Tillage Effects On Soil Properties and Crop Yield After Land Reclamation
Tillage Effects On Soil Properties and Crop Yield After Land Reclamation
Tillage Effects On Soil Properties and Crop Yield After Land Reclamation
Tillage treatments have an important effect on soil microstructure characteristics, water thermal
properties and nutrients, but little is known in the newly reclaimed cultivated land. For the reason,
a long-term field study was to evaluate the tillage effects on soil physicochemical properties and
crop yield in newly reclaimed cultivated land via the macroscopic and microscopic analysis. Three
tillage treatments were tested: continuous conventional moldboard plow tillage (CT), sub-soiling/
moldboard-tillage/sub-soiling tillage (ST) and no-tillage/sub-soiling/no-tillage (NT). Under CT,
the microstructure was dominated by weakly separated plates structure and showed highest bulk
density (BD) (1.49 g cm−3) and lowest soil organic matter (SOM) (3.68 g kg−1). In addition, CT reduced
the capacity of soil moisture retention and temperature maintenance, resulting in aggregate
structure deterioration and fragility. Unlike CT, the soil was characterized by moderately separated
granular structure and highly separated aggregate structure under conservation tillage practice of
ST and NT. NT was associated with the highest soil moisture content (20.42%), highest quantity
of macroaggregates (> 0.25 mm) by wet-sieving (34.07%), and highest SOM (6.48 g kg−1) in the
surface layer. Besides, NT was better able to regulate soil temperature and improved the values of
geometric mean diameter. Under NT and ST, a stable soil structure with compound aggregates and
pores was formed, and the maize yield was increased by 12.9% and 14.9% compared with CT, up to
8512.6 kg ha−1 and 8740.9 kg ha−1, respectively. These results demonstrated the positive effects of NT
and ST on soil quality and crop yield in newly reclaimed cultivated land.
With the rapid development of China’s industrialization and urbanization, the amount of cultivated land
decreases sharply, and the conflict between people and cultivated land is intensifying, which will threaten food
security and healthy development of agriculture. In order to curb the reduction in the amount of cultivated land,
China has launched a large number of newly reclaimed cultivated land projects to supplement cultivated land
resources in a timely m anner1–3. The newly reclaimed cultivated land is an important cultivated land resource,
which was formed by covering raw soil on barren and abandoned gravel land after land reclamation. Among
the land resources that can be developed and utilized in China, barren and abandoned gravel land accounts
for 32.31%, which has the characteristics of covering a larger area and having great potential for d evelopment4.
After transformed into newly reclaimed cultivated land via relevant engineering and agricultural management
measures on barren gravel land, it is not only of great importance to contribute to regional food security and
healthy development of agriculture, but also beneficial to ecological safety and economic development5. Although
the amount of cultivated land has been supplemented, the newly reclaimed cultivated land is different from the
traditional cultivated land soil. The problems of newly reclaimed cultivated land, such as low soil maturity, poor
soil structure and low productivity, severely limit the availability of newly cultivated l and5–7. Therefore, increas-
ing productivity by improving the quality of newly reclaimed cultivated land is extremely important7,8. Many
different fertilization measures had been used to improve soil quality of newly reclaimed cultivated land, and
research results showed that organic fertilizer application with chemical fertilizer was the best choice for soil
improvement6. Fly ash, phosphogypsum and other amendments have been adopted to restore the soil nutrient
status of newly reclaimed cultivated land, which concluded that mineral addition had a positive impact on soil
Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd., Xi’an 710075, China. 2Key Laboratory
of Degraded and Unused Land Consolidation Engineering, The Ministry of Natural Resources, Xi’an 710075,
China. 3Institute of Land Engineering and Technology, Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction Group
Co., Ltd., Xi’an 710075, China. 4Shaanxi Provincial Land Consolidation Engineering Technology Research Center,
Xi’an 710075, China. *email: sunzenghui061@126.com
water thermal properties, soil nutrients and crop yield9,10. In addition, previous studies have also shown that
some field engineering measures such as land leveling, cultivated land restructuring and irrigation and water
conservancy construction play a certain role in improving soil q uality11. However, these current measures mainly
focus on the optimization of fertilization methods, the selection of soil mineral modifiers and land consolida-
tion to improve newly reclaimed cultivated land soil quality. Tillage treatment is a traditional soil improvement
method, which can significantly regulate the dynamic balance of water, fertilizer, gas and heat in the s oil12. It also
affects the structural stability of the soil and the absorption of nutrients by crops, and finally affects crop y ield13.
In particular, conservation tillage practices such as no-tillage, subsoiling tillage and straw mulching have achieved
remarkable results in increasing soil nutrient content, improving soil structure, and reducing soil erosion, which
is of great significance to ensure sustainable development of soil and agricultural ecological e nvironment14–16.
However, there are few studies on the effects of different tillage treatments on newly reclaimed cultivated land,
which seriously affects the healthy development of newly reclaimed cultivated land.
In recent years, inappropriate agricultural practices, such as intensive and conventional tillage systems that
leave soil surfaces bare are main driving forces for agricultural soil degradation14. Conservation tillage practices
such as no-tillage and straw mulching have been paid more and more attention. It has been observed that subsoil-
ing tillage treatment can effectively break the plow pan of cultivated land soil, improve soil structure and increase
soil porosity and water retention capacity17,18. The effect of no-till treatment on soil bulk density is not as obvious
as that of ST. Advantages of stubble mulching no-till are related to SOM, the activity of microorganisms, the num-
ber of aggregates and the stability of soil structure, which can create stable cultivation layer that will be conducive
to the growth of c rops16,19–21. However, due to intensive mouldboard plow tillage, the soil structure under the
conventional tillage practices is deteriorated, which has caused the decline of soil quality and lower and unsta-
ble crop y ields22,23. Previous research on tillage treatments has focused on the soil improvement of traditional
cultivated land15,18. Newly reclaimed cultivated land is constructed with raw soil as the main material, which is
different from the traditional cultivated land soil. After land reclamation, the soil structure of the newly reclaimed
cultivated land is unstable and relatively fragile5. Inappropriate single tillage treatment can cause soil particles
to migrate and settle, accelerate the nutrients mineralization and depletion, reduce the number and structural
stability of aggregates and disrupt surface vented pores, resulting in the compaction of lower layer soil and the
formation of plow p an24. Due to soil compaction and settling, the physical and chemical properties and crop
growth will be greatly affected. Therefore, the sustainable tillage practice of soil in the newly reclaimed cultivated
land is very important, yet few studies have compared the characteristics of newly reclaimed soil microstructure
and physicochemical properties under different tillage treatments from a microscopic perspective, it is neces-
sary to carry out further research about the improvement by different tillage treatments on the newly reclaimed
cultivated land. At present, new equipment based on environmental scanning electron microscope (SEM) plays
an important role in revealing soil microstructure characteristics and dynamic evolution, and the further study
of soil microstructure by using SEM helps to understand soil properties and internal m echanisms25–27.
We hypothesized that conservation tillage practices with NT and straw mulching could influence soil phys-
icochemical properties in newly reclaimed cultivated land, significantly increase soil water content and crop
yields by improving soil structure and increasing soil organic matter content, thereby enhancing soil productiv-
ity. However, the information on the influence of different tillage practices in newly reclaimed cultivated land
is scarce. In order to make up for this lack of information about the effect of different tillage treatments on the
newly reclaimed cultivated land, the objective of this study was to evaluate the: (1) effects of three different till-
age treatments on soil organic matter, aggregate distribution and stability, soil temperature, soil bulk density
and soil water content; (2) soil microstructure characteristics under three different tillage treatments by using
SEM; and (3) effects of different tillage treatments on crop yield in newly reclaimed cultivated land. The research
results will provide a theoretical basis for selecting suitable tillage measures for soil quality improvement in newly
reclaimed cultivated land.
Results and discussion
Effects of different tillage treatments on soil properties. Soil organic matter (SOM) and total ni-
trogen (TN). SOM and TN have positive effects on soil physicochemical properties and crop productivity.
SOM can not only increase soil nutrients, soil aggregation, aggregate stability and soil C conservation, but also
improve soil water storage capacity and promote crop growth28–30. TN plays an important part in improving
soil fertility, promoting plant residues decomposition, increasing crop yield, and promoting the coordination of
water and f ertilizer31,32. The effect of tillage treatments on SOM and TN is shown in Fig. 4. The content of SOM
under NT and ST was 36.4% and 22.9% higher than that under CT (P < 0.05) at the 0–10 cm layer, 31.1% and
12.3% higher at the 10–20 cm (Fig. 1a). Under NT treatment, the content of SOM was significantly higher than
that under ST and CT treatment, while no significant difference was observed between ST and CT treatment at
10–20 cm. It could be clearly seen from Fig. 1, the concentration of SOM under NT and ST gradually decreased
with the increasing soil depth, while increased with depth under CT. It was plausible that CT changed the spatial
distribution of the soil layer and accelerated SOM mineralization at surface layer. Result for the TN content was
similar to SOM (Fig. 1b). At the two soil layers, the TN concentration under NT and ST was markedly increased,
compared with CT, and the increase at 0–10 cm was 68.5% and 45.7%, respectively.
In summary, CT with frequent tillage operations disturbed soil greatly and destabilized soil structure, which
may accelerate the nutrients mineralization and d ecomposition33. In addition, CT exposed soil surfaces by
removing crop residues, decreased the C input through reducing the recycling of crop residues, which led to the
loss and depletion of nutrients at the surface layer. In contrast, the soil disturbance was slight under NT and ST
with crop straw residues covered, high activity of microorganisms and enzymes may accelerate the decomposi-
tion of crop residues, and increased C input through recycling of crop residues. Moreover, NT and ST reduced
soil disturbance and mechanical compaction, decelerated the mineralization and degradation of soil nutrients,
which was helpful to increase the content of SOM and TN and improve soil quality34. Therefore, the result was
consistent with previous studies, which reported no-tillage treatment had a higher SOM and TN concentration
compared with conventional tillage at the surface layer35–37.
Size distribution of aggregates. Different tillage treatments have different effects on the distribution of different
particle-size aggregates (Fig. 2). Compared with CT, the distribution data of aggregates determined by the wet-
sieve method showed that NT significantly increased the proportion of > 0.25 mm aggregates, and decreased the
proportion of < 0.25 mm aggregates (Fig. 3a, P < 0.05). For water-stable macroaggregates (> 0.25 mm), NT and ST
increased by 48.8% and 28.0% compared with CT, respectively. NT showed a significant effect on the distribution
of different particle-size aggregates, which was verified by studies of Du et al. and Bottinelli et al.38,39. The size
distribution of aggregates determined by dry-sieve method showed that NT and ST significantly increased the
proportion of > 5 mm particle-size aggregates and decreased the proportion of < 0.25 mm aggregates (Fig. 3b).
No significant difference was observed on the proportion of other particle-size aggregates. Compared with CT,
the proportion of macroaggregates under NT and ST increased by 6.3% and 12.8%, respectively.
In summary, due to soil disturbance in different degrees and different straw treatment methods, different
tillage treatments have different influence on the formation of different particle-size aggregates. The results of dry-
sieve method and wet-sieve method suggested that both NT and ST increased the proportion of macroaggregates
and reduced the aggregate breakdown. It may indicate that conservation tillage practices and application of crop
residues decrease soil disturbances and increase SOC content, which is conducive to the formation and stability
of soil aggregates. These findings were supported by the results of Bhattacharyya et al., who found that NT was
beneficial to the formation of > 0.25 mm macroaggregate fractions compared with CT at the surface layer of soil.
SOM is the main cementing agent for soil aggregates, which is known to play a key role in soil a ggregation40,41.
However, due to intensive tillage and low SOC content, CT accelerated the reduction of > 0.25 mm macroag-
gregate fractions and increased the proportion of microaggregates (< 0.25 mm)16,19.
Stability index of soil aggregates. The results of dry-sieve method and wet-sieve method showed that geometric
mean diameter (GMD), mean weight diameter (MWD), > 0.25 mm macroaggregates (R0.25) values under NT
and ST were higher than that under CT, while the fractal dimension (D) value was lower than CT (Table 1).
Compared with CT, the results of the wet sieve method showed that the MWD, GMD, and R0.25 values were
increased by 17.9%, 11.8%, and 48.8% under NT treatment and 7.2%, 4.5% and 28.0% under ST treatment,
respectively. NT had the most obvious effect on the stability index of aggregates. Soil structural stability depends
on the proportion of stable aggregates, and a decrease in proportion and stability of macroaggregates may affect
soil structural s tability42–44. GMD, MWD, R0.25 and D are important indicators to evaluate the stability and dis-
tribution of soil aggregates, higher GMD, MWD and R0.25 values, and lower D value indicate higher soil particle
aggregation and better soil structural s tability45,46. Therefore, compared with CT, both NT and ST can enhance
the soil agglomeration and structural stability. Due to the minimum disturbance of soil aggregates, NT showed
the greatest effect on improving soil structure40,46.
Soil bulk density and soil water content. The soil bulk density (BD) under the ST and NT was lower than that
under CT to a greater extent at the 0–20 cm soil depth layers, however, the difference was not significant under
the NT and CT at the 0–10 cm (Fig. 3a). BD under ST and NT was reduced by 13.8% and 6.8% at the 0–10 cm
soil layer, and 11.8% and 8.1% at the 10–20 cm, respectively, compared with CT. The minimum soil bulk density
was observed under ST treatment with a value of 1.22 g cm−3, and due to intensive tillage operations and straw
removal, the maximum BD was observed under CT with a value of 1.49 g cm−3. At the 0–10 cm, significant dif-
ferences were found in BD between ST and CT (P < 0.05), while no significant difference between NT and CT.
Significant differences were observed between CT and ST treatment (P < 0.05), while no significant difference
between ST and NT at the 10–20 cm. The value of BD was higher at 10–20 cm than that at the 0–10 cm soil layer,
especially in the lower soil under CT. Specifically, ST remarkably reduced the surface BD. NT was also found to
result in lower BD than CT slightly, which was consistent with the result of Blanco et al., who found a decrease
in BD in the surface layer under NT treatment47. The slight decrease in BD under NT treatment compared with
CT, which may be partially attributed to the increase in SOM content resulting from application of crop residues
and improvement effect of NT coupled with subsoiling. BD is directly affected by SOM, as the particle density
of SOM is considerably lower than that of mineral soil48. Rintaro et al. reported a lower BD in soils with higher
levels of SOM content under NT treatment, which may partly explain our result49. As discussed above, compared
with CT, NT and ST played a certain role in reducing the BD, which is likely caused by over disturbance to the
soil without crop straw under CT. However, CT can lead to the migration of small soil particles, blockage in
Figure 3. Comparison of tillage treatments on BD and SMC at different soil layers. CT continuous conventional
moldboard-tillage, NT no-tillage/sub-soiling/no-tillage, ST sub-soiling/moldboard-tillage/sub-soiling tillage, BD
soil bulk density, SMC soil moisture content. Different lowercase letters represent significant differences between
different tillage treatments in the same soil layer.
Table 1. Comparison of different tillage rotation treatments on aggregate stability index. GMD geometric
mean diameter, MWD mean weight diameter, D fractal dimension, R0.25 > 0.25 mm aggregates, CT continuous
conventional moldboard-tillage, NT no-tillage/sub-soiling/no-tillage, ST sub-soiling/moldboard-tillage/sub-
soiling tillage. Different lowercase letters represent significant differences between different tillage treatments
in the same aggregate determination method.
pores, and the reduction of crop residues and organic matter content at the 0–20 cm tillage layer, which causes
soil compaction and increases the BD in newly reclaimed cultivated land14,19.
Soil water has important effects on the formation and development of soil, the movement of materials and
energy in the soil and the growth of crops. Among the three tillage treatments, NT resulted in the largest soil
moisture content (SMC), following by ST and CT at the 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm soil layers (Fig. 3b). At the
0–10 cm soil layer, the SMC under NT and ST was increased by 9.9% and 4.1% compared with CT, and signifi-
cant difference was observed between NT and CT (P < 0.05). At the 10–20 cm soil layer, The SMC of ST and NT
was 5.8% and 2.0% more than that under CT, and the difference between NT and CT treatment was significant
(P < 0.05). In contrast, no significant difference was observed between ST and CT. The results indicated that both
NT and ST could improve soil water storage when compared with the CT while the poor water storage under CT
was prone to soil moisture loss. The plausible explanation is that CT increases the frequency of tillage with straw
removed, resulting in soil compaction and less water transmission and retention. It is similar to the research
results of Zhou et al., who indicated that intensive conventional tillage would hinder the water infiltration24.
However, conservation tillage practices of NT and ST reduced tillage intensity and preserved straw cover that
increased soil water infiltration and SMC, and displayed a high water-holding capacity50.
Soil temperature. Soil temperature is a comprehensive indicator of soil thermal conditions, which affects the
availability of soil nutrients and crop growth and development. With the increase of soil depth, the soil tem-
perature showed a trend of decreasing first and then gradually stabilizing under all tillage treatments in general,
except for the soil temperature at the 25-cm layer under NT and ST at 10 o’clock (Fig. 4). The air temperature
was 16.2 °C and 22.8 °C at 10 o’clock and 16:30 o’clock, respectively. As shown in Fig. 4, the variation extent of
soil temperature under NT and ST was smaller compared with CT at both two time points, thus indicating a
poor ability to regulate soil temperature under CT. The high temperature in the 20–25 cm soil layer under NT
and ST treatments, which may be partially attributed to lagging effect of soil temperature conduction and straw
mulching51,52. Meanwhile, the soil temperature under NT was generally higher than that under CT and ST at
10 o’clock (Fig. 4a), and the results was partially consistent with the results of Awe et al.52, who found that soil
temperature was higher under no tillage compared with tilled soil. The magnitude of soil temperature variation
was highest under CT at 16:30 o’clock (Fig. 4b). The possible reason was that CT increased the disturbance to the
soil and removed the crop straw, resulting in a large change in soil temperature, which indicated a weak ability to
regulate and maintain temperature under CT. However, NT and ST minimized soil disturbance and temperature
variation, which will be better able to regulate and maintain soil temperature. Similarly, Blanco-Canqui et al.
showed that NT could mitigate near surface soil temperature53.
Analysis of soil microstructure characteristics based on SEM. SEM is a new method to describe
soil micromorphological characteristics, which is of great significance to the study of soil structure and soil
fertility26,54. The SEM images showed that the soil microstructure under different tillage treatments changed
significantly (Fig. 5). Under CT, the soil structure appears as moderately separated blocks and weakly sepa-
rated plates. The main types of pores were fissures and simple accumulation pores, while composite pores were
less. Furthermore, large macroaggregates, and more microaggregates and single particles were found in the soil
(Fig. 5a). Under ST, the soil structure included moderately separated clumpy structures and a few highly sepa-
rated granular structures. A small amount of composite packing voids and macroaggregates were found in the
soil, and few fresh plant residues were observed (Fig. 5b). Under NT, the surface soil was mainly composed of
moderately separated granular structures and highly developed aggregate structures. There was an abundance
of well-developed aggregates and visible composite pores. Some fresh plant residues and organism traces were
found in the tillage layer (Fig. 5c). Micromorphological observations and SEM images analysis suggested that
NT significantly improved soil structure. This was because no-tillage with crop straw cover improved the activ-
ity of microorganisms and plants in the soil, and promoted the root growth and formation of well-developed
aggregates16,21. Similar to NT, ST also could improve soil structure. Under ST, the number of soil aggregates
increased to a certain extent based on SEM images observation and analysis, which were promoted by slight
disturbance to soil and an increase in SOM. Our results were supported by the results of Zhang et al., who
found that ST can stimulate the formation and preservation of a ggregates55. However, under CT, due to excessive
tillage, no crop straw was covered on the surface soil, which greatly reduced the biomass and SOM produced
Figure 5. SEM images of soil under different tillage treatments. CT continuous conventional moldboard-tillage,
NT no-tillage/sub-soiling/no-tillage, ST sub-soiling/moldboard-tillage/sub-soiling tillage, SEM environmental
scanning electron microscope. Images were observed at the voltage of 10 kV with 1000 magnification times.
by cover crop straw residues, disturbed soil aggregates, accelerated the SOM mineralization and depletion56,57.
Therefore, CT was not conducive to the formation of aggregates and the improvement of soil structure22,23. This
was also consistent with the results of aggregate stability index, in which NT showed a good structure of highly
agglomeration (Table 1).
Effects of different tillage treatments on crop yield. Maize yields of different tillage treatments are
compared in Table 2. As it can be seen, the order of maize yield was ST > NT > CT. Maize yield under ST and NT
was significantly higher than CT treatment (P < 0.05), and little difference was observed between NT and ST. The
order of average kernels per spike and kernel weight was as the same as maize yield, highest in ST, following by
NT and CT. Compared with CT, the 1000-kernel weight increased by 8.5% and 4.6% under ST and NT treat-
ments, and the maize yield increased by 14.9% and 11.9%, respectively. Compared with CT, the conservation
tillage treatments of NT and ST are promising practices because they could provide good moisture, nutrient and
structural conditions for high and stable crop yields, which were confirmed by the results of the previous effects
on BD, SMC, aggregate structure and SOM.
In summary, NT and ST minimized soil disturbance and covered crop straws compared with the CT, which
was helpful to improve soil structural stability, and enhance soil water infiltration and water retention capacity.
In addition, NT and ST was also better able to maintain the soil temperature, and increase SOM and TN con-
tent, which resulted in maize grain development and maize yield increasement. In contrast, CT had a relatively
great disturbance to the soil and also removed crop straws, these factors accelerated the loss of soil moisture and
nutrients, deteriorated the structural stability and reduced the capacity of holding soil water and fertilizer, which
showed negative effects on crop aeration status and root development, resulting in unfavorable conditions for
maize growth and a consequent yield r eduction58,59.
Compared with CT, the conservation tillage practice of NT and ST increased the soil water storage while reducing
soil temperature variability and the soil bulk density in the newly reclaimed cultivated land. Based on SEM, the
soil microstructure under NT and ST changed from moderately separated block structures to highly developed
aggregate structures, and a large number of well-developed soil aggregates were formed. NT was also associated
with optimal GMD, MWD, R0.25 and D values, which confirmed the formation of well-developed aggregates and
the improvement of structural stability. In addition, NT and ST promoted the increase of SOM and total nitrogen
content, improved soil structure and increased crop yields in newly reclaimed cultivated land. The study indicates
Figure 6. Location maps of the sampling site in the Shaanxi Province The map was produced using ESRI
ArcGIS software (version 10.3; http://www.esri.com/sofware/arcgis/arcgis-for-desktop).
that NT and ST have positive effects on soil water thermal properties, structural stability, and nutrients in newly
reclaimed cultivated land, which is beneficial to high soil quality and crop yield.
Materials and methods
Description of the experimental site. This study was conducted at the long-term research site of Qin-
ling Field Monitoring Center Station (33° 59′–34° 19′ N, 107° 39′–108° 00′ E) located in Shangwang Village,
Tangyu Town, Meixian County, west of Shaanxi Province, China (Fig. 6). The climate in this area is character-
ized by a sub-humid warm temperate continental monsoon climate. The mean annual temperature is 12.9 °C,
with annual average sunshine hours of 2015.2 h. Its long-term average annual precipitation is 609.5 mm and
frost-free period is 218 days. At the 0–20 cm soil layer, the soil texture type of newly reclaimed cultivated land
is silt loam according to the USDA classification system, in which sand (0.05–2 mm), silt (0.002–0.05), and clay
(< 0.002 mm) accounted for 4.75%, 82.99%, and 12.26%, respectively. The basic soil properties are as follows: pH
value, 8.25; organic matter content, 4.07 g kg−1; total nitrogen content, 0.50 g kg−1; available phosphorus content,
20.44 mg kg−1; and available potassium content, 138.11 mg kg−1.
Experimental design. Experiments in newly reclaimed cultivated land plot were designed to study the
effects of different tillage practices on soil physicochemical properties and crop yields. The newly reclaimed
cultivated land is an important available cultivated land resource, which was formed by covering raw soil from
loess platform in Shangwang Village on barren gravel land after land reclamation, and barren gravel land is a
widely distributed type of unused land5. Different tillage treatment experiments were conducted in June 2016
with cropping system of maize (Zea mays L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotation. The tillage experiment
was arranged in a randomized complete block design with 3 replicates, and detailed tillage treatments and spe-
cific measures were shown in Table 3. There were a total of 9 experimental plots with an area of about 297 square
meters, and each tillage experimental plot was 6 m long and 5.5 m wide. The tested summer maize variety was
Hudan No. 4, the planting time was around June 10, the plant spacing was 30 cm, the row spacing was 50 cm,
and the planting density was 6.67 × 104 plants h a−1. The wheat variety was Xiaoyan 22, the planting time was
early October, the planting density was 150 kg·ha−1, and the row spacing was 20 cm. Other field management
procedures, such as fertilization and irrigation methods, were identical under the three tillage practices. The type
of fertilizers was urea, diammonium phosphate and potassium chloride. The amount of chemical fertilizers for
each treatment was unified, which was N 150 kg ha−1, P2O5 120 kg ha−1, K2O 90 kg ha−1. All of the diammonium
phosphate and potassium chloride should be applied as basal fertilizer, while 50% urea was applied as basal fer-
tilizer, and 50% as topdressing at crop filling stage.
Sampling and measurement methods. Disturbed and undisturbed soils were sampled at depths of 0–10
and 10–20 from each experimental site with a 10-cm diameter soil corer and cutting ring, and the soil aggregate
stability, moisture content, organic matter and soil temperature were measured during the maize harvest period
(late September 2019). Three soil samples were taken in each experimental plot. We have minimised soil distur-
bance to avoid disrupting the soil aggregate structure during collection and transportation. Soil microstructure
features were characterized by FEI Q45 SEM produced by the American FEI company. When conducted the
SEM experiment, air-dried soil samples were coated with an ion sputter instrument to obtain better flat surface,
and then microstructure characteristics were observed at the voltage of 10 kV with 1000 magnification times.
Maize yield was determined at 15% grain moisture content by methods of sampling and investigation. Nine
experimental plots with an area of about 297 square meters were harvested by hand at maize maturity, and the
effective panicle number of each plot was counted. Fifteen representative plants were randomly selected for each
treatment, and the number of kernels per spike was counted. The dried maize kernels were at 105 °C dry for 48 h
to ensure that the moisture content of maize grain yield was controlled below 15%, 1000-kernel weight of maize
was measured by weighing method, and finally the theoretical yield of grain was calculated. Soil pH value was
measured by the potential method (soil water ratio 2.5:1). The content of clay and silt was measured by pipette
method, and soil bulk density and water content were determined by using cutting ring method and drying
method at 105 °C60,61. Soil organic carbon (SOC) was measured by the rapid dichromate oxidation method and
total nitrogen was measured according to Kjeldahl method62,63. Soil temperature of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 cm soil layer
was determined by WNG-11 Right-angle geothermometer, and the average of the soil temperature monitoring
values for 3 consecutive days was taken as the soil temperature for this period. The stability and size distribution
of soil aggregates at 0–20 cm soil layer were measured by wet-sieve and dry-sieve methods43,64. The aggregate
content fraction > 0.25 mm (R0.25), MWD, GMD and fractal dimension (D) were calculated as Eqs. 1, 2 and 3,
(x i wi )
n , (1)
wi ln x i
GMD = exp
� n
M(r < x i ) xi
= , (3)
MT xmax
where n denotes the number of aggregate size fractions, xi is the mean diameter of aggregates retained in the ith
sieve, Wi is the weight of aggregates retained in the ith sieve, M(r ≤ xi) is the weight of aggregates with a fraction
diameter less than or equal to xi, and CT is the gross weight of aggregates.
Statistical analysis. The data were processed and analyzed by Microsoft Excel 2013 and SPSS22.0. Fig-
ure generation was performed by using SigmaPlot12.5. One-way analysis of variance of experimental data was
conducted through SPSS22.0 and the least significant range (LSD) method was used for multiple comparison,
P < 0.05 indicating significant level.
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This research was supported by the Scientific Research Item of Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction
Group (DJNY2020-25), the 2018 Open Fund for Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Land Remediation (2018-TD02),
the 2018 Open Fund for Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Land Remediation (2018-JC15), and the Key Laboratory
of Degraded and Unused Land Consolidation Engineering of the Ministry of Land and Resources of China.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Institute of Land Engineering and Technology, Shanxi Provincial Land
Engineering Construction Group, Xi’an, China.
Author contributions
Z.L., S.C. and Z.S. wrote the main manuscript. Z.L., H.W. and Z.S. designed the experiment. Z.L. performed
the experiments and collected the data. Z.L. and Z.S. prepared the figures. N.L., Q.D. and S.Q. contributed to
the statistical analysis. S.C. and J.H. provided English language editing. All the authors revised the manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Z.S.
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