Selva Priyan M
Selva Priyan M
Selva Priyan M
MAY 2022
Accredited with “A” grade by NAAC I 12B Status by UGC Approved by
AICTE Jeppiaar Nagar, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Chennai – 600 119
This is to certify that this Project Report is the bona-fide work of M.SELVAPRIYAN
(39280088) who has done the Project work entitled “A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE
December 2021 to April 2022.
I wish to express my thanks to all teaching and non- teaching staff members of the
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION who were helpful in many ways for
the completion of the project.
I would like to express my sincere and deep gratitude to my Project report Guide P.
Hameem khan MBA, MSCS(PhD),for her valuable guidance, suggestions and constant
encouragement paved way for the successful completion of my project work.
Employees satisfaction refers to one’s feelings towards employee. If the employees are
fulfilled (or) the employees get higher than what he/ she feels satisfied. The main
objective of this paper are, To identify the relationship with their supervisors and co-
workers. In this study 108 numbers of respondents have been taken sample.
Percentage analysis, chi square have been incorporated for research analysis. The
study helped in revealing the level of satisfaction of employees. The organization should
consider on the relationship , supervisors and give opportunity for new employees.
4.9 How do you feel when you arrive at the office in the morning 22
4.10 Do you have a strong relationship to your co- workers 23
4.11 How as your relationship with your manager 24
4.12 Weather your company provides transport service 25
4.13 What is your personal growth in your company 26
4.14 How many years have you been with this company 27
4.15 Do you have a health benefits that are available to you 28
through the city
4.16 Does your work give you a sense of accomplishment 29
4.17 Are you aware of all the HR policies in your company 30
4.1.9 How do you feel when you arrive at the office in the morning 22
4.1.14 How many years you have been with this company 27
4.1.15 Do you have health benefits that are available to you through the 28
4.1.16 Does your work give you a sense of accomplishment 29
Employee satisfaction is in regard to one’s feeling or state of mind regarding the nature
of their work. It can be influenced by a variety of factors e.g. quality of one’s
relationships with their supervisor, quality which they work, degree of fulfilment in their
work etc.
Factors affecting jobs are the main factors of job satisfaction, which may be
challenging work, reward systems, working conditions, colleagues, learning and
personality. Skill variety autonomy and significance are challenging tasks, which
provide maximum satisfaction to employees.
Working conditions influence employees level of satisfaction. Under conductive
working condition, people prefer to work hard while in an adverse atmosphere
people avoid work. Working condition not only include physicals of the work but
also the working relationships in the organization.
Fairness in promotion, unbiased attitude of management, responsibilities and
social status are the factors that are said to be providing satisfaction to
The relationship between the employees and the managers have an important
bearing on job satisfaction.
Success Steel structures is in the erection business since 2009 . But now We
have constantly evolved and understood every nuance of building construction while
keeping up with changing times. Over time, we have also grown to understand the
construction needs of a consumer better. Our in depth interaction with them has given
us powerful insights to provide an umbrella of solutions for different sectors of the
industry like Design, Manufacturing, Supply and Erection with Speed, Strength and
Structural steel is a category of steel used for making construction materials in a variety
of shapes. Many structural steel shapes take the form of an elongated beam having
a profile of a specific cross section. Structural steel shapes, sizes, chemical
composition, mechanical properties such as strengths, storage practices, etc., are
regulated by standards in most industrialized countries.
Most structural steel shapes, such as I-beams, have high second moments of area,
which means they are very stiff in respect to their cross-sectional area and thus can
support a high load without excessive sagging.
Steel is an alloy made up of iron with typically a few tenths of a percent of carbon to
improve its strength and fracture resistance compared to other forms of iron. Many other
elements may be present or added. Stainless steels that are corrosion- and oxidation-
resistant need typically an additional 11% chromium. Because of its high tensile
strength and low cost, steel is used
in buildings, infrastructure, tools, ships, trains, cars, machines, electrical appliances,
and weapons. Iron is the base metal of steel. Depending on the temperature, it can take
two crystalline forms (allotropic forms): body-centered cubic and face-centered cubic.
The interaction of the allotropes of iron with the alloying elements, primarily carbon,
gives steel and cast iron their range of unique properties.
In pure iron, the crystal structure has relatively little resistance to the iron atoms slipping
past one another, and so pure iron is quite ductile, or soft and easily formed. In steel,
small amounts of carbon, other elements, and inclusions within the iron act as
hardening agents that prevent the movement of dislocations.
To identify the employees relational ship with their supervisors and co-workers.
To assess the satisfaction level of employees on working conditions and
To know the security and the safety measure taken by the organization.
1.6 NEED
This study is on the impact of company policies, working conditions and on the
job satisfaction of employees.
It concentrates on the effect of factor in general and considers only the
perceptual element of employees.
3. Austin (2007) The major reasons for managers' work satisfaction in Cyprus are "self-
fulfillment," "independence," and "job environment." Fair salaries, well-educated
subordinates, the prospects for self-realization are development opportunities.
Employers can reflect on the three aspects of community independence of their work
setting to ensure the framework's flow contributes to job satisfaction, i.e., age, sex,
number of years in the company, public and private sector, number of workers oversaw.
4. Omey (2007) Discusses the connection between education and work satisfaction.
Although there's a relationship, he claims there's no relationship, too. In contrast with
the lower-skilled employees, higher-education workers are often happy, as they receive
a better-quality job. He continues that under-trained employees can also be better
pleased with the "good job psychological advantages. Employee quality varies with the
educational level and results in various levels of work fulfilment. Job features play a
major role, and you have the chance to use your skills. The author thus argues that
organizations should concentrate more on standards of work than education.
5. Hawley (2008) Discusses the degree and the factors impacting the teachers'
happiness in the beginning. Teachers are pleased with their jobs, and academic
proficiency, race, socio-economic status, teacher's degree, and whether their mother
was a teacher are the variables contributing to their work satisfaction. The teaching
license plays an important part here because it demonstrates the expertise and
experience that the instructor wants to be taught.
6. Silverthrone (2008) The contribution to job content and the associated effects, such
as output and tension, of the individually variable locus of control was studied. Findings
suggest that a low degree of work tension and a greater level of satisfaction and
efficiency are the product of the internal position of control. The external control locus
doesn't reduce work stress, while the internal control locus decreases work stress by
reducing efficiency and happiness.
7. Antvor (2010) discusses the national culture's impact on the national work
satisfaction level but discusses its role on other measures of the employment aspects at
the same time. While there was a cultural impact on domestic job satisfaction, they
claimed that all work satisfaction factors were not unique to the cultural context. The
findings of a cross-border work satisfaction survey must be compared with
8. Artz (2010) Studies the relationship between rewards and work satisfaction for Outer.
Benefits from the periphery do not necessarily contribute to workplace satisfaction. In so
long as the employee has the impression that he can fulfill his desires, it is still
appropriate. It is also noticed that it does not fulfill the employee's expectations, which
contributes to discontent. Organizations need to evaluate their processes more
effectively and, if possible, provide fringe incentives and offer workers the chance to
make use of them, thereby generating satisfaction with their work.
9. Mudor and Tookson (2011) discuss the relationship between human capital
administration, employee satisfaction, and attrition eventually. Monitoring, recruitment,
and compensation procedures, which are the three factors of HRM practices, are
extremely counterproductive to employee satisfaction. Efficient workers lead to
continuous employment and fair wages for employees. Job quality contributes directly to
10. Ramayah (2011) evaluates whether mentoring results in work satisfaction within the
Malaysian context. His results suggest that career mentoring is connected to every
aspect of work satisfaction. The aspects of job satisfaction analyzed were: jobs
themselves, employees, managers, and promotion. At a higher education level, mentors
often play an important role and deliver meaningful job results directly. But
psychological mentoring has no essential connection to the three variables that fulfill the
job (co-workers, the job itself, and promotion). The study also suggests that since
therapeutic mentoring contributes to non-monetary happiness, workers would not
appreciate it in the longest possible term.
11. Nir (2012) studies the importance of teachers' perceived organizational support on
Job Satisfaction. There are two aspects to satisfaction, mainly intrinsic and extrinsic.
Earned status and respect are extrinsic factors that play an important role in employee
satisfaction. Self-efficacy, as an intrinsic factor, helps as it promotes individual
selffulfillment. When an organization value its employee's contribution and cares about
their well-being, employees are intrinsically and extrinsically satisfied.
13. Kumari and Pandey (2011) State that for any country, both the public and private
sector are equally important and these two are fundamental criteria for every nation to
thrive and expand. Here, the level of workplace satisfaction has been checked for work
ambivalence (the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about
something). The manager received a higher output ranking if the ambivalence of the
workers was lower and vice versa. Jobs happiness and success have little connection if
the ambivalence to the work rises. Organizations should also concentrate on clarifying
their jobs to the workers in order to properly appreciate the task.
14. Seniwoliba A.J. (2013), analysed career quality satisfaction levels of teachers in
the public high school in Temale Metropolis in Ghana and was found to motivate
employees and contribute successfully to the achievement of job satisfaction through
factors extrinsic to pay, rewards, working conditions, protection (medical and future
pension benefits). In terms of worker satisfaction, the wages and working conditions are
greater and organisations should still concentrate on it and take steps to enhance it by
expanding. Organizations must preach fair wages for equal status.
15. Witte (2012) discussed the element of job satisfaction highlighted on group
discrepancies. The research was carried out in Belgium in the banking industry. For the
hypothesis test, a model was developed. The paradigm is "job demand management
support," and the study showed that the demand for work had the greatest impact in
explaining satisfaction in relation to working circumstances and less in relation to
explaining satisfaction with task contents.
16. Saari & Judge (2004) discussed attitudes towards employee satisfaction, discussed
the employee's mood is linked to the job where an employee loves the job, the content
level rises with increasing the success of the company as a whole.
17. Singh & Jain (2013), Employee happiness and its impact on results were
highlighted. The behavior of workers represents the company's morality. The satisfied
staff has a significant role in customer care and sales because they communicate
regularly with the customer. The office is the gateway to employee fulfillment. Good
labor practices and good working conditions also improve workers' efficiency,
profitability, satisfaction, and retention.
18. Shanmugapriya. S (2016), in his study, the employees of public sector banking
opined that the state banks had a sea turn in their success in analyzing determinants of
job satisfaction. Moreover, the economic and financial market reforms have begun.
Various factors have made India one of the world's fastest-growing economies,
including opening the global markets, reforming the banking system, rising investment
levels, the proactive regulatory landscape, and its demographic profile. There is no
question, for a functioning financial environment, a safe banking sector is important.
Indian banks have good human capital and operating technologies oriented, being the
largest and most profitable domestic and global scenarios.
19. Neeraj Kumari (2016) pursued observational research on behavior and criteria in
the service sector against job satisfaction. The research is done with a certain
framework and observations into the life insurance scheme. Throughout the analysis, it
is found that life insurance employees are usually satisfied. The researcher stresses the
facets of incentives and financial advantages, and personal recognition, which has a
dominant function to play, factors such as the company's goals, the reputation and
credibility of the company, sustainability with the role, and the personality of the
employee. The researcher further suggested that managers take care of recruiting and
personnel decisions to make a constructive contribution to the human resource to
effectively aware of the organization's future needs.
Kerry Fairbrother James Warn, (2003), Workplace dimensions, stress and job satisfaction,
Journal of Managerial Psychology,18(1),8 – 21
Alf Crossman Bassem Abou Zaki, (2003),Job satisfaction and employee performance of Lebanese
banking staff", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 18(4),368 – 376
Annabel Droussiotis Jill Austin, (2007),Job satisfaction of managers in Cyprus, Euro Med Journal
of Business,2(2),208 – 222
Elsy Verhofstadt Hans De Witte Eddy Omey, (2007), Higher educated workers: better jobs but
less satisfied? International Journal of Manpower,28(2),135 – 151
Wei Cheng J. Mau Randy Ellsworth Donna Hawley, (2008), Job satisfaction and career
persistence of beginning teachers, International Journal of Educational Management,22 (1),48 –
Jui Chen Chen Colin Silverthorne, (2008),The impact of locus of control on job stress, job
performance and job satisfaction in Taiwan, Leadership & Organization Development
Journal,29(7),572 -582
Jacob Eskildsen Kai Kristensen Henrik Gjesing Antvor, (2010),The relationship between job
satisfaction and national culture, The TQM Journal,22 (4),369 – 378
Benjamin Artz (2010), Fringe benefits and job satisfaction. International Journal of Management
Mudor, H. & Tookson, P. (2011), Conceptual framework on the relationship between human
resource management practices, job satisfaction, and turnover. Journal of Economics and
Behavioral Studies ,2(2),41-49
May Chiun Lo T. Ramayah, (2011), Mentoring and job satisfaction in Malaysian SMEs, Journal of
Management Development,30(4),427 – 440
Ronit Bogler Adam E.Nir, (2012),The importance of teachers’ perceived organizational support
to job satisfaction. Journal of Educational Administration,50(3),287-306
Nina Tomaževi# Janko Seljak Aleksander Aristovnik , (2014),Factors influencing employee
satisfaction in the police service: the case of Slovenia, Personnel Review,43(2),209 – 227
Kumari, G & Pandey K.M. (2011). Job Satisfaction in Public Sector and Private Sector : A
Comparison. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology ,2(3),202-228
Seniwoliba A.J. (2013). Teacher motivation and job satisfaction in senior high schools in the
Tamale metropolis of Ghana. Merit Research Journal of Education and Review,1(9),181-196
Bart Cambré Evelien Kippers Marc van Veldhoven Hans De Witte, (2012), Jobs and organizations,
Personnel Review,41(2),200 – 215
Lise M.Saari and Timothy A. Judge, (2004),Employee Attitudes and Job Satisfaction, Human
Resource Management,43(4)395 – 407.
Singh, J.K & Jain, M (2013). A Study of Employees’ Job Satisfaction and its impact on their
Performance. Journal of Indian Research, 1(4), 105-111.
Shanmugapriya. S (2016) “Determinants of Job Satisfaction of Public Sector Bank Employees”,
International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education (IJSRME) ISSN (Online): 2455
– 5630 ( Volume I, Issue II, 2016.
Neeraj Kumari (2016), Study of Parameters Affecting Employee Satisfaction, in Reliance life
insurance branches of New Delhi, Journal of Business and Management Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 2,
2016, pp 34-42. [20] Crispen Chipunza, BulelwaMalo (2017) on “Organizational culture and job
satisfaction among academic professionals at a South African university of technology”,
Problems and Perspectives in Management, 15(2), 148-161.
The data need for the study is collected from the employees, through
questionnaire. Analysis and interpretation has been done by using the statistical tools
and data presented through tables and charts.
The study was based on survey method. The aim of the study is to find
satisfaction levels of employees.
A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population.
Convenience sampling method used in selected samples.
This study on employee satisfaction was conducted during the period of Jan
2022 to April 2022 which is Four months.
The data collected for the study consists of both primary and secondary data.
In this study primary data were collected through personnel interview using
questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered to fifty employees of SUCCESS
In this study the researcher have used a questionnaire consisting of twenty two
multiple choice based questions.
Graphical Representation tool such as Bar Graphs and Pie charts have been
used for the data analysis.
18- 25 18 16.7%
25- 35 61 56.5%
35- 45 12 11.1%
MORE THAN 45 17 15.7%
TOTAL 108 100
18- 25 25- 35 35- 45 More than 45
MALE 88 81.5%
FEMALE 20 18.5%
Chart Title
From the above table, it is interpretation that 81.5% of respondents are Male category
and 18.5% belong to Female category.
3. Marital status of the respondent
MARRIED 63 58.3%
UNMARRIED 45 41.7%
From the above table, it can be interpreted that out of the option given 58.3% of
respondent are married, 41.7% of respondent are unmarried.
4. ________ is your position in company
MANAGER 3 2.8%
From above table, it can be interpreted that out of the option given 93.5% of respondent
are Employee and 3.7% of respondent are supervisor and 2.8% of respondent are
5. How much experience do you have
3 - 5 years 25 23.1%
5- 10 years 39 36.1%
Less than 3 year 19 17.6%
CHART NO.4.1.5:
3 - 5 years 5- 10 years Less than 3 year More than 10
From the above table 23.1% of the respondent have 3-5 years and 36.1% of the
respondent are 5- 10 years and 17.6% Less than 3 years and 23.1% of the respondent
are More than 10 year.
6. How happy are you at work
TABLE NO.4.1.6:
50% 13 12%
65% 21 19.4%
85% 49 45.4%
100% 25 23.1%
Total 108 100
1 2 3 4
From the above table 12% of the respondent are have 50% and 19.4% of the respondent are
have 65% and 45.4% of the respondent are 85% and the 23.1% of the respondent are 100%.
7.Do you enjoy your company culture
Yes 89 82.4%
No 19 17.6%
Chart Title
From the above table 82.4% of the respondent are selected Yes and 17.6% of the
respondent are selected No.
8. How many hours do you work in your company
6 Hours 3 2%
7 Hours 4 3.7%
8 Hours 39 36.1%
9 Hours 63 58.3%
6 Hours 7 Hours 8 Hours 9 Hours
From the above table 6.5% of the respondent are 6 Hours and 1.9% of the respondent
are 7 Hours and 34.3% of the respondent are 8 Hours and 57.4% of the respondent are
9 Hours.
9. How do you feel when you arrive at the office in the morning
I am already exhausted and I feel Motivated and I experience stressful None of these
can't wait to go home energized situation from time but I
manage stress well so it
dosen't build up
Fig no.4.1.9: How do you feel when you arrive at the office in the morning
From the above table 6.5% of the respondent are selected I am already exhausted and
can’t wait to go home and 67.6% of the respondent are selected I feel motivated and
energized and 10.2% of the respondent are selected I managed stressful situation from
time but I manage stress well so it dosen’t build up and 15.7% of the respondent are
selected None of theses .
Yes 94 87%
No 14 13%
Chart Title
Fig no.4.1.10: Do the employees have a strong relationship with co- workers
INTERPRETATION: From the above table 87% of the respondent are selected Yes
and 13% of the respondent are selected No.
11. How as your relationship with your manager
Friendly 48 44.4%
Take initiative 4 3.7%
Share the credit 17 15.7%
CHART NO.4.1.11:
Friendly Take initiative Share the credit None of these
From the above table 44.4% of the respondent are selected Friendly and 3.7% of the
respondent are selected Take initative and 15.7% of the respondent are selected Share
the credit and 36.1% of the respondent are selected None of these
12. Whether your company provides transport service
Yes 91 84.3%
No 17 15.7%
Chart Title
From the above table 84.3% of the respondent are selected Yes and 15.7% of the
respondent are selected No.
13. What is your personal growth in your company
Mental growth Social growth Emotional growth Psychological growth
From the above table 52.8% of the respondent are selected Mental growth and 14.8%
of the respondent are selected Social growth and 15.7% of the respondent are selected
Emotional growth and 16.7% of the respondent are selected Psychological growth.
14. How many years you have been with this company
CHART No.4.1.14
1-3 years 4-6 years Less than a year More than 6 years
Fig no.4.1.14: How many years you have been with this company
From the above table 27.8% of the respondent are selected 1- 3 years and 24.1% of the
respondent are selected 4- 6 years and 29.6% of the respondent are selected Less than
a year and 18.5% of the respondent are selected More than 6 years.
15. Do you have health benefit that are available to you through the
Yes Somewhat No None of these
Fig no.4.1.15: Do you have health benefit that are available to you through the city
From the above table 41.7% of the respondent are selected Yes and 10.2% of the respondent
are selected Somewhat and 39.8% of the respondent are selected No and 8.3% of the
respondent are selected None of these.
16. Does your work give you a sense of accomplishment
Slightly 8 7.4%
Moderately 52 48.1%
Very 27 25%
Not at all 21 19.4%
Slightly Moderately very Not at all
From the above table 7.4% of the respondent are selected Slightly and 48.1% of the respondent
are selected Moderately and 25% of the respondent are selected Very and 19.4% of the
respondent are selected Not at all.
17. Are you aware of all HR policies
Yes 80 74.1%
No 28 25.9%
Chart Title
From the above table 74.1% of the respondent are selected Yes and 25.9% of the
respondent are selected No.
18. The morale in my department is high
Agree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Some what Agree
From the above table 65.7% of the respondent are selected Agree and 16.7% of the
respondent are selected Neither agree or disagree and 17.6% of the respondent are
selected Some what agree.
19. Is the company provides a canteen
No 0 0
Chart Title
From the above table 100% of the respondent are selected Yes.
20. How transparent do you feel the management is
25% 10 9.3%
50% 69 63.9%
More than 50% 29 26.9%
Less than 25% 0 0
25% 50% More than 50% Less than 25%
From the above table 9.3% of the respondent are selected 25% and 63.9% of the
respondent are selected 50% and 26.9% of the respondent are selected More then
21. Do you feel value for contribution
Agree 88 81.5%
Disagree 20 18.5%
Chart Title
From the above table 81.5% of the respondent are selected Agree and 18.5% of the
respondent are selected Disagree
22. Do your superiors communicate company news effectively and in
a timely manner
Week in work Daily team work Self activity All of these
INTERPRETATION: From the above table 8.3% of the respondent are selected
Week in Week and 38.9% of the respondent are selected Daily team work and 12% of
the respondent are selected self activity and 40.7% of the respondent are selected All of
In statistical hypothesis testing, two hypotheses are compared. These are called the null
hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is the hypothesis that
states that there is no relation between the phenomena whose relation is under
investigation, or at least not of the form given by the alternative hypothesis. The
alternative hypothesis, as the name suggests, is the alternative to the null hypothesis: it
states that there is some kind of relation. The alternative hypothesis may take several
forms, depending on the nature of the hypothesized relation; in particular, it can be two-
sided (for example: there is some effect, in a yet unknown direction) or one-sided (the
direction of the hypothesized relation, positive or negative, is fixed in advance
• Majority (56.5%) of the respondent are between the age of 25-35, the next
highest is (16.7%) and they belong to 18- 25 after that comes (15.7%) of the
respondent are More than 45 and (11.1%) of the respondent are 35- 45.
• Majority (81.5%) of the respondent are Male and the remaining (18.5%) of the
respondent are Female.
• Majority (58.3%) of the respondent are Married and (41.7%) of the respondent
are Unmarried.
• Majority (93.5%) of the respondent are Employee and next highest is (3.7%) of
the respondent are supervisor and (2.8%) of the respondent are Manager.
• Majority ( 45.4%) of the respondent are selected 85% and (23.1%) of the
respondent are selected 100% and (19.4%) of the respondent are selected 65%
and (12%) of the respondent are have 50% happy at their work.
• Majority (82.4%) of the respondent are selected Yes and (17.6%) of them
selected No for the question that do you enjoy your company culture.
• Majority (57.4%) of the respondent are selected 9 Hours and next highest is
(36.1%) of the respondent are have 8 Hours work and (3.7%) of them are have 7
Hours work and (1.9%) of the respondent are selected 6 Hours works.
• Majority (65.7%) of the respondent are selected that I feel motivated and
energized while arrive to the work in morning and next highest (16.7%) of the
respondent are selected None of these and (10.2%) of the respondent are I
experience stressful situation from time but I manage stress well so it doesn’t
build up and (7.4%) of the respondent are selected I am already exhausted and
can’t wait to go home.
• Majority (87%) of the respondent of my are selected that Yes and (13%) of the
respondent are selected No for the question that do you have a strong
relationship with your co- workers.
• Majority (44.4%) of the respondent are selected Friendly and (36.1%) of the
respondent are selected None of these and (15.7%) of the respondent are
selected share the credit and (3.7%) of the respondent are selected Take
• Majority (41.7%) of the respondent are selected Yes and (39.8%) of the
respondent are selected No and (10.2%) of the respondent are selected Some
what and (8.3%) of the respondent are selected None of these.
• Majority (48.1%) of the respondent of my questionnaire are selected Moderately
and (25%) of the respondent are selected very and (19.4%) of the respondent
are selected Not at all and (7.4%) of the respondent are selected slightly.
• Majority (74.1%) of the respondent are selected Yes and (25.9%) of the
respondent are selected No to the question that Are you aware of all HR policies.
• Majority (65.7%) of the respondent are selected Agree and (17.6%) of the
respondent are selected Some what agree and (16.7%) of the respondent are
selected Neither agree or disagree for the question is the morale in your
department is high.
• Majority (100%) of the respondent are selected yes for the question Is the
company provide canteen.
• Majority (81.5%) of the respondent are selected Agree and (18.5%) of the
respondent are selected NO for the question Are you feel valued for your
• Majority (40.7%) of the respondent are selected All of these and (38.9%) of the
respondent are selected Daily team work and (12%) of the respondent are
selected Self activity and (8.3%) of the respondent are selected week in week.
Majority of the respondent are happy and satisfied at their work. Hence 12%
of the respondent are selected 50% happy in there work we need to find the
solution to give 100% Happy at their work.
Sufficient opportunities should be given to employees to improve their skills.
Majority 87% of the respondent are said that they have a strong relationship
with the co- workers. Hence 13% of them are said No we need to find the
solution and give the employees a strong relationship to make a positive work
space with the co- workers and support your fellow team members.
Majority 65.7% of the respondent are Feel Motivated and energized while
arrive at the office at morning. Hence some of them are selected I can
manage stressful situation and can’t wait to go home we need to find solution
to give every employee to get motivated and energized.
Majority 65.7% of the respondent are selected Agree morale in there
department is high. Hence 16.7% of them are selected Neither agree or
disagree have Measure the employees morale regularly and make positive
Majority 48.1% of the respondent are selected Moderately sense of
accomplishment. Hence 19.4% of them selected Not at all we need to find
solution and give them a great sense of accomplishment and give them have
skill and opportunity to make a measurable contribution in work.
To get a personal growth in the company they should promote and
acknowledge and encourage outside development.
To feel valued for your contribution you should a meaningful work and
celebrate achievements and make time for the team.
• The employees hesitate to disclose the true facts in order to secure their job.
• It was also very disappointing for me at times when the feedback given by the
employees were below expectation.
Kerry Fairbrother James Warn, (2003), Workplace dimensions, stress and job satisfaction,
Journal of Managerial Psychology,18(1),8 – 21
Alf Crossman Bassem Abou Zaki, (2003),Job satisfaction and employee performance of Lebanese
banking staff", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 18(4),368 – 376
Annabel Droussiotis Jill Austin, (2007),Job satisfaction of managers in Cyprus, Euro Med Journal
of Business,2(2),208 – 222
Elsy Verhofstadt Hans De Witte Eddy Omey, (2007), Higher educated workers: better jobs but
less satisfied? International Journal of Manpower,28(2),135 – 151
Wei Cheng J. Mau Randy Ellsworth Donna Hawley, (2008), Job satisfaction and career
persistence of beginning teachers, International Journal of Educational Management,22 (1),48 –
Jui Chen Chen Colin Silverthorne, (2008),The impact of locus of control on job stress, job
performance and job satisfaction in Taiwan, Leadership & Organization Development
Journal,29(7),572 -582
Jacob Eskildsen Kai Kristensen Henrik Gjesing Antvor, (2010),The relationship between job
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Benjamin Artz (2010), Fringe benefits and job satisfaction. International Journal of Management
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A) 18- 25
B) 25- 35
C) 35- 45
D) More than 45
A) Male
B) Female
4. Marital status
A) Married
B) Unmarried
A) Student
B) Employee
C) Business
D) Others
6. How much experience do you have
A) 5- 10 years
B) 10- 20 years
C) 20- 30 years
A) 50%
B) 65%
C) 85%
D) 100%
A) Yes
B) No
A) 5 Hours
B) 6 Hours
C) 8 Hours
D) 9 Hours
10. How do you feel when you arrive at the office in the morning
C) I experience stressful situation from time but I manage stress well so it dosen’t build
D) None of these
A) Yes
B) No
A) Friendly
B) Take initiative
D) None of these
A) Yes
B) No
A) Mental Growth
B) Social Growth
C) Emotional Growth
D) Psychological Growth
15. How many years have you been with this company
A) 1- 3 years
B) 4- 6 years
16. Do you have a health benefits that are available to you through the city
A) Yes
B) Some what
C) No
D) None of these
A) Slightly
B) Moderately
C) Very
D) Not at all
A) Yes
B) No
19. The morale in my department is high
A) Strongly
B) Disagree
A) Yes
B) No
A) 25%
B) 50%
A) Agree
B) Disagree
23. Do your superiors communicate company news effectively and in a timely manner
A) Week in Week
C) Self Activity
D) All of these