Hyt Micro Mme
Hyt Micro Mme
Hyt Micro Mme
1. Bacterial cell wall.
2. Bacterial capsule.
3. Bacterial motility.
4. Bacterial spore.
5. LJ media
6. Transport media.
7. Enrichment media.
8. Mutation.
9. Plasmid.
10.Inclusion Body.
11.Cytopathogenic effects.
12.Opportunistic mycoses.
Group-C (Comment on)
1. All bacteria do not obey Koch’s postulate
2. India ink preparation is an important technique of laboratory diagnosis.
3. Anaerobic bacteria need special culture techniques.
4. There are many ways for genetic alteration in bacteria.
5. Bacteriophages may cause genetic alterations in bacteria.
6. Phages are important tools for gene transfer in bacteria.
7. Antimicrobial resistance may be due to several factors.
8. Viruses can be cultivated.
9. Interferon has some role in the containment of viral infection.
10.SDA is said to be a selective media for fungal growth.
Group-D (Difference)
1. Gram positive and Gram negative cell wall.
2. Flagella and Fimbria.
3. Lag phase and log phase.
4. Transcription and translation.
5. Exotoxin and endotoxin.
6. Streptococcus and staphylococcus
7. Bacteria & Virus.
8. Definitive host and intermediate host.
9. Cestode and nematode
Group-B (Short Note)
1. Primary immune response.
2. IgM.
3. IgA.
4. IgE.
5. Prozone phenomena.
Group-C (Comment on)
1. Complement takes part in both adaptive and innate immunity.
2. Weil- Felix is a heterophile agglutination test.
3. T- helper cell in immunological response
4. Cell mediated immunity is important for recovery from viral infection.
5. Immediate hypersensitivity reaction can be fatal.
6. Self antigens are usually non antigenic, but there are exceptions.
7. Live vaccines are more potent than killed vaccines.
8. Passive immunisation is helpful in certain condition.
9. Group-D (Difference)
10.Active immunity & passive immunity.
11.Difference between primary and secondary immune response.
12.Agglutination and precipitation.
13.T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes.
14.Immediate and delayed hypersensitivity.
15.Live and killed vaccine.
Group-B (Short Note)
1. Sterilisation.
2. Fumigation of Operation Theatre
Group-C (Comment on)
1. Hospital acquired infection.
2. Quality control is essential to maintain proper function of autoclave.
3. Microbiological wastes should be segregated before disposal.
Group-D (Difference)
1. Sterilization and disinfection.
2. Antiseptic and disinfectants.
3. Dry heat and moist heat sterilisation.
4. Tyndallisation & Inspissation.
Group-A (Long Question)
1. Typhoid Enteric Fever
2. HIV/AIDS Clinical Stage 3 (WHO Classification)
3. Enumerate the arboviruses prevalent in India.
4. Dengue Shock Syndrome [Pg. 339]
5. Malaria
6. Enumerate the arthropod borne parasitic diseases
7. Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) “kala‐azar or black fever”
Group-B (Short Note)
1. Scrub Typhus.
2. Dengue haemorrhagic fever.
3. Enumerate viral, parasitic and fungal opportunistic infections associated
with HIV infection.
4. PKDL.
5. Candida albicans.
6. Dimorphic fungus.
Group-C (Comment on)
1. Coagulase negative staphylococcus are never pathogenic
2. Rheumatic fever occurs as a result of repeated streptococcal infection.
3. Interpretation of Widal test depends on several factors.
4. Relapse is associated with Benign Tertiary (B.T.) malaria.
5. Hypnozoites are responsible for relapse of malaria
6. LD Body
7. Peripheral blood examination at mid night is important for diagnosis of
classical filariasis
8. Microfilaria can be demonstrated in smear from peripheral blood in any
time of the days
Group-D (Difference)
1. Ring form of P. vivax and P. falciparum.
2. Gametocytes of P. vivax and P. falciparum.
3. Amastigote and promastigote form of Leishmania donovani
4. Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi.
5. Microfilaria of Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi.
Group-A (Long Question)
1. Dysentery, Food Poisoning EnteroHemorrhagic E. coli,Shigellosis
2. Cholera or Non‐Inflammatory Acute Diarrhoea
3. The main anemia causing intestinal helminths are Hookworms
(Ancylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus) Trichuris trichiura and
Schistosomes with hookworms being most common.
Group-B (Short Note)
1. Diarrhoeagenic strains of Escherichia coli.
2. Halophilic vibrio.
3. Rota virus.
4. NIH swab.
5. Candida albicans.
Group-C (Comment on)
1. Viruses are very often responsible for diarrhoea in child.
2. Stool microscopy is important in protozoa dysentery.
3. Ascaris lumbricoides infestation may cause surgical complications.
Group-D (Difference)
1. Infection and toxin type of food poisoning.
2. Classical and El Tor vibrio.
3. Cyst of Entamoeba histolytica & E. Coli.
4. T. Solium and T. Saginata.
5. Cysticercus bovis and cellulose
6. Fertilized and unfertilized ova of Ascaris lumbricoides
Group-A (Long Question)
1. Hepatitis Virus by Blood Transfusion HBV
2. Hydatid Cyst, Echinococcus granulosus
Group-B (Short Note)
1. Serological markers of Hepatitis B Virus.
2. Hydatid cyst.
3. Larva migrans
Group-B (Short Note)
1. Toxic shock syndrome.
2. Nagler’s reaction.
3. Dermatophytes.
4. Macroconidia of Dermatophytes.
Group-C (Comment on)
1. Different clinical presentation of anthrax infection.
2. Nocardia differs in many ways from Actinomycetes.
3. Mycetoma like clinical features may be caused by bacteria as well as true
Group-D (Difference)
1. Anthrax bacilli and Anthracoid bacilli
2. Endothrix & Ectothrix
3. Actinomycotic and Eumycotic Mycetoma
Group-A (Long Question)
1. Primary Pulmonary TB Pneumonic Plague (Y. pestis)
2. Pharyngitis with Tonsilitis → Bacterial: S. pyogenes, C. diphtheria
3. Diphtheria
Group-B (Short Note)
1. Environmental Mycobacteria.
2. Occult filariasis.
3. Aspergillosis.
Group-C (Comment on)
1. All diphtheria bacilli are non-toxigenic.
2. Isolation of C. diphtheriae from clinical sample does not confirm
3. H. influenzae infection in children is preventable.
4. Post primary tuberculosis differs in many ways from primary
5. Influenza viruses is usually associated with antigenic variation.
Group-D (Difference)
Streptococcus viridans and Streptococcus pneumoniae.
1. Typical and atypical mycobacteria
2. Orthomyxovirus & Paramyxovirus.
3. Antigenic shift and antigenic drift.
Group-A (Long Question)
1. Bacterial Meningitis [Neisseria meningitidis, meningococcal meningitis],
Cryptococcal meningitis by Cryptococcus neoformans
2. Rabies [Pg. 718+]
Group-B (Short Note)
1. Tetanospasmin
2. Japanese Encephalitis.
3. Negri bodies.
4. Post exposure prophylaxis in Rabies.
5. Prion disease.
6. Cysticercosis.
Group-C (Comment on)
1. Measles may cause CNS infection
2. Primary amoebic encephalitis and granulomatous amoebic encephalitis.
3. Infection of Taenia solium is more dangerous than Taenia saginata
Group-D (Difference)
1. Oral and Inactivated Polio Vaccine
2. Street virus and fixed virus.
3. Neural and non-neural vaccine for rabies.
4. Cryptococcus and Candida albicans.
Group-A (Long Question)
1. Lower UTI (Acute Urethral Syndrome) The endogenous flora such as
gram-negative bacilli (e.g. E. coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, etc.) and
enterococci are the important agents
2. Primary Syphilis - Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV) by Chlamydia
Group-B (Short Note)
1. VDRL test.
2. Non gonococcal urethritis.
Group-C (Comment on)
1. Fungal meningitis can be diagnosed rapidly.
2. Bacterial colony count is necessary for proper reporting of urinary tract
3. Diagnosis of secondary syphilis is based on serology
4. VDRL is not a specific test for syphilis.
5. Non treponemal test cannot confirm syphilis.
6. Haemophilus ducreyi requires only X factor
Group-B (Short Note)
1. Zika Virus.
2. Oncogenic viruses.
Group-C (Comment on)
1. Screening for TORCH group of infections is important during pregnancy.
2. Sand fly.
3. Transfusion-transmitted Infection