Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics and Its Impact On Biodiversity Resources in The Abijata Shalla National Park, Central Rift Valley Lakes Region, Ethiopia
Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics and Its Impact On Biodiversity Resources in The Abijata Shalla National Park, Central Rift Valley Lakes Region, Ethiopia
Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics and Its Impact On Biodiversity Resources in The Abijata Shalla National Park, Central Rift Valley Lakes Region, Ethiopia
Ali Mohammed
Department of Environmental Science, Wollega University, PO box 395, Nekemete, Ethiopia
Eyasu Elias
Department of Environmental Science, Addis Ababa University, PO box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
1. Introduction
In the 1960s formal wildlife resource management in Ethiopia was initiated in the form of protected areas,
sanctuaries and agro-biodiversity reserves. Currently, there are many protected areas throughout the country
designated as National Parks, Wildlife Reserves, High Priority Forest Areas (HPFA), Biosphere Reserves and
Community Conservation Areas. These not only act as biodiversity ‘banks’, but also provide important
ecosystem services such as provisioning, supporting, regulating and cultural values (Tafesse, 2008).. The direct
economic benefits include revenues from tourism and carbon trading through clean development mechanism
(Young, 2012).
Abijata Shalla Lakes National park (ASLNP) is one of Ethiopia’s protected areas, established in 1970 but
has not yet been gazetted (Reaugh-Flower, 2011) although there are recent efforts to re-demarcate the park’s
core reserve area (Gebremedehin and Mequanint, 2015), The park comprises a large number of aquatic and
terrestrial ecosystems covering a surface area of 887 km2 (Fekadu and Rezenom 2002; Hengsdijk and Jansen
2006). In total,, there are 453 bird species and 6 are endemic to Ethiopia due to the proximity of numerous and
diverse aquatic and terrestrial habitats in the area (EWNHS, 2002). The aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
account for 482 km2 and 405 km2, respectively. The park is mainly established to protect aquatic birds such as
Flamingo lesser, Great White Pelican, phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish as well as several terrestrial species
Grant’s gazelle, Oribi warthog and the Golden Jackal are spotted mammals (Abdi, 1993; Young, 2012). This
large species diversity in the area makes the park one of biodiversity hotspot and Ramsar site for resident and
migratory birds (Young, 2012).
However, Ethiopia’s protected areas are increasingly been threatened by various internal and external
pressures and land use changes including settlement by the ever increasing population, expansion of cultivation
and commercial farming, overgrazing and related competing claims from the surrounding communities.
Journal of Environment and Earth Science
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.7, No.11, 2017
Journal of Environment and Earth Science
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.7, No.11, 2017
Journal of Environment and Earth Science
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.7, No.11, 2017
detect the land use land cover changes in ERDAS and GIS environment with the help of online Google Earth.
Five land use types were considered – woodland, cultivated area, grazing land, degraded land and water bodies
to detect land use change dynamic over time (Table 2).
Accuracy Assessment
Accuracy assessment for individual classification is essential to correct and efficient analysis of Land use land
cover change (Butt et al., 2015). Thus, the error matrix was used to assess the mapping accuracy. Accuracy
assessment indicates the degree of deference between classified images and reference data (Mosammam et al.,
Table 2: Assigned land use and land cover classes analyzed
LULC class Description
Water bodies Includes the lake, ponds, and other areas with shallow water
Wood land Areas covered by woody plants mainly Acacia-dominated areas
Cultivated land Areas of land used for growing crops including homestead
Grazing land Areas covered with natural pasture dominated by grasses and this may also
include small shrubs
Bare land Sloppy rocks and bare lands either due to over grazing and erosion
2.2.3. Land use land cover change detection
After classification, the data were imported in Arc GIS software for post-classification overlay, to map the
patterns and extent of land use and land cover in the study area. A pixel-based comparison was used to produce
change information on pixel basis and thus, interpret the changes more efficiently. The digital data obtained
from the satellite images was processed and supplemented with data from published works conducted in the park
area and in the central rift valley area in general.
2.2.4 Normalized Vegetation Value Index generation to support LULC change classification
The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) map and value was performed to support the classification
because this vegetation index is successful to show the vegetation health and their abundance and distribution,
degradation status and coverage (Pettorelli et al., 2005). It has been widely employed to describe the
spatiotemporal characteristics of land use land cover, including percent vegetation coverage (Kaufmann, 2003).
We produced a map in ERDAS imagine by using NDVI tool which used the above formula to produce the
output, then we imported the map into Arc GIS software for further calculation of mean, standard deviation,
maximum and minimum value.
According to Rouse et al., (1974), NDVI value calculated by simple mathematical combination of two
bands namely near infrared and visible band of the image was used. the formula of NDVI expressed as follow;
NDVI = (NIR – VIS) / (NIR + VIS) …………………………………………..(eq.1)
Where: NDVI = Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
NIR = near infrared band
VIS = visible (red) band
Journal of Environment and Earth Science
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.7, No.11, 2017
Figure 2: Land use land cover classification in Abijata Shalla National park (1973-2016)
Table 4 below, revealed that the negative and positive change of each classes in three period (1973-1994
(first period), 1994-2000(second period) and 2000-2016(third period). In the first period, water bodies, wood
land and bare land decrease by 5.29%, 3.46% and 1.02% respectively, while cultivated land and grazing land
increase by 5.35% and 4.42%. In the second period, water bodies, grazing land and bare land increase by 7.19%,
4.35% and 0.56% respectively. On the other hand, wood land and cultivated land decrease by 3.15% and 8.96%
respectively. In the third period, water bodies, wood land and bare land decrease by 17.4%, 2.24% and 4.17%,
Whereas, cultivated land and grazing land increase by 18.51% and 5.32%, respectively.
The cumulative change trend from 1973 to 2016 shows that cultivate land and grazing land increase by
14.89% and 14.1% respectively, while water bodies and the acacia wood land areas decreased by 15.51 %, 8.86%
respectively (Figure 3).
Journal of Environment and Earth Science
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.7, No.11, 2017
3.2. Discussion
3.2.1. Land use land cover and its dynamics
The decreasing trend of water bodies during much of the first and third periods might be due to several factors.
First, water abstraction by soda ash factory, NACID (2004) indicated that the factory abstracts 5 million m3 of
water annually, which is 1% of the amount of water lost from the lake due to natural evaporation. A
clear evidence of the effect of this factory on the lake started to be seen since 1985, when the lake began to
decline in depth, level, volume and surface area (Dagnachew et al, 2005). According to Gemechu (2010), the
inflow from lake Ziway reduced mainly since 1994. The increment (7.19%) is might be due to high erosion in
the surrounding as a result of vegetation cover reduction. This result supported by Temesgen et al. (2013);
Muzein (2006).
Secondly, there has been tremendous reduction in the inflow of Bulbula River due to wide intensified
irrigation farming by the horticulture and floriculture project installed on the Ziway lake, which is the source of
River Bulbula. There was proflification of the green house floriculture companies and horticulture associations
on the banks of Lake Ziway and Bulbula river over the past decade which was very much encouraged as source
of employment and foreign currency earner. Among other environmental pollution effects such as pesticides and
heavy metal contamination for the water bodies, it severely affected the water volume of the tterminal Lake
Abijata (Fetahi, 2016). To this can be added increasing demands for water by ever increasing livestock
population and intermittent drought and climate change that are the characteristic feature of the semi-arid
ecology of the rift valley. According Gemechu (2010), Abijiata soda Ash Factory, inflow from Lake Ziway
has diminished from 220 mcm (million cubic meter) to 60 million cm resulting in reduced inflows to the lake
in 1994 and the year that followed.
Journal of Environment and Earth Science
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.7, No.11, 2017
Figure 5: calculated NDVI value driven from map at different reference year
Journal of Environment and Earth Science
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.7, No.11, 2017
In the same manner, the area of the acacia dominated woodland has decreased from 11.1% in 1973 to 2.25%
in 2016. The causal factors for the loss of the woodland area are related to clearance for cultivation (shifting
cultivation) and charcoal making, Previous study in the area suggested that woody vegetation decreased sharply
between 1986 and 2000, in the Great Rift Valley lakes region in general, strongly (Habtamu et al., 2013; Tafesse
(2008) . This is a period when the large army of the military government was disbanded following the fall of the
socialist regime and charcoal making was seen as easy means for making a living for disbanded soldiers. During
the last days of the Dergue regime, and for some time afterwards, large numbers of nomads took advantage of
the weakened central authority and moved into the Park to set up residence with their livestock. This was part of
the bitterness and resentment of the communities against the government who initially dispossessed the prime
grazing lands of the agro-pastoral populations in the area without proper consultation or compensation. In
resentment, the communities cleared, much of the Acacia woodland surrounding Lake Abijatta has for charcoal
On the contrary, cultivated land area increased considerably during the timelines under investigation. The
peak increase was during 2016, the reasons are clear as highlight above and include settled cultivation of within
the core park area by migrant communities as well as resenting nearby communities particularly following the
fall of the Dergue regime (i.e., 1994-2000). This increase might be due to the expansion of farming practice in
the park. Similar report presented by Gemechu (2010), Shift their livelihood system from animal husbandry to
crop production. Tafesse (2008), also prove the expansion of farm land in the park. Decreasing cultivation
practice might be the degradation of the land in that period.
In the same vein, grazing area expanded from 1973 to 2016 during in all periods, grazing land increases.
Again, this is reflection of settlement of farmers and agro-pastoralists with their cattle inside the park area.
Currently, there are about 181,168 during the dry season and 134,584 during the wet season livestock grazing in
the core park area (Kumssa and Bekele, 2014). This may be due to increasing cattle rearing to support increasing
population and decrease productivity of land for cultivation. Tafesse (2008), pointed out that grazing diminish
the biodiversity in the park. According to Gemechu (2010), the productivity of the land reduced from time to
time. Therefore, community depends on animal husbandry. Grazing animals influence species composition,
change in biomass and distribution of biodiversity. Despite this, the overuse by grazing of protected areas could
result in irreversible vegetation changes (Van de Koppel et al., 2002).
Bare land decreases in first and third period by 1. 02% and 4.14% respectively, and increased in the second
period by 0.56%. The decreasing trend might be due to an expansion of settlement and cultivation. The
increasing trend might be due to increasing runoff result more bare and degraded land in this period.
The cumulative result revealed that the park is highly encroached by cultivation and grazing and the water
bodies are extremely reduced in the past decades. These total significant changes might be due to illegal
settlement and population pressure which related with increasing deforestation, overgrazing, charcoal making,
industrial activities inside the park and change in admistrative power which result in policy gap. Before Dergue
regime, there was only low interaction between people and the park. Few landlords owned the land and it was
their responsibility to regulate resources usage. When the military government came to power, they forced strict
exclusion of people from the park area, which created levels of resentment that are still running high. In fact this
administration policy was driven more by political imperatives than by biodiversity conservation objectives. The
current federal system has no clear policy on administration and management of protected lands (Muzien, 2006).
3.2.2. The impact of land use land cover dynamics on biodiversity
Different studies reported that there are significant human intervention which result in changes land use land
cover over the past decades in Central Ethiopia Rift Valley (Abdi, 1993; Senbeta and Tefera, 2002; Muzien,
2006; Mengesaha et al., 2009). This change in turn, results in loss of biodiversity in the park. According to IBA
(2012), the park is one of IBAs (Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas) in danger sites, which are priority sites
for immediate action Among the globally threatened species known from the park are: Aquila heliaca (a rare
passage migrant); Falco naumanni (an uncommon passage migrant with a few wintering); Circus macrourus
(fairly common passage migrant, with a few wintering); and Acrocephalus griseldis (status unknown).In addition,
the park historically known abundant species including Oryx, Swayne’s Hartebeest, Buffalo, Water buck, Giraffe,
and lion have been exterminated and are replaced by other species like Grant’s gazelle, colobus monkey,
warthog, great kudu, klipspringer, oribi and Jackal (Fekadu and Rezenom, 2002). These species are rare
nowadays and there are only exceptional sights if one ever sees them at all. Kumssa and Bekele (2014), also
reported that the biodiversity of the park is decline.
According to Reaugh-Flower (2011), the main issues with regard to biodiversity include: mammal
population decline with local extinction, decline bird population, fish population close to zero, and diminished
tree cover. Fish population and diversity reduced due to reduced downstream flow from Meki river, to Lake
Ziway and finally to Lake Abijata. Apparently the number of pelican birds is decreasing because of decreasing
the fish population at Lake Abijata, affected by Soda Ash factory, which is situated at the shore. The lake water
is polluted causing loss of algae on which fish feeds. As a result, the Pelicans that feed on the fish migrated
Journal of Environment and Earth Science
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.7, No.11, 2017
(UNESCO, 2004).
In general, the park land use land cover dynamics indicate that there are different human induced factors
which affect the status of the biodiversity in the park. Similar result was reported in Awash national park (Belay
et al., 2014) and Nech Sar national park (Fetene et al., 2016).
4. Conclusion
The land use is continually changing, leading to expansion of cultivated and grazing lands and reduction of water
body in the core park area due to different anthropogenic interventions such as illegal settlement, water
abstraction for industrial activity. Currently, the lakes are also changing not only in volume but also in quality as
result of chemical pollution produced by the irrigated commercial agriculture. The contamination and reduction
of the water bodies is resulting in the changes in physico-chemical and biological variables have changed and
even some organisms have vanished. After 2000, the level of Lake Abijata is lowering at unprecedented manner.
As a result both aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity is declining such as vegetation, animal, birds and fishes. All
these and other problems clearly indicate the necessity for collaborative management of the park and its
resources especially Abijata and Shalla Lakes and their tributaries. Therefore, the park call critical attention
otherwise it may dry out like lake Alamaya.
5. Recommendations
Since, there are dynamics of land use, which seriously affect the park, there, should be proper management
strategy such as proper demarcation and avoid human interference, improve the livelihood of the community,
shifting to green economy and implementation to rehabilitate. Awareness creation Training and capacity
building is also important for Park staffs to create an understanding about the role of communities and
stakeholder involvement in park management that increases stewardship by the community. Involvement of
local people in the planning and implementing integrated water, grazing, and forest management and monitoring
programs. Strengthen the capacity of institutions involving in park management by directing the revenue from
the tourist industry to the wildlife/tourism authority and park management. Conducting environmental impact
assessment (EIA) for development activities inside or outside the national park and monitoring and follow up for
the implementation of the recommendations
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Journal of Environment and Earth Science
ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.7, No.11, 2017