3.46B1 Blood Worksheet 1
3.46B1 Blood Worksheet 1
3.46B1 Blood Worksheet 1
4B1 Dr:___________________
Blood Worksheet, page 1 P: ___Date:____________
Directions: Use the information you learned about blood to answer the following
2. What do we call the process by which we stop bleeding when we get a cut?
4. What is the name of the disease where clotting factors are absent?
9. Which white blood cells are immediately dispatched to fight infection; they are
the largest of the white blood cells?
10. Which white blood cells prevent blood clots from forming too quickly?
11. Which white blood cells provide our main source of ‘immunity’?
12. Which white blood cells promote blood flow to the injured area of your body?
13. Which component of blood does NOT need to be tested for blood type before
transfusing into a patient?
15. What component of the red blood cell carries oxygen and carbon dioxide?
16. Where do red blood cells exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide?
Investigation 3.4B1 – Reflections Dr:________________________
Blood Worksheet, page 3 P:___Date:_________________
17. About what percent of your blood is made up of platelets and white blood cells?
18. In which genetic disease are the red blood cells misshaped such that it is difficult
for them to carry oxygen?
19. Write a paragraph about Sickle Cell Anemia. Research information on the
internet and provide evidence from your resources to back up your statements.
Investigation 3.4B1 – Reflections Dr:___________________
Blood Worksheet, page 4
Art Project: 1. Draw a picture that demonstrates all of the components of blood. 2.
Then, draws two red blood cells side by side. The first should be a normal red blood cell
and the second a sickled red blood cell. Label every cell in each drawing.
Draw normal red blood cells on the left and sickled red blood cells on the right: