d1 Questions
d1 Questions
d1 Questions
(a) Explain the meaning of the term therapeutic window and discuss its importance in drug
(c) Identify one other effect of a drug which must be determined during clinical trials.
(Total 8 marks)
2. Explain what is meant by the term tolerance and suggest why this is a particular problem for
heroin users.
(Total 2 marks)
3. Drugs can be prescribed for treating various diseases and assisting in healing the human body,
however, any drug presents potential risks. The properties of three drugs are summarized below.
(Total 3 marks)
4. Medicines and drugs alter the physiological state of the body including consciousness and
(a) State one other effect of medicines and drugs on the body.
(ii) tolerance.
(Total 4 marks)
5. Outline the major stages in the development of a new drug.
(Total 3 marks)
Discuss the term therapeutic window. Your answer should include its meaning, a quantitative
description and an explanation of wide and narrow therapeutic windows.
(Total 4 marks)
(i) side-effect
(ii) therapeutic window
(Total 3 marks)
(i) One method of injecting drugs into the body results in the drug having a very rapid effect.
State the method and explain its rapid action.
(ii) List the two other methods which can be used to inject drugs into the body.
(iii) Identify the method of administration used to treat respiratory diseases such as asthma.
(Total 4 marks)
9. Many drugs are taken orally. State three other ways in which drugs may be taken by a patient.
(Total 2 marks)