Case Study Darcy Gallagher Role Play: Performance Coaching Discussion
Case Study Darcy Gallagher Role Play: Performance Coaching Discussion
Case Study Darcy Gallagher Role Play: Performance Coaching Discussion
Darcy Gallagher, a sales manager, has a career growth plan that isn't in line with the company's goals
since he wants to become vice-president in 5 years, which is unattainable in that short amount of time.
Due to this, I developed a career development strategy for Darcy Gallagher that is in line with the
corporate objective.
Darcy Gallagher: Hello Sir, I am fine, thanks for asking. How are you doing?
General Manager: I am fine too. So based on the performance coaching discussion we had four
weeks ago, we noticed three specific gaps that need to be improved. Therefore, we are conducting
today’s follow up session as well as discussing your future career path.
General Manager: As your records show, you are one of our loyal and valuable employees. Following
our previous meeting, I took my time to well establish a career development plan for you.
Darcy Gallagher: I am eager to earn my promotion to the vice president position as promised.
General Manager: It appears that there was a minor misunderstanding. Each employee must possess
all the necessary competencies and abilities to advance in our company's ranking system. We have
a systematic approach for accurately assessing each employee's profile. Let me first go back to your
results from our previous session. However, keep in mind that this evaluation’s purpose is to help
you excel in your position and earn higher ranks. Our company always aims to help its valuable
employees like you, so based on your evaluation and the identified gaps, we will find some solutions
to fil the gaps identified.
Darcy Gallagher: I understand. Can you please explain to me in detail about these gaps?
General Manager: Your evaluation showed weakness in your leadership skills. To develop and
manage an effective and loyal team, a sales manager must possess excellent leadership abilities. I'm
not recommending being an authoritarian manager; rather, adopting a coach-style of leadership
that emphasizes team building.
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Darcy Gallagher: I always thought that my team looks up to me and my management skills help them
excel to reach goals and close the set targets. I don’t know why I am showing a gap in this skill, if we
never miss a target.
General Manager: I can see why you may be perplexed. Meeting goals and closing deals may not
always characterize a strong sales manager.
Darcy Gallagher: If this is my only weakness, I believe that postponing my promised promotion is
somehow unfair.
General Manager: Let us put the vice president position aside and continue with your evaluation’s
results after wards I will explain to you in detail your career path at our company.
On the second hand, we are really delighted with your ambition and enthusiasm. Unfortunately,
this enthusiasm may be translated into ego at some point. So, I advise you to slow down and study
your next move properly. The application of trust in your teams then indicates some more weakness
on your part. You will need to show your colleagues your skills and experience as well as
translating it for your daily tasks. The excitement is admirable and is a sign of motivation. I never
want you to lose that in you. However. It would be more beneficial for you to study your next steps
wisely and by taking your time. The road to success is not easy but the destination is always worth
General Manager: Please, do not feel demotivated or down. The main purpose of this meeting is to
establish a well-formed and systematic career development plan for you to reach the desired
Darcy Gallagher: I am confused, and honestly, I do not know how I can develop these skills.
General Manager: That is the precise reason we are having this discussion. Darcy, however, I do not
want you to be concerned about these outcomes since we'll be sending you to a number of seminars
and training sessions to assist you fill up these gaps. Both the board and I see in you a brilliant
potential. We thus made the decision to provide you with paid days off so that you may concentrate
on the course and workshop to help you improve in these areas.
General Manager: You deserve it. Now let me breakdown your career development path to you.
First, we have established two career development time frames. In the short term, which is after a
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year or two, you will be transferred to a more challenging location holding the same title if you
successfully show development in your emotional intelligence and leadership skills. How do you feel
about this new challenge?
General Manager: I am happy to hear that. I will say that afterwards you will hopefully earn the title
of ‘General Manager.’ However, I advise you to get closer to your peers and change the impression
you left regarding your leadership and people skills.
Darcy Gallagher: Oh, I understand. I will try to adjust the relationships with all the staff. But I would like
to understand, my promotion will be to the title of General Manager and not the vice president? Also, I
find it a bit unfair that my relocation might depend on my peers impression of me and not my skills and
General Manager: Not at all, as one of our evaluation metrics you need to have astonishing people
skills, this will be assessed by the impression and input your peers say about you. And Correct. You
may be promoted to the position of "General Manager" in 3 to 5 years by following your
professional development plan if all competencies and skills are established.
General Manager: By the beginning of the upcoming month, we will start with the assessments. Do
you feel ready for this commitment?
Darcy Gallagher: Yes, in matter of fact I am eager to begin with this plan the soonest possible.
General Manager: Great news. You will also receive a detailed email from our HR department with
a detailed report of your evaluation results and the number of days you will benefit from
completing the courses and training we will provide you.
General Manager: Hopefully within the next 6 months, you will be subject of a new evaluation to see
if you are eligible for the relocation. If you showed weaknesses, we would have to extend the period
to 12 months. Do you have any specific area you would like to relocate to?
General Manager: Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding what we
discussed. Also, if you are satisfied or not.
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Darcy Gallagher: Honestly, the discussion turned out to be slightly different than what I expected. But
overall, I am satisfied with the outcomes, and grateful for the support you are giving me to excel in my
career. But actually, I am still concerned of when will I become a vice president.
General Manager: I am glad that you feel this way, and that we sorted out the misunderstanding. I
am more than happy to assist you with any further questions or inquiries. As per our company’s
ranking scale you will earn this title after proving yourself in several positions and working your
way to the vice president rank.
Darcy Gallagher: Thank you for clearing everything up Sir. Have a nice day.
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