Research Paper
ABSTRACT :The gas usage brings great problems in the domestic and industries. The inflammable gas such
as Liquidized petroleum gas (LPG), which is commonly used in the houses and factories. The leakage of the gas
causes the property damage and affects catastrophically on people. So, by observance it in the concept of the
project we have determined to develop an examining system which finds the leak of LPG gas and protects the
property by taken correct precaution at correct time. The project consists of Alarm unit which is Buzzer gives
an audible sign of the presence of LPG volume. The gas sensors are widely used to detect essence of harmful
gases, LPG and even smoke. If the MQ-2 Sensor senses gas leak from industries or homes and it sends
information to Arduino UNO. The Arduino UNO turns on the LCD, exhaust fan and buzzer. It turns on the GSM
modem after that, it continues to send messages SMS to mobile number specifically mentioned in the program of
the source code for alerting danger to the people. Hence, by using this system we can reduce gas leakage
accidents and save the lives and properties.
KEY WORDS: Arduino UNO, MQ-2 Sensor, Buzzer, LCD, Exhaust Fan, GSM Modem.
Received 19 Apr, 2022; Revised 01 May, 2022; Accepted 03 May, 2022 © The author(s) 2022.
Published with open access at
LPG Gas leaks have been increased drastically in the recent years of all the kitchen accidents. The Gas
leakage is one of the big problems with industrial sector, residential milieu and gas functioning vehicles like
CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) buses, cars etc. One of the contraceptive methods to stop accidents associated
with the gas leakage is to install a gas leakage detection device at vulnerable places. This system provides the
information such as when a gas leakage is noticed, sensors of in the project areused to notice the gas leakage and
immediately turns ON the buzzer for the danger indication. Buzzer is a clear indication of gas leakage. By the
detection of the hazardous gas the alerting message reached the person who has control over it from the GSM.
Exhaust fan is used to send the gas from room. LCDdisplay is used to display the status of the gas leak.
In this proposed by using the “Gas Leakage Detector with SMS Alert using ARDUNIO and GSM
module”, will be a great help in terms of preventing any danger caused by gas leakage. The purpose of this
project is to detect the presence of LPG leakage in the homes and working places. Apart from sound alarm
and SMS alert it will also turn on exhaust fan. The exhaust fan is used to remove the gas leaked in room.
which is used in case of the nobody is present when the leakage occurs and to prevent accidents and property
damage. It is cost efficient and reduce damage caused by the gas leakage.
Figure 1: Gas Leakage Detection Using GSM Module & Arduino With SMS Alert
When the MQ-2 sensor senses gas leak from workplace or home, it sends information to the Arduino
UNO. As it reaches the threshold value, The Arduino UNO turns on the devices which includes LCD display,
*Corresponding Author: Mr. Sivaprasad Lebaka 7 | Page
Gas Leakage Detection Using GSM Module & Arduino with SMS Alert
Exhaust fan, buzzer. the GSM modem sends SMS to mobile number specifically mentioned in the program of
the source code to alert the people. The exhaust fan removesthe gas in the room.
As you can see the 4 male header pins are labelled with
And vcc
the lattice send a current to control the light for any pixel. A functioning framework has a transistor situated at
every pixel crossing point, requiring less current to control theluminance of a pixel.
The buzzer will be used to emit sounds to alert users during leakage. A buzzer or beeper is a signalling
device usually electronics, that is most commonly consists of a number of switches or sensors connected to a
control unit that determines if and which button was pushed or a pre-set timehas lapsed, and usually illuminates
a light on the appropriate button or control panel, and sounds a warning in the form of a continuous or
intermittent buzzing or beeping sound. Initially this device was based on an electromechanical system which
was identical to an electric bell without the metal gong.
Figure 5: Buzzer
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