Ing or To
Ing or To
Ing or To
afford hope
agree intend
arrange learn
ask manage
choose offer
decide plan
demand pretend
fail promise
help refuse
She stopped crying as soon as she saw her We stopped to buy some water at the
mother. (She was crying, and then she didn’t motorway service area. (We were travelling and
cry anymore.) we stopped for a short time in order to buy
some water.)
She kept talking. ("Keep" is normally used The attackers kept hostages to prevent the
with a gerund to mean that you continue doing police from entering. ("Keep" can also be used
an action.) with an object followed by an infinitive, but
then the infinitive takes on the meaning of "in
order to... ." In the sentence above, the
attackers kept hostages in order to prevent the
police from entering.)
I tried searching the web and finally found an I tried to email Simon but it bounced back.
address for him. (Try + -ing means that you are (Try + to + infinitive means that something is
trying something as an experiment, especially difficult but you are making an effort to do it.)
as a possible solution to a problem, to see if it
works or not.)
The kitchen wants painting. (needs) When we I want to speak to the manager. (When want is
are talking about wishes or desires we can also followed by another verb, it must be in the to +
use the continuous form (is wanting, was infinitive form.)
wanting, will be wanting).