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1. Introduction
Lighting plays a very important role in regular human activities which is constantly available from
the sun during the day time [1]. To cater for the night time, artificial lighting is required. Such
artificial lighting should be as close as possible in replicating the natural lighting.
The lighting system is one of the major elements of the Electrical service design for buildings
consisting of lighting fittings and their controls [2]. The lighting system should be designed such
that it may; provide adequate illumination, provide light distribution all over the working plane as
uniform as possible, provide light of suitable colour, avoid glare and hard shadows as much as
possible, ensure low energy consumption and adhere strictly to standard [3]. In designing a lighting
Aikhoje P.T and Oriakhi O.M/ Journal of Energy Technology and Environment
4(3) 2022 pp. 54-64
system for a building, there are some factors to consider such as; day lighting, physical dimensions
of the room and the building as well as its location and position, the activities to be done in the room
space, the power and luminous rating of the lighting fitting, the losses and maintenance factors and
the budget for the project [4].
There are two methods of modelling a lighting system; manual method and the use of software. The
manual method involves the use of mathematical calculations calculated manually in determining
the number of lighting fittings and the spacing between them given the recommended illumination
for the room according to IES (Illumination Engineering Society) standards. The manual method
consist of three sub methods; point-to-point method, watts per square metre method and Lumen
method. The Lumen method is the most widely used method of the three due to its simplicity and
level of accuracy [5].
The lumen method, which is also called zonal cavity method, is an easy method to calculate the light
level in a room. The method is a sequence of calculations that use horizontal illuminance criteria to
create a uniform luminaire layout in a space. In its simplest form, the lumen method is merely the
total number of lumens available in a room divided by the area of the room [6]. To perform this
calculation, many factors, coefficients, lamp lumen data, and other quantities must be gathered.
Despite the scientific impression of the lumen method equations, there are imprecisions and
assumptions made into the method.
In light of technological advancement, lighting design softwares have been designed to handle
complex lighting calculations and simulate the design in 3D display. Examples of these software
include: AG132, Dialux, Relux, Ecotect, Radiance etc. [7]. Dialux software, Developed by DIAL
GmbH is a widely used commercial package in lighting design, which is available for free through
lighting manufacturers’ websites. This program is customized for interior and road lighting. The
program provides output in customized pdf format and additionally uses POV Ray to produce
photorealistic images. It has an inbuilt calculation system that automatically generate the number of
lighting fittings for a room space given the desired illumination.
This work aim to compare the two methods to determine which is best suited for lighting design.
2. Methodology
The architectural plan is the office block of the Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering,
University of Benin. It comprises of 30 offices, one classroom, two toilets and a control room. The
offices on the floor differ in dimension and presented accordingly:
Specifications spectral MIREFA luminaires (25 Watts, 300 Lumen) was used for the luminaires
a) The Lumen Method: this method was used to calculate the number of luminaire per office
per recommended illuminance in lux by IESNA.
The Lumen method is given by the formula:
𝑳𝒖𝒙 × 𝑨
Number of lighting fixtures = (1)
𝑭𝑳 × 𝑳𝑳𝑭 × 𝑪𝒖
Lux = lighting requirement of the room or office (Lux)
A = area of the room or office (mm2)
FL = luminous intensity of the lighting fixture (Lumen)
LLF = light loss factor
Cu = coefficient of utilization
The following values were used for the calculation (IESNA):
Lighting requirement of the room or office (Lux) = 300 Lux
Light loss factor (LLF) = 0.8
Coefficient of utilization (CU) = 0.75
b) Dialux Simulation: the architectural plan of the office floor (.dwg file) was imported into
Dialux software and was simulated as presented in Figure 1. It generated the number of luminaires
per office using the same assumed values for Lux, LLF and CU. Table 1 shows the results of the
number of luminaires calculated using both methods
Aikhoje P.T and Oriakhi O.M/ Journal of Energy Technology and Environment
4(3) 2022 pp. 54-64
Table 1: Comparative analysis between the number of luminaires from Lumen method and Dialux
(m2) (Lumen) Lumen Method Dialux Simulation
Small Offices 14.74 3000 3 Nos 2 Nos
Medium Offices 22.98 3000 4 Nos 3 Nos
Large Offices 30.35 3000 5 Nos 4 Nos
It can be observed that the number of luminaires obtained using Lumen method is one luminaire
more than that obtained using Dialux simulation for the same room size.
For comparative analysis Dialux software was used to simulate the photometric parameters using
results of the obtained for both methods. The project was simulated with the generated number of
luminaires from Dialux for each office category, likewise the calculated number of luminaires using
Lumen method. The outcome of the project simulation generates the photometric parameters for
performance of the method and comparative analysis. The photometric parameters are as follows:
a. Perpendicular illuminance: this is the vertical light hitting a horizontal surface. It is measured
in Lux. The value of perpendicular illuminance must be greater than or equal to the recommended
value of illuminance for the office by IESNA (300lx).
b. Uniformity and non-uniformity of illuminance (g1 & g2): is a quality issue that addresses how
evenly the light spreads over a task area.
Uniformity of illuminance (g1): It can be calculated using the equation:
𝒈𝟏 = 𝒎𝒊𝒏 ̅
Non-uniformity of illuminance (g2) It is calculated by the formula:
𝒈𝟐 = 𝑬 𝒎𝒊𝒏 (3)
Emin = minimum illuminance (lx)
𝐸̅ = work plane perpendicular illuminance (lx)
Emax = maximum illuminance (lx)
c. Unified Glare Rating (UGR): the glare caused by very bright luminance in the visual field. This
causes discomfort and fatigue to the eyes. This glare can be mitigated by not exceeding the suggested
light levels and by using lighting equipment designed to reduce glare. It is quantified by Unified
Glare Rating (UGR) given by Equation 4.
0.25 𝜔𝐿2𝑠
UGR = 8 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ∑ (4)
𝐿𝑏 𝑃2
Lb = Background illuminance (cd/m2)
Ls = Luminance of the luminaire (cd/m2)
w = Solid angle subtended at the observer’s eye by the luminaire (Steradians)
p = Position index
Aikhoje P.T and Oriakhi O.M/ Journal of Energy Technology and Environment
4(3) 2022 pp. 54-64
The recommended value of UGR by IESNA for an office is 19 at any angle.
The lighting design of the office categories is simulated using Dialux Evo 9.2 and the photometric
parameters are measured for the comparism of the design by Lumen method and Dialux software.
For this paper pictorial of simulation and results of the medium office would be presented, however
results for comparative analysis of the three types of offices were presented.
Figure 2 presents light spacing (x & y axis) and the luminaire layout plan of the of number of
luminaires in the medium office obtained by using Dialux simulation while Figure 3 presents the
light spacing and the luminaire layout plan of the luminaires in the same office, obtained from
Lumen method. Figure 4 presents the 3-D rendition of the medium office from Dialux and Lumen
Aikhoje P.T and Oriakhi O.M/ Journal of Energy Technology and Environment
4(3) 2022 pp. 54-64
Figure 2: the light spacing and plan layout of the luminaires in the medium office from Dialux
Figure 3: the light spacing and plan layout of the luminaires in the medium office from Lumen
Aikhoje P.T and Oriakhi O.M/ Journal of Energy Technology and Environment
4(3) 2022 pp. 54-64
Figure 4: the 3-D rendition of the medium office from Dialux and Lumen Method respectively
The results of the photometric parameters from the simulation are presented below:
a. Perpendicular illuminance: Figure 5 presents the isoline diagram of the office, showing its
illuminance for both methods. Figure 6 presents the calculation result for perpendicular
illuminance due to the luminaire arrangement by Dialux. The perpendicular illuminance
obtained was 248lx, which is lower than the recommended value (300 lux), hence the red
bad sign. While the value of perpendicular illuminance due to the luminaire arrangement
from Lumen calculation was 347lx which exceeds the recommended value as seen in Figure
7. Hence, the green tick sign is given.
Figure 5: Isoline diagram of the office, showing its illuminance for Dialux simulation and
Lumen calculation respectively
Aikhoje P.T and Oriakhi O.M/ Journal of Energy Technology and Environment
4(3) 2022 pp. 54-64
Figure 7: Calculation results from large office using Lumen calculation arrangement
c. Unified Glare Rating (UGR): The UGR for the office was calculated on the calculation
space at a height of 1.2m, which is the height of the eye level from a sitting position obtained
through measurement for a person 5 feet, 11 inches tall. Other parameters selected are the
viewing sector, which is the range of angle of rotation of the head when viewing, the step
width is the smallest change in angle of rotation that can be made by the viewer taken as 150.
The results are displayed in Figure 7. The maximum value of UGR in the office gotten from
Dialux arrangement is 23.4 at an angle of 1800, which is not suitable for good vision. While
the maximum value of UGR gotten from Lumen calculation arrangement is 24.9, at an angle
of 105o which also exceeds the standard rating of 19 but is better off than the results from
Six random points were selected on the calculation plane for the UGR calculation i.e. the
glare effect of the beam of light from the luminaire installed in the office on six random
positions at eye level height was calculated. The luminaire beam angle at the six random
points on the calculation space for the two methods is shown in Figure 8. The Figure shows
which of the points have the potential to give a glare effect on anyone who is sitting on that
position at a particular viewing angle (indicated by the red lines). Hence, lighting equipment
designed to reduce glare should be used.
Aikhoje P.T and Oriakhi O.M/ Journal of Energy Technology and Environment
4(3) 2022 pp. 54-64
Figure 7: UGR results of the medium office using Dialux arrangement and Lumen arrangement
Figure 8: Luminaire beam angle at 6 random points on the workplane for Dialux arrangement and
Lumen calculation arrangement respectively
3.2 Comparative Analysis of Simulated Results between Lumen Method and Dialux
The summary of the simulated results from the Lumen method and from Dialux for all the office
categories is presented in Table 3. This would help in the comparison between the two methods to
determine which of the methods gives the best result.
Aikhoje P.T and Oriakhi O.M/ Journal of Energy Technology and Environment
4(3) 2022 pp. 54-64
Table 3: Summary of simulated results from Lumen method and from Dialux
Office Category Method Perpendicular Uniformity of Highest Unified
3.3 Discussion
From the analysis presented in Table 3, it is observed that, for all the office categories, the Lumen
method achieved better perpendicular illuminance, having values above 300lx which is the
standard for an office by IESNA. This is due to the effect of the extra lighting fixture the Lumen
method had over Dialux calculation using the Spectral Mirefa’s specifications.
In terms of Uniformity of illumination (g1), neither method met the standard given by IESNA as
0.4. Values of g1 closer to 0.4 or higher, denote better uniformity of illumination. However, for the
small office, from Table 3, Dialux calculation gave a better uniformity of illumination due to its
arrangement and light spacing while for the medium office and large office, the Lumen method
performed better.
In terms of UGR results, the recommended value of UGR for an office by IESNA is 19. This means
that values of UGR above 19 denote high glare and would result to strain on the eyes. For all the
office categories, Lumen method had points with higher glare rating than Dialux software. This
imply that the design done using Dialux calculation has a better glare rating and is more
comfortable to the eyes.
4. Conclusion
From the observation, it is inferred that the automatically generated deign by Dialux has lower
number of lighting fixtures than the Lumen method using the Spectral Mirefa luminaire which
reduces energy consumption and cost, but the resultant illumination is not up to the recommended
value. The Lumen method with one more Mirefa luminaire on the other hand meets the target value
for illumination and thus becomes a better option for lighting design.
From the analysis done, though both the Lumen method and Dialux software are good for
calculating the number of lighting fittings for a room space given the desired illumination, Lumen
method gave better results and achieved the desired illumination compared to Dialux. It is therefore
recommended that the Lumen method be used for lighting design. A software that uses the syntax
of the Lumen method can be developed to automatically generate the number of lighting fittings
given the desired illumination and all required parameters. Dialux software has proved to be a very
Aikhoje P.T and Oriakhi O.M/ Journal of Energy Technology and Environment
4(3) 2022 pp. 54-64
good software for simulation and calculation of photometric parameters. Hence, the generated
results gotten from Lumen method should be put into Dialux software for lighting design
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