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Tendernotice 1 13

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N.I.T. No.: 143/NIT/EE/PWD/SER-1/2022-23/

T.S. No.: 129/TS/EE/PWD/SER-1/2022-23

NAME OF WORK: A/R & M/O PWD Roads under PWD Division South East
Road-1 during 2022-23. SH:- Disposal of Malba of SER-12
& SER-14.

PUT TO TENDER: Rs. 85,94,591/-

EARNEST MONEY: Rs. 1,71,892/-



Executive Engineer
PWD South East Road-1
New Delhi

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

Name of Work: A/R & M/O PWD Roads under PWD Division South East Road-1 during
2022-23. SH:- Disposal of Malba of SER-12 & SER-14.
1. INDEX 1



4. 6
6. FORM PWD-6 8 to 12




South-East Road-1 PWD, South-East Road-1 PWD
New Delhi New Delhi

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE


NIT No.: 143/NIT/EE/PWD/SER-1/2022-23

A/R & M/O PWD Roads under PWD Division
Name of Work:- South East Road-1 during 2022-23.SH: Disposal
of Malba of SER-12 & SER-14.

Estimated Cost Rs. 85,94,591/-

Earnest Money Rs. 1,71,892/-

Performance Guarantee 3% of the tendered value of the work

Security Deposit 2.5% of the tendered value of the work

Time Allowed 365 Days

Certified that this NIT contains 78 Pages (Serial numbered 1 to 78 Pages).

NIT amounting to Rs. 85,94,591/- (Rupees Eighty Five Lakhs Ninety Four Thousand Five
Hundred and Ninety One Only) is hereby approved.

Assistant Engineer (P) Executive Engineer

South East Road-1, South East Road-1,

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

The Executive Engineer, South East Road-1,PWD, Ishwar Nagar, New Delhi on behalf of President of India,
invites online Percentage Rate tenders from eligible contractors enlisted in B & R category with CPWD and
other experienced contractors who fulfill eligibility criteria.
The bid form and other details can be obtained from the website https://delhi.govtprocurement.com.
Date of Last Date Date and
release of and Time of Time of
tender receipt of opening
Estimated Earnest Time through tenders of
Name of Work Cost Money Allowed e- through e- Tender
procure procuremen
ment t solution
1 A/R & M/O PWD Roads
under PWD Division South
East Road-1 during 2022-
Rs. 85,94,591/-

Rs. 1,71,892/-
23.SH: Disposal of Malba of

365 Days
28.01.2 04.02.20
SER-12 & SER-14. 023
NIT No. 143/NIT/PWD/ 3
SER-1/2022-23 3.00 P.M.
Tender No.

The enlistment of the contractors should be valid on the last date of submission of tenders. In case
only the last date of submission of tender is extended, the enlistment of contractor should be valid on the
original date of submission of tenders. Joint venture is not allowed.
Eligibility Criteria (For Non-CPWD contractors).

(i) The eligible bidder should have satisfactorily completed the works as mentioned below
during the last seven years ending previous day of last date of submission of tender.

Three similar works each costing not less than of Rs. 34.38 Lacs.
Two similar works each costing not less than of Rs. 51.57 Lacs.
One similar works each costing not less than of Rs. 68.75 Lacs.

Similar work shall mean “Disposal of Malba/C&D Waste in authorized dumping


(ii) The value of executed work shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the actual
value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum; calculated from the date of completion of
work to the last date of submission of bids.
(iii) A certificate of work experience issued by an officer not below the rank of Executive
Engineer or equivalent has to be uploaded in support of similar work experience.

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

Tender documents shall be considered valid of only those contractors who will upload the
scanned copies of the following documents along with tender:
(i) Earnest Money in the form of Treasury Challan or Demand draft or pay order or Banker’s Cheque or
Deposit at Call Receipt or Fixed Deposit Receipt drawn in favour of Executive Engineer, M-412, PWD,
shall be scanned and uploaded to the e-tendering website within the period of bid submission. The
original EMD should be deposited either in the office of Executive Engineer inviting bids or division
office of any Executive Engineer, CPWD/PWD (GNCTD) within the period of bid submission. (The
EMD document shall only be issued from the place in which the office of receiving division office is
situated). The EMD receiving Executive Engineer shall issue a receipt of deposition of earnest money
deposit to the bidder in a prescribed format (enclosed) uploaded by tender inviting EE in the NIT. The
receipt shall also be uploaded to the e-tendering website by the intending bidder upto the specified bid
submission date and time.
(ii) Valid contractor’s registration/enlistment order (for enlisted CPWD contractors only)
(iii) A certificate of work experience issued by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer or
equivalent has to be uploaded in support of similar work experience by Non CPWD Contractor.
(iv) The Copy of GST Registration Certificate of the State in which the work is to be taken up, if already
obtain by the bidder. If the bidder has not obtained GST Registration in the state in which the work is to
be taken up, or as required by GST authorities then in such a case the bidders shall scan and upload
following undertaking along with other bid document. “If work is awarded to me, I/we shall obtain GST
Registration certificate of the state, in which work is to be taken up, within one month from the date of
receipt of award letter or before release of any payment by PWD, whichever is earlier, failing which
I/we shall be responsible for any delay in payments which will be due towards me/us on a/c of the work
executed and/or for any action taken by PWD or GST Department in this regard”.
(v) Copy of PAN Card issued by Income Tax Department.
(vi) Bidders are required to upload the NIT in PDF as uploaded by EE. This will satisfy digital signing
of the terms and condition of the NIT by the bidder.
(vii) Copy of applicable licenses/registration of Labour License with EPFO, ESIC. OR An undertaking
that “he/they will get themselves registered under Contract Labour (Regulation and abolition) Act. 1970
and BOCW Act. 1996, if required after award of the work”.
(viii) The agency have to upload updated details such as :- Proprietor/Company/Firm name, Mob
No./Telephone, e-Mail ID, Correspondence address on his letter pad duly signed.
(ix) The eligible bidder should own minimum 02 Nos. tippers running on CNG having emission
norms BS-VI & 01 No. Excavator spare to be deployed for this work. The bidder shall provide
self attested papers with registration, upto date insurance, upto date fitness certificate and upto
date Road Tax etc..

1. In case in meantime (between submission of tender and acceptance of bid) some other work is
awarded to the bidder against the documents of tippers and excavator submitted in this bid, the
bidder shall have one opportunity to provide the documents of other vehicles which shall be
submitted along with performance guarantee with declaration that these tippers and excavator
will be deployed to this work only till the currency of this contract. If the bidder fails to
provide owner ship document of tippers and excavator to be deployed for this work along with
PG, his EMD shall be forfeited and department will be free to take further action for failure in
executing the work as per enlistment rules. The successful bidder will have to submit an
Affidavit on Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.100 ( In the Performa A Page No.77) along
with performance guarantee within specified time limit in Schedule ‘F’. The tippers and
excavator of which documents are submitted are not engaged in any other work and shall
be exclusively deployed for this work.
` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

2. The lowest successful bidder will have to submit self-attested hard copy of all the
document uploaded in tender in the office of Executive Engineer, South East Road-1,
Division, PWD New Delhi within 5 days of opening of tender.

The bid submitted shall become invalid or financial bid shall not be opened if:- .
(i) The bidder is found ineligible.
(ii) The bidder does not deposit original EMD with division office of any Executive Engineer, PWD (The
EMD document shall only be issued from the place in which the office of receiving division office is
(iii) If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time of submission of bid and
hard copies as submitted physically by the lowest tenderer in the office of tender opening authority.

….*…. To be filled by EE.

The tender document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of various types of
items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be complied with and other
necessary documents can be seen from the website https://delhi.govtprocurement.com.

Executive Engineer
South-East Road-1, PWD
New Delhi

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE


1. Payment of cost of Tender documents: - The collection of cost of Tender documents is dispensed
away with, as there is no physical supply of tender documents and also to have absolute
anonymity of the bidders participating in e-procurement solution. The bidders can view /
download the tender documents, from the https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in.
2. Submission of Bids: The bidders who are desirous of participating in ‘e’ procurement shall
submit their price bids in the standard formats prescribed in the Tender documents, displayed at
https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in. The bidder should upload the scanned copies of all the
relevant certificates, documents etc., in the https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in in support of
their price bids. The bidder shall sign on all the statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by
him, owning responsibility for their correctness / authenticity.

3. Price Bid Opening: The Price Bids will be opened online by the concerned officer / officers at
the specified date & time and the result will be displayed on the
https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in. which can be seen by all the bidders who participated in
the tenders.
4. Processing of Tenders: The concerned officer/officers will evaluate and process the tenders as
done in the conventional tenders and will communicate the decision to the bidder online.

5. Participation of Bidders at the time of opening of bids: Bidders have two options to participate in
tendering process at the time of opening of Bids:
(i) Bidders can come at the place of opening of bids (electronically) as done in the conventional
tender process.
(ii) Bidders can visualize to process online.
6. Participation Financial Rules for e–procurement: The e-procure system would be applicable for
purchase of goods, outsourcing of services and execution of work as prescribed in GFRs / PWD
7. Signing of agreement: After the award of the contract, an agreement may be signed as done in
Conventional Tenders.

Executive Engineer
South-East Road-1, PWD
New Delhi

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE


1. The tenderers should read all the instructions terms & conditions, contract clauses, nomenclature of items,
specifications etc. contained in the tender documents very carefully, before quoting the rates. The tenderer should
also read the general conditions of contract for CPWD works 2010 with upto date correction slip available with M/s.
Jain Book Agency, Connaught Palace, New Delhi, which will form a part of the Agreement with upto date
correction slips.

2. Tender should be signed and witnessed on page 13-14 of tender documents indicating full address of witness and
the names of signatories.

3. Any person who submits a tender shall fill up the usual printed form, stating at what rate he is willing to undertake
each item of the work. Tenders, which propose any alteration in the work specified in the said form of invitation to
tenders, or in the time allowed for carrying out the work, or which contain any other condition of any sort including
conditional rebates, will be summarily rejected.

4. The contractor shall quote his rates keeping in mind the specifications terms & conditions and special conditions etc.
and nothing shall be payable extra whatsoever unless otherwise specified.

5. In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately by each partner thereof or in the
even of the absence of any partner, it must be signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney
authorizing him to do so. Such power of attorney should be produced with the tender and it must be disclosed that
the firm is duly registered under the Indian partnership act, 1952.

6. GST will be applicable as per Govt. notification and shall be paid by the contractor himself. The department
shall deduct from the R/A bills, the TDS as applicable. The contractor shall quote his rates considering all
such Taxes.

7. Letter of recommendation for exemption of Octroi shall be issued by the department on demand. However, the
department is not liable to reimburse the Octroi duty in case such exemption certificates are not honoured by the
concerned authorities.

8. The tender, which is not duly signed by authorized signatory or is conditional shall be treated as non-responsive and
shall be summarily rejected.

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE



The Executive Engineer, South East Road-1,PWD, Ishwar Nagar, New Delhi on behalf of President
of India, invites online Percentage Rate tenders from eligible contractors enlisted in B & R
category with CPWD.

1.1 The work is estimated cost Rs. 85,94,591/- . This estimate, however, is given merely as a
rough guide.
1.2 Eligibility Criteria (For Non-CPWD contractors).

(i) The eligible bidder should have satisfactorily completed the works as mentioned below during
the last seven years ending previous day of last date of submission of tender.

Three similar works each costing not less than of Rs. 34.38 Lacs.
Two similar works each costing not less than of Rs. 51.57 Lacs.
One similar works each costing not less than of Rs. 68.75 Lacs.

Similar work shall mean “Disposal of Malba/C&D Waste in authorized dumping


(ii) The value of executed work shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the
actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum; calculated from the date of
completion of work to the last date of submission of bids.
(iii) A certificate of work experience issued by an officer not below the rank of Executive
Engineer or equivalent has to be uploaded in support of similar work experience.
to be uploaded at the time of submiss

ion of bid).

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

Tender documents shall be considered valid of only those contractors who will upload
the scanned copies of the following documents along with tender:

(i) Earnest Money in the form of Treasury Challan or Demand draft or pay order or Banker’s Cheque or
Deposit at Call Receipt or Fixed Deposit Receipt drawn in favour of Executive Engineer, M-412,
PWD, shall be scanned and uploaded to the e-tendering website within the period of bid submission.
The original EMD should be deposited either in the office of Executive Engineer inviting bids or
division office of any Executive Engineer, CPWD/PWD (GNCTD) within the period of bid
submission. (The EMD document should only be issued from the place in which the office of
receiving division office is situated). The EMD receiving Executive Engineer shall issue a receipt of
deposition of earnest money deposit to the bidder in a prescribed format (enclosed) uploaded by
tender inviting EE in the NIT. The receipt shall also be uploaded to the e-tendering website by the
intending bidder upto the specified bid submission date and time.
(ii) Valid contractor’s registration/enlistment order (for enlisted CPWD contractors only)
(iii) A certificate of work experience issued by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer or
equivalent has to be uploaded in support of similar work experience by Non CPWD Contractor.
(iv) The Copy of GST Registration Certificate of the State in which the work is to be taken up, if already
obtain by the bidder. If the bidder has not obtained GST Registration in the state in which the work is to
be taken up, or as required by GST authorities then in such a case the bidders shall scan and upload
following undertaking along with other bid document. “If work is awarded to me, I/we shall obtain GST
Registration certificate of the state, in which work is to be taken up, within one month from the date of
receipt of award letter or before release of any payment by PWD, whichever is earlier, failing which
I/we shall be responsible for any delay in payments which will be due towards me/us on a/c of the work
executed and/or for any action taken by PWD or GST Department in this regard”.
(v) Copy of PAN Card issued by Income Tax Department.
(vi) Bidders are required to upload the NIT in PDF as uploaded by EE. This will satisfy digital signing of
the terms and condition of the NIT by the bidder.
(vii) Copy of applicable licenses/registration of Labour License with EPFO, ESIC. OR An undertaking that
“he/they will get themselves registered under Contract Labour (Regulation and abolition) Act. 1970 and
BOCW Act. 1996, if required after award of the work”.
(viii) The agency have to upload updated details such as:- Proprietor/Company/Firm name, Mob
No./Telephone, e-Mail ID, Correspondence address on his letter pad duly signed.
(ix) The eligible bidder should own minimum 02 Nos. tippers running on CNG having emission
norms BS-VI & 01 No. Excavator spare to be deployed for this work. The bidder shall provide
self attested papers with registration, upto date insurance, upto date fitness certificate and upto
date Road Tax etc..

1. In case in meantime (between submission of tender and acceptance of bid) some other work
is awarded to the bidder against the documents of tippers and excavator submitted in this bid,
the bidder shall have one opportunity to provide the documents of other vehicles which shall
be submitted alongwith performance guarantee with declaration that these tippers and
excavator will be deployed to this work only till the currency of this contract. If the bidder
fails to provide owner ship document of tippers and excavator to be deployed for this work
along with PG, his EMD shall be forfeited and department will be free to take further action
for failure in executing the work as per enlistment rules. The successful bidder will have to
submit an Affidavit on Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.100 ( In the Performa A Page
` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

No.77) along with performance guarantee within specified time limit in Schedule ‘F’.
The tippers and excavator of which documents are submitted are not engaged in any
other work and shall be exclusively deployed for this work.

2. The lowest successful bidder will have to submit self-attested hard copy of all the
document uploaded in tender in the office of Executive Engineer, South East Road-1
Division, PWD New Delhi within 5 days of opening of tender.

The bid submitted shall become invalid or financial bid shall not be opened if:- .
(i) The bidder is found ineligible.
(ii) The bidder does not deposit original EMD with division office of any Executive Engineer,
PWD (The EMD document shall only be issued from the place in which the office of receiving
division office is situated.
(iii) If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time of submission of
bid and hard copies as submitted physically by the lowest tenderer in the office of tender
opening authority.
3. Agreement shall be drawn with the successful tenderer on prescribed Form No. CPWD 7
/GCC CPWD (Maintenance work) 2020 as amended/ modified up to last date of
submission of bid i/c extension if any which is available as a Govt. of India Publication and
also available on website www.cpwd.gov.in bidder shall quote his rates as per various terms
and conditions of the said form which will form part of the agreement.
4. The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 365 (Three Hundred Sixty Five) Days
from the date of start as defined in schedule ‘F’ or from the first date of handing over of the site
whichever is later, in accordance with the phasing, if any indicated in the tender document.
5. The site of the work is available.
The bidder should examine the site before participating in the bidding process and acquaint
himself of the site conditions. The bidder whose bid is accepted shall have to submit layout
drawing of proposed building for approval of Engineer-in-Charge and after approval of site
plan, submission of architectural and structural drawing for approval of competent authority is
also included in the scope of work.
6. The bid document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of the various
type of item to be execute and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be complied
with and other necessary documents except Standard General Conditions of Contract From can
be seen on website https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in
7. The contractor whose bid is accepted will be required to furnish performance guarantee of 3%
(Three Percent) of the bid amount within the period specified in Schedule F. This guarantee
shall be in the form of cash (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs. 10000/-) or Deposit at
Call receipt of any scheduled bank/Banker’s cheque of any scheduled bank/Demand Draft of
any scheduled bank/ Pay order of any Scheduled Bank of any scheduled bank (in case
guarantee amount is less than Rs. 1,00,000/-) or Government Securities or Fixed Deposit
Receipts or Guarantee Bonds of any Scheduled Bank or the State Bank of India in accordance
with the prescribed form. In case the contractor fails to deposit the said performance guarantee
within the period as indicated in Schedule ‘F’, including the extended period if any, the
Earnest Money deposited by the contractor shall be forfeited automatically without any notice
to the contractor. The earnest money deposited along with bid shall be returned after receiving
` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

the aforesaid performance guarantee. The contractor whose bid is accepted will also be
required to furnish either copy of applicable licenses/ registrations or proof of applying for
obtaining labour licenses, registration with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare Board including
Provident Fund Code No. If applicable and also ensure the compliance of aforesaid provisions
by the sub contractors, if any engaged by the contractor for the said work within the period
specified in Schedule F.
8. The description of the work is as follows:-
A/R & M/O PWD Roads under PWD Division South East Road-1 during 2022-23.SH:
Disposal of Malba of SER-12 & SER-14. Copies of drawings and documents pertaining to
the works will be open for inspection to the tenderers at the office of the EE, South East
Road-1 Division , PWD on all working days between 29.01.2023 to 03.02.2023. Tenderers
are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before
submitting their tenders as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil (so far as is practicable),
the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they may
require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks,
contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their tender. A tenderer
shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra
charges consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The tenderer
shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at their own cost all materials, tools and
plants, water, electricity access, facilities for workers and all other services required for
executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents.
Submission of a tender by a tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all other contract
documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be
done and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant, etc. will be issued to him by
the Government and local condition and other factors having a bearing on the execution of
the work.
9. The competent authority on behalf of President of India does not bind himself to accept the
lowest or any other tender, and reserves to himself the authority to reject any or all of the
tenders received without the assignment of a reason. All tenders, in which any of the
prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or any condition including that of conditional rebate is
put forth by the tenderer, shall be summarily rejected.
10. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited
and the tenders submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to
11. The competent authority on behalf of President of India reserves to himself the right of
accepting the whole or any part of the tender and the tenderer shall be bound to perform the
same at the rate quoted.
12. The contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in the P.W.D. Circle (responsible
for award and execution of contracts) in which his near relative is posted as Divisional
Accountant or as an officer in any capacity between the grades of Superintending Engineer
and Junior Engineer (both inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of persons who are
working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near
relatives to any gazetted officer in the Public Works Department. Any breach of this
condition by the contractor would render him liable to be removed from the approved list of
contractors of this Department.

13. No Engineer of gazetted rank or other gazetted officer employed in Engineering or

Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the Government of India is allowed
` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

to work as a contractor for a period of two years after his retirement from Government
service, without the previous permission of the Govt. of India in writing. This contract is
liable to be cancelled if either the contractor or any of employees is found any time to be
such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Govt. of India as aforesaid before
submission of the tender or engagement in the contractor’s services.
14. The tender for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 30 (THIRTY)
DAYS from the date of opening of tenders/financial Bid.
i) If any tenderer withdraws his tender or makes any modification in the terms & conditions of
the tender which is not acceptable to the department within 7 days after last date of
submission of bid, then the Government shall without prejudice to any other right or
remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the earnest money absolutely irrespective of letter of
acceptance for the work is issued or not.
ii) If any tenderer withdraws his tender or makes any modification in the terms & conditions of
the tender which is not acceptable to the department after expiry of 7 days after last date of
submission of bids, then the Government shall without prejudice to any other right or
remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 100% of the earnest money absolutely irrespective of letter
of acceptance for the work is issued or not.
15. This notice inviting tender, shall from a part of the contract document. The successful
Tenderer / Contractor, on acceptance of his tender by the Accepting Authority, shall within 7
days from the stipulated date of start of the work, sign the contract consisting of:-
a. The notice inviting tender, all the documents including additional conditions, specifications
and drawings, if any, forming the tender as issued at the time of invitation of tender and
acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading to thereto.
b. Standard PWD-7 i.e. General condition of contract GCC CPWD (Maintenance work)
2020 as amended/ modified up to last date of submission of bid i/c extension if any.
16 The contractor shall quote his rates keeping in mind the specifications; terms & conditions,
particular specifications and special conditions etc. and nothing shall be payable extra
whatsoever unless otherwise specified. If the tenderer does not quote the rate for any item,
leaving the space blank, whatsoever, it will be presumed that the tenderer has loaded the cost
of this/ these item(s) on other item(s), and he will execute this /these items at zero cost, and
the tender will be evaluated accordingly
17 All tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or are incomplete in
any are liable to be rejected.
18 In case of any difference / ambiguity between English & Hindi versions, English version
shall prevail.
19 The department shall deduct Income Tax on the value of work done from each bill of the
contractor as per prevailing Government instructions/orders. In lieu, the department shall
issue a certificate of deduction of the tax at source to the contractor, in relevant form.
20 The department shall deduct Labour CESS @1% on the value of work done from each bill of
the contractor as per prevailing Government instructions/orders. In lieu, the department shall
issue a certificate of deduction of the tax at source to the contractor, in relevant form.
21 In the tender document, the word “CPWD” shall include “PWD (GNCTD)” wherever exists.

Executive Engineer
South East Road-1, Divn.
P.W.D. (GNCTD), Delhi
` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

PWD - 7
BRANCH:- B&R DIVISION:- South East Road-1 Divn.
PERCENTAGE RATE Tender & Contract for Works

Tender for the work of:- A/R & M/O PWD Roads under PWD Division South East Road-1
during 2022-23.SH: Disposal of Malba of SER-12 & SER-14.

(i) To be uploaded online by 15:00 hours on 04.02.2023 at office of Executive Engineer, South
East Road-1 Division (GNCTD) New Delhi.
(ii) To be submitted by 3.00PM on 04-02-2023 to Executive Engineer, South East Road-1
Division (GNCTD) New Delhi.
(iii) To be opened in presence of tenderers who may be present at 3.30 PM on 04.02.2023 in the
office of Executive Engineer, South East Road-1 Division (GNCTD) New Delhi.

Issued to:- ______________________*______________________


Signature of officer issuing the documents ________________________*

Designation :- Executive Engineer
PWD, South East Road-1 Division
(GNCTD), New Delhi

Date of Issue: ………..**……….

I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, A, B,C,D,E & F. specifications
applicable , Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of Contract, clauses of
contract, special conditions, Schedule of Rate & other documents and Rules referred to in the
condition of contract and all other contents in the tender document for the work.

I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the President of India within the time
specified in Schedule "F", viz., schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respects with the
specifications, design, drawings and instructions in writing referred to in Rule-I of General Rules
and Directions and in Clause-11 of the Conditions of contract and with such materials as are
provided for, by, and in respects in accordance with, such condition so far as applicable.

We agree to keep the tender open for Thirty (30) days from the due date of its opening and not to
make any modification in its terms and conditions.

** to be filled by EE

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

A sum of Rs. 1,71,892/- is hereby forwarded in Cash / Receipt Treasury Challan/Deposit at call
Receipt of a Scheduled Bank / fixed deposit receipt of schedule bank/ demand draft of a schedule
bank / bank guarantee issued by a schedule bank as earnest money. If I/We, fail to furnish the
prescribed performance guarantee within prescribed period, I/We agree that the said President of
India or his successors in office shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to
forfeit the said earnest money absolutely. Further, if I/we fail to commence work as specified, I/we
agree that President of India or his successors in office shall without prejudice to any other right or
remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the performance guarantee absolutely, The said
Performance Guarantee shall be a guarantee to execute all the works referred to in the tender
documents upon the terms and conditions contained or referred to those in excess of that limit at the
rates to be determined in accordance with the provision contained in clause 12.2 and 12.3 of tender

Further I/We agree that in case of forfeiture of earnest money or both earnest money &
performance guarantee as aforesaid, I/We shall be debarred for participation in the re-
tendering process of the work.

I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents, drawings and other records
connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate
information/derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/We am/are authorized to
communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the safety of the state.

Dated _________**_______ Signature of Contractor

Postal Address______**_______


Witness: ***_______________ _________________**________

Address: ***________________

Occupation: ***______________ Telephone No._______**______

Fax _____________**_________

(**) To be filled in by the Contractor
(***) To be filled in by the Witness.

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE


The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is accepted by
me for and on behalf of the President of India for a sum of Rs.____*________________ (Rupees


The letter referred to below shall form part of this agreement:-


b) _________*_________

For & on behalf of the President of India


South East Road-1 Divn.
New Delhi

Dated ........*..............

(*) To be filled by EE/PWD SOUTH-EAST ROAD-1.

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE


Schedule of Quantities: - Attached at Page- 78


Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor.

Sl. No. Description of Item Quantity Rates in figures & Place of Issue
words at which
the material will
be charged to the
1 2 3 4 5



Tools and Plants to be hired to the contractor

Sl. No. Description Hire charges per Place of issue

1 2 3 4

Extra schedule for specific requirements / documents
for the work, if any : Nil


Reference to General conditions of contract:- General Conditions of Contract 2020

(Maintenance work) as amended/
modified up to last date of
submission of bid i/c extension if

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

NAME OF WORK: A/R & M/O PWD Roads under PWD Division South East Road-1 during
2022-23.SH: Disposal of Malba of SER-12 & SER-14.

Estimated cost of Work : Rs. 85,94,591/-

Earnest Money : Rs. 1,71,892/-

Performance Guarantee : 3% of tendered value

(As per OM F.9/4/2020-PPD dated 12.11.2020)
Security Deposit : 2.5% of tendered value

General Rules & Directions
Officer Inviting Tender : Executive Engineer, PWD Division, South-East Road-1
Ishwar Nagar, New Delhi.

Maximum percentage for quantity of items of

work to be executed beyond which rates are
to be determined in accordance with Clauses
12.2 & 12.3 See details under clause 12 of this NIT

2(i) Engineer-in-Charge : Executive Engineer, PWD Division, South-East Road-1,
Ishwar Nagar, New Delhi.

2(ii) Accepting Authority : Executive Engineer South-East Road-1,PWD, Ishwar

Nagar, New Delhi

2(iii) Percentage on cost of materials and : 15% (Fifteen percent)

labour to cover all overheads and

2(iv) Standard Schedule of Rates : DSR-2016 (+) 31.27% cost index (-) 9.5%, as per
GNCTD Circular, with Correction slips issued up
to the last date prescribed for submission of bid.

2(v) Department : PWD (GNCTD)

9(i) Standard CPWD contract Form : CPWD Form-7 and General Conditions of
Contract 2020 (Maintenance work), as amended/
modified up to the last date of submission of bid
i/c extension if any.

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

Clause 1
(i) Time allowed for submission of Performance : 7 days
Guarantee, Programme Chart (Time and Progress)
and applicable labour licenses, registration with EPFO,
ESIC and BOCW Welfare Board or proof of applying
thereof from the date of issue of letter of acceptance

(ii) Maximum allowable extension with late

fee @0.1% per day of performance guarantee amount
beyond the period provided in (i) above : 3 days

Clause 2
Authority for fixing compensation under clause 2. : Superintending Engineer South-East
(M) Circle, PWD, (GNCTD), Sukhdev
Vihar, New Delhi.

Clause 2A
Whether clause 2 A shall be applicable : Not Applicable

Clause 5
Number of days from the date of issue of letter : 10th days
of acceptance for reckoning date of start

Mile stone(s) as per table given below:


S.No. Financial Progress Time Allowed (from Amount to be with-held in case
date of start) of non achievement of milestone
1. 1/8th (of whole work) ¼th (of the whole work) In the event of not achieving the
necessary progress as assessed
2 3/8th (of whole work) ½th (of the whole work) from the running payment, 1.25%
of the tendered value of work will
3 ¾th (of whole work) ¾ (of the whole work) be withheld for failure of each
mile stone.
4. Full Full

Clause: 5 : Applicable Clause 5/5A : Clause-5 Applicable

Time allowed for execution of work: : 365 (Three Hundred Sixty Five) Days
Authority to decide:
(i) Extension of time : Executive Engineer South-East Road-1
PWD, New Delhi.
(ii) Rescheduling of Milestones : Superintending Engineer South-East (M) Circle
PWD (GNCTD), Sukhdev Vihar, New Delhi.

Clause 6 : Yes, Applicable

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

Clause 7
Gross work to be done together with : Rs. 7.00 Lakh
net payment/adjustment of advances
for material collected, if any, since the
last such payment for being eligible to
interim payment.

Clause 7A Yes, No running Account bill shall be paid for the

Whether applicable or not work till the applicable labour licenses,
registrations with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW
Welfare Board, whatever applicable are submitted
by the contractor to the Engineer-in-charge.

Clause 10 A
List of testing equipment to be provided
by the contractor at site lab : (i) IS sieves for different sizes as per requirement.
(ii) Weighing machine of required capacity.
(iii) Water measuring cylinder.
(iv) Slump test apparatus complete.
(v) Concrete mould complete set.
(vi) Vernier Calliper.
(vii) Micrometer (screw gauge).
(viii) Measuring tape 3 mtr, 5 mtr, 15 mtr.

Clause 10B(ii)
Whether Clause 10 B (ii) shall be applicable Not Applicable

Clause 10 C Not Applicable

Component of labour expressed as percent of value of work. : -

Clause 10CC : Not Applicable

Clause 10 CA Not Applicable
S.No Material Covered under this Nearest Materials (other than Base Price as well as price index for
clause: cement, reinforcement bars and all the materials covered under
structural steel) for which All India Clause 10 CA
Wholesale Price Index to be

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

Clause 11
Specifications to be followed for execution of (i) CPWD Specifications 2019 Vol. I & II with up
work to date correction slips, general conditions,
additional & special condition and particular
specifications attached in tender documents.
(ii) MORTH Specification for Road & Bridge work
Latest Edition.

Clause 12
Modified provision issued vide DG/CON/313
dated 17.02.2021

Type of Work Maintenance Work

Note: The rate for Extra Items, Substitute Items and Deviation in the agreement items beyond
the limit specification in schedule F of Agreement shall be based on provisions in GCC-2020
Maintenance work.

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

Clause 16 1. Superintending Engineer -South, PWD (GNCTD)

(upto 5% of contract value).
Competent Authority for deciding : 2. Chief Engineer (Beyond 5% of contract value)
reduced rates

Clause 18
List of mandatory machinery, tools : As per requirement of work and direction of
& plants to be deployed by the Engineer- in-charge
contractor at site
Clause 19:
The Contractor shall obtain a valid license under the Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970 and the
Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rule, 1971 before the commencement of the
work and continue to have a valid license until the completion of the work. The contractor shall be
also comply with provisions of the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Act,1979.

Clause 19C Authority to decide penalty for each default : Executive Engineer
Clause 19D Authority to decide penalty for each default : Executive Engineer
Clause 19G Authority to decide penalty for each default : Executive Engineer
Clause 19K Authority to decide penalty for each default : Executive Engineer

Clause 19 L: The E.S.I. & E.P.F. Contribution on the part of

employer in respect of this contract shall be paid
by the contractor. These contributions on the
part of employer paid by the contractor shall be
reimbursed by the Engineer-in-charge to the
contractor on actual basis. The applicable &
eligible amount of E.P.F. & E.S.I. shall be
reimbursed preferably within 7 days but not later
than 30 days of submission of documentary proof
of payment provided the same are in order.

Clause 25 : Modified provision issued vide DG/CON/317 dated 28.06.2021 and 318
dated 17.08.2021.

Seat of Arbitration : New Delhi

S.No Description Designation of officer

1 Conciliator ADG(M) or his successor
2 Arbitrator Appointing Authority Chief Engineer, South (M) Zone or his

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

Clause 32 (i)
Requirement of technical representative (s) and recovery rate(s).

“Requirement of Technical Representative(s) and Recovery Rate”

S. Minimum Designation Rate at which recovery shall

N Qualification of (Principal be made from the contractor

o. Technical Technical/ in the event of not fulfilling

Representative Technical provision of Clause 32(i)
Figure Words
1 Graduate Engineer 1 of 2 or 5 Project Manager
or major respectively cum planning/ Rs. Fifteen
(Per month
Diploma Engineer compo quality / Site/ Thousand Only
per person)
nent Billing Engineer

Assistant Engineers Retired from Govt. Services that are holding diploma will be treated at par with the
Graduate Engineer.

Clause 38
i) (a) Schedule/statement for determining : DSR-2016 (+) 31.27% cost index (-)
theoretical quantity of cement & 9.5%, as per GNCTD Circular, with
bitumen on the basis of Delhi Schedule Correction slips issued up to the last
of Rates 2016 printed by CPWD date prescribed for submission of bid.
ii) Variations permissible on theoretical
a) Cement :
(i). For works with estimated cost put to
tender not more than Rs.25 Lakh. 3% Plus/Minus
(ii). For works with estimated cost put to
Tender more than Rs.25 Lakh. 2% Plus/Minus
b) Bitumen for all work : 2.5% plus only and NIL on minus side
c) Steel : 2 % Plus/Minus

d) All other materials : NIL

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE


Sr. Description of Item Rates in figures and words at which recovery shall
No. be made from the contractor.
Excess use beyond Less use beyond
Permissible the permissible
Variations variation of design mix

1 2 3 4

1. Cement (OPC) NIL Not permissible

2. Steel Reinforcement NIL Not permissible
(Primary Manufacturer)
3. Structural Steel NIL Not permissible
4. Other..... NIL Not permissible

Executive Engineer
South-East Road-1,
Ishwar Nagar, New Delhi

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

The sample receipt shall to be uploaded to the e-tendering website by the

intending bidder upto the specified bid submission date and time.

Receipt of deposition of original EMD

(Receipt No. ...............#...... / date ............#..........)
Name of Work: A/R & M/O PWD Roads under PWD Division South East Road-1 during
2022-23.SH: Disposal of Malba of SER-12 & SER-14.

1. NIT No. 143/EE/PWD/SER-1/2022-23

2. Estimated Cost . Rs. 85,94,591/-

3. Amount of Earnest Money Deposit Rs. 1,71,892/-
4. Last date of submission of bid 04.02.2023
(*To be filled by NIT approving authority/EE at the time of issue of NIT and
uploaded along with NIT)
1. Name of contractor ...........................................................
2. From of EMD ..............................................
3. Amount of Earnest Money Deposit ...................................
4. Date of submission of EMD .........................................

Signature e, Name and Designation of EMD

Receiving officer (EE/AE(P)/AE/AAO)
Along with Office stamp
(# to be filled by EMD receiving EE or NIT issuing EE/AE as the case may be )

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE


1 The tenderer should read all the instruction, terms & conditions, contract clauses, nomenclature
of items, specifications etc., contained in the tender document very carefully, before quoting
the rates.
The tenderer should also read the general conditions of contract for CPWD Maintenance Work
2020 with amendments on date of received of tender available with M/S Jain Book Agency,
Connaught place, New Delhi which will form a part of the Agreement with up to date
correction slips.

2 Tenderer should be signed and witnessed in required pages of tender document indicating full
address of witnesses and the names of signatories.

3 In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must signed separately by each partner
thereof in the event of the absence of any partner, it must be signed on his behalf by a person
holding a power of attorney authorizing him to do so. Such power of attorney should be
produced with the tender and it must be disclosed that the firm is duly registered under the
Indian partnership act, 1952.

4 The Tenderer shall quote his rates keeping in mind the specifications, terms & conditions,
additional and special conditions etc. and nothing shall be payable extra whatever unless
otherwise specified.

5 The Tenderer shall quote all-inclusive rates in the schedule of quantities and nothing extra shall
be payable for any of the conditions and specifications mentioned in the render documents
unless specifically specified otherwise.

6 Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities the rates for all items shall be
considered as inclusive of pumping / balling out water, if necessary, for which no extra
payment shall be made. These conditions shall be considered to include water from any source
such as rain, flood, surface and sub-soil water etc. and shall apply to the execution in any

7 The Contractor has to use specialized agency for specialized items of work such as water
roofing treatment and pile work etc., the Contractor(s) shall submit for the approval of the
Engineer-in-charge, the names of such specialized agencies, of reputed along with of their
technical capability proposed to be engaged by him. Approval of specialized agencies of each
specialized work shall be obtained from the Engineer-in-charge with in one month of award of
work. Even if such specialized agencies the work shall be deemed to be executed by the
tenderer for all purposes and the responsibility of the quality of items of works executed etc.
shall continue to be that of the tenderer only.

8 The agencies shall get registered with works contract cell of Sales Tax Department,
Government of NCTD Delhi and submit valid registration certificate from works contract.
Failure to do so may lead to rejections of tender.

9 The construction agencies shall make arrangement for a regular monthly or other frequency as
directed by Engineer-in-charge for documentation of the progress colored photographs (5” x
7”) per month depicting the progress of work at site nothing extra shall be paid on this account.

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

10 The contractor has to provide minimum 7 feet high CGI sheet barricading all around the
construction site leaving the outer circulation area and nothing extra shall be paid on this

11 The Tenderer shall inspect the site of work before tendering and acquaint himself with the site
conditions and no claim on this account shall be entertained by the department.

12 The contractor shall comply with the provision of the Apprentices Act, 1961. and the rules and
order issued there under from time to time. If he fails to did so, his failure will be stench of the
contract and the Superintending Engineer/Executive Engineer may in his direction without
prejudice to any other right of remedy available in law, cancel the contract. The contractor
shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability arising on account at any violation by him of the
provisions of the said Act.

13 If any ambiguity is found in any of the items mentioned in the schedule of quantity then the
contractor should quote considering complete item including cost of missing components in the
schedule of quantity, nothing extra shall be payable on that account to the contractor and
complete item shall be determinedly the Engineer-in-charge.

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE


1. The work in general shall be executed as per the description of the item, specification attached.
CPWD Specifications 2019 Vol.-I & II with correction slips upto the date of receipt of bid and
MORTH Specification for Roads & Bridge works (Latest revision till date of receipt of bid).
2. In case of any variation between different applicable specifications, the following order of
precedence be followed:
i) Nomenclature of item.
ii) Additional conditions and special conditions attached with the tender documents.
iii) General conditions attached with the tender documents.
iv) CPWD specifications 2019 Vol.-I & II with correction slips upto the date of the
receipt of bid.
v) MORTH Specification for Roads & Bridge works (Latest revision till date of receipt
of bid).
vi) Standard acceptable practice as approved by Engineer-in-charge.
3. Before tendering, the tenderer shall inspect the site of work and shall fully acquaint himself
about the conditions with regard to site, nature of soil, availability of materials suitable location
for construction of godowns, stores and labour huts, the extent of leads and lifts involved in the
work(over the entire duration of contract) including local conditions, traffic restrictions,
obstructions and other conditions, as required for satisfactory execution of the work. His rates
shall take into consideration all such factors and contingencies. No claim whatsoever shall be
entertained by the Department on this account.

4. Before start of the work, the contractor shall submit the program of execution of work, which will
include sequence of construction, arrangement for diversions of traffic and arrangements to be
made for diversion of effluent flowing in the existing drain get it approved from the Engineer-
in-Charge and strictly adhere the same for the timely completion of the project work.

5. The work shall be carried out in such a manner so as not to interfere or effect or disturb other
works, being executed by other agencies, if any.

6. Many other agencies would be executing work simultaneously at site. The contractor shall
maintain proper co-ordination with other agencies to maintain progress of work. In case of any
dispute, the decision of Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and binding.

7. Any damages done by the contractor to any existing work shall be made good by him at his own
8. Contractor shall take all precautionary measures to avoid any damage to adjoining property. All
necessary arrangement shall be made at his own cost.
9. Other agencies working at site may also simultaneously execute the works entrusted to them and
to facilitate their working, the contractor shall make necessary provisions e.g. holes, openings,

` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

etc. for laying/burying pipes, cables, conduits, clamps, hooks etc. as may be required from time
to time.

10. Existing drains, pipes, cables, overhead wires, sewer lines, water line and similar services
encountered in the course of the execution of the work shall be protected against the damage by
the contractor. The contractor shall not store materials or otherwise occupy any part of the site in
a manner likely to hinder the operation of such services.
11. The work shall be carried out in the manner complying in all respects with the requirement of
relevant bye-laws of the local bodies under the jurisdiction of which the work is to be executed
and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
12. No payment shall be made to the contractor for damage caused by rains, or other natural
calamities during the execution of works and no claims whatsoever on this account will be
13. The contractor shall maintain in good condition all works executed till the completion of entire
work allotted.
14. All work and materials brought and left upon the ground by the contractor or by his orders for
the purpose of forming part of the works are to be considered to be the property of the
President of India and the same are not to be removed or taken away by the contractor or any
other person without approval of the Engineer-in-Charge, but the President of India is not to
be, in any way, responsible for any loss or damage which may happen to or in respect of any
such work or materials either by the same being lost or damaged by weather or otherwise.

15. Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities the rates tendered by the contractor shall
be inclusive and shall be applicable for all heights, depths, leads and lifts involved and the
execution of work in or under water and or liquid mud including making diversion channels if

16. The Contractor(s) shall quote rate against the items in the schedule of quantities inclusive of all
incidentals and nothing extra shall be payable for any of the conditions and specifications
mentioned in the tender documents unless specifically specified otherwise.

17. The contractor will not have any claim in case of any delay by the Engineer-in-Charge in
removal of trees or shifting, removing of telegraph, telephone or electric lines (overhead or
underground), water and sewer lines and other structure etc. if any, which may come in the way
of the work. However, suitable extension of time can be granted to cover such delays.

18. Contractor may be required to execute this work under foul position. The decision of
the Engineer-in-charge whether the position is foul or not shall be final and the binding on
the contractor and nothing extra for executing the work in foul position is payable, beyond
what is provided in the schedule of quantities.

19. In the tender papers of word "CPWD" shall mean PWD (GNCTD) wherever applicable.

20. No claim for the idle labour, machinery and establishment on account of suspension/stoppage of
work for any reason whatsoever shall be admissible under any circumstances as well as after
` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

21. The work shall be executed and measured as per metric dimensions given in the schedule of

22. The contractor or his authorised representative shall always be available at the site of work to
take instructions from departmental officers, and ensure proper execution of work. No work shall
be done in the absence of such authorised representative

23. The contractor shall deploy the technical personnel on various items of work to be executed
under this agreement as per clause 32(i) schedule `F’. No work shall be permitted without
availability of the above mentioned technical personnel on respective items of work. The
contractor shall intimate to Engineer-in-Charge 24 hours in advance, in writing, the particulars of
the technical personnel to be deployed on the various items of work. The cost of deployment of
the above personnel shall be deemed to be included in the rates quoted by the contractor and
nothing extra shall be payable on account of this.
24. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining electric connection(s), if required,
and make necessary payment directly to the department concerned. The department will however
make all reasonable recommendations to the authority concerned in this regard.

23. The contractor shall be required to provide appliances at site, such as weighing scale,
graduated cylinder, standard sieves, thermometer, slump cones, electric oven Proctor moulds
etc. in order to enable the Engineer-in-charge to conduct field tests to ensure that the quality is
consistent with the prescribed specifications and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
24. Wherever any reference to any Indian Standard specifications and/or IRC codes occurring the
documents relating to this contract same shall be inclusive of all amendments issued there to or
revision thereof if any, up to date of the tender notice.
25. The contractor must take adequate precautions to ensure that no spillage of construction
materials takes place on the carriageway. The spillage of construction material should be
removed with in 24 hour notice. Failure to which, the material will be removed by the Engineer-
in Charge and the cost of removal shall be recovered from the Contractor.
26. Any legal or financial implications resulting out of disposal of Rubbish shall be sole
responsibility of the contractor. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
27. The contractor shall indemnify the Govt. against any claims or obligations arising out of any
damage to adjacent property, structure or to building work done by him.
28. In case, there is any discrepancy between English version and corresponding Hindi version, if
provided, then the provisions in English Version will prevail.
29. The contractor shall be bound to follow the instruction and restrictions imposed by the
Administration/Police authorities on the working and/or movement of labour, materials etc. and
nothing extra shall be payable on this account or due to less/restricted working hours or
suspension of work or any detours in movement of vehicles due to stated instructions and
30. The contractor shall pay to the municipal, police or other authorities all the fees etc. if required
for execution of work, obtain requisite licenses for temporary constructions, enclosures, and pay
all fees, taxes and charges which shall be livable on account of their observations in executions
of the contract. No extra claim will be entertained on this account. However, department shall
provide necessary assistance by way of forwarding the applications of the contractor.
31. The contractor shall be required to take up the work on both sides simultaneously and the
stretch of drain shall be taken up as per programme approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

32. The drain which will be dismantled for remodeling shall be remodeled by the contractor before
` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

taking up further stretches for the work with the approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
33. A complete testing lab shall be setup at the site by the contractor.
34. The contractor shall provide a total station Instrument for recording all initial and final levels
of entire earth work, and marking levels for all other related items to ensure proper supervision at
his own cost & as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
35. A minimum number of technical key personnel and Plants & Equipment shall be as given in
Clause 32 (i) and 18 of Schedule “F” respectively. However agency may have to deploy more
manpower or equipment as per requirement for which nothing extra will be paid.
36. The manufacturing date and batch No. inscribed or printed on packs/containers by
manufacturers are only acceptable for all the above said materials. No material shall be used
after expiry date of useable life.
37. After use, the empty container shall have to be returned to the Department and shall be
preserved by JE In charge and will be disposed off after getting of written approval of Engineer-
in-Charge of respective discipline.
38. The site for the collection and stacking of the material shall be got approved from the
Engineer- In-charge.
39. In order that the contractor may take daily instructions regarding all complaints / works except
day to day maintenance, a site order book will be maintained at the Enquiry Office. The JE will
note down the work on various roads to be attended to and the dates on which the work on these
roads is to be started.
40. The contractor shall be required to produce samples of all materials sufficiently in advance to
obtain approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. Subsequently the materials to be used in the actual
execution of the work shall strictly conform to the approved samples and shall be preserved till
the completion of the work. In case of variation, such materials shall be liable to rejection.
41. In case of any dispute regarding rejection of quality of materials the decision of the Engineer- in-
Charge shall be final and binding upon the contractor.


42.1 All materials shall be got checked from the Engineer-in-charge of work, on receipt of the same
at site before use.
42.2 The Engineer-in-charge reserves right to conduct field tests to ensure that the quality is
consistent with the prescribed specifications. If the material of end product is found defective or
sub standard it will have to be replaced /rectified at the cost of contractor.
42.3 The contractor shall at his cost, make all arrangements and shall provide such facilities as the
Engineer-in-charge may require for collecting, preparing and forwarding the required number
of samples for laboratory tests and for analysis at such time and to such places as directed by
the Engineer-in-charge. Nothing extra shall be paid for the above including the cost of material
to be tested including testing charges i.e. All expenditure to be incurred for testing of samples
i.e. packaging, sealing, transportation, loading, unloading including testing charge shall be
borne by contractor.
The charge for design of cement concrete, bituminous work & testing of quality of water shall
also be borne by the contractor.
42.4 The contractor shall get the water tested with regard to its suitability for use on the works and
get approval from the Engineer-in-charge before he proceeds with the use of same for execution
of works.

42.5 The necessary laboratory tests shall be conducted in the laboratory of CRRI Delhi, IIT Delhi,
or any other laboratory approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
` CORRECION-------NIL-------
DELETION------- --NIL-------
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) EE

42.6 The Contractor or his authorized representative shall associate in collection, preparation,
forwarding, and testing of such samples. In case he or his authorized representative is not
present or does not associates himself, the results of such tests and consequences thereon shall
be binding on the contractor.
42.7 Wherever any reference to any Indian Standard specifications occur in the documents relating
to this contract same shall be inclusive of all amendments issued thereto or revision thereof if
any, upto date of the tender notice. The contractor shall keep at his own cost all such
publications of relevant Indian Standards applicable to the work at site.
42.8 Wherever any reference to any Indian Standard specifications and/or IRC codes MORTH occur
in the documents relating to this contract same shall be inclusive of all amendments issued there
to or revision thereof if any, up to date of the tender notice.
43. Quality Assurance.
43.1 The contractor shall ensure quality control measures on different aspects of construction
including materials, workmanship and correct construction methodologies to be adopted. He
shall have to submit quality assurance programme within two weeks of the award of work. The
quality assurance programme should include method statement for various items of work to be
executed along with check lists to enforce quality control.
43.2 The contractor shall get the source of various raw materials namely aggregate, cement, sand,
steel, water etc. to be used on the work, approved from the Engineer-in-Charge and trial mixes
for controlled concrete shall be done using the approved materials. The contractor shall stick to
the approved source unless it is absolutely unavoidable. Any change shall be done with the
prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge for which tests etc. shall be done by the contractor at
his own cost.
43.3 Similarly, the contractor shall submit brand/ make of various materials to be used for the
approval of the Engineer-in-Charge along with samples and once approved, he shall stick to the
approved brand/ make of various materials unless it is absolutely unavoidable. Any change
shall be done with the prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge for which tests etc. shall be
done by the contractor at his own cost.
43.4 The contractor shall submit shop drawings of staging and shuttering arrangement, aluminium
work polycarbonate sheet cover for approval of Engineer-in-Charge before execution.

44. Maintenance of Register of Tests

(i) All the registers of tests carried out at construction site or in outside laboratories shall
be maintained by the contractor which shall be issued to the contractor by Engineer-
in-Charge in the same manner as being issued to CPWD field staff.
(ii) All samples of materials including cement concrete cubes shall be taken jointly with
contractor by JE and out of this at least 50% samples shall be taken in presence of AE
in charge. If there is no JE, all samples of materials including cement concrete cubes
shall be taken by AE jointly with contractor. All the necessary assistance shall be
provided by the contractor. Cost of samples materials is to be borne by the contractor
and he shall be responsible for safe custody of samples to be tested at site.
(iii) All the tests if field lab setup at construction site shall be carried out by the
Engineering staff deployed by the contractor which shall be 100% witnessed by JE
and 50% of tests shall be witnessed by AE –in-Charge. At least 10% of the tests are to
be witnessed by the Executive Engineer.
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(iv) All the entries in the registers will be made by the designated Engineering Staff of the
contractor and same should be regularly reviewed by JE/AE/EE.
(v) Contractor shall be responsible for safe custody of all the test registers.
45 Submission of copy of all test registers, Material at site register and hindrance register along
with each alternate Running Account Bill and Final Bill shall be mandatory.
46 Maintenance of Material at Site (MAS) Register- All the MAS Registers including cement
and Steel Registers shall be maintained by Contractor which shall be issued to the contractor
by Engineer-in-Charge in the same manner as being issued to CPWD field staff.
(i) The measurements shall be recorded and entered in computerized format in the first instance
by the contractor, and a hard copy shall be submitted to the Department. All entries shall be
made exactly as per the existing procedure.
(ii) These measurements shall then be 100% checked by the Junior Engineer. If Junior Engineer
is not available, the Assistant Engineer shall perform 100% check of the measurements. The
contractor shall incorporate all such changes or corrections, as may be done during these
checks, to his draft computerized measurements, and submit to the department the corrected
computerized measurements in the form of a book, duly hard bound in red colour on the lines
of the conventional Measurement Books now in use, and with its pages machine numbered.
(iii) The Assistant Engineer and the Executive Engineer shall test check these computerized
measurements as per the existing instructions. This book shall be treated as a Computerized
Measurement Book.
(iv) The Junior Engineer, Assistant Engineer and the Executive Engineer shall record the
necessary certificates for their checks and test checks as per the existing procedure in this
Computerized Measurement Book.
(v) The Computerized Measurement Book shall be allotted a serial number as per the Register of
Computerized Measurement Books.
48 Safety Precautions -
Contractor shall within two weeks of award of work, submit to the Engineer-in-Charge for
his approval, list of measures for maintaining safety of manpower deployed for construction
and avoidance of accidents.
49 Scaffolding
For facia work, double steel scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports shall be used.
The supports shall be sound and strong, tied together with horizontal piece over which
scaffolding planks shall be fixed.
50. Sub- letting Un- authorized sub- letting of work shall not be permitted.
51. Royalty Octroi terminal, tax etc. at prevalent rates shall have to paid by the contractor
himself and the rates quoted by him shall include these duties and nothing extra on, this
account shall be payable.

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1. Scope of work (Nothing extra shall be paid on account of the following works.)
(i) The scope of work also includes Preliminary works like setting and maintenance of
permanent bench marks reference points, central line of the carriageway etc. It shall also
include making adjustment in the layout if required as per site conditions and as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge. The layout shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge before
starting actual work. Existing levels of the area under the scope of work shall also be
(ii) Clearing of site for construction of the work and all activities connected therewith before
commencement of work to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
(iii) Clearing of site (to be satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge) after completion of entire work
and handing over the same to the department.

(iv) All the exposed concrete surfaces shall have shutter or form liner finish (except for piles and
lean concrete) and nothing shall be paid extra for the sam

(v) Protection and maintenance of existing services.

(vi) Provision for all safety measures for traffic, pedestrian workmen, machinery etc. as
considered necessary by the Engineer-in-charge.

(vii) It may be noted that all the safety requirements as may be felt necessary by the Engineer- in-
Charge, shall have to be provided for allowing the traffic to pass underneath the
superstructure at all times during the construction period.
(viii) In case of defective construction by the contractor or on account of any other reason
attributable to the contractor if the consultants appointed by the. department, submit
additional claims for re-designing on account of additional input by them, due to such
reasons, the same shall also be borne by the contractor. The opinion of the Engineer-in-
charge in these matters shall be final and binding.

(ix) All ancillary and incidental facilities required for execution of the work i.e. labour camps,
stores, offices for contractors, work shop facilities, watch and ward, temporary structure for
plants and machinery, well equipped site laboratory as mentioned in the tender document,
water storage structure, tube wells, electric/telephone installation and charges, liaison work,
protection work during execution and not included in the main items, any other item /activity
contained elsewhere in the tender documents which is necessary for execution of work in the
opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge.
(x) Pumping and bailing out water in suitable manner as directed by Engineer-in-Charge shall be
done by the agency, if required, at his own cost and nothing extra shall be payable on this
(xi) It is also made clear that the work shall be carried out at various locations. Intending tenderer
should visit the sites/location of work including contractor's compound and physically assess
the activities which are involved for completing the work, including the quantum of work
besides the information supplied in the tender document. No claim whatsoever shall be
entertained on this account.

(xii) The construction agencies shall make arrangement for a regular fortnightly or other
frequency as desired by Engineer-in-Charge for the documentation of the progress of work.
(xiii) Activities related to setting of various items such as permanent bench-marks, reference
points, central line of carriageway, layout of foundations and bearings etc. shall be
performed by total station survey.

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2. Some restrictions may be imposed by the concerned authorities on quarrying of sand, stone etc.
from certain areas. For timely completion of work, the contractor shall have to bring such
material from other quarries located elsewhere, and nothing extra shall be payable on this

3. Unless otherwise specified in the Schedule of Quantities, the rates for all items of work shall be
considered as inclusive of working in or under water and/or liquid mud and/or foul conditions
including pumping or bailing out liquid mud or water accumulated in excavations during the
progress of the work from springs, tidal or river seepage, rain, broken water mains or drains and
seepage from subsoil aquifer.

4. Stacking of materials and excavated earth including its disposal shall be done as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Double handling of materials or excavated earth, if
required, shall have to be done by the contractor at his own cost.

5. The contractor shall have to make approaches to the site, if so required and keep them in good
condition for transportation of labour and materials as well as inspection of works by the
Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.

6. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining electric connection(s), if required,
and make necessary payment directly to the Department concerned. The Department will
however make all reasonable recommendations to the authority concerned in this regard.

7. The structural and other drawings for the work, shall at all times, be properly correlated before
executing any work and no claim whatsoever shall be entertained in this respect.

8. The contractor shall provide a total station Instrument for recording all initial and final levels of
entire earth work, and marking levels for all other related items to ensure proper supervision at his
own cost & as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
9. Royalty at the prevalent rates and all other incidental expenditure shall have to be paid by the
contractor on all the boulders, metal, shingle, earth, sand, bajri etc. collected by him for the
execution of the work directly to the concerned Revenue Authority of the State or Central
Government. His rates are deemed to include all such expenditure and nothing extra shall be paid.

10. For taking the permission to execute the work, if any required from any Govt. Deptt. Like
Delhi Traffic Police, DJB etc. the contractor will associates himself and for this nothing
shall be paid extra.

11. Incidental charges for taking permission from traffic police/penalty imposed by traffic
police for violations of traffic rules by police local bodies etc. shall be borne by the
12. It is necessary that the contractor may keep a record of procurement of materials required in
this work. It will be sole responsibility of the contractor to produce the same to any agency, if
asked for at any stage.

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(i) For the safety of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the work for the performance of the
contractor’s part of this agreement, the contractors shall, in addition to the provision of CPWD
safety code and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge, make all arrangements to provide facility
as per the provision of Indian Standard Specifications (Codes) listed below & nothing extra shall
be paid on this account:

IS 3696 Part I Safety Code for Scaffolds and ladders.

IS 3696 Part II Safety Code for Scaffolds and ladders Part II ladders.
IS 3764 Safety Code for excavation work.
IS 4138 Safety Code for working in compressed air.
IS 7293 Safety Code for working with construction machinery.
IS 7969 Safety Code for storage and handling of building materials.
IS 4130 Safety Code for demolition of buildings

14. Nothing extra shall be paid for cartage of any material to the site of work.

15. The right to carry out the work either in conformity with or in a manner entirely different
from the terms of this tender document that may be considered most suitable before or
subsequent to the receipt of tenders due to exigencies of work, is reserved with the

16. For the execution of any items of work where any incidental work is actually required but
not specifically stated in the tender, it is to be understood that the rate quoted by the
contractor shall cover such charges also and nothing extra on account of such incidental
charges, if any, shall be paid.

17. The contractor is to be held responsible for and to make good all injuries, damages and
repairs, caused by fire, rain, traffic, floods or other natural calamities and no payment
shall be made to the contractor on this account. Engineer-in-Charge shall not be held
responsible for any claims for injuries to persons/ workmen or for structural damage to
property happening from any neglect, default, want of proper care or misconduct on the
part of the contractor or any other of his authorized representatives in his employment
during the execution of the work. The compensation, if any, shall be paid directly to the
department/authority/persons concerned, by the contractor at his own cost.

18. Engineer-in-Charge shall have full powers to send workmen and employ on the premises
to execute fittings and other work not included in the contract. For whole operations the
contractor is to afford every reasonable facility during ordinary working hours provided
such operations are carried out in such a manner as not to impede the progress of work
included in this contract, in the opinion of Engineer-in-Charge.

19. At the time of construction, contractor shall embed all electrical/other fixtures like base
plates, brackets, conduits, etc. for street lighting, etc. as per the directions of the
Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing extra. whatsoever will be payable on this account.
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20. The contractor should quote the rate in Schedule of Quantity in figures as well as in
words. In case of discrepancy in the amount in figures and words the amount in words
shall be taken as quoted amount. If he does not quote his rate for any item (s), leaving the
space blank whatsoever, it will be presumed that he has loaded the cost of this / these
items (s) on the other items and he will execute this / these item (s) at zero cost and the
tender will be evaluated accordingly.

Special care should be taken to write the quoted rates in figures as well as in words,
in such a way that interpolation is not possible. In case of figures the word 'Rs '
should be written before the figures of rupees and words 'P' after the decimal figures e.g.
Rs.6.45 p and in case of words, the word 'Rupees' should precede and the words 'paise'
should be written at the end, Unless the rate is in whole rupees and followed by the
words "only" it should invariably be up to two decimal place. While quoting the rates in
Schedule of Quantity the word 'only' should be written closely following the amount and
it should not be written in the next line.

21. The contractor shall construct suitable godown at the contractor’s compound for storing
the materials safe against damage due to sun, rain dampness, fire, theft etc. He shall also
employ necessary watch and ward establishment for the purpose and no extra claim
whatsoever shall be entertained on this account.

22. Cement bags shall be stored in two separate godowns, one for tested cement and the
other for fresh cement (under testing). These godowns shall be constructed by the
contractor at his own cost as per sketch given in the general conditions of contract for
CPWD works-2010 with weather proof roofs and walls. The size of the cement godown
is indicated in the sketch for guidance only. The actual size of godown shall be as per site
requirements and nothing extra shall be paid for the same. The decision of the Engineer-
in-Charge regarding the capacity needed will be final. However, the capacity of each god
own shall not be less than 200 tonnes. Each godown shall be provided with a single door
with two locks. The keys of one lock shall remain with Engineer-in-Charge of the work
and that of other lock with the authorized agent of the contractor at the site of work so
that the cement is issued from godown accordingly to the daily requirement with the
knowledge of both parties. The account of daily receipt and issue of cement shall be
maintained in a register in the prescribed proforma and signed daily by the contractor or
his authorized agent in token of its correctness.

23. Material shall be kept in joint custody of the contractor and the representative of the
Engineer-in- charge. The empty containers shall not be removed from the site of work till
the relevant item of work has been completed and permission obtained from the

24. The area shall be kept dry when the work is in progress even below water table. Nothing
extra shall be paid for removal of slush / sludge, bailing out water due to sub-soil
condition, rains, spring etc.

25. Keeping in view exigency, the work shall be carried out in more than one shift i/c Sunday
& holiday and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.

26. Labour cess @ 1% (one percent) of the gross value of work done shall be deducted as
per Building & other construction workers (RE&CS) Act 1996 (Main Act) and the

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Building & other construction workers’ Welfare Cess Act 1996 (Cess Act) in the
National Capital Territory of Delhi.

27. Housing, water supply, Drainage and Electricity

No accommodation is available at the site of work. The contractor has to make his own
arrangements for electric connection, housing, stores and field offices, accommodations
for his labour and other employees etc, including drainage arrangement. Contractor
should visit the site and see in what manner he is able to arrange the above. Arrangement
of water for drinking purpose in addition to the water required for construction work is
also to be made by the contractor. No other space shall be made available at work site
except for temporary site office/ contractor’s compound. However onus will be on
contractor to arrange the space on its own. No claim whatsoever will be entertained on
this account.
28. On account of security consideration, there could be some restrictions on the
working hours, movement of vehicles for transportation of materials and location of
labour camp. The contractor shall be bound to follow all such restrictions and adjust the
programme for execution of work accordingly and nothing will be paid extra for this.

29. Contractor has to arrange and install at site batching plant of adequate capacity for
controlled concrete mix during the execution of work or alternatively arrange ready mix
concrete and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.

30. The contractor shall pump the concrete wherever necessary to expedite the progress of
work. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.

31. For lifting of concrete to various levels, tower cranes/ mechanical hoist of appropriate
size/ capacity shall be deployed by the contractor. Nothing extra shall be paid on this

32. The contractor shall make arrangement to provide adequate watch & ward to prevent
dumping of malba at site by outsiders. Any such malba shall be removed & disposed off
by the contractor at the approved waste processing facility of MCD and nothing extra
shall be payable to contractor on this account.

33. The site shall be cleared & all the surplus and unserviceable material shall be disposedoff
as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

34. The contractor shall dispose off the malba at nearby dumping ground which includes all
leads and lifts no dumping ground shall be provided / arranged by the department.

35. The dismantle material/building rubbish received from dismantling/demolishing shall

be dumped to the dumping ground in properly covered truck with precaution. Agency
shall submit the hard copy of photograph showing the properly covered truck with
precaution. Agency shall submit the hard copy of photograph showing the properly
covered truck disposing the dismantles material/building rubbish. Failure of which shall
be sternly dealt and a penalty @ Rs.500/- per trip of truck shall be levied and the decision
of Engineer-in-charge shall be final & binding.

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36. Agency/contractor shall not dump the construction material on the metalled road
and shall keep the construction material on the physically demarcated space by the

37. All the building material responsible for pollution shall be brought at site from sources
covered by tarpaulin and shall take all precautionary measure to ensure that no dust
particles are permitted to pollute the air quality, failure of which agency shall be liable to
pay damages as decided by Engineer-in-charge.

38. All the trucks or vehicle of any kind, which are used for construction purpose and/or
are carrying construction materials like cement, sand and other allied material shall be
fully covered in the process of transporting the material.

39. There shall be no burning of leaves, plastic etc. at construction site.

40. Work is to be done on roads having continuous movement of traffic. The contractor
shall have to execute work considering the convenience of traffic and nothing extra shall
be paid on this account.

41. Work has to be executed without disrupting the traffic and thus, limited space shall be available
for execution of the work. The contractor will have to carefully plan his sequence of operations
so that the traffic moves unhindered at all times. The traffic diversion plan evolved by the
contractor for execution of the work at all locations will require approval of Delhi Traffic Police
and of the department. Modifications suggested by the Traffic Police and also by the department
shall be implemented by the contractor during execution of the work. Nothing to be paid on A/c
of traffic diversion etc. by the Department.

42. All arrangements for traffic diversion during construction including maintenance of diversion
roads shall be considered as incidental to the work and contractor’s responsibility and nothing
shall be payable to him in this respect. However, if any new diversion road is constructed by the
contractor, the same will be paid separately.
43. The contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction and
provide, erect and maintain such barricades, including signages, markings, flags, lights and
flagman, as necessary at either end of the excavation embankment and at such intermediate
points as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for the proper identification of construction area.
He shall be responsible for all damages and accidents caused due to negligence on his part.
44. The contractor shall provide suitable barricading with suitably painted single row of GI sheets
about 3 feet wide (90cms) nailed or bolted with wooden poles spaced 2 to 3 metre apart and each
pole 1.6m to 2m long, 8cm to 10cm dia. The poles will be embedded in mobile iron pedestal/
rings suitably framed for giving stable support without hindering the traffic as per direction of
the Engineer-in-Charge. All management (including watch and ward) of barricades shall be the
full responsibility of the contractor. The barricades shall be removed only after the completion of
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the work or part of work. The contractor’s rate shall include all above items of work and nothing
extra shall be paid to the contractor over and above his quoted rates.
45. The temporary warning lamps shall be installed at all barricades during the hours of darkness and
kept lit at all times during these hours.
46. Barricading to be removed from the site after approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
47. Barricading will be the property of contractor after work completed.
48. For completing the work in time, the contractor might be required to work in two or more shifts
including night shifts and no claim whatsoever shall be entertained on this account,
notwithstanding the fact that the contractor will have to pay to the labourers and other staff
engaged directly or indirectly on the work according to the provisions of the labour regulation
and the agreement entered upon and/or extra account for any other reason.
49. If required the contractor shall have to work during nights also. He shall make the necessary
arrangements for lights etc. for nights or even if lights are required due to any other reason.
Nothing extra shall be paid on this account. The rates shall include the above elements.

50. Compensation to be levied for any construction material spilling over the carriageway.

i. It is often noted that contractors while dumping their construction materials on the footpath/
berms of the Road do not take adequate care with the result that construction material often
spills over to the carriageway. This is undesirable practice and a traffic hazard which is not to
be permitted. It is term of the contract that, without prejudice to various other conditions
regarding contractor's liability of safety, the contractor must take adequate precautions to
ensure that no spillage of construction materials takes place on to the carriageway. Failure to
observe this will make the contractor liable to pay compensation @ Rs. 100/- (One Hundred
only) per day, per metre length of
each carriageway as affected by spill over of any construction material, subject to a maximum
of 5% (Five percent) of the estimated cost of the work put to the tender. The decision of the
Engineer-in-Charge in this regard shall be final and binding on the contractor.
51. The nature of work is such that contractor may have to carry out a part of work amounting to not
less than Rs.50,000/-(Fifty Thousand) or full work on short notice of 48 hours from the
instruction of Engineer-in-Charge in writing on site order book or through special messenger.
Failure to comply with the instruction or delay in taking up the work as per schedule issued by
Engineer-in-Charge shall attract penalty clause as mentioned in the agreement. In addition a fine
of Rs.1, 000/- per day for each day of default shall be recovered from contractor and decision of
Engineer-in-charge shall be final, binding and not open to arbitration.
Contractor shall within two weeks of award of work, submit to the Engineer-in-Charge for his
approval, list of measures for maintaining safety of manpower deployed for construction and
avoidance of accidents.

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53..1 The basic objective of the following guidelines is to lay down procedures to be adopted by
contractor to ensure the safe and efficient movement of traffic and also to ensure the safety
of workmen at construction sites.

All construction workers should be provided with high visibility jackets with reflective tapes
as most of construction activities shall be done within right-of-way of the roads. The
conspicuity of workmen at all times shall be increased so as to protect from speeding
vehicular traffic.
The guiding principles to be adopted for safety in construction zone are to
i. Warn the road user clearly and sufficiently in advance.
ii. Provide safe and clearly marked lanes for guiding road users.
iii. Provide safe and clearly marked buffer and work zones.
iv. Provide adequate measures that control driver behavior through construction zones.
53.2 Permission for competent authorities
i) Wherever operations undertaken are likely to interface with public traffic, specific traffic
management plans shall be drawn up and implemented by the contractor in consultation
with the approval of local police authorities, and /or the concerned metropolitan/civil
authorities as the case may be.
ii) Such traffic management plans shall include provision for traffic diversion and selection
of alternative routes. If necessary, the contractor shall carry out road widening before
commencement of works to accommodate the extra load. The contractor shall be
responsible for getting the “Traffic Management Plan” approved from Traffic Police
before taking up any construction activity on the road.

The rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of all the related cost
except the cost of road widening.

53.3 The primary traffic control devices used in work zones shall include signs, delineators.
barricades, cones, pylons, pavement markings and flashing lights, deployment of sufficient
number of Marshalls on diversion roads and nothing shall be paid on this account.

The road construction and maintenance signs which fall into the same three major categories
as do other traffic signs,that are Regulatory Signs. Warning Signs and Direction (or
guidelines) Signs shall only be used. The IRC:67 (Code of Practice for Road Signs) provide a
list of traffic signs. The size, colours and placement of sign shall confirm to IRC:67. Nothing
shall be paid on this account

53.4 Regulatory signs

Regulatory signs impose legal restriction on all traffic. It is essential, therefore, that they are
used only after consulting the local police and traffic authorities and nothing shall be paid on
this account.

53.5 Warning signs

Warning signs in the traffic control zone shall be utilised to warn the drivers of specific
hazards that may be encountered.

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The contractor shall place detour signage at strategic locations and install appropriate
warning signs. In order to minimize disruption of access to residences and business, the
contractor shall maintain at least one entrance to a property where multiple entrance exist.

A warning sign shall be installed on all secondary roads which merges with the primary road
where the construction work is in progress at sufficient distance before it merges with the
primary road so as to alert the road users regarding the “Construction Work in Progress”.

Materials hanging over / protruded from the chassis / body of any vehicle especially during
material handling shall be indicated by red indicator (red light/flag) to indicate the caution
to the road users.
The compliance of above provisions are deemed to be included in the quoted amount of the
contractor and no claim / payment whatsoever shall be entertained on this account

53.6 Delineators
The delineators are the elements of a total system of traffic control and have two distinct
i. To delineate and guide the driver to and along a safe path
ii. As a taper to move traffic from one lane to another.

These channelising devices such as cones, traffic cylinders, tapes and drums shall be placed
in or adjacent to the roadway to control the flow of traffic, These should normally be retro-
reflectors complying to IRC:79. Recommended Practice for Road Delineators.

53.7 Traffic cones and cylinders

Traffic cones of 500mm, 750mm and 1000mm height and 300mm to 500mm in diameter or
in square shape at base and are often made of plastic or rubber and normally have retro-
reflectorized red and white band shall be used wherever required.

53.8 Drums
Drums about 800mm to 1000mm high and 300mm in diameter can be used either as
channelising or warning devices. These are highly visible, give the appearance of being
formidable objects and therefore command the respect of drivers.

53.9 Barricades
53.9.1 The contractor shall make adequate arrangement for temporary barricading and as directed
by the Engineer-in-Charge to cover the entire construction site including all T&P and
materials in order to prevent the working area from the risk of accidents due to speedy
vehicular movement. Same way barricades protect the road users from the danger due to
construction equipment and other temporary structures. No extra payment shall be made for
providing barricading of required size/specification as the cost of barricading is deemed to
be included in the quoted rates of different items by the contractor. The structural dimensions
of the barricade boards, material and composition, its colour scheme, PWD logo and other
details shall be in accordance with the drawing attached with the tender document and
direction of the Engineer-in-charge.

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53.9.2 The requirement of providing and fixing barricading at site shall be decided as per the
direction and approval of Engineer-in-Charge. The barricading shall be provided
continuously during the execution of the entire work till completion and shall not be removed
at any stage without prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. All barricades shall be
conspicuously seen in the dark/night time by the road users so that no vehicle hits the
barricade. Conspicuity shall be ensured by affixing retro reflective stripes of required size
and shape at appropriate angle at the bottom and middle portion of the barricade at a
minimum gap of 1000mm. In addition minimum one red light or red light blinker should be
placed at the top of each barricade The barricading shall include the following without any
extra cost:

a. Traffic signals during construction at site for day and night, reflective signs, direction
boards, marking, glow lamps, marking, caution tape, traffic signage as per requirement,
flags, Traffic Marshals etc. as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. However traffic
police signals shall not be the responsibility of the contractor.
b. Cleaning of barricading every fifteen days with water and detergent so as to ensure that
there is no dirt of splashes on the barricading. The dust accumulated along the barricades
on the carriageway shall be removed every week.
c. Installation of temporary warning signs/lamps on all barricades during the hours of darkness
and kept it lit there at all times during these hours.
d. Shifting and re fixing in position as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge and all
incidentals to execute the job as many times as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
e. Repainting of the barricading after regular interval as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
f. Proper maintenance of the barricading till completion of the work by repairing/replacing the
damaged barricade.
g. The barricades shall be maintained in one line and level
h. Non cleaning/repainting/proper maintaining of Barricading boards, as mentioned
above and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge, will attract a levy of compensation @ of
Rs. 50/- per meter per week upto maximum of Rs. 400/- per meter after the due date, as
intimated by Engineer-in-Charge.

53.9.3 The barricading provided shall be retained in position at site continuously i/c shifting of
barricading from one location to another location as many times as required during the
execution of the entire work till its completion and shall not be removed at any stage without
prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. A barricade register shall be maintained by the

53.9.4 The contractor has to provide at least 100 m of barricade boards (of size and specification as
per drawing available in office of EE M-412) at site within 30 days of award of work.
Depending upon site requirement, the Engineer in-Charge may also further direct the
contractor to bring more barricading boards within a prescribed time period. If the
contractor fails to provide the barricading boards, as above, within above time limit or
the time limit prescribed by Engineer in-Charge for further more quantity of
barricading boards, a compensation shall be levied on contractor @ Rs. 500/- per meter
per week subject to maximum of Rs. 4000/- per meter.

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53.10 The contractor shall ensure that all his construction vehicles plying on public roads (like
dump trucks, trailers, etc.) have proper license to ply on public roads from the state Transport
Authority. Drivers holding proper valid license as per the requirements of Motor Vehicles
Act shall drive these vehicles

The contractor shall not undertake loading and unloading at carriageways obstructing the free
flow of vehicular traffic. Any encroachment of existing roads by the contractor applying the
excuse of work execution shall not be allowed.

54. The concretization shall not be allowed up to 1 meter around existing tree on work site. No
measurement shall be done for payment for concrete within 1 meter around tree and
rectification shall be done at the risk and cost of contractor. The contractor shall be penalized
for Rs.1,000/- for violation of each case. The contractor shall also take all precautionary
measures to avoid any damage to existing trees and plants. All necessary arrangement shall
be made by the contractor. No extra payment shall be made to contractor on this account.

Wherever because of width of the road/footpath/divider/drain etc. it is not possible to leave

area of 1 meter around the trees then the space shall be left to lesser dimensions
commensurate with the space available, but it shall be ensured that the trees have sufficient
area for receiving the water and air to its roots. Any deviation from the dimension of 1 meter
shall be made only after approval of Engineer-in-charge.

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Special Condition for Malba Disposal

1 Agency will taken necessary photographs before & after for all locations of dumped
malba authorized or unauthoriselly on daily basis to kept in record.

2 For the purpose of payment of disposal of malba, the average density of building
rubbish/earth mixed malba shall be taken as 1.80 MT/cum and the cubical content of
building rubbish/earth mixed malba shall be multiplied by 1.8 MT/cum and the metric
tonne quantity so obtained and the weight receipt issued by MCD shall be compared
and lesser of the two shall be paid.

3 The disposal of silt/sludge/building rubbish/earth mixed malba to the authorized MCD

dumping ground shall be done through mechanical transport for Disposal of Malba.

4 The disposal of silt/sludge/building rubbish/earth mixed malba has to be done in

trucks/dumpers covered with polythene/Tarpolin sheets from hygienic point of view.

5 The malba shall be disposed/removed from the site within 36 hours from the time of
intimation from the Engineer-in-Charge, otherwise Rs.5000/- per day will be charged
to the agency and amount will be recovered from his bill.

6 For the purpose of removal of malba contractor shall have to make his own
arrangement of adequate no. of vehicles required at the MCD authorized dumping
ground including necessary registration of vehicles for this purpose. Nothing extra shall
be paid on this account.

7 The contractor shall intimate contact number/ mobile number of himself as well as of
the supervisory staff who have to carry out this job of disposal of malba.

8 All the C&D waste generated from dismantlement in PWD works shall be
transported/disposed off at the identified landfill sites of Municipal Corporation of
Delhi and documentary evidence in form of receipts from Municipalities and video
record of pre-measured stacks has to be mandatorily submitted to the department,
failing which a penalty at the double the prevailing rate of transportation plus
processing fee payable at the landfill site shall be recovered and no payment for
concerned agreement item and reimbursement of processing fee shall be made to

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National Green Tribunal Guidelines/Directions

( Based on DG, CPWD - OM No. DG/SE/CM/CON/Misc./02 dt. 16.03.2016)

The guidelines have been issued by SE(TLC), CPWD vide OMs dt. 23.12.2014 and
01.06.2015 on the subject matter is pursuance of orders passed by Hon’ble National Green Tribunal.
The Director (Tech & PR) has also issued directives on Air Pollution from construction and
demolition activity. These guidelines should be made part of NIT as special conditions and
agreement items. The same are summarized as under:-

1. The contractor shall not store/dump construction material or debris on metalled road.
2. The contractor shall get prior approval from Engineer-in-Charge for the area where the
construction material or debris cab be stored beyond the metalled road. This area shall not
cause any obstruction to the free flow of traffic/inconvenience to the pedestrians. It should be
ensured by the contractor that no accidents occur on account of such permissible storage.
3. The contractor shall take appropriate protection measures like raising wind breakers of
appropriate height on all sides of the plot/area using CGI sheets or plastic and /or other similar
material to ensure that no construction material dust fly outside the plot area.
4. The contractor shall ensure that all the trucks or vehicles of any kind which are used for
construction purposes/or are carrying construction material like cement, sand and other allied
material are fully covered. The contractor shall take every necessary precautions that the
vehicles are properly cleaned and dust free to ensure that en-route their destination, the dust,
sand or any other particles are not released in air / contaminate air.
1. The contractor shall provide mask to every worker working on the construction site and
involved in loading, unloading and carriage of construction material and construction debris to
prevent inhalation of dust particles.
2. The contractor shall provide all medical help, investigation and treatment to the workers
involved in the construction of building and carry of construction material and debris relatable
to dust emission.
3. The contractor shall ensure that C & D waste is transported to the C & D Waste site only and
due record shall be maintained by the contractor.
4. The contractor shall compulsory use of wet jet in grinding and stone cutting.
5. The contractor shall comply all the preventive and protective environmental steps as stated in
the MoEF guidelines, 2010.
6. The contractor shall carry out on Road inspection for black smoke generating machinery. The
contractor shall use cleaner fuel.
7. The contractor shall ensure that all DG sets comply emission norms notified by MoEF.
8. The contractor shall use vehicles having pollution under control certificate. The emissions can
be reduced by a large extent by reducing the speed of a vehicle to 20 kmph. Speed bumps shall
be used to ensure speed reduction. In cases where speed reduction cannot effectively reduce
fugitive dust, the contractor shall divert traffic to nearby paved areas.
9. The contractor shall ensure that the construction material is covered by tarpaulin. The
contractor shall take all other precaution to ensure that no dust particles are permitted to
pollute air quality as a result of such storage.

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10. The paving of the path for plying of vehicles carrying construction material is more permanent
solution to dust control and suitable for longer duration projects. The NIT approving authority
shall carry out cost benefit ratio analysis of the same.

Conditions to be included as Agreement item.

1. The contractor shall take appropriate measures like raising wind breakers of appropriate
height on all sides of the plot/area using CGI sheets or plastic and/ or other similar
material to ensure that no construction material dust fly outside the plot area. The NIT
approving authority shall take such item in the schedule of quantity to ensure that the
construction activity does not cause any air pollution during course of construction
and/or storage of material or construction activity.
2. The paving of the path for playing of vehicles carrying construction material is more
permanent solution to dust control and suitable for longer duration projects. The NIT
approving authority shall carry out cost benefit ratio analysis of the same. Based on the
coast benefit ratio analysis, the NIT approving authority shall include the item of paving
of path in schedule of item which can be utilized as a permanent path for client after
construction of project.
3. The NIT approving authority shall take lead of C&D waste from construction site to
C&D waste site in the scheduled of item.

South East Road-1 Divn.
New Delhi

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1. The contractor shall, at his own expense procure and provide all materials including cement
and steel required for the work.
2. The contractor shall procure all the materials in advance so that there is sufficient time to
testing and approving of the materials and clearance of the same before use in work.
3. All materials brought by the contractor for use in the work shall be got checked from the
Engineer-In-Charge or his authorized representative of the work on receipt of the same at site
before use.
4. The contractor shall also employ necessary watch and ward establishment for the safe
custody of materials at his own cost.
5. Contractor has to produce manufacturers test certificate for each lot of cement & steel
procured at site.
6.1 The contractor shall procure 43 grade (conforming to IS:8112 ) ordinary portland cement, as
required in the work from reputed manufacturers of cement having a production capacity of
one million tonnes or more such as ACC, JP Reva, Shri Cement, Gujarat Ambuja, Birla
(Vikram), Ultra-Tech & CCI . i.e agencies approved by Ministry of Industry, Govt. of India
and holding license to use ISI certification mark for their product. The tenderers may also
submit a list of names of cement manufacturers which they propose to use in the work. The
tender accepting authority reserves right to accept or reject name(s) of cement manufacture(s)
which the tenderer proposes to use in the work. No change in the tendered rates will be
accepted if the tender accepting authority does not accept the list of cement manufacturers,
given by the tenderer, fully or partially, Supply of cement as approved by Ministry of
Industry, Government of India and holding licence to use ISI certification mark for their
product whose name shall be got approved from Engineer-In-Charge. Supply of cement shall
be taken in 50 kg. bags bearing manufacturer’s name and ISI marking, along with
manufacturers test certificate for each lot. Samples of cement arranged by the contractor shall
be taken by the Engineer-In-Charge and got tested in accordance with provisions of relevant
BIS Codes. In case test results indicate that the cement arranged by the contractor does not
conform to the relevant BIS Codes, the same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from
the site by the contractor at his own cost within a week’s time of written order from the
Engineer-In-charge to do so.
6.2 The cement shall be brought at site in bulk supply of approximately 10 tonnes or as decided
by the Engineer-In-Charge.
6.3 The cement go-down of the capacity to store a minimum of 2000 bags of cement or as
decided by the Engineer in-charge shall be constructed by the contractor at site for which no
extra payment shall be made. Double lock provision shall be made to the door of the cement
go-down. The keys of one lock shall remain with the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized
representative and the key of the other lock shall remain with the Contractor. The contractor
shall be responsible for the watch and ward and safety of the cement go-down. The
contractor shall facilitate the inspection of the cement go-down by the Engineer-in-charge at
any time.
6.4 The cement shall be got tested by Engineer-in-charge and shall be used on work only, after
test result have been received. The contractor shall supply free of charge the cement required
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for testing. All the sampling, collection, packaging transportation and testing charges shall be
borne by the contractor, irrespective of the nature of test results.
6.5 The actual issue and consumption of cement on work shall be regulated and proper accounts
maintained as provided in Clause -10 of the contract. The theoretical consumption of cement
shall be worked out as per procedure prescribed in Clause-38 of the contract and shall be
governed by the conditions laid therein.
6.6 If the quantity of cement actually used in the work is found to be more than the
theoretical quantity of cement including authorized variation, nothing extra shall be
payable to the contractor on this account . In the event of it being discovered that
after the completion of the work, the quantity of cement used is less than the
quantity ascertained as herein before provided (allowing variation on the minus side as
stipulated in Clause - 38), the cost of quantity of cement not so used shall be
recovered from the contractor @ Rs.7250/- (Rupees Seven Thousand Two Hundred Fifty
Only) per metric tonne. Decision of the Engineer-In-Charge in regard to theoretical
quantity of cement which should have been actually used as per the schedule and recovered
at the rate specified, shall be final and binding on the contractor.

For non-scheduled items, the decision of the Superintending Engineer regarding theoretical
quantity of the cement which should have been actually used, shall be final and binding on
the contractor.

Cement brought to site and cement remaining unused after completion of work shall not be
removed from site without written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.
6.8 Damaged cement shall be removed from site immediately by the contractor on receipt of a
notice in writing from the Engineer-in-Charge. If he does not do so within three days of the
receipt of such notice, the Engineer-in-Charge shall get it removed at the cost of the
6.9 The cement in bags shall be stacked by the contractor in two godowns one for fresh arrival to
be tested for quality and another already tested in use having weather proof roof and walls
and on a proper floor consisting of two layers of dry bricks laid on well consolidated earth at
a level at least 30cm above the ground level. These stacks shall be in rows of two bags deep
and 10 bags high with a minimum of 60 cm. clear space all round . The bags should be
placed horizontally continuous in each line as shown in the accompanying sketch given in
CPWD Specification - 2019 Vol.I & II with upto date correction slips . The sketch is only
for guidance. Actual size / shape of godowns shall be as per site requirement and nothing
extra shall be paid on this account.
6.10 Cement register for the cement shall be maintained at site. The account of daily receipts and
issue of cement shall be maintained in the register by the authorized representative of the
Engineer-in-charge and signed daily by contractor or his authorized agent.
6.11 Cement which is not used within 90 days from its date of manufacture shall be tested at
laboratory approved by the Engineer-in-charge until the results of such tests are found
satisfactory, it shall not be used in any work.
7.1 The contractor shall procure Thermo-mechanically treated (T.M.T.) -steel reinforcement bars
conforming to relevant BIS codes from primary producers or secondary producers as
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approved by the Ministry of Steel. For TMT bars conforming to relevant BIS code,
procurement shall be made from primary producers or secondary producers. The contractor
shall have to obtain and furnish tests certificates to the Engineer-in-Charge in respect of all
supplies of steel brought by him to the site of work. Samples shall also be taken and got
tested by the Engineer-in-Charge as per the provisions in this regard in relevant BIS codes. In
case the test results indicate that the steel arranged by the contractor does not conform to BIS
codes; the same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from the site of work by the
contractor at his own cost within a week’s time from written orders from the Engineer-in
Charge to do so.
7.2 The steel reinforcement shall be brought in bulk supply of 10 tonnes or more or as decided
by the Engineer-in-Charge along with manufacturer test certificate for each lot.

7.3 The steel reinforcement shall be stored by the contractor at site of work about 30cm. to 45
cm. above ground. A coat of cement wash shall be given to steel bars when stored at site for
long duration so as to prevent corrosion. Nothing extra shall be paid on these account. Bars
of different sizes and lengths shall be stored separately to facilitate easy counting and
7.4 For checking normal mass, tensile strength, bend test, re- bend test etc. specimen of sufficient
length shall be cut from each size of the bar at random at frequency not less than that
specified below :

Under 10mm dia One set of sample for each 25 One set of sample for each 40
bars tonnes or part thereof. tonnes or part thereof.

10mm upto 16mm One set of sample for each 35 One set of sample for each 45
dia bars tonnes or part thereof. tonnes or part thereof.
Over 16mm dia One set of sample for each 45 One set of sample for each 50
bars tonnes or part thereof. tonnes or part thereof.

7.5 The contractor shall supply free of charge the steel required for testing. All the sampling,
collection, packaging, transportation and testing charges for all materials, CC cubes, MS
steel, Cement, bitumen etc. shall be borne by the contractor, irrespective of the norms of test
7.6 The Actual issue and consumption of steel on work shall be regulated and proper account
maintained as provided in Clauses 10 of the contract. The theoretical consumption of steel
shall be worked out as per procedure prescribed in Clause- 38 of the contract and shall be
governed by conditions laid therein.
7.7 The actual issue of steel shall be actual weight of total quantity of Steel received at the site
less actual weight of balance quantity of steel lying unutilized at the work site.
7.8 Steel brought to site and steel remaining unused shall not be removed from site without the
written permission of the Engineer-in-Charge.

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7.9 In cases the contractor bring surplus quantity of steel the same after completion of the work
will be removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost after approval of the
Engineer-in- Charge.
7.10 The mild steel and medium tensile steel bars to be used shall conform to latest version of IS
432 and cold twisted bars and TMT bars shall conform to the latest version of IS : 1786.
7.11 i) Reinforcement including authorized spacer bars and lappages shall be measured in
length of different diameters as actually (not more than as specified in the drawings)
used in the work nearest to a centimeter. Wastage and unauthorized overlaps shall not
be measured.
ii) The standard sectional weights referred to as in Table 5.4 in para 5.3.4 in CPWD
Specifications 2019 Vol. I to II with upto date correction slips for works will be
considered for conversion of length of various sizes of M.S. Bars, Tor Steel Bars and
T.M.T.bars into Standard Weight.
iii) Records of actual Sectional weights shall also be kept dia-wise and lot-wise. The
average sectional weight for each diameter shall be arrived at from samples from each
lot of steel received at site. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final for
the procedure to be followed for determining the average sectional weight of each lot.
Quantity of each diameter of steel received at site of work each day will
constitute one single lot for the purpose. The weight of steel by conversion of length
of various sizes of bars based on the actual weighted average sectional weight shall be
termed as Derived Actual Weight.
iv) a) If the Derived Weight as in sub-para (iii) above is lesser than the Standard Weight as
in Sub-para (ii) above then the Derived Actual Weight shall be taken for payment.
b) If the Derived Actual Weight is found more than the Standard Weight, the
Standard Weight as worked out in sub-para (ii) above shall be taken for payment. In
such case nothing extra shall be paid for the difference between the Derived Actual
Weight and the standard Weight.
7.12 The contractor shall be permitted to use TMT reinforcement bars procured
from secondary producer in case of non availability of steel produced by
primary producers subject to the rates of providing and laying TMT
reinforcement bars as quoted by the contractor in the tender shall be reduced by
Rs.5.20 per kg (which includes contractor’s profit & over heads as applicable)
7.13 If the contractor under any special circumstances & approved by the Engineer-
in-Charge is permitted to use structural steel from secondary manufactures then
a recovery of Rs. 6.00 per kg will affected for the quantity of such material used.

8.1 Thermo-Mechanically Treated Bars (TMT Bars) of 500 Grade, conforming to IS-1786
Specifications, produced by main producers or secondary producers as approved by the
Ministry of Steel having valid BIS license from M/S Thermax or Tempcore to produce
TMT Bars shall be used in all R.C.C. works.

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1.1 The RCC work shall be done with Design Mix Concrete. Wherever letter M has
been indicated, the same shall imply for the Design Mix Concrete. The Design Mix
Concrete will be designated based on the principles given in IS:456, 10262 & SP 23.
The condition and specifications stated herein shall have precedence overall
conditions and specifications stated in relevant I.S codes/CPWD specifications. The
concrete mix shall be designed for specified target mean compressive strength in
order to ensure that the work test results do not fall below the acceptance criteria
specified for the concrete mix. The Contractor shall design mixes for each class of
concrete indicating that the concrete ingredients and proportions will result in
concrete mix meeting requirements specified. The mix shall be designed with
quantities of admixture / plasticizer proposed to achieve required workability &
strength. The specifications mentioned here in below shall be followed for Design
Mix Concrete.

1.2 The sources of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate & water to be used in concrete work
shall be identified by the contractor & he will satisfy himself regarding their
conforming to the relevant specification & their availability before getting the same
approved by the Engineer-In-Charge.
1.3 Coarse Aggregate:- As per CPWD Specifications - 2019 - Vol. I to Vol. II with
upto date correction slips.
1.4 Fine Aggregate:- As per CPWD Specifications - 2019 - Vol. I to Vol. II with
upto date correction slips.

1.5 Water:- It shall confirm to requirements laid down in IS:456-2000 / CPWD

Specifications - 2019 - Vol. I to Vol. II with upto date correction slips.

1.6 Cement:- OPC of grade 43 shall be used for design mix concrete and shall conform
to IS-8112. However, if higher grade of cement is used by the contractor nothing
extra shall be paid on this account.

1.7 Admixtures / Plasticizers:-

The admixture shall confirm to IS : 9103, wherein required, the admixture of approved
quality and approved make only shall be used to attain the required workability. Nothing
extra shall be paid for use of admixtures.

1.8 Grade of Concrete:- The compressive strength of various grades of concrete shall be
given as below:-
Grade designation Compressive Specified Maximum Water
strength of 15 cm Characteristic cement Ratio
cubes compressive
strength at 28 days
( N/mm2)
M-20 As Per Design. 20 0.50
M-25 As Per Design. 25 0.50
M-30 As Per Design. 30 0.45
M-35 As Per Design. 35 0.45

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Water cement ratio and slump shall be as per IS : 456-2000


i) In the designation of a Concrete mix letter M refers to the mix and the number of the
specified characteristic compressive strength of 15 cm - Cube at 28 days expressed in
ii) It is specifically highlighted that in addition to the above requirements, the maximum cement
content for any grade shall be limited to 450 kg. / cubic meter.
iii) The maximum cement content for design mix concrete shall be maintained as per the
quantity mentioned above. In case where the quantity of cement required as per Design Mix
is lower than the quantity specified in the respective item in the “schedule of quantity”,
necessary deduction for less quantity of cement used shall be made from the contractor.
1.9 The contractor shall engage one of the following approved laboratories/ test house at his own
expenses for designing the concrete mix in accordance with relevant IS Codes and to conduct
laboratory test to ensure the target strength and workability criteria for a given grade of
i) I.I.T, Delhi
ii) I.I.T Roorkee
iii) CRRI
iv) Delhi Technical University Delhi.
v) Other Govt. labs & NABL Lab as approved by Superintending Engineer.

The various ingredients for mix design / laboratory tests shall be sent to the lab / test houses
through the Engineer-in-charge and the samples of such aggregates sent shall be preserved at
site by the department.

1.10 In the event if all the above laboratories are unable to carry out the requisite design / testing,
the contractor may have it done from any other laboratory with prior approval of the
Superintending Engineer South-East, PWD (GNCTD).

1.11 The contractor shall submit the report on design mix from any of above approved
laboratories for approval of Engineer-in-charge within 30 days from the date of issue of letter
of acceptance of the tender. No concreting shall be done until the design mix is approved. In
case of white portland cement and the likely use of admixtures in concrete with ordinary
portland/white portlant cement, the contractor shall design and test the concrete mix by using
trial mixes with white cement and / or admixtures also, for which nothing extra shall be

1.12 In case of change of source or characteristic properties of the ingredients used in the concrete
mix during the work, a revised laboratory mix design report conducted at laboratory
established at site shall be submitted by the contractor as per the direction of the Engineer-in-

1.13 Trial Batches

1.13.1 The designed mix proportion shall be checked for target mean compressive strength by
means of trial batches.
1.13.2 The quantities of materials for each trial mix shall be sufficient for at least six specimens
and the concrete required for carrying out workability tests.

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1.13.3 The workability of trial mix No. 1 shall be measured and mix shall be carefully observed for
freedom from segregation, bleeding and its finishing characteristics. The water content, if
required, shall be adjusted corresponding to the required changes in the workability.
1.13.4 With the modified water content, the mix pro-portions shall be recalculated by keeping with
water cement ratio unchanged. The mix proportions, as modified, shall form the Trial Mix
No. 2 and tested for the specified strength and workability.
1.13.5 In addition, trial mix No. 3 and 4 shall be designed by keeping water contents same as that
determined for trial mix 2 but varying the water cement ratio + 10 percent of the specified
value and tested for their design characteristics.
1.14 All cost of mix designing and testing connected therewith including charges payable to the
laboratory shall be borne by the Contractor including redesigning of the concrete mix
wherever required and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.


The mix design for a specified grade of concrete shall be done for a target mean compressive
strength Tck = Fck + 1.65s Where Fck = Characteristic compressive strength at 28 days.
s = Standard deviation which depends on degree of quality control.

The degree of quality control for this work is “good” for which the standard deviation (s)
obtained for different grades of concrete shall be as follows:-


M-15 3.5
M M-20 4.0
M-25 4.0
M-30 5.0
M-35 5.0
minimum three sets of separate preliminary test shall be carried out for each trial batch of
concrete mix. Each test shall comprise six specimens and only one test set of six specimens shall
be made on any particular day. Out o the six specimen of each set, three shall be tested at seven
days and remaining three at 28 days. The preliminary tests at seven days are intended only to
indicate the strength to be attained at 28 days. While the design mix shall be approved only on
the basis of test strength of 28 days. The design mix shall be considered satisfactory and
approval if at least three preliminary test- sets individually satisfy the following strength and
workability criteria.
(a) The average strength of each test sets is not less than the specified target mean
compressive strength(TCK).
(b) The strength of any specimen cube is not less than 0.85 Tck.
(c) The concrete mix is required degree of workability and acceptance concrete finish.

1.16 All cost of mix designing and testing connected therewith including charges payable to
the laboratory shall be borne by the Contractor.


a) All concreting shall be done using automatic concrete batching plant with automatic
admixture dispenser which shall be installed by the contractor at site, calibrated & tested.
For the admixtures if used within the parametre as specified in the Tender Document
nothing extra shall be payable. The batching plant shall conform to IS: 4925. It shall have
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the facilities of data print-outs, presetting the quantity to be weighed with automatic cut-
off when the same is achieved. Location to install batching plant at site shall be obtained
by the contractor from Engineer-In-Charge.

b) In case of non-availability of location to install batch Mix plant at site, Ready Mix
Concrete (RMC) may be used. The concrete to site shall be transported by transit
mixtures. All the precautions shall be taken during the transportation and handling of
concrete to achieve the desired strength, durability, etc. as envisaged in the mix design.
Contractor has to get the approval from Engineer-In-Charge regarding source of ready mix
concrete. Nothing extra shall be paid for ready mix concrete instead of batched mixed
c) All measuring equipment shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition and
their accuracy shall be checked at least once a month.

d) Only single sized good quality stone aggregate shall be brought to site of work from the
approved source. The grading of the stone aggregate shall be controlled by blending the
aggregate of different sizes in the required proportions at site of work.

The aggregate of different sizes shall be stock piled separately, preferably a day before
use.The grading of different coarse and fine aggregates shall be checked as frequently as
possible and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge to ensure that the specified grading
and quality of aggregate is maintained.

e) It is important to maintain the water cement ratio constant at its specified of approved
value by making adjustment for the moisture contents of both fine and coarse aggregates.

The moisture contents in the aggregate shall be determined as frequently as possible in

keeping with the weather conditions and as per the provisions of IS :2386 (Part-III) 1963.
f) The concrete shall be placed in position using tower crane or concrete pumps of adequate
capacity. Use of mechanical hoists shall not be permitted for lifting of concrete to various
levels. For pumping of concrete the design of concrete mix shall be done separately.
Nothing extra for laying concrete using concrete pumps or for extra concrete mix design
shall be paid.

1.18 All other operations in concreting work like mixing, slump, laying, placing of concrete,
compaction, curing etc. not mentioned in this particular specifications for Design Mix of
Concrete shall be as per CPWD specifications - 2019 - Vol. I to Vol. II with upto date
correction slips.


Work strength test shall be conducted in accordance with IS:516 on random sampling.
Each test shall be conducted on six specimen, three of which shall be tested at 7 days and
remaining three at 28 days.

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The test results of the sample shall be the average of the strength of three specimen. The
individual variation shall not be more than + 15% percent of the average. If variation is
more, the test results shall be treated as invalid. 90% of the total tests shall be done at the
laboratory established at site by the contractor and remaining 10% in the laboratory of
Central Designs Organization, CPWD or in any other laboratory as directed by the
The minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be in accordance
with the following:-

1-5 1
6-15 2
16-30 3
31-50 4
51 & above. 4 Plus one additional sample for each
additional 50 cubic metre of part thereof

NOTE:- At least one sample shall be taken from each shift.


i) In case the test results of all the samples are above the characteristic compressive strength,
the concrete shall be accepted.

ii) In case the test result of one or more samples fails to meet the requirement (i) above, it shall
be accepted if both the following conditions are met:-
a) Any individual test result is not less than (Fck - 4) N/mm2.
b) The mean of test results from any group of four consecutive samples is more than (Fck + 4)
iii) Concrete of each grade shall be assessed separately.
iv) Concrete is liable to be rejected, if it is porous or honeycombed, its placing has been
interrupted without providing a proper construction joint, the reinforcement has been
displaced beyond the tolerances specified, or construction tolerances have not been met.

1.21 The contractor has to arrange at site centering and shuttering for 1200 sqm. before start of
work. Only M.S. centering / shuttering and scaffolding material unless & otherwise specified
shall be used for all R.C.C. work to give an even finish of concrete surface. However,
marine-ply shuttering in exceptional cases as per site requirement may be used on specific
request from contractor as approved by the Engineer-in-charge.

1.22 Nothing extra shall be paid for the centering and shuttering, circular in shape whenever the
form work is having a mean radius exceeding 6m in plan.
1.23 In order to keep the floor finish as per architectural drawings and to provide required
thickness of the flooring as per specifications, the level of top surface of R.C.C. shall be
accordingly adjusted at the time of its centering, shuttering and casting for which nothing
extra shall be paid to the Contractor.

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1.23A As per general engineering practice, level of floors in toilet / bath, balconies, shall be kept 12
to 20mm as required lower than general floors shuttering should be adjusted accordingly.
Nothing extra is payable on this account.

1.24 Measurement - As per CPWD Specifications – 2019 Vol. I& II with upto date correction
1.25 Tolerances - As per CPWD Specifications - 2019 Vol. I& II with upto date correction slips.
1.26 Rates:-
1.26.1 The rate includes the cost of materials/ plasticizers / admixtures, labour and T&P, including
mixing, placing, transportation involved in all the operations described above except for the
cost of centering, shuttering & reinforcement which will be paid for separately.

1.26.2 In case of actual average compressive strength being less than specified strength which shall
be governed by para “Standard of Acceptance” as above the rate payable shall be worked out
accordingly as per C.P.W.D. specifications - 2019 - Vol. I to Vol. II with upto date correction

1.26.3 In case of rejection of concrete on account of unacceptable compressive strength, governed

by para “Standard of Acceptance” as above, the work for which samples have failed shall be
redone at the cost of contractor. However, the Engineer-in-charge may order for additional
tests (like cutting cores, ultrasonic pulse velocity test, load test on structure on part of
structure, etc) to be carried out at the cost of contractor to ascertain if the portion of structure
wherein concrete represented by the sample has been used, can be retained on the basis of
results of individual or combination of these tests. The Contractor shall take remedial
measures necessary to retain the structure as approved by the Engineer-in-charge without any
extra cost. However, for payment, the basis of rate payable to contractor shall be governed by
the 28 days cube test results and reduced rates shall be regulated in accordance with para

1.26.4 In respect of all projected slabs at all levels including cantilever, canopy, the payment for the
RCC work shall be made under the item RCC slabs. The payment for shuttering at the edges
shall be made under item of centering and shuttering for RCC slabs. Nothing extra shall be
paid for the side shuttering at the edge of these projected balconies and projected varandah

Steel shuttering as approved by the engineer-in-charge shall be used by the contractor.
Minimum size of shuttering plates shall be 600mm x 900mm except for the case when
closing pieces required to complete the shuttering panels. Dented, broken, cracked, twisted or
rusted shuttering plates shall not be allowed to be used on the work.
The shuttering plates shall be cleaned properly with electrically driven sanders to remove any
cement slurry or cement mortar or rust. Proper shuttering oil or debonding compound shall
be applied on the surface of the shutter plates in the requisite quantity before assembly of
steel reinforcement.
The joint filler shall be resilient closed cell expanded polyethene and non- tainting as
manufactured by Supreme Industries Ltd.
Providing joint filler of required thickness in position to substrate using either double sided
foam adhesive tape or neoprene synthetic rubber adhesive. When forming expansion joint

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with the Board in in-situ concrete, joint sealing slots can be readily formed in the following
Before installing, simply cut off a strip of the required depth. Then install the filler flush with
the finished surface.
Prior to sealing, the top strip can then be pulled easily from the joint to provided an
uncontaminated sealing slot ready for preparation and sealing. Rates shall be inclusive of all
including labour, material, T&P, scaffolding etc. complete. Nothing extra shall be payable on
any account.

a) The reinforcement shall be done as per CPWD Specifications - 2019 - Vol. I to Vol. II with upto
date correction slips.
b) The rate of item of reinforcement of RCC work includes all operations including straightening,
cutting, bending, welding, binding with annealed steel or welding and placing in position at all
the floors with all leads and lift complete as per CPWD Specification - 2019 - Vol. I to Vol. II
with upto date correction slips.
c) To avoid displacement of bars in any direction and to ensure proper cover, only factory
made round type cover blocks shall be used by the contractor. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account.


(1) The contractor shall procure Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) from the RMC producing plants.
(As per approved list attached)
(2) Engineer-in-Charge in aforesaid manner or provisions in CPWD Specification 2019, the
contractor shall be fully responsible for quality of concrete including input control,
transportion and placement etc.
(3) For all purpose the contractor shall carry out fully, the responsibilities of the “plancement
contractor” and the “manufacturer of concrete”.
(4) The Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right to inspect at any stage and reject the concrete if he
is not satisfied about quality of product at the user’s end.
(5) The Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right to excise control over the :
(a) Ingredients water and admixtures purchased, stored and to be used in the concrete including
conducting of test for checking of materials, recording of test results and declaring the
materials fit or unit for use in production of mix.
(b) Calibration check of the RMC Plant.
(c) Weight and quantity check on the ingredients, water and admixtures added for batch mixing.
(d) Time of mixing of concrete.
(e) Testing of fresh concrete, recording of result and declaring the mix fit or unfit for use. This
will including continues control on the workability during production and taking corrective
action, if required.
(f) For exercising such control, the Engineer-in-Charge shall periodically depute his authorized
representative at the RMC plant. It shall be responsibility of the contractor to ensure that all
necessary equipment, manpower & facilities are made available to Engineer-in-Charge and /
or his authorized representative at RMC plant.
(6) The contractor should therefore draw MOU/Agreement with RMC producer very carefully
keeping view all terms and conditions / specifications forming part of this tender document
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(7) All required relevant records of RMC shall be made available to the Engineer-in-Charge or
his authorized representative. Engineer-in-Charge shall, as required, specify guidelines and
additional procedures for quality control and other parameters in respect of materials,
production and transportation of concrete mix which shall be binding on the contractor and
the RMC plan. Only concrete as approved in design mix by Engineer-in-Charge shall be
produced in RMC plant and transport to the site.
(8) OPC (Conforming to IS: 8112) of brand / make / source as approved by Engineer-in-Charge
shall only be used for production of concrete.
(9) Quality control of Ready-Mixed Concrete.
It shall be the responsible of the conractor to ensure that RMC producer provides all
necessary testing equipments and take all necessary measures to ensure quality control of
ready mixed concrete. In general the required measures shall be :-
(a) Control of purchased materials quality.
RMC producer shall ensure that the materials purchased and used in the production of
concrete conform to the stipulation of the relevant agreed standard and the requirements of
the concrete mix design and quality control procedure. This shall be accomplished by visual
checks, sampling and testing, certification from materials supplier and information / data
from materials supplier. Necessary equipment for the testing of all material shall be provided
and maintained in calibration condition at the plant by the RMC producer.
(b) Control of material storage.
Adequate and effective storage arrangement shall be provided by RMC producer at RMC
plant for reliable transfer and feed system, drainage of aggregates, prevention of freezing or
excessive solar heating of aggregate, prevention of contamination etc.
(c) Record of Mix design and mix design modification.
RMC producer shall ensure that record of mix design and modifications is ready available in
his computer at RMC plant for inspection of Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized
representative at any time. Any modifications in mix design shall be done only after the
approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
(d) Transfer and weighing equipments.
RMC producer shall ensure that a documented calibration procedure is in place. Proper
calibration records shall be made available indicating date of next calibration due and
corrective action taken. RMC producer shall ensure additional calibration checks whenever
required by Engineer-in-Charge in writing to contractor. RMC producer shall also maintain a
daily production record including details of custormers to whom RMC was supplied

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including details of mixes supplied. Record shall also be maintained of what materials were
used for each day’s production including water and admixtures.
The accuracy of measuring equipment shall be within ± 2% of quantity of cement and ± 3%
of quantity of aggregate, admixture and water being measured.
(e) Maintenance of Plant, Truck Mixture and Pumps :-
Plant, Truck Mixtures and Pumps should be well maintained so as to not hamper any
operation of production, transportation and placement of concrete.
(f) Production of concrete at RMC producing plant.
(i) Weighing (correct reading of batch accurate weighing) :- For each load, written, printed or
graphical records shall be made of the weights of the materials batched, the estimate slumps,
the total amount of water added to the load, the delivery tickets number for that lead and the
time of loading the concrete inot the truck.
(ii) Visual observation of concrete production and delivery or during sampling and testing of
fresh concrete (assessment of uniformity cohesion, workability, adjustments to water content)
:- The workability of the concrete shall be controlled on a continuous basis during
production. The batch mix found unfit shall not be loaded into the truck for transportation.
Necessary corrective action shall be taken in the production of mix as required for further
(iii) Adequate testing equipments at the plant including equipment for measuring surface
moisture content of aggregates shall be provided by the RMC producer.
(iv) Making corresponding adjustment at the plant automatically or manually to batched
quantities to allow for observed, measured or reported changes in materials or concrete
(v) Sampling of concrete, testing, monitoring of results.
(vi) Diagnosis and correction of faults identified from observations/complaints.
(vii) Control of designed and prescribed mixes:- A quality control system shall be operated to
control the strength of designed mixes the required levels. The system shall include
continuous analysis of results from cube tests.

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1.1 The contractor shall have to necessarily deploy self-propelled mechanical paver with suitable
screeds capable of spreading, tamping and finishing the mix true to the specified lines, grades
and cross sections of the road. The paver finisher shall have the following essential features:
a) Loading hoppers and suitable distributing mechanism.
b) All drives having hydrostatic drive/control.
c) The machine shall have a hydraulically extendable screed for appropriate width requirement.
d) The screed shall have tamping and vibrating arrangement for initial compaction to the layer
as it is spread without rutting or otherwise marring the surface. It shall have adjustable
amplitude and variable frequency.
e) The paver shall be equipped with necessary control mechanism so as to ensure that the
finished surface is free from surface blemishes.
f) The paver shall be fitted with automatic levelling and profile control within the specified
g) The screed shall have the internal heating arrangement.
h) The paver shall be capable of laying either 2.5 to 4.0m width or 4.0 to 7.0m width as
stipulated in the contract.
i) The paver shall be so designed as to eliminate skidding/slippage of the tyres during

1.1.2 The contractor shall have to necessarily deploy the road rollers, for BM, DBM & DBC for
their compaction as per relevant MORTH specifications, as described below :-

(i) For Initial Rolling :- 80 to 100 KN static weight smooth wheel roller (3 wheels or
(ii) For Intermediate Rolling :- Vibratory roller of 80 to 100 KN static weight or pneumatic tyred
roller of 150 to 250 KN weight with minimum 7 wheels and
minimum tyre pressure of 0.7 Mpa.
(iii) For Final Rolling :- 60 to 80 KN tandem roller. The joints and edges shall be rolled
with 80 to 100 KN static roller.

1.1.3 Mix shall be prepared in hot mix plant of adequate capacity and capable of yielding a mix of
proper and Uniform quality with thoroughly coated aggregate. Hot Mix Plant shall be
preferable of batch mix type with electronic load sensor device. The requirement of clause
504.3.4 of MORTH specification shall be strictly adhered to.

1.1.4 The job mix shall be got designed by the contractor from CRRI/IIT/JMI or any other Institute
/Labs or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and its cost shall be borne by the contractor if
any. The mix shall be designed in such a proportion that laboratory density of 2.2 gm/cum
for Bituminous Macadam, 2.3 gm/cum for Dense Bituminous Macadam and 2.36gm/cum for
Dense Bituminous Concrete is achieved. The design mix M25 for cement content 330 kg /
cum shall be designed in recommended preparation. The contractor shall follow the
instructions contained in clause 505.3.3 and 505.3.4 for DBM and clause 507.3.3 & 507.3.4
for DBC & clause 515 for Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) of MORTH specifications strictly
and provide all necessary details as specified there in. In case of emergency if job mix of
other work is adopted after approval of competent authority the Rs. 15,000/- per each
job mix will be recovered from the contractor.

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The work shall consist of application of single coat of low viscosity liquid bituminous
material to an existing road surface preparatory to another bituminous construction over it.
The binder used for tack coat shall be bituminous of suitable grade as specified in
nomenclature of item.
1.2.1 The emulsified bitumen for tack coat on road shall be medium setting (MS) type conforming
to IS: 8887-1995. The bitumen emulsion shall be brought at site in one lot in sealed drums
and shall be got verified and checked by the representative of Engineer-in-Charge before its
use. The work shall be done strictly in accordance with clause 503 and sub-clauses thereof
MORTH specification for Roads & Bridges work(5th revision),2013.


The work shall consist of construction, in single course, of compacted crushed stone
aggregates mixed with bituminous binder, to serve as base/binder course, laid immediately
after mixing, on a previously prepared base in accordance with the requirement as per the
specification as laid down in clause 504 and sub-clause thereto of MORTH specification for
Road & Bridge works 2013(5th revision) and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.

Bitumen shall conform to grade and quantity as specified in nomenclature of the item. AGGREGATE
Aggregate shall consist of crushed stone aggregate confirming to grading specifications as
laid in paras 504.2.2 to 504.2.4 of MORTH specification 2013(5th Revision). No natural
aggregate or sand shall be allowed.
(i) RATE
The contract unit for the Bituminous Macadam shall be payment in full for carrying out all
the required operations including full compensation for all components listed in clause
501.8.8.2.(i) to (xi) of MORTH specification 2013(5th Revision). The rate shall cover the
provision of bitumen in the mix design @ 3.5% of weight of total mix with provision that
variation of quantity on minus side is not allowed. However, no extra payment would be
admissible for use of bitumen if the variation is on higher side i.e. beyond 3.5% of weight of
total mix.
The work shall consist of construction, in single course of compacted crushed stone
aggregates mixed with bituminous binder, to serve as base/binder course, laid immediately
after mixing on a previously prepared base in accordance with the requirement as per the
specification as laid down in clause 505 and sub-clause thereof of MORTH specifications
for Roads & Bridges works 2013(5th Revision) or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.

Bitumen shall conform to grade and quantity as specified in nomenclature of the item. FILLER
Filler shall consist of hydrated lime confirming to specification & grade as specified in
clause 507.2.4 of MORTH specifications 2013(5th Revision).

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(ii) RATE
The contract unit rate for the Dense Bituminous Macadam shall be payment in full all for
carrying out all the required operations including full compensation for components listed in
clause 505.9 of MORTH specification 2013(5th Revision).The rate shall cover the provision
of bitumen in the mix design @ 5% of weight of total mix with provision that variation of
quantity on minus side is not allowed. However, no extra payment would be admissible for
use of bitumen if the variation is on higher side i.e. beyond 5% of weight of total mix.


The work shall consist of constructing a single layer of specified compacted thickness of
bituminous concrete consisting of crushed stone aggregate mixed with bituminous binder, to
serve as wearing course, laid immediately after mixing on a previously prepared base in
accordance with the requirement of specification as laid down in clause 507 and sub-clause
thereof of MORTH specifications for Roads & Bridges works 2013(5th Revision) and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge.

Bitumen shall conform to grade and quantity as specified in nomenclature of the item. AGGREGATE
Aggregate shall consist of crushed stone aggregate conforming to grading & specification as
laid down in sub clause 507.2.2 to 507.2.3 of MORTH specification 2013(5th Revision) for
Roads & Bridges works 2013 (5th Revision). No natural aggregate or sand shall be allowed.

Filler shall consist of hydrated lime of grade & specification conforming to clause 507.2.4 of
MORTH specifications 2013(5th Revision).

1.5.2 RATE
The contract unit rate for the Dense Bituminous concrete shall be paid in full for carrying out
all the required operations including full compensation for components listed in clause 507.9
of MORTH specification 2013(5th Revision).The rate shall cover the provision of bitumen in
the mix design @ 5.5% of weight of total mix with provision that variation of quantity on
minus side is not allowed. However, no extra payment would be admissible for use of
bitumen if the variation is on higher side i.e. beyond of 5.5% weight of total mix.



The colour width and layout of road makings shall be in accordance with the Code of Practice for
Road Markings with paints, IRC : 35, and as specified in the drawings or as directed by the
2. Materials
Road markings shall be of ordinary road marking paint (retro-reflective), hot applied thermoplastic
compound as specified in the item.

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3. Hot Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking

(i) The thermoplastic material shall be homogenously composed of aggregate, pigment, resins
and glass reflector zing beads.
(ii) The thermoplastic compound shall be screeded/extruded on to the pavement surface in a
molten state by suitable machine capable of controlled preparation and laying with surface
application of glass beads at a specific rate. Upon cooling to ambient pavement temperature, it
shall produce an adherent pavement marking of specified thickness and width and capable of
resisting deformation by traffic.
(iii) The thermoplastic material shall conform to ASTM D36/BS-3262-(Part I).
(iv) The material shall meet the requirements of these specifications for a period of one year. The
thermoplastic material must also melt uniformly with no evidence of skins or unmelted
particles for the one year storage period. Any material not meeting the above requirements
shall be replaced by the manufacturer/supplier/Contractor.
(v) Marking : Each container of the thermoplastic material shall be clearly and indelibly marked
with the following information:
1. The name, trade mark or other means of identification of manufacturer.
2. Batch number
3. Date of manufacture
4. Colour (White or yellow)
5. Maximum application temperature and maximum safe heating temperature.
(vi) Sampling and Testing : The thermoplastic material shall be sampled and tested in accordance
with the appropriate ASTM/BS method. The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer-in-
Charge a copy of certified test reports from the manufacturers of the thermoplastic material
showing results of all tests specified herein and shall certify that the material meets all
requirements of this Specification.

4. Preparation
(i) The material shall be melted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions in a heater
fitted with a mechanical stirrer to give a smooth consistency to the thermoplastic material
to avoid local overheating. The temperature of the mass shall be within the range specified
by the manufacturer, and shall on no account be allowed to exceed the maximum
temperature stated by the manufacturer. The molten material should be used as
expeditiously as possible and for thermoplastic material which has natural binders or is
otherwise sensitive to prolonged healing, the material shall not be maintained in a molten
condition for more than 4 hours.
(ii) After transfer to the laying equipment, the material shall be maintained within the
temperature range specified by the manufacturer for achieving the desired consistency for

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5. Properties of Finished Road Marking

a. The stripe shall not be slippery when wet.
b. The marking shall not lift from the pavement in freezing weather.
c. After application and proper drying, the stripe shall show no appreciable deformation or
discoloration under traffic and under road temperatures upto 60oC.
d. The marking shall not deteriorate by contact with sodium chloride, calcium chloride or oil
drippings from traffic.
e. The stripe or marking shall maintain its original dimensions and position. Cold ductility of the
material shall be such as to permit normal movement with the road surface without chopping
or cracking.
f. The colour of yellow marking shall conform to IS Colour No. 356 as given in IS 164.

6. Application
Marking shall be done by fully /semi automatic paint applicator machine fitted with profile shoe,
glass beads dispenser, propane tank heater and profile shoe heater, driven by experienced operator as
specified in item. For locations where painting cannot be done by machine, approved manual
methods shall be used with prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge. The Contractor shall maintain
control over traffic while painting operations are in progress so as to cause minimum inconvenience
to traffic compatible with protecting the workmen.
The thermoplastic material shall be applied hot either by screeding or extrusion process. After
transfer to the laying apparatus, the material shall be laid at a temperature within the range specified
by the manufacturer or otherwise directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for the particular method of
laying being used. The paint shall be applied using a screed or extrusion machine.
The pavement temperature shall not be less than 10 degree C. during application. All surfaces to be
marked shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dust, dirt, grease, oil and all other foreign matter before
application of the paint.
Thermoplastic paint shall be applied in intermittent or continuous lines of uniform thickness of at
least 2.5 mm unless specified otherwise. Where arrows or letters are to be provided, thermoplastic
compound may be hand-sprayed.
The minimum thickness specified is exclusive of surface applied glass beads.
The finished lines shall be free from ruggedness on sides and ends and be parallel to the general
alignment of the carriageway. The upper surface of the lines shall be level, uniform and free from

7. Measurements for Payment

The painted markings shall be measured in sq. metres of actual area marked (excluding the gaps, if
any) correct upto the two places of decimal.

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1. The contractor shall procure bitumen of required grade as specified confirming to IS:73-1992
with upto date amendments and other relevant codes from the manufactures of repute like Indian
Oil Corporation Ltd., Hindustan Petroleum, Govt. of India and holding license to use ISI
certificate mark for their products.
2.1 Bitumen/Bitumen emulsion for tack coat shall be brought at site in sealed drums only bearing
following marking (legible)
(i) Name of Manufacturers.
(ii) Gross Wt., Net Wt. And Tare Weight.
(iii) Month and year of Manufacture.
(iv) Use before___________________________________(date)
(v) Type and Grade.
(vi) Batch Number.
(vii) “ISI” Certification and Standard Mark.
(viii) Name of Contractor/Supplier.
(ix) Serial No. & Total Nos. of drums in each batch.

2.2 For providing bituminous surface like BM, DBM, etc., the bitumen shall be procured either in
sealed drums or in bulk and stored at the hot mix plant site. The drums/container shall bear the
marking as mentioned in para-2.1 above.
2.3 The contractor will produce original challan/voucher for purchase of bitumen and emulsion from
IOCL/HPCL/BP/HINCOL as a proof of having purchased the material form manufacturer. The
voucher/challan shall be returned to the contractor after verification and making necessary

2.4 Bitumen of specified grade shall be brought to plant site in one lot for theoretical requirement
upto 100 tonnes and in lots of 100 tonnes or more for theoretical requirement of more than 100
tonnes. The day to day receipt and issue accounts of bitumen shall be maintained by the junior
Engineer in charge and signed daily by the contractor or his authorised agent on the following


Date of Qty. Progressive Date Qty. Total Cont.’s JE’s
Receipt Received. Total. of Issue Issued. Issued Balance initial initial
in hand
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Item of Work for Appx. Qty. of work Theoretical Remarks Initial of

Which issued done on each day   ulfillment of AE/AEE/EE
bitumen for work done Ex.Eng.
on each day?
10 11 12 13 14

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2.5 When bitumen is issued /brought in drums, the same shall be stacked in fenced enclosures to be
provided by the contractor at his own cost, as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge on one side
of the roadway. The contractor shall be responsible for the watch & ward and safety of
bitumen. The contractor shall facilitate the inspection of bitumen stockyard by the Engineer-in-
Charge or his representative at any time.
2.6 Material shall be kept in the joint custody of the contractor and the representative of the
Engineer-in-charge. The empty containers shall not be removed from the site of work till the
relevant item of work has been completed and permission obtained from the Engineer-in-
Charge. No heating of bitumen in drums for any purpose whatsoever shall be allowed.


The contractor shall have to obtain and furnish test certificate issued by manufacturer to the
Engineer-un-Charge in respect of bitumen procured by him. The samples shall be collected at
discretion of Engineer-in-Charge and got tested as per provisions of IS:73/MORTH/CPWD
specification from the laboratories approved by him.

4. The contractor shall supply free of charge, the bitumen required for testing. All the sampling,
collection, packaging transportation and testing charges shall be borne by the contractor,
irrespective of the nature of test results.
In case the test result indicate that the bitumen procured by the contractor does not Conform to
the relevant BIS codes/specification, the same lot shall rejected and shall be removed from the
site of work by the contractor at his own cost within a week’s time of written order from
Engineer-in-Charge to do so.
The bitumen content in bituminous mix shall be checked by conducting the bitumen extraction
test Conforming to IRCII at regular interval on the completion of work ,the actual consumption
of bitumen shall be worked out based on such test results. The theoretical consumption shall be
worked out based on the design mix formula and the actual consumption (based on extraction
test as well as MAS account) if found less than theoretical one, the recovery shall be made from
contractor for less use of bitumen. However, nothing extra shall be paid if actual consumption
so worked out is higher than theoretical consumption. This is without prejudice to action under
relevant clause of the agreement.
Bitumen brought to site/Hot Mix Plant and bitumen remaining unused after completion of work
shall not be removed from site without written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.

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5. The necessary tests shall be conducted in the lab of Delhi Technical University, Delhi / CRRI/IIT
Delhi /IIT Roorkee/JMI Delhi or any other NABL approved lab approved by the Engineer-in-
charge. The sample of carrying out all or part of the tests shall be collected by the Engineer-in-
charge or on behalf of officer-in-charge of the quality assurance wing of Central Design
organization, CPWD and his authorized sub-ordinate or by the officer-in-charge of PWD, (DA)
Lab, his authorized sub-ordinate and authorized representative of Testing Laboratories for
carrying out the independent quality assessment / control test and the results will be binding on
the contractor. The contractor or his authorized representative shall associate in collection,
preparation, forwarding and testing of such samples. In case he or his authorized representative
is not present or does not associate himself, the result of such tests and consequences thereon
shall be binding of the contractor.

NOTE:- Nothing extra shall be paid for cartage of bitumen to the site of work

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In consideration of the President of India (hereinafter called “the Government”) having agreed
under the terms and conditions of agreement No.________dated________made
between______________________and____________________________{hereinafter called
“the said contractor(s)”} for the work ___________________________
______________________________(hereinafter called “the said agreement”) having agreed
to production of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee for Rs._____________________ (Rupees
__________________________________ only) as a security/guarantee from the contractor(s)
for compliance of his obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions in the said
1. We _________________________________________
(indicate the name of the Bank)
(hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) hereby undertake to pay to the Government an amount
not exceeding Rs.___________/- (Rupees_________________________only) on demand by the

2. We _____________________________________________ do hereby undertake to

(indicate the name of the Bank)
pay the amounts due and payable under this Guarantee without any demure, merely on a
demand from the Government stating that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries
due or likely to be due from the said contractor (s). Any such demand made on the Bank shall be
conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the bank under this Guarantee. However,
our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding

3. We, the said bank further undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded
notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the contractor(s) in any suit or proceeding
pending before any court or Tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present being
absolute and unequivocal.
The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment
there under and the contractor(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment.

4. We________________________________________further agree that the guarantee

(indicate the name of the Bank)
herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for
the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues
of the Government under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims
satisfied or discharged or till Engineer-in-Charge, on behalf of the Government, certifies that the
terms and conditions of the said agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said
contractor(s) accordingly discharges this guarantee.
5. We__________________________________ further agree with the Government that
(indicate the name of the Bank)
the Government shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any
manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement
or to extend time of performance by the said contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for
` CORRECION-------NIL-------
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any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Government against the said
contractor(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said
agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or
extension being granted to the said contractor(s) or for any forbearance, act of omission on the
part of the Government or any indulgence by the Government to the said contractor(s) or by any
such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this
provision, have effect of so relieving us.

6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the

7. We_________________________________________________ lastly undertake not to

(indicate the name of bank)
revoke this guarantee except with the previous consent of the Government in writing.

8. This guarantee shall be valid upto_____________ unless extended on demand by Government.

Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, our liability against this Guarantee is restricted to
Rs.____________/-(Rupees_____________________only) and unless a claim in writing is
lodged with us within six months of the date of expiry or the extended date of expiry of this
guarantee, all our liabilities under this guarantee shall stand discharged.

Dated the _______ day of_________________________

(Indicate the name of the Bank)

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I/ we have submitted a bank guarantee for the work


of work)

Agreement No …………………………………..…… dated…………………………………….

From…………………………………………(Name of bank with full address)

to the Executive Engineer…………………………………………………………. (Name of


With a view to seek exemption from payment of security deposit / performance guarantee /

guarantee money for expansion joint/ Electrometric bearing/ bitumen mastic wok in cash. This bank

guarantee expires on……………………………………………………………………………

I /we undertaken to keep the validity of the bank guarantee intact by getting it extended from time to

time at my/ our own initiative upto a period …………………………………

…………………………. Months after the recorded date of completion of the work or as directed by

the Engineer-in-charge.

i/we also indemnify the government against any losses arising out of………….. non encashment of

the bank guarantee if any


Signature of contractor

The affidavit is to be given by the executants before a first class Magistrate.

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WHEREAS, Contractor…………. ( Name of Contractor) __________ (hereinafter called “the

contractor”) has submitted his tender dated ______________(date) for the construction of
…………………… (name of work) (hereinafter called “the tender”) KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these
presents that we ……………………… ( name of bank) having our registered office at
…………………….. . (hereinafter called “the Bank”) are bound unto Executive Engineer”,
Division, M-412, PWD, Delhi (hereinafter called “the Employer”) in the sum of
Rs.__________________ for which payment well and truly to be made to the said Engineer-in-
charge the bank binds itself, his successors and assigns by these presents.
SEALED with the Common Seal of the said Bank this ___day of __________, 20__

THE CONDITIONS of this obligations are:

(1) If after tender opening the Contractor withdraws, his tender during the period of validity
of tender (including extended validity of tender) specified in the Form of Tender.
(2) If the contractor having been notified of the acceptance of his tender by the Engineer-in-
(a) Fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement in accordance with the Instructions
to contractor, if required.
(b) Fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Guarantee, in accordance with the
provisions of tender documents and Instructions to contractor.

We undertake to pay the Engineer-in-charge either up to the above amount or part thereof upon
receipt of his first written demand, without the Engineer-in-charge having to substantiate his
demand, provided that in his demand the Engineer-in-charge will note that the amount claimed by
him is due to him owing to the occurrence of one or any of the conditions, specifying the occurred
condition or conditions.

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This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date …………. after the deadline for
submission of tender as such deadline is stated in the Instructions to contractor or as it may be
extended by the Engineer-in-charge, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived.
Any demand in respect of this Guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the above date.



SEAL …………………….



* Date to be worked out on the basis of validity period of 6 months from last date of receipt of

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i) I/We offer an unconditional rebate of (**) ________% ( ________________________

___________________(**)___________________) on my tendered rates.

(In Words)

Contractor Signature

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READY MIXED CEMENT CONCRETE According to availability and prior approval of competent authority.

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*If any other make is to be used, the same shall be got approved from the NIT approving

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To prevent spread of vector borne disease, following conditions shall be complied by contractor
at the site of work. Nothing extra shall be paid to agency in this regard.

1. Stagnant water gives perfect habitat to mosquito breeding, hence the contractor shall ensure
following points on site to prevent water stagnation at site:
a) Surface of site shall be properly leveled.
b) Water containers/storages at site shall be properly covered.
c) There shall be no plastic waste material like broken container, tyre, water bottles in open.
d) Proper hygiene shall be maintained at site.

2. Contractor will ensure sprinkling of mosquito repellent chemical on site at regular interval as
decided by Engineer - in- charge, failing of which contractor will be liable to pay compensation
@ Rs.1000/- for each default.

3. The contactor will clear off stagnant water from site within 24 hours of reporting, failing of
which contractor will be liable to pay compensation @ Rs. 5000/- per day.

4. In case any penalty is imposed by the local bodies on the PWD(GNCTD) for violation of
any norms of prevention and control of vector borne diseases at work site, same shall be
recovered from the contractor.

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Affidavit on India Non-Judicial e-stamp of Rs. 100/-
(To be submitted alongwith Performance Guarantee in case bidder owns the Tippers &
Excavator )

(i) That I,……………….. (Name of bidder) do hereby affirm that I am an owner of 02 Nos. tippers
running on CNG having emission norms BS-VI & 01 No. Excavator with Registration numbers
……………………………….. confirming to Specifications mentioned in NIT and Tippers &
Excavator are in good working condition. The attested copy of papers of ownership of Tippers &
Excavator with registration, upto date insurance, upto date fitness certificate and upto date road tax
etc. are hereby enclosed with this affidavit.
(ii) That the above mentioned Tippers & Excavator are available immediately for deployment for the
work: “A/R & M/O PWD Roads under PWD Division South East Road-1 during 2022-23. SH:-
Disposal of Malba of SER-12 & SER-14 awarded to me.
(iii) That the above mentioned Tippers & Excavator are spare and not deployed in any other contract
and shall be deployed exclusively for this awarded work and shall be not be deployed anywhere else
during currency of this work.
iv) That in case of breakdown of any of the above mentioned Tippers & Excavator during execution
of work, alternate Tippers & Excavator shall be made available for execution of work till repair of
the Tippers & Excavator only after prior written intimation and approval of Engineer-in-Charge and
after repair of original Tippers & Excavator same shall be re-deployed for this work.
(v) I/we ensure that Tippers & Excavator is as per contract item for the work “A/R & M/O PWD
Roads under PWD Division South East Road-1 during 2022-23. SH:- Disposal of Malba of
SER-12 & SER-14.

Bidder quoting tender & address

Verified at …………………….. on this ....../……/2023 that context of this Affidavit is true and
correct to best of my knowledge and belief thereon.

Bidder quoting tender & address

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Name of work:- A/R & M/O PWD Roads under PWD Division South East Road-1 during
2022-23. SH:- Disposal of Malba of SER-12 & SER-14.

S.No. Description of Item Unit 12 14 Total Rate Amount
2 Disposal of malba / building rubbish/
Similar unserviceable, dismantled or
waste materials from dumping place
of respective Sub-Divisions by
mechanical transport fitted with GPS
mechanism including loading,
transporting and unloading to
nearest authorized MCD dumping
ground for all leads and lifts involved
complete as per direction of Tonne 5753 7801 13554 634.10 8594591.00
Engineer-in-charge. (Payment will be
made as per weight slip issued by
authorised MCD dumping ground
after dumping of malba. Processing
fees at prescribed rate of authorized
MCD dumping ground will be
submitted by the agency & shall be
reimbursed by the department on
production of receipt).
Total 8594591.00

Assistant Engineer(P) Executive Engineer

PWD South East Road-1 PWD South East Road-1
New Delhi New Delhi

Signature Not Verified

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Digitally signed by SHIVAM DWIVEDI
INSERTION---------NIL------- AE (P) Date: 2023.01.28EE 14:20:13 IST
Location: NCD of Delhi-DL

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