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Adu Et Al. - 1995 - Thermodynamics of Microwave (Polarized) Heating Systems

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Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy

ISSN: 0832-7823 (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tpee20

Thermodynamics of Microwave(Polarized) Heating


B. Adu, L. Otten, E. Afenya & P. Groenevelt

To cite this article: B. Adu, L. Otten, E. Afenya & P. Groenevelt (1995) Thermodynamics of
Microwave(Polarized) Heating Systems, Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic
Energy, 30:2, 90-96, DOI: 10.1080/08327823.1995.11688262

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08327823.1995.11688262

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B. Adu, L. Otten, E. Afenya, and W
a dielectric material is placed in an electric
or electromagnetic field, the material becomes
P. Groenevelt polarized, and stores electric energy through po-
The equation governing the behavior of microwave (polar- larization. The level and mechanism of polarization avail-
ized) heating systems is presented. The basic difference be- able to materials depends on the state and composition of the
tween microwave (polarized) and conventional (non-polar- material, and the frequency of the applied electric field. The
ized) heating systems is shown. The influence ofa polarizing thermodynamic properties and behavior of a polarized sys-
electric field on system properties, parameters, and behavior tem is fundamentally different from that of the same system
is derived. Characteristics predicted by the derived equations not polarized [De Groot and Mazur, 1962]. For example mi-
are discussed in relation to published observations. It is re- crowave researchers have observed that material properties
vealed that in addition to concentration, temperature, and exhibit a dependence O ntheir orientation in a microwave field
pressure gradients, the existence of an electric field intensity [Bengtsson, 1963; Harper and Chichester, 1960; Cole, 1972;
gradient during microwave drying may produces an addi- Adelman and Goldman, 19811.Various aspects of microwave
tional driving force for mass transport. Thus, at the same heating are still not well understood [Decareau, 1985]. Con-
concentration, temperature and pressure, an assisting elec- sequently, the design of microwave heating processes have
tric field intensity gradient may reduce the activation energy been largely empirical often leading to disappointing results
for microwavedrying processes and increase microwave mass [Mudgett, 1988]. From available literature [Metaxas and
transfer rates for volatile polar or polarizable molecules over Meredith, 1983; Decareau, 1985] on microwave heating and/
that of conventional heating. A new phenomenological equa- or mass transfer, for instance, it is clear that the lack of an
tion, that accounts for the effect of an electric field gradient adequate understanding of the behavior of microwave heat-
on mass transfer rates during microwave heating is presented. ing and mass transfer systems has persisted mainly because,
apart from volumetric heat generation, microwave heating
Key Words: systems are generally considered as no different from con-
Thermodynamics, Microwave, Polarized, Heating systems, ventional heating system. Consequently, modification of ex-
Mass transfer. isting conventional heating equations to account for internal
heat generated are considered as sufficient in describing the
mechanism and macroscopic behavior of microwave heat and
mass transfer systems. With this approach, peculiar features
important to the understanding of microwave heating and mass
transfer systems are lost within the confines of conventional
heating theories, concepts and parameters. In essence, there
is neither a systematic microwave heat and mass transfer
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: theory, nor independent microwave heat and mass transfer
Benjamin Adu and Lambert Otten are affiliated with the School of concepts and equations outside those established for conven-
Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G tional heating. The lack of a theory, consistent with the fea-
2W1. Evans Afenya is affiliated with the Department of Mathemat- tures of microwave heating and mass transfer systems has
ics, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, IL 60126. Peiter Groenevelt is af- resulted in the lack of explanation for various published ob-
filiated with Land Resource Science, University of Guelph, Guelph,
Ontario, Canada N 1G 2W1.
servations unique to microwave processes.
The need for efficient and high quality thermal process-
Manuscript received September 19, 1994. Accepted for publication ing, fast heating, and high mass loss rates in materials with
February 10, 1995. low thermal conductivity continues to propel the use of mi-
crowave energy in the thermal processing of moist porous
International Microwave Power Institute solids. Already, a wide range of applications are actively being

90 Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy Vol. 30 No. 2, 1995

pursued by industry despite the above stated unresolved Basic Difference Between Polarized
problems. Examples of such industrial microwave thermal and Non-Polarized Systems
processing ranges from the heating or drying of biomaterials
and pharmaceuticals to the desorption of hazardous chemical From the first law of thermodynamics (Equation (3)), the
compounds from polymeric medical equipment [Decareau, extended form of Gibbs equation for a polarized multi-com-
1985; Gibson et al., 1988; Smart, 1993]. To limit the high ponent open system may be stated as:
cost of blind application of microwave energy in industry and
elsewhere, microwave heat and mass transfer, and other mi-
crowave induced phenomena must escape from trappings of du = Tds — Pdv + E • d(p-1P) + gide; (4)
conventional heating. This can only happen if microwave
heating systems are looked at on their own merits. An impor-
tant step in this direction is the development of a theory con- For a single component system, (dci = 0), Equation (4) be-
sistent with the features of microwave heating systems, and comes:
the governing equations for specific processes of interest.
This paper presents a thermodynamic analysis based on du = Tds - Pdv + E.d(fr 1P) (5)
the characterization of microwave heating systems as polar-
ized systems to reveal that the polarization of dielectric ma- The equivalent equation for the same multi-component open
terials by microwaves is central to various published obser- system in a non-polarizing field is:
vations unique to microwave heat and mass transfer systems.

Thermodynamic Equation Polarized Systems du = Tds = Pdv + Mc; (6)

The law of conservation of energy (First law of thermody-
namics) define the total energy of a polarized multi-compo- and its single component system equivalent is:
nent open system [De Groot and Mazur, 1962] as:
du = Tds - Pdv (7)

U = TS — PV +(P-E From above Equations (5) and (6), it may be seen that the
i basic difference between microwave (polarized) and conven-
tional (non-polarized) systems is the existence of electric en-
where U is the total internal energy, T is temperature, S is ergy due to the electrical field E which causes a volumetric
entropy, P is pressure, V is volume, P is the polarization field polarization P in the direction of the electric field only. Con-
vector, E is electric field strength, H is magnetic field strength, sequently, any qualitative difference between the behavior of
is magnetic displacement vector, mi is mass of component microwave and conventional systems results from the elec-
i, pi is the chemical potential of component i. tric energy intensity of the system.
For dielectrics, B =0, and equation (1) simplifies to: E and P obey the causality relations between response
and driving force which may be given as:

U = TS — PV + V(P • E) + (2) E = 2 _p (8)

i= 1
p =
p - 1P (9)
Dividing through Equation (2) by the total mass m of the
system gives the specific total internal energy function as: where lc is the electric susceptibility factor of the system.
Thus, the increase in total internal energy resulting from a
polarization is dictated by the electric field strength and the
II= Ts —PV-Fp—i(P•E)±
(3) electric susceptibility factor of the material.
Physical Effects of the Electric Field Vector
Where u,s, and v are the specific total energy, specific en-
tropy, and specific volume respectively. ci is the concentra- The extensive properties (U,S,V,P) or their linear combina-
tion of component i in the system. tions which are referred to as thermodynamic potentials, are

International Microwave Power Institute 91

functions of state [Katchalsky and Curran, 19651. Because be expressed as:
intensive properties such as temperature, pressure, concen-
tration, or electric field strength may be easily controlled and _rag) + _2 (p•E+ vE 2
measured, researchers find thermodynamic potentials more L a y T,ciE (16)
useful than the total internal energy U in describing systems.
A typical approach that may be employed to determine the
influence of the electric field on a system would be to keep where To is the change in Gibbs free energy per unit volume
the temperature and pressure of the system constant. A useful for the system at the same temperature, pressure and compo-
thermodynamic potential for such a study is the so called nent concentration but zero electric field strength. A similar
Gibbs free energy. The specific Gibbs free energy for a polar- treatment by De Groot and Mazur [1962] using a Helmholtz's
ized open system is defined as: free energy (f = u - Ts) leads to the same result and conclu-
sion for a polarized system at constant temperature.
g = u - Ts + Pv (10) From above, it is clear that at the same temperature,
pressure and component concentrations, the free energy con-
The total derivative of Equation (10) gives: tent of a system polarized by a polarizing energy field such
as microwave is higher than the same system with the polar-
dg = du - Tds - sdT + Pdv + vdP (11) ization absent. Higher free energy increases the activity level
of molecules in a system, and reduces the amount of addi-
Substituting for du (Equation (4) in Equation (11) gives the tional energy (activation energy) that must be supplied to the
change in specific Gibbs free energy of a polarized multi- system for a process to occur. For example, the supply of
component open system: heat to a liquid system increases its total internal energy. This
increases the liquid's temperature and reduces the heat of va-
porization value of the liquid. Essentially, the activation en-
dg = — sdT+ vdP + E • d(p) + ergy needed to effect a phenomena in a polarized system may
be lower than that in conventional heating situations where
the system is not polarized. Gibson et. al. [1988] observed
and for a single component system: this to be true. They found that the activation energy needed
to remove ethylene oxide from polyvinylchloride during mi-
dg = - sdT + vdP + E'd(p) (13) crowave heating was approximately 50% less than that needed
during conventional heating with hot air.
Similarly, substituting Equation (7) in Equation (11) gives: One of the laws of nature is that a system is inclined to
re-organize itself to attain a state of minimum free energy.
dgo = - sdT + vdP (14) The re-organization may take the form of a change in vol-
ume, shape, polarization, concentration, charge intensity
where go is the specific Gibbs free energy for a similar sys- through electrical discharge, or a combination of the above
tem at the same temperature, pressure, density, and compo- mentioned phenomenon depending on the state, composition,
nent concentrations, but outside a polarizing electromagnetic and the system's environmental conditions. In essence, a sys-
field. Using Equation (8) to substitute for E in Equation (12) tem is inclined to change its extensive properties to reduce its
and integrating at constant E gives: free energy. This physical concept is expressed by the work
term which is given by:

g = go + •,(p• (15)
dW = Pdv — fdl — E • d(VP) — ji1dc1+ (17)
A similar treatment for a single-constituent system yields the
same result. In expending free energy through a change of the extensive
Free energy is the energy isothermally available to do properties or work mode, entropy may be generated result-
work. Since polarization is volumetric, the use of polarized ing in further energy dissipation.
energy to effect a phenomenon such as heating or moisture The electric or an electromagnetic force field such as
transfer will result in a volumetric free energy change. The that of microwaves is vectorial in character and the polarized
total volumetric change in free energy of an isothermal, iso- free energy it provides is similarly vectorial at every instant.
baric, polarized system at constant electric field strength may However, in fluid systems, the movement of molecules are

92 Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy Vol. 30 No. 2, 1995

characterized by brownian motion. In such motion, individual strength. Experimental results by researchers in microwave
molecules move freely and randomly, and collide with each drying have shown that equilibrium moisture content (EMC)
other, thus transferring and redistributing their momentum. of grain heated by microwaves are significantly lower than
Inter-molecular momentum transfer resulting from brownian that of the same grain conventionally heated at the same tem-
motion transforms the stress tensor of polarized molecules in perature and ambient pressure [St. John, 1988; Shivare, 1991;
an electric field to a scalar internal stress which manifests Adu, 1992]. The level of decrease depended on the absorbed
itself as hydrostatic pressure. In essence, polarized free en- power level used with powers over 0.4 W/g dry basis result-
ergy in a closed or confined fluid system manifests itself as ing in near zero EMC values. Similarly, microwave drying
additional fluid pressure. Thus, the hydrostatic pressure mea- rates indicate a strong dependence on absorbed power level
sured in a polarized dielectric fluid by a pressure sensor is and hence field intensity.
greater than the pressure of the same dielectric fluid under In solids, molecular movement is restricted and stress
the same condition but outside an electromagnetic field [De distribution is not allowed to occur equally in all directions.
Groot and Mazur, 1962]. Consequently, for confined or closed The vectorial character of a polarizing electric field and con-
fluid systems Equation (4) may be presented as: sequently the work force resulting from it may express itself
as an internal stress mainly in the direction of the field. The
intensity of electric field effects will increase with increasing
du = Tds — P * dv + gide; (18) electric field intensity.

For a single component system, (dci = 0), Equation (18) Thermodynamic Properties of
becomes: Polarized Material
du = Tds - P*dv (19) Equations that govern thermodynamic properties of materi-
als are derived from the internal energy equation, or the ther-
P*=P+Pf (20) modynamic potentials of the system. A change in an internal
parameter (temperature, pressure, moisture content, etc.) of a
where P is the pressure outside a polarizing field and Pf is system changes its total internal, or free energy. While polar-
the induced additional pressure due to the electric field. ization due to a microwave field increases the total internal,
Diffusible constituents in porous media may be classi- or free energy of a system, its effect on a system's thermody-
fied as a confined fluid systems. For such systems, the impli- namic properties value are ignored.
cation of Equations (18) and (19) is profound. For example, The thermodynamic property that affects the rate of tem-
Equations (18) and (19) indicate that conventional heating perature rise during microwave heating is the heat capacity.
process equations, property value, and system parameters, The heat capacity at constant pressure, C. of a system is
that are influenced by fluid pressure will need to be modified defined as:
appropriately to reflect the effect of the electric field inten-
sity if they are to predict the behavior of polarized fluid or
microwave heating systems. For example, the Clausius-
Clapeyron equation used in determining the latent heat of
P aT)P (21)
desorption in porous media, and existing conventional heat-
ing equilibrium moisture content (EMC) equations that de- But
pend on vapor pressure measurement will need to consider
the induced pressure by the electromagnetic field when the Hh = u + Pv (22)
equations are used in predicting EMC values for microwave
heating processes. dHh = du + Pdv + vdP (23)
When fluid molecules are not confined, i.e. in an open
system, a mode by which a polarized fluid system may re-
duce its free energy and move towards an equilibrium state is Substituting Equation (4) in Equation (23) yields:
by reducing the concentration of volatile constituents. For
example, in moist porous media such as grain, moisture may dHh = Tds + vdP + Ed (p-1P) (24)
be lost to reduce the free energy of the system. Contribution
of the electric field to moisture loss will depend on the field at constant pressure

International Microwave Power Institute 93

Differentiating G* and substituting for dU gives:
aT aT aT

dG* = SdT + VdP — VP • dE + Ilidm; (28)

For non-polarized system a similar treatment gives the famil-
iar expression:
From Equation (28), the chemical potential of any constitu-
ent in a polarizing electromagnetic field is defined as:

C =
aT ) =T
a T = (a()a T (26) ac*
=(-- (29)
-m i T,P,E,mi
Thus, the specific heat capacity of a material in an elec-
tromagnetic field is not necessarily the same as that in a non- Moisture Transport During Microwave Heating
electromagnetic field. Equation (25) states that the heat ca-
pacity of a polarized material consists of the energy required During the drying of a moist porous medium, we are inter-
to change the non-polarized mass and the polarization inten- ested in moisture transport from the medium. The transport
sity per unit change in temperature. of moisture depends on the gradients or thermodynamic forces
Changes in polarization intensity due to temperature present in the system. The relationship between thermody-
changes require heat to be added or taken from a system. This namic forces in a system are given by Gibbs-Duhem equa-
affects the value of the heat capacity of polarized systems. tion. By differentiating Equation (3), and substituting Equa-
The polarized and non-polarized heat capacity(s) of a system tion (4) as done in all Gibbs-Duhem equation derivations,
may be equal only when the polarization intensity is inde- one obtains the important results:
pendent of temperature. Data from Bengtsson and Risman
[1971] indicate that between 40 and 60°C the loss factor for
foods such as mashed potato, cooked carrots, raw beef and sdT — vdP p • dE + cidtti =0 (30)
distilled water is practically independent of temperature. i
A similar treatment (above) for the heat capacity at con-
stant volume, and other thermodynamic properties affected Equation (30) is the extended form of the classical Gibbs-
by the electrical state of the material reveals a similar effect Duhem equation.
when the material is in a polarizing electric field. Conse- Porous media such as seeds and other moist granular
quently, in microwave heating situations where the dielectric particles consist of three main phases; solid, liquid, and gas.
constant or effective loss factor exhibits a significant change Each phase may consist of several constituents. Thus, we may
with temperature or other thermodynamic parameters, cau- write the multi-component term of Equation (30) for a moist
tion must be exercised in assuming that the thermal proper- granular material as
ties of the material are constant, or equal to their conven-
tional heating values, as is often assumed to be the case in
modeling microwave heating behavior. = cadtta+ cdl1 + cadtta (31)

The Chemical Potential of Constituents Since it is the transport of water that is of major interest dur-
ing drying, we assume that the liquid phase consists of a single
A thermodynamic potential, or free energy, of the Legendre constituent which is water. Applying Equation (30) to the
form is useful in defining the chemical potential of constitu- liquid phase and assuming no change in the chemical poten-
ents in a multi-component system. A Legendre form thermo- tial of air, the gradient in the chemical potential of water may
dynamic potential for a polarized system may be given as: be given as:

G* = U — TS + PV — V(P • E) mitt; (27) dl1 (32)

i= 1

94 Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy Vol. 30 No. 2, 1995

T h eg ra d ie in n tth ec h e m icpaol te n tiao flw a te dr ,[ twd, ic - ap L
ta te sth em a g n ituadnedd ire c tioonfm o is tu flo re w[ D eG ro o t at Tic
(3 4 )
a n dM a z u r1,9 6 2 ]A. c o m p a riso fnE q u a tio(3n 2 ) w ithth e
g ra d ie no tfth ec h e m icpaol te n tiao flw a tefo r ra m o ispt o ro u s w h e reL is a (p o s itivpeh) e n o m e n o lo cg oiceaffic l iec nh ta ra c -
s y s te min a n o n -p o la riz in g fie ld[K a tc h a lsaknydC u rra n , te riz inthg ed ie le c tric re la x a tiop nro c e s s .
1 9 6 5 ]re, v e a lsth a tth ep o la riz infieg lda d d sa n e we n e r g y A c o m p le dtee riv a tioo nf th ep h e n o m e n o lo gtrica na sl -
te rm T. h u s ,u n d e th
r e s a m e
te m p e ra tuprere, s s u re
a n dc o n - p o rte q u a tiofnr o mth ee n tro psyo u rc setre n g th d u eto m o is -
c e n tra tiog nra d ie netsle, c tro k in ep tic
h e n o m eren as u ltinf rgo m tu re te , m p e ra tuaren ,dp re s s u re g ra d ie n fo ts rn o n -p o la riz e d
th ep o la riz ine gle c tricfie ld sm a yre s u ltin h ig h eor rlo w e r s y s te mysie ldLs u ik o v['s1 9 6 6e]q u a tio n s :
m a s stra n s ferar te sd, e p e n d ino gn th ed ire c tio on fsth ee le c -
tr icfie ldg ra d ie nintre la tioton th ete m p e ra tuprere, s s u rea n, d am
c o n c e n tra tio
g ran d ie n tsI n. m ic ro w a hv e a tin gth, ee le c tric —.amv2m + a m 8 T V+2aT 8 V2P (3 5 )
fie ldin te n s ityd e c re a s ewsithth ed e p tho fp e n e tra tioa n ,d at mP
th ed ire c tioonfth ee le c tricfie ldg ra d ie na ts s is ts th ed e s o rp - m ic ro w a dv ry
tio np ro c e sres s u ltining a h ig h edr ry in ra g te sG. ib s oent a l. Iwn ith in c re a s in
e in gth, ee le c tricfie ldin te n s ity
ge p th
o f w a v e
p e n e tra tio
in ntoth e
d e c re a s e s
m a te ria l.
[ 1 9 8 8o]b s e rv ethda att th es a m de ry in te g m p e ra tu mre ic s , r o - T h u sth, e e le c tricfie ldin te n s ity is n o t u n ifo rmw ith inth e
w a v de ry in rag te fos re th y le noex idin e p o ly v in y lc h lowrid a s e m a te riaa ln de le c tricfie ldin te n s ityg ra d ie n ets
x is t.
T h ea d -
2 5 0to 4 5 0 %h ig h eth r a nc o n v e n tio hn oa lta ir d ry in rag te s . d itio n te a l rmd u e
to th ee le c tric
fie ldg ra d ie n e
n tro psyo u rc e
H ig h emr ic ro w advry e inrag te sis o n eo fth em a infa c to rs th a t s tre n g othfa p o la riz es dy s te mis g iv e nb y :
m a k ems ic ro w a dv ry e in gm o rea ttra c tivthe a nc o n v e n tio n a l
d ry in g .
a m E= a m 8 E V 2 E (3 6 )
Mass Transport Equation at
D ry in isg a n o n -e q u ilib riu p romc e sths a tre s u ltsin e n tro p y S o th a t,th ec o m p lemtea s stra n s p oertq u a tiofon ra p o la riz -
p ro d u c tioTnh.u sa, c o m p letre te a tm e on ftm ic ro w advrye in g a b lec o n s titu efo n t,re x a m p wle a te rd, u rin mg ic ro w ahveea t-
w ithth ea imo f id e n tify inthged riv in fo g rc e fos rth em a s s in g w illb e :
tra n s p oortf p o la riz eddiffu s ibcleo m p o n e nh ts e ldw ith ina
p o ro ums e d iam u sct o n s id e rn tro ppyro d u c tioa snin d ic a te d - a m = a m V 2+Ma m 8 T V+a 2 T 8 V21 3 +a m8EV2 E ( 3 7 )
b y th es e c o n lad wo fth e rm o d y n a mAicc so.m p lethtee r m o - at P
d y n a m ic d e riv a tioonf th ep h e n o m e n o lo geicq ua al tiofon r
m a s tra
s n sp orertq u ireths ed e v e lo p m oe fnatne x p re s s iofonr
th ee n e rgdyis s ip a tiofunn c tio nb ,o re n tro psyo u rcsetr e n g th ,Conclusions
a. S u b s e q u e netly a c,hte rmo fth ep h e n o m e n o lo gtraicna sl -
p o rte q u a tio nissd e riv e thd ro u gahs y s te m a pticro c e d uoref T h ela wo fe n e rgcyo n s e rv a tio d icn ta teths a ta lle n e rgtyy p e s
s e ttin eg a c hflu xa p p e a rining th e d is s ip a tiofunn c tioans a b ea c c o u n tefodrind e riv inegq u a tio th n sa tg o v e rna s y s te m 's
lin e afur n c tioonfth ec o rre s p o n dfo in rc
g ein E q u a tio( n3 2 ) . th e rm o d y n apmroicp e rtiea ns db e h a v ioIgr.n o rina gn ye n e r g y
A sm a yb es e e nfro ma v a ila blite le ra tuorenn o n -e q u ilibty- p ep re s e nint a s y s te mc o n tra v e nthe is s la w E. q u a tio dn es -
riu mth e rm o d y n a m[ Kica slc h a lsakn ydC u r r a1n9 6 5D; eG ro o t riv e dfro ma p a r tiaal c c o u no tfe n e rg iee sx is tining a s y s te m
a n dM a z u r1,9 6 2 ]th, eo n lyn e wirre v e rs ibp le h e n o m eonca- y ie ld as n in a d e q u acteh a ra c te riz a tio a n dnin c o rre pc tre d ic -
c u rrin ing a p o la riz eddie le c tric m e d iu mis th ere la x a tioo nf tio n so fa s y s te mth e rm o d y n a pmroicp e rtiea ns dc h a ra c te ris -
th ee le c tric p o la riz a tioTn hs .ee n tro psyo u rcsetre n g ctho rre - tic s .T h isis p a rtic u la rly s o b e c a u saes y s te m e'sn e rg syta te
s p o n d intogth eg ra d ie nint th ee le c tric fie lds tre n g inth a p o - d e te rm inits e sb e h a v ioar,n dd iffe reennt e rg ty y p e es ffe cdtif -
la riz e md e d iu m is g iv e nb y [D eG ro oat n dM a z u r1,9 6 2 ] : fe re nsty s te mre s p o n s e s .
D ie le c trics tos r e le c tric e n e rg wy h e nth e yb e c o mpeo -
p d p E 0 la riz ein
d a m ic ro w afie
v e ldT. h ise n e rgayf f e c tsb o thq u a n ti-
=— ( 3 3 ) ta tiv e lya n d q u a lita tiv e
thlye e n e rg py re s e nint th es y s te m
T d t( eq
a n dn e e dtos b ea c c o u n tefodrin a n a ly z inmgic ro w ahveea te d
T h elin e apr h e n o m e n o lo glaicwca ol rre s p o n dtoinEgq u a tio nsy ste m s. In e sse n c em, ic ro w a vh e a te dsy ste m asrep o -
( 3 3 )a fte rs u b s titu tin
fogrE e qis : la riz e dsy ste m asn dsh o u ldb e a n a ly z eads s u c hi.e .,th e

International Microwave Power Institute 95

electric energy present in the system should be accounted physical Approach to Excitable Systems. Plenum, New
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= magnetic displacement vector Cambridge, MA.
=. electric field intensity Luikov. A.V. 1966. Heat and Mass Transfer in Capillary Po-
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= polarization field vector Metaxas, A.C. and Meredith, R.J. 1983. Industrial Microwave
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= electric susceptibility factor Mudgett, R. 1988. Electromagnetic energy and food process-
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96 Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy Vol. 30 No. 2, 1995

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