Set 2
Set 2
Set 2
3. The combined effect of curvature and refraction over a distance L, kilometers is,
a) 67.2 𝐿 mm b) 76.3𝐿 mm c) 64.5 𝐿 mm d) none of these
9. Force is ,
a) Scalar quantity b) Non-linear quantity c) Vector quantity d) none of above
16. For a most economical trapezoidal open channel, the half of the
a) The bed width b) one sloping side c) the depth of flow d) none of above
18. The minimum water content at which the soil retains it's liquid state and also
possesses a small shearing strength against flowing, is known as
a) Liquid limit b) plastic limit c) shrinkage limit d) permeability limit
20. Stoke's law state that the velocity at which a grain settles out of suspension, the other
factor s remaining constant, is depended upon,
a) Shape of grain b) weight of grain c) size of grain d) all of above
21. Moist curing of the exposed surfaces of concrete is done at least for
a) 3 days b) 5 days c) 7 days d) 14 days
23. The maximum compression strength on 15 cm cubes of M20 grade concrete at 7 days,
should be a minimum of
a) 7 N/𝑚𝑚 b) 10 N/𝑚𝑚 c) 15 N/𝑚𝑚 d) 20 N/𝑚𝑚
24. For concreting of heavily reinforced section without vibration, the workability of concrete
should be
a) Very low b) Low c) Medium d) high
c) In header course next to first brick d) In stretcher course next to first brick
31. Most commonly used pump for lifting water in water supply mains is
a) Axial flow pump b) reciprocating pump
35. The main function of a diversion head works of a cannal from a rive, is
a) To remove silt b) to control floods c) to store water d) to raise water level
37. The minimum value of camber provided for thin bituminous surface hill road is
a) 2.2 % b) 2.5 % c) 3.0 % d) 3.5 %
43. The expenses or items which do not come under any regular head of items and the cost of
unforeseen items are called
a) m b) rm c) 𝑚 d) 𝑚
45. Bar chart are considered for