J Cppeds 2018 08 006
J Cppeds 2018 08 006
J Cppeds 2018 08 006
The need to change the delivery of healthcare in the United the “study” phase. Last, the plan is either adopted, adapted, or
States has been the focus of several recent publications. Quality abandoned in the “act” phase based on the evaluation of the
improvement concepts initially utilized in industry have been data in the prior step. The learning from one cycle should guide
applied to healthcare to reduce error and variation in out- the cycles that follow.
comes. The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Methodology is one of A hypothetical example from an actual Quality Improvement
the most commonly used tools in quality improvement. Initiative sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics
The PDSA cycle is an iterative, four step model for improving Chapter Quality Networks provides a step by step approach to
a process. The first step is the development of a plan in which application of the PDSA model. Changes noted following multi-
predictions of outcomes are clearly stated and tasks are ple iterative PDSA cycles resulted in significant improvement in
assigned. It is in this phase that the who, what, when, and healthcare outcomes.
where of the plan is decided. In the “do” phase, the plan is
implemented. Data and results obtained are then analyzed in Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2018; 000:1 4
Act means the intervention being tested is adopted, of the key drivers, “partnering with parents for effec-
adapted, or abandoned based on the evaluation of the tive ADHD management” and identified the following
data in the prior phase. Here the next problem solving measure to improve: “the average time to obtain the
steps are described. A planning worksheet found in first set of parent follow-up scores since beginning
Fig. 2 may provide further guidance in the creation of ADHD treatment”. Some potential tests of change to
the PDSA cycle. improve parental completion of the scores included
creating an office process which could:
Healthcare example 1 prevent scheduling of ADHD follow-up visit or
One recent example of using PDSAs is a project from medication refills until parent rating scales are
the American Academy of Pediatrics Chapter Quality complete
Network (CQN) entitled the 2 contact parent if they have
“ADHD PDSAs help us to focus not filled out rating scale
on building fundamental knowl- PDSAs help us to focus on build- within 7 days
edge (i.e. learning) necessary to ing fundamental knowledge (i.e. 3 include a reminder to com-
enable improvement. Change learning) necessary to enable plete the rating scale in
Package”. As with all CQN proj- improvement. appointment reminder script
ects, it followed the Institute for 4 require having rating scales
Healthcare Improvement’s mod- filled out in the office on day
els . The purpose of the project was to help pediatric prac- of office follow-up appointment
tices create reliable processes and systems which enable
provision of a higher quality of care of patients with atten-
tion deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Six evi- Because each test of change should be tested indi-
dence based key drivers were the foundation of the vidually and on a small scale, one team began their
change package.6 PDSA cycle with one patient, choosing to investigate
In this example, a pediatric practice focused on one process #1 and prevent scheduling of ADHD follow-up
visits or medication refills until the parent rating scales
were completed. They studied the results and docu-
mented success in that the parents of this first patient did
complete the rating scales. Adopting the measure, they
then ramped the second PDSA cycle up to testing three
patients and found similar results. Predicting they would
encounter the same success in five patients, the team
attempted the intervention in five patients, however
noted that two of the five did not receive their ADHD
medications for an entire month due to the lack of com-
pletion of the rating scales. This untoward effect caused
the team to abandon this process and attempt a new
PDSA cycle. (Fig. 3)
This pediatric team demonstrated appropriate use of
the five essential components of a PDSA cycle identi-
fied below by Taylor et al.7
3 Data should be collected over time, which, when set of parent follow-up scores from the beginning of
plotted, will provide a visual image of how change the ADHD treatment increased from 58% at baseline
impacts the outcome. to 83% at the end of the project.
4 Multiple, repeated, and linked cycles should be
conducted with lessons learned reported to the
group from each prior cycle. Summary
5 Learnings from one cycle should guide the cycles
that follow in an iterative format where change is PDSA cycles are among the most frequently used
adopted, adapted, or abandoned. tools in healthcare quality improvement. When utili-
zation of all components of the PDSA methodology
are documented, significant improvements in care and
By conducting a variety of PDSA ramps over time, in patient outcomes have been reported.3-4,6-7 PDSAs
one CQN chapter was eventually able to develop a help us to focus on building fundamental knowledge
process whereby the average time to obtain the first (i.e. learning)8 necessary to enable improvement.
FIG 3. PDSA ramp highlighting one test of change to improve the treatment of ADHD.