Long Term Outcome of Functional Independence and Quality of Life After Traumatic SCI in Germany
Long Term Outcome of Functional Independence and Quality of Life After Traumatic SCI in Germany
Long Term Outcome of Functional Independence and Quality of Life After Traumatic SCI in Germany
Achieving the highest level of functional independence is one Within the GerSCI project, we describe and analyze individuals’
of the main objectives of primary rehabilitation of individuals long-term changes of functional independence in a community-
with SCI. dwelled setting. We hypothesize that (1) an overall stable course
Former studies were able to show a favorable relationship of these variables can be observed, and (2) individuals’
between functional independence at discharge and multiple long- reported QoL is positively related to their level of functional
time outcomes such as rehospitalization rates, probability of living independence.
in a community setting, and employment status. There is a wealth
of data analyzing the course of functional independence within
the first year after the onset of SCI and the relationship with METHODS
different aspects of quality of life (QoL) for individuals living with Study design
SCI. However, data following individuals’ independence and Multicenter observational study linking clinical data of individuals with
correlation with QoL over a long-time period are rare [1–3]. traumatic or ischemic SCI obtained in the first year after the onset of SCI as
In 2013, with their initiative “International perspectives on spinal part of the European multicenter study about spinal cord injury (EMSCI) to
cord injury” the World Health Organization (WHO) invited to long-term data derived from a longitudinal study (GerSCI) on self-reported
independence and QoL.
investigate the “lived experience of people with SCI across the life
course and throughout the world” [4]. In response to the request
of the WHO a cooperative effort of two major German scientific Participants and collection of data
societies with a strong focus on rehabilitation of individuals with The participants of our survey were followed within the context of the
SCI (German Medical SCI society (DMGP) and German Society for GerSCI study. GerSCI inclusion criteria are at least one SCI-related hospital
admission (initial admission as well as any other in the course of time) at a
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (DGPRM)) started the project minimum age of 18 years in the participating centers between January
“German Spinal Cord Injury Cohort Study” (GerSCI) as part of the 1995 and December 2016, sufficient knowledge of German language,
“International Spinal Cord Injury Survey” (InSCI). domestic residency, completed initial rehabilitation and SCI onset at least
Spinal Cord Injury Center, Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany. 2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hannover Medical School, Hanover, Germany.
Orthopedic Department, SCI Centre - Ulm University, Ulm, Germany. 4Klinik Hohe Warte, Hospital Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany. ✉email: florian.moeller@chiru.med.uni-giessen.de
Outcome measures GerSCI participation, 235 replies were received. After an additional
The spinal cord independence measure (SCIM) is an established outcome reminder, 124 additional responses were collected. Until February
measure for functional independence. It was developed to account for the 2018, in total 359 questionnaires were received corresponding to
specific aspects of measuring the functional independence of individuals 39.15% of all successfully contacted individuals.
with SCI. Its third version (SCIM-III), developed from the initial version Key demographic and neurologic lesion characteristics of
introduced in 1997, has gained large acceptance in the SCI community as a responding individuals are shown in Table 1 grouped by para-
reliable assessment of functional impairments [7]. The SCIM-III consists of 19
items organized in the three sub-scales “self-care”, “respiration and sphincter and tetraplegia as last documented in the EMSCI database [13].
management” and “mobility” [8]. The EMSCI database is inter alia including The majority (74.4%) of responding persons are male with a mean
International Standards of Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury last observed SCIM-III total score of 61.67 (SD 26.70) points. The
(ISNCSCI) and SCIM-III assessments at defined time points during the first year average total follow-up is 81.47 (SD 51.70) months. In 82.70% of all
after injury, representing the largest collection of SCIM assessments ever cases, the average follow-up time was longer than 24 months.
recorded. The SCIM-III is available in a validated observation-based, interview- Further analyzing key demographic and lesion characteristics of
based, and self-reported (SCIM-III-SR) version. The latter was introduced into all non-responding and non-successfully contacted individuals (n
the GerSCI survey. Even if possibly biased by a home-dwelled setting and = 850) showed a mean difference of age at the point of
unsupervised self-reporting, former studies have found the self-reported
contacting of +3.12 (mean: 59.30 vs. 56.18) years, a slightly
version to be comparable to the interviewed and observed versions [7–9].
Differences of participants’ sum-score and sub-scores between the last SCIM-
increased proportion of female individuals of +4.40% (30.00% vs.
III examination within the EMSCI study and the SCIM-III-SR surveyed within 25.60%) and an increased time since SCI onset of +1.36 (mean:
GerSCI were analyzed. Whenever possible (fully completed SCIM-III-SR within 8.78 vs. 7.42) years. The proportion of tetraplegia did only differ
GerSCI) differences of the sum-scores were analyzed. In addition, differences minor (+0.3%) from those of the responding individuals. There
of all sub-scores were analyzed. were no significant center effects for key demographic character-
The questionnaire of the GerSCI study also contained six selected items istics for responding and non-responding individuals. Only the
of the short survey of quality of life by the WHO (WHO-QoL-BREF) [10]. difference in time since SCI onset was statistically significant
Included items address the perceived overall life quality (WHO-QoL-BREF (Mann–Whitney–U-testing: U = 120255.50, p = 0.01, n = 1209)
item 1), overall health status (item 2), ability to perform daily living with a merely weak effect size according to Cohen.
activities (item 17), self-satisfaction (item 19), satisfaction with personal
relationships (item 20), and the satisfaction with the conditions of the There is conformity of self-reported classification of para-/
personal living place (item 23) reported on a five-tier Likert-scale [11]. Since tetraplegia and the classification according to the last available
GerSCI only included six items of this inventory the analysis performed was ISCNSCI neurological level of injury (NLI) documented in the EMSCI
different from the standardized evaluation as defined by the WHO. As database. The NLI refers to the most caudal segment with intact
target measurement for QoL item 1 (“How would you rate your quality of sensory and motor function [14]. Tetraplegia was divided into two
life?”) addressing the overall life quality was chosen. As target measure- subgroups with NLI of C1–C5 and C6–Th1 as suggested by the
ment for independence item 17 (“How satisfied are you with your ability to International Spinal Cord Society. There is good agreement of self-
take care of everyday tasks?”) addressing the ability to perform daily living reported level of lesion (tetra-/paraplegia) within GerSCI to EMSCI
activities was selected. data for all responding individuals (85.53% for NLI from C1 to C5,
79.50% for NLI C6-T1, and 83.50% for NLI rostral to Th1).
Data analysis was carried out using “Statistical Package for the Social SCIM-III-SR analysis
Sciences (SPSS)” version 22 (International Business Machines (IBM) As can be seen from Fig. 1, from all 359 questionnaires considered
Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA).
for further analyses 187 (52.09%) included a complete correctly filled
Descriptive statistics present the sample characteristics of responding
and non-responding individuals as well as of evaluability of the returned out SCIM-III-SR section corresponding to 15.47% of all 1209
SCIM-III-SR questionnaires. In addition, the connection between frequently individuals eligible for the survey. In the incomplete 172 ques-
occurring incoherent responses to SCIM-III-SR and level of lesion (tetra-/ tionnaires, in total 436 items were not completely evaluable because
paraplegia) (Mann–Whitney–U-testing), age (regression analysis), and level of incoherent responses to connected items with conditional
of formal education (correlation analysis) was investigated [12]. Linear response options or missing answers. Figure 2 provides information
Fig. 1 STROBE flowchart. Flowchart in line with the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology)
statement (http://www.strobestatement.org) illustrating the process, numbers, and dropout of study participants.
on these items grouped by lesion level (tetra-/paraplegia) according completed and analyzed. As can be seen from Fig. 2 apart from a
to the EMSCI database. As displayed in Fig. 1, in total 187 SCIM-III-SR baseline of 10–20 non-evaluable entries per item, the items bladder
sum-scores, 322 self-care sub-scores, 245 respiration, and sphincter management (VI), bowel management (VII), stair management (XV),
management sub-scores and 262 mobility sub-scores were transfer from wheelchair to the car (XVI), and transfer from ground
Tetraplegia NLI C1–C5 Tetraplegia NLI C6–Th1 Paraplegia NLI below Th1 total
SCIM sub-score category I—self care (0–20)
Sub-scores available 134 36 152 322
SCIM-III (EMSCI) 10.68 15.56 17.05 14.19
SCIM-III-SR (GerSCI) 10.31 12.92 16.16 13.36
Difference −0.37 −2.64 −0.89 −0.83b
SDdifference 4.252 5.144 3.808 4.202
SCIM sub-score category II—respiration and sphincter management (0–40)
Sub-scores available 96 25 124 245
SCIM-III (EMSCI) 24.01 31.12 30.52 28.03
SCIM-III-SR (GerSCI) 23.56 26.24 27.15 25.65
Difference −0.45 −4.88 −3.37 −2.38
SDdifference 8.641 8.941 9.152 9.043
SCIM sub-score category III—mobility (0–40)
Sub-scores available 98 29 135 262
SCIM-III (EMSCI) 15.06 21.90 20.11 18.42
SCIM-III-SR (GerSCI) 15.42 20.97 20.48 18.64
Difference 0.36 −0.93 0.37 0.22b
SDdifference 7.823 9.098 6.779 7.442
SCIM sum-score—(0–100)
Sum-scores available 67 21 99 187
SCIM-III (EMSCI) 48.52 69.67 68.09 61.25
SCIM-III-SR (GerSCI) 49.28 61.57 64.66 58.80
Differencea 0.76a −8.10a −3.43a −2.45a,b
SDdifference 18.008 21.222 14.534 16.811
SCIM follow-up divided by classification of tetraplegia/paraplegia as assigned within the EMSCI survey.
Due to varying numbers between followed (fully completed) sum-scores and sub-scores also cumulated differences of all sub-scores deviate from the
difference of the sum-score over time.
Paired t-testing showed significance for differences (p < 0.05). Differences do not reach a weak effect size according to Cohen (r < 0.1).
“How would you rate your quality of life?” (1 “How satisfied are you with your ability to take care of everyday
[very poor]–5 [very good]) (WHO-QoL-BREF-1) tasks?” (1 [very dissatisfied]–5 [very satisfied]) (WHO-QoL-BREF-17)
Sub-score 1
Correlation coefficent r = 0.371a r = 0.482a
N 304 313
Sub-score 2
Correlation coefficent r = 0.248a r = 0.334a
N 235 242
Sub-score 3
Correlation coefficent r = 0.266a r = 0.399a
N 247 254
Correlation coefficent r = 0.310a r = 0.409a
N 178 185
Spearman-Rho’s correlation of SCIM-III-SR to selected target measurements of WHO-QoL-BREF (1 + 17) included in the GerSCI questionnaire. Sub-score 1 =
self-care, sub-score 2 = respiration and sphincter management, sub-score 3 = mobility.
Correlation is significant at level 0.01 (2-sides).
difference of SCIM-III sub-score addressing self-care It is questionable that the small deterioration of the respective sub-
(Mann–Whitney–U-testing: U = −1.994, p = 0.04) with a weak scores is linked in general to a relevant loss of independence in
effect-size according to Cohen (r = 0.11). individuals’ daily life but we emphasize that this deterioration is
linked to a worsening of management of bowel and bladder. In
WHO-QoL and correlation with SCIM-III-SR particular, our findings are consistent with former surveys char-
Individuals rated their overall QoL (WHO-QoL-BREF item 1—“How acterizing bladder and bowel dysfunction a rising and even life-
would you rate your quality of life?”) with 3.43 and their limiting functional problem for individuals with SCI over time mostly
independence in an everyday setting (WHO-QoL-BREF item 17 based on growing incontinency and obstipation [16–18].
—“How satisfied are you with your ability to take care of everyday Before the GerSCI study, there were no reliable, systemically
tasks?”) with 3.23 on a five-tier Likert-scale. Kruskal–Wallis-testing collected, community-based data available about the subjective
showed no center effects or significant differences for overall QoL wellbeing or the life situation of individuals affected by SCI in
between individuals with tetra- or paraplegia but a significantly Germany [19]. There are existing registries and databases, e.g., the
higher perceived independence (Chi-Square (2) = 25.623; p < 0.01) EMSCI database, but they focus on clinical data. The GerSCI study
for individuals with paraplegia compared to individuals with gave us the unique possibility to systemically combine clinical
tetraplegia with NLI C1–C5 (post hoc Dunn–Bonferroni-testing: data with an exploratory cross-sectional study [19]. Thereby our
z = −5.048, p < 0.01). group had the opportunity to analyze individuals’ long-time
The results of the Spearman-Rho correlation of the SCIM-III-SR course of functional independence and related QoL in addition to
sum-score and the sub-scores to the selected items are shown in the original study objectives of the EMSCI and GerSCI survey.
Table 3. The numbers of individuals included in the correlation The response rate of 39.15% (n = 359) can be considered as
analyses vary due to the partly usable sub-scale scores of the SCIM- gratifying high.
III-SR and the numbers of evaluable answers to the WHO-QoL-BREF For responding individuals’ the average age at the time of study
items within the GerSCI questionnaires. The numbers included are participation, gender distribution and proportion of tetra- and
shown in Table 3. A significant correlation (p < 0.01) of all SCIM-III- paraplegia mostly fit those of the non-responders. Furthermore,
SR sub-scores and for the sum-score can be seen with moderate to almost exact matching in comparison to the responders of the
partly strong effect-size (r > 0.5) for both selected items of WHO- nationwide GerSCI sample and good comparison to multiple other
QoL-BREF [15]. Detailed information on single sub-scores and western European InSCI samples can be seen for this parameter
target measurements selected can be found in Table 3. [20]. The time between SCI onset and current age was slightly
increased for the non-responding individuals. However, since this
only shows significance with a weak effect size for the difference
DISCUSSION in time since SCI onset between responders and non-responders,
It can be concluded that the functional independence achieved by we believe that the representativeness of the results from our
rehabilitative measures during primary rehabilitation was successfully study is comparable to other cohort studies such as the Swiss
maintained in the home environment after individuals’ discharge study (SwiSCI) [8].
from inpatient rehabilitation. As hypothesized, we did only identify Analyzing the returned questionnaires showed that filling in a
minor differences between the last SCIM-III score obtained within self-reported SCIM-III questionnaire imposed a higher challenge to
EMSCI and the GerSCI related SCIM-III-SR, which was determined on the participants than initially expected. In 2013, a Swiss validation
average 81 months later. Additionally, as initially expected we found a study under restricted conditions (e.g., inpatient-recruitment as
moderate to strong positive relationship between individuals’ well as the exclusion of patients with severe health conditions and
functional independence and their reported QoL. cognitive impairments) showed a quote of missing entries in 8.1%
However, deterioration of functional independence related to the of the SCIM-III-SR assessments. We recorded an almost six times
SCIM sub-scale of management of bowel and bladder was observed. higher rate of 47.91% under unsupervised conditions [8, 21].