Gel Spinning
Gel Spinning
Gel Spinning
(73) Assignee: DONGHUA UNIVERSITY, Shanghai 2,733,121 A 1/1956 Griffith, Jr. et al.
1/1980 Reinehr .................... D01F 1/10
(CN) 4,185,059 A *
5,560,991 A * 10/1996 Patel ..................... CO4B 35,571
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 264/29.6
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 8,906,278 B2 12/2014 Yu et al.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (Continued)
(21) Appl. No.: 14/518,944 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(22) Filed: Oct. 20, 2014 CN 1461829. A 12/2003
CN 1478,930 A 3, 2004
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2015/OO35196 A1 Feb. 5, 2015
Related U.S. Application Data Li, Z., “Study on ionic liquid and PAN/ionic liquid diluted solu
tion.” Chinese Doctoral Dissertations & Master's Theses Full-Text
(62) Division of application No. 13/262,620, filed as Database (Master) Engineering Science and Technology I, Jul. 16.
application No. PCT/CN2010/000036 on Jan. 11, 2005-Aug. 15, 2005.
2010, now Pat. No. 8,906,278.
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data
Mar. 31, 2009 (CN) .......................... 2009 1 OO48.603
Primary Examiner — Leo B Tentoni
Jun. 9, 2009 (CN). ... 2009 1 OO52721 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Nixon Peabody LLP:
Jun. 17, 2009 (CN) .......................... 2009 1 OO53212 Joseph Bach, Esq.
Sep. 17, 2009 (CN) .......................... 2009 1 O195794 (57) ABSTRACT
Nov. 6, 2009 (CN) .......................... 2009 1 O1984.44
Processes for producing carbon fiber, the filament thereof
(51) Int. C. and pre-oxidized fiber are provided. In one embodiment, the
DOID L/02 (2006.01) gel spinning of polyacrylonitrile filament is achieved by
DOIF 9/22 (2006.01) using Small-molecule gelling agent, and the carbon fiber
D02. I/22 (2006.01) obtained thereby is increased by 15% to 40% in tensile
DOID L/04 (2006.01) strength and by 20% to 35% in toughness. In another
DOID 5/08 (2006.01) embodiment, the melt spinning process of polyacrylonitrile
DOID LO/02 (2006.01) is conducted by using imidazole type ion liquid as plasti
DOIF I/O (2006.01) cizer, the process reduces environment pollution, is Suitable
DOIF 6/8 (2006.01) for industrial production and the fiber produced thereby is
DOID 5/06 (2006.01) improved in its strength. In yet another embodiment, poly
DOID LO/06 (2006.01) acrylonitrile pre-oxidized fiber is produced by melt spin
DOIF I/02 (2006.01) ning, so low cost and controllable pre-oxidization of poly
B05D I/O (2006.01) acrylonitrile can beachieved. In a further embodiment, high
B05D L/18 (2006.01) strength carbon fiber is manufactured by using polymer
(52) U.S. C. thickening agent. In another further embodiment, low cost
CPC ................. D0IF 9/22 (2013.01); B05D I/007 and controllable pre-oxidization of polyacrylonitrile is
(2013.01); B05D 1/18 (2013.01): D01D I/04 achieved by conducting pre-oxidization before spinning,
(2013.01): D01D 5/06 (2013.01): D0ID 5/08 minimizing skin-core structure, so as to produce high per
(2013.01): D0ID 10/02 (2013.01): D01D formance carbon fiber, and reduce the production cost of
10/06 (2013.01): D01F I/02 (2013.01): D0IF carbon fiber greatly.
1/10 (2013.01): D0IF 6/18 (2013.01): D0IF
9/225 (2013.01): D02.J I/224 (2013.01); D10B 4 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
US 9,476,147 B2
Page 2
398-99: A. ck 39; Sist et al . . . . . . . . . . . D01F 6, 18 ShenRui et al., “Study on the Gel-spinning Process for Preparing
524, 236 Polyacrylonitrile Carbon Fiber Filament”, Techno-Economics in
2015.00351.83 A1 2/2015 Yu et al. Petrochemicals, Apr. 2007, vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 41-44.
2015.0035.197 A1 2/2015 Yu et al. Notice of Allowance for U.S. Appl. No. 14/519,002 dated Jan. 25.
2015,003.7509 A1 2/2015 Yu et al. 2016.
Office Action for U.S. Appl. No. 14/519,076 dated Jan. 7, 2016.
FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS International Search Report for PCT/CN2010/000036 dated Apr.
22, 2010.
CN 1740411 3, 2006 International Preliminary Report on Patentability for PCT/CN2010/
CN 1O1250770 8, 2008 000036 dated Oct. 13, 2011.
CN 10 1260575 9, 2008 Restriction Requirement for U.S. Appl. No. 13/262,620 dated Dec.
CN 101545148 9, 2009
CN 101586265 11/2009 11, 2013.
CN 10159782O 12/2009 Office Action for U.S. Appl. No. 13/262,620 dated Apr. 7, 2014.
JP 46-34939 10, 1971 Notice of Allowance for U.S. Appl. No. 13/262,620 dated Jul. 18,
JP 61-69814 4f1986 2014.
JP 10-265674 10, 1998
JP 2005-256.222 9, 2005 * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2016 Sheet 1 of 7 US 9,476,147 B2
U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2016 Sheet 2 of 7 US 9,476,147 B2
Temperature ("C )
U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2016 Sheet 3 of 7 US 9,476,147 B2
Wave number/cm
U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2016 Sheet 4 of 7 US 9,476,147 B2
500 000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Wave number/cm
Fig.15 Fig.16
Fig.17 Fig.18
U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2016 Sheet S of 7 US 9,476,147 B2
F. Pre-Oxidization(Reactor
Cotton Otter Polymerization -- f-, in air
10-45C, in nitrogen
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