Chapter 5 - AM Reception
Chapter 5 - AM Reception
Chapter 5 - AM Reception
AM Bandpass Audio
detector Filter Section
RF Section – also called receiver front end used for detecting, bandlimiting &
amplifying the received signals
Mixer/converter – down converts the received RF frequencies to Intermediate
frequencies (IF)
IF – frequencies that fall somewhere between RF and information freq.
IF section – amplifies and select the signal
AM Detector – demodulates the AM wave and converts it to the original info. Signal
Audio section – amplifies the recovered information.
Receiver Parameters:
1. Selectivity – measure the ability of the receiver to accept a given band of frequencies
and reject all others
- give the bandwidth of the receiver at the -3dB points or at two levels of
attenuation such as -3 dB and -60 dB which ratio is known as shape factor
shape factor - ratio between the -3dB and -60dB, measure the skirt steepness
Where SF – shape factor (unitless)
- bandwidth 60dB below max signal level
- bandwidth 3dB below max signal level
1 – ideal value of SF (if bandwidth at 03dB and -60dB points are equal
Example 1: example 2: 60 dB bandwidth = 12 kHz;
-3dB bandwidth = 10kHz
6 dB bandwidth = 3 kHz
-60dB bandwidth = 20 kHz
Note: to achieve ideal SF, use more expensive and sophisticated circuits
🡪 the lower the shape factor, the better the skirt selectivity
ideal shape factor = 1
- using tuned circuit, LC, determined by
should be careful not to cut-off the sideband since they contain the information although
we wanted to increase Q 🡪 to increase selectivity
selectivity curve of a tuned circuit ideal receiver selectivity curve Practical
Bandwidth improvement,
Example: Determine the improvement in the noise figure for a receiver with an
RF bandwidth equal to 200kHz and an IF bandwidth equal to 10kHz
3. Sensitivity – minimum RF signal level that can be detected at the input to the
receiver and still produce a usable demodulated information signal
- also called receiver threshold
Typical sensitivity:
a. AM commercial broadcast:
b. Two-way mobile radio receiver:
For a single frequency input signal, the high power input signal limit is 1-dB
compression point
distortion – frequency, phase and amplitude variations from the original signal
3 forms of distortion:
a. Amplitude – amplitude vs frequencies characteristics of a signal at the
output is different from those in the input
b. phase – not so much a problem in voice
2 kinds:
i. absolute phase shift – total phase shift of the signal
- can be tolerated as long as all frequencies undergo
the same amount of phase delay
ii. Differential phase shift – when different frequencies
undergo different phase shift
- detrimental in cases such as PSK
c. frequency – resulting from harmonics and intermodulation distortion
2nd order harmonic – problem in broadband
3rd order harmonic – caused by cross-product frequencies
- can be reduced using square-law devices (can only
produced 2nd order harmonics and can be filtered
6. Insertion Loss (IL) – ratio of the power transferred to a load with a filter in the
circuit to the power transferred to a load without the filter
a. Inconsistent bandwidth – unstable frequency 🡪 selectivity is affected
b. Instability 🡪 cause oscillation 🡪 can be corrected by stagger tuning,
different frequencies for each amplifiers
c. Nonuniform gain 🡪 nonuniform L/C ratios of the transformer-coupled
tank circuits
Example: For an AM commercial broadcast-band receiver (535kHz to 1605kHz)
with an input filter Q-factor of 54, determine the bandwidth at the
low and high ends of the RF spectrum.
For low-end of AM, center frequency = 540kHz
Note: the 10kHz bandwidth at low end is the desired value but the 29,630
Hz is not at the high-end since it will select 3 stations for an
almost 30kHz bandwidth at high end. To find for the Q factor
that can make the high-end selective, chose B=10kHz and solve
for Q factor:
However at Q=160, the low-end bandwidth will be
Conversion of RF to IF to AF
Example: For an AM superheterodyne receiver that uses high-side injection and has a local osc.
frequency of 1355 kHz, determine the IF carrier, upper side freq. & lower freq. for an RF
wave that is made up of a carrier and upper and lower side freq. of 900 kHz, 905 kHz &
895 kHz, respectively.
Referring to the figure below:
IF RF LO Image
Local Oscillator
1055 kHz
Note: the closer the RF is to the IF, the closer the RF is to the image frequency
Example: For a citizens band receiver using high-side injection with an RF carrier
of 27MHz and an IF center frequency of 455 kHz, determine:
a. LO frequency b. image frequency
c. IFRR for a preselector Q of 100
d. preselector Q required to achieve the same IFRR as that of the previous
example for RF carrier of 600 kHz
✔ for the two example, it is more difficult to prevent image frequencies for
high RF than low IF
✔ For higher IFRR, this will require high Q – difficult to achieve🡪 use high IF
Double Spotting – when receiver picks up the same station at two nearby points
on the receiver tuning dial
AM Receiver Circuits
RF Amplifiers Circuit
From RF amplifier:
From the LO:
•Uses FET
•Conversion loss – IF output signal amplitude lower than RF input signal
1. Self – excited
2. Separately excited mixer
3. Single-diode mixer
4. Balanced diode mixer
5. IC mixer/oscillator – NE/SA602A
IF Amplifier circuit
- operate at lower frequency
- advantage: easy to design stable circuit
Inductive Coupling
- coupling IF amplifiers
2 kinds of transformers:
1. single-tuned transformers
2. Double-tuned transformers
Single - tuned Double-tuned
Gain for single-tuned = 0.707
two-tuned = (0.707 x 0.707) = 0.5
three – tuned = (0.707 x 0.707 x 0.707) = 0.353
Bandwidth reduction
Over-all bandwidth of n single-tuned stages
AM Detector:
Kinds of Detector:
1. Peak Detector - noncoherent
Types of AGC:
1. Simple AGC – monitors the received signal level and sends a signal back to the
RF and IF amplifiers to adjust their gain automatically
2. Delayed AGC – prevents the AGC feedback voltage from reaching the RF
and IF amplifiers until the RF level exceeds a predetermined magnitude
3. Forward AGC – receive signal is monitored closer to the front end of the receiver
and correction voltage is fed forward to the IF amplifiers
🡪 meaningful only if the notch filter has extremely narrow bandwidth and introduc
40 dB or more of attenuation to the signal
Linear IC AM receivers:
a. LM 1820
b. LM 386 – LIC audio amplifier
Double-Conversion AM Receivers
- for good image-frequency rejection 🡪 use high IF 🡪 leads to unstable IF
- use two IF to solve the problem
gains = RF amplifier gain + IF amplifier gain + audio amplifier gain
losses = preselector loss + mixer loss + detector loss
Example: For an AM receiver with a -80dBm RF input signal level and the following
gains and losses, determine the net receiver gain and the audio signal level
Net receiver gain = includes only the components within the receiver
System gain = includes all the gains and losses incurred by a signal as it propagates from
the transmitter output stage to the output of the detector in the receiver
and includes antenna gains, transmission line and propagation losses