Gracie Royce - Gracie Charles - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Self-Defense Techniques
Gracie Royce - Gracie Charles - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Self-Defense Techniques
Gracie Royce - Gracie Charles - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Self-Defense Techniques
.1. J. J·t Til
Braz1 1an 1u- 1 su
" II')'OM pt.Mtirirl9 tlw t•t.Mq-1 In Ill!~ buol d!lo":t toll .,, hl1 Ill" he<' 11\011! 1hk.
IM ~_.tiM. p..ibMsfl~· II~S.Urno riO IHpotldbU!r•• l tll IIIII uur Ql t iiiUJ Ut ol
lll.l~tlon ._,......,.,,. tt!A bCJolo or lo t lillY l!!h.>t"'• t"-1 tiiiiY ootur n 11 rn ull of
pud~ W ~ COftuiMd l!ettln.. Tho U!u~h~II011 • lind~~~~ .,o; 1<11 !nhu ·
~tioon» ~ Utele ho lds ond tothl'llfl\!M
..-ly 11 il ""~,.,. j,,. to pro!ottlu~
\1~ tile nnn ~"'WO. o1 • qulolltllld loK'I•o•tto-o,
Adclhlon "ll~, uno; l hlltoltl
lntroductton /1
The Htnory of Branhan Jiu-frtsu /4
Meet the! Authou 11
Training GlJi~Hnes /13
- I -
.and am l.aunch an attad:· before he is close. Grappling arts are designed
for close contact, so even if you've been a113cl:.ed ffOrYI b.:!hlnd Of are
Cdught in <1 dinch-ewen a headlock-you will have a range of effective
respon-ses at your disposal. Brazilian jiu~j itsu famousl)• turned the
rnart•lll ilrU world by ~howing that. when flat Or) his bo:.<k
with his opponent on top of him, a skilled Brazilian jiu·jitsv pr,:~ cti tioner
was still in an extremely favorable pCKition. Having an inslant and e ffec-
tive rNtct•<m to an atta<k make~ all the diHcrC'ncc in the outcome, tmd
the Brazilian jiu·jluu self.·defense system places much emphasis o n this
element of surpme, as we w•ll see in the positions.
- 2-
hothou"Je under the preuure of a rei11 fight. when fa<.cd wtth
no-rutes s.t~hOn! that dM:In~ follow the carefully prescriMd ruJn of
thetr tr~inu-.g. they 'Wdlod. In connan. a llrazilian jru Jti.W ptKt•boner.
by ,,..,.ng aga1n and ag.Jin under rifehke <ondthons, de-velops :.lUio-
madc rflpon5~5 to a full va riety ol attacks. Vutually no thought i~o
required Like hitting .a Wsc:!baU or surfUlg a wave. rl becomes muKit"
rnemory. Only then is it truly uoscful m an unexpe<ted s.tutltion.
/.1. Severit y
Wl11.!rl 4'~kcd about \'ihilt differrcnUatc-s Brazdian liv·JitSU s.elt dc:fcmu fr orn
o lhcf lyvc,: o f scl f·defen~. Royc:c and Chatl~ arE> qln<k to rrpty "In our
~tyl e, the techniqut1ullowyou to choose thcse'~Cfrtyltvclofthr r~porur .
If the per~on you .ue 'facing IS a fr.end who 11 tfmpor~mfyout of h11 M"~
you can < him wrthout hurtrng hrm. tiO'o·~. rf you N(' wrth
a aimlnal or a ~ibente .Kt to •"Jure you or a I~ one.", you <.m apply 1
more kii'Ltlbko ·~ tNel ~ (iuse as nlUC.h ~ .s you nt'fd to.·
8.C4\M 8r~lk'nJIU t•tw ~~control. not :Urr'-tnq. 1t 11 JNf111Cul&rly
t.Ou(ju ou1 bv peop~whose job •t tS to wt:xtu.•ndtvldlolil\v.,thout hurting
them bar bounc.er1. poh<emtn. ~urity Pt~ It K 1 gr~.ll ielf
deft'Mt option to twve fOt ilf'\'y'One else as wc-tl f~tt beut>r 1han bt-ing
forced 10 l11jure «>mcone ~ scnousty wrth !lud(t and stt~k~ that they can
no longer t1tt.•ck you Of<~. it "" atta<ker K \0 dlnt_)NOVS th-at you
nef'd 10 P'-lt hlrn O\l t of (Ommi.uiort-SO you can gcrt aVt~oty, for uut"ncP-
thcnlt 1, n 'linlJJht matter to foUow 1tvough and bft~tk the wtrst. e-lbow, o r
'lho uldcr joint that vol l tmve in a lock
Tll(lrfl, In A nutsh ell, .u e some of the rea\Of'K why Orculliltln jlu -Jit~ou
self·dcfc:mo it. the perfect S'JSI!Cm for most ~ople who wtlnl to I~G II'I to
proteCl lhcnuci\ICS. We'll e•p lore some of t~ ~rnc •uu~\ in fur1hcr
detail In the trolnlng d 1Jpter. But where. you may tlsl¢., did Brazman jru·
fitsu come from? Why was it able to revohnio"'u the- martilll .Jrhl makes ll so un1que? To uodemand tt1e am\vcr' to th('W ques·
t om fim you,~ to leclrn a httle tunory.
- J-
The History of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
C..V'os H Helio coukf be his teacher. From that d.Jy on Hclro Gr.Kte
b«ame a lulllmtructor at the- academy.
OYtt tM next few years. Ccvl01. and H~io d~lopcd the-Ir new ttyf.e.
Because of his small stature and frcllh)".. Heho could not u~ rrwny of tM
Japanese rnovt.os that were based on poWC!f .tnd \f)ef'd, JO M dtvttopcd
new leverag4!1 an<f new wdys of doing moves. As tteho tells 11, "My
brother CilriOi wt~.s vety athl(!tic. qurck. and flexi~e .,,e could do t hou~
m ove~ C\lslly, b'-ll mysctlf. I w~ a sidcfy yowlg ~ad and couldn't us~ th("
:IL'ItliC le verage points or the s.ame speed. ~ 1 h.ld to ttdapt. .. With Helio
d oing more o( the innru(tional work, c.ulos, wAs nble to d{'dlcatc
hlm~clf to the rt'loludgeriJI side o1 the family bu~nc~~ .md to dev('fOf)il'lg
th u fillliCd "(ir;ulf' Die I." (A diet bdsed on food 9roups ilrld how they
coml>i"(" with each other. it has been perfe<ted and vsrd by the lbrnlly
for the r~H seven tv five VCdrs.)
llcho tumed out to be a bt1 II• ant •nnovator, and 1~ st)'te hr cll"Ytlor>Cd
proved to be victorious agau·m all ot~rs. reqilfdiE"\~ of ~•7<" Helto Gr-KJe
bccolmt! the top sports hgurc_ .n Bfaz1l in the 19~ hqhttn1J in public'
~ts In front of tHK of thousands of 'J)Ktaton.,. hr5 r~ut.lllon grew
im~y ret 0\ICt two dercctdes the GIO!KICS ~teplf'd mMl)' <hwll~
,lfld fO\KJhl e varllt't'y of opponents from dtfftrent ctnd ot
d•fftrent sll~ In one extrttnc e~le:. btothf.f ~·.aldo Gr.x_.c, who
weighe<l 140 pound>. lought lolln B.>ldy. who lopp•d th• I<Air< 01 360
pou"cl1.. O"'volldo deft.tted 8~kty vnth a choke hold •n JUSt t\oltO mm~es.
Evcnt'-hlllv the Grdcle..' fMne rc<Khed out\Kft> 1hf' borde1s of their
horn.-liln(l, hJck to,,n, horne of the mos1 skrlled n\olrttal Arti\1\ in 1he
world iH lh nt time. Th~ Gr.:~cie brothers ISSued •' ChJ:IIerUJC" to tha IH>\t
martl~l ~rtis t J.1p •.n hnd ever produ<cd. Mat.ah•ko Klmu'A Kimura stlp
ulated tllllt h e would not fight Helio \lntil HeUo !)roved hmlsl.llf "9"'""'
the second r<"'uked fighter In the world at that timt'. known~~ K<"'IO.
Kt~tO wns for tv pouuds hea..,ier thdn Ueho and <orurd~rNf by many to
bf' the best Jiu -jitsu lechnicldn 1n the world lhc two fought a lflgf'ndary
battle to a draw. In the rematch, Hel10 choked Kato uncons<Jou~ wtth h1~
f.tvorrlt move, the front lapel <hoke
Milnfr Kimura then challenged Heho 10 a fight Krm... • uau~d at tM-
bmf th4t 1f •nvone so slight <ould surm.-e three mtnutH 1n tht urtg ~•th
tum.. ~ would c.on.s..dcf 11 d defeaL Hetio. d~ptte thto hugP w~ght
diffHitftCt .tnd strength ditrl'fen<e.,. banted valt..\nlly fCH thuleen
minUtC1 Mfor. he \vai aught in a brdltant nm locl <alftd '"Ute
....,.,.,. --now a st.1.nd..ud move in Brazilian jiu ·JIUU. StP1ng h•s
biCICht'l"l .ttm about to be broken. Carlos threw in the too.vel
- 5-
For the next scvcnty·five years the Grade family dcd kMcd itscll lo
the p rt:!servation and dMemination of this great 1ighting S'tyl~n<:e
called ·G rade jiu•jitsu. now more widely known as Brazilian jiu.jilsu. lu
the p.Ht ten years~ the ne-.vest generation o f Gr'tlcies have bro u!)ht a
popularfty to the sport beyond the wildest dreams of Ct~rl os a nd Helio.
It is time to meet two of the most dynamic members o f the f<Jmlly, RO~I(C
and Ch.arles . .along \vith their good friend Kid Pcligro.
- 6-
Meet the Authors
November 12, 1993: il new pay..~·VIC\V ~nt tn;,1lt1. 1\So ckbut 10
America- the! Ullimat~ Fighting ChampiOn~·np the concept was ~mpiC':
pit eight e•~tts in d•ff~rMt ma"11l aru .tga•Mt uch oth« '" ~ngle-
el•mmat•on Hght\, wtth no rula •nd no t.n~ hn'llb. to INm ontt' and
for all which maruat an .s most tfftctl\~ .., rt"l hft s.•tuatiom Among
the contestant'\ WM a 380-pound Jumo wTettlff, • 215--pound WOfld
dMrnpion lockboxtr. .. p.~;w.,a~ tha~.on. .,.o •
)kmny, t1~ pound
flli)n dteiS«< in a wh•tt kunono Oliff t~ two hours of the event. that
\kinny,d tVttry oppontnl wrthout to mut.h ,u thro-... tng a
s.ngle punch on hb w~ to the hilt and the )uddcn ~uent10n of the
entire att'l communtty ths na~? Royct Gt.t<1t nlqht. Roy<• Grd<te boH;."'me one oft~ me»t rec.oqn•:cd name~
in mortldl urt.s \ln<J l.lun<tled the Ouwl..v. J•U ·J•Uu ttvolut•on llround the
world. F«" from being an QYfrmght '\.fffl,j)tlon. this WM 10meth1ng Royer
hnd been prcpt,tlrl<l lor hts ernue lifer.
The K!cond young<l'Sl son of 1~ ltog~ndary Gr3ndm;H:1er Helio Grac•e.
Royce grew up In Rio de Jnn..-iro. Art•~lt. in a family of fll]hter$ Young
Royce :lf>Cnl h i~ childhood w~ltdlll'l(j the l'lkl\IC!I) or the )port lCltching.
his f~ th cr. Hello, brother~ Rorton and Ridnon. and cou\-ln Rolls were the
hencl ln11ructor1 Jlt the Grude Ac~1demy 11t tht), tune. Roy<C' began
ab~orbl u g their lCdChlrlgs i'llld lc6irnlno oil the details a•'ld te<IH'Iiques
C)lchanged bcrween farnUv membf'f~
Royct- hc<rnn com,-.mln<t In tO\IIIll.ltll<:flb lit ag~ clghL He wccived hi!.
blue belLOlll90 silo. teen ond ...,..\IS promoted to bta<k belt In I~ than two
years. /\I lhe age o f 1f'VCnttffin, by Invitation of hk brothl*r Rorion, Roycp
moved to the United Stntcs to help populanle 8rA:t:lhlln Jiu·j•lSu. A11ivh1g
In America SJ)Ci'klng., word of £nglrsh, Royt:c immediately Wel''lt
to work teaching. Runnlnq<IM 0\lt of tMr g.·uagc.>, Royce and Rofion
taught for hours on end, Their Khool gtew by WOfd of rnouth, and in
1991 Rofion and Royce opene<l tht Grac~ Jiu· htsu Academy in Torrance,
California. Today 11 is one of the lorq<!it INrt&al dtU S<hook m the <OW'Ilfy.
In 1993, Royce got the chance to fulfill h•s family's lifelong dream of
showing America and the world thf' nyl• h11 fam•ly had ptoneeted. The
U t ~te Ftghttng Champ1onstup debuted'" Otnwr, Cokno\do. Instead
of a r~ular bo.x•ng ring. the arena w.H an octagon tnbde ot <hain·link
ff't'lla to kffp the fighte~ from ~pmg ttvough the ropes.
Roy<<' was sel~ted to be the Gracie representative a t the- Ultimate
Fighting Championship by his father ,:md brothers de-spile the fact th<lt
h<' had never fought in a single professional fight. Roy<~ Wt)S rlOt a Iota I
-fight movi<<'. however; he had plenty of experience defending the
-tarmly name in informal chalkmges:. Year~ before, the f;)mily had issrJed
th<' f.atncd ..Gra<re Challenge," in which the~r of1ered $100,000 to
anyon~ who could dc:feal one of the brothers in ~ no·rules m.~ tch .
Needless co say, the challenge- attracted many tJkc:rs, but no w inners.
Th<' UFC was broadcast to the largest pay·per·vie w a udie-nce ever to
that date When the tj me came for Royce to fclce hi!. iirst opponent in the
UFC. bol(er Art Jimmerson. the world was introduced to tho GrrJclc lumily
<1nd its. S1VIC. lh<.- fan11ty marched mto the arena in single file, with one
o·f the brothers leading the wa;•for the entoumgc :)rld Ro;•ce in M!c:ond
posetron. It was the birth of "The Gracie Train," a shol.'.• o l unll;· h om d
family dedicated to tMu art for de<ade-1.. A.o; the iigh1 Slt1rtcd, Royct'
rapidly clinche<f Jimmerson. took hrm down, and mou n t~d him. The
boxer, not used to fegh11ng with his bac_k against lhe ground, qulcl<ly
gnve up
Royc:t'!'~ nex-t opponent wa-s Ken Sharnrock. Shamrock hiJd n h ugu
n\lmc in Japom. havmg \'IOn the Pf~itigious King o1 1>oncr~sc litle in lhc
Japanese ptof~sional frght cucull, A ...cry C)tpcrlo"ccd fighH!·r. \'l.•i lh $Oiid
ground · f•gh~tng $kills, Shamrock outweighed noycc by lhlrty ,,ounds. ~
the ligtlt Sl411cd. agaen Royce clinch ~Xi otnd took 1h() 1igh1 10 the grour,<.l.
Unlike his prede<!Msor. Sh~mrO(k drd no1 pnnic or give Ul>. ;md 1hc two
frghtc"' exchanged positiOf'l until Roy<c's grea1cr ~kill allowed h lrn lo
~ccure a choke, cndmg th~ flgh1.
Royce's opponent in the final round wa~ the klckboxcr Gerard
Gordcau. Gordcau was a menacing ligure. standing m 6·s~ a nd 2 15
pound-s, with fong ~s for powerful ki(l:.s. It appeared 10 be a mismal<h
again~t the !<Inky Gracie, but the matd'l followed the s~me script: Royce
clinche-d, took Gordeau to the ground, and procee-ded to chok~ hirn in1o
nebmis.sion U$inQ his larnfly's te<hruques, Royce Grarie defeaJed lhrcc
opponent~ m one- night. aod in the pr<><~~s blew the minUs or tradi·
tiona! martial clftk~. No one coulrl comprehend wha1 had ha ppcr'le:d,
but ev~ryone wanted 10 learn mofe? about the young man and h i!>
combat nyfe. Royce went on to win two additional urc l ilies ~ l'ld is still
the only O'k'ln in the history of no-holds-barred matches t o defeat four
opponents in a singte night.
Aft(!or its success m 1he Ultimate Fighling Championships, the Grode
Academy became th~ MKc.a for Braz.rlian jiu-jitsu, quadrupling in size i•'
- s-
just t ..vo months. Wilh hotdes. of ~ae)ef" studenu kllO(king at hil door.
Royte immersed himself in h~ teaching. hopmg to expand th• rn<h of JiU·t•UU to th~ greatest numbtr of people. rOf h~ )'C!Jrs Royce
spent most ot his days refining his <raft and his tuc::hmg mPthods. Bu1
eventually, the d rOJw of the nng was too much and the moU re<.ogmzcd
person 1n jlu jltsu was lured back to fight th~ time 10 Japan 1hc- ("Ve-nt
was Pride, tho largest MMA show in Japan and perhap\ th• world.
Royctt's first match wao; aga.n~t a JapaneM! Idol Nobvtut:.o ll)koJda, one
or tile nlOSl fa r1l0Ull pro wrestlers in Japan Royce pun~hed l.lk3d3 the
e ntire flm llhccn·m int.l1e rovnd and Takada decltned to re-turn fo1 the
llOKl. The win "(lt up a n'hatch ~g~inn Kaz.u\hi So.kl.UIIbO, c.on"ldcn!d by
rm:~t~ y (II tho time to b<l the b~sl middlev-Je•ght hghtt"r in tht" world. In
whtH became M ;JII·timt;" clo~uK. and the longM.t fUOit•Uion~l flcJh1 in
fCCCIIl h l•llory, Royce .md Sdkuraba ktcked, punchC!d, und CACh.Jnged
subn, issiOtl Jttempts for an o.1~oundmg mnety m,nute-'1 Only" broken
fool at ,.,e end of tM- 1fxth flft Hn·mmu1~ round for<ed Royu• to f•n"'IIY
Dt:mnd0t1 tho hqht
roday Royce k prwtlf9td 10 'SJKUd thfo tKhn;qUM ~rfKttd by hi\
father dll ~r the \VOfkt He m.ltnta•ns a ''90'CM.n tt•·.J<I1o(htdule!' of
~rnlrwr~ ..nd dasSM. 6nd hi~ ltst of 'tudenu IS YWithout pc<tr Rortt ha\
taught cettbrttits met\ "" Chu<'k t-lorris. Ed O't,.,.,ll. Guy R1tthttt. aftd
Ntehoh:n COC"Il' Hf' ha\ alf.O be-en ver~· -K\1\'C w1th the (lA. fBl. OlA.
~ccret ~ervkc, Arrnv Rangers. Army Spt<~l fOtc~ Na'o')' Scalt., (\nd many
sheri II ~nd poll<t dnp~~rtme-nt5.
Rovco make\ hi\ home in Torrilncc. Callfornld, wtth Ins wtf~. Ml)tiM"lne,
J1'd his ~ons. Khonry, Khor. lln<l Kh<!ydon. He spendt. h•s dar- p..rffl'ctlnn
h lo; o;klll\ nncl eilfJNiy awa•n h •s next fight.
All hl1llfe (hMICi Gracie has been trying to t1ay out ot the hmthqht and
work behind the «:enc'-. Otades. most val~ unpf0VIfl9 h1) te<h.n•<al
skills and hh tea<hing. ak»ng with his paulonate ded1cat.on to h1s
fimily Th'" qUif't and un<Ktuming Graoe-, however. h•s hold the lime
l19ht forced upon h1m cVld heM. risen to the oc.u.s.on
torn 1n Rio de JaMiro. 8razi1,. the oldest son oi Robwn Gracw (son of
Cart.os GrJCi~) and brother to Renzo and Ralph, Ch~r~ notrtcd e..wly m
u. fJmJly WI~ te-armng Brazilian fru·jitsu while s-hfl a todd~ Soon
•ttrr. he was under the tutelage of his un<le, t~ k!gendary RollsG,..ue.
- 9-
On~ o f the be:st fighters in the ramify a nd widely recogni~ed as the
leader oi the Brazilian t•u·Jitsu movement at that time, Roll ~ would pick
up Charles at his home, take him to the Rio Brr1nco a n d Copacobana
Schools, a nd share his wisdom and techniques wilh his young nephe w,
Charles cam~ to considet Rolls his second f.:nher. In 1981, w l1ell Charles
was seventeen and had achieved the rc"tnk of purple belt, Rolls dieclt mg ~
ically in a hang ghd•ng accident. For Charlc:. the lo:.s was devastating.
Aft·e r Rolls's death. Charle\ took time away 1rom the sport to recover.
The los.\ of his mentor and close friend lef1 him unmotivate d . Soon,
however. the humtv root'i' took hold. Brazilian jlu·jitsu Is in Charles's
Ulood, and with renewed mot•vahon a nd a desire to COI'Itinuc lhc
legacy or his uncle, Charles redcdicated himself to lcc1rning 1he fam ily
art. When he returned, Charles trained u nder Grandmaster 11cllo Grade
a r'd hb undes Carlos Jr. und Reylson. Charles received h is b lack bell in
1985 .Jt the age of twenty-one.
AfttCr receiving hrs bldd: belt Charle-s •noved 10 the ~tf.ltc of B<•hifl,
north of Rio de!' Jancuo, whcre he h\·Cd until 1997. Choules w.u U1c driving
force in CStJbhshnlg the 8razilioln Jiu-Ji\Su Federation or Ba hi;. tmd
became one of the IC'admg ftgures o f thl! spon there, heoll>lng organltc
some of the fun competitions ul thai stJtc. While living h'l Bah l~. ChiHh.:s
met his wife, Tatiana, n1ey have h"o'O childre n, lth..11y ond VIttorio.
One of Ch.t,riCi,'S fust detour} Into the lunC!'Iight came while hC was living
ir• B~hw . When his ~ner~kOO\•m brothers were unavDllable, Chaflos w~s
a~kcd to partiCipate m a no-mles professlol'la l e ve-nt. lie v.•.;a~ mntche-d
against As~uetio Silva, a 231 ·pound fighter with previous l>rolcssloma1<e. Charkts trained for si" months for the fight. In fron1 of thou~
sandi of Krc.lming fans. Charle-s. we1ghing 11'1 a t 180 po ul'ldS, used dil\.\ic fiu·jitsu tedlniques against his largc>r opponem. As the fighl
started, Ch.ulc<s qwckly cHnched. while avoiding his oppone nt's p<"IWertul
punch-e<~ He t~n took Silva down and methodically adjusted h is po!.illon
until h e a<hieved the mounted pcxilion. from there Charfes adminislcfcd
a barrage of pumhes, forcing Sitva 10 1um ove-r to protect hirnself. A1 two-
<lnd..;a4laH rnim.nes Chati(.>S subm1tted S.ll\ra wi1h a choke from lhc back.
By 11he fate 1990s Charles fehthat his mi!.!.ion in Bahia was complete,
and he wa-s ready for new hotizons and new challenges. lie- r'I'IOvl'!d to San
Frnndsco in 1998, where he now maintains his acad emy. Ouril'lg hi~
se<ond year in America, again deniny uncx:pMedl~· called Charles to 1ask.
White accompanying his t<!'am to the Cali-fornia State Titles:. he-w~ asked
to fill in for an injured fighter in a professional Superlight. Because of the
importance of such mat<hes in popularizing the spor1, Charles felt the
- 10 -
ne<essity to figh t. d esp i-te h<:~ving a k~ injury that kept h im from
training. CiHl(fcs rac~d .anothe r belt. The match opened and his
adversary S<ored the firlt points with a reversal from then on, s.atistied
with the lead and the possibi~ily of defe-ating a Gracie family member,
Chatlcs•s o ppo nent played conservatively, bi<Xk1ng dtariM's attJc.ks while
awaiting the end of the match. Wrth less than one minttte to go, Charles
reached d eep Into his te<hni<;al ars<!nal .and, with a refentles\ flun)' o r
ot t..'lcks. Ch arles was able to defeat his opponent with a "'Uiangle" choke.
Charles hds ~pen t the PllSl four ycdrs coocentr.ating on promoting
Br'ilZIIlan jlu·Jitsu in the United1 St.ates One oi his mam de!oue\ is to main·
lJin the sport's aut h enticity. He does this by paiti.cipatirlQ in the organ·
iza·tio n of tournam crlts and Is Cllrrcnlly involved in the or9anizahon or
the American F~d cr.;~ tion of Bra;:-ilian Jiu·Jhsu. 11 w.'b Ch.ules·~ ~Hong
d esire to spread the family tectdmlgs to all thnt cau~d him to see the
need for a book o f self·dcfense tt."<tmiques using the Gracie rn~thod~.
Orlng lng together his cousin Roy<e and good fncnd Kid Pellgro to
pilrticipnte in the proj~cl m<.\dc It a drcoun come true for this 1irefescs
tfcvo t<:c of OrazlllcHljlu·jitsu ,
Kid Petigro h as been lrwoi"VQd in the martial.aru for mou ot his life. He
J llain cd th e r,)nk of brown b~h in American kenpo before discovering
Brazilian fiu·fltsu. His passion ilnd dcdrcatton to the sport earned h im
the level o f block belt after ten years of practice. Peligro is be!>t known
as O rH~ o f the leading writers: In I he sport. Hrs two Wolld Tilles in thc
Masters Division are a testament to his knowledge and commitment 10
the <rrt. Pcligro has a reputadon of being on the <u«~ng edge of the
t cchf'licol development of the spor1. He k u~!oponsible for regular
columns in two o f th e largest MMA m.lgazin.M in the world-Grappling
<rnd Gr.tdc Magazr' well as lhe most widety read Internet MMA
new s page, AOCC New o;.
Kicl Peligro's broad involv~mcnt with Brazilian jiu-jitsu and MMA
even ts h as led h im to travel ~o ~he lour cornen of the earth, coverir'lg
Bra-zilian jiu·jitst.t, sub mission grappling. and MMA e\•ents in America,
Brazil, Japan, and lhe Middle E<1st. Considered the ambassad or oi
B(azilian jiu·jitsu, Peligro is dedicated to !>preading th~ word of t he
sport t o a w id e aud ience. As en reSp(!cted personality in the sport, Pe:ligro
has been fortunat e t o h ave studied, traine-d and become fnend!> with
- 11 -
the bert •muuaon .ud pactrtlOOef"S in the Mineu. Pehgro's joornalist
background. ak)ng with his deep wn:.e of commi1ment to fur'1hed ng
the spread of Orctzdran tiu·iit:su. made hirn tho pcrfc<1 pf"f$On 10 1rJn:.•
Ia to th(! technkaues of Roy(e and Charle-s Grade lnlo words. Pelig ro was
.also Uu~ cdllor. cocre<ttor. and o rganizer of Ren7o ~nd R.o)'lcr Gr~cle'~
break1hrough book Brdzilian Jiu-Jitsu. T/lcoty and T!'chniqot;>.
- 12 -
Training Guidelines
- 13 -
Deep bends •nd ~•de--1o-sicfe stretches are re<ommended. OJ ck woum·
up exe-rce ~es consishng of bfidging {lit1ing your hip~ up by pushin g o t1
your legs and balancing Of\ the badt of your he ltd, while la~·ing w ith
your bil<k on the ground), circling the uppc• body t hro\H)h its rull
ri'lnge oOf mo1ion. or simply lifling the h ips oH th e QIOUI'ld while laying
on your back for ~t least 10 rcpctJtiom.. will ~u fficc:o. The strct<hing und
w arm·up pcmxl V"•Uit>l: o,•:ith each person but should take <'~ t least 10 to
IS nunutt~
One~ ot te<hn1que is 'Shown. the stu~nt dot$ rt~titions slo•.-;ly, w•th
a w1tlrng p,lrtncr who doe\ not resfst. unlll he bcg1m to comprehend 1hc
fl'lC(hantG afKI thf !~rages that art> •nvotvc!d in that particular tech·
neque It is e•tre~ 1mpor1ant for a student to prcldi<e the techniq~
<Orrl!<11y at stow s~- Do not rus.h through the mova .md sacrifk<!'
COHl'(IOCSS U'l thf PfOC<!'SS,
Mus<lc: mernory only devek)ps horn rcpc11tlon. II o ne- ne ver practlcl•s
Cl mov~. h Will f'loOt cor~ out corre<1ly u r\der durc~~ . A~ Ro yce put.'\ it:
"Speed IJ t1 con\tq\rtncc ot rcpeutlont The w nth lime yo u do lht! mo vo,
you wHI do it bcncr than the hrst tnllO. Afle r f1 leunc.h e d times, you
5houtd nart f~cllng very comfonablf! If you Jr~ still hDvlng proble rns
ilhtr ..1 thouJotnd rfpeotmons. then v.•c have il problpml"' Espe<ially In
self·dtfen~ suuattom-where a pt-non muu dectde, quickty, which
move to lM ~nd how-you can't otfford to w.u:te pre<ious se<onds
th1n~tn9 Thert"fOff", .....~ rr<OfW'W'BMd that yOU drh9Mity ptactke lhoe
tnO\It$ unt1l the-t be<~ olUtomattc. Only lhen wrll you be able to Mve
conf•dcn<t '" what you ~...-e lea.tned. And that confidence go a
long way SomctunM, in faa. you may be abla to defuse conf ro r'l1a tion
before it o<C\IrS, Jrmply be<aus.c of the <aim 1tnd confident way thM you
<Oildutt your~elf. And ewn if you a u~ ;tUnckef1, most A11DCkCr'S a ren't
expe<ting UW!Ir viCtum to nave ready ri!Spon~c~ J l h nncf, so the e le mo rn
of sur~HI\f! you CJltln hom an rnstantaneou!' response will p u-t .almost <~ II
anackC!rs on th~ drfeMive i~iately.
Most ot tht' defen~ •n this boolc are dernonsvated against r~ht
handed .tttac:kM. '5tn<e lh.olt is ....nat you arf' most li~ety to encounter.
~~. you don't want to be at a kMs 1f auiKktd by a southpaw. so
prachce ~ of these povbans (panKUWty the weapons attacb) vNih
tile lefu ~net uqhn reversed {~ualty, you shoutd bt- equally comfort·
able using e•thet hand and foot.
Anoth.-r import.Mt thing to keep m mind when train ing i ~ 1o try to
sim u l a t~••u much a~ possibSe, a real. fi fe .JI1atk. At firn you mu~ maste1
the ~ech niqufl'S by ~xt.'<UtUlg them at slow ~peed ~uHie r vel)' corwollcd
- 14 -
conditions.. but .u you PJOQrt!S.S and b«ome more and more ~l you
net'd your partner to begin to re-sist. Eventualy yout should try to
be M •real~ Dl posstb~. dvowmg ~that ;ue ~arty r•a~ $wmgn'19
the bat like an i)tW<Jter would-~ lhc bat., and att~mpung ~~~• h~.ld
lock}. chokf'\. bear hug1. and so on. As you get proficient. your partn<"r
~hould begin to .sttcmpt to ~ntKrpate your l'l'lOYeS and coun1er them.
Or~uillon jiu -lh5Y Wii'S itble to cvo~ into a m.JrtJat art that u~uAIIy dcfeJU.
other ITmrtlal aru by le t-ting new mo~ arise CXJt of tht fttc- !J•v~and ·
tL,kc bctwc~n two opponents. Having a p.Jrtnet who tdn forut you to
1hink on you!' feet tlnd never get stillc- is the- vue key to bc<oml!lg \) top
rnm tinl .u tht.
Retore we !JC!I Into tht' po~•t•ons thems<>lves. there tue two b,nl( I~·
njque~ lh~o~t urc eucnh.!ll to corrmly lum~nq thf' r~t They ''<"
emphas.lzM hett b«ause a begtnn•ng student m•ght bt- tempted to
lc1nOtt' them and move on to th~ mor~ ·~•c•t•ng• Pf>'•hons That
'NOukJ be .i gr"'ve rnnt~e• .ss 1l •S •mpo'los•ble to be 1 uuty ~u<<t'uful
Bnnlllan jlu·jluu tNttl.ll an1st without .» ~P l.lm•ltat~ty with
dl(!"ifl u~chntques
In I hi ~ book we: cornuwtly reler to slaying in ba~e- or dropping In bose.
Thl ~ mcM s dropph'9 your hips and spreadnl<J your feel s.o that your
ccmnr of f) nwhy lo; low and you have a firm ba~ of <tuppnn~nentl a l
to <.h: fcnthly L- lurgur. stronqer opponent. 9e<olUS.C 8ra:iUan jlu·jluu 1\,
bMel'l an lcvCI'ollgc .Jnd position, it is no exaggeauion to Sl'\y that your
,.uccc'l~ d CI)Onch on leilrning to quickty get into pro~r bAsf'. ThAt is why
the proper WJV~ to ~t.. y, .md get, m base are the fuu two te<hnjquM In
th<' hook.
One of the wc.ks to maintaining your ba<te ;s to •maginE> a sttmg ttM
to your wa1st. pulling you dO\...., to the ground. K~ptng that thought in
m.nd will greatly help you to stay in base Additionalty, nayrng tn bas-e
involves pla«m('(1t of your h1~ The hJps connect the- upper body to the
loo.ver body. and they iJIC the k<'Y to a<hit'-ving and ma•nt.,,n;ng proper
base. For bl!it unden;tandfng of the con<e-pt you should clowty t-xamme
the pictuu~s. rc•d tht' tot. and then practJce the pos1t10ns. You wdl be!
abllf ro ..feel" when you are in good base.
- IS -
f<JIIing and Rolling
The oth<!r key serie. of tedlniques you must master is properly 1alling
down and property rolling. Be<ausc of their hnpor1iJnc~. these 1echniq ues
are also shown in the first few lessons. Given that in any fig ht situa11on
there i'5 .1 strong polt.Sibdity that you will end up on 1he ground, you canno t
f eel safe in it .Street fight if you don't know how to pfoperly fall. To become
a fearl-ess and unhe1.itant Brazilian jiv·jitsu practitioner. ~·ou mu~ t rnokc the
gro,.md your friend. You are not afraid to hit it, }'OU are not afr<)id to be
on it. This will put you at a serious Jdvolt)t3gc over most advcnfJrle~.
Again, thC>re are some spe<iat points that should be brought up about
proper I,JIIing te<hniqut.-s. a ttempt lo keel> )'OUr head u p a nc;l
i'IW.t~· from hitting the ground You don't want to hit your hcud and
become stur\ned or lose consciou\.ness. You sho u ld also not be stiii; let
your body relax as it touches the g1ound. Addi1iorlall\•. you can take
i'lwt•y the impact ot the fall by hitting the groUI'Id with yout l'XIcndcd
lower i.lrm f~rst.
Although this book is de-signed to be the ne-xt best thing to Royce'$ and
Charles's personal dane\. it obvious!)' isn't the same thing. No boo k
could be. An insuu<tor can wiltc.h what :;ou do and give yo u feed back
moment by moment. An inn ruaor can mak<' you 1eel the moves omd personalize traming to your individual nrengths and weakn esses.
He <an answer questions. You p robably cannot be<ome a self-de fense
c.xpert from book-learning alone.
- 16 -
Having said that. ho~.r:. we must emph.wre Uwt th•s book ,,. still
uwaluablt to any self-defense student tt can wrve students m lw'O
dtStmct ways. for those w·ho do not have an 1m-tructor. ft can setW as lll
guideline for correctness. You can It am the pos1lt0f\1. ~nd undoubtedty
make yours~lf b-etter prepared to handle any une~tp«ted ~gr~sion .
Them, when yo u do holvt a chan<e to tram w11h an msuunor, you wtll
h ave a g re;n base to build on
For tho,c w ho hiiV4t qualified instruction. thrs book can ~ " '' esst1l
tlol roforc ncc guid e. Cvcrylhl ng seems clear ..,, tM d;.ues. but th!'n you
try to ropcJlt th em~~ home ~nd end up Mkill<J yourself. "W.Jit. what .-.r1'1
I ~up po sed to do next ?" Be inq :1bte to v1ew the position$ ~ t home w hN'I
you're proctlclng m \lkes all tt1e di ffc.•rence~ .md you wm i 1nd youm!lf
rufurrhu-J to this bo ok a gain a nd again
A L..u t Word
Dropping in base
- 20 -
2 Drop down: feet apart. head forward, and
butt dow,,. RQY<(" nov.· d101JS in base, He
or.cns both fcct out at the s.ame lime 10 w iden hts
bat.e", le.ans fQrwDrd with ' "~ ttmo, and lcn'le rs h1s
hrJ». He doses his el bow~ by his hlr•s {uld tl(lhtcns
h t~ hand~UHO fi~u.. Hh ba~c is now ~p read oul, but
h t body remains tente•cc.J n •c lvtiun to hi ~ Ieel.
- 21 -
Maintaining your base
t lto·~;((' ptlll:; t) n
- 22 -
thi~ c.xcrt:IW with
;, IJ(IIlllCI \0 l)Ot {\
tor the comlant sublle
~11 itu in billa not.• uc<.-dcd •
- 23 -
Single-handed wrist grab <thumb up)
- 24 -
n M#fnt~n
~ up
your baso IIJ't(j tum your wrut
towa.rd the thumb. Bi' 90in9 in the
difcc:tion of t.h~ thumb, Royce 15 u-sin9 t he
strength of hts entire arm against
Charles's thumb only.
In this detail w e can K'C thtlt Roytc is I>UIIing
tw•'3i' hom \he fov• Hn!JI.'f1 and In lhC' dl~<.:<>
ttoll of t he lhumb.
- 25 -
Single-handed wrist grab (thumb down)
In th~ v.-,riation on the csupe from the smgle--h;an~ wrist grab. the
aggr~uor grabs. )"OU \-.lth hrs thuiT'Ib po.nung down.
- 26 -
2 Geor tt br&M Mtd twrtt your tMfst
hls rhc.mb. In tht\ uw- the openrtg
MtYfffn the thumb ~W~d t'- h"lgcr\ ,.
to Roya't. r.ght. Aoyct d1tt<U t~e
escape tCM.ud Ch.ul('\'\ t~umb.
thto ~,a;ken p.att or t h• qrip
Not ~ ti\Jll tlw dh«llon Royoo dnvt:. hi' w•iU
·" tu~'lyc,,~, ( h.ldb't.:um to tw111, ml'lklnfJ It
t~)()\\tbt~ t ~ htm to u"\.1\.t and ~ eep the hod.
..,........ ... .,.....
• "
.,-fl _,...,
Two-handed front choke
deftnlf I))' t luhtC"I"!J his
m1n.dl'1 to tHI:\'I!nt d1Ul1il9f' to h 11o
011)1\ •
- 28 -
. , CJtclf! yourhe.d around hi$ tll'tn. f l(nlf}' wt In
~ bas.e.. Ro)'t~ c rtlt~$ h 1> hC{1d .:u ound Chafle~o's
hdnth.. C1<o.101n9 the dto<e.
- 29 -
.. .. .·'-..........-
I",_ I • I '
1t loll
• • .. 1 .., ..
.... ; ·••!,_.-· ~,
Learning to fall backward
Being able to f~l (.Onec:tty is of great •mport.ante no1 ont)• for scU~
dcfenu but 11lso in day· to-day life. The <oncct tethnique can p revent
the inj\.lries th~t often result frOfn tJu~· tdp~ and falls common while
playing sports or <!vcn working around the yard. Here Charles demon·
strates lht! corrtu way to fAll backward.
- 30 -
.., ~~as low 4J you (,, n, 11 I>O~~ibh: 1•)• letlluu
~ your bultod:s louc.h I hehe-~ls ol }•our Icol.
Learning to fall to the side
Famng to the side is pc1h.lps the most • of all the faits to
l~arn.. It r;. the proper way to t1ll hom mcnt thr~ A gre-at deal of
confic:lence in yOUI ab•hty to h4tnd~ • strf'tl 3g!)rt-Ssion ,._;n C()n'l(>
when you develop good ftllhng technique.
- 32 -
. , Hit the ground with your butt not
~ whh your b/Jc-1(. I~ i~ important to hit
tht g•ovnd with the buttO<k~o t~ nd not the II your 1 lr~1 Impact 1>oln1 Is your bad,
)'OU arc «!t13m \o hi1 your hc"d on t he
yroon(ll)~ \'~·II .
- 33 -
Single-handed collar grab
- 34 -
/1 St•p around wtch your lt!IC I~
"f 1nd duck undttr. ContfO/ thtt
wrilt Th• l•st thfng through J.s th~
hHd ~ con1lnue'> the move. t-Ie
u.ep~ through with hl.s left leg and C" Control (#Mf ;)tm \Yfth bofl•
duch undt't Cl'Htrles'\ rig ht arm 7 hands. KH!p your r}ghr hand
""'* n1ll hold•n9 on 10 ChMies'i ()II his rtlbow Roy<t' •S nt>Yt bc:lund
wmt Noun that t he thing to go Charles wh~e 11111 holding on 10
~ ~ Roy<e's h~ad. (n.o\l~'s ..wrst \'nth h1 \ leh h6nd , /!. Uh his wrist to his e-ar until
ttoo,u·s nght hand holds Charlers lJ he mbmits. Ro~·<o li!JJ>Ii~~ ;)
nght clbow lot (OOtrol. submission ho 'd b)• lifting ChMi e~''>
right wr i~1 io t he d re<:tion ol his rig ht
ear. crt-ftting P• es~uf~ ou Ch{lll ~~·::
- :JS -
Forward roll
2 Bendyourb<xiydown, RHdt
down with your le fr ann until
y()IJ fo11ch th~ grout?d. ThiS t). the
Nl\i~Cst way to ptoperly tea rn the . . , Relldt bad: with y~1r right
<13 rreu rl)()1•on A" you gel mo•c- ~arm as if you wanred to w.~h
proficient. you don't oe+d to ltte-r.)lly ~omcthlnfJ behind you ;md through
IOI.Kh the groood with your hand. your legs. Vou can IH"IH re.;tc;h roo
fa• w hen firs t reaming this pan o f
t he- fofwan:t roll. Tht more fOu
emph.asize ! he reaching mohon th ~
ea~irn ~·ou will make t he roll.
- 36 -
/1 'nlti your head and roll o~r
1,.-f tk sJck of your back, nor rh•
tplrw It 11 exttemely lrr.portMt to
owr the side of your back (which C'ContJnut: thft roll ~nd ptc>fH't•
li C*kttd by musclc1) and not j'Ou t ,? to hit rhe ground wtth your
s;.ne B)' roll•ng over the musde ~·ou loft h<md. Ma!(e on~: continuous and
prate« your spine from Ctny
~ l""'9Jnt yourself doing thi:s
.ncorreon!y and rolljng o·,er Y'Oll f
smooth motion. As vnth the o thtr
t e<hniques, pract ice does make
6 Finish lint o, lfle ground, left
arm and lcfr lctg $-lr~tlglu
ht>ad up. Again, make su rt'! •;ou
- 37 -
Headlock with punches
This is one of the most dreaded situations in a i i9ht. The aggressor has
the vkticn by lhe: head \'lhile using the opposite hand to strike his ·ftu;.e .
Strikes to the iacc <an quickly do serious damage. If the \'ictim doesn't
know the proper es.<ape, it will be a long da~·!
Note the correct '•\'il}' to
Sctvre the ;urn,
2 PUt your right hand In fronr cf 'f{Xlr
Stock the punches! With your IEh a.rm reach
around a"d gn.tb hiJ bit:~tps. Ro.,.ce·s ftrst ..vony ,, to
protect his face and nop getting hit . Roy<P. us~ his
dghl hand to co•ocr his face <I S he rca<hes to bfo<k
Charl e~ 's left bleeps to stop th~ pun:<ht-S. At the' tirnc, Royce reaches around the back with his
le f~ IMnd and <)robs Ch<lrlei's l eft nrm.
- 38 -
_., Grab Ms right wrist with your right hand. step back with your
~ right foot. l.lnd look vp o.rt r w tt f1'(/o('k. RoytC'l> right hand 91Ub s
Ch.lrtes"~ nght ~·tn~l and se<ures It to his d1es1. Ho:,.ce sl mv ll <~neous ly
takes a ~tep bad. ming his e-ntire bod;• againl>1 Charles·~ rig ht arm to
re~w the ne<S: hold. It •s ··"tt)• •m t>(Hit\1'11. t(J keep your hCI)d ;:.ligm)ll
with yoorbody as you 1a1:e the Slep; t h·s will give you t he e•;erage ~or
tfN! mQY'I! to work. agamst a strong opponent.
4 MOV(> )'OUI
.l.nd lt(}('p Ms wrlsr
co-nnecte-d to your
~st. ;toyc.e docb
under (h,)rle~'!.
o11m while st•ll
holchng (h,ull-,;'s
HC)ht wrist dose to
h tS Cht':$1.
- 39 -
Hip throw
The hip throw is a very important throw in street figh1ing Jl'ld self·
defense. It is used in a variety of situations. a~ ;·ou'll see t h roughotJt
this bo ok. The hip th rO\v is easy to perform an d ca•' be dc-vasta1it,g.
When used <Offe<tJy agaun1 an aggressor, it is u sually a fight end cr.
- «> -
. , Step in 1trlth your ri9ht foot. M<JkC' turc
~ your feet are square berween your oppo·
nent'S lei't. LO\'.IeT your body and rtidr your hips
outsidt Ms h•ps. It ·~ ·.·e'y lmport~ ut
to h:wc
-;our hfs» oua .Ce oi )'OUr opponen1'~ htpo., so as
tO <Of'ltrol 11~ tx>d;;. II ;·ou don't g~t }'OVI' h tp S
outSide enough. 'J"Qi• r opponent \'1111 slide do~·m
)'OW outside leg rather tha"'' be thrown down.
4 Straighft't,
your legs
,lfu/ !OWN your
llead toward the
ground- Pvlllli~
right arm nooss
~~ tiJe so1me time.
M ~kc surt.: ;·ou
use your leg;. anrl
n<Jl ;·our bm:k to
lift I'U 'd l h i()W
your Oppo nen•. lf
tlou<..• (01t <.•~tl)•,
.,ou \hOuld be in
toloJI tonlrol nnd
In hJII IJolaw;c .'1 ~
you h.:r.;c- yout
opr•oncnl Ul:) In
11H: n r, A gon(f
Wll)' 11) rom·~n ~hi'
po~ turc c1nd
p01 fen lhO po~\
tlo n oS t<l SUU(ll•;
stop when you hcwe )•Our opponent In the air a nd check }·O ~I r
bdl.Jnce VOIJ should bl! \'~ l i' Comfor1;)bi L• ,u\d o.1b 11 10 W:i k •oy , ~ ll
yout C)I'JpoMnt on ~ou r bi\Ck whnou~ losing ')'OlJr bal anre ot
- 41 -
Choke from behind
You ....-outd think be•ng <.hoked from behind is one of the tougher to defend against_ Yet there "a ~'V dC!'\'t"f and rifectiYe
defen-se aga•nst th•\ attc~d: .
yo~ cenH!f ot
2 OfO{J in b•lft'. Kl'epmg
gtaviry low~r rhan t<kJC au.Kt:tt•\ .-. key
to m••ltlrul '\lf'p l wcuk
- 41 -
. , At thf.' S.1tn<" timto srNJfghten out your fegs ;md
~ fo'rver your he.d to the ground, throwing Mm
right ovryyOf.lrhHd. nor ovtU rhto side. 0}• ~l rai g ht ening
his Se<.J> t'lnd loweeing his hN d, Charics prop~!:. Royle
OVCf n.,, head.
- 43 -
Overhead club attack
If you are ever attatlc;ed bo,• someone with .t dub, the r£><ommendation
is lhc SdrM a1: for any other weapon au .Kk--9tf tJw.ty. Don't tr;,· to be
a hero, \'.'til pons are jvst too likely to utu~c t.c1lou' or fatal inj ur;·. If
you cc~n't avoid the Sttuation. this deiemc h very effc:c1ive.
! Step in "'ith yourltlt fool to dose tile
2 Grab his wrJd ""''lh ytWt Htr
tMn tNCh atotJt'td lws•rm ""''"your
right h3ttd ilnd 9~ , , . dub doH tO' hiS 8'1 grabb.r.g ,t..., th9 toard_ RO)(e
miil'l1011ns <orr,uol of Ot "'"" .Htd thf' t ub
(See posr.lot\ 25 f01 lh4: mo¥'01 10 *tnploy 1f
vou '>hould fail to se<u•e J 9"P on ttle duo.)
- 4:!.-
. , Slrdt: your righr h11nd to ,,,,. Md of the
~ club and peel the dub away. pulling ir
tow.Jrd you Ont:e Ro;·tc':. h,md :.lide:. \0 the
cod of the <lvb. tic h<'J ~ h(' e·.·.:rag•: to fWII
u~ \lf'eJJ>OO h om Chati~\'S hand. N u tt(C
Charte-s·~ wrist ts \1111 t:t.l b;· Royc~·~ le ft
h,md .
- 4S -
Standing up in base
2 Ral.f~
your b<Jdy with yout right •tm
<Jrtd left 1~. stJyu'llq In<• Utd
you, 4Pyt'S oo YfWI Ofii'OM't'tl Royce
be<.J'"' 10 rake hn: bOdy ~ hll ngh1 ~""
ind ttft tg Hotke that hft h pot ( M 1'1'10\"e
fQt\"~oard Ott b.t<k.,.....,d f01 • write to ~rtes\
.(t~ at any ti!'f\e..
- 46 -
. , Step back with yovr right H:g o:m d go1
...:) in a thre-e-·po{nt base. left hand in
front of yovr faa. Ro~·cc ~tcp~ back with hh
ught leg .)nd 1\D~ .!1 ftrm bi'..e wllh hi~ body
weight dtstlibuted between his legs and right
h,md. From th 1 ~ p0~il101l he C;,'Jn stOr) (h{u lc~
f rom l>uthlng or pulflng him.
- 47 -
Gun at the waist
Again,. th(' best defense agains.t an attac-ker w ith a gun is to avoid h lfrl
altogeother. No 8r~2:ilian jiv·jitsu te-chnique works against a speeding
bullcL Should the auacker be close and have the- gun still in his waist-
band, the odds of dis.mrung him are good.
2 Drop down and ln. tfght h:tncl
grttbbing the gun, f.f!ft h<~nd gritbbmg
his elbow. Roy<e's right hnnd olocb <hark-s
from pulhng hi5 hand from h!~ W4iSt while ,)f
the same t ime Royce's left hand helps se<ure
control of the arm. At lhl~ po ru Roy<~'s total
attentJO(I IS focused on con.trolling the Q\Jft.
- 48 -
. , K«plm) c.ontrol of th~ gun, take a Jtep to his dght.
~ Slide yovr /eh arm ro control Ills wrist his Kt'~P
('lbow close ro you and control his arm. Contro l the <Jrm
\"lllh the WNJ)()r'\ .)1 311 tlmt~o! fJOiiCC Roy<~ P\IY~ lhll l k ui.:Jf
attention to (haries's hand, so Charles can't sv.·lng !h~ [!Wl
Ddt~ if
t~o1k~how n o~·«~ •!riiiJS
the b<mcl o l the gun
wllh h :. 1 Qh t h,rl)d
tor OOtter levcrAg~.
- 49 -
Guillotine (f ron t choke)
- 50 -
II") K~p your "rms tfr.Jighl as
~you sir on tile ground.
RO)•te ~ih back hard, propelling
Ch;)rleol h t <'l d li r ~t tQvo\u d tlw
- 51 -
Headlock on the ground (tramc cS<apcl
There are so many variations on the headlock that one could dedicate on
entire book to the CS(C)~ from the position. It i!. very important when
faced with a situation like this to notice the cues ~~our oppo•wnt gives
•tou: the position of his head. legs. and body in relation to you. The
~ape- you ttecd to apply is dir~tf~· related to the!>e variables. For
inrtanc:e. if his head is dose to you and his knee is up. an e-scape with
"hook! " (position 39) becomes necess-ary. Here, Charles has his head awny
from Ftoy<e. alf.owing enough spacc for Royce to u~C! th~ frtm'le ~ape.
- 52 -
. . , Wr.1 your 1tgJ .,-ound Ius
~ ,.. I. rt!H yotlr If" f. -nrJ
sqW'I'l•' Royfe now h&~ thM1P~\
h('OO 4.-.JU!)ht bctwC<"n h i~ leg' nmJ
bPtJlie!> PIN\\JI I\ ( ,)IJ'ohl(l (tl.lti N
to rtl("i)~ the ~"~tad Od(
- Sl -
Rear bear hug (over the arms)
- 54 -
/1 Lift him w~ your legs and throw him O\•er
'-'f your OOdc lrke a s-ad! of cemc:nrl Roy<o then hr1> IC'!I\ to l!h Olarl~ o1f
the lloor and heaves
him OYer his back. Charles will end up on t he
ground in a ''ery n,JSty f311 ,
M.Jb turo yott don'( bood your kn('(!
llb rh/f Of' yov will~~ hun. In thb
det;all. Royce: <l<:mon1twtc'1 II~ ln<or
rKt w;ty to 'itand M you throw your
opponent. It I$ very 1rnponnnt not to
~d your knee while you thi'Ow
5Mnd IIJ bas.f', knees
square to the, In
thil> detail. noy<e shows the
proper pmture for the t hrow.
your opponent. Th,s ma•t (.)~·~e him Note that both his knees are square with the shoulders, <ISH ho W<.'I C
to fall on your leg and damage 'lOu:t riding a hone. tn this mannc• your opponent will slide down your
knee. lt9 W11h0\11 d3tn;)9109 II.
- ss -
Two-handed wrist grab
- 56 -
Ger ;n b~sc.
lr:fr l~ttnd qr.~hblng
undttr your tlgM httnd, Because
Charles il using both hondi to gt.:JIJ, Royc:c
tounte•'S b)' cupl)ln!) h 1~ left hond ~mdc1 his
right h;,tnd•
- 57 -
Front kick
- 58 -
., Gr<~b htS foor wirh both hands. Becau~ Roy<:c is
~ )us:l beyond t he reach ot Choarlcs, he wn easily
c.atth Charles's foot at the er' (l o f the kic.k.
Hot.ce d)C' cradle!ike grip Ro~·lc v~ to Wlch Ch.:u h~\'S
loot. Besides being ~1r ungcr thon Ihe regular g rip, the
u.-.dtc will o)llow a quicker
trJr'rSAhOn for pushing
the leg (S1ep 4).
Roy<e chitnge~ his
gr1p from the Cf,ldle
befote hP litu and p u,.-h e~
Charles. Roy<e tups Chl'Ules'!> A.<hille-t' totndon w i1h
his left Mnd while h1s right hand g ra bs t he hct•l •.vilh
hiS finger\ pointing up. This allow!. for much fi'Oft"
pu1hing force lhtm would rhe (Oldie gtip.
- S9 -
Side headlock
- 60 -
. , Uft tum by us'"' yow hJps •nd legs.
~nor your N>f• U I\ vrty Important to
rn.~lce ~t )'OU 1.r1 )'O~U oppontnt with yc>ur
hips and legs, no1 you• l:~a~k. 10 f!IIQ•d MY
~ •llJury,
-61 -
Overhead knife attack
- 62 -
t-"} NDw ,....,,ch ttround with your right
~ ~nd ~ml hold fhe wrist. K~p hi)
elh11w .l!liJinst your chrH lor control. Hoycc
re~t<ht'\ umh~1 Ch arl~'s elbow and gral»
Charle1's wrirt with his right huml ll}•
kooping Ch311t'lo'S 4!-lbow .'Jgalml hl\. chclil
Royce 3~\.Uft.'S t ha i Cha rles won' t pull back
wtth the k.nlfe .
- 63 -
Front bear hug covenm. a""s>
•• •• ~
• • .. • .L.
: : ,_~ !' ~
,,_,... ~---~
There are many d.logen. hom the front bear hug. including p 1es.sure
on you• s.p•ne or <he-st The attac:k.Cf <a.n al~o bend you at the waiS1
and end up mounted on top of you on the g10und. If your arms are
free 1o defC!nd yourself. there 11. a simple defens~ (t)OSitlon 35). but If
th~ nt lil<kor hns hi\ ~nms over yours you h.3vc to get r~ li111e more
h&~ l~i\r
t <MriM Aoy<.o In a fronl
hug 0Yl":l the .llllU
~11ft at~M
AJt both lwtds M Ns hipJ lind dtop
Nd In lwsf'. H.lwtg both Nnck .,.,,"
on ~ h~ 'tlftll ope:n up tM
14)1kt' n«~wry tor the eteaP'f'
- 64 -
" ' Step ;;Jrou~d to your ri9ht, tft(>n rc.•OJch ,lro1md will•
~ your nghr hand and grab Ills rigflt hip, Sta.)' in base.
Royce keepi hi~ hands on Charles's hi!» for dis tilncc ilnd
~u:p,. ar<M.mcl to (houte:.':> le1t Side v nti l h is bOO)' 1s, t>C•'t)<:n ·
diculat to Charles"s bod}•. Hoyte then reaches w ith his right
hand and <ontrots Charles·~ right hip.
- 6S -
Holld up (gun in the stoma<h >
Thi.s is p roba bly the most common of the hold·up situ<Uions. The
a ttack~r h<'ls the gun pointed at the victim's stomach in a classic hold
up. Wa rning: do not attempt to c-ngagt> o:m <)ttacker with a gun unless
th ere ~s no alternative.
- 66 -
. , Grdb the barrel of~ gutJ with your right IJ:md, b11t
~ don't let go of his wrist with your leh hand, Ro;•ce
00\v se<ur~ <ontrol of the b:.ut>l of the gun whilo :>till
making \ure that Charles cannot pull his arm away.
/f Ste-p around
£..f With your
lelt fooL Read•
JfOVhd fus tlbow
with your felt httnd
<md grab hts wrlS"t
:.g1ln Wtth your
right h•nd push tho
bom•l of eN gun
cow.ttd him. NOll<e
th•.u R<.l)'(e tr<l J»
O~ttc~·, etbow
- 61 -
Overhead club attack (def e nder m;,..,, 9 r;p)
2 lhlt tlnnlft, howt-ve<.
tries to grab the arm with the
- 68 -
. , Trap his arm under your ann and Ms
~ right ~lbow w ith your lett hand. Hook your
right arm under hls a un. As Charles tf'i<.'$ to :.llil:.c
<Jgain. Royce traps his arm.
S Pull his G(I'O.U y om bf>dy :tncl
lo\Wt your head, Keep comrol of his
Mm .111d Utrow 111m. Roycu llu ow~ Ch~ul c!.
down by lnvtf>rlng his head .'1 1HI pulhnu
Ch.:ule!o's .um across lm body.
- 69 -
Headlock (stron g opponent)
2 t.ct go of everyrhlng•
yovr hlp"f -'W•'Y· put
your hands on r~ ground, 1lnd
90 to your knoos. Roy<e 11ilt~ a
different e'iCtt(lt, plitf1lin1J tu5.left
toot on the ground and using it
to %001 his hips in " <oonl cf·
clockwise d irection. t-lfo puu both
hiShMd~ on the ground and 90C\
to 1111 fouK.
- 70 -
., Ck~r his legs and mount him, k eeping your hands on
~ the ground. and chedr your bitse. R.o;•cc use~ lhs. fl!)hl
h.JrKf on (h.)rr~·s lef1 eg 10 ovm 11 dovm, then achie\'es the
ac¥antageous mounted posttion by o;ming hb nghl leg O\'<.'!
Charf6's hips. Additron<J r;·. Ro)•Ce pl.)(~ his leh knee 'le<H
Ch.;,u1e·n hNd anrl $.\U on h 1\ own hee l for better support. No te
that in tnis posirion if is important to rJ t he hond:; (In the
ground if\ front of the 3!J!)reslo0r so he cannot roll you l or.\•ard.
R~t- fall$
6 Hold his arm and /ih your hips.
b.Kk. still holdmg <hatf.e<i'~ arm. 8y lift ing
hk Npl;, Royce a pplie$ preuure to the elbow
prn '" a das.sic arm-bar subm1sS1on
- 71 -
Underhand knife attack
.. .,...,
,;.,- , , /i;:bi
, ,_.-·
II • 4 Jr · •
• • ' I
~--·"' • . _... !"'
More <ammon than the o-.oerhead kmfe attbdc (position 22) is the
undt'rlland kn1fe atta<k The aggressor attcmpu to s1rtke the victim's
stoma <h '" "" upward thru!ot. You shovld pract1ce r cpeatedl~· to master
llus ~irnpJ• ytt tff«tive te<hniqu~ !oO that it be-comes Jutomatk.
llolt' \1'111" rMOIWI Wir)' to b4cxl(
I~ knttt .u~ gr •t>t h(o I' I)C)','f,
2 tn morJon. Jtf'P 1r1
wirll your If' If/~ .
blotk che knllt wlch yovr ,..,,,
llfm, 11mt hook Ms .Jbow ~~tth
youf rlghr h;Md. A~ he steP\
forward wnh hi~ ltft I~J.
Roy<.- U'\.M hts 'eft forearm to
blocl the • and •t tt.e
1.1,.e bfne graM 0\a~'s
nght etboo.·" h s r1 ght
hand. usi!\Q the <law g:r~p (o.lll
nve- fingers toge:her).
- 72 -
. . , Grab his elbow wi'h yovr right ;,,'tnt/ 1lnd pull
~ h;m fDr..,ard. Hook his wrist vvith your lett
.lfm and grab his ulceps ,,..;th your I~It hMd. 1\o}'<<.'
poli O...r l~·~ ri9ht c lbOVo' while ~1111 blocking his
wus.t.. The prenure on the elbow makes Cha li c~
Uep fonvard; othcrv;i~c hc'U bH:bl: his ~um , Roy<.:c
hoOU Ch;ule-~·~ light "•'I t~\ wl1h his lefl arm and
\¥11h h 1' left hand he grabs ChariC$'s fi!Jht lli<Ct)S to
.ncrNle con1rol of the knih: .
- 73 -
Single-hand choke against a wall
.' . ,. \).....
lito ..-'"
• I"
. . . ._ft.
Th•s 11 anothtr <ommon aggrewon m a ntH1 figh1 The- bully holds tile
\'ictim bi' the nec.k and ~his body weight to keep the \'ictim pinned
to the wall From there. he may throw a pvnch 01 a knee stt1ke.
- 14 -
. , Follov11 thrtX~gh ro Cho wall wJth your
~ t..rtd. RU)"' (' u)r't •PUM> 1he '""' mot on,
lo IO>"ofntJ UUO&JQ._ W11h h.)o tlbow, ~11ld
P"f'PN'"" for .an elbo.Y ~tr ) co
-- 7S -
Gun in the back of the waistband
2 Step In wfth your toot Cup h1•
elbow ,vnn your tJqhr "~· wh11~
your S.h arm rNct..s lh10e19h olltd hokh ,,.
- 16 -
. , f'utl l'llm forw.trrJ by lit._. t>lbO\V. using
~ yr~u1
... /f•(f Arm fO frap his right ,,nn
Grab '"$ llflht tl'k.<tps with yor1r lt"fr fumd,
RO')'CC! puh~ Cluulr•.'~ r bow tOW9rd l1im, The
P'I!Uvr~ f10111 1hl\ At1•()1'1 On ( h ;')dC:.':.
ShCMIIdH m"'
N him U('p tOtWIId IIOYlC t he n
WI olin h \~·I 41""' .,IOIJ!1d (h&llts'S rig ht o11m
""" t-~ .,.h h.••w:~ 4l' Mn C.h~1 e~\ 1Jgh\ u l(t"fl~.
lompltotf'ty d~~""l!'\,)tlt)l) tlwt d'nt
-77 -
.,. ,•· ...... , ,.
Side kick
,,;-_ ·,
..• _--·..
·- ..... J • •
_,...., "
1N: :u<fe kick is a mun m your personal wrvival ars-enal This VCfSatjlc
str1ke <an bed very power-ful bfow <IJNble of ending • ftght. The
targ•t of the \:itk w111 vary dt?pencfing Ol't the \Jtuation and pers.onal
obll•ly. but it rs gencr~lly duected toward the sto mach area o r t he-
knee De vr:ry <areful when p racticing this ki<k against ~O fn cone else,
c11 you may e.asil)" breltk their knee 11. is better to practir e the side kick
.:~go~ltts.t a dumnr1 or a kdang po<>t
_,. _
2 Cork your righr
baclr. Bend }'OUI lc h
1cg ~ligh l ly :)ntl (fl)ll' t l~n bn(k
100 mut h, olhcP.\IIW!' ~·ou m,~~·
I~ j'OIH b<J itlnCC ol nd ICd\ ICC
the POW'( '! ot lhC kld t•
- 19 -
Guillotine counter
to a double-leg takedown
t he proper ltvf'l'&qn 10 pu
novlo•s knees to h!m, bHauw-
ltovrc 1<: u• ~.~ rf«t 'IJti.'lwllng by
keeping his hlp1 torw.utl !lnd
dowu (l hO :IPrtJwl h:. common
d~ I M~C 3!)1lin\t t he do~rbl t ICfJ
,,, ~cll owrl).
2 Grab your rlgllf wrlsl
with your fef1 hand
OJnd OJdjusr ;md lighten th~
gnp around his neck. lloy~·~
leU hand grabs his righ1 wrist
.1nd <in<.ht'1 his ~~ m :.rovn(l
c-r-..ule1's ".:tl(. makln9 a 1l9ht
noo~ around Charle!1's h ~i)d.
- 81 -
Collar grab with a twisted wrist
In this. famili.:'l1 .s<enario, a bul~· gr.;bs you b~· the- shirt and hl\•ists his
wristtto add pressure and<ont1ol. nt~ tvl!ist is generally used when an
aggre!.sor want\ to control you by lifting )fOU up, as o r>posed to using
.a straight grip to push you back, as shown in position 8 .
- 82 -
It) Tal!e a step wUh your right leg,
~ piAIIf t~ 1»11 of your foot ,,.,",.
his toot, and continue to twist 11/.f
wmL By nowCh;ulcs i~ tomplc tcly ufl·
bi•IMl<e !lnd te.:sd;,• 10 tnll Roy<c r>lo" t:.
hts flQh l toot next 10 Chcu res·~ rlgh1
too1 >0 tt\31 ChJth!'> ""n't n1ovc to hi>
rf9ht IO t.lkc pt ~loU I C otf his Wrl\ t,
Contfnuo co tw{rt the wri'Jr
for chc lltlcctdown.
- 83 -
Sucker punch
Many tirrtcS .& fight '-Ylll begm •,•:ith a sucker punch-an une xpected
shot ttt~ the face. These come quickly, and thC(C c.:~ n be little ad~qu n le
time to defend your.self.lf you are in an argument o r other situatio n
that you think could turn vtolent, an excellent idea is lo keep ;•our
hands high c:1nd ne<Jr your face. just in case. To avoid ~seal.:. ling the
situation# you can drs,guise the real reason ;·o1.1've raised yo~Jr hand s,
such <IS rubbing your hanch together a!. 1f they we re cold or op-ening
them up to m.a!<e a point
(httr!cJ <.O<.Io his 11ght houd umJ
beglm to throw a punch. Oe-cnuloe' hc-
dfngcr, Ro)'ce o11ready ha~ both h 1~
hlmc.h htgh .,nd ne.JI his face to hove "
~rter dr~tance to block .lll}' ~trii:~.
- 84 -
. . , Hold hi.s dght elbow. st~ Bl'tWrtd wjth your right foot. ;md wrap your right
~ arm ;;uound flis waist. Rcvjce maintaim. control oi Clt.'lrl~s ri!jht tlbow. t;)k<.·~"
step around <:hadt'S's lcft i<'C_;.. a nd grabs <hades's \'Jdist •uitil his righ1 arm. 1\o)·C~ I~
now in the pertect posibon t o exe<Vte a l'Mp throw. At th•) point it ~~ ve•y important
for you to be m IJ<J~E. beca use yoUT opooneot '.\'ill tty to sttung'e to gel :-m..,:,;·. ny
staying In ba~e a nd har.glr\g )'00f\Ye19l•t on hrm you w1ll eastly be able to toll ow his
auem,as to ~K~~. Theil' will bt' ...
moment in v.•hicn he ~t op~ stnJg!)ling
and rl!'groups for 11 s next a tte mpt a t
e-Kapmg. Walt f o• 1h-'t n\(H'f'ICt',l to go
to step •1. It you ;r,• to go lo slep a
btfOfc )'00 h:wt' t otal ~ontr ol o l )'Our
opponent, ;'Ou ma)• lose YQ\Jr balance
olnd fall do\'/n w i th him on top of ~·ou .
- 85 -
Headlock {bent dow n )
! Block hfs w i th your rlgltt hMd tmd
hug hl.s hips with your le tt h~tnd. Royce usos
h1s ugln h~ nd to prevent Chadc~·s le tt kucc
from striking h!m In t h~ face. AI lho \llllle t ime-
2 Stcrp (nsldc legs wWr your
rfghr t~ itttd ~In fO $It bM.k.
While ~ till blo<king the knee, Ro,.ce steJ»
between <harl{"i':o; tcg\ vmh hk tKj ht IC!g
and begin\ to ~it do·.vn. 'iimult;;t'1~\fy
pulling on <hart ~·s hip with h 1s k!lt hand
Se.-. poslllan 61 for an <S<~h.lr10
in which the aggressor prevent\ you from
<:"<.rmill9 ar(lund the front.
- 86 -
/I End up m~nlcod on lc¥J of
l-f' him l'tJt both h•ndf M tM
ground olfld <h•clr your b.-••
R<l'/((' C'fiCh tfw t<ltl mounh!d on
tap of Ctl,lflfl~. bo1h ho~rKh on thto ground for b31Dncc. He kccr» h r~ left knC"C (IO)e ~Q
Cho~rle\'i t\(1;~<1 Mid hi' ''tlhl foot <m Ch.ult"l·~ hll> to IJ'l'\'t"nl Ch:u t e~ h om eS<oph'9·
- 11 -
.... . ... .-
......... -7
Front bear hug under the arms
.,, -· ...
;t -..,
- 88 -
. , Alsh hiJ chin up 1nd aw.-ry. H.o}'CO adds
~ more Pf~WIC Of\ ChiJth~>·~ chlu " nd
ne<il. by ttu~lnf\fJ aw3y with both arms.
(h•wtM ~~ fO«td to rtle,u<' the hold.
- 89 -
Overhead club attack (charge>
- 90 -
" ' Jl'J)p his ann under your armpit •nd Jl('p t~rocmd with
~ your right leg. Control his RQyn• Itops (ha riN's
Urilung Olm• under l••s ,,,.,., aoli 1M'Ia '~'~ 101 01 hip throw,
m..t~lnCJ \ute he .s '" ba\e and ,,.. control of Ch:.•le)>
4 •nddo" hlp
throw. Ro•;ce \tep"'
onound Chorlcfo,
lcrt leg. "'llll'lfh ul
b<tse <'1 1 Charlos's
, ,..,.,,ue >IIII
1oulm lllng l ht' cluh
nrm, _,nd gch :tel 1(1
do a hlp I h.-ow
s Thohp!h<OW.
- 9 1-
Choke and drag from behind
Th•s ''" s•m•lar to poilhcm 12, but here the ).tlong altatker has
mana.gcd 10 nJrt pulling th~ defender bactcward. Sine~ you are being
dragged bdck. you can't drop in bMe and uie tke escape shown in
po~l ttOn 12. Thk defense w'lllge1 you OU\ Ol the iltua11on ttnd put you
in .;t d omlnont po9tion
2 Sr.paroufld""''hyourriql!tl~
and pl~nt ~, toot bMittd M
ri9ht kg. This a<l en Ro,u trom
COI"ttnl.nng to dr~ Ch.w1fi ft" wnpo.--
tant for ChaTih to •CC!P hAng~~tq h"'l
wcigrlt on Ro~·ce'c; .a.t m 10 <~dd to the
effe<:h~nffi of step 3.
- 91-
·D etail
Tni\ detail ~how~ Churles·s
perlett hond position
for the lhrow .
- 93 -
.... .. ....... ...
Hold up from behind
• 1 'V
,_ . -. ....
r ," ""' ,.........
- -- ~
Muggers love Lhl\ tedvlique. They sneak up bfhind you, stick a gun in
your back. and demand your money. Thi$ dC!'tc-rue wo1ks., but, as w ith
<'Ill we.apon\ eSC:iiPff, it is very dangetous. and should only be used
when you fear for your liie and there is no oflcrnolive. Here, Charles
has-. gun touching Royce's b<Kk.
! ~(Off!
Y'XI sf.lrt r~~o.., mow. It ls ;mpot·
t.anr ro r•ito,,.... b.Kk ~nd s• whidt
has thfo gun. rhr• WI II dtt«mlfte which
w.ty you ftUPf• .s you •'~'.t)'J v.· '"' ro rum
mto 1M gun. lht idct hrte iuo hHY'I "'to tltt
body of lheaggrcnb t -.oyouun DPI''ya bear
t;uq If lht gun n "' 11-.e at1.l< kf•t \ 'lgkt hor.d,
J"MWI on yout tight l oot: II 1he !'JIIIl I\ In his
tch hand. pi\101 on your lttft loo1.
In this. v~uauon of lhe head odt. Chartes ptCVCOts Roy<e from u!>ing
the frctm@~K~~ (position 17) by kHptng his hP>IJd close to Royce's. He
.;~lso .....olds bcul9 taken ~rd and down (,;n w•ll be shown in posi·
tio n SO) by kctplng hn left knee up and his fe lt foot pl a n1 ~d on th~
ground. How~v~r. seeing Charles's left knee up Is Royce's eve to u:;c
the hook$ csc.ape.
- 96-
. . , LN go of tV<'IYtlll'ng . Pul bQtlt lt:Hu/s
~ on the ground <Jnd g~t In base. Keep
cummg him over. Ro>"<t puts. both o l hi ~>
- 97 -
Fro n t choke <stro 119 aggressor>
- 98 -
. . , Pivoting off your rigM foot, ~lt'p l.wck
~ with your leh leg, both feet pointing
fonv.lfd :md in~id~ his feeL Wrap J•our right
~rm around his n.,rk Md !Jt"f your ttlps out
lor the hip throw. Charles prepares his bod ~·
fOf the hip 1h1o w . Pivoting o lf his t ight foot..
ht> steps back with his lef1 leg, cente•ln9
himself m !font o l Roytl' :.nd making ~u : o
both hr,. feet are polnllng fo•w.:ud nnd :uo
pl<Mcd ju~t inside of Ro;u's. Ch arles e.xagger·
.ll(i hrs hit, l>l.)<ement ouuicfe o t Royc;c's hips
lOt" bett~r control. II Cha1le1'S h lp~ (U(: not ({II
enough out. Royce may juSI slide down as
Chlw-tet .Ht~mpn IQ throw him,
4 Stretch yaur heild ro thtt
ground, and do fhe hip throw
Charles exe<ut~ the hlp thtow bt puU.~
oft hb 1 ~91 to ~~~o~l Ro)·ce's body up. 1\t
the "il'lme time Ch<1rle~ bf!nd~ forw;vd,
projecting hi.s head ·to thf' ground Md,
with his right hnnd, pulling Royce'\ nght
elbow a(.tOS..1 hi~ txld'f-
-99 -
Rear bear hug <undc c t he onnsl
A bear hug from behind gio.·c-s an aggressor g.-eat <ontr'o l ovtr' your
body. He can opt for., simple takedown or ~An lift ~·ou and slam you
to the ground. But umlulle-d Ct!>!>IJilanh will make the mistake o f bear·
hugging someone while leaving their arms free-allowing lor m.:tn~r
defens.e options.
- 100 -
. , GIOlb h;s foot wfth both lumds tmd
~pull. Chnrltsf(',u.hc~ with both
hand\ and gtab~ lto;·cc's lt'g bchlud ll•c
Jnkle. It i~ important to grab as close: to
lhe foot ilS IX>~>•blc h>• bctu.•t leverage.
Charl~s the:n pull\ Qn lto;·cc's h::9 J$ t.c
, 3iloCJ hh f.hest.
- 101 -
Two-handed collar grab !hands apart)
In this. position. Charles holds Royce's collar with both hJ I'Ids, controlling
h is upper body. From here. Charles can easity strike Royce with a knee.
- 102 -
. , lllntp )"OIIt .ums- ;tround hJs and dlnch your hands.
~ Rooyc:e ·grapevines"' Olart~·~ arms by tightly wrap.
ping h~own itJ'ms ououncf C~fleo:;'s juS1 l)bOve t h<.'
elbows and then cl.uping his 0\Yn 1\ands. This grip not
only plt'Y(!nt.s Charla from Cl>toJping, but al~() Ull t he
throw in ~ttp 5.
/1 St.-p jVIt /»Jt his right foot wfrh your right foot
"f .rtd tw'st your body down . Royu plants 1h~ b411
of ht1 right foot beyond (hJrl ~·s ught foot. nc kc-cps hlt.
lt'C) .tJcl~ ;,11 pm.Uble to Ctwk<i'~. lht1\..,.lllr.ll>0lo1tles\
Hape routt. which is 10 m~p MOund and foiO'.v the
throwtng motk>tl
- 103 -
Guillotine (stancHng up)
th11• choke fi kx>senOO,
body we.ght r~l on
elbc:.w <~ to hk body increoKt'l. ca.,.,ttt-. <~ him to tunhe:r ~
Royc.-\ IN«.tetf' lly pul•ng Chovk>n tfwddf'
arm down Rove• ..-el•t'¥6 the
ch<*;irw, 11ft1-'-'11t' Silmuttaneousty.
RO)'te u~\ his right arm to hug
Chllltc:.·~ ~hou ldcr, preventing h•n'
from cu<hmq 111> ••nd adding pres-
s:uro to tho chnke.
- IOJ. -
/1 Still holding Ms. l.¥rld, U!4• your
£,f' righ t knee to strike his left knee.
RO)'(c 1:~ tht' b\lolk of Ckl'llt1'S ll!)ht
knee. c~ng jt to bucl:le..
S Folfow hftn down. open your left kg,
pus.h your right ;houldftr Into hit ned:,
Royc;c 'lin~ l oGk~d with Ch;~rlel Md fol<n-n him
down to the ground. It i5 importnnt to ntm3in dgtu
\'lfth ~ur oppon~nt w you don't JUO'IIn your nedt
(tcmcmbcr, he lo; ~1111 holcl!ng It), Oncr on th~
{Jtound, Royc:e open" hi' Jeh ltg. oft hi1o lett
foot. ond presses hi1o right shootdet Into Chari~\
n«k. The f)H.'~'Iut~ of R()y(e\ 5tKIUkfcr <hok!H
ChMi cs.
- lOS -
Knife attack from behind
In this situation. Charle-s hold~ Royce by the ned< with his left an n.
while holding a knife to his chest with h is right. Again, it is never too
much to emphcuize tha1 quickness and <Oordination ate iJ must for
S\tccess irl defending any weapon atta<k. li Royce misses Oil(' detail, he
may be stabbed.
- 106 -
2 W1t/) both hands, cup his knife hand..
your righl hand ovtsidc the knJ(('
hand, ywrkfr h~nd IMirk. UM< a stiff arm to
kHp r.hl!' knif~ away and push off your right
foot. Royte drives h i~ ldt hon(llnto Chnrlcs's
right h;)nd HJ kc-e1> the knife fro m <,:tabbing
him. At the same til'l'IC.. he U!o(!) hi!t right h.:md
to gro~b the ouhidc ol Ch;:,tle~'\ hllnd \0 he
<o:~tn IXIU th~ k njfe bock lor ano ther strik<.•,
- 107 -
Two-handed choke against a wall
.• •• .., ... :r--.-
/ ' . I• - -
, ~,:~;· ~
~nt..f ing..- t S<OJpe)
- 108 -
. , Grab the wrist wrth your oppo!ile howd t~nd
~ tx,.nd thrt fing~r bM.k. A~ soon as he has a grip
on .1 f inger, Royce grabs Charles's right wrist with
his right hand to ma~C WIC OliJ I IC~ cfvt'~ll'l pull hi ~
hand aw.)y 1ft: then use~ his lour fingers to pull
0\."''tle<s finger toward the back ot hi~ hand.
l hls detclil lsolille!i
the woy Hoycc
~"<l" <.~ Ch ~u tc:;·..
wrist and grab~. in
cosc, Challclt'l
thi ~
- 109 -
Two-handed collar grab (hancb together!
- 110 -
. , Continue to twist and pv~h wit/• your
~ right ;)tm to wt.1.1tNt M.f grip. ltQyce planl~
hi\ t ight foot on t he ground and conti nut~ to
twist hb, body, u~in!) tllo3t tnQtfloCnt~.lll'l, liiOI\fl
wrth 3 pu~ frOfn hl'i lt!) h1 hMd, to bre.11:.
Charlts'l gn,p.
- 111 -
Elbow strike
.. .
.. ..........
• tiro•
I' ..
• ;;~
·'· . , ,·
· ··"' • I Jr
The elbow nrikt is tough to beat. tt can be delivered at very dose
quart~rs wrth tremendous poo.ver. u abo hat. the advantage of using
one of the poinlieit .:.nd m<nt resilient paru of the- body to ~tr-ik e the
oppcunent Unlike a pun<h. wtuch uses the fragile bon.:s o f the h and,
the elbow Wike should be your p1cfcucd weapon In "'"Y strt'c-t 1ight.
- 112 -
2 fl.oviJt your body drive your
t"lbo'"' Into his f~c... Qukkly l~oyrc
fiKb his l,.h CO:Ibow up :tnd dt1W1 It 1oward
Ch!Mk"\\ liKe. Roytt' adth powre1 to the bi(Jw
by IU,\hlfWJ off w11h hh. l«!tt fool wlule
tw"IUM) nqht
- 111 -
Rear bear hug mtted upl
,,t~t• ...
,. ,
• ,•• 1lf , ,.
·a..o·"' ·.- / •. • In this variation on postlJon 41. Royce CNrlies off the ground a:s he
bear-hugs him. From this PQS4lJOn. Royc.e toukS )lam Charles on the
ground or t..lke h1m s.omewhere .tgl«nst h~ win
t ~ar
ftortt' h.H CN,...... In •
•nd llfh him ofi the ground
- 114 -
C) BMd youn•lt down •nd p~~ both h~nds
~ on f/¥ grovnd A~ ~oon ·~ Cho•lcs blocks
~toyte·s mouon, "''"If" l>e1ldS hi~ uf)t>er body
(Jowt1 ,.nd plfole~ IKJth hand~ on lhc y•uund.
- 11S -
- 116 -
., 0fll'~' yom tlg flr ('/bow
~ lrtto his spme. l<oy<e
pl\tiOU forwmd , .,d dt op:. hi:.
f'fUIIC' body Wl."l!)ht. \ lrlk!n9
Ch6tJM'l batk With lm right
elbow A \Ut'e to t he )<J)ine
'Wtll C~ CJINI p."t!n
- 117 -
Headlock (kn ..,lin g o <>d rolling escape)
tion there wa" enough spate between the aggressor's head and the
victirn to allow usc of the frame. In this coue, however, Charles's h ead
is so close to Roy<c's head that Royce G~nnot moke a fr;:unc. It is also
imporrtant 1o notke that Charles's kne-es are close together. so Ro~·cc
cannot make a hook with his left leg between Charles's legs and u se
the ~pe shown in position 39.
- 118 -
" tee go of ~g aM
~ p411 both h,mds on the
9/'0lPJd At t~J pont fiO'r'<t estO»b-
1Jhft l1i1 4 ou..·point base •;o~ith
both h()1'1(;')> ,md knee~ on the
qq)und II 1-. C'dremely lmpoitanl
1or Ro~·t~ to have hi~ fight hand
on th~ nround In ft ont of Ch\lri<:-S
10 he (M'1 roll ltoyce over hi~
Shoulder grab with bent arm
u·.r -.....r..·
.... -· ..-.
•, -..•
- .,.,
.#1' . ,
.. ~ ...... -."
Charles hofds RO)I<<"'S rtg~t s.houlck2:r by the shtrt wt1h his left hand In
tha. caw- Charles has a bent •rm from this pc»ition Chalrtes could
anempt to punch Ro)'te.., the- face or ltne. him in d~ body
! Gol 1n b.:llf" he docs a nyihing,
Moytt "''·~I'\ "-U' t ' h• hill (},)'>t: ..0 Ch\'IIICS
un·: 1)1 11 """" dowr
- 120 -
. , On the way down. w~p your arm
~ .utxmd his ~/bow.
0 1'1 the w.)}' bac;l:
from the motion. Royce wraps Charles's
elbow v•t !\h h is right .;u m , 1-'C lo<h Ch;)I'ICi'S
tOte-arm "' poslllon by l!.:u)plng 11 w nh his
own armph. Bl!tausc: Charles h<~d hh 0 1111
- Ill -
Shoulder grab with straight arm
.. r:..-:1l"- - ..,-,
K '
. ,..., .- .
~\~,;;-'},- __
. 'J/1
In this vari<Jtion on position 51, Charles grabs Royce's shoulde r' with a
straight arm inncc1d of a ~nt on~?. This meam Ro-yce will have to
finish the defense with a different submiss.ior'l hold.
2 up with yout righr arm To
brea.k the !)flp, R<ry<c use~ the wme
H!d UUliUe <IS in position 5 1: he te;w;l~ UJI
\'Jhh his n'!)hl arm imide of Cha1fes's loeh arm.
a~ il throwing an uppercut.
- Ill -
. . , On tlwt w•y doWfl. wr•p yew,. ~rm around his
~ Hbov.o Gr1b your rtgiH wrls:t with your left
hand On the way b.J(.~ horn lhc motion. Royc.c
\'ndJ)S h•~ rl(lht ann .110u•'d Charl~'s clb0\•1, Ro;•<c
qr.1M hh rtglu \'If~~ whh hi) lc lt h;:tml nnd lock5 hi \
«!I bow jU\\ ovtt (Mill'">'\ Il l) hi elbow. HO)'CC hx:l\\
(hJrk!-\''1- tote.~rm In f)Oi•t•on by ~ ' t.l i)PI"9 II '.\lh h his
own armp1t, but in till~ c.uw. b{'(_•ll\<' Chilrles hils a
w~•91•t &un. RO)'H' t•11t001 b•l"g h ~own c.•lb()v.· to
hfs body and tn11U qo tot .t dtffCltM\ }ubml!l.\lo",
t ••\ung tt If ne<euary.
- 123 -
Knife attack from behind
(knifo- ag:.inst neck)
This s••on ~ sumlar to position 44, ~<r¢ Chlfles places the bla de of his
kntfc ~gatnn Royc~·s throat rnstead of his (h~\. Becau,_~ t his time: the- bludc ~~
c::IOS<! to his r'l('t k. Royce <an not s.irnpJy block i1 ~tway with his h.:.nds, as in po~i
tion 44, and hils 10 uw this defense-.
Uote thot <O"f'Ct
\'Wy t09'01b
U\'C Ungerto o l
each hi'lnd o ll
t ho :..o.~ ma \ide Al'\d
hi<: d howto a rc clos~ l(l
his body.
- 124 -
. . , control rh~ knife. Step around with your left
~leg. 'Nhile making sure he <oulfOIS Chat!~'"
right hand. Ro1·(e t3kes.,:, step back with h•s l eft leg
and ducks under Charles's right arm.
C>d ai!
Hetc is;, bcner look ar how Ro;u peels the knife
-'"'a~ fro m Charle~·s hand b;• g~oJI.Jbi ng th~ hM•(ll('
- 125 -
Straight-arm collar grab
with high grip
- 116 -
2 Gtdb his wrist witft both hands- lett
elbow down. right elbow t1p. Ch~r lc~o
t •.u.,rwt usc th~ ('')(31)e shown In po~l lion 8
bec.llfS.e the stilt arm makes il d rtficull for
him t o buckle Roy~'~> dbow W ol h i'l h{n1d
.n j;n po~lllon a. rm lead, Cha rles uses
~tr k c,
botrt hands to grab Ro;•ce's a ttac.kino wrM.
NotKe t hat Chafll!s i) v~oi"9 rhe (onvenllon;,l
<jttp, w rth his thumbs on the opposite side ol
the othe~ tour finge rs. Charlt'~ h\JS hi:. left
~100'\•t down t~l'ltJ h1~ ll!)hl o ne Ull .lS he
l~rtplllre'o 10 \II!!) i,CIOU,
- 127 -
Pinned against a wall
PUt both h.mdJ. on;,, tfbo_.,
ft~ OCit 10 1M ,.It Roo,tf' cy-.
elbo..."' Wlt'l h•~ hllnek Jnd
quktt; u.~ to 1 h~ ~ dt "-•lh h 'ltft ·eg..
- 128 -
. , Puth hun Into tf~ w•ll Wlt~out Royce's
~body to hold ''lm u,,, Ch·l'IN MC\ his
oa M'lt'(> "'"" Mo~'<f' · e.,d~ h 1n 10 1he wall.
l~tr url'lf~
4 tHirwr • .tttH- \ '.'t!t'e Utll
tKJ!dlng both el~.,_ Ro-;<c thrO\'IS a
lreh kl\eet lniO Ctwlt·~·~ Oocty
- 129 -
Hand chop
- UO -
. . , Conrlilut rlle rnor(ort. 1eathlng all
~ lh• way boorlr R.l))'tc cltlgycrOlot<.' l
tht•mot..,., 1nd tt'ltn't'> 1•!1 1h ~ woy 1o t he
ba<" o l hH. Mid tOt !)l f'IHer l)l)ti'IN' on th~
< ,,,.c
- 111 -
Palm against the chest
- 132 -
lf~t). ~«UIY.'
2 Srt.>p back Wllf1 your rigM
hi5 hand <tgainft your chest wltll
your tight h,1nd, ;,nd grJb hi's ()/bow with
your left hand. lto:,·(c l ake~ a stet> I)Cl(k w l h
h 1 ~ right leg and gets in base. With hi~ right
- 133 -
Rear bear hug (over the arm• - head butt •scope)
In po\rtion 18 o;•;e saw tfwo tradJhONI dtf~ to a bear hug OtiC" tht>
.:urns from berund, but1f )'OU rt:.allr ..... ,ntao catch \'Our opponent off·
g1,1ard qui<:kly, a ..-ery effective •nd puntshW\g ~pe is shown here. For
srtuatJons where your opponent anticWpatts tht head bun and keeps
his do·.·.-n. sec pos.bon S9
t llOf'CC ha~
Chill IC'I It\ 0.1 b(','H hug,
over tho a rm\, hom behind.
- 1)4 -
•7 Otop 'n bl!lt. Cha•le-s d1op~ In base,
4 - krwt"~ I:H.'nl_, hlp~ lo•w..mJ. hc.:~d up,
and .uml uro~lgh\ Ool f1cun hi\ body, fo1clng
AO)'«' to bcf,d tli1 tnN-~o.. wh,th loo~t!nl his
9'.P ""qhttr
Rear bear hug (over the arms - h<>el strike)
This variation on 1he ~ar hug defense isn't q uite- as devastating as the
h<'<ld· butl defense (positior) 58), but i1 can be necessary ii 1h e a tta<:ke r
keeps hi~ f ace tight .against your back by dtopping in base himself, 1.1 ~
Royce does here.
- 136 -
Char1f:1, lrles, l() orop in ba~ I)~Jt Ro y:;.)
his legs and locks his face dose
tO ('h(J11~·s b;)cl(.. twoiding the.• hN tii.Jutl•
A rr"l!t\ft vu,l:w of th ~ ht't'!l -;t ri ke 10
the qrOtn. For ~u«cnful 'lltlke<~ of
• ~ •t\Cf1, aiW<~ys p jcturc
cont uu•.g the sttlkt
tntoqqh the
wr· not just
t.tQPP1'9 when
con!Kt 11
- 137 -
Underhand knife attack (straight-arm btockl
This v<':lriation of the underhand knife attack (position 27) is the belle•·
option if th<" anackcr is very pow·crful. In this ca!.e, the defender p l a~·s
it a little safer,. not wanting to t<tke o chance that his blo ck w ill rail
and he will end up yettmg rubbed. The straight arm used here blocks
the stab e<lrlier than the bent c1rm us~d in position 27 tJnd doesn't give
as eastly.
- 138 -
2 l)rqp In bil$t.'. Stt:p
fo1ward wjth your left
leg• .Shoot both arm s strai9ht
out: your rlgltt .':INn blodcs 11/f
wrist and your left am• bloch
his elbow. In om: mo tion,
ROY<C drons In bltSC b;· :;u~p
pmg lon.vard with his lett leg
und ~huoh h i~o ou·m~ $trDI{Jht
out. blotklng t he !>lab. Royce's
oght arm blocks CIHrt lc~·s wrisl
w hile his lt'ft .,,,n
Ch.:ules'1 elbow.
- U9 -
Headlock Cb•nt down - , ;tt;ng back escape)
-140 -
. , Get on top of llim: i ll down toward your rlgM heel
~ and dear his n'ght leg with your right hand. Throw
yQCJr n9ht fey ov('r :Jnd mQilllt him. In () ending n' olion,
RO)'(t stu 'tQ'.vatd h~ right heel, simullaneoU\Iy pulling
Charles's hip with his lett a rm and deanng Churles's right
h~ right hJnd. Ro;•Ct' (Ontinucs the motion and
k."9 w rth
lhrows h~ ught leg O\•er to adl .e·.·e : he mounled position.
4 Plac• both on thf!
ground. KN•p your tight
hHI close co his hlly l ttd
IC'OOt you r left • fl f:<' ckm'J co
his ~Jd. l<..cp yourb.Jst'. Once
mounted, Roy<:e adjusts hk
ba~. He pi:.<~ both hunds on
the groi.Jnd, or~.: ou t.Kh sldt
of Ch .arte~. Royc-t U1~n ~his nght h~ to Ch;ule~'s l>t-lly, t Bkm9 llwoy M)' \J)nc~ :1nrl
My cho:mcc Ql c:s<orpc. He 1lktes his 'eh knee tov.•ard Ch;1rlc~·s head, shilling hi~ weight to
thllt klk'e. ·rh<.'"\c .tiC VCf'f lr11JI<Ift.lll1 .Kijll\ln'li!t"'h bo •t"u~· · Royce dOt\n't v.·al'lt tO ulve
(harle~ t ht opponun~ 10 roU him over.
- 141 -
Underhand knife attack (svaight·arm block -
A _,.......,...
.• --.-:•·•-.---· __/.
~~Vi I' .;, , - .
• II 1 - .• • oppon<-nt resists)
• •t ·;- - ..._
....... • ..r ,.
In -this: pojition Ch.arfM anacks Roy<e with a l:.nife irom below. Royce
.attempts the S1raight-ann defense shown in position 60, bul thi!> time
Ch arles tries to pull h11o cum bad as w on as Ro yce g rabs it.
- 142 -
_ , When he trie1 ro ptill back, grab Mr;
~ t'\•ri1:t
wit/) both hands. No te t ha t
be<au~ Royce is in good OOM.' he i:. able t<1
krep Chad~ lf<)rrt pull•ng him down .
/f St•p forward otrouml him WYih your right I~ and l1k l'lis
'-f wrlse with bolll omns. Ro..,·ct steps ~n fro11t of Ch.-,lft\ b)'
Liking • nep forwilrd , .,.;h hi~ rl9ht It'<). ~lmultant-ou\1 .. l1f11ng
Chari; ·s .um, which ht" will du(k un<f~r m $tep S
-143 -
Chair attack
.. ,_ •
""' U "" •-·
-. ·--·
,r: ;
' • In tights o<c.ur uldoors an aggrMSOf will somMimes grab a heavy
Obfett ~uch ~ a <hair and u~ i1 for an attiKk.
- 144 -
. , Step ~tround to his side wtth your right
~ leg, nghl hand holding his right hip,
Roy<.c mollnta!ns hi' lei1 llttnd on (hn rl c,~·~
fight elbow. Wllh his right le-g Hoycf!' s;eps
around to Charles'' ''dt':. Ro;·ct !JIOb\ CIHlliCl>'$
ught htp 1•.rllh hr1o oght h a nd
- 145 -
Gun from behind (hostoge position!
lPt l,t'i. hope you fl!'ld )'OU~tf '"the cllt'Sic hostage po>sitioo-
be•ng held tn '!ront b'f ar. 4JggrtsSOt V'• th • gun to your head.
Ob-.iouslt. tl'H!' severe d.l.nqer of \uch .3Uuatton requires that you only
tl\k an es<a~ if it seems liktl}' tNt you will to\t> your liie ii you doo't
do sorneth1nq. Theu.• \no room iOf e-nor ~~~any attlon you take-
must be c.alcolattd .md prec.•\t> In c.f~\ htt' this, It helps to tlrs1 s~t up
.a distraction. enabling you to qct 1n 1•0\.1hon. A t)pical diS"'rartion is to
plead for your hfe: .. Piea\to, thu'lt ot my Yvlft and bd~. " }'Ou'd say,
lightly mov;ng your hillld\ (Of .Jdd•t•onal tHPr1
- 146 -
. , Srep around wrth your r19ht leg. Ms wrist T~rvist
~ dcwn Wlftt your l!.tndt, kHplng your .ltm<
st:taight. Don"r /o1e con1101 of the gun barrel. Royce
tvws to h1~ 1 ghl, rndl'llllhl•rq tOI\11 (Ontrol of lhc •1un
barreJ. and $tam 10 IOI<l\ll' Cha• IeoS's wnsL
1t-n. "' .. gOOd IJ•a1 ol tl-fO pfe<oW griP
r'IHMU.ry 101 bfo\1 conuol of lh~ gun
r4:)httt 1t-•1 ftot'(co\ ''}hi l,.1ttd gr.1b\ 1tw
band 'o'fNho I• t. ldl h.,ntl I')Mh< thf lower
pan ol Chatl('·n '''Jhl hil"''d, p1o'lldmg
flloh 111·.1111 t:\'l"fi\ljl' IU hiH\IH' lhC W(i'>l.
Single-handed collar grab (thumb down >
- 148
Sr~p b:u~
2 IMrk in
right leg and grab his wrist
with both h;md,-, K•cp yovr
with your
clbow high, lt:*ft t-lbowlow. Royce steps
biKI: and grabs Charlc~·~ v•..-~~t Wtt h both
h;md\. s.ln((' Roy<t.> ) l(" p~o h.:tc.;k with hh
r1ght leg, he has Ills right e loow up a nd
h11> lch one down, Had Royu~ llt•dd<.'IJ
to do the ~<I'l l)(' to t h<- O\hc • shlc'. ~t c p ·
pmg batk wllh hi' lef1 leg, he w ould
hJ~ n.,. IC!h e lbow up .:md h!) hl one
clown •
- 1.49 -
Front kick (deflecting the foot)
- 150 -
. , Pvf yovr right hiJnd 1.1ndr:r krtCC, IIi~
forword ~tcp
~ \VIfh your /eff leg, and grab Ms right shoulder with
your lett hand. As Chatle-~'l> momentum pull~ him o ff
b.ll.ltJC<l'. R4))'(e g rlbS Charles ~Jt'der the right knee with his
right hand and grabi Chaf'es's righ; shoulder with hts le tt
hand as he tol:.c~o a small !>tep tor.•1<11d with I tiS ~t!J hl l<.'!) .
- IS1 -
Knife attack from the side
: ; : 111 I
,,. J_.....
!.... to....;' :." This•on oft~ knife anadc has the aua•l&nt us,ing a \tdewa}-s
nabbi ng motion.
- I S2 -
. , RNdl around <~nd grab the top ol his hitnd
~ w'''' you,- rlgtlt f1ilntl. Ho}•ce uses his rl gh1
hand to grab Charles·~ rig;.,1 t humb and hand.
Note- thl" p ro t>Cf W<J}' lO
col'l~ • ol 1he hr.nd. no )•ce·~
- ISl -
Collar grab with stiff arm
In th\ variation, the aggressor hokh th~ ~.ct•m·s coRar \',ith a niff
...,"fist. With arrJ sort of cohar grab, t~ Msailant"s grip will determine
your defense In this c~ lh~ U1ff ,jfm pr~nts • problem for Roy<~
he Cdnnot u~ the defen~ sho'·~n 10 posthon 8 beu~ Chartes's stiff
arm will make it d1fftCuh for Royu to btnd the .;,rm with a strike.
- 1S4 -
gr~b his elbow witt• your /~It
2 P.vot lttt.
hand, dl'ld striAe hi• wri_.l wlfft your
ri9hr Roytt IWIOh to h 1~ lc-f1 Md u~c~ his
~h "'"'""" 10 9f'•b Chares\ e bow Tt•c ptVQ1h'9
actfotl\".11 (•Uk Choir n') wr~ 10 built e Royce
~, • ,,.,.., twrKJ ~~' '"e to 0·..-tH"s wr"'t to
t-elp m.J(f' tl'lt \.,,,,, 9 ••c. 1\ol u• H1.11 Ro•tce
mak.c·uurc he: ~« I~ his own elbow~ c101<! 10 hi~
bod)• ((W fJH'lllt'l cv~rag& and ronll ol. Tl u~ h
MpeC·ally amport.tnt whe.n lighlln9 \'I''Y II'IC1(' 0 1
r.rorg lf'dMd!J.31)
Note how Roy((!
k,c(•pS h i•. IIIJIII 1\fil'lfl
on 1op ot Chnrlcs'~
IJ.:tlm to plf•\•(•rU Ch.uh•~
- 1S5 -
Wrestler head-and-arm hold
(bridg ..and-roll H<ol~}
- 1S6 -
Grab yoltr
- 157 -
.,.- .._-..,, ... Backhand knife attack
1. ,. .
it . I ~~- a
·--'. .._..
• • , ,
Sl f"
- 1S8 -
. , Grab hts wrist 1vith yovr rlgltt lland and push it
~ down. Pull his l"lbow with your feft h;md. Ro;•(c
9f~lti Chalie$'\ nght wnrt with hi ~ dgh~ h{tnd nml
pu~hc:s 11 down. At the "'"'C time:, his lett a rm pull$
Chatters etbow l).)(k, plvotmg around t he ~hovltlcr.
lh11. wfll work even aga1m1 o l h ong • ogrc:.>or·, •.lnc;c
Roytc h u~1119 both .31 m~ u1 I>~' teet tcvcmgo ngni n ~ l
Ch3riM'~ ught atm. pl\•otln!) at Ihe ~houldor .
-159 -
Two-handed choke from behind
In a to.~h1ndf!od cholc:f!' hom behmd thf. aggressor has all the advan·
tagcs; surpriSe, • Juperior position. .and the thence to quickl~· incapacl-
ldte the VtCttm The defemrve reaction mun be iwif1.
~ fop
2 Wfth both ol your h.omdJ gr;ab
ot his lwvJs by Uwt Ulr.P'I'tiJJ. ("-'1•1n
dt(tnck the- thoke by grabb-nq Roo,-c.t'" Nnc1
by tht lhl,.~.:tnd puthreg lJ'loe<'l\ Ololt
- 160 -
. , Choose a sjde. Escape to the left? Then grab the
~ bottom of his right homd with yom' IMr h:md
.Jnd srcp back .uound with your right leg. J•ull his
thumb down 1vith your right hand to twist his w d st.
Charlei can e~t3PC b;· rnO'.'ing (.:ithcr• lc fl 01' l'i!)hL
Sm<t the-re •S 1\1> lnh('IC'Il\ a d\•,'lnlage lo eilher side,
)'OU should<hoos.ewhic.he\•et side n aturall;•lccls rnorc
<om1ort01blc to }•ou. Pr,R1li ng enough ; hJ t i'CHI will
•FWlflctr\"ClV !"'10\'C to I he more comlor1 abl e srde can
w~ you precious second~ in a wcet fight-jv~t m.:.kc
sure yOU do"'' get 100 l)l('dl<t" b'~:. rmd nMintaln the
abttity to mow! In ell her d1re-ction. In this case. Chnr les
<hooses lo es.taoc to the lcfl. Pivoting o lf h i~ lch 'oot..
(h.:ut~ ih.·~ b.><k through wllh h rl> rlg hl IC(J. 1\s h..;
doel tim.. (holrles pull~ Royce's nght hnnd, twisting i;,
Chint:s u~es IM !cit han\.1 on the bottom 01 I~Q)'I.<:'s to
fmptO'.'t It~ (()nlrol. Royce ..t.:nu to Ia I 10 I he ground
b&c<~u~ of the !)lin in hi' wrin.
~re punJ\h.mcn~ to
IQ. 01 even
- 161 -
_ ..
~~-, -
,- ~ ,,.
The h 01ynwker '' ~ f.-..'Orite of unskilled lighterl. who rely on one big
punch to fini-sh a fight. Thrs bemg ~id. it is very lmportal\t to mas1e-r
the hQymaker defense, as it is a most likely !1\U~1ion 10 facr:.
2 Srep forward In b.uo WJih y(H.Ir lf"ft lf9
cluck. Gel In tJghr with hint. both homds
bohlnd his kntttJ. Roy<e \hlP\ fo,wilf'd w•th ,.,,~ ~tt
len, illr~.tdy in ba..\e, .1nd dud:: ~ lilt P'•~h As Char! en
punch fJOI!'\ O'ler dt~ too. hk I'!"'OITiffltum _..,,, bf ng
him In co Roy<e. There K\0 much tntfgy n ~1\fomKs«i
puncn tnat 0\atles ptaet call, dot-\ • "'"~it
owr Roy<e'S back ftoor«: VW1 both tl.tftCH to gr~b
behind Chatters 1cnefl..
162 -
. , Lih with your fegs, I'O fate y our
~ upper body. and hq.we hlrn over
your tN.dc flke ., Sitek of cemenL Pull him
with yoor kft hand and push with your
nght. ROytt: I)U~h c.•~ oft h ~l> IC!i~ ontl tu.:J\101l
Cha rle~o\-cr hi' bnck, u~ol ng hi~ nrms 10 aid
the 1ot.ation by I)U ling With the loft orm
31'\d PV~>hl~!) Ch&rles'S I: nee •uhh t ho rl9 h l.
- 163 -
Swinging weapon
2 lime the swings and clos(' tlu• .9ltP .' !(IM lf•t•
prpc mls.sts. Ru;·tc dodges a couple of ~W 11!) 5,
timing the at1.lCI:"$. £ach lime, 1f•, Rwu: H<:p:.
~ o~nd tur.•e:s hh body backwo11d lo I<: I l hc wc,•pou
<)0 b;·
. , Cll'ncht
~ Lock
your ~rms
around hf1
your left
your rlght h;md. Get in good base. wlrh your hips tl<ni' to ftfm. Royc<.>
l u f19t~ fotw.)rd .-oo <hnthe1- tight a!. t he pipe mines, making ~ure he
l«b his arms around (h.Htes·~ w.>~S.I . Royce get:. in b~sc, ltnccs bcm
and h1ps dose to Charle-s so he can ua:,· wilh Chades. At Ihis l>:)hH It h
<Jery imporli'ln\ fOf" Rot<e to maintain his base because Charles w ill
suuggle to get away from the (lln(h.
- 16-a -
/1 Straight('n out your l('ft l~g l'!fld tJ[()c.* IIi>' 1('/t
l,..f" foot. Sit down toward your right foot. Ro:•ce
shoots hrs,left h.•!) stt3 !Jh t Qvt. b iO(kin!J Chvrb's legs.
He then s•ts bOld, f a 1ing toward hlo; right fool lr. ,)
- 16S -
Two-handed front choke
{escap e with should er loc.k)
Gr.1b hf.s right wrist with both hands: kh
q/IJOw up. right QIIO down. Roy<~ S\Jrls his
de fense b~r grabbing Charles's righll wrist with bo!h o-f
hi1 h tJI'ld$. Roy<e l•t~ s his r1ght clbo•.v down \ 'inil'e nh
l c:f t one Is up: thl$ •~o~iU htl~, lfle es<apoe by addmg
torque to Charles's •wist.
- 166 -
. , Step through with your right feg. your foot stepping near
~ his righf toor. ;m d dudt. your- h-Nd through /lis hands.
Royce pNOts to his leh. steps iorward a round Charles's right side
with his right leg. and dudu hi:. hea d through the gap between
Charte\·~ Mms and body. Notice th.)t Roy(t Is ,:.lfcady t'(:'(lin~
torcue to Charle1's v.•rist by twisting hi~ 1o1so while both ha nds
~e vndpi)C'd t'9ht on ChtJnc:.':. right \'II :.t.
Thk ~~ .sng!e!. the
poi1110n RC)y(t ¥.·ants r.,,feet H>
end in. Noll(e tnat Ro)I'Ce has nl\•t eH)()Vo' clc>K- to his body lot
extta l~agr.
r_7 Step in with your righr foot and push his wrist
fCJ hrs c~r. Roy(t <etps h•s: etbl)w ~i9ht 1\!)ainsl
his body and steps forward with 11is nght leg, bending
(harSe-s·,. atm into a mould~r lodt.
- 161 -
Side kick (defen se)
Th<' side kick delivers d. lot of force and is often used by skilled combat·
ants. Here, Charles attad:.s Royce ·with a ~ide kkk 10 the midsection.
- -168 -
. , Step bade 01round wrtft your left leg,
-~pulling hi$ I~ bhrk wrti• yov. Roy<:o
ta1tes a step back wrth hi~ le l1 1e g as he pulls
Charles's l~g with him. PtC1~i ng down with his
righ~ hand on the knC!'C {flUI ~·ot•r VICight lulo
tt) help~ 1orce Ch:t rle~ 10 fall.
/I_Wmp his foot wfrh your ltft :um and gr~Jp your
~ rlgflt wtht wflll your ICJ!t htmd. Put your rlghl
hMd on his $hln IHtd INn IJll<k f.or 1/ooc lo<k Roy<~
fln ~~h<:s
thfJ po$1tlon by wrc.pplng Chnrl""''s foot w;th
hi ~
IMt M m . Royce''I left hllnd gra tK hi\ rkjht Wfl'\t anc.i
hh nght hnnd go~ o.n top of (harl~'s ~hln. 8y llt<hir\g
l):tck with his upr•er body. he apptl~s sJgnll~ru Pf~
svre to t he foot . Chatles mun submit. NOCI<e how
Royce uses his right knee on Charles's right ThK
"(lrvo-. two purposes: ll k~e~ Charl-es from g.ening
h.'lck up, M d II .also blo<ks any heel str•kts to R.o'/(c's
groin or stomach.
- 169 -
Headlock against the wall
- - - .. on~•-·---·~~•
A hC!adlod: against the wall is one of the toughest holds lo deal with.
With uhe w.:tlllimiting your rnO\•~ment.s and putting press~• re on your
head as well. this type ol hcadloc" ranks high on anyone·~ li ~1 of
problem atta<ks.
t Gr.11b his lt1lt IA-riTt wlth your
hand and hb
blc~ps with your right h:tnd. Royt~ grab5.
(h,ut ~·, wrht and bicep~ to 1.11ce the pl'euure
2 llook hiJ right leg a-nd pull
around. Roy<c t hen uses h1\ ngnt leg .on a
!look· to pull his bod~· around t.~nl il he b ~rpendt·
w far to Charles's body. Noti<e thc~t Ro-Jte stil main·
tmns his original grip.\.
- 170 -
. . , Ut 90 of h•J ~ ¥Jd pvt your rlght
~ Nnd Ott tiM WAll. At tt-i) pO JTl RO'V(t-
re e:ase t-1\ "'/'t """"'tNt pat~ •l on the war
lOI)ft<-"f!t''l•ny <ntf'f"opt by<Nrlits toslamRoyu!"s
hHd agairm t h• ¥.'111
- 11\ -
Hand slap
- 1n-
2 St'Vfng your body forward
and le' yovr lr.•md go. The.•
W(IC\ of the hand >l{ltl Is pivoting
yo1.u bod>• bad:., then ou~hi ng of1
your rear foot "''d )',\'ing ng yow
body for\'lllrd \'CI)' qulc.:kl)•. Just let
thl1o mohon pull your arm nround •
- 173 -
Breaking up a fight
... ..: ·-,
I '
1r h
• •
.- .
/ -
~--·"' ~ ... J
Somed.)y you ~.,. be ron:ed to bre,ak vp .;l fight. Thn. coufd be a situatio n
wh et~ t•NO frifnds have ~n to ~le or whtr~ a st rangf!'r has a11acked
a fri~nd or loved one. One of the many .)dv3n1 1lg~ oi Brazilian j iu·jitsu Is
that the tcdmrques i't oHers allow ior complete <o ntrol o t a
<omb.ttJrll without nc<c-ssarity harnuny him,
-175 -
Full nelson
t OoK> Clollt •rtnJ antlupatc• the
lui ~ ioO"~ ~ t~ bolt' l iM\ 10 hb
body. \t0f>flt1'4J (hb!IC'~'• ability lo cnnlinuc
tt'le •oo:ton.
2 Drop down in l»se. to<k yor.u
and grab your nghl wmt wrtn )'(NK
tofr hind. Your arms .shoo'd lock 1!11 f'lbows
Aftf>l' he d rops in base, Royu cor.uot' CMrf~
by napping both a rms arO!Jr"d tha e bo\Vi..
- 116 -
" ) Puthoff yout lt'gl 4mtl 'tNd·bcift Mm.
~ItO)'(~ drlivttS :. r>OWC'IIUI head bull b}'
PU\h ng ott 1•1\ lc91o ;)nd ~on app ny h i~o hc,Jd
b~Pel.. \tl hnCJ (h~Uir't'\ no~ with t h(' bac;_k o f
,.., f'woold
.·-}'...,,., ! J'.!
Full nelson (can't b•o•k out-th•ow escap•J
. . . 11 \-..:, ,.,_
. ·- When you -seme a full ne.son conwtg. uy to prevent 11 w11h 1he te<h-
niques shown tn oos•t10n 79. ~ )'OU • • too latt, however. or il yout
opponent is so strong thll you un·t •top htm from wr-apping his arms
around ;·ou.. thu. mon pr~ts hun from completely ~cum-.g the
loclc. If you get completety IO<k~ •n 1 full nelson. yov need to usc the
escape sho·....n in position 81.
t(h~rlt' turptbtt
ch•¥•1'11 h!JIJ""'
Royr~ 1ro m be hind,
under Royce's arm• and
<'asP•I'\9 ht\ hi.,ds l>t'hln(f ttoyce·~ htbd bnd
~~~ng•tlotW.Jid .
- 178 -
It) Sttp bo1ck wilh yovr righf leg. Pltmf
~your rlgftt toM pltSt ltis rig/It foot.
Bend lonwmJ, head toward the ground, and
f'\.,.isr )'C)ur body to rho fctft for tit{! throw.
Ro)'ce .rt~ps back wilh his rlghl leg ond pl ani(O
t!h ~~t)hl foot past ( IHUi t S'i l l !)ht foot,
blot(if'll) h ~ I'I'IOVC I'Ill!nt. I~O)•CQ drOP'· ClcJWfl
and t wim his to~ to the: lcrl1. Th e~ will fOsull
In <J t hrowing mo tion{)~ Chnrlt') h lt iPI>CtiiJi'
RO)'C<!''1o llghl 1~ .
- 179 -
Full nelson !comp let e ly loc:kedl
In this variation, Charles sutpris.@d Royce and was able to loc;k on the
full nelson before Royce <ould react. The- grip is solid ly set .:.nd Charles
has good rnakmg 11 diffkult for Royce t o use any of t he previous
es<:ap~s- lhis defense is very effcctiv(' in th~ event that ;•our o pponent
ir• ,,.ery strong and you are late in reacting to the a ttack.
- 180 -
. ,Step forward w1'1h your right fey
~ Mrl ~ft b,ut. noyte o;l•etchc.·~ his
right le-g lo iW.)Id ,,.,d srts tlown, whit'-=
1>u~hh~9 ()fl hh tcl1 le-g, lo•titlg Ch ..ul c~ lo
the ground.
/1 As Y<NJ hit the ground Md ~~~ l'f!ltMUS tht grip push bl('ft on top of him.
~ Gr1b hit right wrlJt Wllh yGur lclft homd. Wrilp your rlghf O)fm nround his
Cl r,s'!
t"-" right arm by
own right arm
: tlbow and
•o h•<~. own feh
oushtng down on
Q_,.,-, oaTrs.t Royce can
o.r1n"t c-ibow to~nt.
- 181 -
Full nelson t roll and throw esca"")
Ro\'<e ha. Chnrl"' In., full nelson.
- 182 -
/1 • oll owr your tlghl
I-f ~ A~ Ch..t,ltt
owr t . ,,qht ,hou dtt
tfltOW Royt~ h~Cdd
to tf • nroun<l
- 18)
Head lock (anatkcr tountcrs earlier moves)
HE:r~. on<e again~ Charle-s has Royce in a h<'adlod:.. This ti l'n~ he I•<J!> h is
f<~ccdose to Royce's, to aYoid the ira me e~CGpe (position 17), a nd
when Royce anempts to pull Charles to the gfound (position SO) or
hook Charles's legs (position 39). Charle-s counters succc-ssfullt cnch
tirnc. Uut Royce hM still another trick up his sleeve.
~Charles h ai Ho~-ce In a
I hcodlotk and avoids
t~ o;·cc's fl r:.t illh)ttl,ot nt
t::S<<Ipi ng by l ollow ng
HO)'CO':J body d) he tries
to scoot aw,,y frQm
Ch<JM\ in order to pull
him bt'l~k to tho y round
(po~il •on SO). Not ice
Ro~·cc':. right honci gr•p-
plfl{.l Chiu l~~ ·i {lrm to
rol<:ll5<: the pro"-~vrc from
lhc hc,,dl oc~ .
- 184 -
•7 Hook his left leg and
...__ fry to g~t on lop.
Roy<:e nelCI throw!> h 11 left le g
O\'er Charlc1o's l ~.>ll leg <Jntl
hoo1:1 It Roy<e tries 10 pu~h h i~
body over Charle\ (postlion
39), but ~ l u1o th'nC (h,lrl('\ COUll
IC:t\ b;• op'-"ning hi); right h~g.
which pre vents Royce l mm
10llrng him 0\ICI •
- ISS -
Headlock (esc.ap<> with m u ltipl e adj uotments)
S tte~t fights iuc not stahc ~tuat ions in w hich your o ppo nent st and:;
1here like- a mannequin while you put ;•o ur mo\•e o n h im. Ra th er, t hey
are d ynamic contests m which ~"'ur o pponent attempts to coul)tCf'
every thing you do. This is Mpeciall~· t rue with headlock$, and it is
o ften n eces.sary for you to go from one escape'i.3tion to l)nother as
your o ppont"nt adJusts to your mo\•ements. Pa rt i<U iarl~· ag ainst
stro nger or highly skilled opponenu, you may not be able 10 escape
frotn fl headlock by either kn~ling and rolling (p osiHOii 50} or pulling
yourself over the top (pc»11ton 39). Here, Royce f aces a vet)' stub born
opponent who won't let go, .:md he has to ad d a new escape.
- 186 -
C) Lt>t go ol ev~rytMng
and put both
...~hands on the ground. Go to your
knees. Push fotward <Jnd pt~t prtswrc or1hl,f
shovlt#tr. RO)'<e leu go of e..-el)•thing and
90M to his knees. As he ou~hcs foroNt\1'\i off
his toe\, Royt:t' will tu.1d treme ndous pressure
10 ChtJrleio'S shoulder. Many times this is
enoogh f or ;he aggreswr to let go o f tho
hold, but Chad~ is a formld;:tble a dve·~l)·
:nd h~ d~n· t le t go, lorcmg Royce to go
one step lurther.
- 187 -
Wall kick
.. -
,...a \..,.~, .__
•• .~ •~
,. ""!.. -....
• ..,• A ', ...""••
Being tt.lPP"N •gamu a waU presents spc!<.ial d1ffiwlti" for defense.
Not be•"9 a bit 10 move away Of step bac-1:: limits you1 option!>, and
absorb•ng o blow\•Jhen you're against a hard surlace can be much
more dnrn\lgiog.
- 118 -
1t) Yovr !~It
arm rh!fle<t s th~
kick. Tlmln!J. ()(
~(OUt~(.. b o11 vt•')' lmllOit.:lnl l ae1or In I his de leme.
but notke that !he .um defl'coion motion tHwcl ~ a
mlKh shotler di),iltKC 1h on the <11;\c, l ht~t l•l rv glvlntl
the th:fC'nder a \Dfl't)• m atgln.
4 Pivot b.1ck strik" hl.s folCe wflh your nght
elbow. A'> Chorlcs fall ~ f(ltwiltd out of b.1lance.
Royce reve"e1 hi~ pivot t~nd dellven a deov.tstating
right elbow sulkc to Charle\'S fJ<ct
- 189 -
Front throat grab
In th•s "tuat.on. ChoariM graM Roya"s 1hroat Wtth his right hand. From
this pos1t10n C~rl~~ ciln push RO)'C<' bade 01 punch him. This defense also
work~ against an <lggreuor who has grabbed )'OUr' h~ad b~r 1he hair.
! h< Roy<c
by the ned•.
- 190 -
2 St•p blck YOU#' andput
both Nttdr on Ms wri.s:t. ~It elbow
up, nght .Jbow down. Royce: ):lC~p:. OOck wllh
his 11g hl lcp tJnd U' "'~ Ch:ulc~\ riQhl w th l
w1th both hi~ h a nd ~. 1-1(' k~t rJs his lett elbow
up and h!\ right one dO\•Iu .
- 191 -
Headlock {bend;n9 ba<kl
. " ., .
,,. .
# • •
• t....
• "' a
!..... , ~
... 1 .. . . . . ...-
~ -
192 -
. , Lift yovr body ~tnd throw Mm ovttr
~ your bKk lika • sack of potatoM.
Charlts w II throw Royta over his bock b;•
OVIIIng AO)•(¢'~ I QI C~ rm ~ (lOS!. hi> bod~· w hllt;
lwhllr'lg hi~ tort.O.
- 193 -
Gun to the ribs
.. .
.. ., .....
,, .. , . - ,
• # •• I
1r r ,...,. ...~
iii , .. "II.
, - ,
, A gun to tht r•tx {tht- stele) cal~ for a ~tghtty different d~fense t han
when th<! gun •s Uu(k rn either your front or your back. 1 h i!> posit io n
of1en <omes up during <at jo"Jdang!..
- 19.1 -
gr,,b tho top of tlu~ gem
. , KHJpirtg <OIHrol ot his w rln,,
~ b.tttel with yovr rlgM har~d and pulf It It is \•e1y
1mport;,nt :o gt4b the top o 4 the gun b ..mcl, bot h for
t!'\lt'fMJe a11d ~a l etr. Royte nlJ k e~ s.ll te he do~sn' l <OV<Jt I h e.'
end of the baf'fel. 111 os.e Charles 1\res the gun,
/I yourt~ff
Control the gun and kHp a wily
'i' from hfm. By holding th~ bdrr(! of ltM!
gun. Royce h.)~ h-ettet le-ver.-lge i'lnd co1n ~~mply
- 195 -
Guillotine choke (puu;n 9 up)
Arly guillotine <hoke ~formidable.. but when w ell applied b)• a taller
op ponent it be<omes particularly difficult to defe nd agaim t. /':1, taller
perSOtl will be able 10 lift the victim o fi th e ground, requiring a very
spcdalizcd de feme by the Vlclim. Here, Royce ha ~ Cha rles in a fro ,, t
guillotine and lifts him oil the ground as h~ cho kes.
- 196 -
. , Stl!'p around to lt/s hJft. puWng your lttfr hnnd
~ bolCk em his Jcn.e so h• c~n·r knH you. and hir
the back ot his lttfl krlt'e wW• your rlgltt log. M KlOn
.u Royt:e PlltS Ch~rles down, Ch3rlf!1 s tep' i\round with
hi$ 119ht tc.-g ...,nd hi!> \he 1J1c;k ot Ro;·cc:'s felt kuco,
bu<.kllng 11 and t.l~lng hlrn to tnc g1ound.
- 197 -
Handshake grab
- 198 -
C') ~ fo~rd •net dnw his right hand down,
~ g1ab h'" "Y~t ~f'd mth )'OUf' /tffc. •nd IW" M.s
wrist tcrward hn ~bow Ro.,u uses h •S to rso 10 hefp
~ Chall~'s hand un\tl ht (;)n tt.Olh tt with h1s own
left ha nd. t hen a pplltos bttcme pressure b}• b.-.ndllitl
(har~·s ho~nd toward his elbow for a wri~t lock.
No i C: th~ COi rt't I
gnp for sec:min~J
the wli~l hn '-.
-199 -
Handshake grab (quick d e f ense)
If you just want to get out of an unwanted handshake g rab and do n't
need to worry about ending with a submission hold (as in position 90).
lhi.s is the way to go.
- 200 -
. ,Drop in bas•. gr»b .)10(1' fi9ht thumb with yow
5t~ Jndf• /tt~r,rr.
otnd pulh ytHN knl.ldk •insr
his hand. Royce 9npt; tu~ r~ght thumb with hi~ l~fl
rdt"X linge• antJ dn\'et t he: luu,(klc or the index
fingef bet-."~" lht- bon~t. o l Charle1's hand, d r«".;tly
on a tendon. rn ,~ h ~utpti~ingly painful for ihe
Here you f ,1n '~~'~"
the wn•t lhc lncf(lll
lln!Jcr Is pu ~h cll
llOftlns1 lhC h0n1l. UM•
the lch ihumb 10 1'1Pt11y
the I>' <'1!.lltco.
- l01 -
Headlock (aggressor ag a;nst the wall)
- 202 -
. , Pit.·odng off your right foot., <ircf<> b;J<.k w ith your (fJfr
~ ~ ,md pull htm down. Ro;·ce pivots off hl~ right fool
oJOd <lfd es bark with his leh leg, <au~ing Charles to tall to
the ground.
/1 t~t yo of ewrythmg
~ ~,d put both h#nds
on thfl ground. Royce•un"ln
con<c:rn here- I~ tO rem.ln\ in
\OIId bOl~t, $0 he goes Into a
fO•f!Ohlt Stdfl((! _
- 21!3 -
Side-kick defense (aggressor avoids takedow n )
tn this Kcrwr •o. iK Royc:e bf~ and traps Charles\ I~ wllh the te<:h·
mque sho·wn '" f)OS1t 1on 75. Cha1l e\ avoids 1he ta~edown by ho pping
on his left ltg. i dJUSting to Roy<e's body poslllon by staying squart'ly
in front of him 1JS Royu anempts a takedown (position , S, step 2).
2 On:Jp in
INn It>ft. GH yt)CJt' lc>lt
up. lfff totHrm str.Jighl down.
Mtd f»lm IMiftrJ IJI} foor. Bring your rlghf
IOTNrm up ro hrtp the block. Rt>yc,;e u~o~:-~ the
w~ ~oclui\IJ uheme •hown in I>OSi1 ou i~
(tllol.•m ht.•rt• !tl tm ~·111 l• •r UMJu) •
- zo.= -
II G'4b .,,..., "" .,,.,. With yout
"f ~If ~ntl. tl'l-.n SWttch your fight
tt.rtd •rtd gr#b II1J ~rm Roytc th;:tngt''-
.. n. IJ' p o, Cl1.11 ~s. hh ('ft hand gnp-
P."') under tl'!e kn~e v.hile h ,. rig'u
reiKhes behl"'d (h.Jd('~·~ right lr kcp~
Ht»t ltd ,.., '1'fi4J' ,.,.,
A·'/ Roy<t' \I('PJ I~.JiO -..nt"' h \
t9 JACI hOd:.:\ <Nt"lf<s lttt Jtc).
t,l'clt1q MtotJ Ctwr'es"' orb1hty 10 ih'Oid 'he I" pawl 1on 7S by f,oppng otnd
:\I.Wif'IC) i<IV•lt~IJ n ftOfU of AOy<f'.
Gui llotine (arm trapped}
• ) Grnb Mi rlgltt
lllfli,....- wrl$1 wfth youl'
lttlt ;,,,,.d, for(O yow·
rlgl11 brm down ,,ml
'""'9 your welgt•t on
ltfm. Rovc:o u ~os hi!. l cfl
hnnd 10 gmb Ch.:t• 'O~.'~o
light wll:;;t. Notice Ihat
llllN he !)tllbS Ch m !~!.'j.
w1n t, Royce pull<> 11
dowr' by bringing his
own eiLX•w 10 hh bod~·
to take awa~· lilt>
dlOkin!) IJ rts~u n:.'
AdditiDMII'f, R()•;· •
I)Uj.h<.~ his righ- '
down, hA•, oinu lu~
- 206 -
., Wt~p yovr hind 1tround his right knee wJttt yo(~r
~ nghl h1nd Shoof your rlgilr IC"g lorwrrrd nnd sll
b.Jci kau~ (h1•riM hit\ tu bl'"nd hi\ kne~s to maintain
'"''. 11 b(o(am~ easy tor 1\0yte t o rt>oth wtth h ~
rsghl .lftn .tnd 91.t> tM ~l of Choti<"S'S right klu"t·.
R<r,, .. ''""' \11CK1I\ h•\ rig'''
tt'C) Uvough and \lh bfck.
~h k>1lll hoidng Chlrtfl\ Wfn;t 1nd k~
-207 -
Gu i I loti ne
. .
_,~ '"-·• .,..,
,• Hr."· L-"1
( ...l J ' _.,'*
corm tropped - control detenseJ
Th•~ ·~
the samt situation .lS in postttOO 94, bll1 this defense p iO't'ides
yov w•lh Qn opt10n for when you don't w~nt to hurt your opponent.
but ra·ther jU'Sl <Onllol hun- for ~ample. in the event of i)O argument
wi th o11 drunken friend or relative.
- 208 -
..,St~ ftuw•rd willi your right leg, go
~around his right l~g, and shoot your
ht~d b3ck ro llulf l1h rpJp. Chari!'$ steps
around Roytt'S righ1 sld0 v.·ilh h is right leg
and straight en~ h·~b.)<.k., ~l--oot ny hi~
t'l(",)cf VI) .)\ lw CfOM pont ~oyce. Tl•ls
powHfY mo\of' ""-t twt:ak RO)'tC'\ g•ip
Slll'ltc ~ ~'19 tt'lt 1KM"tr ot .,.,
~f'lfltt bod,· .tq.;ti!MI RO)'(C''11rrn. Note that
Charles m.atn-:.aiM control~ Royc.l'\ arm
- 209 -
Choke from behind while
sitting down
Not all aggressions begin wtth worm and two combatants facing off.
Ohto the aggreuor wtll use tht element of surpr~ to hts. advantage
and try to <atch you m .a vutMt~bt. posr1ion. such as sitting on a park
bench.. If the anaclcer tOes to pull you up •t the \.lime 1ime that he is
<hoking ~·ou, ~ posatton CJ7 for • drfft"rent de-h~1\Se.
- 210 -
.., Sr~p b3(..!; p~~st his foor with yOtlr right foot :md
~stand up. Charleo~ blocks Ro;•ce's right leg by
planting h~ nght foot JUSt past Ro~x:c's 1ight foot. Notkc
that (haries ,~ uf.•ng the ball o f lh~ fight foot on t he
qround so he can pi\'ot more easily.
/1. ~tround
Kick with your lefc 1~.
'-f Pivo~lr'9 off lu) ri-ght foot. (h;u1ts
klc;ks. h ) left lt<J Moundl endln9 ~•P
h •~ body in. a uralg'ht htle w1U1 ROyce·~
- 211 -
Choke from behind while
sitting down (anacker pulls you up)
-112 -
. . , Pivot on your rlghf foot and kick around
~ with
your If'It !tog. Us ng lh(: right fool n:.
a pivmmg pomt., Charles his le tt leg to helt>
hi~lf comt t\IOI.Jncf. t-Jotlcc tht1l Chl'lrlcs h still
cont•ol o t lto}·r~·s right arm.
1n compl<! l ~
- 213 -
Accosted from behind whil e sitting
You are sitting in~ park on the grass. o r at a beach, and suddenly \1
thi('f Slle.aks up behind you and tries to 9rab something and run.
- 214 -
/1 Posh bMk wtth borh fHr •nd
J,f' your bDck to throw hfm
down. Pu~hln g off both fetr, (hlltlti
drive" his bod•t t:wck whll~ \till
ha!dlng on to noy<e's heeli, knOCktiWJ
him onto the ground.
- 215 -
Sidle head lock (h ip throw)
t WhM you feel tiNt drop in b<Jse, bend
yovr knees. head up, hips forward. Grab 11/r r~gM
hip wrrh your f19hr hand OJnd his with your left
hand. Chat1e$ applies a headiQQc frQm the )-!de. Royce.•
:t4.!f1$.0the irt1atk and drop) in base to avoid being
tnken do\•m At \he Sl1111C' time-, RO)'(t' (Ontroh Chorlm's
body by hold•ng Charles:'~ right hlp with hi!: 11ght ~~~,nll
o~l'ld l)fot«h hi~r'IL'tk by hol ding Charles\ wfisl whh hi!.
- 216 -
. , Squarp your feet inside his fHt,
~ htps OUI. Tu p rOjX'I1y CliCClltC 1'1
N p thrOYt, ROV(e !)laces his hips In fronl
ol Charle1o's hips and square~ hh tee t
in~ide of Ch&rlcs'~ te-et.
- 211 -
Arm push
The arm pu~h extremely common in dubs, whe1e boun((w. often 11)•
to muscle peop~ b.xk 10 the> suee1 that way. '' •s also used by kidnap~
pcrs p1.11h1n<J wmeone into <'I <itr ~gainn his will.
- )IS -
. , Strike his face 1¥ith your right elbow and
~ 9ntb his sho11lder: ~ Ch~'Jrh,•s. Wik.~!. RO)'CC,
lw;- grabs Ro)"<e's shoulder and posts his forearm
on Rorce•s neck.
F1om thh. .sngle you can \t't" th~ <cureo
plM~m of 1he hands and legs 1or the
1a1tedown. Hotke that Charlt"'S uses. his
fOU!Jtm on ROy(e'S thrObt tO dnVf: him ba dt
and do\vn.
- 219 -
Half nelson
The h.alf nelson It~" extremely effective and widely used (Ontrol hold.
The aggr~sor u~acht.>S around your arm with his arm and grabs ;•our
ne<k wr1h that Jame hand. It mak~ for a very uncomtonable position
as he ~pplkl1 prel)Vre to 1he are.). The dcfen~u ~how n here is very
effecdvt agair\n most opponents. bu1 if the l'trl'n gmb falls, )•Ou C<Jrl
th~n r-ewrt to ~ition 102.
/.• h.,.,
R~ hM Ch.utes tn
- no -
2 Drop in base and trap his rlghr
f!lbr;JIIv. Ch.) rl<..'~ d ;op:; down in
ba\E', he-ad up and hips lo r.v;ud, l:nees
~nt. He t HJps Royc~·~ elbow w ith his right
arm and kee-ps h11o right hnnd '-.fl)!.<.: t (l his
. , St•p around with your l~ft J~. GrOJb his nght WTist with
~ yout loft hMd. Gr.:tb your own S.ft bkf!PI with your
right hand. Haole his leg wfth ycur right lf9 and pull down on
hfs 4trm lor the submlulon. P1voting off hn tight foot. C11•rk!-s
s-tttps around with hl<o l ~ft leg. U<ou'l9 hK left h3nd to 9 1tp
Royce's right wrist. Charles locks his right hand to his left
blce~. ttooks Royc~·~ right leg 'loVIth his own right k'g. dod
- 221 -
Ha If nelson <wrist rock escape)
- 2i2 -
2 Quickly step i'JrOUfld to finJ
rrght with your left loot and
trap his right elbow IA'ith your right
mm. A1o soon .)S h~ ~en~ t he hold,
0\aries ad ~ qu1ck.l}• and steps a•Nay I rom
the l)tt'SS.utt', tov.·:ud his right. Al l hc
wme time he t raps Royce's right e lbo-.•t
under his nght arm.
_., Srep behind hiJ ltg wlrl't yo~r t~ghtloor. gritb your
~ left bleeps with your righr hand, rhM grab hit
right hMd with yoor felt hnnd •nd puff it down Ch.01k's
blocks Royce's e~cape route by ptant1ng hk nght foot jU'll
behind Roy<~·~ right foot, grabs h11o own t:MceJM. and
ilpplles a wrl'>t IO(k by pvlhng Roy<e's hand do-.'l'f"'.
- 223 -
Wrestler head-and-arm hold <•ttocke• •••istsl
A p<:~ rtkularly difficult posi'tion in a stre-et tight is the- wrestle r hca d .;md-
arm hold, JS <k!mons-trat~ in position 69. In this. Qtse, Charles contro l5
Royce'5 he~d \':ith his right arm. while at th~ same time using h is left hilnd
to puiU RO)'<<!'~ nght arm. To make matte-rs worse, Charle-s pushes o f f his
feet to add his weight to Royce's <-he-st. Ro;·ce al lempls the b ridge-and-ro ll
es.c:apeo from ~tion 69, but Charles braces with his left leg i.lf1d a rrn.
- 124 -
. , Go ro your knees. Grab his rigM
~ WTI$1 w;r;, your fight lllmd, willie
your left l1and controls hfs back. Sensing
C~a rl~'s de1ensc. Royce goes 10 hi ~
~ne-e~ b;· plvotln!) on hi~ lt.:lt fool &nd
llull ntJ hh d!)hl leg under and lluou!Jh
1he ~rJace ttca~cd by 1hc bridgiug
<JC~.ton, It i1 1rnportant for Roy<.c to ma1nt.:un prc:uv•c- o n lu> l('fl loo1 whll~.: he pu I\ hh
t19ht lt.'9 vncler, ot~1w'~ <NuJe\ Yrill luu19 him ba<k 10 Ihe \1,1!1ing positiM . Hn't'CC
<O!'I!rol~ (hMI~'s w''"
Wtth hn. t1ght hand .lnd Ch~lie~o·~ oatk whh hi ~> loll. Tl·c I)IC$:.lii C
o f Ro;·cc:'$ l~ft ,hOutdet on (ht•l~·,. ••ghl '"ovlder. J lonc1 with Chm h.:'''- .:um hdnu
t•Nhh:d, W•ll ,,1k)o,v Roy<~ tO ('J\fty I)U\1 hi' l'w::3d OUI
- 22S -
Royce Gracie did not step into the Octagon to show 1hat his t'amily's.
tt'chni<lu~ wotk for him. Royce and 1he rest of his famll~· have been
competing to show that their 1e<.hniquM work for e-veryone. 1'he-
minion is to enlpower people. As Ro)·c~ pvts it, "I step into t he ring l()
prove to everyone, not jus1 o1her martial artists, th,:,t our style works. I
want everyone to knov" that my ta1nily's techniqvcs w ill make them
safer. That ha~ been the Gracie mission for over se venl~· · five ~·~Mrs and
that is my reason for figh1ingl"'
AIJvvv: lloyc• with Mark CQiflm<~" tl•h) (lt~<.l ltj(lol'
Vovdtnnchl n,
tU(Ihl; ltOV<"I" 1~
U•• llyhc
lo<lo.•t room. <on<•nu.ull'l9 ftiOf to ..
- 218 -
Abcw~ T1ltl Gmdu Tr&ln UOM to Ji!lt)I.U.. <i~tuldmto~tt:f
u~Uo lr.tdlfloW U~ot w~y. followCid by Rorion Md Royr.11.
Lclt: Royu ottts!de lht Tckyo l)l'll'!lt~, h~'lld ln!) tor b11Hic,
- 229 -
K•l' loh :: floyct t hoots In on p:~ncr;~s. champion k en Sl\im1od. &n the ~lini\J. le>p •ight; fiOYl• llnl•hlng Shntnm<ll,
oo uom 1(111: ShM• mdc ~~~bmlts to Royte. Bottom tlgtn: lltoyce iPNkS to tho! rfl~ee to <onllm'l d!41 ~ uhmiuiol'l i!rgilins-t Shamm<k,
((tnt(lr: Aglllt!U Arl J i•r~menon in tiM! o~lng INtd\. Royce uut\ A low ~ 10 set vp the- le(tl•l clinch,
- 230 -
Abow: Roy<~ appi )'III1J U14! l lrutl <hok" II~IMt EufQPe-'1'1
klck·bo;clng ch:.mplon G<1mrd Gord~au In th4 firMI m.1td~
- 231 -
Top lith~ lM f.tmcMK IIOO,U state. USt:enliniJ to ~1 · iM1NmOM ,,.,. Rfdson. T~ right: £~o~ro~n li~jtsu (hOI~
R(IM(O P."'fdtof ol1hct ~ Again m.tow \10 &WK-*' the dinch. loC1Din ltft- W!tnQ cJowft Upanew hghtH Miltoti
khllt.w.a. Doncn ntflt. n.e familiat ~loy..• - • w .,....., dt«k s...~ by ~.tnd frimck.
- 2ll -
Top left: Opening mat<h wh1 over Roy Van <lief. Top right: fiMI m.lltch ag.timt Wre,llet DAn •Jhe flf!!Ht" St-v~rn. flo ttom tell: r111hcr
Hello congratulates his wa11lor son Royce llottom nght• W.l'l~ Ched: ontE- ~am,
- 233 -
Top l~fl: Olllr11!1'1 bal.u'(ing on top of his O~L Top 1il}h1: Chllot le~ In tontrot BD1ton1: Ch~• les 5otS
up thi! flrMI chok:~.
- 23.: -
"'S:Jl•i:J. &u::il
lOp ~.eft Ol1tin \lt'l "tl~ AUutHIO Sll'l'l, With him &1 ~ Uhdt:
Acy~o0n {"'fO ilnd f lttlofr Robson.
l•h: II\ hJII tontrol of t lln fl9ht, Chi'IIIQ' d<-1111Clr5 1h~ !Hml~l._
I'Atfll to Slhle,
- 23S-
Tap It! II: Royce with D;anny Glover .llld R()rion. ~right:~ W111\ John SallOI\. Bouo.n: Royce
IE'<!Chlrl(j Ed O'Neill from the TV show M./Jrried ,..,.;u, 0Wdi1Vt.
- 23& -
- 231 -
-138 -