Bài Tập Về Nhà: Đại Học Quốc Gia Tp. Hồ Chí Minh Trường Đại Học Bách Khoa
Bài Tập Về Nhà: Đại Học Quốc Gia Tp. Hồ Chí Minh Trường Đại Học Bách Khoa
Bài Tập Về Nhà: Đại Học Quốc Gia Tp. Hồ Chí Minh Trường Đại Học Bách Khoa
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T P .H C M
Nhóm: 01
Danh sách thành viên:
Nguyễn Thị Anh Thy 1710325
Trần Hải Đăng 1710068
Học kỳ: HK202
Giảng viên: TS. Trần Tiến Anh
Ngày nộp: 22/03/2021
P2.1. What are the advantages of refueling a military aircraft?
- Most military aircrafts are refueled while being airborne. This method has several
advantages which explain why military aircrafts are refueled this way and not on
the ground. Those advantages are as follows:
The first and most obvious advantage is to help the aircraft remain airborne
longer, and in fact as long as desired.
Because refueling happens in the air, aircrafts can take off with extra
capacity and spaces for things such as weapons, cargos, or personnel.
Without too much fuel at the start means less weight to carry, this allows
for shorter take-off time.
Aerial refueling had been considered to help reduce fuel consumption up to
35 – 40% on long-haul or long-distance flights greater than 5,600 km.
In the case of an emergency (low fuel), this method proves to be most
advantages since it doesn’t require immediate landing.
P2.3. Calculate the Mach number for a flight vehicle flying at a speed of 10,000
km/h at the following altitudes: sea level; 10,000m; 25,000m; 50,000m; 100,000m;
200,000m; 400,000m; 1,000,000m.
- The equation to calculate Mach number is:
Where is the speed of the aircraft and is the speed of sound, both are [m/s]
- The speed of sound can be calculated using the equation:
Where is the specific heat ratio, which is usually equal to 1.4;
is the specific gas constant, which equals 287 J/kg/K in Metric units;
atmospheric temperature in degrees Kelvin (K) in Metric units.
- As can be seen from equation (2), the speed of sound is dependent on the
atmospheric temperature which is dependent on the altitude. Specifically shown
below are the temperatures at various altitudes:
Table 1. Properties of the Earth’s standard atmosphere
h (m) T (K)
10000 223.252
25000 221.552
50000 270.65
100000 195.08
200000 845.56
400000 995.83
1000000 1000
- And so we can conclude that the speed of sound or, consequently the Mach
number, changes with altitude.
- From equation (1), (2) and Table 1 we can easily compute the Mach numbers at
various altitude in Excel. The results are shown in the table below:
Nhóm: 01
Table 2. Mach number for a flight vehicle flying at a speed of 10,000 km/h
at various altitudes
h (m) T (K) a (m/s) M
10000 223.25 299.50 9.27
25000 221.55 298.36 9.31
50000 270.65 329.77 8.42
100000 195.08 279.97 9.92
200000 845.56 582.88 4.77
400000 995.83 632.55 4.39
1000000 1000.00 633.88 4.38
Nhóm: 01