Unit3 Opamp
Unit3 Opamp
Unit3 Opamp
Unit III
Fundamental of semiconductor devices : PN junction
diode and its applications, Bipolar junction
transistor (PNP and NPN), MOSFET (working and
applications), Op-amp (features and virtual ground
concept), Op-amp (inverting and non-inverting)
• Inverting Input
• Non-inverting Input
• Gain (AV)
• Operational amplifier or op amps as they are usually referred are
linear devices .
• They are fundamentally voltage amplifying devices used with
external feedback components like resistors or capacitors.
• An op amp is a three terminal device, with one terminal called
the inverting input, other the non-inverting input and the last
one is the output
• Op-Amp has two inputs and one output termed as inverting and
noninverting. IC 741 op amp is the most common op-amp used in
various electronic circuits.
As the name indicates it is virtual, not real ground. For some purposes we can consider
it as equivalent to ground. In Opamps the term virtual ground means that the
voltage at that particular node is almost equal to ground voltage (0V). It
is not physically connected to ground. This concept is very useful in analysis of opamp
circuits and it will make a lot of calculations very simple.
For real op amps also the gain will be very high such that we can consider it as infinite for calculation
Gain = Vo/Vin
As gain is infinite, Vin = 0
Vin = V2 – V1
In the above circuit V1 is
connected to ground, so V1 = 0.
Thus V2 also will be at ground
V2 = 0
Why we need Virtual Ground ?