Systematic Reviews of The Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Strategies and Programmes
Systematic Reviews of The Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Strategies and Programmes
Systematic Reviews of The Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Strategies and Programmes
ystematic reviews are “reviews of a clearly When preparing to undertake a systematic review
formulated question that use explicit meth- of a quality improvement strategy it is important
ods to identify, select, and critically appraise to assemble a review team with the necessary
relevant research and to collect and analyse data combination of content and technical expertise.
from the studies that are included in the Content expertise may come from consumers,
review”.1 Well conducted systematic reviews are healthcare professionals, and policy makers. Con-
increasingly seen as providing the best evidence tent expertise is necessary to ensure that the
to guide choice of quality improvement strategies review question is sensible and addresses the
in health care.2–4 Furthermore, systematic reviews concerns of key stakeholders and to aid interpret-
should be an integral part to the planning of ation of the review. Frequently, content experts
future quality improvement research to ensure may not have adequate technical expertise and
that the proposed research is informed by all rel- require additional support during the conduct of
evant current research and that the research reviews. Technical expertise is required to develop
questions have not already been answered. search strategies for major databases, hand search
Systematic reviews are a generic methodology
that can be used to synthesise evidence from a
broad range of methods addressing different Box 2 The Cochrane Effective Practice and
types of questions (box 1). Mulrow6 suggested Organisation of Care (EPOC) Group
Systematic reviews 299
300 Grimshaw, McAuley, Bero, et al
example, Jamtvedt and colleagues undertook a review of audit dence about sources of bias in individual patient randomised
and feedback to improve all aspects of care across all trials of healthcare interventions,22 quality criteria for cluster
healthcare settings.18 They identified 85 studies of which 18 randomised trials and quasi experimental are less developed.
considered the effects of audit and feedback on chronic EPOC has developed quality appraisal criteria for such studies
disease management, 14 considered the effects of audit and based upon threats to validity of such studies identified by
feedback on chronic disease management in primary care, and Cook and Campbell23 (available from EPOC website).9 Review-
three considered the effects of audit and feedback on diabetes ers should develop a data abstraction checklist to ensure a
care in primary care settings. By undertaking a broad review common approach is applied across all studies. Box 4 provides
they were able to explore whether the effects of audit and examples of data abstraction checklist items that reviewers
feedback were similar across different types of behaviour, dif- may wish to collect. Data abstraction should preferably be
ferent settings, and different types of behaviour within differ- undertaken independently by two reviewers. The review team
ent settings. If they had undertaken a narrow review of audit should identify the methods that will be used to resolve dis-
and feedback on diabetes care in primary care they would agreements.
have been limited to considering only three studies and may
have made erroneous conclusions if these studies suffered PREPARING FOR DATA ANALYSIS
from bias or chance results. Very narrowly focused reviews are, The methodological quality of primary studies of quality
in effect, subgroup analyses and suffer all the well recognised improvement strategies is often poor. Reviewers frequently
potential hazards of such analyses.19 A more transparent need to make decisions about which outcomes to include
approach is to lump together all similar interventions and within data analyses and may need to undertake re-analysis of
then to carry out explicit a priori subgroup analyses. some studies. In this section we highlight methods for
addressing two common problems encountered in systematic
IDENTIFYING AND SCREENING EVIDENCE reviews of quality improvement strategies—namely, reporting
SOURCES of multiple end points and handling unit of analysis errors in
Reviewers need to identify what bibliographic databases and cluster randomised studies.
other sources the review team will search to identify
potentially relevant studies and the proposed search strategies Reporting multiple outcomes
for the different databases. There are a wide range of Commonly, quality improvement studies report multiple end
bibliographic databases available—for example, Medline, points, for example—changes in practice for 10 different pre-
EMBASE, Cinahl, Psychlit, ERIC, SIGLE. The review team has ventive services or diagnostic tests. While reviewers may
to make a judgement about what databases are most relevant choose to report all end points, this is problematic both for the
to the review question and can be searched within the analysis and for readers who may be overwhelmed with data.
resources available to them. The review team should decide which end points it will report
The review team has to develop sensitive search strategies and include in the analysis. For example, a review team could
for potentially relevant studies. Unfortunately, quality im- choose to use the main end points specified by the investiga-
provement strategies are poorly indexed within bibliographic tors when this is done, and the median end point when the
databases; as a result, broad search strategies using free text main end points are not specified.21
and allied MeSH headings often need to be used. Further-
more, while optimal search strategies have been developed for Handling unit of analysis errors in primary studies
identifying randomised controlled trials,20 efficient search Many cluster randomised trials have potential unit of analysis
strategies have not been developed for quasi experimental errors; practitioners or healthcare organisations are ran-
designs. Review teams should include or consult with experi- domised but during the statistical analyses the individual
enced information scientists to provide technical expertise in patient data are analysed as if there was no clustering within
this area. practitioner or healthcare organisation.14 24 In a recent system-
EPOC has developed a highly sensitive search strategy atic review of guideline dissemination and implementation
(available at for strategies over 50% of included cluster randomised trials had
studies within its scope, and has searched Medline, EMBASE,
Cinahl and SIGLE retrospectively and prospectively.21 We have
screened over 200 000 titles and abstracts retrieved by our Box 4 Examples of data abstraction checklist items
searches of these databases to identify potentially relevant
studies. These are entered onto a database (“pending”) await- • Inclusion criteria
ing further assessment of the full text of the paper. Studies • Type of targeted behaviour
which, after this assessment, we believe to be within our scope • Participants
are then entered onto our database (the “specialised register”) • Characteristics of participating providers
with hard copies kept in our editorial base. We currently have • Characteristics of participating patients
approximately 2500 studies in our specialised register (with a • Study setting
• Location of care
further 3000 potentially relevant studies currently being
• Country
assessed). In future, reviewers may wish to consider the EPOC
• Study methods
specialised register as their main bibliographic source for
• Unit of allocation/analysis
reviews and only undertake additional searches if the scope of
• Quality criteria
their review is not within EPOC’s scope (see EPOC website for
• Prospective identification by investigators of barriers to
further information about the register).9 change
Preferably two reviewers should independently screen the • Type and characteristics of interventions
results of searches and assess potentially relevant studies • Nature of desired change
against the inclusion criteria in the protocol. The reasons for • Format/sources/recipient/method of delivery/timing
excluding potentially relevant studies should be noted when • Type of control intervention (if any)
the review is reported. • Outcomes
• Description of the main outcome measure(s)
Studies meeting the inclusion criteria should be assessed Derived from EPOC data abstraction checklist.8 16
against quality criteria. While there is growing empirical evi-
Systematic reviews 301
such unit of analysis errors.21 Potential unit of analysis errors unit of analysis errors need to be excluded because of the
result in artificially low p values and overly narrow confidence uncertainty about their statistical significance and underpow-
intervals.25 It is possible to re-analyse the results of cluster ered comparisons observing clinically significant but statisti-
randomised trials if a study reports event rates for each of the cally insignificant effects would be counted as “no effect com-
clusters in the intervention and control groups using a t test, parisons”.
or if a study reports data on the extent of statistical To overcome some of these problems, we have been explor-
clustering.25 26 In our experience it is rare for studies with unit ing more explicit analytical approaches reporting:
of analysis errors to report sufficient data to allow re-analysis. • the number of comparisons showing a positive direction of
The point estimate is not affected by unit of analysis errors, so effect;
it is possible to consider the size of the effects reported in these
studies even though the statistical significance of the results • the median effect size across all comparisons;
cannot be ascertained (see Donner and Klar27 for further dis- • the median effect size across comparisons without unit of
cussion on systematic reviews of clustered data and Grimshaw analysis errors; and
and colleagues20 and Ramsay and colleagues28 for further dis- • the number of comparisons showing statistically significant
cussion of other common methodological problems in primary effects.21
studies of quality improvement strategies). This allows the reader to assess the likely effect size and
consistency of effects across all included studies and whether
METHODS OF ANALYSIS/SYNTHESIS these effects differ between studies, with and without unit of
Meta-analysis analysis errors. By using these more explicit methods we are
When undertaking systematic reviews it is often possible to able to include information from all studies, but do not have
undertake meta-analyses that use “statistical techniques the same statistical certainty of the effects as we would using
within a systematic review to integrate the results of a vote counting approach. An example of the impact of this
individual studies”.1 Meta-analyses combine data from multi- approach is shown in box 5.
ple studies and summarise all the reviewed evidence by a sin-
gle statistic, typically a pooled relative risk of an adverse out- Exploring heterogeneity
come with confidence intervals. Meta-analysis assumes that When faced with heterogeneity in both quantitative and
different studies addressing the same issue will tend to have qualitative systematic reviews, it is important to explore the
findings in the same direction.29 In other words, the real effect potential causes of this in a narrative and statistical manner
of an intervention may vary in magnitude but will be in the (where appropriate).32 Ideally, the review team should have
same direction. Systematic reviews of quality improvement identified potential effect modifiers a priori within the review
strategies typically include studies that exhibit greater protocol. It is possible to explore heterogeneity using tables,
variability or heterogeneity of estimates of effectiveness of such bubble plots, and whisker plots (displaying medians, inter-
interventions due to differences in how interventions were quartile ranges, and ranges) to compare the size of the
operationalised, targeted behaviours, targeted professionals, observed effects in relationship to each of these modifying
and study contexts. As a result, the real effect on an interven- variables.18 Meta-regression is a multivariate statistical tech-
tion may vary both in magnitude and direction, depending on nique that can be used to examine how the observed effect
the modifying effect of such factors. Under these circum- sizes are related to potential explanatory variables. However,
stances, meta-analysis may result in an artificial result which the small number of included studies common in systematic
is potentially misleading and of limited value to decision review of quality improvement strategies may lead to overfit-
makers. Further reports of primary studies frequently have ting and spurious claims of association. Furthermore, it is
common methodological problems—for example, unit of important to recognise that these associations are observa-
analysis errors—or do not report data necessary for meta- tional and may be confounded by other factors.33 As a result,
analysis. Given these considerations, many existing reviews of
quality improvement strategies have used qualitative synthe-
sis methods rather than meta-analysis. Box 5 Impact of using an explicit analytical approach
Although deriving an average effect across a heterogeneous
group of studies is unlikely to be helpful, quantitative analyses Freemantle et al31 used a vote counting approach in a
can be useful for describing the range and distribution of review of the effects of disseminating printed educational
effects across studies and to explore probable explanations for materials. None of the studies using appropriate statistical
the variation that is found. Generally, a combination of quan- analyses found statistically significant improvements in
titative analysis, including visual analyses, and qualitative practice. The authors concluded: “This approach has led
analysis should be used. researchers and quality improvement professionals to dis-
count printed educational materials as possible interven-
Qualitative synthesis methods tions to improve care”.
Previous qualitative systematic reviews of quality improve- In contrast, Grimshaw et al21 used an explicit analytical
ment strategies have largely used vote counting methods that approach in a review of the effects of guideline dissemina-
add up the number of positive and negative comparisons and tion and implementation strategies. Across four cluster ran-
conclude whether the interventions were effective on this domised controlled trials they observed a median absolute
basis.2 30 Vote counting can count either the number of improvement of +8.1% (range +3.6% to +17%) compli-
comparisons with a positive direction of effect (irrespective of ance with guidelines. Two studies had potential unit of
statistical significance) or the number of comparisons with analyses, the remaining two studies observed no
statistically significant effects. These approaches suffer from a statistically significant effects. They concluded: “These
number of weaknesses. Vote counting comparisons with a results suggest that educational materials may have a
positive direction fail to provide an estimate of the effect size modest effect on guideline implementation . . . However
of an intervention (giving equal weight to comparisons that the evidence base is sparse and of poor quality”. This
show a 1% change or a 50% change) and ignore the precision approach, by capturing more information, led to the
of the estimate from the primary comparisons (giving equal recognition that printed educational materials may result in
weight to comparisons with 100 or 1000 participants). Vote modest but important improvements in care and required
counting comparisons with statistically significant effects suf- further evaluation.
fer similar problems; in addition, comparisons with potential
302 Grimshaw, McAuley, Bero, et al
analysis errors were rarely addressed in these reviews.
Systematic reviews are increasingly recognised as the best
evidence source on the effectiveness of different quality
0.1 improvement strategies. In this paper we have discussed
issues that reviewers face when conducting reviews of quality
improvement strategies based on our experiences within the
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care group.
Baseline non-compliance
The main limitation of current systematic reviews (and the
Figure 1 Graphical presentation of results using a bubble plot. This main challenge confronting reviewers) is the quality of evalu-
bubble plot, from a review on the effects of audit and feedback,18 ations of quality improvement strategies. Fortunately, well
shows the relationship between the adjusted risk difference and done systematic reviews provide guidance for future studies.
baseline non-compliance. The adjusted risk difference represents the
Indeed, at present the main contribution of systematic reviews
difference in non-compliance before the intervention from the differ-
ence observed after the intervention. Each bubble represents a study, in this area may be to highlight the need for more rigorous
and the size of the bubble reflects the number of healthcare provid- evaluations, but there are indications that the quality of
ers in the study. The regression line shows a trend towards increased evaluations is improving.20 Those planning and reporting
compliance with audit and feedback with increasing baseline non- evaluations of quality improvement should do so in the
compliance. context of a systematic review. Similarly, those planning qual-
ity improvement activities should consider the results of
systematic reviews when doing so.
Box 6 Checklist for appraising systematic reviews
Systematic reviews 303
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