November 2007 Web Temp
November 2007 Web Temp
November 2007 Web Temp
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
Volume 5 Issue 11
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
Dear Readers, What does a mother do, when she sees her child walking
away from her towards a grave danger? Does she look
Why does God have to descend on earth from age
around to find the most suitable person to help? Or does
to age? Could not Lord Rama and Lord Krishna, who she dash without loosing a split second? It is the same
declared the intent of their advent as ‘Dharmasthapana’ with our Lord too. In a revealing discourse delivered
or restoration of righteousness, achieve their Mission more than four decades ago, in 1964, Swami said that
from wherever they are, if they are omniscient and all- the decline of righteousness and the unmatched Love
powerful? Many so called intellectuals and rationalists in of the Lord for His children is what compels the Lord
present times debunk the idea of ‘God in Human Form’ to descend. He further added, “The Lord is Love itself.
as pure gobbledygook. He comes in human form so that you can talk to Him,
move with Him, serve Him, adore Him, achieve Him, and
Even many theologians and believers, though they
recognise your kinship with Him.”
worship the Almighty and profess walking on the
path laid down by one of the Prophets or Messengers In the only press interview Bhagavan has given till date, in
of God, treat the concept of God Himself descending 1970, the editor of ‘Nava Kaal’ asked Him, “At what age
down with scorn and disbelief. It was the same many did You acquire this Divine Power?” Swami said, “From
centuries ago too. The most popular Mughal Emperor My very birth…” and then He continued, “From before
that.” The editor, evidently, was stuck with wonder. And
of India, Akbar, the Great, who believed in the invisible
then Baba continued, “Yes, I resolved upon My Birth. I
and formless Allah, once openly scoffed at this so called
decided who should be My Mother. Mere humans can
‘Hindu idea’ of Avatars (God assuming forms) and threw
choose only who is to be wife or husband: the Mother
a challenge to all the men in his court to convince him
was chosen by the Son in the Rama incarnation and in
about the need and rationale for such an event. Birbal,
the Krishna incarnation. Then too, the task for which the
the celebrated courtier who was known for his wit and
birth was decided upon was, conferring Love on all. And
wisdom, asked a week’s time from His majesty. A few
through that Love, foster righteous living.”
days later, Birbal arranged an exciting boat ride for the
pleasure of the king and his family, and as the premier As we celebrate His Birthday this month, eighty-two
was cruising along soaking in the sublimity of nature, years have passed of this most mysterious, magnificent
away from his sight, the canny Birbal dropped a life-size and mind-boggling phenomenon on earth, yet what
doll of the King’s little son to the river. The King, who was we know of Him is as miniscule as a molecule in the
Milky Way. How many times has He stunned mankind!
shocked to hear the loud splash which was accompanied
Right from the moment of His birth when musical
by a piteous cry from Birbal, “O, the prince has fallen
instruments started playing mysteriously on their own,
into the water!” instantaneously jumped into the water
to the days when He was a tiny-tot playing on the
to rescue his ‘son’. It was then that Birbal disclosed the
sands of Chitravati – plucking all kinds of fruits from
real drama, and after the emperor’s tempers were down,
the tamarind tree for His playmates, to leaving them
explained, “I seek pardon, your majesty, but I had to
bewildered one momentous evening with the vision of
perforce stage this drama to answer your doubt.” The the Sun, the Moon and the Third Eye all in succession;
King was perplexed. Birbal clarified, “Your Majesty, you or the days after the declaration of His Advent when He
could have ordered any of us to dive into the river, but started appearing simultaneously in two places or going
the circumstance was so precarious and your affection in ‘trance’ suddenly to save a devotee; or the occasions
for the little one was so intense that without batting when He left scholars and scientists of all hues stupefied
your eyelid, your Majesty himself took the plunge. So is with His eloquent and enlightening elucidation of the
the case with God’s Incarnations. I have answered your Vedas and Upanishads to the secrets of the Creation
doubt, my lord.” and Cosmos; or the diamond of a declaration He made
in 1963 after curing Himself of the paralysis of seven
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
days with just a sprinkling of water saying, “I am Shiva- no exaggeration! When you read how the Sai Youth of
Shakthi Swaroopa”; or the riveting revelation He made Orissa have converted a Kustha Ashram, a leper colony
in the First World Conference of Sri Sathya Sai Seva - where the 300 odd inmates, ostracized by society and
Organizations in Mumbai, 1968, asserting: “I affirm that permanently scarred by human apathy, whose lives were
this Sai Form is the Form of all the various names that no different than rubble on the road - into a land where
man uses for the adoration of the Divine”; or the grand everybody is now smiling and every soul is shining with
Guru Poornima festival in 1968, when He inaugurated hope, joy and happiness, you will realize it yourself.
a college for women in Anantapur and said, “The seed
What we know of His work and Glory is probably only
has been planted; it will sprout and spread, heavy with
a drop of the infinite ocean. The incredible cascading
fruits, providing shade, security and sustenance to all”;
effect His every act perpetuates is unfathomable. But
or the mesmerizing manner in which He brought back
what we do know and have experienced in innumerable
Mr. Walter Cowan from the dead in December 1971; or
ways, sometimes aware and at other times unknown
for that matter, the way the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of
to us, is His love. In fact, that is all He has; that is all
Higher Learning (now Sri Sathya Sai University) came
He is. In a landmark discourse in May 1968, Swami had
into being with its three beautiful campuses in the early
said, “You elaborate in your lectures the unique powers
1980s; or the incredible creation and functioning of the
of Sai, the incidents that are described as ‘miracles’….
medical marvels – the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher
But I request you not to attach importance to these. Do
Medical Sciences which continue to amaze professionals
not exaggerate their significance; the most significant
and administrators, believers and skeptics alike; or the
and important power is, let Me tell you, My Love. I may
jaw-dropping mammoth Sri Sathya Sai Drinking Water
turn the sky into earth, or earth into sky; but that is not
Projects which know no end, starting from Anantapur
the sign of Divine might. It is the Love, the fortitude,
and many neighbouring districts to the city of Chennai
effective, universal and ever-present; that is the unique
to the tribal regions of East and West Godavari districts
to who knows where next, and which made even the UN
sit up and take notice; or…well, the story of this glorious If the Sai Movement is marching ahead at mind-numbing
saga can go on. speed in every continent today, it is not because of
the magnificent monuments of Healthcare, Educare
And what we have enumerated now, you are aware,
or Sociocare that Swami has built, but because of the
are just a few shining pebbles our eyes immediately fell
way the Lord has touched, transformed and triggered
upon in the grand seashore of His Glory. Speaking to
in millions the zeal to love all and serve all. One grand
thousands gathered on the occasion of Dasara 1961,
example of this process was the Prema Jyothi Exhibition
Swami had said, “For every act of Grace you experience
which was staged in Chennai in the last week of
or read about, there are countless you do not know.”
September this year. When you read the cover story you
And how true this is!
will be amazed at the instances of inner revolution that
For every doctor who serves voluntarily in Swami’s Super He brings out so spontaneously and suddenly. Pure Love
Specialty and General Hospitals in His physical vicinity, can convert a particle of dust into a diamond in no time.
there are thousands in all parts of the globe who are Prema Jyothi demonstrated this amply.
stretching themselves to the limit to bring hope and
As we celebrate His birthday this month, let us remind
happiness in the hapless and diseased. Did you know
ourselves of a Birthday message He gave many years
that just two months ago 36 eminent Sai doctors from
ago. “Adore Me, on the day that you are I, on the day
the UK traveled to Malawi, one of the poorest countries
when you derive unbounded Bliss therefrom, on the
of the world where every day 140 people die of HIV/AIDS
day when you can be full of joy that you are born.”
and 95% of the adult population (between 15 to 49) is
Dear reader, let us celebrate! We are living with God, the
most loving God. This is the best time in history. We are
Similarly, for every youth of Swami’s Institute who serves blessed! And if we so decide, we can be One with Him
the poor doing Grama Seva in villages nearby Puttaparthi, completely… in Love.
there are thousands of inspired youngsters the world
Loving Regards,
over who plunge into village service with a passion that
would equal a Mother Teresa and Baba Amte. And this is Heart2Heart Team
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
sathya sai speaks
sathya sai speaks but they cannot see the face to which they belong! They
Signs, Wonders and their are important instruments of the body, but they cannot
Significance see the entire body. When you wish to see your face as
well as your back, you have to keep a mirror in front and
The conflict between persons who accept God and deny another behind you too, so that the front mirror also
Him, those who declare that God is to be found in this shows you the reflection of your back. Similarly, when
or that place and those who affirm that He can be found you desire to know your reality (face) and your future
nowhere, is never ending; it has continued throughout (back), you have to adjust the mirror of ‘Self-confidence’
the ages. While considering this situation, one has to (confidence that you are the Self) in front and the mirror
remember that while it is unnecessary to awaken a of Divine Grace behind you. Without these two, to affirm
person already awake and easy to awaken a person who that you are aware of your Truth or your destiny, is sheer
is asleep, we cannot awaken, however much we try, a fantasy.
person pretending to sleep and refusing to be woken
Avathars Attract by their Inexplicable Acts
up! Those who do not know, can be taught by means
The Divine is now denoted by various words that are
of simple illustrations what they do not know. But
common currency in limited human vocabularies. They
those afflicted with half-knowledge and proud of that
name phenomena revealing the Divine, like ‘miracles’,
acquisition are beyond any further education.
‘magic’, ‘wonders’, etc. Of course, man cannot contain
in his mind more than he can hold. He cannot express
in words the inexpressible. Only those who have dived
deep and contacted the underlying principle of Love,
can picture Divinity with some clarity. The Divinity that is
Me has not been acquired or earned, nor has it been
added or evinced after the lapse of some years in the
middle of this life.
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
spiritual blossoms
‘He who attracts, draws towards Himself. This attribute When a person renounces selfish desires, their love
of attractions is a characteristic of Divinity. expands unto the farthest regions of the Universe until
he/she becomes aware of the Cosmic Love that feeds all
Why Does the Divine Draw?
the four processes mentioned above. It is important that
Why does the Divine attract? Is it to deceive or
you know this underlying urge in all as I do…
mislead? No. It is to transform, reconstruct and reform
- a process called samskaara. What is the purpose of The Divine can be grasped only through love, faith and
the reconstruction? It is to make a person useful and sadhana (spiritual discipline), surcharged with Universal
serviceable for society, to efface their ego, and to affirm Love. Reason is too feeble an instrument to measure
in him/her the unity of all beings in God. The person who it. Denial of the Divine cannot negate it. Logic cannot
has undergone samskaara (this purification process) reveal it. All the tirades now being made on the Divine
becomes a humble servant of those who need help. are from atheists who are opportunists. So your duty
This is the stage of paropakaara. Service of this kind, is to preserve your equanimity. Be true to yourselves
done with reverence and selflessness, prepares man to and do not waver. I am unaffected by praise or blame.
realise the One that pervades the many. The last stage My love and compassion envelop all; My Grace can be
is saakshaathkaara. The Vedhas (ancient scriptures of shared by all.
Divine Knowledge) proclaim that Immortality (the stage
- Bhagavan’s Birthday Discourse
when one is merged in the Birthless, Deathless, Universal on November 23, 1976.
Entity), is feasible through renunciation and detachment
only, and not through rituals, progeny or wealth.
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
conversations with sai - Part 38
thumb and forefinger about six inches from His lips and
Baba first created some gifts, a ring for a lady - a green
blows His breath upon it. Then He shows it to those
diamond in the center flanked by two white diamonds,
close to His chair. The portrait on the centre stone has
all gems showing large flat facets. Then, for a lady who
changed from that of Jesus to a portrait of Sai. To the
had a large japamala (rosary) of seeds, Baba created a
Nigerian, Baba then says, “Now you have both. Come
Japamala of matched pearls, and showed her how to
here”. The man moves forward and Baba places the ring
use it: The thumb, standing, separate, may be taken to
on his finger, Baba says, “See, a perfect fit”.
represent God. The first finger, representing the individual
person, is joined to the thumb, to the Divine. The three Later on, it was the Nigerian’s turn to go into the
remaining fingers represent the three gunas - the three inner interview room for a brief, private conversation,
modes of temperament, thought, and action observable and when he came out we could see that the ring had
in all people - the middle finger being the Sathwic guna changed yet once again. Baba had again recreated
(calm, pure, balanced nature). The japamala is then the ring and it was now a single large diamond in an
drawn across the Sathwic finger by the thumb and the appropriate setting. As Sai followed the man into the
forefinger movement. main room, He said, “He didn’t like a large ring!” This
Baba next turned to Q: How to live with worldly desires which rise
him.) What religion? endlessly?
What is your religion?
SAI: Turn all wishes and desires to God, then all will be
Answer: Christian. well. Mind is like a key to the door of a prison. Turn it to
the left, the door opens and the person is free to turn
SAI: Do you like Jesus?
towards God and spiritual life. Turn the key to the right,
Answer: Yes.
and the person is locked into worldly life. Turn every
Moving His hand, Baba creates a ring, the centre stone of wish and every desire into desire to be with God, and
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
spiritual blossoms
Q: Swami, what is the Q: But, Swami, the mistakes I make. Even though I know
truth of the mind? How better, I make the same mistakes. Can I give you my
SAI: Once, or twice, or three times perhaps it is the same
SAI: There is no mind. Just mistake, but repeating again and again means it is no
thoughts, and actions are reflected back to you, you may SAI: Yes. If you have God loving you, then no sadhana,
think God sent them, but they are really your own. no meditation, no inquiry, nothing more is needed, for,
will be reflected and will return to you. But you are not SAI: Soul is the Atma. It does not die. You are Atma, not
human. You are Divine. You are God. Think and feel, “I body.
am Divine”. Then you will think and feel only love, for Q: But Swami, there is something else. Something has
God is Love. Every place, everything is Love, Love only. results.
Q: I have a desire which I cannot put away. SAI: Yes, result is from desire. It is like this golden watch
SAI: What? band you are wearing. You wish for a ring; the gold is
SAI: Physical privacy is first, then mental privacy. a golden necklace. The gold is taken and it becomes
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
conversations with sai - Part 38
Swami’s Blessings?
SAI: They are the same. Swami’s Blessings, His Grace, His
SAI: A big scientist may know that a child’s world is a ever full and never disturbed”.)
be likened to an aircraft
number only.
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
spiritual blossoms
that her husband, the Raja, never even uttered the name
and the feeding of the poor. The Raja did not know the
10 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
couple who were proceeding through a thick jungle on A person once told Dr. Johnson, the famous English
pilgrimage to an inaccessible shrine. The husband saw on thinker, that he could seldom find the time to recite
the footpath a precious stone, shining brilliantly when the Name of God, what with the hundreds of things he
the sun’s rays fell upon it from between the leaves. He had to do from morning till nightfall and even far into
hastily threw some sand over it with a movement of his the night. Dr. Johnson replied with another question.
foot so that his wife would not be tempted to pick it He asked how millions of people found space to live
up and become a slave to the tinsel. The wife saw the upon the face of the earth, which is two-thirds water
gesture and chided the husband for still retaining in his and the rest is too full of mountains, deserts, forests,
mind a distinction between sand and diamond. For her, icy regions, riverbeds, marshes and similar impossible
both were the same. areas. The questioner said that man somehow struggled
- Baba
should know of his “love” for Rama. There are many who
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 11
cover story
Liberating Love…
‘Prema Jyothi’ Lights up
Chennai Metro
But, for a change, we have the story now not as a S: When I am outside, I miss Swami and this place a lot!
free flowing story-like narrative like all our previous But, you know, Swami, the Compassionate Lord that He
cover stories, but as a conversation between is, always comes to my rescue in some way or the other.
characters, Prashant and Sundar. Prashant is a long When He came to Chennai in January 2007, I joined in
time devotee who visited the Exhibition at Prasanthi as a Sai volunteer and spent as much time as possible
Nilayam, while Sundar, equally devout, participated serving at the Yagnam site and basking in His blissful
in “Prema Jyothi” in Chennai. Before we get started, Presence.
a small note: Though these two characters are
P: That must have been an experience of a lifetime!
fictitious, everything that is conveyed through them
(the incidents, facts, testimonials, etc.) are all as true
as can be.
12 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
liberating love... ‘Prema Jyothi’ Lights up Chennai Metro
S: Oh yes, when He was there, it was literally heaven, I S: Prashant, how do you know about “Prema Jyothi”?
must say. The way He gave Himself away to all - be it a
policeman or a politician, an auto-rickshaw driver or an P: How should I not know! Prema Jyothi was actually held
esteemed celebrity, or the hundreds of eager devotees here in Prasanthi Nilayam first during Guru Poornima
on the streets of Chennai, was very touching. My heart celebrations in July 2007.
was soaked in bliss. S: Was it? Did Swami see it?
P: I can imagine that. Though I was not there, I heard P: Of course, He Himself inaugurated it, and spent
a lot about it from many devotees. He was there for 13 nearly 90 minutes keenly watching every panel and
days, right? presentation. Every inch of the Exhibition was blessed
S: Yes. When Swami left Chennai on January 31, the by Him. In fact, it was His inimitable Will and His Prema
which made “Prema Jyothi” happen!
...for many, it was their lifetime chance ...after its special inauguration on 20 July 2007
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 13
cover story
This was the colourful and breathtaking front-piece of the Exhibition marquee
- very much like Prasanthi!
S: No wonder! Now I know why the Exhibition was clearly For each one, the experience is different. A depressed
out of this world. You may not believe, but for many in heart cheers up, an agitated mind calms down, a curious
Chennai, which includes me too, it was like Swami re- mind gets an answer, a doubting Thomas gets convinced
visiting Chennai! and a devotee goes into raptures. When Pure Love flows,
it touches the inner core of every person and unravels
P: Is that so? It had such a profound impact?
the most beautiful part of his or her personality.
“I feel like I am in Parthi!”
- Anuradha Vasudevan
S: Of course, one devotee
I met by name Anuradha
Vasudevan told me, “I feel
like I am in Parthi, right
in front of Bhagavan.
It is amazing. I cannot
express myself in words.”
Another person, Sandhya
B, said, “I could not visit
Puttaparthi recently, but
this Exhibition literally
...through the captivating images of
brought Prasanthi to
His beautiful form
His overwhelming Chennai!”
presence... Swami’s Divine Presence
P: This is incredible. But
was felt Everywhere!
what really gave them such an elevating experience?
S: Right and I must tell you, the experience of people
S: It is difficult to explain, Prashant. There could be so who visited the Exhibition in Chennai were no different.
many reasons. Let me put it this way: you tell me, why is Because I saw people coming out of the hall in ecstasy,
Darshan such a unique experience? What really happens some were in tears, many were beaming with smiles and
when Baba comes amongst the devotees? others were wonderstruck. I do not know whether it was
the grand entrance which resembled the stage of the
P: Hmmm, all I can say is it is an overwhelming feeling.
14 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
liberating love... ‘Prema Jyothi’ Lights up Chennai Metro
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 15
cover story
too. The sense of devotion made me feel heaven had descended on earth.” But
and contentment on their that was not all.
faces was so genuine and
She continued further, saying, “For poor people like
me, Swami is doing so much. It is because of Him
P: Only the Lord knows that we get drinking water. This is the fourth time I
their feelings, just like am coming here. My son has told me to enter these
Lord Rama recognized premises only after taking a bath. This place is like a
Sabari’s devotion. Their temple. Therefore, every morning after my shower, I
looks can be many times leave my shop under the care of a relative, and first
so deceptive, isn’t it? come here. It is so uplifting being here. I too want
to do some service, within my means. I want to be
...they were touched “This place
within! engaged in divine work, till I leave this body.” You
is like a Temple!”
- Krishnaveni know, her heartfelt devotion humbled me.
S: Exactly. Let me tell you the touching tale of one P: And she was just one of the thousands who stepped
such lady, which was an eye opener for me. I used to in everyday, isn’t it?
serve as a volunteer in the Exhibition area, and I saw
one particular old lady from a poor background – she S: Right, when the Exhibition started on September
must have been in her late 60s – visit Prema Jyothi every 22nd, there were about 1,500 people; but as the days
successive day. And she used to go around the panels went by the number grew rapidly everyday and do you
with so much reverence and fondness. One day, curiosity know how many people had visited by the time it was
got the better of me and I approached her humbly and curtains on October 2nd? Do you want to guess?
asked, “Amma, I see you coming here everyday. Why do
P: 15,000?
you go through the same pictures day after day?” Then,
the lady with folded hands, replied, S: No, you are way off the mark, Prashant. It was 22,545!
But the most wonderful thing is everybody who stepped
“Son, My name is Krishnaveni. I run a petty shop in
in had a story to narrate.
this area in Thiruvanmiyur. I am Baba’s devotee for the
last 44 years and my son loves Him too. When I was P: Is it? Did you meet anybody else like the old lady?
living in Ariyalur (about 20
kms from the exhibition site),
I used to participate in the Sai
Bhajans conducted there and
forget the world for those
2-3 hours; but I never got
an opportunity to have His
Darshan. My, ‘more than four-
decades-long desire’ to see
Him found fulfillment when
Bhagavan came to Chennai
in January this year (2007).
Actually I had never imagined
that I would be able to see
Him at such close quarters.
His Darshan quenched my
thirst, and the divine chants
and fragrance emanating
The daily count of visitors went up and up!
from the Athi Rudra Yagna
16 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
liberating love... ‘Prema Jyothi’ Lights up Chennai Metro
Sai’s Infinite Glory Makes that were still rolling down my cheeks copiously.
Everyone Speechless! And then, Swami, with motherly affection, lifted my
S: Oh yes, I met so many people – youngsters, newcomers, face so that I could look at Him, and said, “Choodu,
old devotees. Talking of old devotees, I am reminded choodu” (see, see). When I lifted my eyes, I could not
of one Mr. Nandagopal. This person was an old man, believe myself. It was no more Swami there! I saw
surely above 70 years. The striking pictures of Swami in Lord Balaji complete with shanka and chakra (conch
the Exhibition moved his heart so much that seeing me and disc)! It was implausible. I was thrilled. And I
standing near, he called me and started narrating his immediately fell at His feet with total surrender. The
story impromptu. He said, kind Lord blessed me by smearing Vibhuti on my
forehead and then asked me to return home as my
parents were against Him.
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 17
cover story
in Puttaparthi. We pray for His blessings.” heaven! And this is a complete revelation to me,
which I have never seen, because I never look at other
P: Sundar, as you narrate these experiences, it is like
people when I am there in His physical presence, I
listening to Bhagavatham, it is Sai Bhagavatham. They
only see Him!”
say, the story of His Glory is as endless as the sea. But
even that is a misnomer. The sea may have an end but P: This is an interesting perspective. Truly, when we see
Sai’s Glory is as infinite as He is. Him at Darshan time, we are so careful not to miss even
one second of those priceless few moments that we do
S: You are right, Prashant, we can never comprehend
not want to shift our gaze to anything else till He is in
Him. For devotees and non-devotees alike, Prema Jyothi
front of our eyes. And Prema Jyothi captured for us the
served them in two ways. One, they were blessed with a
other beautiful things that happen when He is amidst
unique kind of Darshan.
P: What do you mean by ‘unique kind of Darshan’?
S: Yes, and this is not all. There is another important
“Here one can see Swami in so many facet - the second of the two, I was just mentioning. And
different Forms!” - Ms. Gowri Ramnarayan that is, people at the Exhibition not only got a unique
S: You see, people were able to see so many different Darshan experience, but at the same time it opened
and enchanting facets of His divine personality – all in them up to His Glory.
one place. In fact, this was put beautifully by a , Ms
P: Because of the comprehensive display of Swami’s
Gowri Ramnarayan, who said,
mammoth social welfare projects, you mean?
18 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
liberating love... ‘Prema Jyothi’ Lights up Chennai Metro
hospital, which is evident from the photographs believe 50% of the healing happens because of the
and visuals. Healing would come naturally in such surgeons’ efforts while another 50% is His blessing.
hospitals. Secondly, I am touched to see students’ That is the feeling I get when I see this exhibition.
participation in social projects. I now want to go
“And what to talk of water! Our body contains mainly
and see it myself. This is very well done and I feel His
water and He understands our need for drinking
presence here.”
water like nobody else. Not only has He concentrated
P: That was good. Chennai being a metro, Prema on Puttaparthi’s needs, the people of Chennai too
Jyothi in such a location attracted all kinds of people, are really fortunate to get drinking water from the
from various disciplines and professions, isn’t it? It Sai Ganga canal. You name the Project, and every
was different in Parthi in the sense that it was visited drop of it chants Sai songs!” You know, he went on
mainly by devotees who had gathered for Swami’s Guru in this vein and then talking about Swami’s educational
Poornima celebrations. institutions, he said,
“This is definitely an eye-opener for those “There is no compromise on the quality of Education
who have least faith in any religion”… He imparts… The glittering eyes of Sai Baba attract
- Prof. K. Meer Mustafa Hussein youngsters and they are being led at the right time…
S: You are right, Prashant. You name any profession and And one more peculiar facet of Baba is that He never
there were people from that discipline, from movie stars to points to any one religion. He treats all equally and
political heroes, from bureaucrats to businessmen, from this is really fantastic.”
eminent industrialists to distinguished educationists.
Talking of Educationists, reminds me of Prof. K. Meer P: This is something wonderful coming from the head of
Mustafa Hussein, the Vice Chancellor of Dr. M.G.R. a medical university who is from the minority community.
Medical University who dropped in one day. Besides Did any other dignitary like him visit the Exhibition?
being a doctor, he is a poet and an author too, and what
he said was very revealing: “The world is One, and that
is in His palm! And He expects us to do more service. I
am really astonished that everyone can get treatment
free of cost in His Hospital, which no Government
has done! This exhibition is definitely an eye-opener
for those who have least faith in any religion. God
can do anything through His Holiness! It is really
fantastic to see that surgeries are being done and I
Prof. Meer M. Hussein, VC of MGR Medical Former Chief Election Commissioner, Mr. T. S.
University, shares his unforgettable experience Krishnamoorthy is impressed with the effort
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 19
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Prof. Dr. N. Rangabashyam, is moved Mrs. Anjali Devi, outstanding cine actress of
by the Healthcare section of the Exhibition yesteryears, is ecstatic seeing the Expo
Mr. N. Velu, Central Minister for Railways, The caption says it all!
has his heart full with joy
20 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
liberating love... ‘Prema Jyothi’ Lights up Chennai Metro
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cover story
22 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
liberating love... ‘Prema Jyothi’ Lights up Chennai Metro
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cover story
24 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
liberating love... ‘Prema Jyothi’ Lights up Chennai Metro
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cover story
this is a golden moment for me. Being in the medical The kind of impact Prema Jyothi has had on the people
profession, rarely do I see people involved in a of Chennai is, in fact, a revelation to me and, I am sure,
spiritual life. Even if a few show interest, it is limited it will be the same for many others here too. It only
to yoga and things like that. But this is the first time I shows how great the need is for His love and guidance
have seen a Swamiji providing free surgeries, that too to people out there.
26 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
liberating love... ‘Prema Jyothi’ Lights up Chennai Metro
These kids are learning more by way of a talk An assiduous and ardent Sai kid
- documenting it in her own sweet way
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cover story
28 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
liberating love... ‘Prema Jyothi’ Lights up Chennai Metro
Sai Youth...the Backbone of the ...and all the panels are carefully loaded.
Wonderful Presentation
S: He said, “That is the divine devotional music of the S: Oh, yes. They worked very hard for it. More than 150
bhajans that is always on inside the Exhibition hall. youth from different Samithis in and around Chennai
Whenever we get a sensual thought,” he said, “if we worked tirelessly for a few weeks to make it happen. It
think of the Lord, – be it Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Allah was no easy task, I tell you, to convert the barren land
– that acts as a pop-up blocker and safeguards us into a temple of worship. When I went there first, work
from harmful elements. Only then can we be useful was going on in full swing. The panels, which had come
instruments to society.” And then referring to the Sai from Puttaparthi in huge vehicles that are generally
Youth at the Exhibition Hall, he said, “Rarely will you used to transport Hyundai cars, were being carefully
find so many youth so humble and serving people unloaded, assembled and erected. Soon, the lights, fans,
with so much concern and dedication. I have also seen carpets, floral decors – everything happened in record
how, when they go to the villages, they first touch time including the fabulous entrance.
the feet of the elders and then offer them clothes
and food. I do not know of anybody who does this
except Sai Youth. But for the Youth’s enthusiasm, we
would not have had such a wonderful presentation
here in Chennai.”
The huge Hyundai carrier arrives at Parthi... ...and assembled with utmost care
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P: That is wonderful.
30 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
liberating love... ‘Prema Jyothi’ Lights up Chennai Metro
Plaudits from the press, in The seva dals’ explanations were masterful...
“Dinamalar” on Sep 23, 07
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 31
cover story
There were always wheelchairs on hand captions, looking at the picture again with keen interest,
for the physically infirm...
and moving on only after they had absorbed in full what
was being conveyed.
not an issue because everybody in Chennai follows Tamil had six TV monitors in Puttaparthi showing small clips
or English, and the Youth had taken pains to translate on Swami’s leelas, His Hospitals, the Godavari Water
all the 180 panels into Tamil and had them printed and project, the Mobile Hospital and so on.
displayed below the regular English. S: Yes, I know what you are talking about. All these too
P: That was good homework done. It would have helped were there in Chennai. In fact, a special video on His
the visitors a lot. visit to Chennai was also there in a separate enclosure at
the far end of the hall and people could relax there on
S: Oh yes. I remember many people, especially the old, comfortable chairs as they listened to soothing music in
standing in front of the panels, patiently reading the the background. Many were in tears after seeing these
32 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
liberating love... ‘Prema Jyothi’ Lights up Chennai Metro
It was riveting and revealing... ...and heard Sai Youth explain about various services
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S: Absolutely, Prashant!
And I saw many instances
of this during Prema
Jyothi in Chennai. For the
volunteers it was not work,
it was worship. You know,
they also had a medical
camp running all the time,
with doctors taking turns,
just in case any visitor
needed any help. And at
the exit, there was always
one Youth bidding farewell
Dr. Hiramalini dwells on the uniqueness of the ...and message lovingly and handing over
whole presentation
to everybody a photo of
S: Yes, the youth in Chennai were truly charged; they were Bhagavan and a Vibhuti packet. Later, they even started
overjoyed that Prema Jyothi was first coming to Chennai giving Likhita Japam note books to devotees, and pens
after Puttaparthi and wanted to do everything possible and chocolates to kids too.
to make it a memorable experience for every visitor. They
34 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
liberating love... ‘Prema Jyothi’ Lights up Chennai Metro
But the way the youth were pouring their heart out to
Swami with love and gratitude, singing with all their
devotion and zeal, brought tears to my eyes. For the Youth
and others associated with the exhibition in Chennai, it
...smiling and sharing their goodwill was like Swami was there with them for those eleven
S: True, but the most poignant scene was the last day.
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cover story
days in the form of those priceless pictures. You see, As the youth concluded their bhajans and sang
even though we know and say that God is Omnipresent, the Arathi “Om Jaya Jagadeesha Hare...” in the
not being fully realized we long to see His captivating last session on October 2nd, at the far end of the
form, His pristine eyes, His compassionate look and His hall, there was a devotee who was looking at each
divine charm. And when the Youth saw devotees from of His photos covetously for the last time. And lost
Indore already at the site to take the Exhibition now to in prayer, it looked like she was too immersed in a
the state of Madhya Pradesh, it was hard for them. conversation with her Inner Self. A few minutes
later, her eyes brimmed with devotion and tears
slowly cruised down her sublime face. And then, she
smiled. Probably, Swami heard her prayer. Maybe she
got her answer. Maybe Swami blessed her with the
experience she was longing for. But as the light of
the camphor glowed brightly, she, too, shined. Her
heart was now as if one in love with that Light of
Love, ‘Prema Jyothi’.
36 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
liberating love... ‘Prema Jyothi’ Lights up Chennai Metro
Their devotion gushed forth... S: Yes, I did not even realize we have spent
more than an hour. That is what happens every
P: You brought the scene alive so beautifully. I can time we begin to talk about Swami. He is such a
imagine what kind of experience it must have been Phenomenon!
for that lady. We, in our lives too, get those flashes of
P: Absolutely. I hope we will meet soon later and continue
moments in our lives when we are filled with bliss, when
our satsang (godly discussion) another day.
we are connected with our Maker. And this exhibition, I
S: Of course, as He wills. Sairam, till then.
P: My friend, Sairam.
– Heart2Heart Team
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with a small margin of error of course. shape [with many lingering questions though] by
Alan Guth.
3. When the Universe was born, it was incredibly tiny
but soon began to grow; this occurred through the 9. Subsequent studies have shown that Inflation,
expansion of “space-time”. For our convenience, we an event of unimaginable proportions MUST have
visualize this as the expansion of a balloon say. occurred – at least that is what most believe.
38 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
quest for infinity - Part 10
and below, going even as far down as 10-48 cm. Of is one more plus for it [in addition to these cited
course, this also means that one is talking of the earlier].
Baby Universe when it was incredibly young – I have
• Nasty problems called infinities, have dogged all
mentioned all this earlier.
theories of the world of the small – technically
The point I want to drive at via the above recap is that called quantum field theories – and it takes a lot of
we have now begun to seriously connect the Big and ingenuity to overcome the difficulties posed by these
the Small. We know that philosophers have been talking unwelcome infinites. By comparison, String Theory
about it for a long time. Modern science has successfully does not suffer that much from this disease.
linked the seed to the tree and the DNA to the human
body. But now, taking a giant leap, man is trying to link
the Cosmos at the macro level to the infant Universe,
indeed to the instant of Creation. Man is attempting this
via the latest developments in the physics of elementary
particles. That is roughly where we were last time, and
towards the end of that instalment, I was beginning to
tell you something about String Theory, the hottest topic
in particle physics today. For your convenience, I have
given separately in a box, a thumb-nail portrait of String
Theory. I strongly urge you to at least glance through this
once, so that you may appreciate better what follows.
As described in the box, in String Theory, the starting Interacting strings could unite all four forces
(Digital artist’s conception)
point is that it is not particles but strings that are basic
to the physics of small distances. Although it is yet to hit • Most importantly, String Theory makes room for
the headlines in terms of making spectacular predictions gravitation in a natural way. This is a huge bonus
that have come true [that is what Einstein’s Theory of because a conventional “marriage” between
Gravitation achieved, way back around 1915-1920; see Einstein’s classical and very powerful theory of
QFI - 02], String Theory nevertheless has many pluses gravitation and relativistic quantum mechanics [that
going for it. These include: came later], a “marriage” that is absolutely mandatory
when one enters the world of the small, is next to
• It is a theory tailored to the world of the very small
impossible. That traditional difficulty is overcome in
and based on quantum mechanics, the inclusion of
String Theory, almost in passing it seems. It is this
which is a basic and mandatory qualification for any
very impressive aspect of String Theory that makes
theory to be taken seriously.
it very appealing to many. Incidentally, whereas GUT
• String Theory in its current version, evolved after type theories unify only the strong, the weak and the
many modifications and improvements, and is able electromagnetic forces [three out of the four basic
to accommodate SUSY or Super Symmetry, which forces known], String Theory offers the possibility
allows for a symmetry between quarks and leptons. of bringing all four forces [that is to say the three
mentioned above AND gravitation] under one single
• In that sense, String Theory may be seen as a part
regime – and that is a real great attraction. If it clicks,
of the various attempts made during the last few
String Theory would be the ultimate theory, which
decades to tie up the strong, the weak and the
is why some tout it as the Theory of Everything
electromagnetic force under one umbrella. For
many years, physicists have been searching for such
a Grand Unified Theory [GUT] but have not come At this stage, I should mention that some daring physicists
up with a really good one. String Theory has all the said, “Why only strings? Why not membranes?” Then
potentialities of emerging as the final winner – that a smarter guy said, “Listen, particles can be viewed
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as zero dimensional strings. The usual string is a one- rather than merely of three dimensional space.” At that
dimensional string while the traditional membrane [like time, Einstein’s pronouncement was a great shock but
that in a drum] is a two-dimensional string. Why not over a century, we have got used to that idea. In fact,
three-dimensional or four-dimensional strings? Indeed, modern satellites cannot work properly if we did not use
why not a n-dimensional string?” Mathematicians are the big man’s ideas in designing them. I am told that
like that! Sometimes they really go wild, but out of such these ideas are used even in the GPS systems now found
flights of fancy, many discoveries also emerge. in many cars!
40 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
quest for infinity - Part 10
higher dimensional space. It was a bold idea, in a sense Einstein gave a geometric way of looking at gravitation,
extending Einstein’s path-breaking concept to a new that is as the curvature of 4 D “space”, Kaluza was saying,
height. Basically, it was an attempt to see the basic forces “Listen, if you make 4 D ‘space’ into 5 D ‘space’, then you
in terms of higher dimensions. We must remember that can interpret both gravitation and electromagnetism as
in 1919, only gravitational and electromagnetic forces appropriate curvatures of this 5 D “space”.
were recognised as basic forces of Nature; the weak
Einstein’s four-dimensional world based on spacetime
and strong forces operating in the nuclear domain were
made room for a geometric interpretation of gravity,
unknown then.
while Kaluza’s extension to five dimensions allowed room
Kaluza wrote a paper and for the electromagnetic force to be interpreted in a similar
sent it to the Master for fashion, along with gravity
comments. When Einstein of course. However, both
received the manuscript, these descriptions were
he wrote back: classical. With the advent
of quantum mechanics in
The idea that this
the late twenties, Oscar
representation of the
Klein in Sweden wondered
electric field can be
how these descriptions
achieved through a five-
would get modified in
dimensional cylinder-
the quantum picture;
world never occurred to
Theodor Kaluza and one fine day, Klein
me and would seem to
came up with an equation Oscar Klein
me to be altogether new. I like your idea at first sight
which was a five-dimensional extension of what is
very much. …. If no apparently and irreparable objection
called Schordinger’s wave equation. This allowed one
occurs to me when reading your detailed exposition, I
to engage in a quantum analysis of what happens in a
will be pleased to present your paper on the subject to
higher dimensional world under the combined influence
the academy here.
of gravity and the electromagnetic force.
Just one week later, Einstein wrote,
Kaluza’s extension of Einstein’s idea and its subsequent
I have read through your paper and find it extremely adaptation to the quantum world by Klein came to be
interesting. Nowhere, so far, can I see an impossibility. called the Kaluza-Klein theory. It was a nice toy to play
On the other hand, I have to admit that the arguments with and that was about it; nothing much more came
brought forward so far do not appear to be convincing out of it except one interesting idea about what happens
enough. to the extra dimension. That is what I shall briefly deal
with next, for this idea lingered, for many decades
Cold water for Kaluza! Two years later, however, Einstein
though in limbo, until it became resurrected and found
changed his mind and wrote as follows:
an important role to play.
I am having second thoughts about having restrained you
When Kaluza and Klein started talking of the fifth
from publishing your idea on a unification of gravitation
dimension, people said: “Listen, Einstein has already
and electricity two years ago. … If you wish, I shall
complicated life by declaring Time to be space-like,
present your paper to the academy after all, provided
married space and time into one entity which he calls
you send it to me.
spacetime. And now you fellows are talking about a fifth
And that is how Kaluza’s radical idea got the highest dimension. If this fifth dimension really exists, why on
blessing, with a delay of two years. I must stress that earth don’t we see it or experience it? Where has it hidden
Kaluza did not unify the gravitational and electromagnetic itself?” This is an interesting question that played a very
forces in the way we understand unification of forces useful role by leading to the idea of compactification.
now. Basically what he had done is the following: While Basically one says, that the extra dimension “curls” itself
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so much that at the “practical” level, it appears as if the phenomena at very small scales. How small is small?
extra dimension is not present. Maybe around 10-43 cm or so.
I hope the figure above makes clear what compactification Well that takes care of the first of many questions that
means. It simply says that the extra dimension is so small crop up. Now to the second question: “What do these
that for normal purposes it does not appear to exist, or extra dimensions of String Theory mean? What are they
even if it did, it does not bother us. telling us?” That is a tougher question but one can
attempt a speculative answer as follows. You see, when
Einstein took the first step about a hundred years ago,
he essentially said, “You know? If we think of space
having four instead of three dimensions as usual [by
making time into a “pseudo” dimension if you will], then
we can explain gravity by using this “fourth” dimension.
Then came Kaluza who said, “Hold on a minute; I think
if we go beyond Einstein and add two extra dimensions
instead of just one as Prof E did, then we can explain not
only gravity but also electromagnetic forces.”
FIGURE 1: This figure illustrates how one can
understand compactification. We start with a line That’s OK but now with String Theories, we have a big
[see (a)]. Suppose we place a circle at every point on proliferation with 10 or 11 dimensions [and maybe even
the line. In (b) are shown some of these circles. If the more by come accounts]; what happens now? People are
line is densely packed with such circles everywhere, wondering whether the extra dimensions are in any way
we get a tube as in (c). As is evident, the surface of
related to several new and exotic attributes of elementary
this cylinder is two-dimensional – just cut the tube
particles. What I mean is this. When we think of classical
across and spread it, you get a rectangle instead
particles [I mean like what Newton considered], we
of a line; that is what I mean by two-dimensional.
would certainly attribute a mass to the particle and also
Imagine now that the radius R of the circle becomes
a electric charge if it possessed one. Thus, we would say
smaller and smaller. The diameter of the tube would
the proton has a mass of so much and a positive electric
then start shrinking and soon, the tube would start
looking like a line. This is in terms of appearance charge of one unit. Similarly, the neutron has a mass of so
only; in actual fact, what appears to be a line would much but has zero electric charge; and so on. However,
still be a tube, but with a diameter too small for the thanks to intensive investigations in the post-war years,
eye to see. This is what compactification means. it became clear that elementary particles have all kinds
of exotic attributes like spin, colour [in some cases],
baryon number and lepton number [as applicable], and
Question: “Can the compactified dimension ever make so on. All these properties, by the way, are not related to
its presence felt? If so, under what conditions? And what the physical space we live in. Maybe they are related to
on earth does it imply?” the extra dimensions coming out of the latter-day exotic
All good questions, which we shall now try and deal theories like String Theory, including various versions of
42 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
quest for infinity - Part 10
not lose any sleep about the extra dimensions they in accordance with Newton ’s law, which is OK,
especially when the particle is at rest. This radiation
invoke because they are too small as far as we are
pattern is typical of what is called the inverse-square
law. That is to say the force is inversely proportional
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F is proportional to (1/r2).
F is proportional to (1/r2+n), they can move about only within the plane, i.e., the
2 D space. The graviton, on the other hand, is not
where n is some number. In other words, instead of an so constrained and can move into the remaining
inverse square law, gravity might follow an inverse (2+n) dimension [compactified though it may be for the
law, where n is some number. Reacting to this, some beings in the 2 D space]. This fact is schematically
people said, “That’s interesting but not exciting enough;
44 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
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I now offer a brief outline of String Theory as we to the realm where speed of objects becomes
need to know it. From a historical point of view, the comparable with the speed of light. [Once again I
theory has evolved over thirty years in a meandering stress that the size of objects was not forgotten; it
sort of way, and what I present is a gist of the current was just put away temporarily on the back burner
picture. As I have indicated elsewhere, there are when breakthroughs had to be made – this has
basically two camps where this theory is concerned. always been the case; one step at a time.]
The devotees of one camp are so thrilled that they After Einstein, the next big breakthrough in Physics
unabashedly hail it as the Theory of Everything came when quantum mechanics entered the picture
[TOE]! The sceptics, on the other hand, say, “Oh – this happened over a period, the first phase of
yeah? Well, prove it!” which lasted from about 1924 to 1930. Here too
Now you might wonder how come physicists who one had to deal with matter, and the basic building
are generally very critical of theories unless it passes blocks were once again regarded as “particles”
through fiery tests are willing to shower praise on a [although with a dual character – about that, later].
theory that has yet to prove itself. Is it some thing Now what exactly are these so-called particles? This
like a potential “prodigy”? Is it a case where one can be understood as follows: Let us start with a
side is waiting for the great moment while the other short piece of string that is absolutely straight. We
side is waiting for the bubble to burst and TOE to assume that the string has no thickness whatsoever;
vanish without even a whimper? Time alone would obviously, such a string can never exist but we are
tell; but meanwhile, the excitement is not without talking of an idealised situation. A string of the
reason, and to help you get a glimpse, let me now type just mentioned is said to be a one-dimensional
present a few details of this much-hailed theory in object. Suppose the length of this fictional string is
its current Avatar, shall I say? made smaller and smaller, till the length becomes
zero. We then have a mathematical point – no size
For hundreds of years at all! An object of this type but with a mass is
physics has operated what we normally refer to as a particle in physics. In
on the intuitive this sense, the mathematical point I just described
assumption that the becomes a string in zero dimensions. The piece of
basic building blocks ideal string that I described becomes a string in one
are particles; this dimension; and soon I shall introduce you to strings
was so in the time in higher dimensions.
of Newton, whose
mechanics often So you see when physicists started talking of strings
assumed even objects instead of particles as they had done for centuries,
like a stone and even they were really trying to open new doors. Any
Sir Isaac Newton the earth could be mileage in that? Sure! I explain this in greater detail
safely regarded as a particle, when certain aspects in the main body of this issue but here I would
of motion were concerned. That is the beauty of just like to say that when one starts dealing with
physics – to be able to explain complex phenomena elementary particles, it is not just the mass of the
with at times amazingly simple assumptions. Once particle and its electric charge that describe it
this mountain is crossed, the details earlier glossed but may other subtle attributes. For many years,
over are addressed so as to make the theories and the question was: “Where do these come from?”
46 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
quest for infinity - Part 10
Even as the pioneers were exploring various aspects You see, physicists are human and they too
of strings, a few bold [and rash?] physicists said, sometimes ask: “What’s there in it?” Well, before
“Why only strings? Why not membranes?” That was String Theory broke out like a huge rash, many tried
the first step. Soon people began to say, “Why only very hard to bring together quantum mechanics
two-dimensional membranes? Why not membranes [QM] and general relativity [GR]. This was a very
in higher dimensions like three, four and so on?” difficult match making, because in physics, there
Thus, people began to talk of “branes” rather than were no theories so different. QM was non-classical
strings! Thus, one had zero dimensional strings, while GR is a classical theory. QM deals mainly
the traditional particles, then the first generation with the very small while GR was mostly applied in
strings in the form of open straight string, curved the realm of the very large and proved itself very
string and closed loops; after this came strings in 2, successful there.
3 and various higher dimensions, all called “branes”
When it came to the physics of very small distances
for short.
– and I am here talking of distances like 10-43 cm
– clearly, QM cannot be bypassed. Also, since large
masses are involved [when one is talking about the
Baby Universe] and very small distances, gravity too
could not be ignored. So this was a domain where
QM and GR had to coexist. Many physicists tried very
hard to work out a “treaty” [read quantum theory
of gravitation] but it was proving very difficult and
it was all very frustrating. That was when string
theorists said, “Hey, you know what? Suppose
particles were not particles but strings; not just
strings in one dimension but in many dimensions;
then presto, we are able to predict the existence of
the graviton.”
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So suddenly physicists were saying, “Look, here dynamical behaviour of the particle using Newton’s
is a theory that gives you the graviton without all “grammar”, the predictions do not agree with what
the hassle we faced earlier trying to arrange a shot- is found via experiments in the lab. New rules had
gun marriage between QM and GR. OK, we need to be developed and the pioneer in that game was
more dimensions but remember earlier efforts have Einstein. Einstein did not throw out completely the
already signalled that if you want quantum gravity, mechanics developed by Newton and those that
then you HAVE got to start talking of ten dimensions followed him. He said, “Newton’s rules work OK
and the like.” In String Theory that kind of talk is when the speed of objects is small compared to that
easier; all this plus the stuff about extra dimensions of light. If the speed becomes comparable to that of
I have presented elsewhere ought to be enough for light, then use my rules. My rules are such that when
us here. the speed is small, they automatically give the result
that Newton’s rules give. So my relativistic mechanics
I should also mention, that there were many other
is really a super set of Newton’s mechanics; one may
benefits available from String Theory but before
say it is non-relativistic.” In other words, if Newton’s
I do that maybe I should clarify what a theory of
mechanics is called CM Ver 1.0, then Einstein’s can
physics means, and how it is different, if at all, from
be called CM Ver 2.0.
a model. This is necessary because in physics we
have both models and theories. Let me start with Einstein’s path breaking extension came in 1905.
familiar things like classical mechanics, relativity, But around the same time, some physicists were
quantum mechanics and so on. What is their status? becoming very curious about the dynamics electrons
Now classical mechanics and quantum mechanics in an atom would follow. Niels Bohr of Denmark who
provide a general framework, which specify a set of had moved to England to pursue advanced studies
rules according which physics shall be done. I realize there was one such. He found that when Newton’s
this is a very sloppy way of describing things but it mechanics was applied to the electrons in an atom,
adequately captures the spirit of the issue for us. the predictions went haywire, even if the electron
moved at speed much less than the speed of light. In
Classical mechanics
other word, Newton’s rules were failing not only in
received a foundation
the domain of high speeds but also in the domain of
with the pioneering
very small distances and for a very different reason
work of Galileo and
it seemed. Thus, Bohr laid the foundation for a
Newton and was
new mechanics that would be useful in the domain
thereafter amplified
of the small. These developments occurred in a
by many such as
series of path breaking discoveries to which many
Lagrange. Basically
contributed [these include de Broglie of France,
classical mechanics is
Schrodinger of Austria, Heisenberg of Germany and
a type of grammar
finally, Dirac of England]. At that point, say around
that allows one to
1928 or so, a new quantum mechanics had been
calculate how objects Joseph-Louis Lagrange
developed, tailored specially for the domain of
move when subjected
the small. And then Dirac made one more brilliant
to a force. This worked fine for a couple of centuries
leap forward, by bringing Einstein’s relativity and
until a few, Einstein in particular, discovered that
quantum mechanics together into new grammar
these rules break down when the speed of the
called relativistic quantum mechanics. This happened
object becomes comparable to the speed of light,
around 1930 or so; but all was not over; there were
classical mechanics beings to fail. How do we
some major glitches still and they got cured later
know? From experiments. What does that mean?
thanks to many people’s contributions. However,
It means that when an object is moving close
those matters do not concern us now.
to the speed of light and one tries to predict the
48 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
quest for infinity - Part 10
I went into this historical digression because I on, the various planets in the solar system. Believe
wanted to draw attention to one important point it or not, we can, under certain circumstances, make
which is that from around 1950 onwards when things even simpler and treat all the planets as
particle physics began to gallop, the “grammar” they points and even the Sun itself as just a point, each
used was the highly refined and perfected version of with an appropriate mass!
quantum mechanics called by pundits as “relativistic
This is how high school students are often introduced
quantum field theory”. So if you want to show off a
to the elements of planetary dynamics, and you
bit and drop technical jargon, then do not forget this
would be surprised how beautifully this works. Of
phrase – relativistic quantum field theory! It may win
course, only up to a point. When one becomes fussy,
for you some young admirers! The most important
one must take into account the fine print. In the case
point that comes out of this is that grammar is
of the earth, for example, we have to take note of the
different from a model; a grammar gives a set of
fact that the earth is NOT a perfect sphere; further,
rules that are applicable under certain conditions.
the density of the earth is NOT uniform throughout
What about a model? There some simplifications are
and so on. When one does very detailed calculations
made that lead to a convenient physical picture that
as one has to on many occasions, for example in
is very helpful but without complications.
relation to satellite orbits etc., all this fine print is
You might be getting tired of all this apparent needed. A model is thus a simplified picture that is
rambling and asking yourself, “Why on earth can’t good enough for describing most of the essential
this self-appointed tour guide stick to one direction features, without bothering about the fine print.
and take us through, especially since this journey The fewer the simplifications, the more realistic is
looks like being long?” Valid complaint but you the model; keep that in mind please.
see like every conscientious tour guide who wants
The Standard Model that I referred to is a wonderful
to earn his tip, I want to point out all the details
model, perfected by the involvement of hundreds
of the local landscape and also narrate bits of the
of physicists from all over the world, and has done
local folklore before moving on; you may say it is the
remarkably well in the field of elementary particles.
Dharma of the tour guide!
Thus, many are quite content with it and do not wish
More seriously, the point I really wanted to make to look beyond. But the fussy ones are not satisfied
was that when one assumed that the basic building with yesterday’s triumphs and crave for a theory,
blocks of matter were really particles [that is, strings which does not keep out gravity, as the Standard
in zero dimension], one had, when one tried to Model does, and that is where String Theory gets a
build a unified picture within the umbrella strong, lot of mileage. All this lengthy preamble brings to
the weak, and electromagnetic forces, and using me to what I really want to say. That is the following:
the apparatus of relativistic quantum field theory, a Standard Model, wonderful though it is, has about
model called the Standard Model. 20 free and adjustable parameters. The Model does
not say, “The numerical values of parameters are as
Now what is a model as compared to a theory? A
model is a simplified picture of an actual complex
situation that has the merit of describing most of In physics, one has frequently got to deal with
the essential behaviour without unnecessarily adjustable parameters; conservatives on the other
complicating matters. Let me give a simple example. hand, like to keep the number as small as possible.
Take our earth; you know it is a “ball” about 12,000 Parameters are like taxes, generally detested! Indeed,
km in diameter. For many purposes, one takes this some snobs often say, give me ten parameters and I
to be a perfect sphere with a radius R where we give can fit even an elephant.” The idea conveyed is that
a value for R as obtained from experiments. In fact, with a lot of built-in flexibility, the model can be
we do the same for Mercury, Venus, Mars and so twisted any way to suit any circumstance! This is no
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doubt an extreme view but shows how at the end of To some of us this might seem too much, like
the day, physicists are quite uncomfortable with too getting rid of one fantasy with another! But then,
many parameters. The situation with the Standard people struggling with unifying good old quantum
Model is that while there is universal appreciation mechanics with gravity had already discovered that
for the way it has tied up so many diverse facts in if at all they wanted to do that, then they would
particle physics, it has too many parameters for have to make space have 10 dimensions. So the
comfort. String Theory pundits said, “Folks, the days String Theorists picked up courage and said, “Hold
of parameter proliferation are over. Here in our new on a minute. Don’t get turned off by these extra
and revolutionary Theory, we have just a parameter dimensions. They are actually reminding us about
or two.” something that people attempting to unify GR with
QM had discovered earlier, namely that if gravity
and quantum mechanics have to come together,
then many more dimensions would be needed. So
take the appearance of many dimensions in String
Theory as a good sign and press on.”
problem here too! But then these wizards working his version was it. The various versions, I should
mention, include all sorts of strings, including
on String Theory said, “Hey wait a minute! You have
those of dimensions higher than one, that is to say
a problem with negative probabilities? No problem!
membranes in various dimensions [ a concept dealt
We can get rid of it by going to higher dimensions
with briefly in the main body of this issue]. After a
like say ten!”
period during which a lot confusion reigned as to
50 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
quest for infinity - Part 10
which version is to be preferred, there emerged a before shifting departments and receiving a Ph.D
package called M theory for short. The grapevine in physics in 1976 under David Gross, the Nobel
has it that M in M-theory could stand for master, laureate in Physics in 2004.
mother, mystery, membrane, magic, or matrix.
After completing his
Some have speculated that the M is actually an
PhD, Witten worked
upside down W (for Witten, the man who gave
at Harvard University
M theory a great push; his portrait is presented
as a Junior Fellow
in BOX2). The world of String Theories can be
and at Princeton as a
visualised as a planet [Planet M if you prefer], the
professor. He was a
different versions churned out thus far being islands
Professor of Physics at
and oceans on this planet! This highlights the fact
Princeton University
that though superficially the different theories look
from 1980 to 1987.
different, there is an underlying unity.
He was also briefly
M Theory, I should strongly emphasise, is yet to be at Caltech from 1999
Edward Witten
explored thoroughly and when that happens, a lot to 2001. Currently he
more clarity is bound to emerge. But the question is the Charles Simonyi Professor of Mathematical
still being asked by many sceptics, especially the Physics at the Institute for Advanced Study in
Standard-Model loyalists, if I might call them that, Princeton, New Jersey.
is: “Well, we agree that there is a lot of fancy
mathematics, but physics is all about the real Witten has made several contributions to theoretical
world. What does String Theory, including the much physics. Witten’s extensive work in the area of
advertised M-Theory version, have anything to say theoretical physics has also involved a large number
about the REAL world? Has it got any verifiable of highly mathematical results. He has been active
prediction to offer?” It looks like there might be, primarily in quantum field theory and String Theory
but I shall reserve for the next issue. Meanwhile, I and in the related areas of topology and geometry.
feel obliged to say something about Witten, often
In 1990, Witten was awarded Mathematics’ most
hailed as the Pope of String Theory. A profile of this
prestigious award, the Fields Medal. Often described
amazing man is presented next.
as the Nobel of Maths, it is awarded once in four
years. Witten became the first physicist to win the
Fields Medal. Sir Michael Atiyah said of Witten,
Box 2 – On Witten
“Although he is definitely a physicist, his command of
Edward Witten was born in August 1951 in
mathematics is rivaled by few mathematicians... Time
Baltimore, Maryland, to a Jewish family, the son
and time again he has surprised the mathematical
of Lorraine W. Witten and Louis Witten, the latter
community by his brilliant application of physical
a physicist specializing in gravitation and general
insight leading to new and deep mathematical
relativity. Edward received his bachelor’s degree in
theorems... he has made a profound impact on
history (with a minor in linguistics) from Brandeis
contemporary mathematics. In his hands physics
is once again providing a rich source of inspiration
Witten planned to become a political journalist, and and insight in mathematics.”
worked briefly for George McGovern’s presidential
Witten has been honored with numerous awards,
campaign. He then attended the University
including a MacArthur Grant (1982), and the
of Wisconsin-Madison for one semester as an
National Medal of Science (2002). In 2006, Pope
economics graduate student before dropping out.
Benedict XVI appointed Witten as a member of the
From politics he returned to academia, enrolling
Pontifical Academy of Science. Witten also appeared
in applied mathematics at Princeton University
in the list of TIME magazine’s 100 most influential
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 51
feature articles
people of 2004. Since 1992, Witten has been on would get a glimpse of what geniuses are like.
the board of Americans for Peace Now. Readers with a physics background may be able
to get a bit more.
At the time Witten was presented the Field’s Medal
[for his contributions to Mathematical Physics], the What is M theory?
presenter said:
M theory is a name for a more unified theory
“Physics was always a source of stimulus for that has the different string theories, as we know
Mathematics so that Mathematical Physics is a them, as limits, and which also can reduce, under
legitimate part of Mathematics. In classical time, its appropriate conditions, to eleven-dimensional
connection with Pure Mathematics was mostly via supergravity. There’s this picture that we all have
Analysis, in particular through Partial Differential to draw where different string theories are limits of
Equations. However, the quantum era gradually this M theory, where M stands for Magic, Mystery or
brought a new life. Now Algebra, Geometry and Matrix, but it also sometimes is seen as standing for
Topology, Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry Murky, because the truth about M theory is Murky.
enter naturally into Mathematical Physics and get And the different limits, where the main parameter
new insights from it. simplifies, give the different string theories -- Type
IIA, Type IIB, Type I, and there’s eleven-dimensional
In all this large and exciting field, which involves
supergravity, which turns out to be an important
many of the leading physicists and mathematicians
limit even though it isn’t part of the systematic
in the world, Edward Witten stands out clearly as the
perturbation expansion, then there’s the E8XE8
most influential and dominating figure. Although
heterotic string, and there’s SO(32) heterotic string.
he is definitely a physicist [as his list of publications
clearly shows], his command of mathematics is
rivalled by few mathematicians, and his ability to
interpret physical ideas in mathematical form is
quite unique. Time and again he has surprised the
mathematical community by a brilliant application
of physical insight leading to new and deep
mathematical theorems.
52 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
quest for infinity - Part 10
traditional weak coupling methods, explores this So K theory is the sort of topological underpinning
little region, and if asked how his theory is related of D-brane theory. But as physicists we’re interested
to Type I theory, the answer would have to be, “Well very much in whether the ball is round or lumpy, as
I don’t know, that’s something else.” are different things in physics. We wouldn’t want to
play baseball with a lumpy ball. So, the topology is
And likewise, if you ask this observer what happens
just one side of the story.
for strong coupling, the traditional answer was,
“Well I don’t know.” In graduate courses, you learn What is noncommutative geometry and why is it
that you can do more or less anything for weak important in string theory?
coupling, but you can’t do anything for strong
Well, one thing which we know about for sure in
coupling. What happened in the 90s was that we
string theory is that the ordinary classical ideas about
learned how to do a little bit for strong coupling,
geometry are approximations, and don’t really work
and it turned out that the answer is Type IIA at
precisely. But what you should really replace them
strong coupling turns out to be Type I in a slightly
with is not clear. However, there’s a naive ideas
different limit, SO(32) heterotic, and so on. So we
about strings which really only works for open
built up this more unified picture, but we still don’t
strings. Open strings are strings with endpoints, like
understand what it means
in the original Type I superstring, where a particle
What is K theory and what does it mean for string was represented by a piece of string with charges
theory? at the ends. I’ve labeled the charges as q and q-
bar for quark and anti-quark, but that’s modern
K theory is a mathematical theory that studies
terminology that might not have been present in
topology using matrices, using operators that don’t
the early says of string theory.
commute with each another. What topology is, first
of all, is the branch of mathematics where you don’t
care about the shape, so for example, a lumpy ball
is equivalent to a round ball. But if there are holes,
you do care about that, so a donut is different from
either of these two. So, mathematicians learned,
around 1960, that there was a very powerful tool
in topology based on matrices, and that tool was K
theory. And since quantum mechanics is about non-
commuting operators, or matrices, there has always
been a kind of naive analogy between K theory
and quantum mechanics. An analogy that seemed
naive to most physicists, but was often drawn by Open and closed strings can be
joined in certain ways
mathematicians such as Michael Atiyah.
Once you’ve got open strings, they can join together,
However, we learned in the last few years that some
I’m going to call my open strings A or B, and they
questions about string theory, but slightly specialized
join end to end. But there are two ways of joining
questions usually, are usefully addressed using K
them. I could join them with A on the left and B
theory. What K theory really addresses is a little bit
on the right, or I could join them with B on the left
subtle to explain. If you want to understand the
and A on the right, and I get two different outputs.
charges carried by the D-branes, that’s a question
And it’s very much like taking two matrices A and
that leads to K theory. Or I might say at an even
B and multiplying them together. So there’s some
more basic level, D-branes are these strange objects
noncommutativity in the interactions. And when
whose positions are measured by matrices, and
you take account of the fact that string theory is all
studying those matrices leads to K theory.
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 53
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about geometry, somehow this is geometry where What has been the most surprising or interesting
noncommutative objects are built in. In fact I’ve thing that you have learned in physics?
mentioned now a couple portions of it. There’s the
I’m going to interpret the question to be what’s
noncommutativity of joining strings, and there’s the
the most interesting thing I’ve learned in my career,
matrices that don’t commute, which are related to K
whether I discovered it or not. It’s something I’ve
theory and also to the D-brane positions and so on.
learned, perhaps through the work of other people
Anyway, coming back here, you can try to or from textbooks. So in that sense, the most
systematically describe open string physics at least surprising thing I’ve learned, even though I had
in terms of noncommutative ideas introduced in nothing to do with discovering it, is that strings can
geometry, and you can get a general answer of describe quantum gravity.
some kind, but it’s rather abstract and very hard
What has been the most surprising or interesting
to use. However, in the last couple of years, it was
thing that you have learned in science outside of
discovered that there’s a certain limit with a very
strong background magnetic field in which things
simplify, and you can actually say something simple Well it’s not that amazing that to me, a lot of
and useful based on the noncommutative geometry. science is physics. So, for example, I can’t give you
That’s a case where the rather abstract and hard to an answer in terms of chemistry, because physics
use noncommutative geometrical concepts actually underlies chemistry. I could give you an answer in
come down to Earth and become useful. biology. Biologists have learned lots of wonderful
things. But it’s hard to properly maintain one’s sense
Why is it so hard to break supersymmetry in string
of wonder about them, for some things that were
known so long that we all remember so little that
Well, if I knew the answer, if I knew how Nature has we take them for granted. But there’s the theory of
done supersymmetry breaking, then I could tell you evolution, which is an amazing insight. And there’s
why humans had such trouble figuring it out. But I can the understanding of the genetic code, that’s a
say one thing about it. When supersymmetry is not marvelous insight.
broken, it’s easy to get a zero cosmological constant
Of course, if we move on to math, which you might
in string theory. And although a zero cosmological
think isn’t physics, but which is much closer to what
constant might not be the truth, it’s incredibly close
I know, then there are lot’s of fun and exciting things
to the truth. If you break supersymmetry, if you do it
there. I hardly know what to tell you because, again,
the wrong way, you’re going to get a cosmological
there are lots of things that are really wonderful but
constant that’s much too big, and then you may
which we take for granted because it’s all known.
well get associated problems, such as instabilities,
Like there’s calculus. Calculus is pretty amazing.
runaways and so on. So it’s easy to find ways that
string theory could break supersymmetry, but they all But... it’s not the first thing that comes to mind in
have bad consequences. So I assume we’re missing answering such a question, because such a question
something, which is the answer to your question. tends to make you think of more recent discoveries.
But... if I just have to ask , of everything I’ve ever
How can the cosmological constant be so close to
learned in math, what’s the most amazing and
zero but not zero?
surprising -- it might by that calculus should win the
I really don’t know. It’s very perplexing that prize, even though it’s not so new any more.
astronomical observations seem to show that there
is a cosmological constant. It’s definitely the most
troublesome, for my interests, definitely the most
troublesome, observation in physics in my lifetime.
In my career that is.
54 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
spellbinding sai - Part 1
spellbinding sai behavior. And this letter was in reply to that. In that
letter, because His elder brother was a Telegu pundit,
Part 1
By late Prof. N. Kasturi Baba wanted to go one step over His elder brother and
replied in poetry - His elder brother also reveled in poetry.
And there you will find Baba saying the purpose of His
This is the transcript of a talk delivered by Prof. coming. He tells him, “You don’t understand Me. You
Kasturi many years ago. This is being brought to cannot understand Me.” And He says, “Not only you,
you from our archives and we regret that we do but the whole world, however they may try, whatever
not have the exact date of this talk, but we can say they may do, it’s not today, for however long they may
with reasonable surety that it was in the month of try, they cannot understand Me.”
October in 1987.
God with No Name
It is a very difficult assignment that has been given to me “I have no name and I have no place which I must
to speak on Sai Baba. Because He is a phenomenon that claim as My own. I don’t belong to Puttaparthi, I
has so many facets; and that is yet a mystery - though I don’t belong to this
have been with Him for over 30 years now. The longer place. I was not a native
you are with Him, the more mysterious He becomes. of this place or that.”
And He Himself has acknowledged and declared that
it is very difficult to understand Him; not just recently And He says, Ye Perutho
when people tried to investigate Him, but even from His Pilachenanu Palakutunu -
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 55
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minutes from the Stone Age – born in that village, and “I have come on a Mission…”
in a very poor family. (Baba did not have money to even
And then the next line in that poem is this:
purchase buttons for His shirts. And He used to have
thorns collected from thorny plants – long ones – and
“Those who stray away from the righteous
used them for His buttons). Imagine a boy born in such
path, from the path of dharma, I will hold
circumstances; studying in a school up to what we call them by the hand
the fourth form (grade) and leaving school after two and save them; that
months, during his fifth form. I went to that school and is My vow. I have
inspected the admissions register and the furniture. And come on a mission
sat on that same bench in which He was sitting when He that you can’t
understand. I am
was studying. Think of a boy like that, in fourth form,
not your brother;
two months and into fifth form, talking of mankind?
I am not your
Sathya Narayana
“I have come on a mission to give Raju whom you
Ananda to entire mankind?” - Baba can say: ‘Why are
you throwing away
Edgar Mitchell – the sixth man who walked on the moon your books? Pass our B.A. degree examination
– and now a great follower of yoga, writes in his book and become an officer in the government.’ No!
that he has seen earth as a spaceship from the moon. I have no name. I have no native place; I have
come to give Ananda (bliss) to entire mankind.
He speaks of the ecstasy that he felt when he saw the
I have come to correct people from straying
earth from the moon - a beautiful precious blue gem
away from the straight path - wherever they
placed on dark velvet. He gives a beautiful description
may be, who ever they may be.”
of the earth from the moon. And in the next paragraph
he writes about the agony that he felt that man is not
And then the third line:
able to live upon this beautiful spot in peace! “He hates
and he exploits and he gives full vent to all his base
“I have come to spread Love, Prema.” How?
passions” he writes. Further he asks, “When will man “By removing the great grief of people who
think of mankind? What we want is to rise from man to are poor, distressed and downtrodden. I will
mankind.” remove their grief and give them what they
lack. It may be material means, or it may be
And here is a village boy, five minutes from the Stone spiritual strength, whatever they lack, I will
Age! Baba was saying that the first jeep that penetrated give.”
into Puttaparthi was such a piece of curiosity that people
asked the driver if they could push it to some distance.
You can say, Sai Baba is famous for this. He will do this;
And it was considered a great example of status if you
this is His greatness. But what is His greatness? What is it
have pushed it a few feet. And even the elders of the
for which He says, “I can say that I am even proud?”
village took the chance to push the jeep a little and they
were very proud of what they had done. That was the That is:
type of culture and development that Puttaparthi had. “Whoever worships Me with niyama and nishta, with
And a boy who grew in such circumstances, talking of proper conditions; I will save them, I won’t give them
- “I have come on a mission to give Ananda to entire up.”
56 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
spellbinding sai - Part 1
That is what the Gita says too: “Ananyas Chintayantomam That is the new interpretation that Baba has given. “He
Ye Janah Paryupasathe, Tesham Nithyabhiyuktanam is another” this feeling
Yoga Kshemam Vahamyaham.” you should not have,
because there is no
Lord Krishna declares, “Whoever thinks of me
another. We are all One.
incessantly, I will be always with them and look after
And if something happens
their welfare completely.”
to somebody, it is as good
Though, of course, Baba has given another meaning as or as bad as happening
to it. It is said, in the Gita you find quotes, but if you to us.
watch Sai Baba and His activities and speeches, you will
That apart, what are these
find them to be a commentary on the Bhagavad Gita.
niyama and nishtha?
Returning to this statement that “Whoever worships Me
What are these conditions
with niyama and nishta under certain conditions, I will
that Baba says, “which
never give them up. I will be always protecting them,
alone will enable you to get My grace.” Of course He has
that is my ghanatha (greatness).”
later on explained that it is not formal worship that He
The quote from the Gita says: “Whoever worships me requires.
with single minded devotion; I will always be with them.
Purity, not Phalam and Pushpam
And I will give them happiness in this world and joy in
In the Gita it is said: patram, pushpam, phalam, toyam.
the next.”
Lord Krishna says, “That you can offer Me patram,
some leaf at least (bilva or tulsi); or pushpam, some
“Whoever worships Me with niyama flower; or phalam, some fruit; or toyam, some water
and nishta, with proper conditions; I will for worship – that is enough for Me.”
save them, I won’t give them up.” - Baba
But Baba says:
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 57
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and kept at least fifteen feet away from you as if I am a he asked: “Do you have appendicitis?” The other person
very important person who should not mix with you, or said, “Yes. But I didn’t tell Him!”
sit intimately with you. So, how much more miserable
He thought it rather strange and he congratulated himself
should a man feel if he is not genuine, and if he is simply
that he had seen a ‘yogi’. Then he went back. And he
made to sit twice a day, and you are praising Him as
writes: “I went back to the familiar world of mouthwash
Lord Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Mother Gauri and Saraswathi
and deodorant.” Further he says, “I have been to India
without end; something must be wrong with his brains
and I have seen the much talked of yogis and I have
if he tolerates all that. But He is very clear headed and
found them to be a set of exploiters and the disciples are
a very competent person, and that itself is an indication
psychopathic compulsives.” So he dismissed the whole
that He must be some phenomenon which you and I
lot of gurus, teachers and yogis in India as systematic
cannot understand.
exploiters and psychopathic compulsives. But then, Baba
started working on him.
“I have no name and I have no place
Whenever He speaks, you must have observed that He
which I must claim as My own. I
quotes or sings one poem. Once He started with a song
don’t belong to Puttaparthi, I don’t
about Himself. Vishwamellada Vyapiyeevelayuvaadu.
belong to this place. I was not a
Which means, “He who is present all over the world”. It
native of this place or that.” - Baba
is not exactly ‘world’, you may say, all over the cosmos.
58 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
spellbinding sai - Part 1
right word quickly. So I said, “The world is My mansion.” that you could have a person of that human form and
And I was rather proud that I used the word ‘mansion’ size declaring: “No, not the world! The Universe!” When
for ‘illu’. So I was bucked up with myself and thought He corrected me in that fashion, I simply fell at His feet.
everybody will appreciate that word. I didn’t say ‘house’ And fifty thousand people watched this and wondered
or ‘home’ or some of those common place things, but ‘What is this man doing?’ Then He gently pulled me up
a much better term - ‘mansion’. So I patted myself on by the shoulder and directed me towards the mike and
the back.
said, “Carry on your work.” Now, that is Baba.
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 59
feature articles
Honoring Him the after their deaths. But in the lifetime of this great leader,
Sai Baba, so much has been achieved. That in itself is an
Right Way
By Rev. Ted Noffs important point.
60 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
honouring him the right way
the human potentiality and possibilities. Our task is to I had never seen a drug overdose in my life. I looked
realise our potentiality to the full. I believe we should be around for a doctor, a nurse or a social worker, who
honouring this extraordinary person, who is alive with may have known what to do. I discovered that in the
us in the world today, for emphasising this fact. Look whole of Sydney, there was not one available. Not one
around at the institutions hospital could take her. So we have to set up our own
He has created and the drug programme in Australia.
lives that have been
Did I look around and say, “Well, isn’t there somebody,
changed through His
some authority somewhere who can do it?” No. God calls
influence. See what one
upon you to do it. You are to be the authority. You are to
person, realising His
be the pioneers. You cannot leave it to anyone else. What
potentiality, has achieved
was required in the past of seasoned warriors, is today
in his lifetime. Cannot
required of more recruits to serve humanity. That should
you say to yourself
be the theme of our age. You might say, “I am nobody;
today, I am going to
I am only a person humbled; I have got no potentiality
leave this auditorium,
and no possibilities.”
go out into the world,
and manifest a new world for men and women, boys “Here I am, Lord!”
and girls, to enjoy it forever? That is what this birthday But you have; you are to be it; you are to be the Saviours
is all about. It is not just a matter of coming here and of the world in this age. The world needs another Christ,
singing songs, and saying our prayers, and going on our but where is He? We must go out and look for Him.
way and saying, “that was lovely.” Perhaps he said, “Here am I. Send me.” You have got to
say that. If your Sai movement is to be counted, or if it
Transforming the Planet
means something to you, you have got to stand up and
That was not the objective of Sai Baba, who founded
say, “Here I am Lord! Send me wherever you want me to
this great Spiritual force on this planet. He would be
go, and whatever you want me to do.”
disappointed I am sure, if you left the auditorium
and did just that. He wants you to go out and help to The world renowned
transform this planet and make the world a new and comedian, Tony Hancock,
more beautiful place to live. reminded me of what the
human heart needed and
The death of a lonely person cared for by our ‘Outreach’
the hunger within. When
programme was reported at the Chapel this morning.
I met him I recognised
This man who died at the Concord Repatriation Hospital
his inner loneliness and I
had given the Wayside Chapel as his ‘next of kin.’ No next
had never seen a sadder
of kin in terms of a mother, a father, a son or a daughter
face in my life. Instead
only one little institution, the Wayside Chapel. But Sai
of talking about some of
Baba must be next of kin to countless millions of people
his jokes, he spoke about
around the world. Is this not terribly important?
religion. He spoke about
When I look at your ministry and the work you are the hunger in the hearts of men and women, and the
doing, this is what you have got to take as a philosophy hunger in his own heart for religion. Little did I know
the words of your own Master, the teachings of this that a few hours later he would be dead! He died of
great man. You have got to put them into practice. Do a drug overdose. The greatest comedian who brought
not stand back and say, “Somebody else is doing it,” laughter to the world, was himself very lonely, and knew
because they are not. You are to be the person doing it. no laughter in his own heart. You meet so many people
Twenty one years ago, outside the Wayside Chapel, a girl everyday, who you think are self sufficient and do not
was dropped almost unconscious from an overdose of need anything.
drugs. She managed to crawl inside the building before
You may sing together and gather with friends at
she collapsed. We found her there several hours later.
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 61
feature articles
religious meetings. It is not enough. Your task is to That is the distinctive philosophy I believe, that should
follow the teachings of this great leader, Sai Baba, this somehow encompass the planet, and we here in
great spiritual giant, whose birthday we celebrate today, Australia are very privileged to understand these things.
and the greatest birthday present you could give Him is If you go out there to all those Australians, you will be
to be like Him to manifest your love for all beings and amazed that they do not really believe in Anglicanism or
to manifest things for all time, for the planet to enjoy; Catholicism. Every Australian, even children, understand
for the rest of human history. That is your task. that what matters most is not religion, but the Family
of Humanity. And they want your help to become a part
We are confronted today by so many varied problems.
of that family. They want Sai Baba to be an instrument
I find that the needs of humanity always outstrip the
in making that family a reality in the world. We should
resources available to meet them. You know that? That
be able to say, “I love you, you are mine.” One of the
is an axiom. You never catch up. You never arrive, but
four principles, the four bastions of Sai Baba is Love,
you are always travelling on. Your task is to go out into
a commitment to other human beings. Merely talking
the world and transform this city, this nation, and the
about it is not enough. We have to go out into the world
entire world, into one beautiful human family. That is
and care for the less fortunate. This is what Sai Baba is
what it is all about.
about. Is it not the great point of His ministry and His life,
I have a creed which most of you know and I share it that Sai Baba has given the world Unity, Harmony and a
with you. One day I hope the whole world will say it. It is sense of Diwwvinity? For that we all should be thankful
also the creed of Sai Baba, in a different way: to God. For many more years to come, I hope Sai Baba’s
Ministry will expand this Message of Unity, Harmony and
Divinity, for the whole world to benefit.
62 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
harnessing the heart - Part 1: Careful Choices
HARNESSING THE HEART issue from now on will bring you tales of everyday
people who have fearlessly and zealously followed
PART 1...
their Heart, and in spite of the many challenges,
Living up to the Challenge of
Conscience in Daily Life from within and without, have emerged victorious.
This triumph, we believe, is truly inevitable as one
can never underestimate the power of the soul, even
Dear reader, starting though at times, it may take longer than one expects.
from this month, the We hope this will serve to fill you with confidence
Birthday month of the to follow your Higher Self, and feel assured that
Avatar, we begin a the ‘Golden Age’ that we all look forward to, is not
special column in our a utopia. It is, in fact, very much within our reach.
feature article section We just have to believe in it and dare to make it
which will bring you happen!
stories of people – from eminent personalities to the
ordinary Joe on the street – who have passionately CAREFUL CHOICES
pursued their Inner Call (or ‘The Voice of Conscience’ By Mrs. Priya Davies
or ‘The Divine Direction Within’ – whatever you may Upon Bhagavan Baba’s instructions to her mother,
call it) and have found greater peace and fulfillment Priya Davies moved to India from Canada in 1978, to
in their lives. Many a time, it may not be the smartest study at His school in Ooty. She later attended what
move or the most logical thing to do, going by the was then the Sri Sathya Sai Arts and Science College
majority opinion in today’s society; often, it may for Women in Anantapur from 1981-1982, where
even result in putting the individual in very trying she completed her intermediate studies. Thereafter,
situations which could have been avoided if he/ she pursued her university education at Concordia
she had not ventured onto the ‘road less traveled’. University in Montreal, Quebec. Priya currently lives
But ultimately it is these people who live life with in Toronto, Canada and works in the healthcare
absolutely no regrets, are successful and enjoy advertising industry. She is also a final year student
greater peace. in homeopathic medicine.
Not only this, it is because of such individuals that the Approximately five years ago, I was hired by my current
world is still a beautiful place, in spite of the incessant employer, an advertising company in downtown
incendiary news we hear non-stop. The media, Toronto as the Office Manager. My role was to manage
we know, is more often than not, depressing with the Operations department and Human Resources. A
negative news and sensationalism. Few take interest Reception/Admin person reported to me directly. Let’s
to highlight anecdotes of enlightened individuals, call her Liz.
or tales of virtue and sacrifice of ordinary citizens. If
HR with a Human Face
they did, the powerhouse of positive consciousness
The day I signed my offer letter, I was advised by my direct
it would generate, could change our world for the
supervisor, the Vice President of Operations, that there
better much sooner than we can imagine. We, at H2H,
has been a long standing “issue” with Liz’s performance
would like to do our bit in expediting this process
as the Receptionist/Administrator and she may need to
and that is the principal reason we have started this
be “let go” hinting clearly that being the one with the
special column.
new HR role, I would have to fire her. I replied that I
Moreover, in the August 2007 issue, we had the completely understood if there were issues, however I
cover story “Enlightened Leadership – A Matter of would not be comfortable letting her go as: (1) I have
Heart, Mind and Soul” and the heartening response no work relationship or history or issues with Liz and (2) I
we received from many readers asking for more of don’t feel comfortable in “letting someone go” unless all
such encouraging anecdotes, propelled us to offer other avenues to resolve the issues had been exhausted
such articles on a sustained basis. and I had given all opportunities to Liz to change things
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 63
feature articles
I requested to have three months to work with Liz and if her own way and that I could help her with some of her
there were still performance issues, I would then put her tasks and give her further coaching over time. Everyone
on a PIP plan. The PIP, or the Performance Improvement deserved a second chance and so did she, I argued.
Plan, is a type of probationary period. It would detail
specific feedback, instructions and goals to be reached At the last moment, just five minutes before the
in order to come off probation. This was reluctantly termination meeting, my boss changed her mind and did
agreed to. not go through with the termination. Liz was extremely
popular in the office and whoever fired her would reach
The next three months proved to be very grueling as
new depths of unpopularity, which my supervisor was
the employee did indeed have memory issues, was not
not willing to risk for herself. For a year or so, things
comfortable with computer technology, was slow in her
fluctuated from good to bad and back again. Coaching
pace, and many areas of her job consequently were not
helped as long as re-training was done yearly as Liz had
handled well by her. On the other hand, there were other
a tendency to forget certain training pieces over time.
areas of her performance where she was excellent, such
as her verbal communication skills, telephone manners, Fire or Be Fired
people skills, and so on. Now our agency was famous for having a “revolving
door”. The two main principals of the business, the CEO
and his wife, my boss, had a tendency of firing people
very quickly if they didn’t fit into the rigid, fear-filled,
automaton-like environment they were trying to
maintain. My boss commented to me daily about Liz’s
alleged incompetence, hoping I would give in and fire
64 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
harnessing the heart - Part 1: Careful Choices
parent or a relative just because they’re not as “useful” Righteousness Protects The Right
or if they’re having troubles, do we? I don’t think anyone Today, I am glad that when the two former principals
should get away doing things in the business world with gave me the final deadline to choose between firing Liz
the kind of behaviour you would not do in one’s personal or getting fired - I stood my ground and walked away
life. We’ve got to strive towards what Baba refers to as from making a choice I would regret forever. I think as a
unity in thought, word and deed. result of that adherence to what I saw as Right Conduct,
today I am enjoying my professional life in a healthier
Anyway, the ultimatum by the two principals of the
and more productive atmosphere.
company was weighing on my mind: I had to choose
between staying true to myself and the values I cherished Knowing consciously the “right thing to do” is much
- or my aspirations for my rapid rise in the advertising easier than practicing it every day, every minute and in
industry. every situation (hence the ups and downs). Doing the
right thing every time can be challenging and when we
Moving On and Up slip, it is not the sort of thing we want to share - along
After that meeting, I quit my job because I would with our fears and doubts of making mistakes. For every
not do the wrong thing to get ahead in my career. I 10 good things I’ve done, I’ve probably made a few
had no other job to fall back on, but I felt good and unwise choices too.
knew something would come up. Sure enough, I was
I think what’s important is knowing that the goal of
offered a fantastic job a few weeks later running the
perfection is everyone’s right - yet when we make
administration for a ferry company. While at this new
mistakes - and we will from time to time... - then let’s
job, I sometimes missed the old office as the people
love ourselves no matter what, forgive ourselves, be
(other than the two bosses) had been lovely to work patient on ourselves and each other, as we’re all on this
with. A few months later, I heard that my old boss and journey together - towards that goal of perfection and
the CEO had been “let go” themselves by the parent devotion and self-knowledge. It’s just that some of us
company. When I heard this news, I thought to myself are extra ahead or further behind than others in our self-
in passing, it would be nice to work there now without realization. But it’s all fine. It’s not a race.
the two bosses. The environment there would now be
A very dear Sai sister sent this to me at a moment
positive and harmonious.
when I did not feel particularly proud of myself. Swami
says...”March on with your eyes on the goal. Do not
brood over the mistakes committed and failures suffered
in the past. Do not follow the whims and fancies of the
mind any longer. They will fill the ear with praise or
blame and drag you away from the spiritual path. Follow
the call of the Divine arising from the hearts of all living
– Heart2Heart Team
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 65
serial articles
Shirdi Sai Parthi Sai brother feel responsible and be concerned about the
VENKAMA RAJU [to Easwaramma]: Easwari, our SESHAMA RAJU: Mother, one must go where
Seshama has been transferred to Uravakonda, and soon opportunities for study are available. It is my responsibility
he will go there. It is good for Sathyam also to go there to see that Sathyam is properly educated. Just leave it to
and continue His studies. That is the only way open. me and stop worrying.
What do you say?
VENKAMA RAJU: Seshama, as you say.
EASWARAMMA: What am I to say? ….. You have already
declared that it is good and the only way open. EASWARAMMA: Seshama, look for a house with good
water supply!
VENKAMA RAJU: Easwari, you don’t seem to like the
idea. SESHAMA RAJU: Mother, did I not tell you before that
water scarcity was a problem with those other places?
EASWARAMMA: I don’t know….I just don’t understand Tomorrow when I go to Uravakonda, my first priority to
anything ……You first sent Him to Kamalapuram for would be to look for a proper house, OK? ….. Grandfather,
study; and now you are saying Uravakonda. …..I only why don’t you also come with us to Uravakonda?
know that my child will be away from me, and that is
causing me pain. Other than that, I’ve nothing to say. KONDAMA RAJU: Me? If you wish, you can come and see
Who can understand a mother’s anguish! me here whenever you feel like it! For me, Puttaparthi is
the entire Universe. ….. What do You say Sathyam?
Seshama Raju enters
SATHYA: Not only for you, grandfather! No matter
SESHAMA RAJU: Have no worry, mother. Sathyam will where I go, in the end I shall come back to Puttaparthi.
66 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
Not only for Me but for one and all, this place is the HEAD MASTER: Students, we are reassembling after
entire Universe. vacation for school commencement. We will start with a
prayer song by Sathya Narayana Raju, a smart boy from
the Kamalapuram High School who has now joined us.
Sathyam, come here and sing the prayer song.
Sathya goes to Uravakonda with His elder brother
Seshama Raju. He is admitted to the High School there.
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 67
serial articles
TEACHER: You wrote it! Such pure Sanskrit and at such SUSEELA [to husband]: You are just too much! This is only
a small age? Amazing! What beautiful lyrics, and how the first day, and He has just returned from attending a
melodiously you sang! Very good, very good. new School. Why talk books and lessons so soon?
HEAD MASTER: Students, this small song explains SESHAMA RAJU: Suseela, why does one go to School?
beautifully the concept of National Integration, as also Is it not for study? So, what’s wrong with my asking
Universal Love and Brotherhood. That is Sathyam’s these questions? …[to Sathya] Well, have they started
greatness! From now on, Sathyam will lead the prayer the lessons?
sessions every day. Today’s session is over, and you may
SATHYA: Today, we had Telugu and geography lessons.
now go to your respective classes.
SESHAMA: Very good. Are You paying proper attention
to the lessons, or are You thinking about poems and
The scene is Seshama Raju’s house in Uravakonda. Sathya
is at home. The new academic year has just commenced,
and Seshama brings new notebooks for Sathya. SATHYA: I listen carefully in the class. And brother, I sang
the prayer song. The Head Master liked it very much and
SESHAMA: Sathyam, …..Sathyam, Here are Your
has asked Me to sing the prayer song everyday. The
notebooks. This one is for English, this one for Telugu,
Telugu Teacher asked Me who wrote the song.
this for composition, this for mathematics, and this for
rough work. When did they say they will give the text SESHAMA: Who wrote the song?
SATHYA: I wrote it.
Sathya sings.
68 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 69
serial articles
Teacher calls out the serial number of the students, It is a student’s duty to obey the Teacher’s command,
while Sathya pretends to punish. This makes the teacher understand? Now go and sit in Your place.
The bell rings, and the teacher leaves. Students then
TEACHER [to Sathya]: What’s the meaning of this? When crowd around Sathya.
I tell You to slap, You are patting their cheeks as if You
RAMESH: Raju, why were You so silent when the Master
are applying sandal paste! Don’t You know how to slap?
was thrashing You so severely? You did not even cry;
… Come, I’ll show You…COME HERE!
Seshama Raju’s house in Uravakonda. Seshama comes
home from outside. He calls and his wife opens the
Teacher repeatedly slaps Sathya very hard. door. As per Indian custom, he washes his feet before
entering. His wife is concerned that Seshama is using
too much water.
TEACHER: This way, this way, this way, this way! ………
70 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
SESHAMA: Suseela, …….Suseela! SATHYA: Brother, near our house there were only small
twigs. So I walked a mile to collect these. They are from
SUSEELA: Yes, …coming!
the forest and will burn well.
(To be continued)
– Heart2Heart Team
Sathya comes
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 71
serial articles
gita for children times, and in perfect moderation. No overeating for him.
Further, before eating, he would reverentially offer the
Part 37
(Continued from previous issue) food to God, and while eating he would remain silent,
thinking about God.’
Chapter 17
31. ‘The Rajasic person is very different in his food
26. ‘Let Me now get back to the subject of Gunas
habits. Addicted as he is to the pleasures of the world,
and fill in with a few details I have not covered earlier.
he lets his tongue dictate his choice of food. He eats
I shall explain, with examples, how Gunas colour what
like a gourmet but pays for it all in the end! He does
people feel and do.’
sometimes realise his mistake but by then it is too late!’
72 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
Gita for Children - Part 37
37. ‘Let me start with fasting, a common type 40. ‘Thus Gunas make people do the same thing in
of austerity. In accordance with the command of the many different ways, and with very different attitudes
scriptures, the Sattvic person not only fasts but also too. Let Me now move on to the subject of charity.’
chants the Name of God all the time. This way, his
stomach not only gets some rest – by the way, it is a
good idea to give some occasional rest to the stomach! 41. ‘Properly performed, an act of charity is an
– but by chanting the Name the man also sanctifies the expression of compassion. That is why the scriptures
act of fasting.’ commend charity. While the Sattvic person offers charity
the way it should be, with humility and no expectation
of reward or benefit, the Rajasic person will make every
effort to get all the mileage he can. He is a real stunt
man, and goes all out for publicity! As for the Tamasic
person, he makes sure he gives the wrong thing to the
wrong person at the wrong time! Not only that, he often
gives with utter contempt for the receiver!’
End of Chapter 17
(To be continued)
– Heart2Heart Team
38. ‘Some Rajasic people also fast but all the time
their mind is on when the fast would end and what type
of goodies they can eat after that! One is at a loss to
understand why these people fast at all! By the way,
some even fast for pure stunt value!’
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 73
window to sai seva
This was the case, a few years ago, but not true anymore.
Now, this area has turned into a land of love which
can turn even the most stone-hearted individual into a
‘Mother Teresa’ or a ‘Mahatma Gandhi’. The turnaround
brought about in this despised-by-all settlement by the The City of Rourkela in North East India
Sai workers of this region is most stunning and stands
as testimony to the power of Pure Love that Bhagavan On any evening, one can - if he/she has the courage -
Baba is. To start with, the Sai volunteers did not call them make one’s way through the muddy track that leads to
‘lepers’. They explain:
Naya Bazaar Leprosy Colony and find Shanti decorating
the idol of Sri Rama with champa flowers (michelia
“We never call them as lepers, but as champaca) in the local temple for the evening bhajan.
‘Narayanas’ (embodiments of God). We don’t
have to remind them about their grim existence
and future by using a word and name that “I choose to work for them because
reminds them of their disease - but a name child ‘Narayanas’ (lepers) are the most
that reminds them and us too about their real unfortunate, uncared-for lot in our
society; deprived of everything for no
fault of their own. Born of infected
In this article too, we will use this word “Narayana”
parents, they lose what little they have
while we share with you this touching story of a group
of people most wish to forget. Vivekananda Sahoo, a
right in the beginning – from education
former student of Bhagavan’s University, who hails from to entertainment....” - A Sai Worker
this state of Orissa, gives us this moving account:
74 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
creating a land of love
You can see her next putting a beautiful garland of begging to survive, and living in substandard colonies.
jasmine and marigold flowers around a photograph The social rejection is, in fact, so great that even when
of Bhagavan Baba; her eyes now brimming with tears. many are cured of their deadly disease, they end up
Under the photo is etched the words: “Why fear when I living in isolated settlements. Those affected are forced
am here?” to live and die a forgotten and humiliating life. Though
the people’s affected body parts have no physical pain,
After the bhajans, she may tell you how Swami has
their lives are punctuated with a deep emotional pain.
transformed her life from a curse to a blessing. With
The stigma that attaches to them is worse than watching
tears flowing down her cheeks she narrates how in her
body parts like the tips of the nose, fingers and toes just
adolescence she was diagnosed with leprosy. Her family
members were frightened that they too would contract
the disease and therefore kept her in confinement, in a
room at the edge of the village. “For the first few weeks
I kept crying, and asking, ‘Why me?’”, says Shanthi.
After six months in isolation she was taken away to a
clinic and has not seen her family since. “I felt forsaken
by my own family but this was my fate and I had none
to blame.” The disease robbed sensation in her right
foot; it became so damaged that eventually it had to be
amputated. While she was being treated she met her
husband - also marked for life by leprosy.
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 75
window to sai seva
76 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
creating a land of love
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 77
window to sai seva
78 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
creating a land of love
To save them from the biting winter. Gift for the tiny-tot...a treasure for him
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 79
window to sai seva
Another sevadal volunteer describing his motivation With Love, All Is Possible
for working at the colony, says, “I choose to work
for them because child Narayanas are the most
unfortunate, uncared-for lot in our society; deprived
of everything for no fault of their own. Born of
infected parents, they lose what little they have right
in the beginning – from education to entertainment.
Leprosy is not hereditary, but the healthy children of
leprosy patients are compelled to spend their life in
unhygienic and filthy conditions. They are deprived
of all physical, social, educational, vocational and
cultural development.”
80 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
creating a land of love
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 81
window to sai seva
This was their terrible situation till the Sai Samithi came
to their rescue with an initiative called ‘Amrutha Kalash’ Every time they meet, it is only
joy that is shared
– ‘Pot of Nectar’. Every Sai family now saves a fistful
of rice on a daily basis. When the lady of the house
prepares food for her family, a part of the rice grains
are kept aside to be given in alms while chanting
‘Sairam’. When the blistering summer months set
in, the Samithi collects all the set aside rice and
other food grains from all the devotee homes and
distributes these as two month’s rations for each of
the colonies. For the family, it may be a small act, but
for the Narayanas it is life-saving in every way. A part of the dedicated team who
follow His footsteps
Elevating Love…
On one of the regular visits to the colonies a few easily procure clean and pure drinking water by a simple
devotees observed that the Narayanas have a great deal turn of the tap, which is, after all their right.
82 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
creating a land of love
Love just like His - and like St. Francis of Assisi, who was
also moved by God to care for such suffering Narayanas,
O Divine Master,
consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
Eternal Life.
Although their living conditions and physical appearance
is heart-breaking, their faith in God is now exemplary
and their spirit is soaring.
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The whole team of doctors arrive at the airport... under His care and guidance
services in local communities, in the form of medical to heavy rainfalls - putting it in constant need of
care, completely free of cost and without any hidden thousands of tonnes of food aid every year. More than
agendas. half the population lives below the poverty line.
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Tens of thousands of Malawians die of AIDS every In 2002, the MBTS was a newly incorporated agency in
year. Malawi is rated as one of the poorest countries Malawi. Funded by the European Union, it is the first one
in the world. There are good hospitals in the country of its kind in Malawi. It provides blood testing and other
but they face an acute shortage of doctors of various blood-related services.
specialization. Medical equipment and supplies are
Thanks to the dedication, devotion and sense of
also in short supply.
discipline displayed by the band of Sai volunteers,
the blood camps held by the Sai Service Organization
Every day 140 Malawians die of HIV/ have now become a regular project. Various hospitals
Aids, while another 250 more are rely on them for a consistent and dependable supply
infected. According to the World Bank, of blood. Group members are also listed on an
about 95% of Malawi’s economically emergency data base.
active adults aged 15 to 49 are now Gaining confidence and experience from the highly
infected. This is a country where the successful blood donation camps, the Sai Organization
GDP is under £300 per capita and 65% inched further to serve at local hospitals by providing
of the population lives on less than 70p nutritious food for the patients.
per day.”
Serving God in the Ailing
The typical diet of the Malawians is Ufa, which is white
Against such a dismal background, for several years maize flour cooked like a paste called ‘Nsima’. This
now, the Sai Organization of Malawi has been playing thick starchy porridge made from corn or cassava is
a pivotal role in bringing medical relief to the local accompanied by some curry or relish. From a nutritionist’s
population and much of its success is due to the point of view, this food is low in calcium, nutrition,
strong support it has enjoyed from the Sri Sathya Sai iron and vitamins content. Hence malnutrition among
Baba Service Organization of the United Kingdom. As patients is an added concern.
you read further, you will see how Bhagavan Baba, the
single unifying force, is binding varied groups of inspired
individuals from different continents, to make the earth
a better place for all of us.
The Journey of a Thousand Miles Serving hands-on, the volunteers noticed the disturbing
Begins with a Single Step lack of hygiene in the wards which was further aggravating
With the help of the Malawi Blood Transfusion Centre the condition of the patients with already depressed
(MBTS), the Sai group started organizing regular blood immune systems. In some facilities, the absence of even
donation camps which were held every three months.
86 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
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the basic medical supplies and equipment led to severe Surgeries were performed under sterile conditions.
complications that could have easily been avoided.
The blessed patients, who were actually seeing the world
The painful scenario of deprivation, disease and poor after long spells in some instances, could not believe their
medical conditions led the Sai group to explore an option eyes when they were given glasses – both sunglasses for
where they could provide top class medical services to the post-cataract surgery care as well as reading glasses,
Malawians in a controlled environment, with adequate entirely free of cost. An adequate supply of medicines
medical supplies and equipment and a reduced risk of brought all the way from the UK was also given to every
infections caused by poor hygiene. patient at no cost.
His Love in Flow - Easter 2004 Marks At the end of the 5 days, many wounds and burns
First Medical Camp were healed. The local people were dancing with
In April 2004, the Sai Organisation of Malawi urged joy when after years they could see clearly, thanks
Dr. Upadhyay from the Sri Sathya Sai Baba Service to the cataract operations performed by the UK
Organization of the United Kingdom to organize a team. Till then, many had resigned to the thought of
medical camp by bringing in doctors from various living the rest of their lives with full or partial visual
fields of medicine so that the ailing and economically impairment.
disadvantaged Malawians could benefit.
‘Sai Eye Camps’ Pan-Africa –
Celebrating Baba’s 80th Birthday
Soon, all the Sai Centres in Africa decided to conduct
cataract operations to honour Baba’s 80th birthday. Two
local eye specialists, Dr. Msukwa and Dr. Kaluwa, who
had helped the Sai organization with the camp in 2004,
came forward once again to help in this noble cause.
Dr. Upadhyay and Hon. Henry Mussa at the clinic eyesight restored. He could not believe what had
happened to him and called it a ‘miracle’. These
During the holy weekend of Easter 2004, as though to
camps proved to be very successful in all respects.
emulate the example of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice,
a team of 28 doctors and volunteers came all the way Medical Camp at Chiradzulu Hospital:
from the United Kingdom and conducted the very 9-14 September, 2007
first eye-care camp at Chikwawa, south of the city of By the beginning of 2007, the Sri Sathya Sai Organization
Blantyre. This was a fantastic camp where more than had gathered enough experience, confidence and
5,000 patients were treated for visual impairment. momentum to aspire for more effective opportunities
to serve. They hoped to hold a large medical camp
The milestone effort began with a widespread publicity
that would deliver relief and treatment to a significant
campaign aimed at informing the local population about
number of suffering Malawians. The challenge was to
the camp. Vehicles were sent out into the targeted
bring together doctors of international caliber from a
geographical areas to transport the patients, especially
variety of specializations along with nurses, pharmacists
those who were partially or fully blind due to mature
and volunteers, a sizeable array of medical equipment
and medical supplies and dispense pain relief, medical
Designated personnel screened and directed patients to attention, diagnosis, surgeries and end or reduce the
appropriate doctors. Medical treatment was provided suffering of the local population.
by the British team in an organized and efficient manner.
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Dr. Upadhyay offering his service at the Lotus Feet Being healed - both body and soul
of the Master of Service
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Given the ghastly drama of life and death that has been
played out before their very eyes and the emotional
trauma they have suffered due to it, many Malawian
children appear to be in the state of ‘frozen watchfulness’
all the time. They have suffered neglect at the hands of
an uncaring society and humanity at large that has no
time to pause and cast a look of concern at their plight.
...and in.
Hon. Mr. Henry Mussa signs the guestbook Interestingly, the Amitofo Care Centre is funded by the
The Sri Sathya Sai Baba Service Organization of Malawi Taiwanese Government. Malawi is one of only six African
held the medical camp at Chiradzulu which is 25 countries to maintain diplomatic ties with Taiwan rather
kilometres from the city of Blantyre. It was officially than China. In an effort to help rein in the AIDS epidemic
inaugurated by the Honourable Mr. Henry Mussa, the in its African ally Malawi, Taiwan has offered free anti-
Member of Parliament of Chiradzulu East and also the retroviral therapy to benefit over 1200 Malawians living
Minister for Transport in the Government of Malawi. It with HIV to date.
was served by a team of dedicated, caring and loving Since 1998, Taiwan has helped set up a hospital in Mzuzu
medical professionals who included Ophthalmologists, in northern Malawi, the main stopover town in the north
General Practitioners, Paediatricians, General Surgeons, of the African country of 12 million people. In June 2006,
Anaestheticians, ENT surgeons, Pharmacists, a Dental the Department of Health (DOH) also established a clinic
Surgeon, a Microbiologist, a nurse and volunteers who in the Mzuzu Central Hospital and started delivering free
all flew down from United Kingdom to spend days in anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs) to Malawians afflicted by
selfless service with the love of Sai in their hearts. HIV. Since these mobile clinics are already in the north of
Thirty-six members of the UK team joined hands with Malawi, the Sai Organization decided to concentrate its
the local Sai organization volunteers at the base of efforts in the southern part of Malawi where the need is
the camp held at the Chiradzulu District Hospital. The the greatest.
whole team was housed at Amitofo Care Centre which Care for Children Comes First
nearby has a beautiful Buddhist temple in Mapanga. The Sai Medical camp started on September 9 at Amitifo
The Amitofo Care Centre has an orphanage that houses Care Centre where the orphans were checked by the
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action, word and motive is filtered through the Sai You see fear in their faces but you cannot force them
lens which is all about heartfelt and pure love. I feel to get tested. If detected early, the treatment can be
so privileged to be associated with Bhagavan Sri Sathya started and they then have a better chance of living and
Sai Baba’s mission… He has given us so many quotes, survival rather than ignoring it till it is too late. Many
that sound catchy and simple enough to understand, patients are able to lead somewhat normal lives and
but when one studies the quotes closely, dissects them able to provide for themselves and their children once
and reflect on their details, I mean finer details, there they are on the medication.”
is more to it then saying rhyming words such as “Help
Ever Hurt Never” or “Love All Serve All” and “Hands That
Serve Are Holier Then The Lips That Pray.”
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Given the need for creating awareness about the illness Exemplary Care for Children
and its possible treatment, the camp played a vital role Dr. Nadisha, a paediatrician at the camp observed that
in educating the uninformed Malawians about hope of there were many cases of infectious acute cerebral
their survival. malaria. HIV related malnourished children were also
treated. Mothers with gynaecological problems sought
The ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) department saw cases of
help in droves and considerable education about nutrition
ear infections, throat infections, etc. Hearing aids were was imparted to the patient population. Some of the
provided to the patients including younger ones in the other health issues that were addressed at the medical
age group of 15 to 45 years. Diagnostic procedures camp include undiagnosed paediatric conditions like
such as CT scan, BP scan, x-rays were done in order to Hydrocephalus, TB, congenital heart defects, untreated
arrive at a proper diagnosis. Patients suffering from epilepsy, cerebral palsy, etc.
goitre, cheek cancer, para-pharyngeal abscess, neck
Most of the common paediatric conditions were treated
lumps, nasal problems, nasal septal deviation were also
with the available medication. The pharmacy was
attended to. Even one case of larynx cancer was seen.
quite well-equipped and ran efficiently. High calorie
The medical professionals and volunteers in the general supplements were given freely to children suffering from
92 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
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“Suddenly that afternoon I was busy seeing the patients surgically and diagnosed as possible Staphylococcal
and had sent another child for x-ray hoping that the infection using a microscope.
machine had been set right and I was still feeling
Microbiologist Dr. Dev Kothari, recalls how happy and
bad for the previous day’s young patient with the leg
grateful the patients were for receiving such high
abscesses. Just then, as I was thinking about him, one
quality and loving medical services. He says: “What
of the volunteers enters my room with this boy from
really mattered to them was the explanation for their
the previous day who had been on my mind and in my
ailments given lovingly. One lady I remember who had
morning prayers.
severe infection of the palm after a knife injury, joined
her hands (after the surgery) to thank me. But I told her
to thank the Lord and not me.”
He had miraculously come back to see if the machine Swami’s Vibhuti to the Rescue
was working and had the x-ray done and came to see Dr. Hema Patel, from the UK brought a small container
me. We confirmed the diagnosis of bone infection of Vibhuti (sacred ash) with her which she used
osteomyelitis and started a prolonged course of on wounds and burns. Miraculously, she has been
antibiotics. Someone had heard the silent prayer and using this Vibhuti ever since and it never runs out.
answered it for me.....the Lord was listening to my It is quarter full all the time. In her experience, the
thoughts that morning. He was indeed running the healing for the patients has been tremendous just
entire camp.” with healing power of the holy Vibhuti.
The team handling pathology cases dealt with patients Relief from Long Standing Dental Traumas
who had undiagnosed diabetes, about 8 cases of The dental team at the camp realized that the local
bilharzias, one case of bilateral axillary abscesses which hospital had a very limited teeth extraction facility. The
was later diagnosed as TB. Palm injuries were drained team of Sai volunteer dentists trained the local staff
at the hospital how to deal with basic extractions and
taught them how to perform procedures such as the root
canal, fissure sealants, composites and amalgams. The
necessary composite curing light and amalgamators
were brought from the UK and left in the hospital
for the Department of Dentistry to carry on using
them. Also the medical team left behind enough
material for over 500 root fillings and possibly up to
1000 composites in the future. There were rampant
infections involving Herpes Zoster virus and occasional
Kaposi’s Sarcoma. A few fibromas (benign tumours) were
excised with the help of the ENT surgeon also. Over 600
extractions were done and over 50 fillings were carried
Many grateful patients - patiently waiting out within the first 5 days.
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The purity of intent and the nobility of the effort at catchy teachings such as “Love all, serve all” and quite
this camp were hard to ignore. Many individuals and another to put them into practice. The camp provided
groups, regardless of whether they knew who Sri Sathya all those who served there the rare chance to actually
Sai Baba is, felt drawn to do whatever they could to walk the talk, for the love of Sai.
support the initiative. This included Malawians of
Their participation and concern for the plight of
various faiths such as Muslims, Christians and Hindus
Malawians whom the world seems to have forgotten,
who offered their services at the camp and brought food
reminded the team that each person is a cell in the
for the doctors as a spontaneous gesture of their love.
organic body of society. Unless each cell is well, the whole
It served to unite many divergent groups - the patients,
cannot be healthy. If we must live in the awareness of
the local politicians, medical practitioners (both British
God’s omnipresence in everyone and everything around
and local), pharmacists, nurses, volunteers and the local
us, then we cannot conveniently blind ourselves to the
pain and sorrow of our fellow beings and limit our vision
The medical team that had come all the way from the only towards self-aggrandizement.
UK to share their professional expertise and their love for
The single and most valuable take-away from the
Bhagavan Baba’s teachings, displayed amazing humility
experience for all parties concerned was how easily
by adapting graciously to the local conditions.
barriers of language, culture and economic status
He Loves and Shines Through All succumb to the power of divine love. Bhagavan Baba’s
The volunteers’ only mantra through the camp was to example and gospel of loving service to fellow beings
allow their love for Bhagavan Baba to gush forth in their has repeatedly proven to be the foolproof solution to
interactions with each ailing embodiment of His divinity the deadly threats of disease, greed and hatred facing
in Malawi. As Dr. Dhiru Mistry rightly pointed out, it humanity, our planet and eco-system. Explaining how
is one thing to intellectually process Bhagavan Baba’s the power of love is at once so simple and strong, Baba
– Heart2Heart Team
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2 October, 2007 – Cultural Programme Let’s start again, young fellow. Is God good?
by Gujarat Youth
Student: Yes.
2 October, 2007 marked the 138th birth anniversary of
the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi. And so it was Prof: Is Satan good?
no surprise when Swami blessed the youth from the
Student: No.
state of Gujarat (the state in which Mahatma Gandhi
was born) to put up a programme in the evening in His Prof: Where does Satan come from?
Divine presence. The backdrop was put up and the stage
Student: From...God...
was set from 2:30 pm itself.
Prof: That’s right. Tell me son, is there evil in this
Student: Yes.
Prof: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed Prof: Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify
to God to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help and observe the world around you. Tell me, son, have
others who are ill. But God didn’t. How is this God good you ever seen God?
then? Hmm?
Student: No, sir.
Student is silent.
Prof: Tell us if you have ever heard your God?
Prof: You can’t answer, can you?
Student: No, sir.
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Prof: Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God, smelt darkness isn’t. If it were, you would be able to make
your God? Have you ever had any sensory perception of darkness darker, wouldn’t you?
God for that matter?
Prof: So what is the point you are making, young man?
Student: No, sir. I’m afraid I haven’t.
Student: Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is
Prof: Yet you still believe in Him? flawed.
Prof: According to empirical, testable, demonstrable Student: Sir, you are working on the premise of duality.
protocol, science says your God doesn’t exist. What do You argue there is life and then there is death, a good
you say to that, son? God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God
as something finite, something we can measure. Sir,
Student: Nothing. I only have my faith.
science can’t even explain a thought. It uses electricity
Prof: Yes, Faith. And that is the problem science has. and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully
understood either one. To view death as the opposite of
Now the student said Can I ask something to you
life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist
as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life:
Student: Professor, is there such a thing as heat? just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor. Do you
teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?
Prof: Yes.
Prof: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary
Student: And is there such a thing as cold?
process, yes, of course, I do.
Prof: Yes.
Student: Have you ever observed evolution with your
Student: No sir. There isn’t. own eyes, sir?
(The lecture theatre becomes very quiet with this turn (The Professor shakes his head with a smile, beginning
of events.) to realize where the argument is going.)
Student: Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, Student: Since no one has ever observed the process of
superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process
heat. But we don’t have anything called cold. We can hit is an on-going endeavor, are you not teaching your
273 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can’t opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?
go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold.
(The class is in uproar.)
Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of
heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is Student: Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen
not the opposite of heat, Sir, just the absence of it. the Professor’s brain?
(There is pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre.) (The class breaks out into laughter.)
Student: What about darkness, Professor? Is there such Student: Is there anyone here who has ever heard the
a thing as darkness? Professor’s brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one
appears to have done so. So, according to the established
Prof: Yes. What is night if there isn’t darkness?
rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, science
Student: You’re wrong again, Sir. Darkness is the absence says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect, sir,
of something. how do we then trust your lectures, sir?
You can have low light, normal light, bright light, (The room is silent. The professor stares at the student,
flashing light... But if you have no light constantly, you his face unfathomable.)
have nothing and its called darkness, isn’t it? In reality,
Prof: I guess you’ll have to take them on faith, son.
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A wide array of emotions passed over people’s faces as their beloved Lord. There were discussions of requesting
they heard the announcement. Swami seemed to be Swami to return to the Mandir as the crowd was
the only non-confused soul in the whole assembly. A becoming uncontrollable. But then Swami did something
rare wave of chatter and excited talk broke out in the that was so natural of Him. He asked for the door to be
bhajan hall and Swami left with a satisfied and loving opened and He seemed to be too keen to get out of
look. The whole of Parthi and the neighbouring villages the car and be amidst His devotees. The door opened
too seemed to get galvanised. All roads seemed to be and the chair started to move. But then there was a
leading towards the airport. The auto rickshaw stand sudden onrush of devotees. In the darkness of the early
emptied in no time and taxis were all full. All vehicles night, the whole scene appeared like the “Kanyakumari-
- motor and non-motor- headed towards the airport and pearl necklace” episode - only that it was now waves of
well, only one who was at the scene knows the euphoric devotees trying to offer their garland of Love, Devotion
impact it had on all. Parthi must never have seen such a and Gratitude. The crowds were literally surging and
motorcade in its brief yet vibrant history. people near the car requested Swami to return into the
car. There were repeated pleas to the devotees to be calm
To add to this, at about 6:30 pm, Swami’s Porte too
and seated but they seemed to hear none of it. A kind
headed towards the airport. The ashram wore a deserted
of mob mentality set in and indiscipline was in display
look as all its inhabitants moved towards the airport. The
too. Swami still wanted to get out of the car and be in
main road was clogged with vehicles and it resembled a
the midst of devotees. But the raging waves of devotees
one way. No vehicle seemed to be headed towards Parthi
seemed to make that move physically impossible. They
and all faced the South-Westerly direction towards the
were almost squeezed flat on the sides of the car and it
airport. Parking space was a problem, but the devotees
was physically impossible for Swami even to come out.
went in the vehicles as far as they could. Then jettisoning
For once it seemed that God was proposing which man
the vehicles, they proceeded on foot to the precincts of
was disposing!
the airport. Swami’s car was parked in the centre of the
runway just opposite the terminal building.
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come out of the car but it was physically impossible with Whoever may say anything, in matters of spirituality, it
the crowds swarming around the car. Meanwhile, the is only the experience of the heart that counts. And it
whole of Prashanti Nilayam was literally empty. It was is faith alone that leads to the experience. Once man
reminiscent of how the gopikas would rush to Krishna, told God, “Why don’t you reveal yourself to the world?
leaving their houses unlocked, forgetting whatever they Everyone can benefit.” God replied, “I would love to do
were doing. Swami for the third time got the car parked so. But tell me how should I do that?”
at another spot. Again the same story – He was not able
“Why don’t you do a miracle? A miracle that will stun
to come out.
not care for the “taints” and “extolling” that the world were profound and sublime. The experience, well, can be
may shower on Him. The Truth needs no verification nor put off as coincidental and “nothing much”, or it can be
does it change, whether a majority accepts it or rejects considered the fruition of the wait of lifetimes. Swami is
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and some staff of the Ashram. There were so many items and sought His blessings. Swami blessed the silk sarees
and Swami had decided to give away many of these and robes that then went on to decorate the statues.
treasures. There were beautiful marble statues of Lord The statues were also garlanded as Swami looked on. He
Rama, Lakshmana, Mother Seeta and Hanuman. Swami blessed the coconuts and had the vermilion spot placed
wanted these to be given to the senior boys’ hostel for on the foreheads of the statues. He asked them, “How
installation in the shrine. do they look?” Pat came the reply, “As beautiful as you,
In the afternoon, eight research scholars had assembled
in front of the Yajur Mandir with the statues which were
comfortably more than a ton each! The statues had
been decked with saree, dhoti and jewels. All waited for
Swami to come down, bless and consecrate the statues
before the installation in the hostel. Swami came out
of Yajur Mandir after the evening bhajan started, about
5.05 pm.
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11 October, 2007 – Blessings blossomed and remained on the faces of the youth as
for Kerala Youth Swami kept smoothly gliding by. Swami’s mere presence
There was a build up in the numbers of youth at Prashanti has such a calming effect.
Nilayam on October 11. This time the youth were from
Hot heads seem to experience coolness and cold
‘God’s own country’, the popular adage that goes with
hearts feel warmth! Everyone finds reason and ways to
the state of Kerala. Everywhere the eyes traversed, only
associate with His physical form. For some, it’s a touch,
orange scarves were seen. Though the gathering was
while for others it’s a smile, while for still others it may
so huge, the discipline and silence was commendable.
even be the Divine neglect that they feel. “Swami knows
There were also youth sitting in the front on the marble
I am here and so He did not look at me.” But everyone
block - a huge gap separated the ladies from the gents.
feels that whatever Swami did was only with a purpose
An artiste in Carnatic vocal was due to perform in the
- never by mistake!
divine presence.
Well there was this student who, it seems, came third in
Swami arrived at about 4:30 pm. He went around slowly
the “lines” that come from hostel. And Swami apparently
in the car and granted darshan to all. As He descended
spoke to the boy who had been fourth in the same
from the car near the interview room, he called the State
“lines” and had not even looked at the third place boy.
President of Kerala and enquired about the details of the
This boy was in tears at the “grave injustice” that had
evening programme. Then He went into the interview
been meted out to him. He could not believe that God
room. When it was 5:00 pm, the regular bhajan time,
was capable of such “partiality”! But, he too, felt that
all were beginning to think that maybe Swami would
Swami had purposely done it. So you see, every breath
attend bhajans in the bhajan hall, but Swami came out!
He takes, means something to someone, somewhere!
As soon as He came to the centre stage, He said that
And everything is for our own good and growth.
He would like to go down. There were smiles and joyful
claps everywhere as the wheel-sofa was brought down Swami went around the entire gents side and then came
the ramp. With a mischievous smile playing tenderly on back to the centre of the marble block where the youth
His lips, He came along the lines of the youth, down the were seated. He called a lad and began speaking with
marble block and He seemed to accept every letter that him. After interacting with him for a while, He waved His
was presented to Him. palm and brought out a chain. He put it around the lad’s
neck as everyone applauded in joy. Swami looked up
slowly and then if one had a telescope, one could have
seen another mischievous smile at the corner of His lips.
There was something else in His “mind”. He began to
come down the marble block once again. And He moved
a little towards the ladies side of the youth. Moving along
their lines, He suddenly took a turn and came along the
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The priests begin the proceedings in His presence Gifting the ceremonial clothes
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Prof. Veerabhadraiah offers his prostrations The Yajnam venue seems to have shifted temporarily
Prof. G. Venkatraman enlightens the audience Swami stays for the entire proceedings...
17 October, 2007 – Third day In the evening, He came out at around 4:45 pm. Much
of Dasara Yagnam to everybody’s delight, He came on the wheel-sofa and
Swami came out at 10:45 am on the morning of October
went around both the ladies and gents sides. He came
17 and went straight to the Auditorium where the
straight on stage and after a few minutes, commanded
yajnam was in progress. He then proceeded to the ladies
the Veda chanting to stop. There were two scheduled
side corner of the stage where the Poojas were on. He
speakers for the day.
sat there witnessing the proceedings. Like bees around a
honey laden flower, the priests all began to move to that The first speaker was Sri. G. S. Srirangarajan, from
corner of the stage one by one. Soon, the only people the School of Business Management, Accounting and
left on the main stage were the veda chanting students! Finance. He spoke on how a grand “Karma Yajna” was
The priests all gathered around Swami’s chair and began also accompanying the “Jnana Yajna” going on in the
chanting the concluding hymns of the day. Swami
sat listening to that and then received Aarthi and to
everyone’s surprise, instead of retiring to His residence,
left for Sai Kulwant Hall!
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prashanti diary
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chronicles of heaven ON earth
offerings are one and the same! The flames rose higher
and higher and a gentle smile played on His lips. Ghee These are the coins of Sathya and Dharma and
was poured in and the bundle that Swami had given they will support and guide everyone. Truth is
was put into the sacred pit. Swami sprinkled holy grains God. If one follows Dharma with Sathya, all
on all the priests and then even blessed them with holy problems will be solved. With Truth in heart
was performed. The head principle of Sathya, all sins will be gone.
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prashanti diary
This Dehi is Sathya Swaroopa. While leaving the Janma Saarthakam (Life’s fulfillment) develop
body at Shirdi, Baba said, “Do not take this body a relationship with God. God’s Love will never
as the basis. It will be gone. And then, none should change. It is permanent. Develop that. Do not
cry. It is but natural that it will perish. Experience have any differences. Do not differentiate based
it as long as it lasts and then remember, it was on religion. All the different names and forms
only a dream.” After Baba left His mortal coil, belong to the same God.
the body was kept for three days with the hope
The Matham (religion) is never bad. It is the
that He may come back. It was Abdul Khan who
Mathi (mind) that makes all the confusion and
reminded, “Let us all remember what Baba told
negative. Matham is that which purifies the
us.” It was then that the body was taken from
Mathi. Very soon the whole country is going to
Chaavadi to the Samadhi. Remember, the body
be united. All will live as brothers and sisters
has its limitations. Each day, we are moving
for that is the Truth. Swami often tells, “Lead
closer to the end of the body. So keep love as
your life with Sathya and Dharma”(Swami
the most important and fill your hearts with
then sang the song ‘Sathya Dharmamu Santhi
the Truth. Follow Dharma. These are the coins
Premalatho’). That’s all that needs to be done.
given by Baba. Sathya and Dharma are the most
The Vijayadashami day is one to begin a new
important. Keep them with you day and night
- in all the three worlds and the three periods
of time.
Swami concluded His discourse with the song Bhaja
Govindam. He then settled in the chair and asked for
bhajans to be sung. Two bhajans were sung after which
Swami received Aarthi and left the Kulwant Hall.
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prashanti diary
final formation was made. Swami said that He would and clanging of huge cymbals. The rhythmic dance was
like to go down for the group photo. The children were a blend of feminine grace and masculine power. It was
overjoyed as they surrounded Swami. Swami smiled and performed for about 20 minutes and it built up to a
stood up for the photograph. As He wended His way wonderful climax. There was a very appreciative applause
back to the stage, almost every child took the golden after its completion.
opportunity to fall at His feet. Swami then received
Aarthi and left for his residence.
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chronicles of heaven ON earth
– Heart2Heart Team
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h2h special
with Eternity - Part 2 I started a bhajan. All the students were singing with
Conversations with Mr. Raja Reddy fresh and blooming voices. Naturally, Bhagavan wanted
to give them more chances and I was also getting
superannuated. So one fine morning as I was sitting
Among the few fortunate devotees, who came to
there to sing a bhajan, all of a sudden the mike was
Swami in the early years of His avatharhood, Mr
taken away from me. Being with Him for so many years,
Raja Reddy is exceptional. He was one of the most
I ‘knew’ of Swami’s ways and could get the hint. So I
privileged who came to Bhagavan as a teenager and
didn’t react at all.
continued to stay in the Divine Presence enjoying His
blissful divine proximity for nearly three decades. A Then, after the bhajans were over and aarti was
sincere spiritual aspirant right from his childhood, performed, Swami just looked at me; it was just a glance,
the story of His encounters with ‘The Eternal’ is most but very deep. Believe it or not, for about 2-3 days, I was
fascinating. We had an enthusiastic Sai worker go just floating in bliss. Just a look, nothing else! But it was
over to his home in Mumbai to interview him and a completely out-of-the-earth blissful feeling! So that
below is the transcript of the second part of that was a wonderful experience I had.
conversation. We had the first part in the October
In other words, in His own inimitable way, His message
was: “O fool! Don’t go on dragging your feet into the
RR: Everything is an open book to Him and He wants bhajan right through until the grave! Come on, go off the
transformation in each one of us. We are many a time ladder! Evolve from bhajans to something more intense
‘an absolute alien’ to our self, not knowing anything at and increasingly inward, something more direct.”
That was His superb indirect lesson. Only you must be
Q: He goes through our minds without any barriers! blessed by Him to take it in the right way. You can’t
revolt, ego doesn’t play a part.
RR: Oh yes, like open books. I have no doubt about it; it’s
a common experience, as common as drinking water. ‘Gone’ from His Body
Q: What was the first miracle of Swami you witnessed
Q: Tell us more about those experiences. after you started visiting Parthi?
RR: He has His own inimitable ways. Bhagavan had RR: Miracles had become such a common place
given me the opportunity to sing bhajans. I was leading occurrences with Baba that they ceased to be miracles!
bhajans for decades, right from 1958 until 1983; that is, I used to hear of Baba materializing vibhuti, and when I
up to my 60th year. came to Him I was mentally prepared for it because my
Q: That is more than twenty five years! mother was an old devotee.
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entralling encounters with eternity... Conversations with Mr. Raja Reddy - Part 2
I have seen quite a few interesting incidents. Swami used what really happened was, after I was married, He
to go in a ‘trance’, meaning, He used to, so to say, leave named my son Viveka. And that’s how he played this
His body whenever there was any danger to any devotee, prank on me. But imagine, Swami said this many years
anywhere. What used to happen is that His body would ago, in fact, decades before my marriage! He had no
become almost like a rigor mortis – almost death-like. connection with my marriage whatsoever.
And it would fall like a stick.
Q: It was a good joke!
So, as attendants on Him, we had to take care of His
RR: Ah, yes.
body by not allowing Him to fall or get hurt. On one of
these instances, I was not very well acquainted with this Q: Swami has such a good sense of humour.
process of His ‘trance’ and while He was ‘gone’ from
RR: Tremendous! We used to burst into peals of laughter
His body, He went on pulling His hair and had quite a
when He used to impersonate somebody so perfectly.
handful of His hair in His hand. Then He asked for water,
which I readily gave. Next, He swallowed the hair and Immediate Divine Healing
washed it down with water! Q: Have you witnessed any instance of ‘divine healing’?
Later, when He returned to normal consciousness, RR: Once I was suffering from piles and experienced
He asked me, “Did I swallow any hair?” I said, “Yes, profuse bleeding, as a reaction to a wrong
Baba.” Remember, I was not acquainted with these homeopathic medicine that was given to me. And
divine acts. Even one hair is enough to damage the I had to go to Bhagavan as there was a function
digestive system; and this was a whole bunch! and I had to participate in that procession. So I told
Bhagavan about my situation and immediately He
Just then, He opened a button and what happened
gave me prasadam. Believe it or not, the moment I
next was something unimaginable. The hair which
took it, the problem was gone! It was not a joke! I
was wet, which He had swallowed, was coming out
used to suffer for days because of bleeding piles.
from underneath His heart! That was something mind-
boggling. I will narrate one more incident. This concerns my wife’s
cousin, Mr. Suresh who is a sincere devotee of Bhagavan.
Playful Conscience
At that time, he was probably in his thirties and was
Q: Any instance, where you could recall where He could
well qualified with a Chemical Engineering degree and
tell somebody’s past and future.
an MBA done in Ahmedabad. He was highly placed too
RR: As I told you, I was a worshipper of Swami in his profession.
Vivekananda. Baba would say, “You will just pick up
Suddenly he developed cancer in the thigh.
Viveka (which means ‘discrimination’) and then play
Remember, he was young and had two small kids, a
with him.” I thought, as I so full of Vikekananda and
boy and a girl. He went to Dharmakshetra (Mumbai)
his ideas, I would, spiritually, go to such heights. But
to have Baba’s Darshan and there Baba saw him and
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h2h special
said, “Yes, cancer cancelled!” Mind you, that was a There are two facets implicitly stated by Baba in this
very dangerous type of cancer and he had been given incident. First: ‘I have complete control over jagrat,
an ultimatum of six months by the doctors. He had tried sapna, shupti’ (waking, dream and deep sleep states).
chemotherapy and everything else by then. Second: ‘I am the same as Shirdi; Shirdi Sai and I are not
different.’ In her dream Shirdi Baba gave her a rosary and
Q: He is still around?
she was woken up by somebody, and she was unhappy
RR: Yes, hale and healthy after decades! He has a job in a for having been disturbed. And here, Baba completes
German company in Pune, India, and he is on the move, the dream! It is something fantastic!
globe trotting 15 days in a month. His son and daughter
The former Vice Chancellor of Baba’s University, Sri
are well placed too.
Hanumantappa, had said: “I have traveled the world,
Therefore, He is very vivid about the entire past, present I have yet to come across such a human values based
and the future of everybody. All the states of consciousness University where it is completely free from bottom to
– waking, dreaming, deep sleep and complete bliss – are top! It’s highly unimaginable. And so is the Hospital,
under His control. Here is one instance. free for the visitors to stay! What further Love can be
The Same Sai Consciousness
Everybody in my wife’s family is a staunch devotee And not only that, if this is on the curative side, on the
of Shirdi Baba. In fact, my wife’s grandmother and preventive side, He gives us water so that we don’t
grandfather had been to Shirdi and had darshan of Shirdi succumb to any diseases in the first place. It is indeed
Sai when He was on earth in His physical form. At that unbelievable! Everything is offered free.
time, her grandmother was pregnant with her father.
Metamorphing Matter and Minds
Q: When has been the transformation in your life after
you met Swami?
116 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
entralling encounters with eternity... Conversations with Mr. Raja Reddy - Part 2
has been a habit for not years but decades. Even when I don’t know how far the students have witnessed that,
I used to drive Baba’s car, I used to meditate and drive! because every mind is an open book to Him; there’s
That’s because I didn’t want to lose that experience. nothing to hide. Ultimately, He wants everybody to
I told you earlier that I was an incorrigible introvert. I benefit from His Avatar. He has come for us and He
generally don’t tell others these experiences, but I used doesn’t require anything. He is Bliss personified!
to feel an inexplicable ecstatic bliss. It was something so
fine to experience that you didn’t want to leave it either,
but then at times you had to.
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Swami and Me
I offer my most loving and humble pranams to Bhagavan. lessons I have learned along this journey:
Respected elders, brothers and sisters, Sai Ram. 1. First, take refuge in the words of Sai.
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the divine alchemy
Only after some years of working on this puzzle did it Once Swami patted me on the chest and said, “This is
begin to occur to me that Swami is describing a sequence not a two-seat sofa; this is not musical chairs…Your seat
of events, and that each stage must be passed through is on that plane, but My seat is in your heart.” True
to get to the next. Nothing can happen without self- sneham, or friendship, should not be cheapened by
confidence. With self-confidence we can begin to engage putting all things into our hearts. We should reserve
in the world and to extract from it our own desires – our love for God, for who can truly satisfy the pain and
self-satisfaction. But sooner or later, we must learn that deepest yearning of our hearts, but Him?
satisfying our own desires doesn’t give enduring peace
3. Lastly, we should engage whole-heartedly in
and happiness. It is at this point that we must begin to
good work.
use our own potential to relieve the suffering of others.
And only after this “roof” of self-sacrifice is constructed Wrong use of the body leads to all kinds of troubles.
can the mansion of self-realization be secured. But to escape this suffering, we should put our body to
good uses. Swami has prescribed that Seva is the proper
Perhaps the truth of this simple teaching came quickly
use of the body, and also a powerful tool for spiritual
to others. For me, it took time to digest. But my point
transformation. “Bend the body, mend the mind, end
is that we must all put effort into understanding, in a
the senses,” Bhagavan has said.
deeper way, the words of Bhagavan, and not skim too
quickly across the surface. Mental peace can be attained
if we all take refuge in His words.
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Swami and Me
He was just quiet for a little while and then the store
owner said, “Boys, in all the years that I have been
in the shoe business, I have never seen anyone come
into my store to do what you are doing. I will sell
you these boots, but I will only charge you the price
Post Katrina seva was a that I have to pay for them myself. I am only sorry
large scale operation... that I did not know about this earlier, else I could
have worked with my suppliers to get the boots even
cheaper. Please contact me next year so we can work
together to do this good work.”
who could not afford to have their roofs replaced after work differently. We reminded ourselves that God is the
the terrible storm. Such large-scale projects are inspiring indweller of every living being, and therefore, we would
to be a part of, but another example I’d like to share treat every single person as if he were Swami Himself,
illustrates well the power of doing service even on a and give only love towards one and all. As the long line
relatively small scale. of people began filing into the downtown church where
we were giving away the boots, the poor and homeless
The Magic of Selfless Work
Because winters can be very cold and snowy in many were at first very restless and aggressive with each other
parts of America, homeless people run the risk of and with us. But our group continued to treat them all
freezing without proper clothing and footwear. A few in a loving manner. Very quickly, the atmosphere began
winters ago, some members of our group noticed that to change. Soon, everyone became peaceful, orderly
some homeless men in our city had only plastic bags and happy. Each person was invited to sit down in a
over their feet as footwear. So we made a decision that chair and be served food and drink while they waited
the following winter we would buy 75 pairs of boots and their turn to find a pair of boots. When their turn came,
distribute them amongst the homeless people. When our workers peeled off the old shoes and socks from
we went to the store to buy these 75 pairs of boots, we their worn and tired feet, and carefully fit them with a
were pleased that the owner of the store himself took new pair of socks and boots, and sent them on their way
care of us. It took quite some time to buy so many boots
happy and recharged.
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the divine alchemy
At the end of the day, after almost all of the boots were
gone, there was one man who had received his pair of
boots and was about to leave, when he noticed another
Desham ante matti kadu, desham ante
man who could not find a pair of boots to fit him. The
man without boots was very discouraged as his shoes
were in very bad condition and not fit to last through Deshani premiddam, tyagani chupiddam
the tough winter months. Observing this, the first
Pavitramuga jeevinchi pavana charitanu
man with boots in hand went over to this man and
gave him his boots and said, “Here, it looks like you
need these boots more than me. My shoes are in Swardhammunu vidanadi Sathya Saini
better condition than yours, so please take my new cherudam
boots.” With this, the man walked away smiling.
Mana shaktini manamu telesi yuva
shaktini chatudam
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Swami and Me
122 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
in his comforting care
hand on my head, He came near and bent His head until Six years later, just before our son’s eighth birthday,
His face was just a few inches from mine. All the while, Swami came in my dream with a question, “When do you
Swami looked deep into my eyes. When I woke up, I plan to tell your son about this? Fifteen minutes before
could still feel Swami’s hand on my head. you tell everyone? Do you think it is fair to him? For his
spiritual growth, he needs to know.” Safely ensconced
Strange are the ways of the monkey mind. Instead of
in our comfort zone, He
being overjoyed with His blessing, I was deeply distressed.
jolted us out of it once
“Why should Swami bless me when it is my baby who
again. In His own special
needs His help and blessing?” I cried in my heart. I was
way, Swami was telling
not very experienced then and did not realize that He
us to share our experience
knows who needs what, when, where and why.
with others.
From that day onwards, the baby’s health deteriorated
Traveling along the path of
rapidly and the doctors told us to be prepared for the
life is very much like a ride
worst. Every time the phone rang, we steeled ourselves
on a roller coaster. There
for the call from the hospital. Ten days after the baby’s
will always be ups and
birth, Swami came in my dream again.
downs, unexpected twists
“Swami!” I cried, “The and turns. As long as we
baby is very ill.” remember that the most
important person in our life, God, is right there with us
Swami replied in a very on the roller coaster, holding our hands, it becomes a
detached manner, “What joyful ride to be cherished all the way.
can I do for that?”
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Swami and Me
like you do not need to drink the whole ocean to know would that year. He was looking for a new charity to
the taste of sea water, a few incredible instances are give the additional money to. When he heard about the
enough to give us a glimpse of the glory of the Avatar. plight of this worthwhile cause, he not only gave the
When you read below the story of “just plain Bill” of extra money he had made but covered the entire cost
Southern California you will see how the Lord is at of the refit which was two and a half times the already
work all the time. Here is the story narrated by an sizable amount he originally had planned to donate. Bill
ardent devotee of Bhagavan, Mr. David Cornsweet. did this deed and many others long before he had heard
of Swami or His teachings. To Bill, it was just the right
To understand the incident in its entirety, it is useful, at thing to do and he wanted no recognition. In fact, he
first, to know what “just plain Bill” is like. insisted that everyone call him Bill, just plain Bill.
David Cornsweet and his buddy, “Just Plain Bill” As Bill’s eightieth birthday approached at the end of
I had met Bill over twenty years ago. Bill was adept at July 2007, he started to experience some dizziness and
playing the stock market and had amassed a great deal found that he was having a hard time walking. Upon
of wealth while still a relatively young man. Seeing him, examination by CAT scan, it was determined that he had
suffered a mild stroke. Undeterred, Bill attended the
you would not have known this as he dressed, acted
two parties held in his honor by his friends who deeply
and lived normally with little show of his financial status
loved this man. While he needed assistance to walk, he
except in one way: Bill loved to give money away both
made the parties enjoyable and later told me that he
to charities and to those in need directly. In fact, Bill
realized that while he had little family of direct blood, he
gives away an amount equal to or more than he makes
did have a large family of direct love.
each year, which is quite considerable. Further, he would
not allow himself to be recognized for his many acts of Shortly after the parties, Bill’s symptoms began to worsen.
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baba and “just plain bill”
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Swami and Me
for His help with Bill. I had a chance to talk to Swami that Bill seemed to be having difficulty breathing. I took
and said, “Swami, you saved this man’s life.” Swami just him to his doctor and was told that he had a mild case of
looked at me and smiled. I then showed Him the picture pneumonia. Bill was definitely not happy about having
of the bruise; Swami smiled and lovingly traced the AUM to go back to the hospital again. This was on Thursday,
with His finger on the picture, and as He did so, He said, October 11, 2007. What I was unaware of was that Bill
“AUM” in His very sweet voice. He returned the picture needed to finish some of the paperwork that ensured
to me and I decided to give it to Bill on my return to the that his estate would continue to support the charities
U.S. Swami then mimicked a hug, something that Bill that he so loved.
loved to get. “I’ll pass on this too to my friend,” I said
Giving ‘Life’ After Death
to myself.
On the following Saturday morning, I, along with several
We returned in early September. I saw Bill the day after of his friends, an advisor and his attorney witnessed Bill
our arrival. He was able to walk with a bit of help and sign the last papers necessary to secure the foundation
greeted me with one of those special smiles that I so he was establishing for charitable purposes. I asked him
treasure and his signature “How ya doin”. Then, I shared if this is really what he wanted and if it made him happy.
with him the interaction with Swami and showed him Again, I witnessed that beautiful smile as he strongly
the pictures that were taken at the time by one of the said, “Yes”.
students, which I had framed for him. I especially shared
the hug. He loved seeing the pictures and the hug,
especially, but didn’t seem to want to take the pictures
home with him. He looked at them several times when
we were together but seemed to “forget” to take them
when he left.
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baba and “just plain bill”
Traveling To Love, With Love in. Unfortunately, the pneumonia he had contracted
As the word went out regarding his condition, Bill’s friends was not responding to medication and this meant that
came to see him. They were from all walks of life. Cooks his death would likely be caused by suffocation, as the
and maids, doctors and lawyers, retired professionals lungs would fill up with fluid. This would obviously be
close to Bill’s age, and pre-teens – all came to see him. traumatic for him (and us) and I felt very upset knowing
Each had a story of how this man had affected their life the fear Bill had over experiencing a painful ending to
with his love, charity and humor. It was a sad, joyous this life. However, when the nurse came to check on Bill
time as we all laughed and cried together thinking about that last morning, amazingly she found that his lungs
Bill and the many ways he impacted us all. The love was were completely clear of fluid! The loving Lord had
palpable. Though Bill couldn’t talk and was growing arranged for him to die later that day, peacefully in his
visibly weaker, he loved having his friends around. sleep, just as he wished.
Calls came in from as far away as South Africa and he Thank You Swami, for so directly letting Bill know that You
listened to them on his speakerphone. We read to him loved him and for being with him, especially at the final
the numerous e-mails, cards, notes and letters written moments of his life. Thank you Swami, for making Bill’s
by friends that had known Bill most or all of their lives. life so meaningful, and such an inspiration to all of us
Bill would often smile and squeeze the hand of whoever who knew him. Thank You lord, for allowing all of us to
was closest indicating his awareness of the messages. come together in celebration and acknowledgement of
this wonderful man who lived your teachings in so many
ways. May Bill’s story of love and seva be an inspiration
for all of us. And thank You Swami, for letting me have
such a great friend as ‘just plain Bill’.
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photo gallery
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Charmer Extraordinaire... On the Chariot
to earlier birthdays.
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photo gallery
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Flying Colours of Puttaparthi!
Flying Colours
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photo gallery
Flying Colours
In the previous month, we had a photo
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Flying Colours of Puttaparthi!
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healing touch
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Many of the patients who depend upon Bhagavan has also become a commodity whose price is dictated by
Baba’s compassion and generosity for their treatment its demand and supply,” she says.
are typically so poor that they can’t even afford a train
“Here, in our Hospital, with Bhagavan’s Grace and
ticket to reach His Hospital from the various parts of
the generosity of the people who have been touched
the country and neighbouring nations. At Bhagavan
by the service His Institution is rendering, arranging
Baba’s directive, His hospitals provide the patients with
blood, even of rare groups, has never posed a
all necessary facilities during their treatment. Once a
major problem. Any amount of stress is harmful to
patient enters the warmth of the Sathya Sai Healthcare
the patient and impedes his or her healing. When
system’s embrace, both the patient and his/her family
everything, including blood, is taken care of, the
heave a sigh of relief because the system shoulders the
healing is accelerated. It makes such a difference to
entire responsibility of patient care in every conceivable
the patient’s family and also to his or her recuperating
area, which includes arranging for the needed blood
process. When we say ‘free treatment’, we mean it,
supply during and after surgery.
in all respects,” says Dr. Ghosal.
Dr. Nandita Ghosal, the Blood Bank Officer who heads
Answering a Life Saving Need
the Hospital’s blood bank, comparing her tenure with
Explaining the blood collection procedure, Mr. J. Sai
the Sri Sathya Sai Institute with other hospitals she
Kiran, Senior Manager of the Hospital’s Laboratory and
has worked earlier, says, “In other hospitals, blood can
Blood Bank, explains, “Our Institute is licensed by the
become very difficult to organize, especially in cases
Regional Drug Controller to collect, store, process and
of rare blood groups. I’ve seen many cases elsewhere,
where surgeries had to be cancelled due to lack of blood, transfuse blood, as per the prescribed norms. As far
where cases had to be terminated before the completion as procedures and standards are concerned, there is
of the surgery, and worse still, where a patient’s life was no difference between our blood bank and any other
lost due to loss of blood. widely known blood banks. We maintain the same
quality standards, and on many counts exceed them.
What makes the Sathya Sai Blood Bank stand apart
is the purpose behind our existence. Whereas other
blood banks supply blood for a price to the individual,
our blood bank collects blood only for the in-patient
requirements of our Institute. The patient is absolved
of all responsibility of finding the adequate supply, the
right match or making any payment.”
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 135
healing touch
136 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
Many college students ...and some do it There is no dearth of volunteers who want to be a
drop in too... frequently part of this sacred mission
filling out a form and screening the donor for suitability
made it a part of their work culture to come and for blood donation, she/he is bled by the phlebotomist.
donate blood at our Institute. For example every year, Usually 350 to 450 cc of blood is collected from each
employees from TVS Motors, Hosur come and donate donor in a blood bag, which contains chemicals to
blood, as do the employees of GE Medical Systems, SAP prevent it from clotting and provides food for the live
Labs, SRIT, TCS and Ram Kumar Mills. We also receive cells. The process of bleeding is completed within 10
college students from the MVJ Group of Educational minutes. Once the donation is completed, the blood
Institutions, RBANMS (Ulsoor), Acharya Institutions donor is given a mandatory snack even as they are
(Peenya) and many other institutes, including the nearby observed for their well-being.”
Brindavan campus of the Sri Sathya Sai University. Such
is the overwhelming response from the community to What makes the Sathya Sai Blood Bank
the Hospital’s blood needs that we do not even need to stand apart is the purpose behind its
use the print media but rely mostly on word of mouth. existence. Whereas other blood banks
Sometimes we announce in the local Sai Centres and only supply blood for a price to the individual,
occasionally post notices in order to create awareness the SSSIHMS blood bank collects blood
only for the in-patient requirements of
about the need for blood,” he adds.
our Institute. The patient is absolved of
“The procedure for blood donation is very simple,” all responsibility of finding the adequate
explains Mr. Sai Kiran, the blood bank manager. “After supply, the right match or making any
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 137
healing touch
138 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
The blood components documentation for Thanks to many inspired donors, the Hospital does
are segregated and scrutiny by the Drug not have to bother patients to arrange blood for
stored systematically their operations
Controller during regular
inspections – a prerequisite for renewing the Institute’s for free. Thanks to the positive understanding Supratim
license to collect blood. It is the dedication of the entire has now acquired about the Institute, he is always ready
team which ultimately ensures that the patients receive to help us, and is a mere phone call away!”
safe blood.
No Greater Gift
Finding a Blood Angel Blood is the rare gift of life that still cannot be made
The efficiency and sincerity of the system continues outside the human body. It is a perishable commodity
to grow on others, such as its donors. Many are the with an expiry period of 35 days. Surgeons generally
instances where blood donors, receiving a call from prefer to use fresh blood, especially in pediatric cases,
the Hospital rush from their place of work or home at where they prefer blood collected less than 72 hours
odd hours to donate blood. Supratim Roy’s is one such ago. Care is therefore taken to collect only the needed
instance. A software engineer by profession, he works groups of blood and in the required quantities, as per
in a private company in Electronics City, situated in the the needs of the patients awaiting surgery.
suburbs of Bangalore. As a person with O-negative
blood, one of the rarest blood groups, he is in constant
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 139
healing touch
The Sathya Sai Blood Bank takes special care to optimize With time, the unique Sathya Sai Healthcare system
on this valuable resource. The surgeons play an important is not only providing free of cost tertiary medical care
role in its responsible use by performing surgeries using that meets the eye but also creating greater sense of
improved techniques, which minimize blood loss. civic consciousness, unconditional love and service
Beating heart surgeries, minimally invasive surgeries and opportunities for thousands who joyfully come forward
to save the lives of seemingly complete strangers.
endoscopic procedures are means by which the blood
requirement, as compared to traditional surgeries, is In the end, every donor realizes an inner connection
reduced to a great extent. In cases of very rare groups, with everyone else that gets further strengthened by
through an autologous donation, the patient is requested the common blood line that they now share with a
to donate blood before surgery, and the same blood patient. Baba says, “There is only one caste, the caste
is transfused back during his or her own surgery. This of Humanity. And one is conferred with true happiness,
is also the safest type of blood that a patient can get. only when he or she is of help to others. Service has twin
Research is also on to prepare a substitute for blood, benefits – inner joy to oneself and happiness to others.”
which can perform the same functions as the human When we help another heal, we heal ourselves of our
selfishness, and when we help save a life, we widen our
blood. It would, of course, take many years before it can
mental horizons and broaden our own hearts. A million
be made available for use, and that too, at a reasonable
life lessons from a single act of kindness make the act
price. Till then hospital systems across the world will
of blood donation in this Hospital a truly spiritual and
continue to rely on fellow human beings to donate this
elevating experience.
life-giving element.
- By B. Satish Chandra
and Heart2Heart Team
If you have a rare blood group, you have the
exclusive privilege of being able to participate
in the treatment of a fellow human being who
is as ‘rare’ as you. On the other hand, if yours
is a common blood group, then there are more
patients of your blood group and the opportunity
to serve that you have is immense. The surgeon
might be the best of surgeons, and the equipment
the best in its line, but without safe blood, the
operation is impossible.
140 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
Right before the jetway door closed, I scrambled aboard The captains’ voice came over the speakers: “Flight
the plane going from LA to Chicago, lugging my laptop attendants, prepare for takeoff.” Michael pulled his seat
and overstuffed briefcase. It was the first leg of an belt tighter and gripped the armrests as the jet engines
important business trip a few weeks before Christmas, roared. I leaned over and said, “Right about now, I
and I was running late. I had a ton of work to catch up usually say a prayer. I ask God to keep the plane safe and
on, half wishing, half praying I muttered, “Please God, to send angels to protect us.”
do me a favor; let there be an empty seat next to mine, I “Amen,” he said, then added, “but I’m not afraid of
don’t need any distractions.” dying. I’m not afraid because my mama’s already in
Did I have a choice? I offered my hand, and Michael sure he had a good flight. With my foot I pushed my
shook it twice, straight up and down. “Hi, I’m Jerry,” I briefcase under my seat.
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 141
get inspired
“Sure,” I said, “let me take you there.” I showed him how want her to come visit and see her sick. What if Grandma
to work the ‘Occupied’ sign, and what buttons to push doesn’t want me? Where will I go?”
on the sink, then he closed the door. When he emerged,
“Michael, do you remember the Christmas story? Mary
he wore a wet shirt and a huge smile. “That sink shoots
and Joseph and the baby Jesus? Remember how they
water everywhere!” The attendants smiled.
came to Bethlehem just before Jesus was born? It was
Michael got the VIP treatment from the crew during late and cold, and they didn’t have anywhere to stay,
snack time. I took out my laptop and tried to work on a no family, no hotels, not even hospitals where babies
talk I had to give, but my mind kept going to Michael. could be born. Well, God was watching out for them. He
I couldn’t stop looking at the crumpled grocery bag on found them a place to stay; a stable with animals.”
the floor by his seat. He’d told me that everything he
“Wait, wait,” Michael tugged on my sleeve. “I know
owned was in that bag-- Poor kid.
Jesus. I remember now.” Then he closed his eyes, lifted
While Michael was getting a tour of the cockpit the flight his head and began to sing. His voice rang out with a
attendant told me his grandmother would pick him up strength that rocked his tiny frame. “Jeeesus looooves
in Chicago. In the seat pocket a large manila envelope me--thiiiiiis I knowwwwwww. For the Biiiiiible tells
held all the paperwork regarding his custody. He came meeeeee sooooo.....”
back explaining, “I got wings! I got cards! I got more
Passengers turned or stood up to see the little boy
peanuts. I saw the pilot and he said I could come back
who made the large sound. Michael didn’t notice his
audience. With his eyes shut tight and voice lifted high,
For a while he stared at the manila envelope. he was in a good place. “You’ve got a great voice,” I told
him when he was done. “I’ve never heard anyone sing
“What are you thinking?” I asked. He didn’t answer. He
like that.”
buried his face in his hands and started sobbing. It had
been years since I’d heard a little one cry like that. My “Mama said God gave me good pipes just like my
kids were grown -- still I don’t think they’d ever cried so Grandma’s,” he said. “My
hard. I rubbed his back and wondered where the flight
Grandma loves to sing, she sings in her church choir.”
attendant was.
“Well, I’ll bet you can sing there too. The two of you will
“What’s the matter buddy?” I asked. All I got were
be running that choir.”
muffled words, “I don’t know my grandma. Mama didn’t
The seat belt sign came on as we approached O’Hare.
The flight attendant came by and said we just have a few
minutes now, but she told Michael it’s important that he
put on his seat belt. People started stirring in their seats,
like the kids before the final school bell. By the time the
seat belt sign went off, passengers were rushing down
the aisle. Michael and I stayed seated.
142 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
he grabbed my hand with the other. The two of us the grocery bag. Right before we got to the doorway to
followed the flight attendant down the jetway. All the the terminal, Michael loosened his grip around my neck
noises of the airport seemed to fill the corridor. Michael and reached for his grandma.
stopped, flipping his hand from mine, he dropped to his
As soon as she walked across the threshold with him,
knees. His mouth quivered. His eyes brimmed with tears.
cheers erupted. From the size of the crowd, I figured
family, friends, pastors, elders, deacons, choir members
and most of the neighbors had come to meet Michael. A
tall man tugged on Michael’s ear and pulled off the red
sign around his neck. It no longer applied.
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 143
get inspired
as soon as possible.
Close behind Riches, came Vanity who was departing the
can’t help you Love. You will get wet and might damage
Feelings to escape. Love then spied Sadness who was coming close behind
144 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
the story of ‘love’
By this time, Love was growing a little anxious, as the to ask his name. And though the journey was over a vast
waters were lapping at her feet. But she picked up on distance, it seemed to go by in a twinkle of an eye. Then
hearing the sound of laughter and merriment and saw the elder went on his own way, giving Love a parting
for them – they had rejected her and would never know -- Adapted from: Inspirational Quotes, May 2007
Illustrations: Sai Krishna, SSSU
the gift of her presence.
– Heart2Heart Team
will take you.” The owner of the voice was a wise looking
elder and true to his word he took her to dry land, all
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 145
get inspired
“There are those who actually seek the truth and there
or those who only seek to escape their responsibilities,”
said the Guru, “but the way I have come to show is to live
“There is no comfort in a place where there is no truth,” in service to God in the daily world, keeping His Name
replied the Guru. “The air of the town is filled with on our lips and in our minds. Renunciation of outer
falseness. No one can safely breathe it.” things does not make for inner righteousness. Words are
meaningless unless translated into action.”
“Master, I am hungry,” said Mardana, “and unlike you, I
can’t live on just the air.” Guru Nanak then repeated to him the Jap Ji (what is
now one of the most famous Sikh scriptures), and Moola
“Go into town,” said the Guru, “and ask at every shop; returned home to live the life of a householder, keeping
‘My master would like a half-anna of truth, and a half- all his Guru’s teachings in his heart.
anna of falsehood.’ He who answers will feed you.”
Guru Nanak and Mardana had an occasion later to visit
Mardana, much amused, went into town and stopped at Sialkot and the Guru wished to see his student. Mardana
each shop. Some thought that he was insane and others went looking for Moola, but his wife, fearing that her
made fun of him. However, at a certain shop, Moola, the husband would wish to leave again, convinced Moola
owner, replied, “Tell your master that life is false, and that he could die in the wilderness if he went. And so he
death is true.” hid himself away until Mardana left.
And just as Guru Nanak had said, Moola offered to give When told, the Guru said, “This is the man who said
Mardana food. Then, he asked to be taken to the man that life is false and death is real, but now he seems to
who asked for such things. When Moola saw the Guru, hold to falseness. So be it. But who can escape death? It
he recognised his greatness and humbly bowed before comes to all no matter where they live.”
him asking, “Show me the true way.”
– Heart2Heart Team
“Seek it and you shall find it,” said the Guru. “It is found
146 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
multi-faith quiz
What connotation did He give about the 5. In Japan, ‘Shichi go san’ is celebrated on 15
upward movement of the flame? November. On this day parents take boys of
A. It reminds us to look up to God. three and five years old and girls of three
and seven, to give thanks to the Gods for a
B. It signifies a Positive outlook to life.
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 147
test your spiritual quotient
healthy life so far and to pray for a safe and D. They take it to a Temple and offer it to their
successful future. chosen Deity.
A. The ages of the children. 8. In November 2007, in Nepal too the Festival
of lights will be observed, from the 7th to
B. A most revered Japanese deity.
11th. It is the second biggest festival after
C. A favourite sweet of children. ‘Dashain’ and is called ‘Tihar’. Tihar’ Festival
lasts for five days and people worship Laxmi
D. A rare flower grown only in Japan.
– the Goddess of Wealth. All the houses are
cleaned and decorated with the belief that
Goddess Laxmi will enter the house that is the
6. Buddhist holidays are joyful occasions.
cleanest. People light candles and oil lamps
The ‘Buddha Elephant Festival’ also takes
so that the whole place looks illuminating.
an important place in these. A festival day
normally begins with a visit to the local Besides Goddess Laxmi, who else do they
temple, where one offers food or other items honour?
to the monks and listens to a Dharma talk.
A. A few chosen animals.
The Buddha Elephant Festival is a big Elephant
Festival celebrated by Buddhists each year on B. The Planets.
the third Saturday in November. At one point
C. The oceans.
Buddha used the example of a wild elephant
that is harnessed to a tame one. D. A holy mountain.
148 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
multi-faith quiz
10. On November 24, Sikhs celebrate the first of was killed all those who suffered under him were
the 10 Guru’s - Guru Nanak Ji’s Birthday who overjoyed. Having led a life of darkness till then, both
is also the founder of Sikhism. Sikhism, which internally and externally, they celebrated the occasion by
comes from the Hindi word ‘sikh’, meaning lighting lamps. There is significance in lighting lamps.
“disciple,” is one of the three religions most The flame of one lamp can light the whole array of
widely practiced in India . lamps. That one lamp symbolizes the Parama Jyothi
(supreme effulgence). The others symbolize the Jeevana
Sikhs celebrate Guru Nanak’s Birthday
Jyothis (light in individual selves). Deepavali is celebrated
with an Akhand Path, a reading of the Sikh
in order to teach this truth to the world. People celebrate
Holy Scriptures, the Guru Granth Sahib,
this festival by bursting firecrackers signifying the victory
continuously from beginning to end.
of good over evil.
For how many days is the Holy Book read?
The inner meaning underlying the Indian festivals should
A. 1 day be rightly understood. On each festival day, people
have a sacred bath early in the morning and wear new
B. 2 days
clothes, keep their houses and surroundings clean. Thus
C. 5 days the festivals teach us the importance of internal and
external cleanliness. The Vedas declare, “Anthar Bahischa
D. 7 days
Tat Sarvam Vyapya Narayana Stithaha”, God is present
within and around. So, one has to be pure both internally
and externally. It is the water that helps to keep your
body clean. But it is love that keeps your heart clean. You
1. Answer: A To raise the souls of the dead
should celebrate the festivals in full realization of their
to Heaven.
inner significance”.
According to their tradition, the kites are flown to
For more information, go to:
raise the souls of the dead to Heaven and to turn away
evil spirits. The inhabitants of Santiago, Sacatepequez
believe that on November 2nd they can communicate
with their ancestors and send good messages. For this
3. Answer: B Unity
reason, they design beautiful kites with many colors to
communicate messages of happiness. Also, on this day The essential message of Bahá’u’lláh is that of Unity. He
a group selects the best kite design and gives a prize to taught that there is only one God, that there is only one
the winning family. human race, and that all the world’s religions represent
stages in the revelation of God’s will and purpose for
2. Answer: C
It denotes the path to
Wisdom and Divinity. 4. Answer: C The First Prime Minister
In His discourse, Bhagavan India’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,
tells us: “The ancients was born on 14 November. He liked children and was
have taught that the regularly photographed with them. Children called him
upward movement of the Chacha (Uncle) Nehru. After he became Prime Minister
flame denotes the path of India, his birthday was observed as Children’s Day in
to wisdom and the path India.
to divinity. However, the
external light can dispel only the external darkness, but
not the darkness of ignorance in man. When Narakasura
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 149
test your spiritual quotient
5. Answer: A The ages of the children. festival ends with ‘Bhai Tika’ – ‘Brothers’ day’ when sisters
pray for him for a long and healthy life to safeguard
The festival of ‘Shichi go san’ is named after the ages
their lives.
of the children taking part - seven (shichi), five (go),
three (san). These ages in particular are celebrated both
because these years are seen as important age markers in
9. Answer: D Holland.
the stages of a child’s growth and because odd numbers
are seen as signs of good luck in Japan. The Pilgrims who sailed to America aboard the Mayflower
were originally members of the English Separatist
Church (a Puritan sect). They had earlier fled their home
6. Answer: B To teach that every new in England and sailed to Holland (The Netherlands)
learner should be helped by to escape religious persecution. There, they enjoyed
an older one. more religious tolerance, but they eventually became
disenchanted with the Dutch way of life, thinking it
Buddha used the example of a wild elephant that is
ungodly. Seeking a better life, the Separatists negotiated
harnessed to a tame one to teach that a person new
with a London stock company to finance a pilgrimage to
to Buddhism should be helped by an older Buddhist.
America and first set ground in Plymouth Rock which is
This festival is characterized by the spread of love and
now part of Massachusetts.
150 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
quiz on baba’s birthdays
A. 20th
C. 30th
2. After Swami declared that He was an Incarnate The significance of these sacred symbols
of Shirdi Baba, the number of devotees kept have been explained by Bhagavan so that we
on increasing with the result that, in a few can understand the truth that all religions
years the Old Mandir could not accommodate lead man on the path to God. The ‘Om’ of
them. Even sheds and makeshift Pandals Hinduism, for example, means “Listen to the
around the Old Mandir were inadequate primeval Pranava ‘AUM’ resounding in your
during festivals. heart as well as in the heart of the universe”,
the cross of Christianity signifies, “Cut the ‘I’
In answer to the prayers of the devotees, Baba
feeling clean across and let your ego die on
agreed for a more spacious place. Thus, the
the cross, to endow on you eternity”, etc.
idea of New Mandir [Prashanti Nilayam] was
conceived and was constructed at a place to Of all the major religions, which religion does
the south of the village of Puttaparthi. Baba mainly stress on?
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 151
test your spiritual quotient
When Swami inaugurated this marvelous A. It was Bhagawan’s Birthday according to the
edifice on the 22 November 1981, it was Indian Calendar
truly, as Prof. Kasturi writes, “The dawn of
B. It was the birthday of Mother Eswaramma
the Sai era of re-education of man for the
establishment of peace on earth and goodwill C. It was the Anniversary celebration of the
among all peoples.” Anantapur Campus
Among other Universities in India, what was D. It was the 80th birthday of the Warden of the
number of this Institute? Anantapur Campus
A. 106
C. Kaveri
7. On Nov 12, 2003, Bhagavan Baba, the teachers
D. Ganga
and students of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute
of Higher Learning, Anantapur Campus,
152 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
quiz on baba’s birthdays
10. Each year, the month of November draws For more information, go to: http://media.radiosai.
several thousand devotees from around the org/Journals/Vol_04/01JUN06/ssps.htm
globe and all corners of India to Prashanti
Nilayam. The week of November 23, 2006
which marked Bhagawan’s 81st birthday 2 Answer: B 25th
celebrations, was no different. Devotees
Bhagavan Baba inaugurated it on 23rd November 1950
thronged Prashanti Nilayam to witness the
on his 25th birthday and named it Prashanti Nilayam (the
25th annual convocation of Sri Sathya Sai
abode of supreme peace).
Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL) - a
Prashanti Nilayam was
deemed University, and the inauguration of
inaugurated on Swami’s
Sri Sathya Sai International Centre for Sports -
Birthday in 1950. Previous
an indoor stadium of international standards,
to that year, the Birthday
and a momentous gift from Bhagawan to His
had been rather informal.
Swami delighted the
How long did it take to build the Sports Mother and the Father and their sons and daughters by
Centre? visiting their home and going through the ritual of lunch
in their company. After the parents had placed a few
A. 4 months
drops of oil on his cluster of hair, the ceremonial bath
B. 8 months was administered and Swami fulfilled the longing of one
devotee by accepting the robe and dhoti he placed at his
C. 9 months
feet. All those present then touched His feet praying for
D. 6 months boons and blessings.
Bhagavan Baba was born on 23rd November 1926 in 3. Answer: A Lay the foundation stone for
Puttaparthi, a remote village of Andhra Pradesh in India, the General Hospital
in the Ratnakar family of Sri Kondama Raju, who was the in Puttaparthi
grandfather of Bhagavan’s physical body. Sri Kondama
The foundation of the Prashanti Nilayam Hospital
Raju, who lived separately from the family contemplating
was laid on 23 November 1954, and the Hospital was
on God day in and day out, had full faith in the prophecy
inaugurated on 4 October 1956. Many devotees toiled to
of his Guru Venkavadhoota that God would incarnate
help build the hospital by carrying stones, bricks, cement,
in his family. He lived a long life of 116 years to realize
and other articles on top
and experience the divinity of his grandson, who was by
of the small hill on which it
his side to fulfill his last wish of pouring water into his
was constructed. From the
mouth when he breathed his last in 1950.
hospital, one could get a
He had two sons, both named after his Guru bird’s eye-view of the river
Venkavadhoota, Sri Pedda Venkama Raju and Sri Chinna Chitravathi, with the hills
Venkama Raju. The divine child Sathyanarayana Raju in the background.
(called Sathya or Raju in childhood) was the fourth
The Hospital initially
child of the devout couple, Sri Pedda Venkama Raju and
had twelve beds, six of
Srimati Easwaramma.
them for confinements, according to the needs of the
Subbamma came to the Raju house, to be of assistance time. The Hospital catered mainly to the villagers and
at the time of the birth of the baby. devotees. The doctors and the paramedical staff were
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 153
test your spiritual quotient
appointed by Swami. They worked voluntarily without For more information, go here: http://media.radiosai.
any remuneration. org/Journals/Vol_04/01NOV06/CoverStory_SSSIHL.
For more information, go here: http://www.sathyasai.
154 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
quiz on baba’s birthdays
8. Answer: C Australia
9. Answer: B Krishna
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 155
test your spiritual quotient
156 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
quiz on heart to heart
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 157
test your spiritual quotient
His Word had come true! Needless to say, all the four
Dear Reader, did you like this quiz? Is it too difficult? Is it
open-heart surgeries performed on that Opening day
interactive enough? How does it help you? Please tell us
were a great success.
Ref: Cover Story: Temples of Healing, His Word Took a
Form - Nov 1st 2003
4. Answer: D 2004
158 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
feedback from our readers
feedback from our I was just going through the article Beauty, Bliss and
readers Blessings…Sathya Sai in Chennai. I am from Chennai
On October Issue but I currently live in New Zealand. I had a wonderful
experience from start to finish, with Swami planning and
executing my trip in January 2007 for the yagnam, and
Feedback on the cover story: later for His visit to the hospital that I work in. I know
‘Beauty, Bliss and Blessings...of Sathya Sai that Sai’s leelas are not unusual, for He is the Lord of this
in Chennai’ entire Universe. I travelled all the way across the globe to
Dear Heart2Heart Team and Radio Sai, see our loving God and He blessed me abundantly and I
I with to thank you for the very uplifting story written by have wonderful memories of His Grace and love.
From Ocean to Ocean, from Heart to Heart, Sai Ram and I really enjoyed reading the cover story on Swamis’
thank you so very much for your love and your loving Chennai trip (part 3). In fact, after reading the article,
work. my mind was thinking about Swami for couple of days
without showing its monkey nature (if I may say so). I
Many blessings,
was so immersed in Swami’s thoughts that He inspired
Jutta Benner me to write a few small poems (I am not competing with
the greats though!). Here is one -
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 159
your say
I entered the society with loneliness; You gave Sairam. The article “Sai medical camps at Fiji” is
me the hand of my sister, very inspiring and terrific. It is a great show of unity,
dedication, love and compassion exhibited by people
I entered the realms of uncertainty; You gave me
from four different countries working together for
the hand of my relatives, selfless service in a difficult environment and helping the
I entered the arch of Prashanthi Nilayam, and needy. It is only Bhagavan’s grace behind them directing
You gave me Yourself! right through. They truly followed ‘love all and serve all’
as repeatedly told by Sri Bhagavan. My thanks to your
I request the editor to also post other Leelas like how team for bringing out such a nice article.
Swami got His license and many more of His Leelas!
Jai Sai Ram!
Saminathan Ramachandran
160 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
feedback from our readers
That was truly inspiring. I was in Parthi a few days before The article ‘How The Saffron Shaped Me’ by Ms. Sutopa
the World Youth Conference but could not stay. I read a Sen was really inspiring. It gives an insight into the lives
few excerpts and heard from friends about what Swami of many devotees of how Swami really takes care of
had said during this time but nothing about the speakers. everybody if we follow his teachings. Any single act of
Thank you for sharing this wonderful event. Swami has a great meaning. A gift of a saffron robe
means sacrifice. We should sacrifice our bad qualities to
be near Sai. A good article indeed. Please provide more
Kanthi Ayyagari such articles especially by students and ex-students.
V. S. Venkataraman Iyer
S. Pathy,
Dear Editor,
Toronto, Canada
I read the talk by Ms Sutopa Sen and found it very
inspiring. It was more like my own story. I passed out
of His institute this year. I am at Jaipur which is far from
Feedback on ‘Incredible Blessings...
my home and far from Puttaparthi. Most of the people The Startling Story of Benjamin’
out here in my college don’t know about Swami. So, Jai Sairam!
I used to feel depressed that I have no one to talk to
I am Dr. Krishnamurthy from Coimbatore. I read the article
about Him. Browsing through h2h is my only way to
“Incredible Blessings- the Startling story of Benjamin”,
be in touch with the Sai world. Thank you so much for
with great interest. I am a medical graduate and my wife
bringing a ray of hope in my dark days. is also a medical graduate. I will put my feelings simply
as follows:
“We Are Lucky People To See God In Person, Living Like A
Human Amongst Us.”
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 161
your say
All of us, everyone of us has done something good in Feedback on ‘Prashanti Diary’
our pervious births, for seeing, feeling, admiring with Sai Ram Brothers and Sisters,
awe, Divinity during our life time. Blessed are Benjamin
and his parents, grandparents, and also all of us. This is just to inform you that all of you are performing
an invaluable service by bringing out Prashanti Diary.
Dr. S. Krishnamurthy,
It is so wonderful with lots of details and sprinklings
Coimbatore. of pictures. It seems that we are in Parthi. Thanks so
A.S.G. Mohanraj,
I have always heard of numerous Sai stories, however I I feel so lucky - maybe that’s the wrong word, blessed
am not a devotee. I have always felt a connection but I is more accurate, to be able to share a small slice of the
could never place my finger on it. When I read the article world you are inhabiting. Thank you, for bringing Sai
on Benjamin I felt a truly deep sense of connection so
Baba into my home everyday. The importance of your
strong that I had goosebumps all over, like being touched
work cannot be overstated. This letter is to demonstrate
by a heavenly figure.
how much Holy Baba is necessary for all people, including
Regards, a forty-three year old, raised Catholic woman from
Kubashni Govender, California - me. Thank you again, the web-site is lovely.
South Africa
Much Love,
Valerie Peerenboom
162 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)
feedback from our readers
Sheena Pillai.
Om Sai Ram,
Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11) 163
sai inspires
In the cosmic exhibition, you are seeing, hearing and experiencing innumerable things. You
experience depression, confusion and disappointment. You have no contentment...The man
who is not content is continually experiencing loss. There is no limit to desires... If the
thirsty man is offered water, he is not satisfied, he wants a cool drink; when he is given a
cool drink, he wants ice cream, and so on. There is no end to desires for material things in
the world. To get rid of these desires, man must turn his mind towards God. That is the
way to achieve contentment and lasting bliss.
164 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai’s e-Journal, November 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 11)