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Birbir 2019

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Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 22 (2019) 592–599

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Engineering Science and Technology,

an International Journal
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jestch

Full Length Article

Design of a single-phase SPWM inverter application with PIC micro

Yasßar Birbir a,⇑, Kaner Yurtbasi b, Volkan Kanburoglu c
Department of Electric & Electronic Engineering, Technology Faculty, Marmara University, Turkey
Marmara University, Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences Istanbul, Turkey
Marmara University, Ataturk Faculty of Education, Istanbul 34722, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The goal of this study was to investigate low level harmonic content with unipolar voltage switching and
Received 5 April 2018 bipolar voltage switching methods. Hence, we designed a single-phase full-bridge inverter application
Revised 28 November 2018 with Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique by using Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) microcon-
Accepted 29 November 2018
troller. To obtain sinusoidal control signal and control of the inverter parameters, a PIC16F877 microcon-
Available online 13 February 2019
troller was utilized in conjunction with an inverter to perform these two different techniques. The LCD
control display and PIC Basic Pro programming language were used for the user interface and to program
the microcontroller, respectively. Due to the application of PIC based control technique, total harmonic
Sinusoidal PWM
Unipolar voltage switching
amount was decreased and a smaller size inverter was designed with very high realibility, safety, and
Bipolar voltage switching low cost. In this study, an appropriate algorithm for the control software was obtained and approved
Step modulation method for the supervision. Software was utilized to control the inverter, scalar control and ramp function as well
Full bridge inverter as to obtain sine signal control of many parameters. The operation principle of the applied system and
designed circuits is reported.
In conclusion the measurements with the applied system’s operating status were discussed and eval-
uated with respect to their value for the education of electrical engineering students.
Ó 2019 Karabuk University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introductıon were used for Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM), such
as unipolar voltage switching and bipolar voltage switching.
Different control methods together with the development of Application of these two control methods was performed
semiconductor switching elements are being developed continu- between the system and the user interface. PIC Basic Pro program-
ously. Sinusoidal pulse width modulation is one of the most pre- ming language was used for the sine signal and control of the out-
ferred pulse width modulation techniques and widely used in put voltage. As a result of our experiments, the most appropriate
industry. The pulse width modulation technique functions on the algorithm was obtained for the control software and deemed
basis of a comparison of the carrier wave with the reference sine suitable for the control. Control signals have been applied to the
wave. The comparison process cannot be realized as a natural sam- switches in the arms of the full bridge inverter.
pling on the microprocessors. This problem can be overcome by The scalar control for mono phase motor torque which is
making regular sampling of the reference sine wave. ‘‘Symmetric connected to the output of the inverter is controlled with the open
Regular Sampling” is the sampling state at each full switching of loop method. The main purpose of scalar control is to keep the v/f
the reference sinusoidal wave period; also ‘‘Asymmetric Regular ratio constant. Inverter output voltage and frequency values were
Sampling” is understood as the sampling state at each half switch- adjusted between 0 and 220 Volts and 0–400 Hz. The inverter was
ing period [1]. programmed for the experimental measurements. Implementation
This study mainly aimed to control the output frequency and of this ratio is taken as 220/50 = 4,4. The inverter output voltage was
voltage of a full bridge inverter. Two different control technique adjustable. The output voltage was calculated based on this factor.
Triangle wave frequency per cycle determines the number of
⇑ Corresponding author. switching semi-conductors. The inverter output frequency is
E-mail addresses: ybirbir@marmara.edu.tr (Y. Birbir), volkan@marmara.edu.tr
equal to the frequency of the reference wave [2]. When the
(V. Kanburoglu). modulation frequency was increased, the output voltage consist of
Peer review under responsibility of Karabuk University. high-frequency harmonics to be filtered easily. In addition,

2215-0986/Ó 2019 Karabuk University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Y. Birbir et al. / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 22 (2019) 592–599 593

switching losses are increased due to high frequency. However a

drawback occurs between 6 and 20 kHz switching frequency val-
ues. Switching in this range is undesirable due to the fact that
the human ear hears this range of sound as a noise.

2. Step modulatıon method

There are two different methods to the PWM switching strate-

gies. The first of these, natural sampling technique, is widely
implemented in digital and analog systems. The highly advanta-
geous technique used in digital or microprocessor applications is
called regular sampling technique.
In this method, the reference signal was in the form of steps
such as those shown in Fig. 1. The reference signal comprised from
the steps was approximately similar to the sine wave. However,
the sine signal was obtained by a division into determined inter-
vals. First in order to obtain a sinusoidal signal, the number of steps
was determined; later the control signal steps for its defined angle
values were increased. For example, to obtain a sine voltage in 18
steps for the period 20 ms and frequency 50 Hz values; the angular

step increment was equal to 360 18
¼ 20 .
Amplitude of the control signal is calculated by multiplying
peak value of the control signal by the sine value of angle in the
same step. Thus, in each step the amplitudes of the control signals
are calculated [3]. The output voltage of this method has a lesser
harmonic than staircase Modulation Method.

3. Full brıdge ınverter

This section describes the operating principle of the imple-

mented system. Comparison of the output voltage harmonics dur- Fig. 2. Block circuit diagram.
ing operation with unipolar voltage switching and bipolar voltage
switching of the inverter was investigated. The system, ease of
installation, inspection and circuits were revised again [4]. In this The frequency of a generated control signal for adjusting to the
case the circuits can be operated with different type of cards that desired value was created with the help of the microcontroller and
have been designed. The circuits also represent blocks in Fig. 2. Stepped Modulation method [5]. The number of steps of sine signal
was determined as 30 steps. The output value of the control signal
4. Sıne oscıllator card was obtained digitally from microcontrollers and converted to the
analog value with the IC DAC-MC1408.
It is known that there is a certain ratio between carrier signal SPWM technique with unipolar voltage switching is used for
and the control signal in the Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation two different signals with 180° phase difference; the output volt-
(SPWM). In the application this rate for the maximum output fre- age is inverted and two different signals are obtained [6].
quency of sine signal of 400 Hz value has been reduced to 12. This card only produced the sine wave in Fig. 3. Control of the
frequency and voltage were performed by the control board. While
fc 4800
Mf ¼ ¼ ¼ 12
fs 400

Fig. 3. Obtained sinusoidal signal. (This figure shows number of steps of sine signal
Fig. 1. Step Modulation. was determined as 30 steps with Mf = 12).
594 Y. Birbir et al. / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 22 (2019) 592–599

sine wave was generated, a numerical value at that step of desired

sine was found by applying an interruption to the PIC. This value is
transferred as an output to port B of the PIC. Obtained digital value
of sinusoidal voltage is converted to the analog signal by DAC. In
this system, the amplitude of the sine signal was performed by
means of this integrated circuit. Maximum peak value of the out-
put signal can be adjusted by means of Pin 14, so adjustment of
sinus wave of the inverter output voltage is carried out via this pin.
The required other sine signal with 180° phase difference in the
unipolar voltage switched PWM inverter was obtained by means
comparator. These two signals are transmitted to the current satu-
ration and gate comparison cards [7].

5. Trıangle oscıllator card

The Schmitt trigger circuit U1D is diagrammed in Fig. 5. U1A

works as an integrator. Square wave was obtained from output Fig. 6. Obtained triangular wave signal.
of the U1D. The square wave signals have been converted to the tri-
result of the comparison of the triangle wave with both sine 1
angular wave signals by applying to the input of U1A, which is
and sine 2, SPWM1 and SPWM2 signals are created and transmit-
working as an integrator [8]. Frequency of the output signal is
ted to the current-mode PWM controller SG3843. That controller’s
set with adjustable resistor R6. In order to change amplitude of
duty is to switch off the circuit in case of over load [10]. The current
the signal by adjusting the gain of the U1C opamp, the peak voltage
feedback in the circuit was provided with process variable (pv) pin.
of triangular wave signal is set to desired value (Figs. 6 and 7).
Threshold value of the current limit of the controller SG3843
was 1 Volt, the this value is present pin 3. This voltage value is
6. Current saturatıon and gate comparıson card specified by the manufacturer. Because of this feature of the con-
troller, the requested limit current value is determined by calibrat-
The first sine control signal comes from the sine oscillator card ing according to this value. Current control in this circuit is realized
which is used as the principal control signal to form SPWM (Fig. 4). with pulse to pulse current control [11]. Pulse to pulse current con-
Also, besides normal sine wave, a second sine signal phase differ- trol system allows the flow of a certain threshold current. When
ence with 180° is used for unipolar switching in SPWM [9]. As a the controller current is increased to the over value, the controller

Fig. 4. Sine oscillator card.

Fig. 5. Triangle oscillator card.

Y. Birbir et al. / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 22 (2019) 592–599 595

switches turn off for a certain period of time, and at the end of this 7. Control card
period the controller switches again. The controller does not inter-
vene in the SPWM signal until a specified limit value. The control board in Fig. 8 takes on the many tasks in the sys-
After controller SG3843 outputs the SPWM signals, dead time tem. PIC16F877 microcontroller is used to carry out these tasks.
has been generated by integrated circuits (U3D-U4D). In practice However, when performing the protection process, the processing
this period of time was counted 2lsn. Unipolar switching or bipo- speed of the microcontroller is insufficient to safeguard the opera-
lar switching options is selected by means of relay contacts. After tion. For this reason, such cases limiting a possible short-circuit
the generation of dead time, the control signals that are obtained current or over current are preferred so as to realize this systematic
from the gates of U6 have been applied to the mosfet drivers. process as analog. In case of a short circuit failure in the system
Digital signals in the system switch off via the enable pin of the microcontroller a possible short circuit condition is reported to
integrated circuit U6 [12]. the user [13] (Figs. 9–12).

Fig. 7. Current saturation-gate & comparator circuit.

Fig. 8. Control card circuit.

596 Y. Birbir et al. / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 22 (2019) 592–599

Fig. 9. Mosfet driver circuit.

Fig. 10. Power circuit card.

Control board in the system; - The inverter generates the output voltage. To this, pin 14 sine
oscillator card of inverter MC1408DAC is fed by using PWM sig-
- Necessary interface for operation between the user and the nal from pin PORTC.2.
inverter has been performed. - For voltage control feedback, a signal is read as analog from
- According to the required frequency value, an interrupt signal PORT 2 pin with 8-bit resolution [14].
has been sent from pin PORTC.1 to the sine oscillator board - v/f provides scalar control of inverter.
by control card. During the programming of the control card, - An optional way was used for an inverter via unipolar or bipolar
programmed PWM signal frequency in the hardware has not switching PWM technique.
been changed. Desired sine signal of the frequency has been - Soft start feature prevents the system from withdrawing over
produced by using open loop control. surge current from the network.
Y. Birbir et al. / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 22 (2019) 592–599 597

application, IXYS Microchip company produced IXDD414PI and

TC4422 mosfet drivers by were used [16]. The leg connections of
integrated circuits are the same. The only difference between them
is that IXDD414PI in pin 3, EN must be left idle, while in the
TC4422 it remains constant. For this purpose it is sufficient to
remove resistance R1.
To isolate the power circuit from the control circuit, 6 N137
optocoupler is used. The Logic control signal is inverted with opto-
coupler, then reverted, and mosfets are thereby driven. In practice,
four pieces of driver board for MOSFETs A+, A, B+, B are used
separately [17].

9. Power drıver card

Bridge rectifier connected to the network is filtered with capac-

itor C5. Obtained DC voltage in the full bridge is connected by
means of relay. This relay will remain in the off position until the
soft starting time of the inverter. Thus, while the inverter was
switched off, its condition is left de-energised in order to protect
against the mosfets’ possibly turning on.
The information the circuit receives from the current sensors
must be necessary DC measurement in the microcontroller and
analog circuit. The current sensor is a product of the ABB company.
The output signal is obtained as one way. The sensor does not have
Fig. 11. The amount of total harmonic distortion (in the inverter output current). any structure that can transfer the value of the current flowing in
the opposite direction. Thus the current information is connected
to the DC busbar. To the easy calibration of the current value a
potentiometer is connected between the chasis and tip M [18].
Required electrical insulation is provided by using a 220/9V
voltage transformer, and the necessary voltage is obtained for the
measurement as well. Another external diode has 30A/600 V val-
ues. DSEI30-06 i”s connected parallel to the Mosfet IRFP460.

10. Experımental measurements

The effective value of the inverter output voltage was increased

up to 120 V and 50 Hz, the frequency values measured from the

Fig. 12. The amount of total harmonic distortion (in the inverter output voltage).

- The status of a possible short circuit has been indicated on the

LCD screen.

8. Mosfet drıver card

To turn on Mosfet, an adequate level of positive voltage must be

applied between gate and source tips. This voltage is called the
threshold voltage. Mosfet IRFP460 uses threshold voltage ranging
between 2 and 4 Volts [15]. Mosfets are used as voltage-
controlled switches. Mosfet gate-source capacity must be taken
into account during the control. In practice, integrated circuits
are produced in order to control the TTL level of MOSFETS. In this Fig. 13. Inverter output voltage waveform.
598 Y. Birbir et al. / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 22 (2019) 592–599

Fig. 16. Inverter output voltage wave form.

Fig. 14. The amount of total harmonic distortion (in the inverter output current).
11. Conclusıons

This study encompasses full-bridge inverters, which have a

experimental waveforms. 300X as a resistive load was connected wide application in industry. The working principles and charac-
to the inverter’s output. Operating waveforms from the real cir- teristics of different control methods are emphasized. Two differ-
cuits were measured by using harmonic analyzer (Figs. 13 and 16). ent control algorithm were created and implemented for full
Step 1: Bipolar voltage switching PWM operation with a resis- bridge inverter function. Output frequency and voltage control of
tive load. full-bridge inverter were focused. The objective of the experiments
Frequency:50 Hz was a comparetion of the two techniques and the implementation
Voltage:120 V of two different control methods (Figs. 14 and 15).
Step 2: Unipolar voltage switching PWM operation with a resis- As the first control method bipolar, PWM switching had been
tive load. applied to the output of full-bridge inverter. Output waveform of
Frequency:50 Hz Voltage:120 V bipolar PWM switching is formed as the same value switching fre-
quency as positive and negative alternations. The switching fre-
quency of the system is the same as the triangular wave carrier
Fig. 13 shows the harmonics of the output voltage versus the
amplitude modulation index ma. The fundamental voltage
increases linearly with ma. The dominant harmonic has a high
magnitude, which is even higher than the fundamental voltage.
This harmonic along with its sidebands can be eliminated by
the unipolar pulse width modulation scheme.
The second control method, inverter output, is operated as a
unipolar voltage switching PWM. Output waveform at unipolar
switching, unlike bipolar switching of PWM, is not the same as car-
rier frequency. Positive and negative alternations with equal fre-
quency to the control signal have been obtained from output. In
this switching technique, even though value of the mosfets’
switching frequency is the same as the carrier frequency, SPWM
signal frequency at output waveform is double that of the switch-
ing frequency.
Circuit design, implementation and, at the end of the experi-
ments both techniques (unipolar-bipolar) were found to have pro
and con properties relative to each other. Operation in bipolar volt-
age switching of inverter output waveform compared to unipolar
voltage switching contained higher order harmonics. This also
means that the amount of the total harmonic distortion is greater.
SPWM with Unipolar voltage switching scheme has a better har-
monic profile than Bipolar voltage switching. Hence, SPWM with
Unipolar voltage switching technique is often used as a switching
Fig. 15. The amount of total harmonic distortion (in the inverter output voltage). scheme for the single phase inverters.
Y. Birbir et al. / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 22 (2019) 592–599 599

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University. He attended World Bank Industrial Training Project at Indiana and
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Purdue Universities from 1989 to 1990. He had worked as a visiting research sci-
their education it is crucial for electrical engineering students to entist for fifteen months at Drexel University Electrical and Computer Engineering
compare unipolar and bipolar switching of inverter switches, and Department from 1992 to 1993. Currently he has been working as a Professor at
need to learn the technique by the most efficient pedagogy Technology Faculty in department of Electrical Engineering. He teaches under-
possible. graduate and graduate courses in Power Electronics Courses and Electrical
Machinery Drives. His current interests beside power electronic converters and
drivers, electromagnetic filtering process in the industry and the application of
electric currents and electric field effects for sterilization of different microorgan-
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