Article Deixis 3 2020
Article Deixis 3 2020
Article Deixis 3 2020
By :
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
After reading throughly and giving neceesary advies, here with, as the
advisor, we state that thesis of
3. My beloved friends
3. My beloved friends
Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah SWT the Lord of the universe, God
almighty, for all blessings so the researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled
The researcher realize and sure that this thesis would not be completed
without the supports, helps from several sides. Thus, the researcher would like to
express the deepest thanks to all of those sides who helped, supported during the
1. Prof. H.Dr. Mudofir, S.Ag, M.Pd, the Rector of the State Islamic Institute of
2. Prof. Dr. Toto Suharto, S.Ag, M.Ag. as the Dean of Cultures and Languages
4. Dr. Hj. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd. as the advisor, who has given help,
guidance, corrections to revise the mistake during the process of writing this
5. All of lecture at English Language Education and English Letters program and
6. The researcher’s parents Mr. Muhammad Niam, Mrs. Titik Fauziah who
always love, give the best motivation, encouragement and help for the
7. The researcher’s little sister Azzukhruf Layala for being kind girl.
9. Thanks to GAS-21 members who always teach the important of the process to
11. Thanks to IAIN Surakarta for approving the researcher to study here.
The researcher wishes that Allah SWT will give in return all good things
that have been given to her. The researcher realizes that this thesis is not perfect.
The researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher and the reader.
The researcher
Cover ..................................................................................................................i
Advisor Sheet ....................................................................................................ii
Ratification ........................................................................................................iii
Dedication .........................................................................................................iv
Motto .................................................................................................................v
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................vii
Table of Contents .............................................................................................ix
List of Table ......................................................................................................xii
List of Appendices ............................................................................................xiii
Abstract .............................................................................................................xiv
Chapter I
A. Background of The Study ......................................................................1
Chapter II
6. Deixis .................................................................................................30
7. Online Newspaper .............................................................................39
Chapter III
Chapter IV
a. The referent meaning of Person Deixis ........................................120
b. The referent meaning of Time Deixis ...........................................137
c. The referent meaning of Place Deixis ...........................................140
d. The referent meaning of Discourse Deixis ...................................140
e. The referent meaning of Social Deixis .........................................144
B. Discussion ..............................................................................................152
Chapter V
A. Conclusion .............................................................................................160
B. Suggestion ..............................................................................................162
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................164
APPENDICES ..................................................................................................167
Table 2.1 The Differencies Between Previous Study and This Research ..........47
Table 3.2 The Data Sheet Example of the Data Findings ..................................54
Table 4.1 Types of Deixis in Education News Article on the First News .........65
Table 4.2 Types of Deixis in Education News Article on the Second News .....76
Table 4.3 Types of Deixis in Education News Article on the Third News ........83
Table 4.4 Types of Deixis in Education News Article on the Fourth News ......91
Table 4.5 Types of Deixis in Education News Article on the Fifth News .........102
Table 4.6 Types of Deixis in Education News Article on the Sixth News ........108
Table 4.7 Types of Deixis in Education News Article on the Seventh News ....114
Table 4.8 Tabulation Data of Deixis on Antara News Online Newspaper .........117
Appendix 2 Education News Article from November 2019 – May 2020 ..........194
This research studies about use of deixis in news article. There are two
objectives in this research. The first objectives is to know about the most dominant
deixis which is found in the education news article on Antaranews online newspaper
on the edition November 2019 until May 2020 and the second objectives is to know
the referent meaning in the education news article on Antaranews Newspaper on
the edition November 2019 until May 2020.
This research used descriptive qualitative research. The data of the research
in the form of words, sentences, phrases of deixis found in education news article
on Antaranews Online newspaper on the edition November 2019 until May 2020.
The source of the data is the news articles of Antaranews on the edition November
2019 until May 2020. The technique of data collection used documentation
technique. The technique of analysis the data, there were data reduction, data
display, drawing conclusion, and verification. There were credibility, dependability
for the trustworthiness of the data. Credibility was enhanced by the data sources
was compared through triangulation technique and data discuss with the advisor.
The results of this research showed that the most dominant deixis which is
found in education news article on the Antaranews online newspaper on the edition
November 2019 until May 2020 is person deixis which were 78 times. Meanwhile,
the writer of the news article use person deixis on the addressing someone who
include in the news, someone who do not include in the news and also to referring
something. While, the use of social deixis to addressee institution, refer on the
scales of social status and intimacy relive to the speaker. Then, the use of discourse
deixis for explain the discourse in upcoming and prior portion about the speaker
utterance contents inside of the news. In addition the time deixis referring the
specific time. Then, place deixis referring to the location near or away.
limitation of the study, problems statement, purpose of the study, benefits of the
A. Background of Study
People in the world need each other. They interact and information to others
Kreidler, (1998: 19) states that languages are used to communicate and interact with
each other in our daily life, whether in family, society, environment, educational
institutions, recreational places. People can interact with each other using the
language to send a message about asking agreement, sharing information and so on.
Sending message also can be delivered by the government to the people. The
government can use mass media, social media, including offline newspaper and
News is one part of mass media that is easy to reach for all people. In the
globalization era people can enjoy news at any time, in any place through television,
even mobile phones.It prove that news is an important thing in life because news
presents events of facts that provide information to the reader. However as the
globalization era, the printed mass media or Newspaper is one of the most important
access in conveying information, because through the news, people can find
information from each country and another country. Newspaper is one of the
information sources for people. The newspaper used by the government or certain
parties to transfer the message to the people. One of the functions is to provide
information in local or global. The function can be grouped into four categories,
there are: influencing, entertaining, providing a market place for good or service,
and transfer message. In Indonesia, there are two kinds of newspaper. First is an
newspaper in Indonesia are : Solo Pos, Sindo Newspaper, Jawa Pos, Joglosemar,
Suara Merdeka, etc. The examples of an online newspaper in Indonesia are : Antara
News, The Jakarta Post, Republika Online, Tempo, etc. As times develop, people
magazine. The purpose of the article is to explain the idea, fact that can educate,
entertain someone who has read it. The content of the article such as: history,
adventure, education, argumentative, research, and many other. The writer of the
article is person or institution who act inside the article writing process. The article
is a combination of several sentences make the reader know about new information.
The researcher chooses education article to analyze. In the article, there is some
edition such as edition in January 2018, February 2017, March 2018. The researcher
chooses Antara News Online Newspaper in November 2019 until May 2020
because information and technology growing fastly so the access for people to
obtain good information and services about education issue shortly and easily.
Those period is six month before this research is conduct so the news is still update.
Then, the researcher choose Antara News online newspaper because the newspaper
the researcher can find many vocabularies which are contained deixis there, the
researcher also can find so many article, both the oldest and newest article, the
content of Antara news is relevant because Antara is the first news agency in
Indonesia so its content is not hoax. The reader often read English term in Antara
News online newspaper. There are education, economics, politics, social, laws, and
context. Pragmatics is study of meaning in which the speaker and hearer areas the
Yule (1996: 3), Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning in context. Levinson
(1983: 9) also states that pragmatic is the study of those relationships between
languages and context that are grammatical or encode the structure of the language.
Therefore, pragmatic deals with the situation of speech and context. Mey (2001:
39) states that the context as a part that cannot be separated with pragmatics
language that must be attended. For example the use of references of address, such
as: She, He, Sir, You, My Lord, This, Their, etc. The purpose is to point something.
All of these words called as Deixis. The language used in writing the news in mass
are fluent, clear, brief, solid and interesting. Most people have a different level of
Deixis is the words which the referents always change depending on the
context. Levinson (1983: 54) states that deixis is the single obvious way in which
language themselves. He also categories deixis into five kinds, there are person
deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis. In
addition, Deixis is a technical term from Greek for one of the most basic things we
do with an utterance that means ‘pointing’ via language (Yule.1996: 9). Yule also
categories deixis into three kinds there are to indicate people via person deixis, to
indicate location via spatial deixis, and to indicate time via temporal deixis. There
are two kinds of language based on its form, that is spoken and written language.
Spoken language is language in the form of the sound. For example is speech,
in spoken and written language. Deixis can often cause a problem for readers who
do not know the context of deixis. In educational news on the Antara News, many
types of deixis can be found. Example of deixis that contained in education news
on The Antara News online newspaper can be understood from the fragment of the
From the fragment above, the words of his are kinds of person deixis, which
refers to person who is being talked about is meant Makarim. The readers must have
the ability to translate to know the context of deixis. In this research, the researcher
wants to explain about the use of deixis in written language on the online newspaper
because there are many words that contain deixis in news which must be used
newspaper, the researcher wants to find kinds of deixis, what is deixis that
dominantly found in the education news article on the Antara News online
newspaper and the referent meaning deixis that found in the education news article
on the Antara News Newspaper. There are so many research about deixis, here are
some examples. The first previous study of this research is conducted by Fatimah
Aqillah Irani (State Islamic Institute of Surakarta) entitled “An Analysis of Deixis
result finding of her research were most deixis used by the teacher was spatial
deixis. The differences between this research and this first previous study are the
between this research and the previous study is on analyze deixis using Levinson
theory .
The second previous study of this research is conducted by Debi Ratna Wati
Deixis Analysis of Song Lyrics In Taylor Swift’s “Red” Album. The result finding
of her research presented there are three types of deixis found in Song Lyrics of
Taylor Swift’s ‘Red’ Album they are Person Deixis, Spatial Deixis, and Temporal
Deixis. The writer concludes that there are three types of person deixis that used in
that study, namely first-person deixis, second person deixis, and third-person deixis.
The difference between this research and this second previous study are this second
previous study analyze deixis in song lyrics, this previous study also using Yule’s
theory. The similarity between previous study and this research is on analyze deixis.
presented there are five types on the first and second inaguration speech of President
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. There are personal deixis, temporal deixis, spatial
deixis, social deixis, and discourse deixis. The first inaguration speech of President
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono uses the first plural pronoun “We (Kita)” as the most
dominant in this speech. While in the second inaguration speech of President Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono uses first singular pronoun “I (Saya)” as the most dominant
in this speech. The differences this research and this third previous study are this
third previous study analyze deixis in the speech. The similarity between this
research and this third previous study is similiarity uses Levinson theory.
Indonesian Shakespeare’s Comics Strip Of Julius Caesar”. The result finding of her
research presented there are 5 types of deixis found in this fourth previous research.
There are person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis, social deixis.
The writer concludes person deixis is most dominantly used which more than 90
percent. The similarity between this research and this fourth previous study is on
using Miles and Huberman’s theory on analyzing the data. The differences between
this research and this fourth previous study are in this fourth previous study analyze
deixis on comic. Based on the pre research and analysis, the researcher wants to
know about the most dominant deixis which found in the education news article on
the Antara News Newspaper in the edition November 2019 until May 2020 and
what are the referent meaning of deixis that found in education news on the Antara
News Newspaper in the edition November 2019 until May 2020. Thus, researcher
Based on the background of the study above, the researcher finds some
1. The writer uses certain words to express the context of the article.
Based on the background of the study above, this research limited only to
1. Analyze deixis used in the education news article on Antara News using
2. Explain the referent meaning about deixis that found in education news
article on Antara News using Levinson theory in the edition November 2019
types of deixis. They are person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse
research are:
1. What is the most dominant deixis which is found in the education news
article on the Antara News Newspaper on the edition November 2019 until
May 2020?
2. What are the referent meaning of deixis which is found in education news
article on the Antara News Newspaper in the edition November 2019 until
May 2020?
1. To identify what is the most dominant deixis which is found in the education
news article on the Antara News Newspaper in the edition November 2019
on the Antara News Newspaper in the edition November 2019 until May
1. Writers
research is also provides how the deixis should be performed in the written
text about a news article. Thus, the article writer can evaluate how they are
writing deixis in news article so the reader can understand what are the
2. Readers
This research to make the readers would be easily understood about deixis
so the readers can understand the content of the education news article, and
3. Further Researcher
This finding of the research can be one of the references in research about
1. Pragmatic
The study of the relationship between the linguistic form and the user that
2. Deixis
Deixis is the single most obvious way in which the relationship between
(Levinson, 1983: 54). A technical term (from Greek) for one of the most basic
things we do with utterances that are pointing to an object via language (Yule,
1996: 9)
3. Person Deixis
4. Spatial Deixis
Spatial deixis is related to the concept of distance. This type of deixis is used
5. Temporal Deixis
The last type of deixis is temporal deixis. This deixis is used to indicate time.
This part discusses the topic related matters which focus on several theories
related to this research and conceptual framework of this research. In the literature
review, those are the definition of pragmatics, deixis, kind of deixis, the definition
A. Theoretical Description
1. Pragmatics
a. Definition of Pragmatics
that pragmatic is the study about the meaning of the language that related
pragmatics has to do with the context that influences how the speaker
gets communicated than is said which explore how the hearer succeeds
about the meaning of the speaker who ae different from the meaning of
accordance with the meaning based on the written meaning only. Jenny
even more conflicting meanings with word that spoken in direct speech,
for example : “It’s hot in here!” that speech can mean “Please open the
the distance between the speaker and the hearer that determines the
choice between the said and the unsaid. As outcome pragmatics was the
study that analysis of what people’s meant with speech act rather than
they do not clearly say what the mean. Thus, understanding pragmatic
b. Scopes of Pragmatics
1) Deixis
Yule (1996: 9) states that the term deixis comes from Greek used
for one of the basic things people do with utterances that are pointing
kind of referring is tied to the speaker's context. There are three types
2006: 15-24).
a) Person Deixis
‘you', ‘he', ‘she', ‘it', ‘we', and ‘they'. These deictic expressions
b) Spatial Deixis
the moment’.
c) Temporal Deixis
2) Implicature
conveyed meaning more than just what being said, Thus, some
a) Conventional Implicature
b) Conversational Implicature
3) Presupposition
listener may have different intended about what the speaker says.
Yule (2006: 44) declares that Presuppositions are not the same as
4) Speech Act
2. Reference
action on the part of the speaker or writer. Strawson in Brown and Yule
something that someone can use an expression to do. Brown and Yule
into two kinds. There are: anaphoric and cataphoric. The identities of the
use of special function word". Kreidler (1998: 145). Yule (1996: 17)
and the speaker’s belief. Briefly, the listener is expected to know the
which are definite (for example: the author, the island) or indefinite (for
example: he, her, it, them). Lyon in Yule (1983: 28) stated that the
reference: the word refers to things. For example, in the time the speaker
Echols, an ask his or herself is there is same the word John Echols? If the
paradigm between speaker and listener is same the word "John Echols:"
any object invites the listener to make the expected inference (for example,
from the name of the writer to book by writer) and thereby show him or
20-21). Yule (1996; 19) stated that there is a convention that certain
designate very specific entities. For example, the word ‘Levinson' can only
‘Levinson' will refer to the book, not a person. Consider in the following
convention. The intended referent and the inferred referent would not be a
person but probably a book. In addition, it is hard to draw the line between
text and context since the same forms may be used to signal important
is this?
think of this?
In the first example, the referent of this is the food on the child's
plate. The referent is clear because the chid is pointing at what he is talking
about. We call this deictic reference, which is part of the context. In the
cohesion. Halliday also states that generally reference consist of two things,
reference is personal pronouns like “I, you, he, she, it, we and they” with
the object forms such as “me, him, us, him, her, them”. Second is
demonstrative such as “this, that, these, and those”. This and these points
something close, while that and those points something far from the
refence is the relation between meaning from word with the accompany
word in the some text. Raphael Salkie explain reference word which
include text reference and situation reference are “he, we, it, its, this, today,
In the first sentence, there is a word “he” that we knnow that “he”
sentences, so you can see words or sentences before or after. The word “a
businessman” shows that it is the right reference. Likewise with the word
“its problems”, this word cannot be interpreted directly ntil we really know
the reference itself. In this case, “it” refers to a firm. The word “we” are
included in the situation reference. “We” for the example refer to a group
of people including writers and readers. The meaning of “we” in the text
means that the writer belongs to the group of people in that group.
3. Inference
which the reader or hearer must go through to get from the literal meaning
Reference is the collective term for all possible implicit information which
can be derived from a discourse. The term inference is from the Latin
"inferre" that the meaning is "to carry in" used to denote the phenomena
intends to convey. For example: "I am a man”. The meaning of these words
is conveyed by the writer is more important than the literal meaning of the
convince that he is a man but also to show his power. So the readers create
the meaning by what they take the words to mean and how they process the
sentence to find out the meaning. If we told that all the girls in Mr. Rudy’s
class are smokers and that Mila is a girl in Mr. Rudy’s class, we can
what we have been told. This extraction of new, implicit information from
Yule (1996: 17) states that for successful reference to occur, the
hearer must also recognize the role of inference. It concludes that reference
and inference can not be separated from each other. Because there is no
relationship between entities and words, the listener must infer correctly
expression. So, when the hearer or reader has no direct access to a speaker's
4. Context
things are about. It gives a deeper meaning to utterances. The utterances "it
is a long time since we visited your friend" when uttered at the classroom
while they are standing in front of the monkey enclosure at the zoo, in
that influence communication and also knowledge of the time and place
where words are spoken or written. From the definition of context above it
can be concluded that context is the situation around which influences the
5. Cotext
the text, but available in the context. Cotext is knowledge that got from the
speaker from the dialogue before. Cotext is closely related with cohesion.
some text. There are two kinds of cohesion inside of cotext. There are
word with other word. That word can be pronoun. Reference can be done
in the beginning its called anaphora and can be done in the end its called
cataphora. Substitution is changing word with other word like word “one”.
Elipsis is word removal. The removal word is the word that we know before
to change the common word or remove the word so the speakers don’t get
word with other word such as repetition, superordinate, and common word.
thing being said. Superordinate is changing word with the common word
for example the word “Rose” change with the word “Flower”. Common
word is changing word with the common word but remove specific
characteristic from the word that remove, for example the word “Rose”
These are all also cotexts. Leech explains that when a person communicates
not enough to only use the intralingual aspect but also must pay attention to
speakers and interlocutors; these are known as maxims, that is, the maxim
conclusion, the maxim of consent, the maxim of praise, and the maxim of
consideration. The seven maxims are also cotext. Further, Pranowo (2015)
distinguishes the cotext into two, namely the intralingual cotext and the
extralingual cotext. The intralingual cotext is the cotext associated with the
linguistic element, while the extralingual cotext is the cotext associated with
be concluded that the cotext can be internal and external. The internal cotext
(intralingual) is the cotext that still exists between the language structures.
Brown and Yule mention as the term cotext, while the extralingual cotext is
all aspects that relate to elements outside the language. The elements outside
with the extralingual cotext so that language learning can solve all the
Hasan state that the cotext of discourse is a text that accompanies other texts.
The notion of a text that accompanies other texts includes not only spoken
and written but also nonverbal events, as well as the overall environment of
the text. The meaning of the cotext that Halliday and Hasan refer to is a text
cotext. Events outside the language (including nonverbal ones) and the
entire text environment outside the language are known as the extralingual
pragmatic cotext.
important role in communication. Among other things, it: can obviate the
to, for example, the use of deixis of person, deixis of place, deixis of time),
same as linguistic meaning). This is due to the use of various cotexts, such
as the linguistic cotext, the social cotext, the cotext of the situation, and the
cultural cotext. Widdowson states that “cotext is the aspect of the use of
language that is relevant to its meaning.” He further says that “cotext is the
its cotextual scheme.” Meanwhile, Cook states that the cotext can be used
in a narrow sense and in a broad sense; in a narrow sense, the cotext refers
to `cotext'. At the same time, Brown and Yule state that cotext is the physical
perspectives for different purposes, this definition makes the same important
point, namely that one major point of cotext is the environment (the state or
factors) in which the discourse occurs. This is called the `linguistic cotext'.
accordance with the linguistic code it uses, or, in a narrow sense, the cotext
refers to a factor outside the text called `cotext', and in a broad sense the
combination of speech acts and speech functions along with the proper use
the use of deixis of person, deixis of place, deixis of time), and it can detect
of the interlocutor, (c) recognizing the knowledge of the speaker's world, (d)
language learning that is limited to the intralingual cotext cannot solve any
problems that arise in the use of language because there are other cotexts
that are not referred to in the intralingual cotext; (2) educational pragmatic
learning is language learning that integrates the intralingual cotext and the
according to the linguistic code it uses, whereas events outside the language
(including nonverbal ones) as well as the entire text environment that lies
outside are called the `extralingual cotext'; and (3) the pragmatic cotext is
the whole cotext, including the linguistic cotext, the social cotext, the cotext
6. Deixis
a. Definition of Deixis
interpret people and things that have a relation in the context. People
Meyer (2009: 182-183) defines that deixis is the words have a pointing
utterances contain the same words, they are not redundant. The words
may have the same meaning in both utterances, it has two referents:
refers, or points.
with the situation in which they are uttered such as ‘me' the sender of
the utterances or ‘here' the place where the sender ‘is' (Griffiths 2006:
deictic words include (1) pronouns I, you and we, which ‘point’ to the
participants in any speech act; he, she, it and they, when they are used
or removed from the speaker; and (3) temporal expressions: now, then,
yesterday, today, tomorrow, last week, next month and so on. These
last are all relative to the time when they are used.
Words and phrases used to point to a location (here, there, near, that)
are examples of spatial deixis, and those used to point to a time (now,
point something surround the speaker or the writer and the reader or
b. Kinds of Deixis
are five main types of deixis, namely 1) person deixis, 2) spatial deixis,
1) Person deixis
127). Person deictics include pronouns (I, you, him; mine, yours,
her), and verb inflections (Latin amo, amas, amat, ‘I love, you
plural forms.
pronouns ‘I’, ‘you ‘, he’,’ she ‘, ‘it’, ‘we’ , and ‘they’. Based on
pronouns (I, You, We, They, He, She, It), objective pronouns (me,
him, her, them), possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, their,
our), and possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, her, their, its).
For example:
person deixis is used to point people and things in the context. The
first-person deixis (I and We) refers to the person spoken and the
2) Place Deixis
there). Levinson (1983: 80) state that place deixis concerns the
in the speech. There are some place deictic words in English the
spatial deictics are the adverbs here and there. These can be glossed
‘place near to the speaker’ and ‘place not near to the speaker’.
many of the same parameters that apply to time deixis. So it is, for
post office
utterance. The distance between the post office and the bank is
location of the gas station may be less than one mile or more. In
the place deixis, ‘here’ can refer to the location of the speaker or
near the speaker. Place deixis also known as spatial deixis. This
3) Time Deixis
Moreover, Levinson (1983: 77) state that time deixis makes ultimate
verb tense. The tense divided into two present and past. Time deixis
refers to the time when the utterances and the moment occur. For
4) Social Deixis
between speaker and addressee, the addressee and the person who
For example:
of Jakarta election.
5) Discourse Deixis
That was the best story I have heard for a long time, Wait till
Example :
deixis because they refer to utterance before. ‘Next' and ‘Last' refers
to the words before and after in the context. ‘Next' and ‘Last' indicate
7. Online Newspaper
In this era, the newspaper is not only printed but also online. Some
for android and IOS to publish the online edition of the newspaper. An
globalization era, the newspaper company extends the readers to read the
newspaper from their gadgets, so the readers can get the information
sport, education, health, and science. The newspaper has a specific period
are unique to the Web. Some web sites offer news articles to be read, just
The audience may select a video clip, so the Web site resembles a
medium makes the reader become a participant, choosing his or her path
modern technology people can get more information faster and easier.
They can use a smartphone, laptop to connect the internet. So they prefer
- The lead paragraph contains what happened, where and when did it
of the article and often provide the basis as to whether the reader
the intended audience needs to know after reading the headline and
community stakeholders.
- The additional information part contains those details that are of least
importance. In other words, these are details that even if the editor
opted to delete from the article, the author would not have to rewrite
habit that can provide a great sense of educational value, because in the
Online news services allow the user to choose which articles they
not interest them. They only get informed about which articles do
interest them.
investigate an event.
newspaper published on the web and called the online newspaper. One
researcher chooses Antara news online newspaper for the research object
right and gives accurate information. This newspaper used two languages
B. Previous Study
Year of 2016/2017”. The result finding of her research presented there were
397 words from 194 utterances, which also contained three types of deixis,
those were the 331 of 139 in-person deixis as the most types used by the
teacher. The second most deixis used by the teacher was spatial deixis which
only found 46 words in the 36 utterances. The third types of deixis used by
the teacher were temporal deixis with only 20 words from 19 utterances.
The differences between this research and this first previous study are the
similarity between this research and the previous study is on analyze deixis
Album. The result finding of her research presented there are three types of
deixis found in Song Lyrics of Taylor Swift’s ‘Red’ Album they are Person
Deixis, Spatial Deixis, and Temporal Deixis. The writer concludes that there
are three types of person deixis that used in that study, namely first-person
deixis, second person deixis, and third-person deixis. Person deixis is most
used by the songwriter is singular first-person ‘I’ because all of these song
lyrics tell about life story the songwriter itself. Spatial deixis is indicating
the location between the speaker and hearer, including the locative adverb
here and there and demonstrative adjective this and that. Temporal deixis is
the adverbs like now, yesterday, tonight, future. The difference between this
research and this second previous study are this second previous study
analyze deixis in song lyrics, this previous study also using Yule’s theory.
The similarity between previous study and this research is on analyze deixis.
finding of her research presented there are 5 types on the first inaguration
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono uses the first plural pronoun “We
(Kita)”. It is dominant used than the other pronoun in his speech. While in
uses first singular pronoun “I (Saya)” as the most dominant in this speech.
The differences this research and this third previous study are this third
previous study analyze deixis in the speech. The similarity between this
research and this third previous study is similiarity uses Levinson theory.
result finding of her research presented there are 5 types of deixis found in
this fourth previous research. There are person deixis, place deixis, time
deixis, discourse deixis, social deixis. The writer concludes from 5 Chapter
of the comic, Person deixis is most dominantly used which more than 90
percent. While, other types of deixis less than 5 percent using in the comic.
The similarity between this research and this fourth previous study is on
using Miles and Huberman’s theory on analyzing the data. The differences
between this research and this fourth previous study are in this fourth
previous study analyze deixis on comic. The following previous study can
Table 2.1
1 “An Analysis of Deixis This first previous study This first previous study
Used by Teacher of analyzing deixis and referent analyze on deixis in teaching-
Eleventh Grade meaning. learning process while this
Students of MAN research analyze deixis in the
Sukoharjo In Academic news article.
Year of 2016/2017”. The previous study use Yule’s
(Fatimah Aqillah) theory
2 “ A Deixis Analysis of Both of this research and the This second previous study
Song Lyrics In Taylor second previous study is analyze deixis in song lyrics,
Swift’s “Red” Album analyze deixis. this previous study also using
(2018) (Debi Ratna) Yule’s theory.
3 “Deixis In Inaguration While analyze deixis use This third previous study
Speech Of President Levinson theory analyze deixis in the spoken
Susilo Bambang thing about speech
(2017) (Rafika Purba)
4 “Deixis Analysis On Using Miles and Huberman’s This fourth previous study
Indonesian theory on analyzing the data analyze deixis on comic
Shakespeare’s Comics
Strip Of Julius Caesar.
(2019) (Widya Ratna)
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss how the research is conducted. This
chapter is broken down into some sub-headings include research design, subject of
the research, data, and source of the data, research instrument, techniques of data
A. Research Design
research is research that produces data in the form of words that emphasize the
data divided into two, qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative data describes in
In this research, the researcher uses a qualitative method because the date
describes deixis from the articles. Creswell (2012: 626) states that qualitative
human behavior.
This study is qualitative research that the researcher did not include the
calculation number as the result of the research, but the descriptive form. This
research also concern identifying an issue into general then the researcher
intrepet the data. Based on the explanation above, the researcher uses descriptive
qualitative in this study. The method are collect, analyze, then draw conclusion
in the form of sentences. So, the data in the form of sentences. This research uses
found in the education news article of Antara News online newspaper. The
education news on the Antara News Newspaper and referent meaning those
deixis in the education news article on the Antara News online newspaper. The
has be done by the researcher through review the journal, article, thesis,
researcher only analyzed one online newspaper in this research. It caused at the
online newspaper which is analyzed by the researcher there are many news
article both from the oldest and the newest news article. It is called Antaranews
online newspaper. The researcher was conducted and analyzing the data on
November 2019 until May 2020 in this research. There is seventh education
news article which is analyzed by the researcher from the November 2019 until
May 2020. In detail, the activities can be seen in this following schedule.
The researcher needs the data to conduct this research, the data of
157) the main data source in qualitative research is words and actions, the
rest is additional data such as documents and others. The data of this
November 2019 until May 2020. The data were in the form of words,
The researcher gets the data from one source. The main data is the
news articles from education content in Antara News online newspaper. The
article will be analyzed by the deixis found. The deixis will be divided into
five: person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis, and social
Sugiyono (2008: 222) stated that in qualitative research, the instrument is the
about their ability in conducting research. To get correct and reliable data, the
researcher has to do some techniques for collecting those data. The data
to get the data. Collecting data can be done in any setting, any sources, and any
monumental works from someone. Document in written form for exampke are
diary, life histories, story, biography, rule, policy. Document in form of picture
for example are photo, life picture, sketch. Document is a study material in
form of writing, photos, film or things that can be used as a source of study
douments must be sought and found. The result of document review can be
used to expand the study that being examined (Moleong, 2007:217). Document
accordance with the focus of the research. The documents taken were used as
supporting data for the research. So, the result of studies and research
conducted can be presented more valid and complete, the result will be more
accurate for credible and scientific study. Document in this research are news
stated that documentation can be written and picture by someone that can be that saved from the internet. The researcher uses some
President Joko Widodo’s government from November 2019 until May 2020.
This research adopted the framework of analysis data developed by Miles and
the Miles and Huberman theory, the data analysis consists of four steps: data
1. Data Reduction
simplifying, reducing, and organizing the data that has been collected. At this
step, the data that has been obtained was organized and the irrelevant data
were discarded. This was done through the process of coding. Coding is the
inferential information compiled during the study. The purpose is to help the
a. The data of deixis in the education news article on the Antara News
b. The data of deixis in the education news article on the Antara News
Table 3.2 The Data Sheet Example of the Data Findings of the Classification
Notes :
N1 :First news / Number DD :Discourse
Transcript Deixis
01 : Number of Data
7.9.2018 : Date
PD : Person Deixis
PLD : Place Deixis
TD : Time Deixis
SD : Social Deixis
2. Data Display/Description
formats. In this study, the data were presented in the form of table and
descriptions. The researcher displayed the data about the deixis in the
education news article in the Antara News on the edition November 2019
3. Conclusion Drawing
analyzed data mean and to assess whether the data findings fit the objectives
of the study. At this stage, the data of deixis found in the education news
article on the Antara News online newspaper that has been analyzed were
read and re-read to develop the conclusions regarding the study. The
4. Verification
The last step of the data analysis is verification. Verification was also
articles on the Antara News online newspaper can be drawn in this research.
In this study, the researcher focused only on credibility and dependability, and
the data validation. Moleong (2002: 178) states that triangulation technique is
the technique of examining the trustworthiness of the data which uses things
outside the data in order to examine the data and to be comparer of the data.
Triangulation has four basic types that identified by Norman Denzim in Hales
1. Data Triangulation
it has been done by comparing observation data with interview data result,
2. Investigator Triangulation
3. Theory Triangulation
fact the more divergent they are, more likely they are to identify different
4. Methodological Triangulation
deficiencies and bias that come drom any single method. This types of
social science research, where the results from one method are used to
compared the data from the analysis and the deixis theory propoed by Levinson
Besides, the researcher also will check the data of deixis found in education
news article on the Antara News online newspaper by consulting them with
some articles, books, and journals that were relevant to the objectives of the
study, discussion with the writer friend which is their research is about deixis. The
In this chapter, the researcher analyzes the data from the research. The data
were obtained from documentation. This chapter was divided into two sections,
research finding and discussion. This chapter presents research findings of deixis
2019 until May 2020. The discussion section provides the explanation of the
A. Research Findings
The research classified data in this research based on the types of deixis, and
referents meaning of those deixis. In explaining the research findings, the researcher
did some steps. First, the researcher presented types of deixis used in education
news article on Antaranews online newspaper; person deixis, place deixis, time
deixis, social deixis, discourse deixis. Second, the researcher presented the referents
meaning of those deixis used in education news article. The data were analyzed
based on the data classification. The deixis data that were analyzed were collected
from documentation Antaranews online newspaper. The data collected from seven
edition Antaranews online newspaper about education from November 2019 until
May 2020. The news are 1) ANTARA, 25th November 2019, Education Minister
ANTARA, 17th January 2020, China Increases Scholarship Quota to 3000 for
UGM, and IPB Among World’s 100 Top of THE’s Impact Rankings, 7) ANTARA,
2nd May 2020, Indonesia Should Have a National Education Blueprint in Place:
The following are some analysis made by the researcher related to the types
“Fardah Assegaf”. The news tells about Nadiem Makarim give speech in front
Jakarta. Based on those news article the deix that found in those article are:
1) Person Deixis
In the first news there was person deixis which found in those
times. Based on the data there is third person deixis, in those news.
This type of deixis in the first news is tenth times this type of person
deixis using the word “He” fourth times, and the word “They” twice,
forward, he noted”.
Code. N1/04/25.11.2019/PD
made the small changes, Indonesia will move forward. From those
person deixis the function as subject pronouns. The word “He” has
referent meaning to someone who is speak. In the first news, the news
Teachers Day in Jakarta. So, the word “He” has refferent meaning to
person deixis the function as subject pronouns. The word “He” has
about Makarim promises. So, the word “He” has refferent meaning to
Nadiem Makarim.
“Teachers are responsible for shaping the future of the nation, but at
Code. N1/06/25.11.2019/PD
responsible for shaping future of the nation, but they are bogged down
meaning to The teachers. Next type of person deixis in the first news
assist students with confidence issues discover their talents. The word
“Them” has referent meaning to the student. Next type of deixis in the
assist students with confidence issues discover their talents. The word
2) Social Deixis
In the first news there was social deixis which found in those
From the sentence above, there is the word that contain deixis
in discussions”.
Based on the sentence above, there are word that contain deixis “The
Minister”. Levinson (1983: 91) stated that There are also in many
Indonesia, that word also define degree. The function is different social
degree can also show job, position, profession. The mention of titles
relating to the profession for example manager, doctor, nurse, etc. The
mention of title shows higher status, class, social status. The word
class and different social level. The word “teacher” has refferent
3) Discourse Deixis
Table 4.1
Type of Deixis Total
Person First Person Deixis -
Deixis Second Person Deixis -
2 Time Deixis -
3 Place Deixis -
Social Relational -
4 Deixis
Absolute 9
5 Discourse Deixis 1
Total in every activity 20
From the table 4.1 about tabulation above can be seen that
the types of deixis according to the Levinson, were found on the first
social deixis 9 words, and 1 discourse deixis word. Based on the table
4.1 above, The most dominant was third person deixis were 10 times
and the second most dominant is absolute social deixis were 12 times.
So, from the explanation above, it can be concluded that the mostly
types of deixis found was person deixis in the first news. Whereas, the
mostly types of person deixis found were using third person deixis
“he” which were found 4 words found in the education news article
editor “Yuni Arisandy Sinaga”. The second news is about Minister Nadiem
Makarim give speech at the inauguration of the new rector of the University
of Indonesia (UI). Based on those news article the deixis that found in those
article are:
1) Person Deixis
In the second news there was person deixis which found in those
N2/13/04.12.2019/PD. Based on the data there are first person deixis, third
person deixis, in those news. The following analysis can be seen below:
This type of deixis in the second news is three times using the
seen below:
wishes and interests. We must make this change," the minister noted
Code N2/02/04.12.2019/PD
that university students should study with their respecive wishes and
Levinson theory. The deixis “we” had different form of subject and
First person deixis in those sentence are the word “our” and
Code. N2/05/04.12.2019/PD
subject pronoun. “He” on the data above has refferent meaning to the
also found third person deixis “his” and “their” in those news on the
data N2/01/04.12.2019/PD:
intent to give university students the freedom to learn in line with their
Code. N2/01/04.12.2019/PD
The sentence tell about Nadiem Makarim spoke that his keen intent
aspiration,interest. The deixis word are “his” and “their”. The word
person deixis “Them” and “They”. The following data can be seen on
data N2/09/04.12.2019/PD:
are smarter than them, and they would not feel threatened, he
Code. N2/09/04.12.2019/PD
should feel a sense of pride if their students are smarter and do not fell
2) Discourse Deixis
On the second news, there was 3 discourse deixis that found in those
“Within the next five years, indeed, it would not be convenient at all for
five years the change must be brought about. The discourse deixis
marked with the word “next”. According to Levinson the word “next”
3) Place Deixis
On the second news there is place deixis that found. Based on the
“... minister noted in his remarks at the inauguration of the new rector
Code. N2/02/04.12.2019/PLD
4) Social Deixis
There are social deixis that also found on this news. Based on the
Based on the sentence above, there are word that contain deixis
“... the minister noted in his remarks at the inauguration of the new
`Code. N2/02/04.12.2019/SD
On those sentence there are twice deixis word. There are “the
minister” , “Prof”. Those two words deixis above are absolute social
Indonesia, that word also define degree. The function is different social
“Prof” is also absolute social deixis, because those word is define a title
word “Prof” has refferent meaning to Ari Kuncoro. Another deixis that
found are the word “President”, “student”. The analysis can be seen
for example manager, doctor, nurse, etc. The mention of title shows
higher status, class, social status. The word “student” was categorized
higher social class and different social level. The word “student” has
are smarter than them, and they would not feel threatened, he
Code. N2/09/04.12.2019/SD
The sentence above tell about minister argue if the student are
smarter than teachers and lecturers, they would not feel threatened.
manager, doctor, nurse, etc. The mention of title shows higher status,
show higher social class and different social level. Both of the word
“To prepare future national leaders, the former boss of Gojek Internet
building education”.
Code. N2/12/04.12.2019/SD
social class, it also means title relating to the profession. The word “the
Table 4.2
2 Time -
3 Place 1
Social Relatio
4 Deixis nal
Absol 18
5 Discourse Deixis 3
Total in every activity 45
From the table 4.2 about tabulation above can be seen that
found 45 deixis words, there were first person deixis were 3 times,
third person deixis were 20 times, place deixis was 1 time, absolute
social deixis was 18 times, and 3 times for discourse deixis. Based on
the table 4.2 above, The most dominant was third person deixis were
20 times and the second most dominant is absolute social deixis were
18 times. So, from the explanation above, it can be concluded that the
mostly types of deixis found was third person deixis in the second
news. Whereas, the mostly types of person deixis found were using
third person deixis “he” which were found 9 words found in the
3000 for Indonesian Student” published on 17th January 2020 the editor
Based on those news article the deixis that found in those article are:
1) Person Deixis
On the second news there was person deixis which found in those
Based on the data there is third person deixis in those news. The
Code. N3/02/17.01.2020/PD
quota than in 2019. Based on Levinson, the word that contain third
“In the meantime, he stated that the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing had
regions in China”.
Code. N3/05/17.01.2020/PD
word that contain third person deixis on those utterance is “he”. The
2) Time Deixis
The third news also contain time deixis, it happen twice on the data
China then last year. According to Levinson, the word last year is time
deixis, the word last year is indicate time and has refferent meaning to
3) Discourse Deixis
Discourse deixis in this news is happen one time marked with the
seen below:
refer to year.
4) Social Deixis
three thousand this year. The social deixis happen twice on those
“Indoneisan College Student” means title that show higher social status
Code. N3/03/17.01.2020/SD
has planned to increase the scholarship quota than in 2019. The word
profession from Yaya Sutarya. It aim to show higher social class and
status. Those word has refferent meaning to Yaya Sutarya. Third social
The sentence tell about some 820 Indonesian student had received
absolute social deixis. It means to define title for differences social class
“In 2019, China had received five million foreign college students, a
notable rise from 2001 when the country had only some two million
Those sentence tell about in 2019 China had received five million
student” has refferent meaning to student around the word who come
“China has also sent some 662 thousand of its college students to study
The sentence above is tell about China sent some 662 thousand its
It is mention of title that show higher social status. Both of those words
Table 4.3
2 Time 3
3 Place -
Social Relatio -
4 Deixis nal
Absol 13
5 Discourse Deixis 1
Total deixis 20
From the table 4.3 about tabulation above can be seen that the
deixis word. Which are third person deixis were 3 times, time deixis
were 3 times, place deixis was 1 time, absolute social deixis were 13
times, and 1 time discourse deixis. Based on the table 4.3 above, The
most dominant was absolute social deixis were 13 times then both of
time deixis and third person deixis were 3 words. So, from the
vocational education will improve the quality of education, it also tell the
Based on those news article the deixis that found in those article are:
1) Person Deixis
On the fourth news there was person deixis which found in those
word of this fourth news is third person deixis marked by the word
he expounded.
Code. N4/03/03.02.2020/PD
third person deixis, the function as subject pronouns male and the
fuction is refer to someone who is speak. This news tell about statement
Code. N4/09/03.02.2020/PD
The sentence above tell about statement from Acting Chief of the
Bowo Irianto.
2) Discourse Deixis
On the fourth news there was discourse deixis which found in those
he expounded.
Code. N4/03/03.02.2020/PD
discourse deixis, “this” tell about the utterance before. On the previous
the industry.
“In addition to the tax cut policy for industries involved in the
optimal results”.
Code. N4/05/03.02.2020/DD
The sentence tell that Suwignjo believes the cut policy for industries
human resources itself. The referent meaning of word “it” is tax cut
“The Jakarta provincial government had earlier set aside Rp2.3 trillion
Code. N4/07/03.02.2020/DD
The sentence tell that The Jakarta provincial government had earlier
set aside Rp.2.3 trillion in funds to build 10 new vocational schools and
meaning to the 2020 year. The last discourse deixis that found in fourth
Code. N4/11/03.02.2020/DD
3) Time Deixis
On the fourth news there was time deixis which found in those news.
he added.
Code. N4/11/03.02.2020/TD
The sentence tell that Bowo state the contracts would be signed in
early May at the latest. The word “early” is time deixis because indicate
time. In those sentence the word “early” has refferent meaning the date
4) Social Deixis
On the fourth news there was time deixis which found in those news.
example manager, doctor, nurse, etc. The mention of title shows higher
social class and different social level. The word “Acting Director
Code. N4/02/03.02.2020/SD
those word is for politeness to someone who had higher position, social
Code. N4/04/03.02.2020/PD
mention to show the politeness to the someone who had higher title,
school buildings will cost Rp2.3 trillion," acting chief of the Jakarta
Code. N4/08/03.02.2020/SD
the renovation of 137 school buildings will cost Rp2.3 trillion. The
manager, doctor, nurse, etc. The mention of title shows higher status,
class, social status. The word “acting chief of the Jakarta provincial
class and different social level. The word “acting chief of the Jakarta
Table 4.4
2 Time 1
3 Place -
Social Relatio
4 Deixis nal
Absol 6
5 Discourse Deixis 4
Total in every activity 16
From the table 4.4 about tabulation above can be seen that
found 16 deixis words. Based on the table 4.2 third person deixis were
5 times, time deixis was 1 times, absolute social deixis were 6 times,
and 4 times for discourse deixis. Based on the table 4.4 above, The most
dominant was absolute social deixis were 6 times and the second most
4 times. So, from the explanation above, it can be concluded that the
mostly types of deixis found was absolute social deixis in the fourth
published on 24th March 2020 the editor “Rahmad Nasution”. The fifth
exams. Based on those news article the deixis that found in those article
1) Person Deixis
On the fifth news there was person deixis which found in those news.
“After our deliberation and discussion with the president and other
Code. N5/01/24.03.2020/PD
2020 national exams. The person deixis words are “our” and “we”.
Code. N5/03/24.03.2020/PD
to the risk being posed for the health of students if participate in national
exams. The person deixis word is “their”. The word “their” is third
meaning to the student. Other person deixis can be found in the data
"The risk looms large not only for the students themselves but also their
The sentence above tell that the risk of COVID-19 is not only for
student but also for their family. The person deixis word are
Code. N5/05/24.03.2020/PD
The sentence above tell that the number of students take national
“We are also already aware that the exams are not a requisite
for graduation or higher education selection requirements. I
think at the ministry, the risks outweigh the benefits to
proceeding with the exams," he noted”.
Code. N5/07/24.03.2020/PD
The sentence above tell that Minister thought that the risk i outweigh
the benefits to proceeding with the exams. The deixis word of data
the Minister and all the staff in education ministry it can called
The word “I” talked about speaker himself. The speaker of this fifth
subject. “He” refer to someone as subject. On this news the word “he”
is on data N5/08/24.03.2020/PD:
“This means that schools can still hold their own exams, but no tests
Code. N5/08/24.03.2020/PD
The data above tell that schools can still hold their own exams, but
The deixis word is “their”. The word “their” is third person deixis as
Code. N5/10/24.03.2020/PD
words are “We” twice, “them”, “he”. “We” categorized as first person
and all staff it also means the government. “Them” categorized as third
subject pronouns. “He” has refferent meaning to the man who is speak.
‘At the start of the meeting, he stated that the students are currently
affected by the spread of COVID-19 and are studying from home owing
to the circumstances”.
Code. N5/12/24.03.2020/PD
Widodo state that the students are currently affected by the spread of
The word “he” on those data categorized third person deixis as subject
pronouns. “He” has refferent meaning to the man who is speak. On the
"The main principle is that the policy we decide on should not impinge
upon the rights of 8.3 million students scheduled to take the exams," he
Code. N5/13/24.03.2020/PD
should not impinge upon the rights of 8.3 million students scheduled to
take the exams. The deixis word are “we”, and “he”. We” categorized
to the president and all minister that related to the national exams things
Code. N5/17/24.03.2020/PD
2) Time Deixis
On the fifth news there was time deixis which found in those news.
President Widodo had earlier stated during the meeting that the
policy on the 2020 national exams should not impinge upon the
rights of the 8.3 million students scheduled to take the test at the
end of March and into April.
Code. N5/11/24.03.2020/TD
The data above about President Widodo stated that the policy on the
2020 national exams should not impinge upon the rights of the 8.3
million students scheduled to take the test at the end of March and into
April. The word “the end of” and “into” on the data
3) Discourse Deixis
On the fifth news there was discourse deixis which found in those
“This means that schools can still hold their own exams, but no tests
Code. N5/08/24.03.2020/PD
The data above tell that schools can still hold their own exams, but
high risk if 2020 national exams held, because the word “this” mention
"This decision is taken after taking into account the plague that has
continued to spread”.
Code. N5/16/24.03.2020/DD
2020 national exams is taken after taking into account the plague that
4) Social Deixis
On the fifth news there was discourse deixis which found in those
2020 national exams. The social deixis word are “President” and
meaning to Joko Widodo. Levinson (1983: 91) stated that There are also
“The decision to revoke the 2020 national exams was taken following
Code. N5/02/24.03.2020/SD
factors, including the health and safety aspect of the students. The deixis
Table 4.5
Type of Deixis Total
First Person Deixis 7
1 Person
Deixis Second Person Deixis -
Third Person Deixis 13
2 Time Deixis 2
3 Place Deixis -
Social Relational -
Deixis Absolute 17
5 Discourse Deixis 2
Total in every activity 41
From the table 4.5 about tabulation above can be seen that
the types of deixis according to the Levinson, were found on the fifth
Exams”. The researcher found 41 deixis words, there were first person
deixis were 7 times, third person deixis were 13 times, time deixis were
2 times, absolute social deixis was 17 times, and 2 times for discourse
deixis. Based on the table 4.5 above, The most dominant was absolute
social deixis were 17 times and the second most dominant is third
person deixis were 13 times. So, from the explanation above, it can be
concluded that the mostly types of deixis found was absolute social
Sixth news is entitled “UI,UGM, and IPB Among World’s 100 Top
among world’s 100 top of THE’s Impact Rankings. Based on those news
1) Person Deixis
On the fifth news there was person deixis which found in those news.
achievement that UI, UGM, IPB among world’s 100 top ranking. The
Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs and all staff and related
They are not merely the "ivory tower" but indeed the "water tower" that
Code. N6/03/24.04.2020/PD
which get world’s 100 ranking is water tower that distributes water to
people to use. The deixis word is “they”. The word “they” categorized
third person deixis as subject pronouns. The word “they” has refferent
Code. N6/04/24.04.2020/PD
subject pronouns. The word “he” has refferent meaning to the man who
Code. N6/06/24.04.2020/PD
word “we” is first person deixis as subject pronouns. “We” on the data
Affairs with staff and other instance that related in Education thing, so
2) Discourse Deixis
On the fifth news there was person deixis which found in those news.
achievement that UI, UGM, IPB among world’s 100 top ranking. The
deixis word are the word “this”, “it”. Based on Levinson, the word
“Some 766 universities across the globe joined THE Impact Rankings
this year”.
Code. N6/05/24.04.2020/DD
the word joined THE Impact Rankings in 2020. The discourse deixis
The word “this” has refferent meaning to utterance after so “this” has
3) Social Deixis
On the fifth news there was person deixis which found in those news.
Code. N6/01/24.04.2020/SD
the achievement of UI, UGM, and IPB Among World’s 100 Top of THE’s
Impact Rankings is a matter of pride for the entire nation. The social deixis
absolute social deixis. “Professor” mention the title that someone have,
Table 4.6
Type of Deixis Total
Person First Person Deixis 2
Deixis Second Person -
Third Person Deixis 4
2 Time -
3 Place -
Social Relatio -
4 Deixis nal
Absol 2
5 Discourse Deixis 3
Total in every activity 11
From the table 4.6 about tabulation above can be seen that the
news of education news article entitled “UI, UGM, and IPB Among
deixis words, there were first person deixis were 2 times, third person
deixis were 4 times, absolute social deixis were 2 times, and 3 times for
discourse deixis. Based on the table 4.6 above, The most dominant was
third person deixis were 4 times and the second most dominant is
discourse deixis were 3 times. So, from the explanation above, it can be
concluded that the mostly types of deixis found was third person deixis
in the sixth news. Whereas, the mostly types of person deixis found
were using third person deixis “he” which were found 2 words found
on those news article the deixis that found in those article are:
1) Person Deixis
Based on the analysis, the person deixis that found on the seventh
Code. N7/02/02.05.2020/PD
third person deixis as subject pronouns. The word “she” has refferent
meaning to the women who is speak on those news. The word “she” on
Professor Unifah Rosyidi. Next person deixis can be seen on the data
Code. N7/03/02.05.2020/PD
person deixis as object pronouns. The function for the object from the
Code. N7/08/02.05.2020/PD
the Indonesian people that must realized the need to strengthen online-
categorized into first person deixis as subject pronouns. The word “we”
subject pronouns. The word “she” has refferent meaning to the women
The data N7/11/02.05.2020/PD tell that PGRI has also called on the
teacher, who had passed the working contract based civil servants
(PPPK) test. The person deixis word is “their”. The word “their” is
2) Discourse Deixis
Based on the analysis, the discourse deixis that found on the seventh
“Last but not least, the blueprint also enables teachers to continue to
Code. N7/04/02.05.2020/DD
word “Last but not least” because if those word translated into
word “Last but not least” to mention the last thing that speaker want to
tell. ”Last but not least” has refferent meaning to the function of
data N7/08/02.05.2020/DD:
Code. N7/08/02.05.2020/DD
3) Social Deixis
Based on the analysis, the discourse deixis that found on the seventh
be seen below:
Code. N7/01/02.05.2020/SD
social deixis. The word “Professor” mention the earned degree from
among the global community members. The social deixis word on the
higher social class and different social level. The word “teachers” refer
Table 4.7
2 Time -
3 Place -
Social Relatio -
4 Deixis nal
Absol 11
5 Discourse Deixis 2
Total in every activity 24
From the table 4.7 about tabulation above can be seen that the
deixis words, there were first person deixis was 1 times, third person
deixis were 10 times, absolute social deixis were 11 times, and 2 times
for discourse deixis. Based on the table 4.7 above, The most dominant
was absolute social deixis were 11 times and the second most dominant
is third person deixis were 10 times. So, from the explanation above, it
can be concluded that the mostly types of deixis found was absolute
person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, social deixis and dicourse
deixis. Here were the whole findings of the type of deixis found in
of seventh education news article from November 2019 until May 2020.
Types of Deixis
Place Deixis
Time Deixis
Deixis in Every
1st News - - 10 - - - 9 1
2nd News 3 - 20 - 1 - 18 3
3rd News - - 3 3 - - 13 1 20
- - 5 1 - - 6 4
4th News 16
7 - 13 2 - - 17 2
5th News 41
2 - 4 - - - 2 3
6th News 11
1 - 10 - - - 11 2
7th News 24
Total Deixis 13 - 65 - 76
in Every
Types 78 6 1 76 16
Total Types of Deixis found in Education News Article on the Antara News
Online Newspaper
Based on the table 4.8 above, it can be seen that types of deixis were
found on the education news article in the Antaranews online newspaper from
the first news until seven news on the edition of Novermber 2019 until May
2020. The researcher found 177 deixis words. In the first news entitled
found 20 deixis words, In the second news entitled “Nadiem Makarim Keen
Revokes 2020 National Exams” found 41 deixis words, in the sixth news
entitled “UI, UGM, and IPB Among World’s 100 Top of THE’s Impact
The most dominant of deixis that found in every news is different. Both
of the first news, second news and sixth news the most dominant deixis is
person deixis. While both of the third news, fourth news, and seventh news
the most dominant deixis is social deixis. Generally, the most dominant deixis
that found from first news until seventh news in education news article on the
Antaranews online newspaper was person deixis, which there were 78 person
deixis words including 65 third person deixis word and 13 third person deixis.
There were the third person deixis “he” that found 29 times. There were also
the word “we” that found 9 times. The second dominant deixis was social
deixis, which there were 76 deixis word that all the word is absolute social
deixis. There were the word from the profession and position like “teacher”,
were also the word form of degree and show politeness such as Minister,
President, Professor. Third dominant deixis was discourse deixis which there
were 16 times such as “this”, “these”, “it”, “next”. Fourth dominant deixis
was time deixis with the word “last year”, “last few year”, “early”, “the end”,
“into”. The least dominant was place deixis there is only 1 times with the
word “here”. From the explanation, it can be concluded that deixis that most
dominant is person deixis in the third person deixis were 65 in which of word
“he”. The mostly frequency of deixis words was in the second news entitled
newspaper. This part was provide data to answer the second question from
this research. The complete refferents meaning can be seen on the appendices.
The referents meaning of deixis those found in education news article aim to
make the reader to know and identify the entity being referred so the reader
can know the meaning and content from the news. There were some data
event in which the utterance in question is delivered. The first person refers
to the speaker, second person refers to addressee and third person is refer
researcher found first person deixis and third person deixis which 78
The first person deixis is refers to the speaker. The referents meaning
of the deixis that found in education news article using the word “I”,
“We”, “My”, “Our”. This research found 13 first person deixis. The
Code. N5/07/24.03.2020/PD
The data above tell that the Minister Nadiem Makarim speak
to media that the risks is higher than the benefits if national exam
held. The word “I” is singular pronoun of first person deixis which
conference and also reffered to the role person deixis in which the
was the minister himself. The referent meaning of “I” is the minister.
Code. N2/11/24.03.2020/PD
Makarim. So, the word “my” has refferents meaning to The Minister
Nadiem Makarim.
N5/01/24.03.2020/PD,N5.07/24.03.2020/PD, N5/10/24.03.2020/PD
“After our deliberation and discussion with the president and other
Code. N5/01/24.03.2020/PD
deixis explained about someone who had a position like on this data
institutions and other instances, but on this data explain that the
seen below:
Code. N7/08/02.05.2020/PD
The data above tell that The PGRI Chairperson advice that
seen below:
“After our deliberation and discussion with the president and other
Code. N5/01/24.03.2020/PD
revokes 2020 National Exams. The word “our” is first person deixis
exams. The minister, president, other instances can be say that they
news article using the word “He”, “His”, “She”, “They”, “Them”,
Their”. This research found 65 third person deixis. The data can be seen
be seen below:
Code. N2/05/04.12.2019/PD
seen below:
regions in China”.
Code. N3/05/17.01.2020/PD
in situations of speech. The man from the third news is Yaya Sutarya
seen below:
Code. N4/03/03.02.2020/PD
situations of speech. The man from the third news are Acting
situations of speech. The man from the third news are Acting
seen below:
“At the start of the meeting, he stated that the students are currently
Code. N5/12/24.03.2020/PD
of speech from the fifth news are Minister Nadiem, President Joko
Code. N5/17/24.03.2020/PD
seen below:
Code. N6/04/24.03.2020/PD
be seen below:
Last but not least, the blueprint also enables teachers to continue to
Code. N7/04/02.05.2020/PD
Code. N2/10/04.12.2019/PD
Teachers are responsible for shaping the future of the nation, but at
the same time, they are bogged down by administrative issues. There
are more regulations than help for teachers, Makarim pointed out.
Code. N1/06/25.11.2019/PD
Code. N2/07/04.12.2019/PD
said that teacher and lecturer would strive to seek knowledge and
Code. N3/02/17.01.2020/PD
They are not merely the "ivory tower" but indeed the "water tower"
Code. N6/03/24.04.2020/PD
use. The deixis word is the word “they”. The function is a subject
are smarter than them, and they would not feel threatened, he
Code. N2/09/04.12.2019/PD
teacher and lecturer must pride if the students are smarter than them.
be seen below:
Code. N1/01/25.11.2019/PD
tell teacher to start changes begin in the their classrooms. The person
“their” refer to the teacher because the word “classrooms” has have
Code. N2/01/04.12.2019/PD
spoke that give university students freedom to learn in line with their
This means that schools can still hold their own exams, but no tests
Code. N5/08/24.03.2020/PD
hold their own exams but no tests should be held that involved
Code. N6/06/24.04.2020/PD
Indonesian universities.
Newspaper. From the data analysis. They were can be seen below:
a) The word “last year” and “last few years” has referent meaning to the
past time
be seen below:
Code. N3/04/17.01.2020/TD
from last year. The time deixis word is “last year”. “Last year has
refferents meaning to the past time. Last year refer to 2019 because the
Code. N3/07/17.01.2020/TD
language classes increase in China The time deixis word is “last few
years”. “Last few years has refferents meaning to the past time. Last
few years refer to last few years before 2020 because if translated into
news publish on 2020 so last few years is last few years before 2020.
b) The word “Early May” and “The end of March and into April” has
seen below:
... "Hopefully, the contracts would be signed in early May at the latest,"
he added.
Code. N4/11/03.02.2020/TD
may”. “Early May” refer to the future time especially the date at the
President Widodo had earlier stated during the meeting that the
policy on the 2020 national exams should not impinge upon the
rights of the 8.3 million students scheduled to take the test at the
end of March and into April.
Code. N5/11/24.03.2020/TD
the policy on the 2020 national exams should not impinge upon the
rights of the 8.3 million students scheduled to take the test at the end of
March and into April. Time deixis word is “the end of March and into
April”. Those time deixis word refer to future time especially the date
between end of March until April because the news publish before the
location of the participants in the speech. In this research, there was 1 place
“Here” has referent meaning location near. From those data the word
including the use of utterance itself. In this research found 16 data. They
are as follow:
a) The word “These”, “This” , “Next”, “Last but not least” has referent
forward, he noted.
Code. N1/04/25.11.2019/DD
teacher if make the small changes inside of the class Indonesia will
"Within the next five years, indeed, it would not be convenient at all for
about," he stated.
Code. N2/06/04.12.2019/DD
must be brought about in next five years. The deixis word according to
Code. N4/11/03.02.2020/DD
free education unit. Based on Levinson the deixis word is the word
"This decision is taken after taking into account the plague that has
continued to spread.
Code. N5/16/24.03.2020/DD
national exams is taken after taking into account the plague that has
Last but not least, the blueprint also enables teachers to continue to
Code. N7/04/02.05.2020/DD
but not least” same with the word “last”. According to Levinson the
word “last” is discourse deixis. The refferent meaning of “last but not
b) The word “It” has refferent meaning to the preceding or prior portion
on speaker utterance
seen below:
optimal results.
Code. N4/05/03.02.2020/DD
believes it had yet to show optimal results. The deixis word is the word
“it”. The word “it” according to the reference and inference. “It” refer
news article on the Antaranews online newspaper. They were can be seen
seen below:
Code. N1/01/25.11.2019/SD
Culture Minister tell teacher to start small changes begin in the teachers
classrooms. The social deixis word is the word “Education and Culture
nurse, etc. The mention of title shows higher status, class, social status.
to teach in class, initiate a social program that involves all students, ...
Code. N1/03/25.11.2019/SD
students engagement. The social deixis word are the word “The
example manager, doctor, nurse, etc. The mention of title shows higher
meaning teacher that come to the National teacher’s day in Jakarta and
Code. N2/04/04.12.2019/SD
social deixis word are the word “student”, and“President”. A degree can
also show job, position, profession. The mention of titles relating to the
profession for example manager, doctor, nurse, etc. The mention of title
Code. N4/01/03.02.2020/SD
for example manager, doctor, nurse, etc. The mention of title shows
Code. N2/12/04.12.2019/SD
profession for example manager, doctor, nurse, etc. The mention of title
shows higher status, class, social status. The mention of “the former
Code. N4/08/03.02.2020/SD
vocational schools and the renovation of 137 school buildings will cost
Rp 2.3 trillion. The social deixis word is “acting chief of the Jakarta
profession for example manager, doctor, nurse, etc. The mention of title
shows higher status, class, social status. The mention of “acting chief
... We must make this change," the minister noted in his remarks
Code. N2/02/04.12.2019/SD
must make the changes. The social deixis word is the word “Prof”.
Code. N6/01/24.04.2020/SD
honorary degree, show high degree that have by someone. The word
data N7/01/02.05.2020/SD:
honorary degree, show high degree that have by someone. The word
Antaranews online newspaper with the word of “he”. The word “he”
most dominant of deixis types was absolute social deixis. The word
word of “this”, “next” used for explain the discourse or thing in the
and the word “it” for explain the discourse contents of the speaker’s
time deixis which found 6 times. The words that found such as: last
year, last few year for speaker to indicate the past time. While the
word “early May”, “The end of March” used the speaker for indicate
From the result above, the researcher had found the data of
May 2020.
B. Discussion
Finally, after analyzing the data of the deixis that most dominant
found and the referent meaning of those deixis, the researcher wanted to
discuss about the findings that have been investigated in this section to
answer the research question. The researcher applied types of deixis using
Levinson theory to analyze the deixis which found in education news article
May 2020. Based on Levinson, there were five types of deixis such as
person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, social deixis, and discourse deixis.
There were also referent meaning. The findings are discussed below;
that context. Deixis can occcur in our daily life. When find out types of
deixis and the most dominant deixis that found in the education news
article from the Antaranews online newspaper, the findings show from
on the edition November 2019 until May 2020 the deixis and references
were uttered by someone depend on the news. For example the news
give information not just from someone but they can be from two, three
people. The types of deixis found in the education news article on the
Based on the research finding, the most dominant deixis that found
in education news article was person deixis was 78 words with the most
dominant was third person deixis were 65 times. It caused that the news
tell about the man who speak from the news and the man as a other
delivered. The first person refers to the speaker, second person refers to
speech. It was also support by Yule (1996:10) stated that person deixis
clearly operates on basic three part division. There are first person,
second person and third person. Yule have concept of deixis tripartie
system (I, you, he). Speaker (I), addressee (you), and other (he, she, it).
As in English first person pronoun (I, we), second person pronoun (you,
In general, the most dominant deixis that found from first news until
newspaper was person deixis, which there were 78 person deixis words
including 65 third person deixis word and 13 third person deixis. There
were the third person deixis “he” that found 29 times. There were also
the word “we” that found 9 times. The second dominant deixis was social
deixis, which there were 76 deixis word that all the word is absolute
social deixis. Third dominant deixis was discourse deixis which there
deixis was time deixis with the word “last year”, “last few year”, “early”,
“the end”, “into”. The least dominant was place deixis there is only 1
times with the word “here”. Furthermore, this research finding was the
most dominant news found deixis types was in the second news entitled
second news. The second most dominant was in the fifth news entitled
2020. Those news is about the policy from the government in revokes
the 2020 national exams. The researcher found 41 deixis. The third most
researcher found 24 deixis. The fourth dominant deixis were in the first
news and third news. First news entitled “Education Minister Urges
2019. First news is about Minister Nadiem Makarim give his speech
about teacher must start small changes begin in their classrooms at the
researcher found both in the first news and third news 20 deixis. Fifth
the sixth news entitled “UI, UGM, and IPB Among World’s 100 Top of
about UI, UGM, IPB ranked the worlds top 100 universities. The
meaning of those deixis that found in the education news article on the
Levinson. Levinson (1983:54) had classified the five main deixis, there
are person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, social deixis, and discourse
deixis. In this referent meaning used to show the meaning of those deixis
of the news so the reader can be easily understand the meaning of the
friend, the cat) or pronouns (he, she, it). Those expert proved that deixis
there was referent meaning which used to identify the entity being
the deixis is important to know the meaning, so there will not happen
applied in the news article. By knowing the theory and the types from deixis
and reference, it can help the writer of the news to be creative on delivering
the news with use the pronoun to reffering someone or something. Beside
that, the writer also can enrich the vocabulary from the reader about the kind
of pronouns such as first and second person pronoun (I, you, your, we), third
person deixis (he,she), for social deixis such as absolute and relational social
deixis such as (President, Minister, Lecturer) for the discourse to explain the
content of someone utterance used deixis word such as (below, this, that,
meaning depends on where the speaker is such as (here, there), time deixis
for word in pas, present and future time such as (now, today, two weeks ago,
The result of this research can be compare with the result from the
Fatimah Aqillah. The result from Fatimah Aqillah concludes that analyze
found there were 397 words from 194 utterance that contained three types
of deixis based on Yule’s theory, those were the 331 of 139 in person deixis
as the most types used by the teacher. Fatimah also explain about the
referent meaning and categorized the types of reference on her research into
study and this research are the previous study analyze deixis on the spoken
on the written language especially in news article, the theory which is use
from the previous study is kind of deixis based on Yule’s theory while the
theory which is use from this research is kind of deixis based on Levinson’s
theory, the previous study also conclude types of reference while this
types and the refferent meaning it was can help the reader especially the
reader who is still student what is the written english such as news article
talked about, what is the news about. If the student study about news,
paragraph, story by knowing the deixis it also can help to easily understand
those material, beside that, in the outside the reader can easily understand
what people trying to tell them. Then the reader can avoid
knowing about deixis, it also help the reader especially the reader who is
Deixis can help the writers to use language more efficient in purpose of
delivering the meaning. Levinson (1983:54) stats that deixis concerns the
utterance or speech event, and thus also concerns the ways in which the
utterance. Thus, in writing activity, the writer should consider on how to use
Then, the benefit of knowing the deixis material both from the reader
and writer in the translation. Especially, to make easy for the reader and the
writer translated from the English to another language and the opposite. If
the deixis were translated incorrectly, the readers would lose the sense that
the original text wanted to express. By knowing deixis it can be the wat of
the writer used variants words for pointing someone and something and
especially for applying social deixis in news article and written text.
Therefore, the understanding about deixis material was useful for the writer
and the reader especially who is still students. Instead deixis always used
concerned with the summary of the result. This include types of deixis and
what is the most dominant deixis that found in education news article on the
Antaranews online newspaper on the edition November 2019 until May 2020
and include the referent meaning of those deixis. The suggeston is preesented
A. Conclusion
From the result that has been obtained and analyzed. The research
was to identify the the most dominant deixis that found in the education
from those deixis. There wee fives types of deixis based on Levinson’s
theory that were found in education new article. The researcher drew some
conclusions as follow:
1. The researcher found the deixis on the education news article. From the
analysis by the researcher found there were 177 deixis words on the
seventh education news article on the edition November 2019 until May
2020 which also contain five types of deixis. There were person deixis,
place deixis, time deixis, social deixis and discourse deixis which the
most dominant deixis that found was person deixis 78 times in which
the first person deixis was 13 times and third person deixis was 65. The
second most dominant deixis there were social deixis was 76 times
which all 76 is absolute social deixis. The third most dominant deixis
that found was discourse deixis which 16 times. Then, the fourth
dominant deixis that found was time deixis were 6 times. The least types
of deixis was place deixis which there was 1 times. So, the used of
especially news article. The most dominant found there were person
2. The researcher also explained about the referent meaning of the deixis
newspaper. The researcher found that the writer used person deixis on
the addressing someone who include in the news, someone who do not
include in the news and also to referring something. The researcher also
talked about in the news. Then, the used of discourse deixis for explain
the discourse in upcoming and prior portion about the speaker utterance
content inside of the news. In addition the researcher also found time
deixis which used for referring the specific time. The researcher also
B. Suggestion
1. To Reader
The result of this research can give the reader knowledge about the
language, this study also help them to speaking practice and writing
english text practice. Those benefits very useful for the reader who is
2. To Writer
and what is the most dominant deixis and referents meaning should be
recommended for the writer to use English optimally and more aware
what the writer refers to through the news, then the reader can
translating the writer utterance easily. Then, the use of variants deixis
can make the english written text especially news article would be
3. To Others Researcher
theory and method analysis to get more accurate result. The researcher
Austin, J.L. 1962. How to Do Things with Words. London: Oxford University
Barwise, J. and Perry, J. 1983. Situations and Attitudes. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Cutting, Joan. 2002. Pragmatic and Discourse: A Resource Book for Students.
Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Lodico, M.G., Dean, T.S., & Katherine, H.V. 2010. Methods in Educational
Elseiver Ltd.
Parker, Frank. 1986. Linguistics for Non-Linguist. London: Taylor and Francis –
Jakarta: Erlangga.
Salkie, Raphael. 1995. Text and Discourse Analysis. London and New York:
Classification of Deixis
Context Referent Meaning
1. N1/01/25.11. Education and Culture Minister Nadiem Nadiem Makarim tell Education and Culture Minister
2019/SD Makarim has appealed to teachers to start teacher to start changes refers to Nadiem Makarim
N1/01/25.11. small changes in their classrooms. begin in the teachers Their refers to teacher
2019/PD classrroom
2. N1/02/25.11. Changes cannot be started from the top.It Makarim tell changes in the The teacher refer to teacher
2019/SD begins and ends in the teachers' hand. teacher hand around Indonesia,teacher who
Makarim noted in his speech is coming in national teachers
day. Teacher can means
profession, so the social deixis
as different social level
3. N1/03/25.11 The minister has called on teachers to The minister also tells The minister mean profesion that
.2019/SD encourage student engagement in teacher to encourage refer to Nadiem Makarim.
discussions instead of telling them to listen, student engagement Them referto student as an
N1/03/25.11 offer them an opportunity to teach in class, obejct.
.2019/PD initiate a social program that involves all Their refer student as possesive
students, assist students with confidence adjective.
issues discover their talents, and provide Teacher means profesion /
guidance to other teachers in need. differences social level refer to
the teacher in Indonesia and the
teacher that come to National
Teacher’s day on Jakarta.
4. N1/04/25.11 Through these small changes made by Nadiem tells the teacher Teacher means profesion /
.2019/DD teachers, Indonesia will move forward, he make the small change differences social level refer to
N1/04/25.11 noted. inside of class. Indonesia the teacher in Indonesia and the
.2019/SD will move forward teacher that come to National
Teacher’s day on Jakarta.
These refer to upcoming portion
in utterance small changes
.2019/PD He refer to Nadiem
5. N1/05/25.11 Makarim has also touched on tough tasks Makarim tells teacher has Teacher means profesion /
.2019/SD that teachers have to conduct. also another task differences social level refer to
the teacher in Indonesia and the
teacher that come to National
Teacher’s day on Jakarta.
6. N1/06/25.11 Teachers are responsible for shaping the Makarim moTivate Teacher means profesion /
.2019/SD future of the nation, but at the same time, teacher that teacher is differences social level refer to
they are bogged down by administrative responsible for the teacher in Indonesia and the
N1/06/25.11 issues. There are more regulations than development future of the teacher that come to National
.2019/PD help for teachers, Makarim pointed out. nation Teacher’s day on Jakarta.
They means teacher.
7. N1/07/25.11 Makarim affirmed that teachers are keen Makarim affirmed that Teacher means profesion /
.2019/SD to help slow learners become at par with teachers must help slow differences social level refer to
other students in the class but they face learner in learning the teacher in Indonesia and the
N1/07/25.11 time shortages owing to extensive proccess in class teacher that come to National
.2019/PD administrative duties. Teacher’s day on Jakarta.
They refer to teacher
8. N1/08/25.11 Makarim vowed to not make promises he Makarim promise that he He means Nadiem Makarim
.2019/PD could not fulfill, but he ascertained that would fight for
he would fight for the freedom of Indonesian education
education in Indonesia.
Second news “Nadiem Makarim Keen to Give University Students Freedom to Learn”
Classification of Deixis
Context Referent Meaning
1. N2/01/04.12. Education and Culture Minister Nadiem Nadiem Makarim spoke Education and Culture Minister
2019/SD Makarim spoke of his keen intent to give that give university means different social class and
N2/01/04.12. university students the freedom to learn in students freedom to learn refers to Nadiem Makarim.
2019/PD line with their aspirations, capabilities, and in line with their interest His refer to Nadiem Makarim
interests. Their refers to university student
2. N2/02/04.12. "University students should study in Makarim tell that University student mean
2019/SD accordance with their respective wishes and university students should different social level refer to
interests. We must make this change," the study in acordance with student that come to those
N2/02/04.12. minister noted in his remarks at the their interest. event and refer to student in
2019/PD inauguration of the new rector of the around Indonesia.
University of Indonesia (UI) Prof. Ari
Minister means different social
N2/02/04.12. Kuncoro at UI Campus, Depok, here, class and refers to Nadiem
2019/PLD Wednesday
3. N2/03/04.12 The minister stressed on the need for The minister also tells The minister mean absolute social
.2019/SD university students to also have the freedom student to have freedom deixis or different social class that
to conduct various activities beyond the to conduct various refer to Nadiem Makarim.
realm of education programs. activities beyond the University student is social
realm of education deixis refer to student that attend
programs. in inaguration event
4. N2/04/04.12 A university capable of providing education Nadiem tells that Student is social deixis refer to
.2019/SD to students plays a crucial role in realizing university student plays student that attend in inaguration
President Joko Widodo’s vision to produce a crucial role in event .
N2/04/04.12 sound human resources, he remarked. realizing President President is absolute social
.2019/PD vision deixis.
He refer to Nadiem Makarim
5. N2/05/04.12 "The president's vision has two Makarim tells president Teacher means profesion /
.2019/SD interpretations, specifically freedom in vision has two differences social class refer to
N2/05/04.12 learning and teachers as activators," he interpretations the teacher in Indonesia .
.2019/PD stated. President is absolute social
He refer to Nadiem
6. N2/06/04.12 "Within the next five years, indeed, it Minister tell that the Next refer to year between 2019-
.2019/PD would not be convenient at all for various change must be brought 2024 so it is discourse deixis.
education institutions. However, the change about in next five years He refer to Makarim
N2/06/04.12 must be brought about," he stated.
7. N2/07/04.12 Speaking in connection with teachers and Makarim said that Teacher and lecturer means
.2019/SD lecturers as the stimuli, Makarim said teacher and lecturer absolute social deixis or
they would strive to seek knowledge and would strive to seek differences social class.
N2/07/04.12 science to bring about improvements in knowledge and science They refer to teacher and lecturer
.2019/PD learning activities in classes. to bring about
improvements in
learning activities in
8. N2/08/04.12 "He (1) would not waste time in class. Makarim state that He (1) refer to teacher or lecturer
.2019/PD Hence, in class, he (1) would organize a teacher would organize His refer to teachers
discussion or group study and implement discussion involving the Them refer to student
various projects outside though by student He (2) refer to Nadiem
involving his students to enable them to
have different experiences," he (2) stated.
9. N2/09/04.12. Teachers and lecturers should feel a Teacher and lecturer Teacher and lecturer means
2019/PD sense of pride if their students are smarter must pride if the absolute social deixis or
N2/09/04.12. than them, and they would not feel students are smarter differences social class.
2019/SD threatened, he remarked. than them Their refer to teacher students.
Them refer to teacher or lecturer
as object.
They refer to teacher and lecturer
as subject
N2/10/04.12 Makarim voiced his commitment to Makarim commit that His refer to Nadiem
.2019/PD freeing the country's education system to he will make
drive novel innovations in the education innovations in
sector. education sector
N2/12/04.12 To prepare future national leaders, the Nadiem vowed to The former boss of Gojek
.2019/SD former boss of Gojek Internet promote character Internet technology-based
technology-based company vowed to building education company refer to Nadiem mean
further promote character building absolute social deixis
N2/13/04.12 "Character education cannot be taught. The Minister state that the He refer to Minister
.2019/PD best character education is to give example best character education
and to lead by it," he noted. is to give example and
to lead by it.
Third news “China Increases Scholarship Quota to 3000 for Indonesian Students”
Classification of Deixis
Context Referent Meaning
14. The Chinese government has decided to Chinese government Chinese government is absolute
1. 2020/SD increase the scholarship quota for bachelor increase scholarship quota social deixis
2020/DD and master’s degree for Indonesian college for bachelor and master’s Indonesian college student
students to up to three thousand this year. degree for Indonesian means social deixis as different
student social class refer to Indonesia
This is discourse deixis refer to
the year
N3/02/ 17.01. Of course, they has planned to increase the Chinese government They refer to Chinese
2020/PD scholarship quota significantly than that in planned to increase goverment
N3/02/17.01. 2019," Yaya Sutarya, Education and scholarship quota than in Education and Culture Attaché of
2. 2020/SD Culture Attaché of the Indonesian 2019 the Indonesian Embassy in
Embassy in Beijing, told Antara Beijing is absolute social deixis
and refer to Yaya Sutarya
3 In 2019, some 820 Indonesian students had In 2019, some 820 Indonesian student means social
3. N3/03/17.01 received scholarships from the Chinese Indonesian students had deixis as different social class
.2020/SD government, specifically 380 scholarships received scholarships from
for bachelor and master’s degree as well as the Chinese government, Chinese government is absolute
440 scholarships for vocational education. specifically 380 social deixis
scholarships for bachelor
and master’s degree as well Bachelor and master’s degree
as 440 scholarships for means social deixis as different
vocational education social class refer to indonesiam
N3/04/17.01 With an increase in the number of students Total number of Student means social deixis as
4. .2020/SD receiving scholarships last year, the total Indonesian students in different social class and refer to
N3/04/17.01 number of Indonesian students in China China reached 15,780, or Indonesian student.
.2020/TD reached 15,780, or increase of some 1,420 increase of some 1,420 Last year is time deixis indicate
people, from last year people, from last year time, refer to 2019
Indonesian student means social
deixis as different social class.
17. In the meantime, he stated that the Yaya state that the He refer to Yaya Sutarya
5. N3/05/17.01 Indonesian Embassy in Beijing had started Indonesian Embassy in
.2020/PD Indonesian language classes at 19 Beijing had started
universities in various regions in China. Indonesian language
classes at 19 universities
in various regions in
20. In 2019, China had received five million In 2019, China had College student means social
8. N3/08/17.01 foreign college students, a notable rise received five million deixis as different social class
.2020/SD from 2001 when the country had only foreign college students and refer to students all around
some two million foreign college students. the word who come and study in
21. China has also sent some 662 thousand of its China has also sent some College student, student means
9. N3/09/17.01 college students to study abroad. Some 720 662 thousand of its college social deixis as different social
.2020/SD students from China currently study in students to study abroad. class refer to China student
Indonesia. Student refer to China student
Classification of Deixis
Context Referent Meaning
1. N4/01/03.02. Acting Director General of Vocational Patdono Suwignjo Acting Director General of
2020/SD Education Patdono Suwignjo affirmed that affirmed that the Vocational Education means
the industry's involvement in vocational industry's involvement in different social class and refers to
education will improve the quality of vocational education will Patdono Suwignjo .
education. improve the quality of
2. N4/02/03.02. "The basic principle of Minister Nadiem The basic principle of Minister means different social
2020/SD Makarim is to bring the industry to schools Minister Nadiem Makarim class and refers to Nadiem
and campuses, since the most obvious feature is to bring the industry to Makarim.
in several developed countries is that schools and campuses,
vocational education involves the industry.
3. N4/03/03.02 "Comprehending the importance of this, the The Ministry of “This” is discourse deixis that
.2020/DD Ministry of Education and Culture has Education and Culture has refer to utterrance before it is
created a special directorate to handle the created a special vocational education involves
N4/03/03.02 cooperation," he expounded. directorate to handle the the industry
.2020/PD cooperation . He refer to Patdono
4. N4/04/03.02 A university capable of providing education Students plays a crucial Student is social deixis.
.2020/SD to students plays a crucial role in realizing role in realizing President is absolute social
President Joko Widodo’s vision to produce President Joko deixis.
N4/04/03.02 sound human resources, he remarked. Widodo’s vision to He refer to Patdono
.2020/PD produce sound human
5. N4/05/03.02 In addition to the tax cut policy for industries The tax cut policy for “It” is discourse deixis that refer
.2020/DD involved in the development of human industries involved in to utterance before ( the tax cut
resources, Suwignjo believes it had yet to the development of policy for industries involved in
show optimal results human resources, the development of human
Suwignjo believes it resources)
had yet to show optimal
6. N4/06/03.02 The Directorate General of Vocational The Directorate General Minister means is absolute social
.2020/SD Education is a new directorate during the of Vocational deixis and refers to Nadiem
era of leadership of Minister of Education Education is a new Makarim.
and Culture Nadiem Makarim. directorate
7. N4/07/03.02 The Jakarta provincial government had The Jakarta provincial “This” is discourse deixis refer to
.2020/DD earlier set aside Rp2.3 trillion in funds to government had earlier year 2020
build 10 new vocational schools and set aside Rp2.3 trillion
renovate 137 school buildings this year. in funds to build 10 new
vocational schools and
renovate 137 school
8. N4/08/03.02 "The construction of 10 vocational schools The construction of 10 Acting chief of the Jakarta
.2020/SD and the renovation of 137 school buildings vocational schools and provincial education office is
will cost Rp2.3 trillion," acting chief of the renovation of 137 absolute social deixis and refer to
the Jakarta provincial education office school buildings will Bowo
Bowo Irianto noted in a short text message cost Rp2.3 trillion
9. N4/09/03.02 The 10 new vocational schools are deemed The 10 new vocational He refer to Bowo
.2020/PD necessary since only 63 of the 590 schools are deemed
vocational schools in the capital belong to necessary since only 63
the government, while the rest are run by vocational schools in
private institutions, he added. the capital belong to the
N4/10/03.02 "Construction of the 10 new vocational Construction of the 10 He refer to Bowo
.2020/PD schools is in line with the strategic new vocational schools
activities and the vocational school is in line with the
revitalization program in the capital," he strategic activities and
added. the vocational school
revitalization program
in the capital
N4/11/03.02 Construction of vocational schools and the Minister commitmet is “This” is discourse deixis that
.2020/DD renovation of school buildings must be free education unit refer to year
N4/11/03.02 completed this year. The extension of Early is time deixis that indicate
.2020/TD project time will be permitted if it meets time refer to future time, the date
the terms and conditions. "Hopefully, the at the beginning of May
N4/11/03.02 contracts would be signed in early May at He refer to the speaker who is
.2020/PD the latest," he added. talked he is Bowo
Fifth news “Government Revokes 2020 National Exams”
N5 : Number Transcript / Number News PLD : Place Deixis
01 : Number of Datum TD : Time Deixis
24.03.2020 : Date of News SD : Social Deixis
PD : Personal Deixis DD : Discourse Deixis
Classification of Deixis
Context Referent Meaning
No Code
1. N5/01/24.03. After our deliberation and discussion with Government revokes Our refer to Minister education,
2020/PD 2020 National Exams
N5/01/24.03. the president and other instances, we have education staff, President, other
2020/SD decided to revoke the 2020 national exams," institutions so it means
Minister of Education and Culture Government
Nadiem Makarim stated after a The president is absolute social
videoconference meeting, led by President deixis refer to Joko Widodo
Joko Widodo We refer to Minister education,
President, other institution so it
means Government
Minister of Education and
Culture is absolute social deixis
refer to Nadiem Makarim
2. N5/02/24.03. The decision to revoke the 2020 national The decision to revokes Student is different social level
2020/SD exams was taken following deliberations 2020 national exams refer to student around Indonesia
concerning several factors, including the because several factors,
health and safety aspect of the students. including health and safety
aspect for students
3. N5/03/24.03. Makarim pointed to the risk being posed to The risk being posed to the The word “Their” refer to
2020/PD the health of students participating in national health of students students
exams at their designated venues participating in national
exams at their designated
4. N5/04/24.03. "The risk looms large not only for the The risk not only for Student is social deixis as
2020/SD students themselves but also their families student but also their different social level refer to
and grandparents. families student around Indonesia
N5/04/03.02. Themselves is personal deixis
2020/PD because refer to student
Their is personal deixis because
refer to student families.
5. N5/05/24.03. The number of students scheduled to take the The number of students He refer to the man who is speak
2020/PD national exams is quite significant, reaching to take nationa exams in that news, he is Nadiem
eight million," he noted. reaching eight million Makarim
6. N5/06/24.03. Hence, he stressed that the safety and health Makarim state that the He refer to Nadiem Makarim
2020/PD of students and their families were of health for students and Student is social deixis as
N5/06/24.03. paramount importance, and to this end, the their families is different social level refer to
2020/SD 2020 national examinations had been important so national student around Indonesia
cancelled. exams had been Their refer to student families as
canceled third person
7. N5/07/24.03. We are also already aware that the exams Government also “We” refer to the minister and all
2020/PD are not a requisite for graduation or higher already aware that the staff in education ministry it also
education selection requirements. I think at exams are not a requisite called government
the ministry, the risks outweigh the for graduation or higher “I” refer to Nadiem Makarim
benefits to proceeding with the exams," he education selection “He” refer to Nadiem Makarim
noted. requirements
8. N5/08/24.03. This means that schools can still hold Schools can still hold “This” refer to utterances before
2020/DD their own exams, but no tests should be their own exams, but no so it is discourse deixis and refer
N5/08/24.03. held that involve students gathering in tests should be held that to the the high risk if 2020
2020/PD classrooms. involve students national exams held.
N5/08/24.03. gathering in classrooms. “Their” refer to schools
2020/SD “Students” is social deixis as
different social level, refer to
students around Indonesia
9. N5/09/24.03. Schools can also determine the students' Schools can determine “Students” is social deixis as
2020/SD scores from the five semesters the students score from different social level, refer to
five semesters students around Indonesia
N5/10/24.03. We are not compelling schools to measure Government are not “We” refer to government
2020/PD curriculum achievements. There are compelling schools to “Them” refer to schools
several online schools that have yet to be measure curriculum “He” refer to man who is spoke
optimal, but we do not compel them to achievements in the news, he is Nadiem
measure the achievements disrupted by Makarim
COVID-19," he expounded.
N5/11/24.03. President Widodo had earlier stated President Widodo stated “President” is absoulute social
2020/SD during the meeting that the policy on the that the policy on the deixis refer to Joko Widodo
N5/11/24.03. 2020 national exams should not impinge 2020 national exams “Students” is social deixis as
2020/TD upon the rights of the 8.3 million students should not impinge upon different social level, refer to
scheduled to take the test at the end of the rights of the 8.3 students around Indonesia
March and into April. million students The word “the end of” and into
scheduled to take the test refer to time in that news refer to
at the end of March and future time, date between end of
into April. March until beginning of April
N5/12/24.03. At the start of the meeting, he stated that President state that the “He” refer to President
2020/PD the students are currently affected by the students currently “Students” is social deixis as
N5/12/24.03. spread of COVID-19 and are studying affected by the spread of different social level, refer to
2020/SD from home owing to the circumstances. COVID-19 and are students around Indonesia
studying from home
owing to the
N5/13/24.03. "The main principle is that the policy we The principle of policy We refer to government
2020/PD decide on should not impinge upon the that government decide “Students” is social deixis as
N5/13/24.03. rights of 8.3 million students scheduled to on should not impinge different social level, refer to
2020/SD take the exams," he reiterated. upon the rights of 8.3 students around Indonesia
million students He refer to President
scheduled to take the
N5/14/24.03. National exams for high school students is National exams for high “Students” is social deixis as
2020/SD scheduled to take place from March 30 to school students is different social level, refer to
April 2, while the government-issued tests scheduled to take place students around Indonesia
for students of middle-school level are from March 30 to April
scheduled for April 20-23. 2, while the government-
issued tests for students
of middle-school level
are scheduled for April
N5/15/24.03. Moreover, Chief of the House of Syaiful Huda had Chief of the House of
2020/SD Representatives' Commission X Syaiful inquired for the Representatives' Commission X
Huda had inquired for the government to government to cancel the is absoulte social deixis refer to
cancel the national exams for both levels national exams for both Syaiful Huda
altogether to protect students from the levels altogether to “Students” is social deixis as
spread of COVID-19. protect students from the different social level, refer to
spread of COVID-19. students around Indonesia
N5/16/24.03. "This decision is taken after taking into The decision is taken “This” is discourse deixis refer to
2020/DD account the plague that has continued to after taking into account decision to revokes of 2020
spread. the plague that has national exams
continued to spread.
N5/17/24.03. Hundreds of thousands and also millions Syaiful state that “Students” is social deixis as
2020/SD of students are at risk if the national hundreds of thousands different social level, refer to
N5/17/24.03. exams continue to be held," he remarked and also millions of students around Indonesia
2020/PD students are at risk if the “He” refer to Syaiful Huda
national exams continue
to be held
Sixth news “UI, UGM, and IPB Among World’s 100 Top of THE’s Impact Rankings”
N6 : Number Transcript / Number News PLD : Place Deixis
01 : Number of Datum TD : Time Deixis
24.04.2020 : Date of News SD : Social Deixis
PD : Personal Deixis DD : Discourse Deixis
Classification of Deixis
Context Referent Meaning
1. N6/01/24.04. Acting Director General of Higher Professor Nizam, stated Acting Director General of
2020/SD Education in the Ministry of Education that the achievement is a Higher Education in the Ministry
and Cultural Affairs, Professor Nizam, matter of pride for the of Education and Cultural Affairs
stated that the achievement is a matter of entire nation, is social deixis, mention the
pride for the entire nation, position from someone and
Professor is mention of title that
someone have, the mention aim to
the politeness. Both of those
deixis word refer to Professor
2. N6/02/24.04. "We are immensely proud of this Government happy with We refer to Acting Director
2020/PD achievement since it demonstrates that the achievement that General of Higher Education in
N6/02/24.04. Indonesian universities have played a UI,UGM, and IPB among the Ministry of Education and
2020/DD significant role in sustainability world's 100 top ranking Cultural Affairs with staff, or it
development. can be say the government
“This” is discourse deixis refer to
uttterance achievement
“It” is discourse deixis and refer
to the achievement
3. N6/03/24.04. They are not merely the "ivory tower" but Nizam state that those “They” refer to Indonesian
2020/PD indeed the "water tower" that distributes universities is water tower Universities those get world’s
water to people to use," Nizam noted that distributes water to top 100 universities
people to use
4. N6/04/24.04. "Indonesian universities' dedication toward "Indonesian universities' “He” refer to the man who is
2020/PD the community has been recognized by the dedication toward the speak in that news he is Professor
international community," he pointed out. community has been Nizam
recognized by the
international community
5. N6/05/24.04. Some 766 universities across the globe joined In 2020, 766 universities “This” refer to 2020 year
2020/DD THE Impact Rankings this year across the globe joined
THE Impact Rankings.
6. N6/06/24.04. "During this COVID-19 pandemic, we also Government expect We refer to Acting Director
2020/PD expect Indonesian universities to intensify during in COVID 19 General of Higher Education in
their role and contribution in prevention to pandemic, Indonesian the Ministry of Education and
contain the disease," he affirmed. universities contribute in Cultural Affairs with staff with
prevention contain the staff, or it can be say the
disease government
“Their” refer to universities role
“He” refer to the man who is
speak in that news he is
Professor Nizam
Seventh news “Indonesia Should Have a National Education Blueprint in Place: PGRI”
N7 : Number Transcript / Number News PLD : Place Deixis
01 : Number of Datum TD : Time Deixis
02.05.2020 : Date of News SD : Social Deixis
PD : Personal Deixis DD : Discourse Deixis
Classification of Deixis
Context Referent Meaning
No Code
1. N7/01/02.05. The government is expected to draft the PGRI Chairperson stated Indonesian Teachers Association
2020/SD country's national education blueprint to that the government is (PGRI) Chairperson is social
prepare Indonesians to be at par with global expected to draft the deixis and refer to Professor
community members, according to country's national Unifah Rosyidi
Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) education blueprint to Professor refer to Unifah Rosyidi
Chairperson Professor Unifah Rosyidi. prepare Indonesians to be
at par with global
community members,
2. N7/02/02.05. "The blueprint is expected to be formulated The blueprint is expected “Students” is social deixis as the
2020/SD by emphasizing on a foundation that to be formulated by different social level refer to
N7/02/02.05. education is an endeavor to prepare students emphasizing on a students around Indonesia
2020/PD to stand among the global community foundation that education “She” refer to Professor Unifah
members," she noted is an endeavor to prepare Rosyidi
students to stand among the
global community
3. N7/03/02.05. The national education blueprint, supported The national education “Students” is social deixis as the
2020/SD by the PGRI, also stresses on the significance blueprint stresses on the different social level refer to
N7/03/02.05. of preparing students to become good and significance of preparing students around Indonesia
2020/PD productive citizens by edifying them on students to become good “Them” refer to students
culture and values of pluralism and productive citizens
4. N7/04/02.05. Last but not least, the blueprint also enables The blueprint also “Last but not least” is discourse
2020/DD teachers to continue to learn and adapt to enables teachers to deixis, refer to the function of
N7/04/02.05. changes to ensure the smooth and unhindered continue to learn and national education blueprint.
2020/SD running of educational activities, she stated. adapt to changes to “Teacher” is social deixis as the
N7/04/02.05. ensure the smooth and different social level refer to
2020/PD unhindered running of students around Indonesia
educational activities “She” refer to Professor Unifah
5. N7/05/02.05. "The new coronavirus pandemic, currently The new coronavirus “Teacher” is social deixis as the
2020/SD affecting various parts of the world, has pandemic, currently different social level refer to
N7/05/02.05. brought about a realization in the context of affecting various parts of students around Indonesia
2020/PD Indonesia's national education, specifically the world, has brought “She” refer to Professor Unifah
about teachers' role cannot be replaced by about a realization in the Rosyidi
technology," she remarked. context of Indonesia's
national education
6. N7/06/02.05. However, teachers, who are not Teachers, who are not “Teacher” is social deixis as the
2020/SD technologically sound, would easily be technologically sound, different social level refer to
N7/06/02.05. replaced by technology, she stated, would easily be replaced students around Indonesia
2020/PD by technology “She” refer to Professor Unifah
7. N7/07/02.05. To this end, the government must prioritize The government must “She” refer to Professor Unifah
2020/PD improving and providing infrastructure prioritize improving and Rosyidi
required for long-distance education to providing infrastructure
enable Indonesians from various parts of the required for long-
country to get access to online learning distance education to
services, she emphasized. enable Indonesians from
various parts of the
country to get access to
online learning services
8. N7/08/02.05. "Amid this ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, The PGRI chairperson “This” is discourse deixis refer to
2020/DD we have realized the need to strengthen advice that Indonesian ongoing COVID 19 pandemic
N7/08/02.05. online-based educational services," she people must realized the “We” refer to people in Indonesia
2020/PD noted. need to strenghten online include PGRI Chairperson
based educational “She” refer to Professor Unifah
services Rosyidi
9. N7/09/02.05. The PGRI is optimistic that the government The PGRI is optimistic “She” refer to Professor Unifah
2020/PD would channel greater attention to that the government Rosyidi
investments in infrastructure necessarily would channel greater
required for facilitating broader access to attention to investments
affordable electricity and internet availability in infrastructure
across the country, she stated.
10.N7/10/02.05. PGRI would stay focused on boosting the PGRI would stay “Teacher” is social deixis as the
2020/SD quality, prosperity, and protection of all focused on boosting the different social level refer to
teachers. quality, prosperity, and students around Indonesia
protection of all teachers
11.N7/11/02.05. The association has also called on the PGRI has also called on “Teacher” is social deixis as the
2020/SD government to handle the matter pertaining to the government to different social level refer to
N7/11/02.05. K2 non-permanent teachers, who had passed handle the matter students around Indonesia
2020/PD the working contract-based civil servants pertaining to K2 non- “Their” refer to teacher
(PPPK) tests by taking into account their age permanent teachers, who
and years of services. had passed the working
contract-based civil
servants (PPPK) tests
12.N7/12/02.05. As part of its endeavors to enhance the PGRI has worked with “Teacher” is social deixis as the
2020/SD capacity of teachers, PGRI has worked with the Mahir Academy of different social level refer to
N7/12/02.05. the Mahir Academy of Rumah Perubahan Rumah Perubahan students around Indonesia
2020/PD (House of Change) to co-organize a virtual (House of Change) to co- “She” refer to Professor Unifah
workshop for 13 thousand teachers from 34 organize a virtual Rosyidi
provinces across Indonesia on May 2-20, she workshop for 13
revealed. thousand teachers
News 1
Changes cannot be started from the top. It begins and ends in the teachers' hand. Do
not wait for a command. Take the first step
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Education and Culture Minister Nadiem Makarim has appealed to
teachers to start small changes in their classrooms.
"Changes cannot be started from the top. It begins and ends in the teachers' hand.
Do not wait for a command. Take the first step," Makarim noted in his speech during
the commemoration of National Teachers' Day here on Monday.
Through these small changes made by teachers, Indonesia will move forward, he
noted. Makarim has also touched on tough tasks that teachers have to conduct.
Teachers are responsible for shaping the future of the nation, but at the same time,
they are bogged down by administrative issues. There are more regulations than
help for teachers, Makarim pointed out.
Makarim affirmed that teachers are keen to help slow learners become at par with
other students in the class but they face time shortages owing to extensive
administrative duties.
Makarim vowed to not make promises he could not fulfill, but he ascertained that he
would fight for the freedom of education in Indonesia.
News 2
Education and Culture Minister Nadiem Makarim. (photo: Antara/Asprillah Dwi Adha/ FA)
Within the next five years, indeed it would not be convenient at all for various
education institutions. However, the change must be brought about.
Depok, Jawa Barat (ANTARA) - Education and Culture Minister Nadiem Makarim
spoke of his keen intent to give university students the freedom to learn in line with
their aspirations, capabilities, and interests.
"University students should study in accordance with their respective wishes and
interests. We must make this change," the minister noted in his remarks at the
inauguration of the new rector of the University of Indonesia (UI) Prof. Ari Kuncoro at
UI Campus, Depok, here, Wednesday.
The minister stressed on the need for university students to also have the freedom
to conduct various activities beyond the realm of education programs.
"The president's vision has two interpretations, specifically freedom in learning and
teachers as activators," he stated.
"Within the next five years, indeed, it would not be convenient at all for various
education institutions. However, the change must be brought about," he stated.
Speaking in connection with teachers and lecturers as the stimuli, Makarim said they
would strive to seek knowledge and science to bring about improvements in learning
activities in classes.
"He would not waste time in class. Hence, in class, he would organize a discussion or
group study and implement various projects outside though by involving his students
to enable them to have different experiences," he stated.
Teachers and lecturers should feel a sense of pride if their students are smarter than
them, and they would not feel threatened, he remarked.
In the meantime, on Nov 19, while speaking at the commemoration of the 107th
anniversary of Muhammadiyah, Indonesia's second-largest Muslim organization,
Makarim voiced his commitment to freeing the country's education system to drive
novel innovations in the education sector.
"In accordance with the president's directives, our mission in the Education and
Culture Ministry is to free the education unit, to free teachers, and to free students.
This is my commitment," he remarked.
To prepare future national leaders, the former boss of Gojek Internet technology-
based company vowed to further promote character building education.
However, character building education cannot merely be taught but must be applied
on an ongoing basis.
News 3
Education and Culture Attaché of the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing, Yaya Sutarya,
explained about the diploma equalization system to some Indonesian students in China.
(ANTARA/M. Irfan Ilmie/YAS)
With an increase in the number of students receiving scholarships last year, the total
number of Indonesian students in China reached 15,780, or increase of some 1,420
people, from last year
Beijing (ANTARA) - The Chinese government has decided to increase the scholarship
quota for bachelor and master’s degree for Indonesian college students to up to
three thousand this year.
"Of course, they (the Chinese government) has planned to increase the scholarship
quota significantly than that in 2019," Yaya Sutarya, Education and Culture Attaché
of the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing, told Antara here on Friday.
Apart from the three thousand scholarship quota for bachelor and master’s degree
courses, this year, China will also provide scholarships to some 600 Indonesians keen
on studying in vocational schools as well as some 1,500 scholarships for the short
course program.
In 2019, some 820 Indonesian students had received scholarships from the Chinese
government, specifically 380 scholarships for bachelor and master’s degree as well as
440 scholarships for vocational education. Moreover, some 1,100 Indonesians
partook in the short course program in China.
"With an increase in the number of students receiving scholarships last year, the
total number of Indonesian students in China reached 15,780, or increase of some
1,420 people, from last year," Sutarya pointed out.
In the meantime, he stated that the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing had started
Indonesian language classes at 19 universities in various regions in China.
"The number of Indonesian language classes has also increased in the last few years,"
he remarked.
In 2019, China had received five million foreign college students, a notable rise from
2001 when the country had only some two million foreign college students.
China has also sent some 662 thousand of its college students to study abroad. Some
720 students from China currently study in Indonesia. EDITED BY INE
News 4
"The basic principle of Minister Nadiem Makarim is to bring the industry to schools
and campuses, since the most obvious feature in several developed countries is that
vocational education involves the industry. The quality of education will be good if it
brings the industry to the school or campus," Suwignjo stated in Jakarta on Monday.
To this end, Suwignjo affirmed that the Ministry of Education and Culture is striving
hard to bring the industry to schools and campuses.
Under the Directorate General of Vocational Education lies one directorate that
handles this problem: the Director of the Partnership and Alignment of Business and
Industrial World (DUDI).
"Comprehending the importance of this, the Ministry of Education and Culture has
created a special directorate to handle the cooperation," he expounded.
Suwignjo noted that the industrial world had yet to feel the tangible benefits by
working with schools and campuses. To this end, the educational institutions,
assisted by the Ministry of Education and Culture, are tasked with convincing the
industrial world that several benefits can be availed through joint collaboration.
In addition to the tax cut policy for industries involved in the development of human
resources, Suwignjo believes it had yet to show optimal results.
"Maybe since it is new, so the impact has not been seen clearly. Perhaps, it will take
some more time," Suwignjo expounded.
The Directorate General of Vocational Education is a new directorate during the era
of leadership of Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim.
The Jakarta provincial government had earlier set aside Rp2.3 trillion in funds to build
10 new vocational schools and renovate 137 school buildings this year.
The 10 new vocational schools are deemed necessary since only 63 of the 590
vocational schools in the capital belong to the government, while the rest are run by
private institutions, he added.
"Construction of the 10 new vocational schools is in line with the strategic activities
and the vocational school revitalization program in the capital," he added.
"Hopefully, the contracts would be signed in early May at the latest," he added.
News 5
Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim (middle) during a meeting with the
House of Representatives' Commission X in the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta,
Thursday (20/2/2020). ANTARA FOTO/Rivan Awal Lingga/wsj/ac.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian government has canceled the 2020 national
examinations following several deliberations, particularly in the wake of the COVID-
19 pandemic.
"After our deliberation and discussion with the president and other instances, we
have decided to revoke the 2020 national exams," Minister of Education and Culture
Nadiem Makarim stated after a videoconference meeting, led by President Joko
Widodo, on the 2020 National Examinations Policy in Jakarta, Tuesday.
The decision to revoke the 2020 national exams was taken following deliberations
concerning several factors, including the health and safety aspect of the students.
Makarim pointed to the risk being posed to the health of students participating in
national exams at their designated venues.
"The risk looms large not only for the students themselves but also their families and
grandparents. The number of students scheduled to take the national exams is quite
significant, reaching eight million," he noted.
Hence, he stressed that the safety and health of students and their families were of
paramount importance, and to this end, the 2020 national examinations had been
"We are also already aware that the exams are not a requisite for graduation or
higher education selection requirements. I think at the ministry, the risks outweigh
the benefits to proceeding with the exams," he noted.
This means that schools can still hold their own exams, but no tests should be held
that involve students gathering in classrooms.
"School tests can be administered through several options, with online being one
example. Schools can also determine the students' scores from the five semesters.
We are not compelling schools to measure curriculum achievements. There are
several online schools that have yet to be optimal, but we do not compel them to
measure the achievements disrupted by COVID-19," he expounded.
President Widodo had earlier stated during the meeting that the policy on the 2020
national exams should not impinge upon the rights of the 8.3 million students
scheduled to take the test at the end of March and into April.
At the start of the meeting, he stated that the students are currently affected by the
spread of COVID-19 and are studying from home owing to the circumstances. "The
main principle is that the policy we decide on should not impinge upon the rights of
8.3 million students scheduled to take the exams," he reiterated.
National exams for high school students is scheduled to take place from March 30 to
April 2, while the government-issued tests for students of middle-school level are
scheduled for April 20-23.
"This decision is taken after taking into account the plague that has continued to
spread. Hundreds of thousands and also millions of students are at risk if the national
exams continue to be held," he remarked in Jakarta on Monday, March 23.
News 6
Indonesian universities' dedication toward the community has been recognized by the
international community.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Times Higher Education’s Impact Rankings showed three
Indonesian universities -- Universitas Indonesia (UI), Universitas Gadjah Mada
(UGM), and IPB University -- placed among the world's top 100 universities.
"We are immensely proud of this achievement since it demonstrates that Indonesian
universities have played a significant role in sustainability development. They are not
merely the "ivory tower" but indeed the "water tower" that distributes water to people
to use," Nizam noted in a statement issued on Friday.
"Indonesian universities' dedication toward the community has been recognized by the
Some 766 universities across the globe joined THE Impact Rankings this year.
While the three universities are placed in the top 100, six other colleges also listed
comprise Universitas Padjajaran (Unpad) in the top 101-200; Universitas Brawijaya
(UB), 201-300; and Universitas Airlangga (Unair), 301-400.
Furthermore, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) was placed in the top 301-400;
Diponegoro University (Undip), 301-400; and Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
(ITS), 401-600.
Nizam has pinned high hopes on the universities to contribute more towards
developing the country.
News 7
Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) Chairperson Unifah Rosyidi stood on a stage with
Education and Culture Minister Nadiem Makarim. (BKLM Kemendikbud)
Amid this ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have realized the need to strengthen
online-based educational services
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The government is expected to draft the country's national
education blueprint to prepare Indonesians to be at par with global community
members, according to Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) Chairperson
Professor Unifah Rosyidi.
The national education blueprint, supported by the PGRI, also stresses on the
significance of preparing students to become good and productive citizens by
edifying them on culture and values of pluralism, Rosyidi noted.
Last but not least, the blueprint also enables teachers to continue to learn and adapt
to changes to ensure the smooth and unhindered running of educational activities,
she stated.
"The new coronavirus pandemic, currently affecting various parts of the world, has
brought about a realization in the context of Indonesia's national education,
specifically about teachers' role cannot be replaced by technology," she remarked.
However, teachers, who are not technologically sound, would easily be replaced by
technology, she stated, adding that the education sector would enter a period of
"new normalcy" wherein old fashions of imparting education would no longer be a
Learning and training activities for educationists should be shifted, from content-
focused to process-focused paradigm.
To this end, the government must prioritize improving and providing infrastructure
required for long-distance education to enable Indonesians from various parts of the
country to get access to online learning services, she emphasized.
"Amid this ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have realized the need to strengthen
online-based educational services," she noted.
To this end, the PGRI is optimistic that the government would channel greater
attention to investments in infrastructure necessarily required for facilitating broader
access to affordable electricity and internet availability across the country, she
PGRI would stay focused on boosting the quality, prosperity, and protection of all
teachers. The association has also called on the government to handle the matter
pertaining to K2 non-permanent teachers, who had passed the working contract-
based civil servants (PPPK) tests by taking into account their age and years of
As part of its endeavors to enhance the capacity of teachers, PGRI has worked with
the Mahir Academy of Rumah Perubahan (House of Change) to co-organize a virtual
workshop for 13 thousand teachers from 34 provinces across Indonesia on May 2-20,
she revealed.