Evaluation of Quality Improvement Programmes
Evaluation of Quality Improvement Programmes
Evaluation of Quality Improvement Programmes
In response to increasing concerns about quality, many greater consequences for patient safety and other
countries are carrying out large scale programmes clinical outcomes. Yet we know little of their
effectiveness or relative cost effectiveness, or how
which include national quality strategies, hospital to ensure they are well implemented.
programmes, and quality accreditation, assessment and Decision makers and theorists have many
questions about these programmes:
review processes. Increasing amounts of resources are
• Do they achieve their objectives and, if so, at
being devoted to these interventions, but do they ensure what cost?
or improve quality of care? There is little research • Why are some more successful than others?
evidence as to their effectiveness or the conditions for • What are the factors and conditions critical for
maximum effectiveness. Reasons for the lack of success?
evaluation research include the methodological • What does research tell us about how to
improve their effectiveness?
challenges of measuring outcomes and attributing
Some anecdotal answers come from the reports of
causality to these complex, changing, long term social consultants and participants, and there are theo-
interventions to organisations or health systems, which ries about “critical success factors” for some types
themselves are complex and changing. However, of programme. However, until recently there was
little independent and systematic research about
methods are available which can be used to evaluate effectiveness and the conditions for effectiveness.
these programmes and which can provide decision Indeed, there was little descriptive research which
makers with research based guidance on how to plan documented the activities which people actually
undertook when implementing a programme.
and implement them. This paper describes the research Research has made some progress in answering
challenges, the methods which can be used, and gives these questions, but perhaps not as much as was
examples and guidance for future research. It hoped, in part because of the methodological
challenges. This paper first briefly notes some of
emphasises the important contribution which such the research before describing the challenges and
research can make to improving the effectiveness of the research designs which can be used. It
finishes with suggestions for developing research
these programmes and to developing the science of in this field.
quality improvement.
.......................................................................... RESEARCH INTO QUALITY IMPROVEMENT
The most studied subcategory of quality pro-
quality programme is the planned activities grammes is hospital quality programmes, particu-
carried out by an organisation or health larly US hospital total quality management
system to improve quality. It covers a range programmes (TQM), later called continuous
of interventions which are more complex than a quality improvement programmes (CQI). Several
single quality team improvement project or the non-systematic reviews have been carried out
quality activities in one department. Quality pro- (box 1).2–6
grammes include programmes for a whole organ- There is evidence from some studies that
isation (such as a hospital total quality pro- certain factors appear to be necessary to motivate
gramme), for teams from many organisations (for and sustain implementation and to create condi-
example, a “collaborative” programme), for exter- tions likely to produce results. The most com-
nal reviews of organisations in an area (for exam- monly reported are senior management commit-
ple, a quality accreditation programme), for ment, sustained attention and the right type of
changing practice in many organisations (for management roles at different levels, a focus on
example, a practice guidelines formulation and customer needs, physician involvement, sufficient
implementation programme), and for a national resources, careful programme management, prac-
or regional quality strategy which itself could tical and relevant training which personnel can
See end of article for include any or all of the above. These programmes use immediately, and the right culture.4–13 These
authors’ affiliations create conditions which help or hinder smaller demanding conditions for success raise questions
....................... quality improvement projects. about whether the type of quality programmes
Correspondence to: Quality improvement programmes are new which have been tried are feasible for health care.
Dr J Øvretveit, The Nordic “social medical technologies” which are increas- These limited conclusions appear similar across
School of Public Health, ingly being applied. One study noted 11 different public and private, and across nations. However,
Box 12133, Goteborg,
S-40242 Sweden;
types of programmes in the UK NHS in a recent 3 there is little research for non-US clinics and hos-
jovret@aol.com year period.1 They probably consume more re- pitals, for public hospitals, or systematic compara-
....................... sources than any treatment and have potentially tive investigation to support this impression.
Evaluation of quality improvement programmes 271
272 Øvretveit, Gustafson
Box 2 A qualitative evaluation of external reviews of Box 3 Example of a theory testing comparative design
clinical governance
The first comprehensive studies of effectiveness of
One example which illustrates the use of qualitative meth- TQM/CQI programmes in health care also tried to estab-
ods is a study of the UK government’s programme of exter- lish which factors were critical for “success”.8–10 The meth-
nal review of clinical governance arrangements in public ods used in these studies were to survey 67 hospitals, some
healthcare provider organisations.35 Members of the with programmes and some without, and later 61 hospitals
review team as well as senior clinicians and managers with TQM programmes, asking questions about the
were interviewed in 47 organisations before and after the programme and relating certain factors to quality perform-
review. A qualitative analysis identified themes and issues ance improvement. The findings were that, after 3 years,
and reported common views about how the review process the hospitals could not report clear evidence of results and
could be improved. that few had tackled clinical care processes.
Although most interviewees thought the reviews gave a A later study tested hypotheses about associations
valid picture of clinical governance, much of the between organisation and cultural factors and
knowledge produced was already known to them but had performance.11 Interviews and surveys were undertaken in
not been made explicit. It concluded that major changes in 10 selected hospitals. Performance improvements were
policy, strategy, or direction in the organisations had not found in most programmes in satisfaction, market share,
occurred as a result of the reviews, and suggested that the and economic efficiency as measured by length of stay,
use of the same process for all organisations was “at best unit costs, and labour productivity. Interestingly, culture
wasteful of resources and perhaps even positively was only found to influence the patient satisfaction
harmful”. This study provided the only independent performance. It was easier for smaller hospitals with fewer
description of the review process and of different complex services to implement CQI. Early physician
stakeholders’ assessments as to its value and how the involvement was also associated with CQI success, a find-
process could be improved. The findings were useful to the ing reported in other studies.6 7
reviewers to refine their programme. One of the limitations This set of studies has a practical value. The findings give
of the study was that it did not investigate outcomes further managers a reliable foundation for assessing whether they
than the interviewees’ perceptions of impact: “measuring have the conditions which are likely to result in a success-
impact reliably is difficult and different stakeholders may ful programme. Another strength of this study was to assess
have quite different subjective perceptions of impact”.35 the “depth” of implementation by using Baldridge or
EFQM award categories.19 21 Limitations of the study were
that: precise descriptions of the nature of the different hos-
number of designs and methods which can and have been pital programmes were not given; only one site data gath-
used: these are summarised below and discussed in detail ering visit was undertaken; and less than 2 years was
elsewhere.28–34 taken for the investigation so that the way the programmes
changed and whether they were sustained could not be
Descriptive case design gauged. Follow up studies would add to our knowledge of
This design simply aims to describe the programme as imple- the long term evolution of these programmes, any long
mented. There is no attempt to gather data about outcomes, term results, and explanations about why some hospitals
but knowledgeable stakeholders’ expectations of outcome and were more successful than others.
perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of the pro-
gramme can be gathered. Why is this descriptive design
sometimes useful? Some quality programmes are prescribed intervention. Outcomes are considered as the differences
and standardised—for example, a quality accreditation or between the before and after data collected about the target.
external review. In these cases a description of the interven- The immediate target is the organisation and personnel; the
tion activities is available which others can use to understand ultimate targets are patients.
what was done and to replicate the intervention. However, Comparative before-after designs produce stronger evi-
many programmes are implemented in different ways or not dence that any outcomes were due to the programme and not
described, or may only be described as principles and without to something else. If the comparable unit has no intervention,
a strategy. For the researcher a first description of the this design allows some control for competing explanations of
programme as implemented saves wasting time looking for outcomes if the units have similar characteristics and
impact further down the causal chain (for example, patient environments. These are quasi-experimental or “theory
outcomes) when few or no activities have actually been testing” designs because the researcher predicts changes to
implemented. the one or more before-after variables, and then gathers the
data before and after the intervention (for example, personnel
Audit design attitudes towards quality) to test the prediction. However,
This design takes a written statement about what people when limited to studying only before-after (or later)
should do, such as a protocol or plan, and compares this with differences, these designs do not generate explanations about
what they actually do. This is a quick and low cost evaluation why any changes occurred (box 2).
design which is useful when there is evidence that following a
programme or protocol will result in certain outcomes. It can Retrospective or concurrent evaluation designs: single
be used to describe how far managers and health personnel case or comparative
follow prescriptions for quality programme interventions and In these designs the researcher can use either a quasi-
why they may diverge from these prescriptions. “Audit” experimental “theory testing” approach or a “theory building”
research of quality accreditation or review processes can help approach. An example of the former is the “prediction testing
managers to develop more cost effective reviews.35 survey” design. The researcher studies previous theories or
empirical research to identify theorised critical success
Prospective before-after designs: single case or factors—for example, sufficient resources, continuity of man-
comparative agement, aspects of culture—and then tests these to find
The single case prospective design gathers specific data about which are associated with successful and unsuccessful
the target of the intervention before and after (or during) the programmes (box 3).
Evaluation of quality improvement programmes 273
274 Øvretveit, Gustafson
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