+2 Charisma
27 4d8
Thieves’ Cant. A secret mix of dialect, jargon, and
code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly
normal conversation. Only another creature that
+4 knows thieves’ cant understands such messages. It
takes four times longer to convey such a message
CURRENT HIT POINTS than it does to speak the same idea plainly.In
addition, you understand a set of secret signs and
symbols used to convey short, simple messages,
12 N
+6 Acrobatics (Dex)
such as whether an area is dangerous or the
territory of a thieves’ guild, whether loot is nearby,
VISION INSPIRATION EXHAUSTION or whether the people in an area are easy marks or
+2 Animal Handling (Wis)
will provide a safe house for thieves on the run.
+1 +0 Arcana (Int) Darkvision
Cunning Action. You can take a bonus action on
-1 Athletics (Str)
each of your turns in combat. This action can be
INTELLIGENCE ✘✘ +6 Deception (Cha) used only to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide
11 ✘
+2 History (Int)
+4 Insight (Wis) Tools of the Traitor. You can weave webs from your
fingertips at will, crafting a false face from magical
✘ +4 Intimidation (Cha) SPEED, SENSES, & CONDITIONS spider silk. This acts as a disguise kit that you have
+0 +0 Investigation (Int) proficiency in.Additionally, you can use your bonus
Fey Ancestry. Advantage on saving throws against action to weave your webbing into a sticky 50-foot
+2 Medicine (Wis)
being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. silk rope with adhesive grapple or into a net. This
WISDOM +0 Nature (Int) web net has a range of 15/30 and has 4 additional
hit points.
14 ✘✘ +6 Perception (Wis) Trance. Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they
meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4
+2 Performance (Cha) hours a day. Arachnid’s Fang. When you would deal Sneak
Attack damage, you can have the damage dealt be
✘ +4 Persuasion (Cha)
+2 Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to hide even poison instead of its normal damage type. When
+0 Religion (Int) when you are only lightly obscured. you hit a creature that is restrained and change the
damage type using this feature, the target suffers
✘ +6 Sleight of Hand (Dex)
disadvantage on Strength checks until the start of
CHARISMA ✘✘ +8 Stealth (Dex) your next turn.
14 +2 Survival (Wis)
You died and came back. This experience changed you and defines who you are today. The specifics of your death are
up to you, but the following questions and suggestions will help you determine your odd personal history.
How did you die? It probably wasn’t of old age. Spells like raise dead can bring back those who die before old age takes
them, but after dying of old age there is almost no magic which can bring a person back to life. Was it combat? An
accident? A disease?
How long were you dead? Spells like true resurrection allow a character to return from death after as many as 200 years.
How has the world changed politically, technologically, and culturally since your death? What remains of your family,
friends, and personal life?
What was your life after death like? Did you spend time in the glory of eternal battle is Ysgard? Were you enjoying the
paradise of Elysium? Were you being tortured in the Nine Hells or Abyss? Do you remember nothing from that time?
Maybe you didn’t completely pass on, but lived life as an undead, such as a ghost or vampire. Why did you become such
IDEAL a being? What acts did you commit that you now regret? Who still thinks of you as a monster?
Finally someone brought you back. Who was it, and why? Maybe it was to face an old enemy. Maybe it was a loved one
who searched for a long time and sacrificed much to revive you. Maybe you were brought back for a secret only you
knew. How did this person bring you back? Was it straightforward magic? What about a spell like reincarnate, which
could bring your spirit back in the body of a different humanoid race? Or maybe it was some other magic that has a
more sinister secret.
Spirit Talk
You can connect with the souls of the dead thanks to
the long time you spent dead. You may spend a day
of downtime communicating with the souls to learn
a piece of information by asking a question. The
quality and specifics of the information you get is up
to the DM.
This character sheet was generated by Aurora, a character builder for Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition.
[Leather] 1 10
Dagger 2 2
Thieves’ Tools 1 1
Shortbow 1 2
[Rapier] 1 2
Backpack 1 5
Ball Bearings (bag of 1,000) 1 2
String (10 feet) 1 —
Bell 1 —
Candle 5 —
Crowbar 1 5
Hammer 1 3
Piton 10 2.5
Lantern, Hooded 1 2
Oil (flask) 2 2
Rations (1 day) 5 10
Tinderbox 1 1
Waterskin 1 5
Rope, Hempen (50 feet) 1 10
0 0 0 0 0
#1 #2
This character sheet was generated by Aurora, a character builder for Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition.
Leather Dagger Dagger
Armor Weapons Weapons
A backpack is a leather pack carried on the back, typically As an action, you can spill these tiny metal balls from their
with straps to secure it. A backpack can hold 1 cubic foot/ pouch to cover a level, square area that is 10 feet on a side.
30 pounds of gear. A creature moving across the covered area must succeed
You can also strap items, such as a bedroll or a coil of on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature
rope, to the outside of a backpack. moving through the area at half speed doesn’t need to
make the save.
For 1 hour, a candle sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and Using a crowbar grants advantage to Strength checks
dim light for an additional 5 feet. where the crowbar’s leverage can be applied.
3 lb. Player’s Handbook 1/4 lb. Player’s Handbook 2 lb. Player’s Handbook
Oil usually comes in a clay flask that holds 1 pint. As an Rations consist of dry foods suitable for extended travel, This small container holds flint, fire steel, and tinder
action, you can splash the oil in this flask onto a creature including jerky, dried fruit, hardtack, and nuts. (usually dry cloth soaked in light oil) used to kindle a fire.
within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it Using it to light a torch—or anything else with abundant,
on impact. Make a ranged attack against a target creature exposed fuel—takes an action. Lighting any other fire takes
or object, treating the oil as an improvised weapon. On a 1 minute.
hit, the target is covered in oil. If the target takes any fire
damage before the oil dries (after 1 minute), the target
takes an additional 5 fire damage from the burning oil. You
can also pour a flask of oil on the ground to cover a 5-foot-
square area, provided that the surface is level. If lit, the oil
burns for 2 rounds and deals 5 fire damage to any creature
that enters the area or ends its turn in the area. A creature
can take this damage only once per turn.