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Bar and Beverage Reviewer

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• A papyrus - was discovered from which coined some
FATHER OF MODERN BARTENDING warnings that says, "do not get drunk in tavern… for fear
➢ JERRY "THE PROFESSOR" THOMAS that people repeat words which may have gone out of your
• The original cocktail showman, Jeremiah P. Thomas or mouth without being aware of having uttered them."
Jerry P. Thomas or Jerry Thomas was the godfather of flair • ANCIENT GREECE 1100 BC
bartending. • As time passed by taverns continued to exist and develop.
DEFINITION: One of the reasons was due to the increase in number of
• BEVERAGE SERVICE INDUSTRY - comprises of people travelling across Greece. At the time, Greeks had
establishments or businesses that offers beverages, food some gathering places existed intendedly to serve for the
and sometimes with entertainment and other services. rich and poor Greeks.

• BAR - establishments or businesses that primarily offer • Greek travel for the following reasons:
beverages, food, and sometimes with entertainment and 1. Religion - pilgrimage
other services to its customers. 2. Sports or game - Olympic game that was held at
Mount Olympus.
HISTORY: 3. Conquest - Alexander the Great
• The Sumerians of Sumeria, known today as Iraq - • After the Romans succeeded the Greeks, Romans
considered as the most progressive group of people conquered almost all parts of Europe. During their time, the
because they were skilled: reasons for travel continued to increase and this was due to
o Traders the development of transportation particularly on the
o Farmers constrictions of roads and bridges. As more people
o Craftsmen travelled, the number of places serving food and drinks also
increased. As a proof in Pompei, Rome's 118 bars or taverns
• Sumerian contributions and legacies: were discovered after it was buried by the explosion of Mt.
1. Potter's Wheel Vesuvius.
2. Cuneiform Writing System
3. First Astronomers • Romans travel for:
4. Developed Arithmetic 1. Tourism
5. Invented military formation from infantry, cavalry, and 2. Religion
archers. 3. Pleasure or Relaxation
6. First true city rose in Sumeria 4. Political
7. Ushered in the age of intensive agriculture and C. DECLINE AND REVIVAL AD 476 to AD 1300
irrigation. • Travel was primarily for religious purposes.
• BEER INVENTION • Church thought its monasteries took over the job of
o Middle East and Sumeria encountered the same feeding and housing and travelers. The housing place for the
problem about water potability. In order to solve the travelers were known as "xenodocheions" means an inn.
problem, they came up with alternative liquid not just for D. RENAISSANCE AD 1350 - AD 1600
themselves but also for other, the fermented cereal grains. • Some degree of safety had returned to the roads.
Thus, ale was created which is today's BEER. This led to the • Travel and travel increased.
establishment of the forerunner of today's BAR, the • Middle class became a dominant force in the economic
TAVERN. life of Europe.
o TAVERN/S - places serving beverages particularly • Ale house or taverns reappeared along trade routes.
"ale" and place for social gatherings during the time of the
Sumerian. E. EARLY MODERN AD 1600 - AD 1800
• TAVERN derived from Latin term taberna and in Greek, • Development of roads became the critical element in the
taverna, meaning, a shed or workshop. development of the beverage service industry.
• Taverns were traditionally kept by women keepers but in • Introduction of stagecoaches
some tavern, women were completely excluded. • Posthouses were built along stagecoaches route were
• In England, tavern existed during the 13th century and food and drinks and accommodation served for travelers.
often kept by women known as Ale-wives.
• In mid-14th century, taverns in London were limited into 3
• Taverns became a permanent establishment in entire
places in London, York and Bristol, and other towns across
• Taverns known as public houses or pub houses or pubs, a
• In the 19th century in England, the word tavern evolved to
place for pleasure and worship.
Public House and even used to call up to this date, that was
o INNS - travelers can procure food, drink, and stay.
describes drinking establishment.
o PUBS - primarily serves alcoholic drinks especially beer
for consumption on-premises only.
o CABARETS - restaurant nightclubs with a stage of o 1913 - became a corporation and begun exporting beer in
performances and the audience sitting around the tables. Guam, Hong Kong, and Shanghai.
o 1922 - producing soft drinks at the Royal Soft Drinks Plant.
o 1925 - producing ice cream at the Magnolia Ice Cream
• Introduced by the British.
• Inclusive of accommodation and entertainment; such as
o 1927 - the Philippines' bottler of Coca-cola.
gambling and prostitution. Philippine bars are pattered to
o 1938 - entered the glass industry, supplying the company's
American bars or taverns.
bottling needs.
• 1643 - beginning of American Beverage Service Industry.
o 1963 - San Miguel Brewery was renamed San Miguel
• Coles Ordinary - first American Tavern establish by a native
Corporation; the largest food, beverage, and packaging
American, Samuel Coles. Ordinaries term used to describe a
company in the Philippines.
tavern (a place for serving food, drink, accommodation, and
entertainment), the places which served ordinary meals, DEFINITION OF TERMS:
thus the name Coles Ordinary was derived from. • BAR - French term Barre means counter. First used around
• 1656 Massachusetts, a town without tavern was 1952 was also used before, in railway stations as a counter
penalized; often taverns were built near the church. Since used to dispense food faster to passengers. The first bar
there were no heater to warm their bodies, so after worship that served alcoholic beverage was the Greatest Western
they gather at the tavern and drink alcohol to warms their Hotel in Paddington station, London.
• Taverns served as a place where revolutionaries started to was served beyond snacks. Usually located near terminals
plan the uprising against the British government. or station.
• Early American Taverns:
1. Handcock Tavern
drinks and a range of entertainment.
2. Green Dragon
o DANCING - disco/ballroom
3. Raleigh Tavern
o SINGING - videoke (centerstage, music21, platinum)
4. Queens Head
o SPORTS - bowling, pool/billiard, dart, watching live
• 1850 - taverns have turned into large scale inns for
sports event.
travelers and businesspersons and later it became hotel.
o INTERNET o LIVE PERFORMANCES - live band, stand-up
The concept of today's hotel originated in America as Public
comedian, fashion show, striptease, piano music, gay bar.
• 1920 - Prohibition Law or 18th Amendment Law was 3. FOOD AND BEVERAGE COMBINATION - serves food with
passed. This made manufacturing, selling, and important of beverage usually linked some kind of food service.
alcoholic beverage in America illegal. o BAR AND RESTAURANT
• Great American Depression. Large numbers of o TEA HOUSES/ROOMS
establishments such as bars/taverns, hotels, wineries, and o TAVERNS
distilleries stop to operate. Vineyards stopped producing o PUBLIC HOUSES/PUBS
grapes. People lost their jobs as well as the government o BREW PUBS/MICRO BREWERIES
revenues. o SERVICE BARS
• 1993 21st Amendment was passed repealing the
Prohibition Law. 4. HOTEL BEVERAGE OPERATION - three or more bars in
• Dramshop Law or 3rd Party Liability Law. This law shifts one roof with different purpose and ambiance. Bar
the liability for damages of the drunk driven incident from entertainment and f&b combination bars usually found
the driver who caused the accident to the server or the inside the hotel.
place that served the drink to the driver. 5. AIRLINE BEVERAGE SERVICE - bars in commercial
• Dram - small drink passengers planes serving drinks to the passengers usually
• Shop - place that serves the drinks. can be found in the business class section of the plane.
parties involving the drunk driven or drunk related incident: similar to the hotel operations however serving passengers
o FIRST PARTY - victim in a cruise and passenger ship.
o SECOND PARTY - drunk offender
o THIRD PARTY - bar and server who serves the drink to 7. RAIL BEVERAGE SERVICE - usually serve at the dining or
the offender. lounges in passenger rail.


PHILIPPINES specializing on coffee and serves as a meeting place.

• THE SAN MIGUEL CORPORATION 9. BEER GARDEN - an open-air public area where alcohol is
o 1890 - founded by Don Enrique Maria Barretto de Ycaza in legally served.
the San Miguel district in Manila, the La Fabrica de Cerveza
de San Miguel, the first brewery in South East Asia.
a. LOBBY BAR Responsibilities:
b. COFFEE SHOP • In charge of serving the drinks and foods of table guests.
c. COCKTAIL LOUNGE/PIANO BAR • Bar server/s must be knowledgeable of the beverage
d. RESTAURANT BAR/SERVICE BAR serve in the bar.
e. DISCO BAR/NIGHT CLUB • The bar server must know what are the ingredients and
f. VIDEOKE BAR the method of preparing the drinks so that they can answer
g. POOLSIDE/POOL BAR guests questions about the drinks serve in the bar.
• In charge suggesting, selling, and serving the wines of the
NESPRESSO • Wine Steward/ Server and Sommelier are different terms
of expertise about wines.
• Wine Steward/ Server is just knowledgeable about the
BAR ORGANIZATIONAL CHART wines being served in the bar of restaurant.
• A Sommelier is an expert of wines not only those being
BAR MANAGER served in the bar or restaurant but wines in general. He can
Responsibilities: discuss the details of wine to the guests.
• In charge of the overall operation of the bar. It means that • As updating, means Sommelier have to taste and evaluate
anything happened in the operation is the responsibility of the wines so that when guests will ask what excellent
the bar manager. quality wines you can suggest aside from those being
• He/She has to make sure that everything goes smoothly offered in the bar or restaurant you can do suggest to them.
during the operation of the bar.
• He/She has to make sure that guests are happy and BAR RECEPTIONIST
satisfied by making sure that guests expectations are meet Responsibilities:
or exceeded. • In charge of receiving, sitting, and entertaining the guests.
• He/She has also to make sure that the staffs are well • Familiarized herself to all the food and beverage items in
motivated to perform their specific duties efficiently. the menu.
• Lastly, he has make sure that the bar generates profit for • Greet and Bid goodbye to the guest.
the owner.
Responsibilities: • In charge of receiving payments of the guests. In some
• In charge of monitoring the staff and the operation. international brands or bar and restaurants the bartender is
• Is the most visible person in the bar because he serves as the same time the cashier. This is for the purpose of making
the eye of the bar manager. the billing process faster. The advantage of this is, if the
• He/She is tasked by the manager to make sure that the guests are satisfied with how you serve them, the guests
operation of the bar goes smoothly. will just say "keep the change" upon handling to their bill.
• He/She has to make sure that the staffs are doing their But with or without tip, as a professional bartender you
tasks efficiently by monitoring and coaching them at the have to do your job efficiently.
same time.
Responsibilities: • Height
• In charge of preparing and pouring/serving the drinks of • Pleasing Personality
the guests. • Physically Fit
• He is the only personnel who is allowed to prepare drinks
during the operation.
• Mental ability and product knowledge - must have great
• Bartender should not leave the bar unattended to making
memorization ability.
the guest with no one attending them for their personnel
• Technical/Hard Skills
needs or an emergency call, he must ask the permission or
a) Bartending - the art and science of mixing and serving
inform the bar captain.
drinks or also commonly known today as classic bartender.
• If the bar captain is not around, then he can ask his bar
b) Flair Bartending/Flair Tending - art of mixing and
back to the preparation of the drink if he believe that the
serving with showmanship or flair.
bar back is already knowledgeable in preparing the drinks. If
the bar back is not knowledgeable in preparing a drink, he TYPES OF FLAIR PERFORMED BY THE FLAIR BARTENDER
could ask any of the staff/inform the bar captain that the • Working Flair - performs the basic routines and moves
bartender is not around and will be back immediately. before pouring and preparing drinks. Free Pouring - ability
to pour ingredients directly to the glass or mixers without
using a standard measuring device like jigger.
• Showflair - performs difficult complicated moves and BARTENDER'S RESPONSIBILITIES
routines. It is part of the entertainment provided in the bar • Check Identification of the Guest
of the guests.
Use the F.E.A.R Method
c) Organizing - ability to put things in order. F – Feel the identification for evidence of tampering
d) Mixology - art and science of creating a concoction or
E – Examine the information, such as: picture, date of birth,
mixed drink. Creating these specialty drinks is the task of a
height, expiration date etc.
A – Ask questions, such as birth date, zip code, address etc.
• Social/Interpersonal Skill - ability to deal properly with R – Return the identification
the people. Bartender must deal properly with guests, with
his/her superiors and co-workers. • Never Serve Alcoholic Beverages to Minors
• Emotional Skill - ability to control your temper or emotion • What to look for?
or the ability to handle pressure. 3.1 Physical Signs
• COMMUNICATION SKILLS - ability to deliver and receive 3.2 Look at their Clothing
information or messages efficiently. Bartender must be 3.3 Behavioral Clues
good speaker and listener at the same time. • Don’t Serve Intoxicated People / Guests
• BEHAVIORAL SKILLS - ability to follow rules, policies, • Prevent Intoxication
command or order properly. • Slowing Down Someone’s Drinking
QUALITIES OF A GOOD BARTENDER • Refuse to Intoxicated People
• Great personality, easy going person, a people person. SOME HINTS FOR A GOOD BARTENDER
• Knowledge of liquors, cocktails, wines and beers. • Always be clean, cheerful, tidy and diplomatic (Remember
• Knowledge on preparing and serving beverages. your hands are in constant view so pay attention to
• Able to work under pressure fingernails)
• Neat and Clean Looking/ Good grooming • Make sure that cocktail napkins, coasters, stirrers are
• Good memory being served with every drink. Little gestures pay dividends.
• Team Player • Make sure aerated water like soda, tonic, etc. and other
• Physically fit mixes are newly opened which will give a spirit to drink.
• Attentive • Use proper glass for each drink.
• Good judgment • Keep cherries, olives, cocktail onions in their juices as to
• Service Oriented keep fresh.
• Honest • As a professional bartender, even though you are mixing
STEPS IN SERVING GUEST(S) IN THE BAR drinks, your eyes should be alert on the surrounding.
• Greet and welcome your guest/s and prepare them to • Mix drinks in front of the guest or in the guest’s sight, if
order forgotten, refers to recipe file without notice of the guest.
• Locate for a proper place for preparing mise en place;
• Offer / suggest services / drinks of the bar. place where you can also see if guests are coming.
✓ If ready to order, smile and ask, “Ma’am/ Sir what • Mixing is an art, so follow company recipes which are
drinks can I serve to you?” standardized.
✓ If the guest asks for suggestion, suggest the specialty • Know the proper frosting of the glasses.
of the bar if there are. If no specialty drinks, enumerate the • Always hold glasses by the stem or base not by the body.
drinks offered in the bar starting with the popular ones or • Ice is essential in all cocktail bars. See that is always clear
the expensive ones depending. on the type of the guests and clean.
you have. • Always keep your glasses clean and polished.
✓ In suggesting specialty drink, this is the example of • The displays of your bottles have to be always checked up
offering drinks, “Ma’am/Sir we have our specialty drink in case some of the bottles are not in proper place.
tonight, our Fruit Beer, it is made of beer, orange and • Don’t use chipped or broken glass. All broken glass kills all
pineapple juice, grenadine and fresh fruits slice of orange the flavors of the cocktail or drink.
and pineapple and cherry, the method is muddle and shake, • Matches are always ready in an instant as this part of the
would you like to have the drink Ma’am/Sir” bartender stock of trade.
• Always break an egg in separate cup while preparing
• Prepare and serve order/s of the guest/s. ✓If ready to cocktail in case an egg not fresh enough to be used.
order, smile and ask, “Ma’am/Sir what drinks can I serve to • Always use fresh fruits or juices for cocktails if possible, for
you?” the best result or taste.
A. Personal Appearance
• Check back on guest in a timely manner.
1. Body Cleanliness – take a warm cleansing bath daily.
• Present the bill Use body deodorant daily.
2. Posture – when standing and walking, hold the body
• Say farewell to the guest/s/Bidding Goodbye
erect with shoulders and head back, the chest up and 9. Standard recipes must be followed to avoid
abdomen flat. inconsistencies of service. If you have regular guest. Learn
3. Skin – a good complexion is based in good health and his likes and dislikes.
require proper food, plenty of sleep and regular exercise. 10. Cocktails that are shaken must be shaken briskly but
4. Hair – hair is clean, free from dandruff, odorless, and not too long.
must be glossy in appearance. 11. When serving and mixing the drinks in front of the
5. Hands and nails – wash hands and nails always before customers, show your tricks by putting the glass on the top
leaving the restroom before and after preparation. of the counter or on the rail with showmanship.
6. Teeth – brush teeth carefully at least twice a day, in 12. Do not serve drinks in the glass that is newly
the morning and in the evening. emptied. Always use a new one.
7. Feet – keep the feet clean and toenails trimmed.
8. Shoes – shoes are attractive, carefully fitted, have
1. A bartender should always use a jigger when pouring
plenty of toe room to take the foot in motion.
and serving the drinks. Free pouring is allowed as long as
9. Socks and stockings – wear clean socks and stocking
you already master the technique.
2. Always punch the bill after serving the drinks to
10. Uniform – uniform must be well fit, not too loose or
ensure proper control.
too tight, clean and well pressed.
3. Bar counter bill must be made as soon as the drink has
11. Jewelry – don’t wear jewelry with uniform except
been served and faces down or hand on the counter in front
watches or wedding rings.
of the guest.
12. For women only – wear well fitted foundation
4. Always serve brands he likes best.
garments for good appearance and health posture. Apply
5. Full bottle sales should be reported with bottle slips
cosmetics moderately and neatly.
and forwarded to the sales control the following day for
13. Avoid bad habits
proper recording and inventory.
- Fussing with face, hair, neck, and picking at skin
6. Always empty the bottle entirely to avoid any shortage
blemishes while on duty.
during the inventory.
- Using handkerchief in the dining room unless
7. Par stock should always be maintained at all times to
avoid delay of service.
- Sneezing or coughing carefully
- Chewing gum or eating candy LESSON 3: CLEAR BAR AREAS
- Combing in the dining room, kitchen or in the pantry. I. BARTENDING Bartending is the art of mixing wines and
- Smoking while on duty spirits, drink preparation, beverage services, merchandising
- Carrying a service cloth under your arm. and good customer relationships.
- Counting tips or playing with pocket coins.
It is considered as one of the most interesting professions
B. Hand Washing Steps because:
1. Wet hands with warm water to melt the soap. • it entails accuracy in the measurement of various wines
2. Apply soap to produce lather. and spirits
3. Rub for 10-20 seconds to remove germs. • it provides a thorough knowledge regarding bar personnel
4. Rinse away germs. management;
5. Dry hands with paper towel or hand dryer. • it prepares the bartender to produce the best-expected
6. Turn off tap or faucet with paper towel. drink served or requested by the guest.
7. (Put paper towel in trash)
Bartender (also known as a barkeep, barman, barmaid, bar
RULES BARTENDERS SHOULD CONSIDER AND APPLY chef, tapster, mixologist, alcohol server, flairman or an
1. Avoid listening to guest conversation because it is alcohol chef) is a person who formulates and serves
unethical / unprofessional not unless you are asked in a alcoholic or soft drink beverage behind the bar, usually in a
particular issue/topic. licensed establishment.
2. Have a good memory for the faces, names and taster
of your regular guests and greet them pleasantly. PARTS OF THE BAR
3. Handle complaints courteously and do actions All the three parts of the bar - front bar, back bar, and
immediately. underbar - must be functional keeping the requirements of
4. Never hurry a guest or that you are impatient of the guests and the bar staff in mind. The minimum space
her/him. from the back bar to the front of the front bar is 8 feet for
5. If you are to answer a telephone call at the bar, do so comfortable operations.
6. Be cooperative and friendly with your co-employee. 1.) THE FRONT BAR - is the meeting point for the customers
7. You are not a professional bartender unless you fill the and bartender where the customer order their drinks and
glasses at the right amount or height , and not have a drop are served by the bartender.
of left over in your mixer. • The front bar should be functional and have adequate
8. As soon as you finish preparing a drink, put the tools space for pouring the drinks and serving them. The height
and bottle back in the proper places no matter how busy of the bar is normally 42-48 meters. The width of the bar is
you are. 16-18 meters with the surface of waterproof and alcohol
proof material and should be easy to clean. Most bar etc. within reach. The liquors in each station are grouped
surfaces are laminated plastic made up of high-quality into "well brand" and "call brands". Well-brands are house
granite. It may or may not have an armrest running from brands that are served to the liquor. They may just ask for
one end to the other. If provided, around 8-inch space must scotch, bourbon, rye, gin, vodka etc. Hotels will be serving
be added up to the width of the bar and the armrest should the brand that is kept in stock. Call brands are the brands
be padded for comfort. The waiters pour the drinks along requested by the guests by name; For example, Blue
with the mixers, such as soda; water, etc. into the Sapphire Gin, Johnnie Walker, Red Label, etc. If the blender
appropriate glass arranged in the glass rail (drip rail) which is required for most of the drinks then the blender may be
is recessed for about 3 inches at the bartenders' side. The provided in each section, otherwise kept separately at the
front bar is supported on a vertical structure called "bar die" back bar. Most busy bars will have an automatic dispensing
which separated the customers from the bartenders' work system for mixes in each station. If draught beer is served, a
area. The customer side may be padded, decorated with beer dispensing unit must also be provided. Clean glasses
carving, or left plain. A customer side from the floor of should be grouped according to the type and stored in the
about 9-12 inches. If a sit-down bar is designed, it will have glass shelves near the station, or be grouped according to
high tools, tall enough to convert the bar to table, and each the type and stored in the glass shelves near the station, on
stool will have the space allocation of 2 feet length of the the back bar or in the overhead racks, and the prepared
bar. The stools should be very comfortable with proper glasses for the drinks should be kept ready in the glass rail
height with rungs far footrest or the footrest of the front bar or near the icebox. Storage area should be provided for
should be within the reach storing reserve stock of spirits, wines, liqueurs, beers, and
kitchen supplies. Underbar should have provisions for waste
2.) THE BACK BAR - is located at the back of the front
disposal and hand wash.
counter leaving sufficient space for the bartenders to do
• Some restaurants may not have a dispense bar
their work. The back bar consists of a display rack set over
attached to it; so the waiters or sommeliers will be
the storage cabinet. The bar holds the bartender's tools, all
collecting the drinks from the main bar. In that case, one or
kinds of liquor bottles, and sparkling - assorted glassware in
two sections must be completely devoted to catering to the
an attractive manner which enhances the appearance of the
needs of the restaurant guests. The bartender should have
bar. Often the back bar is lined with a mirror at the back
adequate area to collect the BOT (bar/beverage order
which reflects the bottles stored in the rack. It also acts as a
ticket), prepare the drinks, issue to the concerned
merchandising device by displaying the bottles. The mirror
waiters/sommeliers, received empty glasses, empty bottles,
adds depth to the room, helps observe the customers
prepare the bill etc. If a separate section is not set aside, the
discretely, and the customers to view others in the room.
restaurant staff will be forced to collect the drinks from the
• Many bars include pictures, posters, tainted glass,
stations moving through the customer's station. This will
plants, antiques, etc. to make the back bar more attractive
result in accidents and confusion.
and to break the monotony. In most bars, the overhead
slotted racks are fitted to store the stemware which makes BAR SURFACES, EQUIPMENT, AND TOOLS
the bar very attractive. The base of the back bar functions 1. Service Counters
as a storage space and the part of it may be a refrigerated 2. Service Stations
cabinet. The extra stock, such as drinking straws, napkins, 3. Back Bar Mirrors
cocktail umbrellas, salvers, jugs, condiments, sugar, etc. are 4. Display Counter/Shelves
stored. 5. Flooring
• The base of the bar may accommodate special 6. Beverage Storage
equipment, such as bottle cooler, glass froster, espresso 7. Post Mix Service Points
machine, non-alcoholic beverage dispenser, cash register, 8. Refrigeration Equipment
etc. The base bar is wider than the display rack. The design 9. Glass Washer
of the back bar must be functional and at the same time 10. Glass Rack
very pleasant to look at from the top of the bottom as it is 11. Ice Maker
the center of attraction in any bar and is in constant view of 12. Ice Bin
the customers. The design must blend with the overall 13. Trash Bin
decor of the bar. 14. Blenders
15. Fruit Juicers/Extractors
3. THE UNDER BAR - refers to the area under the front bar
16. Coffee Machines
of the bartender's side. The underbar should be designed
17. Glassware
keeping in mind the kind of drinks to be made, equipment
18. Food Containers for Garnishes, Chips
required, and mixes needed for the drinks. In other words,
19. Bar Tools
the workflow must be considered while designing the
20. Bar Utensils
underbar. It is the center of the entire bar operations as the
21. Cutleries
bartenders will be facing the guests while preparing their
• The underbar may be divided into many workstations
1. WAITER'S FRIEND CORKSCREW - by far the most popular
according to the volume of the business and the length of
wine bottle opener, whether for its home use or in a
the counter. Each station will have its own supply of fast-
bar/restaurant. The key features of this type of corkscrew if
moving liquor, mixes, ice, glasses, blender, sink, garnishes,
this type of corkscrew are that they're lightweight, durable CLEAN AND MAINTAIN PUBLIC AREA
& strong, but more importantly, they can easily fit into your There are a number of cleaning materials used in hospitality
pocket when folded. Lots of sommeliers around the world establishments, particularly the bar area, to assist you in
use a waiter's friend; not only because of the above, but keeping the areas clean and hygienic.
most incorporate a foil cutter & beer bottle opener in the
Cleaning - refers to the removal of visible items such as food
particles, dirt, dust, and grease and is usually carried out
2. BAR CADDIES - used for holding cocktail napkin, straws, using warm water and detergent. Cleaning is not designed
stirrer and coasters. to remove all micro-organisms but merely removes the
visible items.
for keeping all cut fruits and garnishes which are used for Sanitizing - refers to the process that reduces the number of
making cocktails and mocktails. micro-organisms to a safe level, and this is usually
undertaken using hot water (above 75*C ) and/or chemicals.
4. SPEED RAIL - kept on the side of the var worktable for
holding frequent using spirits and liqueurs. All of the chemicals used in bar areas should be mild and
lightly scented. Heavily scented chemicals may affect the
tastes and aromas of our products.
the opened wine or champagne longer by sealing it with
bottle stopper. It is important that all staff is familiar with the cleaning
materials at the workplace. You should never use any
6. VACUUM WINE SAVER - stopper to use as a cap, vacuum
chemical or cleaning materials without first reading the
pump to pump out the air from bottle, in order to keep the
label to establish whether protective items need to be
wine longer and lasting.
worn, and importantly what first aid should be applied in
7. POUR SPOUTS - helps the bartender portion every shot the event that ingestion occurs. For hazardous chemicals,
to the amount that the management wants the customers your employer is bound under the Workplace Health and
to received. Safety Act to supply you with Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE), you should be trained on how to use such equipment.
8. JIGGER - used to measure spirits/liqueur or the mixer.
Bar exist to cater to the needs of customers. Customers
9. COCKTAIL SHAKER AND GLASS - used as a pair of need to be sure that the bar from which they are purchasing
stainless-steel shaker, and also for all stirred cocktails and beverage products is not likely to cause a case of food
muddled fruits, can measure volume of juice/mixer as well. poisoning. Customers gain this assurance by observing that
10. ICE SCOOP - use in Ice Bin or Ice Machine. the bar and work area is kept clean and tidy, and this
complements the high level of service offered to customers.
11. WINE DECANTER - a vessel that is used to hold the The motto for working behind the bar is "clean as you
decantation of a liquid (such as wine) which may contain work", a couple of small spills not attended become not
sediment. Decanters, which have a varied shape and design, only unsightly but become hard work later in the shift. I.
have been traditionally made from glass or crystals. Their
volume is usually equivalent to one standard bottle of wine CLEANING EQUIPMENT IN THE BAR
(.75 liter). All hospitality establishments and bars have a range of
12. COCKTAIL STRAINER/HAWTHORNE - use as pair with equipment: some are static and other pieces are movable,
cocktail shaker, to strain ice, foam or other substance from some items may be powered and others un-powered. It is
the drinks. imperative that equipment is only used after you have been
trained in the operations of the unit, and are familiar with
13. JUICE CONTAINER - keep fruit juice sorted by different the safety requirements for safe usage. It is also imperative
color, easy for storage, classify different juice bottle color that the cleaning of all equipment is completed in a hygienic
and convenience while preparing drinks at Bar. (BLACK & manner, and the correct procedures are followed:
RED = Cranberry) (GREEN = Apple) (ORANGE = Orange)
(YELLOW = Pineapple) (RED = Grapefruit) (WHITE = Milk) Static Equipment includes:
(RED & RED = Tomato Juice) • Refrigerators
• Glasswashers
14. STEEL ICE BUCKET - used for serving ice on guest table, • Ice machines
served along with an ice tong. • Pre-mix cocktail dispenser
KNIFE - used for cutting fruits at Bar counter, Paring Knife • Computerized tills
used mainly for cutting skin from fruit and vegetables and • Sinks and draining boards
Channel Knife used for peeling off fruit skins to make twist • Temprites / heat exchange plates
shape garnish. • Post-mix units
• Electronic spirits dispensers
16. MARGARITA TRAY - 3 separate layers for lime/lemon • Shelving and cupboards
juice, salt and sugar, use for applying salt or sugar on the • Work tops & benches
glass edge. • Espresso machine
Movable Equipment includes: 2. Coffee
• Blender a. Plain/Black- brewed or instant; caffeinated or
• Shakers decaffeinated
• Drip trays b. Flavored- brewed or instant; caffeinated or
• Glasses and glass racks decaffeinated
• Bar runners
3. Tea
• Ashtrays
a. Plain tea- brewed
• Bar tools such as tongs, knives, spoons, garnish holders,
b. Flavored tea- brewed or instant; herbal and fruit
nip pourers, etc.
• Straws
• Jugs and ice buckets 4. Dairy Products: fresh milk, sterilized
• Peanut / bar snack dispensers
• Coasters and Napkin 5. Sparkling waters
• Decorative Garnishes a. Tonic water- with quinine flavoring
b. Soda water- plain carbonated water
During your shift, you must constantly keep bar services
glasses, utensils and other beverage dispensing equipment 6. Drinking water
clean and tidy. Tables must be cleared and cleaned regularly a. Plain- mineral and distilled water
of dirty dishes and glassware. When clearing surfaces of b. Flavored and carbonated drinking water
used items, ensure customers are not inconvenienced and 7. Sodas- cola drinks
all safety and hygiene practices are adhered to.
8. Energy Drinks- e.g. gatorade
Stock levels must be maintained so that displays are held in
good order, and customers will be able to receive the 9. Non-alcoholic beers and wines
beverage they have requested with minimal delay. 10. Mocktails or virgin cocktails
Ensure service equipment is clean, operational and ready TYPES OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES
for use
1. Fermented alcoholic beverages
Service equipment must be clean, operational and ready for a. wines
use when the bar opens for business. This section identifies b. beers
service equipment that may need to be checked, how to
check items and presents general hygiene requirements for WHAT IS FERMENTATION?
bars. - a chemical reaction that takes place in the absence of free
air and which change sugar into carbon dioxide and ethyl
II. CLEANING GLASSWARE alcohol with the help of live yeast process is normally
To achieve clean glasses, standard industry practice is to: released into the atmosphere, or is kept in the bottle for a
• Wash glasses after every use by hand or in a glass secondary fermentation as in the case of sparking wine.
washing machine, ensuring:
• Water used is a minimum temperature of 70*C
• Appropriate detergent is used and diluted according to
manufacturer's instructions, as or if required
• Store glass correctly. Clean glasses must be stored so
they do not become re-contaminated. All glasses must be
inspected before use to check they are clean and suitable
for use


BEVERAGE- Is any potable liquid with or without alcohol
that may satisfy thirst or hunger, or may even provide
pleasure to the drinker.

CATEGORIES OF BEVERAGES 2. Distilled alcoholic beverages

a. Non- Alcoholic beverages a. spirits
b. Alcoholic beverages b. liqueurs


- the process of separating the more volatile from the less
1.Juices volatile components in a liquid by vaporizing (through
a. Fresh heating) followed by condensation (through chilling). A
b. Powder process whereby the alcohol removed from a beer or a
c. Concentrated wine.
4. Weddings- before a cup of ale was drunk by the bride and
groom as part of the wedding ceremony hence the world
bridal was derived. Bride and ale. Today the jews still use
wine as part of the wedding ceremony. For catholics and
other faith, drinking of wine is just part of wedding
reception ceremony.

5. Food and Drink- early Europeans (French, Italian,

Germans, and Austrians) made wine and beer as part of
their everyday meal until now. For Germans and those
people working in brewery plants here in the Philippines,
beer is considered as liquefied food because of its
nutritional content.
3. Mixed alcoholic drinks or cocktail EARLY USES OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES
Cocktail garnishes styles The common denominator by the early users of alcoholic
1. In the rim beverage was for intellectual discussions aside from those
2. On the rim/ on the side mentioned earlier.
3. Float 1. Persian: for discussing important political matters
4. Muddled 2. Greeks: after dinner symposium
5. Deep 3. Romans: in discussing political matters “in vino veritas” in
6. Top wine there is truth.
7. Zest 4. English: a cup of ale was passed around to start a council
1. Whisky/ Whiskey: Scotland and Ireland HOW DRINKS ARE ORDERED AND PREPARED
2. Brandy: France -Familiarizing the terms and how drinks are ordered by
3. Gin: Netherland guest and how it should be prepared is a responsibility on
4. Vodka: Russia the part of the bartender and those who are in charge of
EARLY INGREDIENTS USED IN MAKING ALCOHOLIC taking orders of the guest in the dining or the table’s guest.
BEVERAGES This avoids making mistakes in getting and preparing the
-before, early people used any fermented ingredients that others of the guest.
contains sugar - failure to follow up guest specifications on how to prepare
1. Honey the drink might lead guest rejection of the drink. Drink
2. Grapes rejected by the guest will be charged to the bartender or to
3. Grains the one who took the order of the guest.
4. Sugarcane -familiarizing with the terms used to describe drinks and
5. Dates drinks preparation helps you to serve the drinks fast and
6. Milk right.
7. Palm 1. Liquor Always First (LAF)
8. Peppers when you mention a mixed drink, always name the liquor
9. Berries first.
10. Sesame seeds Example: Rum and coke, cape cod, whisky and coke, gin and
11. Pomegranate tonic, screwdriver, etc.
1. Religious rite- Used as offerings for God and Goddesses, If you mentioned a mixed drink with a particular brand,
while the catholics uses in holy eucharist name the brand first.
2. Victories- tribes or kingdom celebrate by drinking after Example: Tanqueray and tonic instead of gin and tonic
winning a battle against other tribes. Today, showering and 3. Well Drink (WD)
flushing of champagne is a common sense in the celebration A well drink is a drink made with the cheapest liquor
of victory in sports available at the bar.
3. Medicine- distilled spirits were known before as aqua Example: if the customer orders a rum and coke, you give
vitae “vi-tay” in latin and Eaux de vie “uh-de-vi” in fresh the cheapest rum and coke. You do not give Bacardi and
which means water of life. They were used it as medicine. coke
Today in some local practices “a (1) shot of gin and 4. Call Drink (CD)
calamansi will take away your fever and colds”. This might a call drink is made with specified liquor. If the customer
be true if you do it right and not true if you do it wrong. calls for a specific brand of liquor, give what the customer
Ethanol (CH3CH2OH) ethane plus alcohol- chemical that mentioned.
present in gin that provides a relaxing effect that will
somehow make you feel sleepy or relaxed after taking it.
5. Premium Drink (PD) 15. Tall (T)
a premium drink is made with expensive liquor. Tall means drink served in bigger or tall glass. If you order a
Example: grey goose and tonic, a Cuervo shot, johnny tall drink, you get the same amount of liquor, but with more
walker, blue double juice or soda.
Note: this is also called a top shelf drink Example: tall screwdriver, tall cape cod, tall jack and coke,
tall gin and tonic, etc.
6. Draught Beer (Draft beer or Tap Beer) BD or TB
Note: careful, not all the drinks can be made into tall drinks.
draft beer or tap beer, is drawn a metal barrel or keg
Which drinks can be made tall drinks?
Note: the most common name is draft beer or tap beer
- drinks that come in highball glasses can be made tall by
7. House Wine (HW) using collins or zombie glasses
house wine is referred to the less expensive wine served at Note: If the guest doesn’t like strong drinks, you may tell the
the bar or restaurant guest you can make her/his drink tall.

8. Chilled 16. Top Shelf (TS)

chilled means cold. It is used when ordering shots of liquor. Top shelf means premium brands or drinks. It means to use
It’s different from drinks on the rocks. the best liquors available at the bar.
Example: A chilled shot of tequila or chilled shot of whisky Example: Top Shelf Long island iced tea, the use of premium
brands of base liquor
9. Dirty (DTY)
dirty means serve with olive juice and it’s used in gin 17. Up (U)
martinis and vodka martinis. The juice of the olive makes Up means chilled by shaking or stirring and strained into a
the martini looks cloudy or dirty. martini glass.
Example: dirty dry martini Example: Stolichmaya U, Absolut UP, Bombay Sapphire Up
Note: ask the guest if she/he wants martini without
10. Dry (D) vermouth, she must order a gin up or vodka up
Dry means with dry vermouth and it’s used in gin martinis
and vodka martinis. Dry in general may also means lack of 18. With a Twist (WT)
sugar or sweetness. this means to add a twist, usually a lemon twist, to the drink
Example: Dry martini adding aroma and flavor to the drink

11. Frozen (F) 19. With Salt (WS)

frozen means blended This means to coat the rim of a glass with kosher or iodized
Example: frozen margarita salt, if kosher salt is not available.
Careful: if customer orders a margarita at the bar, ask if it Note: Id iodized will be used, make sure you don’t place to
will be blended, with ice, on the rocks, stir or shaken much of it on the rim for it may get drink taste salty.
margarita. Bartenders must always ask the guest’s preferred
method of preparing of the drink.
Ethanol- an alcohol present in an alcoholic beverage and it
12. Neat (N) is a form of drug known as tranquilizer
Neat means without the ice and serve in old fashioned
What is considered as one drink or the equivalent of one
glass. It is used when ordering liquor by itself.
Example: if somebody order a scotch neat, that person
wants scotch by old fashioned glass. One drink is equal to a 12 oz beer, 5 oz wine, or 1 ½ oz of
another name: people say, “straight up” when they want 80-proof liquor (distilled spirit).
liquor by itself. This could be in an old-fashioned glass or in
In metric measurement: one drink is a 360 ml of one bottle
a shot glass
of beer, 150 ml wine or 45 ml-80 proof liquor (distilled
Note: if somebody ask for “neat” do not pour the liquor into
a shot glass. It has to be poured into an old-fashioned glass
so it could be drunk by little sips.

13. On the Rocks (OTR)

On the rock means drink served with ice cubes.
Example: Whiskey on the rocks, margarita on the rocks.
Note: if you pour liquor on the rocks, use an old-fashioned
glass. An old fashioned glass is also known as a “rock glass”
because it is used to serve single liquors on the rocks. When
serving in the rocks drinks, ice first in the glass and pour the
drink directly to the ice to immediately chill the drink.

14. Sweet
Sweet means with sweet vermouth and it’s used in gin
martinis and vodka martinis. O it is also means drinks with
high sugar content.
Example: Sweet Martini
What do we mean by “Proof”
alcohol “proof” is the amount of alcohol in the liquor or
liqueur. It is usually twice the percentage of the alcohol

80 proof means- 40% alcohol by volume
100 proof is 50%
151 proof is 75.5%
1 proof is equal to .5% of alcohol by volume.

Does mixing of different kinds of drinks make a person get

No, it doesn’t. The alcohol in the drinks makes a person
drunk, not the different kinds.

Will some drinks or mix can get you drunk faster than

Mixed drinks that contain carbonated beverages will get a FOOD THAT DELAYS THE TRANSFER OF ALCOHOL TO THE
person drunk faster that you don’t have any carbon dioxide DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE BODY
Food that rich in protein and fats
Example: a gin and sprite will get you drunk faster than a > Meat
screwdriver > Cheese
Note: Carbon dioxide speeds up the absorption of alcohol > Egg
into your bloodstream.
Does drinking a lot of coffee or taking a very cold shower DOSAGE
help you sober up quickly? > Relaxing
No, you won’t/ the only thing that can help you sober up is > Stimulated the sense and appetite
“time”. Coffee and a cold shower might help you stay awake, > Heightening pleasure
but they won’t help you sober up quickly. > It provides a sense of euphoria

Does eating a lot of food before drinking help keep a NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL IF TAKEN IN TOO MUCH
person from getting drunk? DOSAGE
No, it will not. Eating before slows down the absorption of -If taken in too much dosage, the alcohol becomes toxic that
alcohol into your bloodstream. You will get drunk, but it will it impairs the following brain and body functions.
tale a little bit longer. - it impairs motor ability
- it impairs muscular condition
How long will alcohol will stay in your system? - it impairs eyesight
It all depends on how much alcohol you take and how fast; - it impairs night vision
it also depends on some other actors like weight and sex - it delays reaction time
(gender) and the physical condition. - it relaxes inhibitions
Alcohol can be deadly. HEALTH AND ALCOHOL
Alcohol is considered as poison if taken too much dosage, if Sickness due to alcohol
you drink too fast and too much, it can kill you. Drink in 1. Cirrhosis- inflammation of the liver or liver cancer. It
moderation! impairs the ability of the liver to filter waste materials in the
DRINKING SESSION 2. Gall stone- the presence of uric acid crystal in the gall
> eating something before you start drinking. If you drink bladder. It impairs the release of the bile that helps
beer at least half full of your stomach and of spirits at least digestion
more than half full for you to somehow enjoy the drinking. 3. Kidney stone- the presence of uric acid crystals in the
> one drink is a 12oz beer, 5oz wine or 1 ½ oz proof liquor kidney. It impairs the ability of the kidney to release waste
(distilled spirit) materials from the body.
> don’t drink to much and too fast HEALTH AND ALCOHOL
> carbonated mixed drinks get you drunk faster than non- Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)
carbonated The level of alcohol in the blood based on the body weight,
> mixing different kinds of drinks doesn’t get you more gender, number of drinks and the number of hours and how
drunk. The amount of alcohol does. it affects brain functions. Here are some charts that might
> coffee and cold shower don’t help you to sober up help you determine your alcohol blood contents so that you
> the only thing that can help you sober up is “Time”? will have a guide of how many drinks you must only drink
> do not drink and drive for your own safety.

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