Abstract - This paper examines the exploratory Physical (2013) deal with using some fibres as waste solid for
Characteristics of polymer concrete with various fractions' making eco-friendly and green environments. The natural
Bamboo fiber. From this exploratory investigation, it is fibre is purely bio-degradable and recyclable. In that way, it
discovered that the quality increment to some extent, the reduces pollution, endorse biodiversity and the upkeep of
Split tension test result is improved because of the fiber naturally available resources, and as a result, it is
content in the concrete the formation of crack was slowly environmentally friendly. Three fibres, namely Jute, Oil
downed, and the load-carrying capacity is higher for this palm, and Polypropylene fibres are used in concrete, and
polymer concrete with two percent of fiber content. their appropriateness, lifetime, and influence on the
characteristics of concrete were calculated. The % of the
INTRODUCTION fiber used was 0.25 and 0.50 of cement by mass. A total of
From previous studies, Eether Dawood et al. 2012 85 polymer concrete cube samples were prepared for fresh
that the perception of combination with two or more and harden concrete tests such as slump test, compaction
various fibres integrated into a regular cement matrix can factor test, and compression test. The examined results
present added appealing engineering characteristics because showed that for fibers of jute and Oil palm fibres, the best
one fibre gives the more impressive usage of the powerful fibre content percentage was 0.25%, and for Polypropylene
properties for the other fibre. Steel fibre has a significantly fibre, the best fibre content was 0.5%. They all improve in
better length and high Young's modulus of elasticity when strength compared to the common concrete specimen and
related to other fibre-categories. This drives an enhanced have confirmed to pull down the reasonable environmental
flexural rigidity and a great possibility for crack control, waste pollution.
even though it is more volumetric. It is also vital to note Therefore an effort has been made in this
that steel has properties to conduct current and magnetic experimental investigation to read the outcome of adding up
fields, and for this reason, the steel fiber content must be steel fibre at an amount of 1.5% of the total mass of
decreased to some extent. Maximization of physical and concrete as fibres. Metakaolin was used at 8% of cement
conductivity behavior can be attained by mixing various mass as metakaolin, and the adding up of steel fibers at
fibers, such as the natural fibre (palm, sisal, and bamboo 1.5% and 8% of metakaolin. The experiment was done
fibre). The striking benefit of fusion fibres system is that it using an M40 mix, and tests were carried out as per the
gives a system in which a type of fibre, which is stronger recommended procedures by relevant codes. The results
and rigid, enhances the initial crack stress and eventual were compared with control concrete; it was observed that
strength, where another type of fibre, which is more supple concrete blocks incorporated with steel fiber increased their
and ductile, leads to the enhanced hardiness and tension compressive strength by 8.91% and tensile strength by
capability in the post-cracking zone. It also provides a 26.94%. K. Ramesh et al. (2013), the present Experimental
hybrid reinforcement, in which the shorter fibre connects investigation is to study the Mechanical Properties of the
micro-cracks and lowers the crack widths. This gives an Fly ash concrete reinforced with steel fibers. Steel fibers
advanced tensile property of the composite. Another type varied from 0%,0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% by weight of cement.
of fibre is bigger, so it can seize the extension macro cracks Specimens were tested for 28 days, 60 days, and 90 days.
and considerably enhance the composite's robustness. Based on the experimental results, it was found that the
Moreover, most of the research work and fibre number of steel fibers which can be added to the concrete
reinforcement is about a single type of fiber. Using mixed for improving its strength characteristics maybe 1% by
fibres as reinforcement to enhance the performance of weight. The addition of steel fibers more than1% generally
concrete are not often reported. Therefore, the research affects the Compressive strength, Split tensile strength, and
presents the outcome of some characteristics of high Flexural strength of the concrete.
strength concrete equipped with hybrid fibres. Olaoye et al.