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Kamiru - Adoption of Open Source Software by The Telecommunications Industry in Kenya

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This research project is my original work and has not been presented for award of any

degree in any University.

Signature……………………… Date……………………………

Name: Alex Nderitu Kamiru

Reg No.: D61/79111/2012

This project has been submitted for examination with my approval as University of

Nairobi supervisor.

Signature……………………… Date……………………………

Dr. Kate Litondo


School of Business,

University of Nairobi.


I wish to also thank my supervisor Dr. Kate Litondo for her guidance throughout the

course of preparing for and conducting the research. I acknowledge her patience to

receive calls and constant text messages to ensure I was guided in the right direction.

I also with to thank my colleagues in technology who gracefully accepted to

participate in completing the questionnaire and for the invaluable information

provided by them. I am grateful for their cooperation during the period of my



This work is dedicated to my wife Judith, daughter Ivy and son Ian without whose

caring support it would not have been possible to complete it. The long hours spent

away from them in pursuit of academic excellence is highly appreciated.



ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................... iii

DEDICATION............................................................................................................. iv

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................... x

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. xi

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

1.1Background of the Study .......................................................................................... 1

1.1.1 Open Source Software ...................................................................................... 1

1.1.2 Telecommunications Industry in Kenya .......................................................... 3

1.2 Statement of the Problem ......................................................................................... 4

1.3 Objectives of the Study ............................................................................................ 6

1.4 Importance of the Study ........................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................... 8

2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 8

2.2 The Concept of Open Source Software ................................................................... 8

2.3 Open Source Software Environment ..................................................................... 10

2.3.1 Open Source in Server Environments ............................................................. 10

2.3.2 Open Source in Desktop Environments .......................................................... 12

2.4 Challenges of Open Source Software Adoption .................................................... 12

2.5 Benefits of Open Source Software Implementations ............................................. 14

2.6 Empirical Studies on Open Source Software ......................................................... 17

2.7 Open Source Software in Kenya ............................................................................ 18

2.8 Theoretical Foundation .......................................................................................... 19

2.8.1 Technology Acceptance Model in Relation to OSS Adoption ....................... 19

2.8.2 Technology-Organization-Environment Framework...................................... 21

2.9 Summary of Literature Review .............................................................................. 21

CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................ 23

3.1 Research Design..................................................................................................... 23

3.2 The Population ....................................................................................................... 23

3.3 Data Collection ...................................................................................................... 23

3.4 Data Analysis ......................................................................................................... 24

CHAPTER FOUR: EMPIRICAL RESULTS ......................................................... 25

4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 25

4.2 Descriptive Statistics .............................................................................................. 25

4.2.1 Distribution of the Respondents...................................................................... 25

4.2.2 Demographic Characteristics .......................................................................... 27

4.3 Survey Results ....................................................................................................... 28

4.3.1 Adoption of Open Source Desktop Applications............................................ 31

4.3.2 Adoption of Open Source Server Applications .............................................. 34

4.3.3 Future Trends of Open Source Adoption. ....................................................... 37

4.4 Perceived Benefits of OSS ..................................................................................... 40

4.5 Challenges in Adoption of Open Source ............................................................... 42


5.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 45

5.1 Summary of the Findings ....................................................................................... 45

5.2 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 46

5.3 Recommendations .................................................................................................. 47

5.3.1 Research Limitations and Areas of Further Research..................................... 47

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 48

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................ 48

Appendix : Questionnaire ............................................................................................ 51


Table 4.1: Profile of the Respondents by Job Function ...............................................26

Table 4.2: Professional Distribution of Respondents ..................................................28

Table 4.3: Adoption of OSS by Department ................................................................29

Table 4.4: Chi-Square Tests on Departments and Decision on OSS Adoption ...........30

Table 4.5: Desktop Applications Adoption .................................................................31

Table 4.6: Chi-Square Tests on Organizational Structure and OSS Desktop Adoption


Table 4.7: Combined Utilization of Various Open Source Server Applications .........34

Table 4.8: Chi-Square Tests on Department and OSS Server Adoption .....................36

Table 4.9: Chi-Square Tests on Organizational Structure and OSS Server Applications

Adoption ....................................................................................................37

Table 4.10: Plan to Increase OSS Applications Adoption ...........................................39

Table 4.11: Benefits of OSS Applications ...................................................................41

Table 4.12: Factors Inhibiting OSS Adoption .............................................................43


Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework ............................................................................. 20

Figure 4.1: Distribution of Respondents by Company ................................................ 26

Figure 4.2: Distribution of Respondents by Gender and Age ...................................... 27

Figure 4.3: Application of Open Source Software....................................................... 29

Figure 4.4: Desktop Applications Adoption ................................................................ 31

Figure 4.5: Number of Desktop Applications and Systems Adoption by Company

Ownership .................................................................................................. 33

Figure 4.6: Server Applications Adoption ................................................................... 35

Figure 4.7: Adoption of Open Source Software in Future ........................................... 38


BSD - Berkley Software Distribution

CAK - Communications Authority of Kenya

CCK - Communications Commission of Kenya

COTS - Commodity off the shelf

DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DNS - Domain Name System

ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

FSF - Free Software Foundation

FTP - File Transfer Protocol


ICT - Information and Communications Technology

IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol

IP - Internet Protocol

LTE - Long Term Evolution

MVNO - Mobile Virtual Network Operator

NFV - Network Function Virtualization

OSS - Open Source Software

OTT - Over the Top Players

POP3 - Post Office Protocol

SDN - Software Defined Network

SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SQL - Structured Query Language

VoIP - Voice over IP


Open source software is software that is freely available and whose source code is
available and can be modified by users to meet specific requirements. As the
telecommunications industry look to be more innovative and seek to continue to be
profitable, there is need to consider open source software to run some of their
application requirements. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the adoption of
open source software in the telecommunications industry in Kenya, establish the
benefits that have been realized through adoption of OSS, determine the challenges
faced by the adoption of OSS as well as establish if telecommunication companies
plan to begin the use of open source in the future. The study was done in the four
telecommunications service providers in Kenya namely Safaricom, Airtel Kenya,
Orange Telkom and Equitel. The conclusion of the study is that there is significant
adoption of open source software by telecommunication companies in Kenya with
leading benefits of adoption being cost efficiency, increased software flexibility and
avoiding vendor lock-in. The above benefits notwithstanding, there are challenges that
are associated with the adoption as well and this include lack of proper software
support, switching costs from proprietary software and quality of open source
software which cannot be relied upon to run mission critical telecommunication
services. However, with the rapidly evolving technology and changing consumer
patterns that necessitates technological advancements and innovations, open source
therefore offers a solution for the companies in the telecommunications industry to
adapt and manage their costs so that they can remain relevant in the competitive
environment they now operate in.


1.1 Background of the Study

Technology and specifically Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in

the enterprise has moved from being considered a support function to being used as a

strategic tool for competitive advantage (Kovacheva, 2008). Investment in ICT has

therefore to be aligned to the corporate strategic objectives. For majority of

organizations especially in the telecommunications industry, cost management is a

major strategic objective mainly driven by reduced average revenue per user (ARPU)

as consumers spend less than ever before on their communication needs. Emergence

of over the top (OTT) providers in the competitive communications space has also

made the need to ensure telecommunication organization contain their network capital

expenditure and operating costs for both hardware and software (Friedrich, Bartlett,

Gröne, & Mialaret, 2013).

For this reason, open source software becomes an attractive option for the players in

the telecommunication industry. This is mainly driven by their often reduced cost of

ownership compared to proprietary software. The major cost associated with OSS is

mainly in the support and maintenance of the application as well as training of staff,

this compared to proprietary software that has licensing costs which is usually the

significant cost in the total cost of ownership of applications (Almeida, 2009).

1.1.1 Open Source Software

Open Source Software (OSS) refers to software systems that are free to use and whose

source code is fully accessible to anyone who is interested (Kumiyo,Yasuhiro,

Yoshiyuki, Kouichi, & Yunwen, 2002). This is in contrast to proprietary software

which is very limited in access to the source code if at all possible and licensing

restricts this access. By the nature of the software being free, open source creates an

interest in users who face similar problems the applications are structured to solve and

thus creating a developer community around it leading to improvement and extending

the initial system. A good number of open source software are believed to be in use

today across many computing needs such as Linux for operating systems, Mozilla for

web browsers, Apache for web servers, Open Office for office applications and

MySQL for databases just to name a few. With this fast adoption of OSS, there is

growing interest in the use of the applications across many industries,

telecommunications being no exception, as it’s believed their adoption will reduce the

cost associated with the often closed proprietary software.

Various benefits are expected with the adoption of open source software ranging from

reduced cost of software, increase flexibility due to the ability to modify source code

as the user would wish, independence from vendors of proprietary software, open

innovation as a result of use of software developed by a community as well as

increased security since software bugs are discovered and fixed by a large pool of

users (Mohammad, Li, Guang, & Varun, 2005). There are however challenges too

that are faced by users of open source software. These challenges range from lack of

proper ownership of the software which also leads to fragmentation of the software

(Liu, 2007), lack of proper support structure for the software (Hasan, 2009) and

licensing models which can be challenging for organization to understand (Kieseppa,


1.1.2 Telecommunications Industry in Kenya

Since introduction of telecommunications services in Kenya until the collapse of the

East African community in 1977, telecommunication services were managed as part

of the regional network run by the then East African Post and Telecommunications

Corporation of Kenya together with neighbouring Uganda and Tanzania. This ended

after the dis-integration of the regional East African block and Kenya Post and

Telecommunications Commission (KPT&C) was established through an act of

parliament (Kenya Post and Telecommunications Act, CAP 411, 1998) and was

mandated to manage telecommunications, postal and regulatory functions in Kenya.

KPT&C was later disbanded in 1999 and split into three companies with distinct

functions. The companies were Telkom Kenya to provide telecommunications

services, Postal Corporation of Kenya to provide postal services and Communications

Commission of Kenya (CCK) to provide regulatory services. Communications

Authority of Kenya, CA, was established to replace CCK in 2013 as the regulatory

authority for telecommunications services in Kenya through an act of parliament (The

Kenya Information and Communications Amendment Bill, 2013) following the

promulgation of the new constitution.

Telecommunications services in Kenya were liberalized at the beginning of twenty

first century with the establishment of three major players in the industry. These were

Kencell Limited (which later changed hands to Celtel, Zain and now Airtel Kenya

Limited), Safaricom Limited and Telkom Kenya which later changed to Orange

Telkom after France Telkom become a majority shareholder in the company. Essar

Kenya which traded with the brand name YU, was established years later but due to

cut throat competition in the industry, ceased operations in 2014.

Service offered by these players range from mobile services for both voice and data

on 2G and 3G, fixed line services on Voice over IP (VoIP) and E1 services as well as

other enterprise related services. Safaricom limited has also launched 4G services in

limited part of the country based on Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology. Another

major service offered by all the three telecommunications companies is money

transfer services under the M-Pesa brand for Safaricom, Airtel Money for Airtel and

Orange Money for Orange Kenya. Competition in the industry has been stiff in the

last few years leading to reduced calling and data rate to some of the lowest on the

continent. The last few years have also seen the introduction of mobile virtual

networks (MVNO) in the local telecommunication competitive space with Equitel, a

subsidiary of Equity bank being the most notable one. According to Communication

Authority quarter two report of 2015, MVNOs have close to four hundred thousand

users (Matinde, 2015) which is significant taking into consideration that they have

been in operation for just over a year.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Proprietary software is still widely used in the telecommunications industry compared

to OSS. Major vendors of telecommunications solutions namely Huawei, Ericsson,

Nokia and Cisco still have reign on software applications that run the value added

services, voice and data services (Howard, 2013). It would be expected that with the

severe competition and commoditization where the current Telco business model and

services like voice and broadband are losing value causing a significant drop in

average revenue per user (Birudavolu & Nag, 2011), new business models based on

open innovation which are expected to have lower total cost of ownership would be

adopted significantly to aid telecommunications companies survive through this

turbulent times. The delay to adopt OSS can be attributed to large investments made

on proprietary software and perception over open source risks (Almeida, 2009). New

services for telecommunications services are also expected to lead the adoption of

OSS namely unified communications services, VoIP solutions and IP Multimedia

Services for converged fixed and mobile solutions.

While previous studies especially in Kenya have been done on adoption of open

source software in the various industries such as banks (Githaiga, 2012) who found

out that 97% of banks had adopted open source software for some desktop services

and 67% for some server applications. Research of OSS use in cybercafés (Kamau,

2011) found out that 87% use some form of OSS software, there is however limited

use of OSS in government (King'oina, 2012) with a paltly 5% of government

institutions using some form of open source software. Other OSS research include

hospitals in the states of Baltimore, Washington and Northen Virginia in the United

States where 27% had adopted OSS for general purpose application such as databases,

operating systems and web development tools (Cornejo, Seaman, & Koru, 2007)

The area of open source adoption in telecommunication companies in Kenya has not

been explored and thus there is a gap in this area. With these limitation, there is more

research work needed to understand the extent of OSS adoption in local

telecommunications companies. This gap leads to the research question: What is the

extent of OSS adoption in telecommunications companies in Kenya, benefits realized

as wells as challenges faced with the adoption of open source applications.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study was to evaluate the of adoption of open source

software in the telecommunications industry in Kenya and specifically to;

i. Determine the adoption of open source software in the Kenyan

telecommunications industry.

ii. Establish the benefits that have been realized through adoption of OSS.

iii. Determine the challenges faced by the adoption of OSS by the

telecommunications companies.

iv. Establish if telecommunication companies plan to begin the use of open

source in the future.

1.4 Importance of the Study

The findings of the study will be of great value to the management of

telecommunications companies in Kenya and beyond. This is mainly attributed by the

fact that the telecommunication industry is facing turbulent times with reduced

revenues as over the top players become more aggressive with their products creating

a disruption in the hitherto profitable industry. By evaluating open source software as

well as the challenges faced by its adoption and benefits that are likely to accrue,

industry leaders will be well informed if to adopt open source application or stick to

proprietary solutions for their operations.

The study will also be of importance to developers of open source software such as

the Linux community. The developer industry will be informed on the need to have

software that is mature and ready to run this critical industry across the globe. Being a

critical communication industry, telecommunications is sensitive to quality of services

and it’s therefore important that any applications that are chosen to provide any form

of service does not compromise this. Lastly, the study is valuable to academic

researchers as it will act as future reference particularly for open source software and

the telecommunications industry in Kenya. This research will provide a base through

which further research on the area can be done in future.



This chapter reviews the information and communication technology in desktop and

server environment focussing mainly on open source software in use for management

of the telecommunications companies. It also highlights the benefits and challenges of

OSS use in the companies.

2.2 The Concept of Open Source Software

Open source software has been mainly driven by developer of applications who

believe that software should be free. The history of collaborative software

development which is at the core of open source can be divided into three phases or

era, the first phase took place between early 1960s to early 1980s. This was the period

that is of great important to the modern OSS software in use today. Use of open

source then was majorly limited to academic and research institutions (Kieseppa,


The second period of open source software development lasted from early 1980s to

1990s. During this period ground rules for collaborative development were

established, for instance Richard Stallman who was working for Massachusetts

Institute of Technology as a programmer was dissatisfied to sell as proprietary

software that he had developed together with employees of the client companies. This

dissatisfaction led him to believe that selling software under ordinary licensing model

was not ethical which led to his belief as follows;

“The idea that the proprietary software social system – the system that says you are

not allowed to share or change software – is antisocial, that it is unethical, that it is

simply wrong, may come as a surprise to some readers. But what else could we say

about a system based on dividing the public and keeping users helpless?” (Kieseppa,


Through this belief, the GNU project which resembled UNIX (hence the term GNU

not UNIX) was started in 1984 by Stallman. This project is usually seen as the first

open source application that led to the emergence of the open source software

movement. Licensing for GNU was under the General Public License (GPL) which is

given by the Free Software Foundation (FSF), an organization created by the GNU

project. Under GPL terms, any applications created using software that is GPL

licensed would still remain so and this therefore meant copyright still remained with


The third phase of OSS development begun from the 1990s to date. During this phase

there has been dramatic development of open source software. There is almost an

alternative solution in open source for any proprietary software that is in use today.

New open source licensing models have also emerged such as Apache License, BSD

License as an alternative to the GNU license which was often viewed as ideological

rather than pragmatic. In this third phase of development, OSS has become

mainstream running enterprise applications as well as significant Internet

infrastructure. Operating systems such as Linux is now used in major corporations

around the world to run mission critical applications such as ERP and Database

systems, while majority of Internet web servers run on Apache webservers and BIND

DNS servers. This explosion in the use of open source software led to Microsoft

terming Linux as a major competitive threat in a leaked internal memorandum in 1999


2.3 Open Source Software Environment

Open source software is in use across various industries for both desktop and server

environments (Kusnetzky & Gillen, 2004). The emergence of Linux as a popular

operating systems has specifically lead to this use. Other software applications both at

server and desktop environments have gained popularity as a result of Linux adoption

(Nathaniel, 1999).

2.3.1 Open Source in Server Environments

Server applications are backend software that clients in a networked environment

request for various services such as web, email, domain name service etc. The impact

of open source software has majorly been felt for server application especially for

network infrastructure services such as DHCP, DNS and FTP service. Other major

services include file servers, firewalls, domain controllers and network management

servers. The Internet which is also built in a server-client model has also seen

significant impact through OSS. According to Netcaract, a web statistics company

Apache and Nginx which are open source web server hold over 66% of web servers

serving content on the Internet as at September 2014 (Netcaract, 2014). This is

significant and shows the impact these two web server applications on the Internet.

BIND, a DNS software also is believed to control a sizable number of domain names

as well (Theunissen, Boake, & Kourie, 2004) and DNS resolution servers.

Email service is also an important part of any modern organization. A variety of OSS

solution are available today to play different function for a complete functional email

system. For SMTP service, OSS applications such as sendmail, qmail, exim and the

most popular being postfix are widely used today. IMAP and POP3 solutions are also

available as OSS with solutions from vPOPMail and Cyrus playing their role for this

functions. Database applications have also been significantly impacted by the OSS

evolutions. Popular database applications such as PostgresSQL and MariaDB are

widely used today for enterprise solutions. So advanced are these database application

that Oracle, a major vendor of proprietary databases acquired MySQL, another

popular open source database in 2009 raising a series of substantial competitive

concerns (Vezzoso, 2011)

In the case of business supporting software there are solutions that are open source as

well that are used for ERP, CRM and billing systems with applications such as Sugar

CRM being popular with enterprises. There is indeed no part of server applications

that open source software is lacking. Voice and data networks are also converging and

through this there is also emergence of open source applications such as Asterisks and

SipX that are playing a significant role for these services. This convergence heralds a

new era where telecommunications companies must explore the need to adopt OSS

otherwise new competitors are likely to emerge who’s cost of operation is expected to

be much lower hence able to charge much less for the same level and quality of


2.3.2 Open Source in Desktop Environments

The use of Open Source in desktop environment has also continued to grow despite

proprietary software such as Window operation systems and office suites having a

large user base compared to OSS. Uptake of Linux for example for desktop use has

been to less than 20% of total user base (Vile & Atherton, 2009). According to

(Dalvit, Terzoli, & Wolff, 2008) companies such as Canonical have started to even

localize popular desktop application such as Ubuntu for use in countries such as South

Africa showing growing interest in Open Source for desktop use. Other application

however such as web browsers have seen a much higher uptake in the desktop

environment. Firefox for instance is widely used by all type of computer users ranging

from technical savvy to novice users. Other application that have seen good uptake

include office applications such as open office and libre office which are an

alternative to the Microsoft office suite.

2.4 Challenges of Open Source Software Adoption

For technical manager in the telecommunication industry, quality of service is a major

pain area. Whichever solution that they deploy on their network, critical qualities such

as scalability, availability and support are factors that they must consider. It is

therefore important as they consider OSS for some of their needs to consider potential

challenges that is associated with OSS. One of the potential challenges of OSS

adoption is fragmentation of the OSS software usually as a result of conflict among

developers, poor or lack of documentation, features creep and lack of friendly user

interfaces (Liu, 2007). With this level of fragmentation, telecommunications

companies will find it challenging to run their mission critical services on fragmented


Another major area of concern for telecommunication managers is support of the OSS

applications. For proprietary software, one pays high fees to use the software as only

the vendor of the applications has exclusive rights to the source code and can

therefore be the only one to support it (Hasan, 2009). By paying the high support fees,

vendors of the solution can therefore afford to have priority support extended to the

telecommunication company. Some vendors of proprietary applications even afford to

have on-site support who are exclusively available to the customer throughout the


However, for OSS, support in most cases would be charged at a small fee by

companies that specialize on integrating the applications. Most of these companies

lack the required level of support to be available on demand across the globe making

it a challenge for telecommunication companies to rely on this level of support.

Closely tied to support is lack of proper documentation for open source applications.

This is attributed to the fragmented OSS software development discussed earlier.

There is also unclear liability and responsibility for OSS software. Most of these

applications are downloaded from the Internet without clear ownership and

responsibility. Telecommunications companies fear ending up in situations with

unclear liability where they will be unable to influence the provider of the

applications where they would end up without clear support (Øyvind, Daniela, Reidar,

Ketil, & Tron André).

Hidden costs is another area of challenge for those adoption OSS. It takes time to

evaluate the software to find the right mix of solutions. Other costs that are usually

hidden is the extensive user training and customization that may be done to ensure the

applications are delivering the required functionality. Some organizations that have

adopted OSS have had to spend money on developer communities as sponsorships

which was not a cost they had initially budget for. Licensing models are also very

challenging for most organizations adoption OSS. A variety of licenses are available

and guidance is required on how to interpret them. When required to integrated OSS

and proprietary software there arises challenges on limitation of whichever licenses

that guide both environments.

Lastly, lack of products is another challenge facing organizations that adopt OSS.

While there may be a variety of OSS available for majority of business needs there

still lacks OSS for specific requirements (Øyvind, Daniela, Reidar, Ketil, & Tron

André) that businesses may require at that point in time leading to proprietary

software which can be custom made based on customer requirements to fulfil the


2.5 Benefits of Open Source Software Implementations

Organizations around the world are saving millions of dollars through adoption of

OSS and most of this were large companies with turnover of USD 50 million and

above (Stephen, Dave, & Bruno, 2005). The use of open source software to save cost

has generated great interest to a level where finance and other business executives are

starting to ask how open source can help them reduce the burgeoning IT costs and

gain clout over vendors of proprietary software. Cost reduction has been cited as

among the major reason for adoption of OSS by organizations (Øyvind, Daniela,

Reidar, Ketil, & Tron André). Advocates of OSS also claim that due to lack of

licensing fees with OSS, then the total cost of ownership is reduced or eliminated

altogether. There however remains other associated cost due to adoption of OSS such

as training of staff and any customization that may be required and this needs to be

factored in before a conclusive position can be made. (Mohammad, Li, Guang, &

Varun, 2005)

Open source software by its nature also means that the users of the applications have

access to the source code. This brings great flexibility to the software as users can

modify the applications to suit their needs. OSS also advocates for modularity which

means a portion of the program can be designed, developed and tested relatively

independent of the rest of the applications (Mohammad, Li, Guang, & Varun, 2005).

This brings the much needed flexibility in the approach to applications use.

Modularity also promises shorter development cycles and thus more robust products

expected with OSS. Modularity also ensures that different developer communities can

work on independent part of the larger applications which ensures that the time to

deliver an open source project can be shortened significantly. The

telecommunications industry around the world is also dominated for a few big players

(Howard, 2013). Without open source, this is unlikely to change and

telecommunications companies will be stuck with proprietary hardware and software

which is locked and therefore expensive to buy and maintain.

According to Jim Zemlin, an executive director at the Linux foundation, open source

has been proven to accelerate innovation (Linux-foundation, 2014). With OpNFV,

service providers are expected to licenses through open source Apache license which

will ensure that there will be no vendor lock-in and any contribution made to

applications will be available to the community. Other projects driving independence

from vendor locking include Open Daylight which is quickly becoming a de facto

software defined networking platform based on open source, OpenStack which is a

cloud platform driving adoption of network function virtualization in the

telecommunications industry and Open Switch which is an open source switching

application (Linux-foundation, 2014)

OSS adoption also leads to open innovation which means that companies should make

greater use of external ideas and technologies in their own businesses while letting

their unused ideas be used by other companies (Birudavolu & Nag, 2011). Open

innovation leads to faster time to market, cheaper cost of developing new services and

reducing the risk involved in new business models. Telecommunication industry

being service oriented greatly benefits from open innovation where services can be

moved online and onto the cloud with more integration to device, mobility and

business intelligence. Also, as products and services gets commoditized and become

utility, there will be less and less competitive advantage tied to product

differentiations. This reinforces the need to develop a culture of open innovation.

With open innovation, there is need to move away from linear thinking to more

exponential possibilities which can only happen in an open innovative culture.

Product and services will also greatly benefit from a push approach where companies

imagine they understand customer needs and hence proceed to manufacture what they

believe is best for their customers to a pull approach where there is deeper

understanding with the customers (Birudavolu & Nag, 2011)

Open source software is also believed against common misconception to be more

secure than proprietary software as users of this software do not have to wait for the

vendor of the applications to patch once vulnerability have been discovered. Users

also have access to the source code and can therefore modify it at will. Once

vulnerabilities are discovered, they are communicated to the community and fixed in

much shorter cycles than it would be the case with proprietary software (Mohammad,

Li, Guang, & Varun, 2005). Having the software as open source also means that there

is continuous and broad review of the source code by a larger community of users.

This increases the chance of identification and elimination of software bugs that could

have otherwise taken longer to be discovered. Organizations store a lot of information

about their business. This could range from information about their customers,

financial data, network statistics etc. In most of these cases, the information is usually

sensitive and private and it’s therefore critical to store it in formats that will be

accessible in years to come. Open standards adopted by open source applications

therefore ensures that these type of data will remain independent of any private

interest which is very likely in the case of proprietary software. If a company was to

adopt proprietary formats for such data, there is likelihood of vendors of such

applications to take advantage of this and lock-in the companies that have purchased

this kind of proprietary applications. Open source developers have often favored open

standards because they ensure interoperability (Hwang, 2005) which is at the core of

open source movement.

2.6 Empirical Studies on Open Source Software

In studying adoption of open source adoption, other researchers have done studies in

in other countries where there has also been use of open source for various industries

with telecommunications companies adopting open source for emerging services such

as Cloud (Linux-foundation, 2014) with operators such as Telefonica deploying

Openstack for customer focused cloud services (Clarke, 2015). Other industries that

have adopted OSS include hospitals in the states of Maryland, Washington and

Northen Virginia in the United States where 27% had adopted OSS for general

purpose application such as databases, operating systems and web development tools

(Cornejo, Seaman, & Koru, 2007). Diomidis & Vaggelis (2009) investigated the use

of open source in large US companies and found out that at least 94% of companies

were using at least one open source software mainly related to web servers.

Locally, 97% of banks had adopted open source software for some desktop services

and 67% for some server applications such as web servers only 8% used open source

software exclusively (Githaiga, 2012). Research of OSS use in cybercafés (Kamau,

2011) found out that 87% use some form of OSS software but maily limited to

desktop applications for web browsers. There is limited use of OSS in government

(King'oina, 2012) with a paltly 5% of government instituitons using some form of

open source software.

2.7 Open Source Software in Kenya

Open source software provides developing economies such as Kenya the opportunity

to fast track the development of the growing ICT industry. The discussed advantages

of OSS such as lower cost of ownership, increase software flexibility, open

innovations and independence from software vendors can be of great value to

industries that harness the power of technology to leverage on OSS to grow their


In Kenya, open source use is growing. Many companies especially small and medium

enterprises (SMEs) have adopted OSS in order to manage their costs in this era of

reduced IT budgets and increase costs (Sunday, 2012). Adoption of OSS in Kenya is

also seen as a solution to the rampart software piracy in the country. Additionally,

adoption of OSS in Kenya is shown by the establishment of community solutions that

have specialized in deployment of open source software to support endeavors such as

humanitarian solutions in Kenya and beyond. A popular example is Ushahidi Inc

which develops non for profit software an example being Ushahidi which was

deployed to monitory the 2007 general elections in Kenya to enable citizens, civil

society, election observers and law enforcement agencies to monitor incidence in real

time and take actions when necessary. The application was later used for similar

functions in Haiti and Chile during the earthquake in 2010 (Giridharadas, 2010). This

underscores the impact of open source even with origin from developing nations like


2.8 Theoretical Foundation

There are several theories that have been established in relation to technology

adoption. Two major ones that will be useful for this research are Technology

Acceptance Model and Technology-Organization-Environment Framework which are

discussed in greater detail below.

2.8.1Technology Acceptance Model in Relation to OSS Adoption

Technology Acceptance Model was developed to address system usage by facilitating

understanding of factors and reasons that determine the use and adoption of new

systems. It examines the mediating role of perceived ease of use and perceived

usefulness in their relationship between systems characteristics and the probability of

systems use (Legrisa, Ingham, & Collerette, 2001). Technology Acceptance Model

has strong behavioral characteristics which assume that when someone has intention

to act, they will be free to do so without limitation but in practice constrains such as

limited ability, time, environmental or organizational limits as well as unconscious

habits will limit the freedom to act (Venkatesh, 2003).

The major objective of this study is to determine why the telecommunications

industry in Kenya despite all the benefits related to the use of open source software

are believed to be slow to adopt open source software for their operations despite the

maturity of some open source applications that have been extensively deployed to

build core Internet infrastructure and run research organization for a good number of

years. Perceived usefulness will be outlined through benefits that accrue as a result of

the use of open source discuss earlier such as cost efficiency, increase flexibility,

independence from vendors, open innovation and future interoperability. Perceived

ease of use shall be reflected by familiarity of users of the applications to open source

technologies, availability of software support by the open source community as well

as companies that have specialized in supporting open source and ability to modify

the source code to meet the desired business need. The theory of Technology

Acceptance Model is illustrated by the figure below

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework

Source: http://istheory.byu.edu/w/images/9/90/Tam.JPG

2.8.2 Technology-Organization-Environment Framework

This framework studies adoption of technology innovation at organizational level and

provides the process by which firms adopt and implement technological innovations

which according to this theory is influenced by technological context, the

organizational context and the environmental context. Technological context refers to

technologies that are relevant to firms, organizational context generally refers to

organizational characteristics such as size, scope and resources available within a firm

while environmental context involves the macro-environment in which a firm

conducts its business, including industry, competitors, and the regulatory environment

(Tornatzky & Fleischer, 1990).

2.9 Summary of Literature Review

With increase competition in the telecommunications industry mainly driven by the

rise of over the top services (OTT) as well as the entry of new players through mobile

virtual network operators’ licensing, incumbent telecommunications companies are

force to relook at their operating models. There is urgent need to reduce operating

costs as well as capital expenditure on network services. With software requirements

mainly for proprietary applications driven by the main providers of

telecommunication solutions accounting for a large part of that budget, open source

then becomes an attractive option to contain costs.

In addition to the benefits associated with cost savings, there are other benefits such

as independence from vendors, open innovation, increase flexibility, and future

operability that make it attractive for telecommunication companies to adopt open

source despite challenges that may be associated with adoption of these applications

such as fragmentation of the applications, lack of clear ownership and responsibility

as well as unclear support for the applications.

There is little study known to the researcher that focuses on open source adoption

specifically for telecommunication companies in Kenya. Previous studies have

focused on banks, government and cyber cafes. This presents a gap in the existing

knowledge that this study will seek to fulfil.


3.1 Research Design

This study involved a descriptive research to gather information on the extent of open

source software adoption by Kenyan telecommunications companies as little data is

known to exist on this topic. A cross-sectional study was conducted during the month

of September 2015 to collect the data. The survey entailed investigation on the extent

of functions that have been deployed with open source software for desktop and

server environments in the industry. Benefits that have been realized as well as

challenges that have been faced by adoption of OSS by the telecommunications

companies were also be investigated.

3.2 The Population

The population of this study constituted technical departments of the four mobile

service providers in Kenya. This were Safaricom, Airtel, Equitel and Orange Kenya.

3.3 Data Collection

The survey made use of a questionnaire that had both open and closed ended

questions sent to 50 respondents across various departments with 30 for Safaricom, 10

for Airtel and 6 for Orange Kenya and 4 for Equitel based on the latest market share

(CAK, 2015). The survey was limited to technical staff and managers within these

three operators as they are responsible for selection of software to deploy in their

networks with bias to the technical features such as open source or proprietary. Likert

scale was also used for some of the questions where appropriate. The questionnaire

had the following four sections. Section A collected demographic data which

identified the age, gender and level of education of the respondents and size of

organization and departments they worked for. Section B collected information on the

extent of Open Source adoption within the organization and any future plans for use

of open source. Section C identified the benefits of adoption of Open Source by the

organization. Section D covered the challenges faced as a result of adoption of Open

Source applications. Google forms which is a free online survey tool was exclusively

used as the mode of data collection.

3.4 Data Analysis

Data that was collected was validated, edited and coded accordingly then summarized

using the following. Section A was analyzed using frequencies and percentages and

classified using charts and graphs. Section B, C and D was analyzed using frequencies

and means and represented using tables. Tools used in analysis were Microsoft Excel

and SPSS.


4.1 Introduction

In this chapter, findings of the study are discussed; descriptive statistics and detailed

descriptions about the survey participants and organizations are provided. A summary

of findings is reported which discusses the findings in relation to the research

objectives and the implications for OSS adoption in the telecommunications industry

in Kenya.

4.2 Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics are used to summarized data in way that is useful to the intended

users. Various measures of data such as frequency, means and percentages will be

used to summarize the findings in the following sections.

4.2.1 Distribution of the Respondents

The total number of respondents from the four telecommunications companies who

completed the survey was 41 indicating a response rate of 82%. The following table

presents the demographic characteristics of the respondents.

Figure 4.1: Distribution of Respondents by Company

Majority of the respondents (31.7%) were System Engineers, 14.6% Network

Engineers and an equal number of Network Managers and Security Engineers at


Table 4.1: Profile of the Respondents by Job Function

Occupation No. of respondents Percentage

Network Engineer 6 14.6

Security Engineer 5 12.2

Software Developer 1 2.4

Strategy & Architecture Engineer 1 2.4

Strategy Engineer 1 2.4

Support Engineer 1 2.4

Systems Analyst 3 7.3

Systems Engineer 13 31.7

Technical Manager, Network Systems 5 12.2

Technical Manager, Support Services 4 9.8

Technical, Head of Department 1 2.4

4.2.2 Demographic Characteristics

The distribution of the sampled respondents by age and gender is presented in Figure

4.2. Out of the total sample, 95.1% were male and 4.9% female.

Figure 4.2: Distribution of Respondents by Gender and Age

The results also show that the largest single proportion of the sampled population

based on age structure were between thirty and thirty-five years (58.5%) followed by

those between twenty-five and thirty years of age (24.4%).

With regard to the years of experience, the respondents had a range of 1 to 8 years of

experience in various positions in the companies (Table 4.2). All of the respondents

were engaged in various technical domains and thus assumed to be knowledgeable of

OSS software’s capabilities and utilization.

Table 4.2: Professional Distribution of Respondents

Occupation No. of respondents Average years of


Network Engineer 6 2.17

Security Engineer 5 3.4

Software Developer 1 3

Strategy and Architecture engineer 1 7

Strategy Engineer 1 3

Support Engineer 1 5

Systems Analyst 3 4.67

Systems Engineer 13 3.88

Technical Manager, Network 5 3.6


Technical Manager, Support 4 7.5


Technical, Head of Department 1 8

4.3 Survey Results

The results indicate that 100% (n=41) of the companies within the survey sample

have adopted OSS. All of the companies have adopted both desktop applications and

server OSS (Figure 4.3). Of the total number of respondents interviewed, 68.3% use

open source in both servers and desktop applications and only 24.4% and 7.3% use

only servers and desktop applications respectively.

Figure 4.3: Application of Open Source Software

Table 4.3: Adoption of OSS by Department

Department Both servers Proportion Desktop Proportion Server Proportion

and desktop of total applications of total applications of total
applications % %
Count % Count % % Count %
Engineering 6 75.0 21.4 0 0 2 25.0 19.5
Enterprise 1 25.0 3.6 1 25.0 33.3 2 50.0 9.8
IT services 12 80.0 42.9 1 6.7 0 2 13.3 36.6
IT/ Network 5 71.4 17.9 0 0 2 28.6 17.1
Network 2 66.7 7.1 0 0 1 33.3 7.3
Support and
Product 2 66.7 7.1 0 0 1 33.3 7.3
Strategy and 0 0 1 100 33.3 0 2.4

The study findings show that majority (42.9%) of IT Services departments of

telecommunication companies used both server and desktop applications as compared

to Strategy and Planning departments that did not use OSS in both server and desktop

environments. IT services and Engineering departments had the highest levels of

adoption of server applications at 36.6% and 19.5% respectively.

Data analysis using chi-square test revealed a statistically significant association

between department and preferred OSS (chi-square value =19.46, p=0.078). This

implies that there is evidence of significant relationship between telecommunication

department and adoption of OSS (Table 4.4).

Table 4.4: Chi-Square Tests on Departments and Decision on OSS


Value df Asymp. Exact Phi Value Cramer's V

Sig. (2- Sig. (2-


Pearson chi-
19.461a 12 0.078 .107 Value: 0.689 Value: 0.487

Likelihood Approx. Approx.

13.106 12 0.361 .432
ratio Sig:0078 Sig:0.078

Fisher's exact Exact Sig: Exact Sig

13.124 .263
test 0.107 0.107

No. of valid 41 41

a. 19 cells (90.5%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .07.

4.3.1 Adoption of Open Source Desktop Applications

Respondents were asked which open source desktop applications were being used in

their departments. Table 4.5 shows the extent of implementation of various


Table 4.5: Desktop Applications Adoption

Desktop Applications Frequency Percentage

Operating Systems 29 70.7%

Office Applications 4 9.8

Web browsers 24 58.5%

Email Clients 5 12.2%

Desktop Virtualization 13 31.7%

Others 1 2.4%

Figure 4.4: Desktop Applications Adoption

The results indicate that among the various desktop applications, operating systems

such as Linux are the most popular (70.7%), with web browsers such as Firefox

(58.5%) second, followed by desktop virtualization applications (31.7%). There is

little adoption of office applications (9.8%) and email clients (12.2%) which may be

attributed to the dominance of Microsoft office applications (Roe, 2013).

Data analysis revealed there was no significant relationship between the user

department and adoption of open source desktop applications (chi-square value

=81.57, p=0.369). However, the chi-square test revealed a statistically significant

association between telecommunication companies’ ownership structure and OSS

desktop adoption (chi-square value =18.99, p=0.055) (Table 4.6).

Table 4.6: Chi-Square Tests on Organizational Structure and OSS

Desktop Adoption

Value Df Asymp. Exact Sig. Phi Value Cramer's V

Sig. (2-sided) (2-sided)

Pearson chi-
18.996a 13 0.123 0.055 Value: 0.681 Value: 0.681

Approx. Approx.
Likelihood ratio 24.273 13 0.029 0.056
Sig:0.123 Sig:0.123

Fisher's exact Exact Sig: Exact Sig

16.903 0.075
test 0.055 0.055

No. of valid 41 41

a. 27 cells (96.4%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .39.

Open source desktop adoption occurred mainly in publicly owned companies, with

average adoption of 5 desktop applications and systems as compared to the adoption

of 3.2 applications by privately owned companies (Figure 4.6).

Figure 4.5: Number of Desktop Applications and Systems Adoption

by Company Ownership

These findings are consistent with Almeida (2009) who argues that the delay to adopt

OSS may be due to hefty investments made on proprietary software and perception

over open source risks. In addition, privately owned telecommunications’ companies

are believed to have stringent company policies on what software they use on the

desktop applications. The same may not necessarily apply for publicly owned


4.3.2 Adoption of Open Source Server Applications

Respondents were asked which open source server applications were being used in

their departments. Table 4.7 shows the extent of implementation of various


Table 4.7: Combined Utilization of Various Open Source Server


Server Applications Frequency Percentage

Operating Systems 34 82.9%

Web servers 29 70.7%

Email servers 9 22.0%

Databases servers 25 61.0%

Web proxy services 7 17.1%

Firewall services 14 34.1%

DNS servers 15 36.6%

Network monitoring and 19 46.3%


Software Defined 2 4.9%


Cloud Management 5 12.2%

Business support functions 5 12.2%

Others 1 2.4%

Figure 4.6: Server Applications Adoption

Results show that OOS server applications for various services were also widely used.

The data shows that operating systems (82.9%), web servers (70.7%) and database

server (61%) were the most widely used open source applications. Software defined

networking (4.9%), Cloud management (12.2%) and Business support function

(12.2%) were the least used applications.

A comparison based on the company’s department was made of the different server

uses (Table 4.8). The results show there is no significant association between the

company’s department and adoption of open source domain applications (chi-square

value =2.117E2a, p=0.239). It is therefore adequate to conclude that the user specific

department is not essential in determining domain specific adoption.

Table 4.8: Chi-Square Tests on Department and OSS Server


Value Df Asymp. Exact Phi Value Cramer's V

Sig. (2- Sig.



Pearson chi- Value:

2.117E2a 198 .239 .b Value: 0.928
square 2.273681

Likelihood Approx. Approx.

125.301 198 1.000 .220
ratio Sig:239 Sig:239

Fisher's exact
263.419 .220

No. of valid 41 41

a. 238 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .02.

The Pearson’s chi-square test also revealed that there was no significant association

between company ownership and adoption of server applications and systems (chi-

square value =36.80, p=0.297). The findings therefore suggest that the company

structures did not affect the decision on OSS server/domain technology adoption.

Table 4.9: Chi-Square Tests on Organizational Structure and OSS

Server Applications Adoption

Value Df Asymp. Exact Phi Value Cramer's V

Sig. (2- Sig. (2-


Pearson chi-
36.798a 33 0.297 0.113 Value: 0.947 Value: 0.947

Approx. Approx.
Likelihood ratio 49.301 33 0.034 0.113
Sig:0.297 Sig:0.297

Fisher's exact Exact Sig: Exact Sig

34.109 0.113
test 0.113 0.113

No. of valid 41 41

a. 68 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .39.

The finding may be attributed to the fact that telecommunication companies spend

significant financial resources on server applications as compared to desktop

applications. In an effort to manage these costs, it is possible that irrespective of the

ownership structure, there is a shared need to adopt OSS at the server level as a

measure to manage such costs.

4.3.3 Future Trends of Open Source Adoption.

The respondents were further asked about their future company plans in regard to use

of OSS. Majority (73%) indicated that they intend to increase or begin using various

OSS in future, whereas only 7% had no plan to adopt OSS (Figure 4.6). This signifies

a rising trend towards telecommunication companies intensifying their use open

source in the future.

Figure 4.7: Adoption of Open Source Software in Future

Intention to use open source in future was measured using a 5-point Likert scale

ranging from 1 (least extent) to 5 (large extent) and shown in Table 4.10. The data

shows that telecommunication companies had a mean score of 2.73 and therefore

intended to use open source in future.

Table 4.10: Plan to Increase OSS Applications Adoption



(1) (5)

Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq %

a) Operation Systems such 1 2.4 3 7.3 2 4.9 22 53.7 3.46

as Linux, FreeBSD

b) Email service 8 19.5 5 12.2 7 17.1 6 14.6 1.69

applications such as

Postfix and Exim

c) Database service 3 7.3 5 12.2 5 12.2 14 34.1 2.71

applications e.g

MySQL, MariaDB,


d) Server virtualization 3 7.3 6 14.6 10 24.4 8 19.5 2.54

applications such KVM

e) Web proxy services 8 19.5 9 22.0 4 9.8 4 9.8 1.93

such as Squid

f) Firewall services such 2 4.9 8 19.5 7 17.1 3 7.3 7 17.1 2.10

as IPTables, Firewalld

g) DNS Service 1 2.4 3 7.3 7 17.1 4 9.8 12 29.3 2.56

applications such as



h) Network monitoring & 4 9.8 2 4.9 6 14.6 15 36.6 2.80


applications such as

Zabbix, Cacti, Nagios


i) Software define 1 2.4 5 12.2 3 7.3 8 19.5 9 22.0 2.37

Networking such as


j) Cloud management 1 2.4 3 7.3 3 7.3 10 24.4 13 31.7 2.95

applications such as

OpenStack &


k) Business support 10 24.4 9 22.0 3 7.3 5 12.2 2.05

functions such as CRM,

Billing, Data analytics

l) Desktop Applications 1 2.4 1 2.4 5 12.2 6 14.6 15 36.6 2.85

such as Firefox, Open

Office etc

The findings revealed that open source operating systems, cloud applications, desktop

and network monitoring and management applications were the most likely to be

adopted (Table 4.10).

4.4 Perceived Benefits of OSS

The perceived benefits of adopting OSS can be largely categorized either as being

financial, technical or business as ranked by the number of respondents citing them as

being relevant to the adoption decision are outlined below. Respondents were asked

several questions relating to their perceptions towards benefits realized through open

source on a five point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly

agree). Table 4.11 presents the number of responses for each rating and the

corresponding percentages.

Table 4.11: Benefits of OSS Applications

Benefits Strongly Strongly Mean

Disagree 2 3 4 Agree (5) score


Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq %

a) Open source has saved the 1 2.4 1 2.4 5 12.2 7 17.1 27 65.9 4.41

company money that would

have been used in

purchasing and supporting

proprietary solutions.

b) Open Source applications 2 4.9 4 9.8 14 34.1 11 26.8 10 24.4 3.54

have increased flexibility of

software as we can modify

the source code as we wish.

c) We have avoided vendor 2 4.9 1 2.4 6 14.6 15 36.6 17 41.5 4.05

lock-in with Open Source

which has brought freedom

in use of software.

d) The company is more 11 26.8 13 31.7 11 26.8 6 14.6 3.31

innovative as a result of use

of Open Source.

e) Open source has scaled well 8 19.5 20 48.8 9 22.0 4 9.8 3.24

for majority of applications.

f) Increase security e.g. almost 4 9.8 9 22.0 15 36.6 9 22.0 4 9.8 2.93

free from viruses

g) Open source is available on 2 4.9 8 19.5 15 36.6 16 39.0 4.12

demand from the Internet.

h) Availability of support from 3 7.3 3 7.3 10 24.4 14 34.1 11 26.8 3.61

a large community of users

i) Variety of open source 2 4.9 13 31.7 11 26.8 15 36.6 3.98

applications for various


Financial gains were reported as being very significant especially in saving the

company resources that would have been otherwise used in purchasing and supporting

proprietary solutions. The cost saving aspect is of importance to companies operating

in a competitive environment such as the telecommunication’s industry at present.

Second to that was availability of open source on demand from the Internet, the

removal of vendor lock-in, and increased flexibility as the third and fourth core

benefits of adoption. This implies that there is convenience and perceived ease of use

by being able to access the software and modify source code that allows the

customization of OSS to a company’s specific requirements and product innovation.

4.5 Challenges in Adoption of Open Source

Table 4.12 shows the responses relating to factors inhibiting OSS adoption using a 5-

point Likert scale. The findings indicate that lack of executive support, lack of proper

software support, lack of quality guarantee, ownership and inability of OSS to run

critical telecommunication services are hindrances to the adoption.

Table 4.12: Factors Inhibiting OSS Adoption

Challenges Strongly 2 3 4 Strongly Mean

Disagree(1) Agree (5) score
Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq %
a) Lack of proper 2 4.9 4 9.8 8 19.5 14 34.1 13 31.7 3.76
support for the
b) Lack of executive 1 2.4 3 7.3 5 12.2 11 26.8 21 51.2 4.17
support for open
c) Majority of our 3 7.3 3 7.3 11 26.8 14 34.1 10 24.4 3.56
systems are only
available as
d) We do not 6 14.6 15 36.6 13 31.7 4 9.8 3 7.3 2.46
understand Open
Source licensing
e) Switching costs 3 7.3 12 29.3 5 12.2 16 39.0 5 12.2 3.15
from proprietary
application to
open source are
too high
f) We cannot 5 12.2 6 14.6 7 17.1 11 26.8 12 29.3 3.37
guarantee quality
of service will be
achieved with
open source
g) Open source 4 9.8 7 17.1 6 14.6 16 39.0 8 19.5 3.34
solutions lack
ownership and
cannot be relied
to run critical
n services.
h) There is lack of 5 12.2 11 26.8 18 43.9 6 14.6 1 2.4 2.59
with open source
i) We cannot quite 4 9.8 8 19.5 13 31.7 14 34.1 2 4.9 2.98
establish all costs
related to open
source adoption.
j) Our software 8 19.5 10 24.4 17 41.5 6 14.6 3.54
operations and
are therefore
better placed to
applications to
run our services.

These findings are consistent with other studies (Tomas Yakel, 2001) who argued that

open source adoption is influenced by executive and managerial involvement and

positive disposition in supporting the use of OSS. This study also established that

majority of the telecommunication systems being available only on proprietary

applications and telecommunication vendors being trusted to run the industry are also

major barriers of open source adoption.

Overall, the results indicate that economic gains and open source technical capability

are major drivers of adoption while software support, security, quality guarantee,

associated migration costs, lack of alternative open source applications and

telecommunication equipment vendors are inhibitors of OSS adoption by

telecommunication companies in Kenya.


5.0 Introduction

This section presents a summary of the study findings, conclusions and

recommendations based on the analysis presented in the previous chapter.

5.1 Summary of the Findings

The objective of this research was to investigate the extent of OSS adoption in

telecommunications companies in Kenya, benefits realized as wells as challenges

faced with the adoption.

Telecommunication companies in Kenya have adopted various OSS applications, but

utilization varied between companies and departments within the telecommunication

companies. The cross tabulation tests reveal that majority of the companies use open

source in both servers and desktop applications. The analysis reveals that

telecommunication department influences adoption of desktop OSS. Among the

various desktop applications, operating systems and web browsers were found to be

widely used. The results indicate that the company ownership structure within the

industry has a substantial influence regarding adoption of desktop OSS.

In regards to server specific applications, the results show that the companies adopted

a combined use of operating systems, web servers, database and network monitoring

and management applications. The results indicate that user specific department and

ownership structure is not essential in determining server applications. The findings

reflect the cost management strategies implemented by the telecommunication

companies as mainly leading the adoption of OSS.

5.2 Conclusion

Open source integration into the telecommunication industry has the potential to

optimize and reduce costs associated with proprietary software. This study revealed

that open source applications are already in operation in all of the telecommunication

companies with anticipated economic benefits being the key driver of adoption as

compared to technical benefits. Availability of open source on demand, removal of

vendor lock-in and increased flexibility also make OSS a very attractive option for the

industry. The findings also indicate that lack of executive support for adoption of

OSS, lack of support for the OSS software and vendors of telecommunication

solutions driving operations of telecommunication companies as major hindrance for

the adoption of OSS.

With the rapidly evolving technology and changing consumer patterns that

necessitates technological advancements and innovations, open source therefore

offers a solution for the telecommunication industry to adapt and manage their costs.

This is supported by the large percentage of respondents who plan to adopt new OSS

applications or increase the use in the near future. With the rapidly evolving

technology and changing consumer patterns that necessitates technological

advancements and innovations, open source therefore offers a solution for the

telecommunication industry to adapt and manage their costs. This is supported by the

large percentage of respondents who plan to adopt new OSS applications or increase

the use in the near future.

5.3 Recommendations

From the study, there is need for telecommunication companies to embrace open

source software for their operations. There is however need to involve all the key

stakeholders in the company, especially the executive, in the adoption decision since

lack of executive support was cited as major hindrances of adoption. In addition,

capacity building developers of open source software would minimize resistance to

adoption since support and quality of OSS was also cited as another major concern

hindering the adoption of OSS.

5.3.1 Research Limitations and Areas of Further Research

The research findings and their implications are not without limitations, although

industry representation was adequate. Any conclusions are therefore primarily

applicable to telecommunication industry but could as well apply for related

industries in the technology area but this would require further research. It was not

possible to use policy variables such as company specific software policies and a

comparison of adopters and non-adopters of open source within the same industry.

Other researchers can address these factors and explore this area further.


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Section A: Demographics and General Information

This section requires your input of general information regarding you and your

company. Kindly tick appropriately or input information where required.

i. Name of your organization

[ ] Safaricom Limited

[ ] Airtel Kenya

[ ] Orange Telkom

[ ] Equitel

ii. What is the ownership structure of your organization?

[ ] Public owned

[ ] Private Owned

iii. How long in years has your organization been in operation?




iv. How long in years have you worked in the organization?




v. Which one of the following best describes your role in the organization?

[ ] Technical Manager, Network Systems

[ ] Technical Manager, Support Services

[ ] Systems Engineer

[ ] Technical, Head of Department

[ ] Systems Analyst

[ ] Support Engineer

[ ] Security Engineer

[ ] Other, (Specify) ……………………………………………

vi. What is your age bracket in years?

[ ] 20–25

[ ] 25-30

[ ] 30-35

[ ] 35-40

[ ] 40-45

[ ] 45-50

[ ] 50-55

[ ] 55-60

vii. What is your gender?

[ ] Female

[ ] Male

viii. What is your highest academic qualification?

[ ] Certificate [ ] Diploma

[ ] Degree [ ] Master’s Degree [ ] Doctorate

ix. How many employee does your company have?

[ ] 1 – 100

[ ] 101 – 500

[ ] 501 – 1000

[ ] >1000

x. What functions best describes your department

[ ] Engineering

[ ] Customer Support

[ ] IT services

[ ] Network Support & Services

[ ] Product development & Innovation

[ ] Enterprise Services

[ ] IT/Network Security

[ ] Other, please list……………………………………………………

xi. How many employees does your department have?

[ ] 1 – 50

[ ] 51 - 100

[ ] >100

Section B: Extent of Open Source Software Adoption

1. Are you aware of open source software?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

2. Does your organization use open source software applications?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

[ ] I don’t know

3. If yes, in question 2, is the use of open source in the following areas

[ ] Server applications

[ ] Desktop applications

[ ] Both servers and desktop applications

4. Which of the following open source desktop applications and systems are in

use in your department.

[ ] Operating Systems such as Linux

[ ] Office applications such as Open Office or Libre Office

[ ] Web browsers such as Firefox

[ ] Email Clients such as Evolution or Thunderbird

[ ] Desktop virtualization applications such a Virtual Box or KVM

[ ] Other, (Specify) ……………………………………………

5. Which of the following open source server applications and systems are in use

in your department.

[ ] Operation Systems such as Linux, FreeBSD

[ ] Web server applications such as Apache and Nginx

[ ] Email service applications such as Postfix and Exim

[ ] Database service applications such as MySQL, MariaDB, PostgresSQL

[ ] Server virtualization applications such KVM

[ ] Web proxy services such as Squid

[ ] Firewall services such as IPTables, Firewalld

[ ] DNS Service applications such as BIND, UNBOUND and NSD

[ ] Network monitoring and management applications such as Zabbix, Cacti etc

[ ] Software Defined Networking such as OpenDaylight

[ ] Cloud management applications such as OpenStack and CloudStack,

[ ] Business support functions such as CRM, Billing and Data analytics

[ ] Other, (Specify) ……………………………………………

6. Do you plan to increase or begin the use of open source software in future?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

[ ] I don’t know

7. To what extent do you plan to start the use of open source software in the

future for the following functions?

Least Large
Extent Extent

1 2 3 4 5

m) Operation Systems such as Linux, FreeBSD

n) Web server applications such as Apache and

o) Email service applications such as Postfix
and Exim
p) Database service applications such as
MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres SQL

q) Server virtualization applications such KVM

r) Web proxy services such as Squid

s) Firewall services such as IPTables,

t) DNS Service applications such as BIND,

u) Network monitoring and management
applications such as Zabbix, Cacti, Nagios
v) Software Define Networking such as
w) Cloud management applications such as
OpenStack and CloudStack
x) Business support functions such as CRM,
Billing, Data analytics
y) Desktop Applications such as Firefox, Open
Office etc
z) Other, (Specify) ………………………..

Section C: Benefits of Adoption of Open Source Software Adoption

8. What benefits would you say your department has realized as a result of adoption

of open source applications.

Strongly Strongly
Benefits Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4 5
j) Open source has saved the company money that
would have been used in purchasing and
supporting proprietary solutions.
k) Open Source applications have increased
flexibility of software as we can modify the
source code as we wish.
l) We have avoided vendor lock-in with Open
Source which has brought freedom in use of
m) The company is more innovative as a result of use
of Open Source.
n) Open source has scaled well for majority of
o) Increase security e.g. almost free from viruses
p) Open source is available on demand from the

q) Availability of support from a large community
of users.
r) Variety of open source applications for various

aa) Other, specify…………………………

bb) Other, specify…………………………

cc) Other, specify…………………………

dd) Other, specify…………………………

Section D: Challenges of Open Source Software Adoption

9. What are the challenges faced or hindering the adoption of open source by your


Strongly Strongly
Challenges Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4 5
k) Lack of proper support for the applications
l) Lack of internal skills to install and manage
the applications
m) Lack of executive support for open source
n) Majority of our systems are only available
as proprietary applications
o) We do not understand Open Source
licensing models
p) Switching costs from proprietary
application to open source are too high
q) We cannot guarantee quality of service will
be achieved with open source software
r) Open source solutions lack ownership and

cannot be relied to run critical
telecommunication services.
s) There is lack of proper documentation with
open source software.
t) We cannot quite establish all costs related to
open source adoption.
u) Our software vendors understand telecom
operations and are therefore better placed to
develop proprietary applications to run our
v) Other, specify …………………………
w) Other, specify …………………………
x) Other, specify …………………………
y) Other, specify …………………………


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