposed
may of a generally frusto-conical shape within an outer Sup on a blade 2002, in accordance with an embodiment of the
port element having a Substantially mating shape. Such that present disclosure, is shown. In this embodiment, cutting
the inner rotatable cutting element and outer Support element element 2000 includes an inner rotatable cutting element
have conical bearing surfaces therebetween. Referring to 2010 partially disposed in outer support element 2020. To
FIGS. 2A-B, such an embodiment with conical bearing sur vary the cutting action and potentially change the cutting
faces is shown. As shown in this embodiment, conical bearing efficiency and rotation, one of ordinary skill in the art should
surfaces 292 between the inner rotatable cutting element 210 understand that the back rake (i.e., a vertical orientation) and
and outer Support element 220 may serve to take a large the side rake (i.e., a lateral orientation) of the cutting element
portion of the thrust from the rotating inner rotatable cutting 10
2000 may be adjusted, as described above.
element 210 during operation as it interacts with a formation. The cutting elements of the present disclosure may be
Further, in applications needing a more robust cutting ele attached to or mounted on a drill bit by a variety of mecha
ment, a conical bearing Surface may provide a larger area for
the applied load. The embodiment shown in FIG. 2A-B also nisms, including but not limited to conventional attachment
shows a radial bearing Surface 294 and an axial bearing Sur 15 or brazing techniques in a cutter pocket. One alternative
face 296. mounting technique that may be suitable for the cutting ele
Referring to FIG. 4, a cutting element according to another ments of the present disclosure is shown in FIG. 6. As shown
embodiment is shown. As shown in this embodiment, cutting in this embodiment, cutting elements 2100 are mounted in an
element 1900 includes an inner rotatable (dynamic) cutting assembly 2101, which may be mounted on a bit body (not
element 1910 which is partially disposed in, and thus, par shown) by means such as mechanical, brazing, or combina
tially surrounded by an outer support (static element) 1920. tions thereof. It is also within the scope of the present disclo
Outer support element 1920 includes a bottom portion 1922 Sure that in some embodiments, an inner rotatable cutting
and a side portion 1924. Inner rotatable cutting element 1910 element may be mounted on the bit directly such that the bit
includes a cutting face 1912 portion disposed on an upper body acts as the outer Support element, i.e., by inserting the
surface of substrate 1914. As shown in this embodiment, 25 inner rotatable cutting element into a hole that may be Sub
outer support element 1920 is integral with a bit body (not sequently blocked to retain the inner rotatable cutting element
shown). In alternative embodiments, outer Support element within.
1920 may be a discrete element. As also shown in this Referring to FIGS. 7A-B, a rolling cutter 2239 including a
embodiment, outer support element 1920 also includes a rolling cutter 2230 and a blocker 2240 is shown. The rolling
inner shaft portion 1928 threadedly attached to and extending 30 cutter 2230 may have a cylindrical body as a substrate 2231,
from bottom portion 1922 into substrate 1914 of inner rotat which may be formed from cemented carbide Such as tung
able cutting element 1910 such that when inner rotatable sten carbide. A cutting face 2232 may be formed on one end
cutting element 1910 rotates, it rotates within side portion of the rolling cutter 2230, wherein the cutting face 2232 is the
1924 and about inner shaft portion 1928 of outer support end of the rolling cutter 2230 that faces a corresponding
element 1920. In alternative embodiments, innershaft portion 35 blocker 2240 and that contacts formation in a wellbore. The
1928 may be integral with bottom portion 1922. Upper end of cutting face 2232 may be made from any number of hard
inner shaft portion 1928 extends partially over the cutting and/or wear resistant materials, including, for example, tung
face 1912 of the inner rotatable cutting element 1910 to assist Sten carbide, polycrystalline diamond, and thermally stable
in retaining the inner rotatable cutting element 1910 within polycrystalline diamond. Further, the cutting face 2232 may
the outer support element 1920. 40 be made from a material that is different from the substrate or
As shown in the various illustrated above, the inner rotat the same as the substrate 2231. For example, a rolling cutter
able cutting element and outer Support cutting element may may have a cutting face made from a material different from
take the form of a variety of shapes/geometries. Depending on the Substrate material. Such as a diamond table disposed on
the shapes of the components, different bearings surfaces, or the upper surface of a carbide substrate, such that the diamond
combinations thereof may exist between the inner rotatable 45 table forms the cutting face of the rolling cutter. Alternatively,
cutting element and outer Support element. However, one of Some embodiments may have a substrate and a cutting face
ordinary skill in the art would recognize that permutations in made of the same material. For example, a rolling cutter may
the shapes may exist and any particular geometric forms beformed entirely of diamond, such that the substrate and the
should not be considered a limitation on the scope of the cutting face are made of diamond. In Such embodiments, the
cutting elements disclosed herein. 50 diamond may be fully or partially leached. In another exem
Further, one of ordinary skill in the art would also appre plary embodiment of a rolling cutter having a substrate and
ciate that any of the design modifications as described above, cutting face made of the same material, the rolling cutter
including, for example, side rake, back rake, Variations in substrate may be made of a carbide material, wherein the
geometry, Surface alteration/etching, seals, bearings, material upper surface of the carbide substrate forms the cutting face.
compositions, etc., may be included in various combinations 55 The rolling cutter 2230 may also have a side surface 2235
not limited to those described above in the cutting elements of formed around the circumference and extending the entire
the present disclosure. length of the rolling cutter 2230. Thus, in embodiments hav
The cutting elements of the present disclosure may be ing a cutting face made from a material that is different from
incorporated in various types of downhole cutting tools, the substrate, the side surface may include both substrate
including for example, as cutters in fixed cutter bits or as 60 material and the cutting face material. Further, as shown in
inserts in roller cone bits, reamers, hole benders, or any other FIGS. 7A and 7B, a cutting edge 2233 is formed at the
tool that may be used to drill earthen formations. Cutting tools intersection of the cutting face 2232 and the side surface
having the cutting elements of the present disclosure may 2235. The cutting edge may be formed from material that is
include a single rotatable cutting element with the remaining the same as the substrate material or different from the sub
cutting elements being conventional cutting elements, all cut 65 strate material. For example, the cutting edge may be formed
ting elements being rotatable, or any combination therebe from tungsten carbide, polycrystalline diamond, TSP or other
tween of rotatable and conventional cutting elements. hard and/or wear resistant materials known in the art.
US 9,016,409 B2
21 22
Further, the rolling cutter may be modified to have dia cave portion 2237 of the rolling cutter 2230. Alternatively, in
mond material (e.g., polycrystalline diamond) at the cutting other embodiments, the cutting face may have a convex por
face and/or the cutting edge. A rolling cutter 2230 having a tion and the retention end of a blocker may have a concave
cutting edge 2233 of polycrystalline diamond 2234, as shown portion Such that the convex portion of the cutting face mates
in FIG. 7C, may have a carbide material (e.g., tungsten car with the concave portion of the retention end.
bide) exposed on a portion of the cutting face 2232 to enable As referred to herein, a blocker is a component separate
easy and precise machining of the rolling cutter 2230 to mate from a bit that is attached to the bit, adjacent to the cutting face
with a corresponding shaped retention end of a blocker. For of a rolling cutter. A blocker includes an attachment end,
example, FIG. 7C shows the exposed carbide portion of the which acts as an attachment between the blocker and the bit,
cutting face having a concave portion 2237. In other embodi 10 and a retention end, which is located adjacent to the cutting
ments, the cutting face of a rolling cutter may be substantially face of a rolling cutter. A blocker may beformed from various
planar. materials and have various shapes and sizes to prevent the
Referring to FIGS. 7A-B, the rolling cutter 2230 may be rolling cutter from coming out of a cutter pocket formed in the
modified to have at least one groove 2236 formed within the bit.
cutting face 2232, the cutting edge 2233, and/or the side 15 Advantageously, embodiments disclosed herein may pro
surface 2235. Grooves 2236 may be included in the rolling vide for at least one of the following. Cutting elements that
cutters of the present disclosure to enhance rotation through include a rotatable cutting portion may avoid the high tem
hydraulic interactions or physical interactions with the for peratures generated by typical fixed cutters. Because the cut
mation. In various embodiments, grooves 2236 may be ting Surface of prior art cutting elements is constantly con
etched or machined into the various components, or alterna tacting formation, heat may build-up that may cause failure of
tively formed during sintering or formation of the component, the cutting element due to fracture. Embodiments in accor
and in Some particular embodiments, may have a depth rang dance with the present invention may avoid this heat build-up
ing from 0.001 to 0.050 inches. One of ordinary skill in the art as the edge contacting the formation changes. The lower
would recognize the grooves may take any geometric or non temperatures at the edge of the cutting elements may decrease
geometric shape and depending on the size of the cutting 25 fracture potential, thereby extending the functional life of the
elements, it may be preferable to vary the depth of the cutting element. By decreasing the thermal and mechanical
grooves. Other features aiming to increase the drag force to load experienced by the cutting Surface of the cutting ele
rotate the cutter, such as holes, dimples, or raised Volumes on ment, cutting element life may be increase, thereby allowing
the cutting face, chamfer or side surface, are all within the more efficient drilling.
Scope of the invention. Further, grooves may be formed in a 30 Further, rotation of a rotatable portion of the cutting ele
symmetric or asymmetric manner around the longitudinal ment may allow a cutting Surface to cut formation using the
axis of the rolling cutter. For example, FIG. 7A shows a entire outer edge of the cutting surface, rather than the same
rolling cutter having grooves 2236 formed axisymmetrically section of the outer edge, as provided by the prior art. The
in the cutting face 2232 near the cutting edge 2233. entire edge of the cutting element may contact the formation,
In addition to grooves, the cutting face 2232 of a rolling 35 generating more uniform cutting element edge wear, thereby
cutter 2230 may have a concave or convex portion. The terms preventing for formation of a local wear flat area. Because the
“concave portion' and “convex portion” refer to a portion of edge wear is more uniform, the cutting element may not wear
a cutting face that has a concave or convex shape and is as quickly, thereby having a longer downhole life, and thus
configured to correspond with an adjacent blocker. Although increasing the overall efficiency of the drilling operation.
a concave portion may have a shape similar to or the same as 40 Additionally, because the edge of the cutting element con
the shape of a groove 2236, a concave/convex portion differs tacting the formation changes as the rotatable cutting portion
in function and typically in size and location from grooves. In of the cutting element rotates, the cutting edge may remain
particular, a concave/convex portion may beformed to fit with sharp. The sharp cutting edge may increase the rate of pen
the retention end of a corresponding blocker and may be etration while drilling formation, thereby increasing the effi
generally located in the radial center of a cutting face. 45 ciency of the drilling operation. Further, as the rotatable por
Grooves may be formed around or near the edges of a cutting tion of the cutting element rotates, a hydraulic force may be
face to enhance rotation of the rolling cutter and are generally applied to the cutting Surface to cool and clean the Surface of
Smaller than a concave/convex portion. the cutting element.
An example of a rolling cutter having both grooves and a Some embodiments may protect the cutting Surface of a
concave portion is shown in FIGS. 7A-B to further clarify the 50 cutting element from side impact forces, thereby preventing
differences between a groove and concave portion. In the premature cutting element fracture and Subsequent failure.
embodiment shown in FIGS. 7A-B, a rolling cutter 2230 has Still other embodiments may use a diamond table cutting
a concave portion 2237 formed at or near the radial center of Surface as a bearing Surface to reduce friction and provide
the cutting face 2232 and smaller-sized grooves 2236 formed extended wear life. As wear life of the cutting element
around the cutting face 2232 near the cutting edge 2233. A 55 embodiments increase, the potential of cutting element fail
blocker 2240 positioned adjacent to the rolling cutter 2230 on ure decreases. As such, alonger effective cutting element life
the leading face 2221 of the blade 2220 may include a reten may provide a higher rate of penetration, and ultimately result
tion end 2241 and an attachment end 224.5, wherein the reten in a more efficient drilling operation.
tion end 2241 is positioned adjacent to the concave portion Although only a few example embodiments have been
2237 of the cutting face 2232 of the rolling cutter 2230 to 60 described in detail above, those skilled in the art will readily
retain the rolling cutter in the cutter pocket 2225, and wherein appreciate that many modifications are possible in the
the attachment end 22.45 is attached to a portion of the blade example embodiments without materially departing from this
2220. Attachment end 224.5 may include an upper surface invention. Accordingly, all Such modifications are intended to
2248, which extends into a portion of the blade and beneath be included within the scope of this disclosure as defined in
the rolling cutter 2230. As shown in FIGS. 7A-B, the retention 65 the following claims. In the claims, means-plus-function
end 2241 of the blocker 2240 may have a convex portion clauses are intended to cover the structures described herein
2247, wherein the convex portion 2247 mates with the con as performing the recited function and not only structural
US 9,016,409 B2
23 24
equivalents, but also equivalent structures. Thus, although a a plurality of rotatable cutting elements mounted on at least
nail and a screw may not be structural equivalents in that a nail one of the plurality of blades, wherein each rotatable
employs a cylindrical Surface to secure wooden parts cutting element is rotatable around a cutting element
together, whereas a screw employs a helical Surface, in the axis extending through the rotatable cutting element;
environment of fastening wooden parts, a nail and a screw and
may be equivalent structures. It is the express intention of the wherein the plurality of rotatable cutting elements are
applicant not to invoke 35 U.S.C. S 112, paragraph 6 for any mounted on the at least one blade in a reverse spiral
limitations of any of the claims herein, except for those in configuration, such that each of the plurality of rotatable
which the claim expressly uses the words means for together cutting elements has an incrementally increasing radial
with an associated function. 10
distance from a tool body centerline and are placed in a
What is claimed is: counterclockwise distribution, when viewed from a cut
1. A cutting tool comprising: ting end of the cutting tool, and wherein each of the
a tool body having a plurality of blades extending radially plurality of rotatable cutting elements has a positive side
therefrom; and 15 rake angle.
a plurality of rotatable cutting elements mounted on at least 14. The cutting tool of claim 13, wherein the plurality of
one of the plurality of blades, wherein each rotatable rotatable cutting elements are mounted on the at least one
cutting element is rotatable around a cutting element blade at side rake angles ranging from 0 to about 45 degrees.
axis extending through the rotatable cutting element; 15. The cutting tool of claim 13, wherein the plurality of
and rotatable cutting elements are mounted on the at least one
wherein the plurality of rotatable cutting elements are blade at side rake angles ranging from 5 to about 35 degrees.
mounted on the at least one blade in a forward spiral 16. The cutting tool of claim 13, wherein the plurality of
configuration, such that each of the plurality of rotatable rotatable cutting elements are mounted on the at least one
cutting elements has an incrementally increasing radial blade at side rake angles ranging from 15 to about 30 degrees.
distance from a tool body centerline and are placed in a 25 17. The cutting tool of claim 13, wherein the plurality of
clockwise distribution, when viewed from a cutting end rotatable cutting elements mounted in a nose region of the
of the cutting tool, and wherein each of the plurality of cutting tool has a side rake angle ranging from about 10 to
rotatable cutting elements has a positive side rake angle. about 30 degrees.
2. The cutting tool of claim 1, wherein the plurality of 18. The cutting tool of claim 13, wherein the plurality of
rotatable cutting elements are mounted on the at least one 30 rotatable cutting elements mounted in a nose region of the
blade at side rake angles ranging from 0 to about 45 degrees. cutting tool has a side rake angle ranging from about 20 to
3. The cutting tool of claim 1, wherein the plurality of about 30 degrees.
rotatable cutting elements are mounted on the at least one 19. The cutting tool of claim 13, wherein the plurality of
blade at side rake angles ranging from 5 to about 35 degrees. rotatable cutting elements mounted in a shoulder region of the
4. The cutting tool of claim 1, wherein the plurality of 35 cutting tool has a side rake angle ranging from about 10 to
rotatable cutting elements are mounted on the at least one about 30 degrees.
blade at side rake angles ranging from 15 to about 30 degrees. 20. The cutting tool of claim 13, wherein the plurality of
5. The cutting tool of claim 1, wherein the plurality of rotatable cutting elements mounted in a shoulder region of the
rotatable cutting elements mounted in a nose region of the cutting tool has a side rake angle ranging from about 20 to
cutting tool has a side rake angle ranging from about 10 to 40 about 30 degrees.
about 30 degrees. 21. The cutting tool of claim 13, wherein the plurality of
6. The cutting tool of claim 1, wherein the plurality of rotatable cutting elements mounted in a gage region of the
rotatable cutting elements mounted in a nose region of the cutting tool have a side rake angle of less than 25 degrees.
cutting tool has a side rake angle ranging from about 20 to 22. The cutting tool of claim 13, wherein a plurality of
about 30 degrees. 45 cutting elements mounted in a cone region of the cutting tool
7. The cutting tool of claim 1, wherein the plurality of have a side rake angle of less than 20 degrees.
rotatable cutting elements mounted in a shoulder region of the 23. The cutting tool of claim 13, wherein the plurality of
cutting tool has a side rake angle ranging from about 10 to cutting elements mounted in the cone region are rotatable.
about 30 degrees. 24. The cutting tool of claim 13, wherein each of the cutting
8. The cutting tool of claim 1, wherein the plurality of 50 elements in a nose and shoulder region of the cutting tool are
rotatable cutting elements mounted in a shoulder region of the rotatable.
cutting tool has a side rake angle ranging from about 20 to 25. A cutting tool comprising:
about 30 degrees. a tool body having a plurality of blades extending radially
9. The cutting tool of claim 1, wherein the plurality of therefrom; and
rotatable cutting elements mounted in a gage region of the 55 a plurality of rotatable cutting elements mounted on at least
cutting tool have a side rake angle of less than 25 degrees. one of the plurality of blades, wherein each rotatable
10. The cutting tool of claim 1, wherein a plurality of cutting element is rotatable around a cutting element
cutting elements mounted in a cone region of the cutting tool axis extending through the rotatable cutting element;
have a side rake angle of less than 20 degrees. and
11. The cutting tool of claim 10, wherein the plurality of 60 wherein the plurality of rotatable cutting elements are
cutting elements mounted in the cone region are rotatable. mounted on the at least one blade in a nose and/or shoul
12. The cutting tool of claim 11, wherein each of the cutting der region of the cutting tool at a side rake angle ranging
elements in a nose and shoulder region of the cutting tool are from about 10 to about 25 degrees or -10 to about -25
rotatable. degrees.
13. A cutting tool comprising: 65 26. The cutting tool of claim 25, wherein the plurality of
a tool body having a plurality of blades extending radially rotatable cutting elements are mounted in a reverse spiral
therefrom; and configuration.
US 9,016,409 B2
25 26
27. The cutting tool of claim 25, wherein the plurality of
rotatable cutting elements are mounted in a forward spiral
28. The cutting tool of claim 25, wherein the plurality of
rotatable cutting elements mounted in a nose region of the 5
cutting tool has a side rake angle ranging from about 10 to
about 25 degrees or from about -10 to about -25 degrees.
29. The cutting tool of claim 25, wherein the plurality of
rotatable cutting elements mounted in a nose region of the
cutting tool has a side rake angle ranging from about 20 to 10
about 25 degrees or from about -20 to about -25 degrees.
30. The cutting tool of claim 25, wherein the plurality of
rotatable cutting elements mounted in a shoulder region of the
cutting tool has a side rake angle ranging from about 10 to
about 25 degrees or from about -10 to about -25 degrees. 15
31. The cutting tool of claim 25, wherein the plurality of
rotatable cutting elements mounted in a shoulder region of the
cutting tool has a side rake angle ranging from about 20 to
about 25 degrees or from about -20 to about -25 degrees.
32. The cutting tool of claim 25, wherein the plurality of 20
rotatable cutting elements mounted in a gage region of the
cutting tool have a side rake angle of less than t25 degrees.
33. The cutting tool of claim 25, wherein a plurality of
cutting elements mounted in a cone region of the cutting tool
have a side rake angle of less than t20 degrees. 25
34. The cutting tool of claim 33, wherein the plurality of
cutting elements mounted in the cone region are rotatable.
35. The cutting tool of claim 25, wherein each of the cutting
elements in a nose and shoulder region of the cutting tool are
rotatable. 30

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