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United States Patent: Swersey Et Al. Jan. 18, 2005

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,843,106 B2

Swersey et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 18, 2005

(54) DIFFERENTIAL PERMEOMETER 4,191,046 A 3/1980 Baker et al. ................... 73/38

4,384,474. A 5/1983 Kowalski ....................... 73/38
(75) Inventors: Burt Swersey, Stephentown, NY (US); 4,566,326 A 1/1986 Lowell ...................... 73/865.5
Marcie J. Harvey, Pearland, TX (US); 4,856,967 A 8/1989 Jones ......................... 417/342
Elias Kaplan, Redmond, WA (US); 5,088,316 A * 2/1992 McKelvey et al. ............ 73/38
Jennifer Lamana, Troy, NY (US); 5,107,696 A * 4/1992 Mayer et al. .................. 73/38
5,503,001 A * 4/1996 Wong ............................ 73/38
Stephen J. Howard, Troy, NY (US); 5,544,520 A 8/1996 Graf et al. ..................... 73/38
Dean Meloney, Troy, NY (US); John 5,906,743 A * 5/1999 Cohen et al. ..... ... 21.0/502.1
P. Weed, Port St. Lucie, FL (US); 5,968,312 A * 10/1999 Sephton ..................... 159/47.1
(73) Assignee: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, EP 518250 A1 12/1992 ........... B01D/29/11
NY (US) SU T87958 * 12/1980
WO WO 9428393 A1 * 12/1994 .......... GO1N/15/08
Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 * cited by examiner
U.S.C. 154(b) by 616 days.
Primary Examiner Hezron Williams
(21) Appl. No.: 09/800,872 Assistant Examiner John Fitzgerald
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Francis C. Hand; Carella,
(22) Filed: Mar. 7, 2001 Byrne, Bain
(65) Prior Publication Data (57) ABSTRACT
US 2002/0178790 A1 Dec. 5, 2002 Permeability of a porous, sheet-like Sample is determined
using a device that is designed to measure the preSSure
Related U.S. Application Data differential between a first Stream of fluid applied acroSS an
(60) 2000.
Provisional application No. 60/187931, filed on Mar. 8, entire thickness of a test Sample and a Second Stream of fluid
applied across an entire thickness of a reference Sample. The
(51) Int. Cl................................................. G01N 15/08 flow rate for both the test fluid flow system and the reference
(52) U.S. Cl. ........................................................... 73/38 fluid flow System is determined independently, by measuring
(58) Field of Search .............................................. 73/38 a pressure drop throughout the flow System. Data obtained
from pressure and flow rate for test and reference fluids are
(56) References Cited used to calculate percent change in permeability and/or
actual permeability using Darcy's Law.
3,618,361. A * 11/1971 Stephens et al. ............... 73/38 6 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets

Schematic of Permeometer


10 12

20a (67a) 20 b (67b)

14 a
U.S. Patent Jan. 18, 2005 Sheet 1 of 7 US 6,843,106 B2

Figl Schematic of Permeometer

40, 42, or 44

O 2

20 a (67a) 20 b (67 b)

14 a
U.S. Patent Jan. 18, 2005 Sheet 2 of 7 US 6,843,106 B2

40 a,b
U.S. Patent Jan. 18, 2005 Sheet 3 of 7 US 6,843,106 B2

- -+
U.S. Patent Jan. 18, 2005 Sheet 4 of 7 US 6,843,106 B2

67. Top View of 34 67

- S

'4Y A
20 a
64 20

Side View of 34

U.S. Patent Jan. 18, 2005 Sheet 5 of 7 US 6,843,106 B2

Fig 8 Schematic of Pitot Tube Design Variation

40, 42, or 44

NT L.8 al

62 a.

14 a 14 b
| |
U.S. Patent Jan. 18, 2005 Sheet 6 of 7 US 6,843,106 B2

Fig. 9 Basic Calculation Algorithm

Read Value for fan Read differential

speed from fan pressures and plug Add value to
control algorithm values into
initial value"
and set value as fan equations to Sli.
Speed. dete. Inie
Initially Zero)
START differential

RepeatX times where

X is a set value.
X is relatively small
compared to Y
Read Differential
Add resultant Value tvil. and Multiply Average of the
of Perability to equations to determine "initial value” sum times A.
Perm Wale'. differential Y, where Y is set value. Set
permeability value. resultant multiple as the
value for "Perm Walue”.

Present the Resultant Value

Average "Perm Vahue". as Differential Permeability End
for Y test iterations.
U.S. Patent Jan. 18, 2005 Sheet 7 of 7 US 6,843,106 B2

Fig. 10: Fan Speed Control Algorithm.

increase Fan Speed until
pressure drop between
Atmospheric Pressure and
Reference tube pressure
(Pl) measures 0.5 inches of
water (Industry Standard).
fincreasing speed moves
away from 0.5 inches,
decrease speed until proper
value is reached

Set Resultant Speed as Fan

Speed during sample

Set Current Walus as Value

for orifice size.
US 6,843,106 B2
1 2
DIFFERENTIAL PERMEOMETER with pressure or location within the flow. Flow through a
porous material can be characterized by low velocity, high
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional preSSure drop, and very Small pore diameter, So the condi
Application No. 60/187931, now filed on Mar. 8, 2000. tions for laminar flow, Such as a Small Reynolds number, is
This invention relates to a differential permeameter. consistent.
More particularly, this invention relates to a differential Normalizing the flow constant per unit length, this depen
permeameter for the measurement of fluid permeability dence on Viscosity is an inherent dependence on tempera
through a porous, sheet-like Sample. ture. According to the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,
for air, absolute Viscosity can be expressed Solely as a known
BACKGROUND OF THE ART 1O function of temperature, linear in the region from 20 to 60
Material fluid permeability is an essential quality mea degrees Celsius.
Surement in a variety of industries including textiles and AAPKy
papermaking. Permeability in itself is related to the porosity, u
density, and thickness of a material. Consistency of these 15
material properties over time is required within a proceSS as
an indication of the quality. The purpose of permeability However, air not only flows through this permeable
measurement is to accurately indicate the quality and con membrane, but also various orifices. Flow through a fixed
Sistency of a material product. orifice is generally expressed in the Bernoulli corrected form
Historically, airflow permeability measurement devices S
have followed one of two basic genres: Series or bridge. The
bridge method, exemplified by Gurley Precision Instruments
Co. of Troy, N.Y.) Permeometer, compares pressure drops (Binder, Fluid Mechanics, p. 99). Where h is a head loss,
acroSS two streams with a single vacuum Source. One flow commonly replaced by AP over Y, and Y is the Specific weight
Stream passes through a variable valve, comparator 25 or fluid density times gravitational constant. Expressed in
chamber, and fixed orifice to the reservoir, while the Second terms of volumetric flow rate,
passes through the unknown Sample material, test chamber,
and variable micrometer orifice into the reservoir. Orifices 2APY12
are varied until the preSSure drop acroSS the variable orifice
is fixed at 0.5 inches of water and the pressures in both the
Q = KA(E) O

test chamber and comparator chamber are equal, thus the

pressure drop across the unknown Sample is also 0.5 inches Where K is a new flow constant, A is the orifice area and p
of water. is the fluid density. Coefficient K is required because the
Among the many assumptions necessary for this mea croSS-Sectional are A is inconsistent in the flow on fluid
Surement is the Standard environment. Conditions Such as 35
through an orifice. Density, however, is much more difficult
temperature or relative humidity affect various components to specify than absolute Viscosity. It requires knowledge of
of permeability measurements. In 1856, Henry Darcy pub atmospheric preSSure, vapor pressure, relative humidity,
lished an equation for the basic relationship of flow through temperature and precise compressibility. Flow through an
porous media. He discovered that discharge varies directly orifice is one of the oldest, yet most reliable, methods of
with head loSS over distance, for Small discharges. Although 40
measuring and controlling the flow of fluids (Binder), which
recent modifications have been made to the coefficients, the most likely explains the historical use in permeability mea
relation has remained the Same. Darcy's equation is: Suring devices, however the limitation is in the accurate
Specification of fluid density.
A permeameter sold by Frazier, Inc. of Hagerstown, Md.
benchmarks the series method. The device draws a variable
Suction acroSS the permeable membrane and a fixed but
alterable orifice. PreSSure drop across the porous sheet-like
(Albertson, et al. Fluid Mechanics, p.211-212). Where his material is held to a Standard, while the pressure drop acroSS
head loss, V is the mean velocity of flow, u is the fluid the fixed orifice is measured and compared with calibrated
absolute Viscosity, Y is the fluid Specific weight, d is the 50
results. Once again, problems arise with changes in atmo
characteristic grain diameter of the porous material, and c is Sphere. Changes in temperature, pressure, humidity, et
the dimensionless coefficient which describes the porous cetera, between the conditions at calibration and the condi
media by including the size and distribution of grains, the tions at measurement will cause error in results.
porosity, and the orientation and arrangement of the grains. The simple series device above is governed by Darcy's
This is referred to as the coefficient of permeability and is 55
Law and flow through an orifice. Equating, the normalized
equal to the pressure drop over Specific weight. Note that the permeability constant for a particular Sample test Section
new flow coefficient K if d over coefficient c. Rewriting may then be determined as follows
for Volumetric flow equal to bulk velocity times area gives:
KorificeAlice 2APorifice
Lu Amembrane Anembrane

It should be noted that density does not enter into the Solving and combining with Darcy's Law at Standardized
equation of laminar flow through a porous material. For conditions yields the industrial standard permeability. The
laminar flow, the forces of inertia, which depend on density, 65 result is, once again, dependent upon temperature, through
are negligible and the forces of Viscosity are in complete Viscosity (u) and further atmospheric conditions Such as
control. Since Viscosity is a fluid property, it does not change humidity, through density (p).
US 6,843,106 B2
3 4
Permeability measurement has been a necessary quality b. A reference head having a Surface in communication
control measurement in industry, including textile and paper with the reference material;
industries. The measurement issued as a fault detection c. A clamping device for both the test Sample and refer
platform acroSS a web product span and between Successive ence Sample,
products or webs. The main goal is to detect errors or d. At least one flow measurement device, Such as an
inconsistencies in a product or web, indicating proceSS orifice plate in the test fluid flow system;
malfunction or necessary web replacement due to use. For e. At least one flow measurement device, Such as an
example, U.S. Pat. No. 4,495,796 uses an ad hoc perme orifice plate in the reference fluid flow system which is
ability measurement as mechanical error detection following identical to the test orifice plate;
a cigarette paper perforation device. U.S. Pat. No. 5,436,971 1O f. An applied fluid Supply;
describes a device for measuring air permeability acroSS a g. A means for measuring the pressure differential
textile to find manufactured, woven inconsistencies. between the test fluid stream and the reference fluid
Single chamber designs have been developed as well, Stream,
Such as described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,756,183 and 4,991, h. A means for measuring the fluid flow in both the test
425, both of which are single chamber devices that ignore 15
fluid flow system and the reference fluid flow system;
the change in permeability due to temperature change. i. Ahoneycomb-type device placed in each flow System to
Most devices patented to this point ignore flow changes promote laminar flow and eliminate Swirl,
due to atmospheric conditions. These devices assume that all The invention further provides a method for determining
measurements are taken at Standard conditions, which data to calculate permeability of a test Sample comprised of
though desirable, is neither consistently practiced nor uni the following Steps:
Versally practical for industrial use.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,649,738 takes atmospheric changes into a. Place the sheet-like reference Sample of known or
consideration while integrating high-speed permeability desirable permeability in the reference-clamping
device and in communication with the reference fluid
measurements in an industrial process. The Sample focused flow System;
on is cotton at various Stages of the cotton ginning process. 25
The device measures differentially over a measurement b. Supply a fluid flow stream across both test and refer
Stream and reference Stream. The device does not, however, ence Samples, So that the pressure drop acroSS both
measure acroSS an entire Sample, use a reference Sample, or Samples is (very near to) a fixed Standard;
provide an accuracy level that is needed in most applica c. Measure the fluid flow through the test fluid flow
tions. The device is also specific to the measurement of a System by measuring the pressure drop acroSS a flow
continuous flow of cotton, and sheet-like materials cannot be device, Such as an orifice plate, within the test fluid
measured using the present cofiguration. flow System.
It is clear that changes in atmospheric conditions will d. Measure the fluid flow through the reference fluid flow
cause alteration of Standard expected flows, in differing System by measuring the pressure drop acroSS a flow
amounts between an orifice and a permeable membrane. 35 device, Such as an orifice plate; within the reference
Thus, measured preSSure drop for a single material will fluid flow system.
change as atmospheric conditions change. Removal of the e. Measure the pressure differential between the test fluid
dependence of these conditions on the measurement of Stream and the reference fluid Stream and calculate the
permeability will therefore vastly improve the accuracy of permeability of the test Sample by using the differential
measurement. 40 preSSure acroSS the test fluid flow Stream, the known
It is an object of the invention is to provide a method and permeability of the reference Sample, and the air flow
device of measuring differential permeability that eliminates through both the test fluid flow system and the refer
environmental factors and measures permeability accurately ence fluid flow system.
by measuring the differential pressure drop acroSS a fluid Further objects and advantages of our invention will
flow after flowing through a test sample and the fluid flow 45 become apparent from a consideration of the ensuing
after flowing through a reference Sample. description taken in conjunction with the accompanying
It is another object of this invention to increase the limits drawings wherein:
of permeability measurement accuracy. FIG. 1 is a simplified schematic illustration of a per
It is another object of this invention to introduce the meaneter constructed in accordance with the invention;
theory of differential measurement across two Samples to 50 FIG. 2 is an isometric sketch of the permeameter of FIG.
determine the permeability of a porous material. 1;
It is another object of this invention to eliminate varia FIG. 3 illustrates a side view of a clamping device
tions in results of permeability measurements due to a employed in the permeameter of FIG. 1;
changing environment. FIG. 3a illustrates a perspective view of the clamping
It is another object of this invention to increase perme 55 device of FIG. 3;
ability measurement accuracy by changing the required FIG. 4 illustrates a side view of a modified clamping
range of gauge measurement. device in accordance with the invention;
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION FIG. 4a illustrates a perspective view of the clamping
device of FIG. 4;
Briefly, the invention extends from the basic concept of 60 FIG. 5 illustrates a part cross-sectional side view of a
flaw detection. This method of measurement compares two magnetic clamping device in accordance with the invention;
porous sheet-like Samples across their entire thickness in FIG. 6 is a simplified schematic of a variable orifice
order to detect flaw, or difference, between the two Samples. System in accordance with the invention;
The invention provides a permeameter, which is com FIG. 7 is a top view of the variable orifice system of FIG.
prised of: 65 6;
a. A test head having a Surface in communication with the FIG. 8 is a simplified schematic of a Pitot tube construc
test material; tion in accordance with the invention;
US 6,843,106 B2
S 6
FIG. 9 illustrates an algorithm for a differential perme that the entire opening of the system 10 is covered.
ability control calculation in accordance with the invention. Likewise, a reference-clamping device 40 is mounted at the
FIG. 10 illustrates an algorithm for fan speed control in upper end of the reference fluid flow system 12 so that the
accordance with the Invention; entire opening of the System 12 is covered. For any particu
FIG. 11 illustrates an algorithm for fan speed control with lar choice of clamping method, the test and reference
a variable orifice in accordance with the invention; and clamping devices are identical.
Each clamping device 40 is referred to as a direct weight
DESCRIPTION clamping System and is composed of two parts. The first part
Referring to FIG. 1, the permeometer includes a test fluid is a bottom flange 48, the second part is a top flange 50. The
flow system 10 and a reference fluid flow system 12 which bottom flange 48 fits tightly at the entrance of the fluid flow
are in the form of tubes and are in common communication
System, and restricts airflow through the outer diameter of
the System using an o-ring. The top flange 50 is an unat
with a reservoir system 16. Fluid flow is initiated by a fluid tached piece that Serves to apply downward clamping pres
flow initiator 18, for example, a Speed-controlled centrifugal Sure on the test (or reference) sample that is placed in
fan. The applied fluid used in this embodiment of the 15 between the flanges 48 and 50. The top flange 50 consists of
apparatus is air. The croSS Section of each of the test fluid a lower contact ring 52 with the same Outer and inner
flow system 10, the reference fluid flow system 12 and the diameter as the bottom flange 48 and an upper shelf 54
reservoir System 16 is circular. raised three inches The shelf 54 has a purpose of holding
The airflow is very similar through the test fluid flow accurate weight. This allows for variability of clamping
system 10 and the reference fluid flow system 12 by the force. The clamping force minimizes lateral fluid leakage
Symmetry in diameter between both Systems. The croSS through the sample and the flow entrance of each fluid flow
Sectional area of the joining reservoir System 16 is greater System 10 and 12, which can affect the preSSure reading and
than the sum of the cross-sectional area of system 10 and the therefore alter the permeability measurement.
croSS-Sectional area of System 12. Honeycomb Structures The top flange 50 is placed on top of the sample such that
14a and 14b are located at the base of both the test fluid flow the outer diameter of the lower contact ring 52 and the outer
system 10 and reference fluid flow system 12. Each honey diameter of bottom flange 48 are aligned. Alternatively, as
comb Structure consists of 4-inch diameter pipes in a cluster shown in FIGS. 4 and 4a, a clamping device 42 also referred
that fills the inner diameter of both systems 10,12. Both to as an O-ring clamping System may be used to hold a
honeycomb diameter and length can vary. Sample. AS shown, the clamping device 42 is composed of
Upstream from the honeycomb structure 14a in the test two parts. The first part is the bottom flange 48, which is
fluid flow system 10 is an orifice plate 20a. Upstream from identical to that used in the direct weight clamping System
the honeycomb structure 14b in the reference fluid flow 40, and the second part is a top flange 56. The top flange 56
System 12 is an orifice plate 20b. Each orifice plate creates is an unattached piece that Serves to apply downward
a measurable pressure drop in the respective fluid flow preSSure on a primary O-ring Seal 59, which lies in a groove
system 10,12. The measured pressure drop in each fluid flow 35 between the flanges 48 and 56.
22 and 24 is directly proportional to the velocity of that flow, A screw-down sample holder 58 is a tube that is threaded
and is used to compute permeability of the test Sample. The on its outer Surface with the same inner diameter as the
hole diameters in the respective orifice plates 20a, 20b are bottom flange 48. The lower end of the holder 58 comes in
always exactly identical. However, both plates can be made direct contact with the disk-like Sample and Serves to hold
to vary in hole size, either by interchanging a pair of fixed, 40 the sample in place. The upper end of the holder 58 has an
identical orifice plates of one hole diameter for a new pair of annular shelf for the purpose of rotating the holder 58 with
fixed, identical orifice plates of a different hole diameter, or respect to the top flange 56 So as to adjust the vertical
by means of the continuously variable orifice system 34 as position of the holder 58 and also for holding accurate
described below with respect to FIGS. 6 and 7. weight.
Referring to FIGS. 6 and 7, a change in orifice diameter 45 The primary O-ring seal 59 eliminates lateral fluid leak
is often needed to ensure that the pressure measurements age through the circumference of the disk-like Sample and
Stay within the operational range of the preSSure gauges or thereby makes permeability measurement independent of
required Standard measurement range. Continuous variation applied clamping pressure.
in orifice Size is accomplished by sliding an orifice plate 67a, Referring to FIG. 5, a clamping device 44 also referred to
67b over the plate 20a, 2b using a dual motorized screw 50 as a magnetic clamping System may also be used to hold a
drive 64 that is mounted on a bracket 68 in the space Sample. This clamping device 44 is composed of two parts.
between the flow systems 10,12. The sliding action changes The first part is a bottom flange composed of an electro
the total area of each orifice hole. magnet 46 and a fabric guard 60, and the Second part is a
In order to use the permeameter, a sheet-like test Sample magnetic clamping ring 47. The magnetic clamping ring 47
26 is required. A sheet-like reference Sample 28 is also 55 is an unattached piece that Serves to apply downward
required for percent difference in permeability measure preSSure on the test Sample by means of a magnetic attrac
ment. The reference Sample should have a known perme tion toward the electromagnet 46. The magnetic clamping
ability or have known desirable characteristics. Samples 26 ring 47 consists of either a lightweight hollow ferrous
and 28 can also be similar, yet both unknown, in which case Structure, or a lightweight nonferrous structure that contains
exact percent change in permeability will be measured as a 60 internal permanent magnets. The lower Surface of ring 47
quantified quality/consistency indication. If absolute perme comes in direct contact with the sheet-like Sample and Serves
ability is the desired measurement, the reference Sample 28 to apply clamping pressure that minimizes lateral fluid
should be omitted. The differential pressure difference will leakage through the Sample. Ring 47 and contacting Surfaces
read the absolute pressure drop across the test Sample 26, of 46 and 60 may be coated with a protective, nondestructive
and the absolute permeability can be measured. 65 material.
Referring to FIGS. 3 and 3a, a test-clamping device 40 is The electromagnet 46 is the Source of the magnetic
mounted at the upper end of the test fluid flow system 10 So clamping force on the ring 47. By adjusting the electric
US 6,843,106 B2
7 8
currents put through the electromagnet, the resulting clamp repetition of X permeability readings where X is a Set value
ing preSSure is thereby varied. that is Small relative to the overall number of tests to arrive
By recording the changing value of measured permeabil at an initial average reading. The values are then averaged,
ity while simultaneously varying the magnetic clamping and the average set as the first half of a number Y of tests.
preSSure in a known way, on a fixed Sample, the measure For example, out of Y=300 total tests, the average value
ment of permeability in the limit of infinite clamping pres would be repeated for the first 150 values. The average of the
Sure can be calculated by means of asymptotic analysis. This Y values is then taken and it represents the average differ
limiting value is equal to the true permeability of the ential permeability value for the test. The Variables X and Y
sheet-like test Sample in the ideal case of Zero lateral fluid are relative to the desired accuracy for test purposes, where
leakage. Y is the total number of averaging cycles and X is a Small
Operation (Standard Operation) percentage of Y. If possible, the algorithm should eliminate
The method of operation of the permeameter is completed the rouge permeability values that naturally occur in the
with the use of four pressure transducers mounted in a testing process by comparing them to an expected value. For
common housing 30 (see FIG. 2). After the test sample 26 instance, if in comparison to the initial average value, the
and reference Sample 28 are manually placed in the corre 15 measured value during testing is of an opposite sign or much
sponding clamping devices Such as those described by 40,
42 or 44, the speed of the fluid flow initiator 18 is manually larger or Smaller (by a order of magnitude) it should be
or automatically adjusted by a computer or other data/ replaced with the initial average value to minimize errone
control System 32, So that the pressure drop acroSS the ous readings. The Flowchart representation of the measure
reference Sample is 0.5 inches of water, measured using ment algorithm is illustrated in FIG. 11.
pressure transducer PT1. The flow is similar through both Alternate Operation Procedures
the test fluid flow system 10 and the reference fluid flow The method for operation of the Pitot tube permeameter
System 12, and therefore the preSSure drop acroSS test Sample is completed with the use of three pressure transducers. After
26 is similar to 0.5 inches of water. the test Sample 26 and reference Sample 28 are manually
When pressure drop acroSS both Samples is steady at placed in the corresponding clamping devices, the Speed of
approximately a desired Standard, the airflow is measured. 25 the fluid flow initiator 18 is manually or automatically
This is accomplished by measuring the pressure drop acroSS adjusted So the preSSure drop acroSS the reference Sample
the test orifice plate 20a and the reference orifice plate 20b, and the atmosphere is 0.5 inches of water, measured using
due to the fact that air flow is proportional to pressure drop. pressure transducer PT1. The airflow is similar through both
Pressure transducer PT2 is used to measure the pressure the test fluid flow system 10 and the reference fluid flow
drop (P. minus P) across orifice 20a. Pressure transducer System 12, therefore the pressure drop acroSS test Sample 26
PT3 is used to measure the pressure drop (P. minus P2) is similar to 0.5 inches of water.
across orifice plate 20b. The pressure measurement locations Once the pressure drop across sample 28 is at 0.5 inches
P., P., P., P., P., P are relative locations outlined in of water, the airflow in each System is measured. This is
FIG. 1. accomplished by measuring the difference in pressure (P.
The small differential pressure between the test fluid flow 35 minus P.) between the reference fluid flow system 12 and
system 10 and the reference fluid flow system 12 (P. minus the Pitot tube 62b with pressure transducer PT2. Then, the
P) is measured with high precision using pressure trans small difference in pressure between the Pitot tubes 62a, 62b
ducer PT4. (P2 minus P2) is measured with high precision using
The permeability of test sample 26 and the percent pressure transducer PT4.
difference in permeability between test sample 26 and 40 The permeability of the test sample 26 and the percent
reference Sample 28 are calculated by the data acquisition difference between the test sample 26 and the reference
System 32 using the measurements taken from preSSure Sample 28 are calculated by the data acquisition computer 32
transducers PT1, PT2, PT3, and PT4, which are sent to the using the measurements taken from pressure transducers
computer as analog signal 33. PT1, PT2, and PT4, which are sent to the computer 32 as
AS shown, a monitor is connected with the computer 32 45 analog signal 33 (see FIG. 2).
to provide a Visual display of Sample analysis and resultant Referring to FIG. 8, use may be made of a Pitot tube 62a,
readings. 62b to measure fluid flow rate inside the test fluid flow
Standard Algorithms for Adjusting Fan Speed and Variable system 10 and the reference fluid flow system 12. As shown,
Orifice Size and Computing Differential Permeability each Pitot tube 62a, 62b is positioned above the respective
The fan control algorithm begins with an approximate 50 honeycomb structure 14a, 14b in the respective flow system
value input by the user, either in the form of a number or in 10.12 to measure the total pressure in each respective System
the form of a material quality Such as relative Strength, 10,12.
material type, and Similar information. Beginning with the The fluid flow is initiated by the fluid flow initiator 18
base value, (which is estimated from user input) the fan is that, in this embodiment, is a Speed-controlled fan.
adjusted by adding or Subtracting Speed until the measured 55 A pressure transducer measures the pressure differential
preSSure drop between atmospheric pressure and the pres between the Pitot tube 62a and the Pitot tube 62b, yielding
Sure within the reference tube measures 0.5 inches of water. P. minus P2. The difference in pressure shows a relation
A basic representation of the Fan Control Algorithm is ship in airflow between the two systems 10 and 12, and is
represented in FIG. 9. used to compute permeability of the test Sample.
In models with automated variable orifices, a resultant 60 Beyond simple air permeability testing, the differential
differential permeability value Smaller than an acceptable permeameter allows accurate testing with almost any fluid
range or an inability to Settle on a fan Speed due to a lack of flow, assuming the relative Viscosity is low enough. To
a pressure drop would result in an appropriate adjustment of perform low-viscosity fluid permeability tests, minor device
orifice size to form a measurable pressure drop. An example modifications should be considered. While background
of this is illustrated in FIG. 10. 65 theories hold for most low Viscosity fluids, certain Special
To determine the test differential permeability quickly, an conditions may apply to fluids that are denser than air. In
adjusting algorithm is necessary. First, the algorithm takes a order to maintain even distribution, the flow systems 10,12
US 6,843,106 B2
may need to remain in a vertical position to maintain evenly of a sheet-like permeable membrane Sample by either pro
distributed laminar flow (to prevent pooling in areas of the Viding a known sheet-like permeable membrane reference
machine) though with most fluids this is unnecessary after Sample to provide an accurate permeability measurement or
proper pressure is generated by the pumping device. In measuring the percent change between test and reference
addition, in low Viscosity, lower-density fluids Such as Samples.
water, the test fluid can be recycled via a reservoir. While the above description contains much specificity,
All of the permeameter parts should be appropriate for these should not be construed as limitations on the Scope of
(non-air) fluid testing, for example, the pressure Sensors the invention, but rather as exemplifications of one preferred
should be approved for other fluid testing and the preSSure embodiment thereof. Many other variations are possible. For
fan Should be replaced with a variable Speed fluid pump. example, eliminating the orifice plates, adding multiple
Further special considerations should be taken when work orifice plates and changing the clamping device.
ing with fluids that are potentially damaging to the apparatus The invention provides a method of measuring perme
ability of a sheet-like permeable membrane Sample Such that
(for example acidic and basic fluids) and appropriate care all environmental factors are eliminated. The method is Such
and or replacements should be practiced. that a change in local temperature does not change the
The fluid immersion differential permeability testing 15 measurement accuracy of permeability and that changes in
allows for the examination and testing of a variety of air density, and the factors controlling air density, Such as
materials beyond the capabilities of air permeability, Such as relative humidity, do not affect the accuracy of measure
Soil samples, wet filters, permeability to different fluids (e.g. ment.
N2 or O2), and the like. The method may be used to measure the change in
The operation of a fluid permeameter should be identical permeability between Samples Such as, a Standard Sample to
to the operation of the Standard construction of the per a random Sample; a particular area on a cloth or web to other
meaneter. The minor operational changes primarily govern spots on the same cloth or web; a particular area on a cloth
fluid flow, specifically maintaining the level of feed fluid or web to areas on another cloth or web; and two random
either from a recycling reservoir or from a reserve Source. In Samples.
addition, the preSSure of the fluid against the flow Surface of 25 The permeameter may be operated to maintain a pressure
the samples (external to testing tubes) should be maintained differential applied to gauges within their operational limits
constant to prevent erroneous differential permeability Val while increasing the distance between testing tubes by
CS. manipulating air flow transmission pipes and plenums.
In Situations where permeability Samples cannot be tested The relative calculation time required for determining a
in a laboratory environment, and where samples are reading of relative accuracy may be decreased by estimating
restricted by dimensions of extensive distance, a Large a large portion of test values from a portion of Small
Scale permeability measurement is applicable. Large-Scale measurements,
air/fluid permeability testing, which might apply to more The time required to reach an optimum fan Speed for
permanent-type production line or manufacturing proceSS testing purposes may be reduced by using a value estimated
based testing, requires attention to be paid to the even 35
by the user in a variety of forms, or by remembering the last
distribution of pressure at the entrance (bottom in value used to implement as the initial value, beginning with
illustrations) of the testing tube. In order to ensure the even a fixed value upon Start-up.
distribution of flow, the source “reservoir pipes need to be The Honeycomb method may be used for maintaining
wide enough that the pressure drop from friction along the quasi-laminar flow throughout the permeometer;
outside is negligible. This would call for larger pipes as the 40
For numerically integrating the measurement of differen
distance between tubes increases. tial permeability over time to obtain a final measurement of
In addition, the entrance to the testing tube should be near differential permeability that is precise to an arbitrarily high
the center of the tube where the distribution will be equal. number of Significant digits,
The use of a plenum Similar to industrial heating and cooling And for calculating the permeability of a sheet-like test
methods would also be sufficient for testing. Further adjust 45
Sample at the limit of infinite clamping pressure by measur
ments might be made by multiplying the data readings on the ing the change in permeability while the applied clamping
lower pressure tube by a factor of the change in pressure preSSure is varied through a range of preSSures.
What is claimed is:
between the entrance points on the reference and test pipes. 1. A differential permeameter comprising;
In Large-Scale permeability testing, a number greater
than two test pipes may exist. The permeometer will con 50 a pair of flow Systems, each Said flow System being
tinue to function as long as the tubes are arranged in a disposed for a flow of fluid there through;
manner that ensures even distribution of pressure. a reservoir connected in common to Said flow Systems to
Approaches include the comparison of tubes in pairs (and receive a flow of fluid from each said system;
preventing flow in the idle testing tubes) to minimize the a fan for drawing fluid through Said Systems into Said
required pressure, or the management of a large and even 55 reservoir;
preSSure reservoir to guarantee equal pressure at all test a pair of clamping devices, each Said clamping device
points. being disposed in a respective flow System to hold a
General operation of a large-scale permeability measure porous sheet-like material Sample acroSS Said respec
ment System should be generally identical to the Standard tive system for a flow of fluid therethrough; and
method. The major difference is that active management is 60 a pair of orifice plates, each Said plate being disposed in
needed to monitor and adjust the tubes being utilized for a respective flow System between Said clamping device
testing purposes. Additional attention needs to be paid to the and Said reservoir to create a measurable pressure drop
even flow of pressure at the entrance point to each testing in a fluid passing therethrough.
tube, and Software or hardware adjustments might need to 2. A differential permeameter as Set forth in claim 1
made in order to ensure a accurate experimental reading. 65 wherein each Said plate is disposed in a respective flow
The invention thus provides a permeameter and method System between Said clamping device and Said reservoir
wherein environmental factors are eliminated in the testing therein.
US 6,843,106 B2
11 12
3. A differential permeameter as set forth in claim 1 which placing a sheet-like reference sample of known perme
further comprises a pair of honeycomb structures, each said ability in communication with a reference fluid flow
Structure being disposed in a respective one of Said Systems System;
between Said orifice plate therein and Said reservoir for placing a sheet-like test Sample of unknown permeability
passage of a fluid therethrough to effect a laminar andf 5
steady flow of fluid therethrough. in communication with a test fluid flow System;
4. A differential permeameter as set forth in claim 1 Supplying a fluid flow Stream acroSS both test and refer
further comprising a dual motorized Screw drive disposed ence Samples,
between Said Systems and connected to and between Said adjusting the pressure drop of the fluid flow Stream acroSS
pair of orifice plates for Simultaneous movement thereof to one or both Samples to a fixed Standard;
adjust an orifice size thereof.
5. A differential permeameter as set forth in claim 1 measuring the fluid flow through the test fluid flow system
further comprising a first pressure transducer positioned in by measuring the preSSure drop acroSS a flow device
one of Said Systems to measure a preSSure drop acroSS a test within the test fluid flow system;
Sample in Said one System, a Second pressure transducer 15 measuring the fluid flow through the reference fluid flow
positioned in Said one System to measure a pressure drop System by measuring the pressure drop acroSS a flow
acroSS Said orifice plate therein, a third pressure transducer device within the reference fluid flow system;
positioned in the other of Said Systems to measure a preSSure measuring a pressure differential between the test fluid
drop acroSS Said orifice plate therein, a fourth pressure System and the reference fluid System; and
transducer for measuring a differential pressure between said
Systems and a computer connected to each Said transducer to calculating the permeability of the test Sample by using
receive a signal therefrom indicative of the pressure mea the pressure differential across the test fluid flow
Sured thereby and to calculate a differential permeability System, the known permeability of the test Sample, and
value of a Sample in Said one System in dependence on Said the fluid flow through both the test fluid flow system
Signals. 25 and the reference fluid flow system.
6. A method for determining the permeability of a test
Sample comprising the Steps of;

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