Section A - Fact Files - Plastic
Section A - Fact Files - Plastic
Section A - Fact Files - Plastic
Technology & Design
For first teaching from September 2011
For first award in Summer 2012
1.4 Plastic
Learning Outcomes
Students should be able to: Thermoplastic articles are formed at relatively high
• Understand the difference between thermoplastic and temperatures and are cooled to set in a desired shape.
thermomsetting plastics; They can be reheated and reshaped many times without
changing their structure and properties.
• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
Common examples of thermoplastics are:
properties, working characteristics and uses for the
• Polythene (bottles, pipes, packaging etc.)
following polymers – polythene, polystyrene, PVC,
acrylic, nylon, ABS, melamine-formaldehyde and epoxy • Nylon (fabrics, gear wheels, bearings etc.)
resins. • PVC (cable insulation, guttering, window frames etc.)
• Polystyrene (flower pots, model kits, packaging etc.)
• Acrylic
• ABS (kitchen ware, safety helmets, car components etc.)
Course Content
These plastics can be re-heated and therefore shaped in
various ways. They become mouldable after reheating as
they do not undergo significant chemical or molecular
change. Reheating and shaping can be repeated. The bond
between the molecules is weak and become weaker when
reheated, allowing reshaping. Thermoplastics tend to be
composed of ‘long chain monomers’. These types of plastics
can be recycled.
Material Forms Properties Uses
(LDPE) Powder, granules, Low density: Tough, good chemical Kitchen ware, buckets, food
Polythene sheet resistance, flexible, soft, electrical insulator, bags, bottles.
(HDPE) available in a range of colours.
Powder, film, sheet Food containers, lamp
High density: stiff, harder than LDPE, high shades, yoghurt cartons.
softening point, waxy texture, can be
Polyamide (Nylon) Powder, granules, Hard, clear, very durable, tough, resilient to Gears, bearings, washers,
rod, tube, sheet. wear, low coefficient of friction and self- bristles, textiles, clothing,
lubricating, resistant to high temperature, stocking etc.
machines well, difficult to join.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Rigid - Powder, Weather resistant, stiff, hard, tough, Pipes, guttering, bottles,
pastes. lightweight, range of colours, needs to be shoe soles, window frames,
stabilised for outdoor use. hosepipes.
Flexible – powders, Soft, flexible, good electrical insulator.
pastes, liquid, sheet
Polystyrene (PS) (HIPS) Powders, granules, Conventional: Light, hard, stiff, colourless, Model kits, packaging,
sheet, expanded transparent, brittle, low impact strength, disposable plates/cups.
foam, beads, slabs. hygienic with food, water resistant Refrigerator linings, toys.
Sound and heat insulation,
Toughened: increased impact strength, packaging.
Polymethyl Sheet, rod, tube. Stiff, hard, durable, similar impact resistance Illuminated signs, windows,
methacrylate (Acrylic) as glass, scratches easily, fibre optic qualities, rear car lights, reflectors,
hygienic with food, good electrical insulator, sanitary ware, light units.
colours, polishes and machines well.
Acrylonitrile Powder, granules High impact strength, tough, scratch Safety helmets, car
butadienestyrene resistant, lightweight, durable, high quality components, kitchen ware,
(ABS) surface finish, resistant to chemicals. durable cases for electronic
products, toys.
Unit 1.4 Plastic
Examples of products manufactured Material Forms Properties Uses
using thermoplastics: Melamine Laminates, Hard, resists Tableware,
formaldehyde granules, scratches buttons,
powders. and marking, laminated
strong, brittle, work surfaces,
odourless, stain electrical
resistant, resists insulation,
some chemicals, cookers,
resistant to
Acrylic ABS
Epoxy resin
Thermosetting plastics
Once ‘set’ these plastics cannot be reheated to soften, shape
and mould. The molecules of these plastics are cross linked
in three dimensions and this is why they cannot be reshaped
or recycled. The bond between the molecules is very strong
Revision questions