ILS Updated Notes
ILS Updated Notes
ILS Updated Notes
DISCLAIMER: These Notes are for teaching purpose only. They will only be
applicable for CBE certificate students taught by me in the year 2022 only.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION TO LEGAL SYSTEMS .............................................................................................. 0
ILS NOTES ......................................................................................................................................... 0
1. MEANING AND SOURCES OF LAW IN TANZANIA ........................................................................ 3
I. What Is Law?.............................................................................................................................. 3
II. Branches Of Law ....................................................................................................................... 3
III. The Rationale/ Importance Of Law .................................................................................. 4
IV. Sources Of Law In Tanzania ................................................................................................ 4
V. What Is Business Law ............................................................................................................... 6
VI. Importance of business law ................................................................................................ 6
VII. Sources of business law ....................................................................................................... 7
2. LEGISLATIVE PROCESS IN TANZANIA .......................................................................................... 8
I. Stages In Legislative Process .................................................................................................. 8
a. Publication of the bill.......................................................................................................... 9
b. Introduction of the bill in the parliament ....................................................................... 9
c. First reading of the bill ....................................................................................................... 9
d. Submission of the bill to the appropriate standing committee ................................... 9
e. Second reading of the bill ................................................................................................ 10
F. Committee of the whole house and voting...................................................................... 10
g. Third reading of the bill ....................................................................................................... 10
h. Presidential assent ................................................................................................................ 11
3. LEGAL SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................. 12
I. Types/ forms of legal system in the world ........................................................................ 12
A. Common law legal system ................................................................................................ 12
B. Civil Law Legal System ...................................................................................................... 13
C. Religious Law Legal System .............................................................................................. 13
D. Socialist Law Legal System ............................................................................................... 14
4. COURT SYSTEM IN TANZANIA .................................................................................................... 15
I. What Is A Court System ......................................................................................................... 15
II. Court Hierarchy In Tanzania Mainland ............................................................................... 15
III. Tribunals .............................................................................................................................. 18
5. PRINCIPLES OF THE LAW OF CONTRACT ................................................................................. 19
I. What Is A Contract ................................................................................................................. 19
II. Types Of Contract .................................................................................................................. 19
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III. Parties To A Contract ........................................................................................................ 22
IV. Formation Of A Contract ................................................................................................... 23
V. Elements Of A Valid Contract .............................................................................................. 23
VI. Terms Of A Contract .......................................................................................................... 29
VII. The Doctrine Of Privity Of Contract ............................................................................... 30
VIII. Discharge Of A Contract .................................................................................................... 30
IX. Remedies For Breach Of Contract ................................................................................... 32
6. BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS ........................................................................................................ 34
I. SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP .......................................................................................................... 34
a. Advantages of sole proprietorship .................................................................................. 34
b. Disadvantages of sole proprietorship.............................................................................. 34
c. Formation Of Sole Proprietorship .................................................................................... 35
II. PARTNERSHIP .......................................................................................................................... 35
a. What is partnership?............................................................................................................. 35
b. Essential elements of a partnership...................................................................................... 35
c. Concepts in partnership ........................................................................................................ 35
d. Types of partnership ............................................................................................................. 35
e. Advantages of partnership.................................................................................................... 36
f. Disadvantages of partnership ........................................................................................... 36
g. Formation Of A Partnership .................................................................................................. 36
h. Partnership Deed .................................................................................................................. 37
i. Contents of a partnership deed ............................................................................................ 37
j. Duties and rights of partners ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
k. Dissolution of partnership .................................................................................................... 38
III. COMPANIES........................................................................................................................... 38
i. Characteristics/attributes/features of Companies ............................................................... 38
ii. Types of a Company .............................................................................................................. 39
iii. Advantages and disadvantages of co .................................................................................... 40
iv. Formation of a company ....................................................................................................... 40
v. Documents of company formation ....................................................................................... 41
vi. Winding Up Of The Company ............................................................................................... 43
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I. What Is Law?
This question has more than one answer. In fact the term law has so many
meanings depending on the context in which it is used. The term law is
defined differently in the fields of physical science, also different in the
fields of social sciences and so on. Our interest here however, is on the
‘Laws of the State/country’.
So what is law in our context?
There are several definitions of ‘law’. Different scholars have attempted to
define laws differently. Some of these definitions are like;
a) ‘Law is a body of principles recognised and applied by the state in
administration of justice.’
b) ‘Law is a rule of human conduct, imposed upon and enforced among
members of a given state.’
All in all , people define law different but for the purpose of simplicity , we
may define law as follows;
Law is a body of enforceable rules and regulations
imposed by the state/ governing authority to govern
human behaviour in the society.
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III. The Rationale/ Importance Of Law
Why do we need law? Why is it important to have laws in a society?
For people to live and work peacefully in the society, maintaining law is very
important. Below are few points showing the importance of law in the society;
i. Law helps in regulating the conduct and behaviour of people in the society.
This allows for peace and order to be maintained.
ii. Law provides justice to members of the society. This is because it helps in
resolving disputes arising between members in the society
iii. Laws protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individuals in the
iv. Laws maintain political and economic stability in a state.
v. Laws maintain peace and security in the country.
vi. Law provide guidelines and procedures in the dealings of individuals in a
vii. Law promotes fairness
viii. Law protects us from arbitrary acts of governments
Sources of laws are simply where our laws come from. In Tanzania there are
various sources of laws as follows;
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a. It contains some important rules and regulations for the governance of the
state. For example; Part III of the constitution provides for basic human
rights, it also provides the powers and limitations of the government.
b. It is a ‘mother law’ of the country. This means that the constitution
provides the legal foundation of all other laws in the country. All laws must
conform to the constitution as they are all derived from it. Article 97 of the
constitution is the one which give a legal basis of all other laws in Tanzania.
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International law is applicable in Tanzania through the treaties and conventions
that Tanzania has signed. Once a treaty or convention is signed by Tanzania,
the stipulations in the treaty become binding law in Tanzania. Example of
treaties and conventions signed by Tanzania include East African Community
Treaty( EAC treaty), SADC Treaty, CITES, UN Framework Convention on Climate
Change etc.
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d) Business law makes businessmen and professional aware of the legal issues
which arise in the day to day running of the business and how to deal with
e) Business law provides a means of settlement of business disputes in a just a
amicable manner.
f) Lastly, it helps businessmen and professionals in realizing business ethics
which they must follow in running a business.
With Vivid examples from Tanzania, discuss the sources of business law in
Tanzania. (Every point should be backed up with an example.)
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Legislative process is simply a law making process. It is the whole process whereby
an idea is developed through various stages until it becomes a law. It involves
various stages which the parliament goes through in making laws of the country.
The legislative process in Tanzania is provided under Article 97 and 98 of the
Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977.
The idea or proposal to make law is called a BILL. A BILL is a proposed law which is
to be considered under the parliament. Depending on its origin, a bill can be of
two types;
a. Government Bill: this is a bill which originates from the responsible
minister or the Attorney General.
b. Private Bill: This is a bill which originates from an individual member of the
Once a bill is made it goes through various stages until it becomes law. These
stages form the legislative process. The stages can be categorized as follows;
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a. Publication of the bill
After the bill is prepared, it has to be published in the Government Gazette before
being introduced in the parliament. The minister responsible for making the bill or
the private member of parliament must publish the Bill in at least two issues of the
government gazette.
The first publication of a Bill must contain its full text, and must be published at
least twenty-one days before it is introduced in the National Assembly for first
reading. The second publication of the Bill is made by inserting a notice in the
Gazette naming the title of the Bill.
NOTE: This procedure will not be followed in if the Bill is of an urgent nature and
the President has certified to the effect that time does not permit compliance of
prescribed procedures. A bill of this nature is called a bill under certificate of
For Government Bills, the Minister concerned or the Attorney General will
introduce the Bill in the Parliament. For a Private Bill the private member will
introduce the Bill to the Parliament.
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the bill. The bill will be amended accordingly and the standing committee will go
through the bill again to see if the proposed amendments were included.
Once the committee is done considering the bill, the Chairman of the committee
will inform the Speaker that it has concluded considering the bill. The Speaker will
order the bill to be returned in the parliament for the Second Reading.
After that the Opposition is allowed to give their view on the bill if the bill is a
Government bill. If the bill is a Private bill, the Government spokesman will be
allowed to give the Government’s opinion on the bill.
The members of the committee will then vote for the passage of the bill. If the bill
is voted for by more than two thirds of the members, it will proceed to further
stages. If the bill does not get more than two third votes of the members, it will
not proceed.
After the above procedure, the parliament will presume with the speaker at the
chair. The Minister concerned or the private member will inform the parliament
that the bill has been considered by the committee of the whole house and the
member have passed the bill. After this the Bill will be read for the third time. The
third reading of the bill signifies that the bill has been passed by the parliament.
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h. Presidential assent
After the bill has been passed by the parliament, it has to be assented by the
president for it to become a law. The president assents the bill by signing the bill.
If the president assent a bill it becomes a law. However if the president refuses to
assent the bill, it is returned to the parliament for further consideration
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A legal system is a system of laws through which a society is governed. It consists
of the ways in which the laws are made, interpreted and enforced. A legal system
shows how the laws of a state are made, and how they are interpreted and
enforced. Thus all legal systems have three components; the parliament,
legislature and executive and show the way the three components operate in
governing a society.
From the above definition therefore, every country has its own legal system.
However to study the legal system of every country in the world would have been
very difficult because we would have over 200 legal systems. To avoid the
complications of studying the legal system of every country in the world, there has
been a classification of legal systems in the world into four major group or types.
Legal systems in the world are grouped into four major types. These are;
It doesn’t mean that in common law system there is no legislature. In fact there is
a legislature which passes new laws and statutes which are also sources of law but
precedents play the central Role.
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judgments rendered by the higher courts enjoy binding authority,(judicial
court proceedings are based on the adversarial nature and the judges play a
passive role;
laws passed by the legislature enjoy the same status as ‘judicial precedents
The countries which practice the common law legal system includes; United
Kingdom, India, South Africa, most of the Common wealth countries and
Unlike in the Common law legal system where precedents take a central role, in
Civil law legal system only laws made by the legislature are considered legally
The countries which practice the Civil law legal system include; France, Italy,
Spain, Germany and all former colonies of France in Africa ( ivory coast, Mali,
Senegal etc
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The countries which practice the Religious Law Legal System include; Afghanistan,
Iran, Libya, Morocco and Saudi Arabia.
This means that in the socialist law legal system , the major source of law is the
Civil Code but the socialist system provide that most property must be owned by
the state. It also has special laws and courts for state enterprises.
The countries which practice the socialist law legal system includes; China, North
Korea, Russia, and Cuba.
Countries following mixed law legal system are South Africa, Israel, and others
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Tanzanian court system falls in one of the branches of the government; the
judiciary. The court system in Tanzania has two main branches;
For the purpose of this lecture, we will study the court system of Tanzania
In Tanzania the highest court in the court hierarchy is the COURT OF APPEAL of
Tanzania and the lowest court is the PRIMARY COURT.
Court of appeal
Primary court
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• It is the highest court in the court hierarchy
• It has power to hear appeals from the High Court of Tanzania and the High
court of Zanzibar.
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This court is established under Section 5 of the Magistrates Courts Act,
(RE 2019).
It is established in every region in Tanzania and therefore it has
territorial Jurisdiction in the region in which it is established.
It is presided over by the resident magistrate in charge.
It has the same powers as the district court however it has no power to
hear appeal cases.
It only hears fresh cases.
It has power to entertain criminal cases of offences such as theft, and
other criminal offences
It has power to entertain fresh civil cases whose value of subject matter
does not exceed 200 million for movable property and 300 million for
immovable property
This is the lowest court in the court hierarchy
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It is established under Section 3 of the Magistrates’ Court Act,
CHAPTER 11 RE 2019.
It is established in every district in Tanzania mainland and has territorial
jurisdiction in the district it is established.
It is presided over by a primary court magistrate
It can entertain criminal cases involving minor offences such as assault,
battery etc
It can entertain civil cases whose value does not exceed 30 million for
movable property and 50 million for immovable property.
It cannot entertain cases of a civil nature relating to land or labour
It also has power to entertain cases under customary and Islamic law.
III. Tribunals
Normally the judiciary through courts is the ones with powers to solve disputes in
the society. However, in reality, some of the disputes in Tanzania are solved by
the executive eg. Imposition of fines.
Tribunals may be defined as administrative bodies which do not form part of the
judiciary but which have powers to hear disputes and pass decisions.
Tribunals are also called Quasi Judicial bodies since they are not courts of law.
They only assist courts in their functions
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The law of Contract is the law which regulates contracts or agreements. It consists
of the rules and regulations that must be followed in a formation to
implementation of a contract.
The law of contract in Tanzania is provided for by an Act of parliament called The
Law of contract Act, Chapter 345 [RE 2019].
I. What Is A Contract
A contract is an agreement between two parties which is enforceable by law. A
contract is not just an agreement; it is an agreement which can be enforced in
courts of law.
Express contracts
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ii. Based upon the duty of performance
Unilateral contracts
Bilateral contracts
Valid contract
Voidable contract
Void contract
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B. Based upon the duty of performance and how an offer to contract is
accepted, contracts are classified as follows;
iii. Bilateral Contract ;
A bilateral contract is a contract which consists of two promises
promise to another party that she will do something (or avoid doing
something) in exchange for the other party’s promise to do something
(or promise to avoid doing something).Example: Eric promises to
wash Julia’s car if she promises to pay him 1000/=
iv. A Unilateral contract
It is an agreement with only one promise. That is, one party promises
a future action if the other party performs whatever is requested of
her. A contract is formed or comes into existence once the other
party begins to perform the requested services. Example: a company
promises to pay 50,000/= to the person who will find and arrest an
employee who stole from the company. David starts searching and he
finds and arrest the employee
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vi. Enforceable and Unenforceable Contract ;
An enforceable contract is one that can be enforced in court of law.
That is, the law allows for enforcement of the contract.
Unenforceable contract is one that cannot be enforced in a court of
law. It can either be valid or invalid but a court will not enforce the
contract. Example: An oral contract of the value above Tshs.200
may be valid, but the court will not enforce it because that specific
type of contract is required to be in writing under the state’s law.
Practice Question:
Amy is extremely angry at David. She hires Laura to pour sugar into the gas tank of
David’s car so that he gets an accident. Laura gets a change of heart and fails to perform
their agreement? Can Amy enforce her agreement with Laura?
a. Offeror/ promisor- this is the party or the person who makes an offer/
promise. The person who show willingness to contract.
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b. Offeree/ promisee- this is the person who accepts the promise or offer. The
person who signifies his acceptance to the promise or offer.
Meeting with the offeror’s promise is known as “acceptance”. The person who
makes an acceptance is called ‘offeree or a promisee’.
Both parties must give or exchange something of value with the other. The thing of
value is known as “consideration”. Consideration is the promise to give, or actual
giving, of a requested benefit or the incurring of a legal detriment (i.e., doing
something one does not have to do). Both parties must be of a legal age and sound
mind, and the purpose of the agreement cannot be illegal or against public policy.
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v. Legal/ lawful object
An offer is an expression of willingness of a person to enter into a contract. A
person who makes an offer is called an offeror or a promisor.
For an offer to be an effective offer and a good offer for contract formation it has
to be;
a. Definite and clear- this means that an offer to contract must contain a
specific promise from the person making the promise. The wording of an
offer should be in a way that does not cause confusion to the person who is
receiving the offer. The offeree must understand that she is the intended
recipient of the offer and may accept it. Also, the terms of consideration
must be stated. Example: Simply stating that I will sell you an item “for a
reasonable price” is not sufficient to constitute a definite offer.
c. There must be Intent to Make an Offer - The offeror must intend to make
the offer. The intent to make an offer is judged from the position of the
offeree. If a reasonable person in the position of the offeree would believe
the offeror’s words or actions constitute an offer, it is an offer. Example: I
shout out loud in frustration that I would sell my useless phone for a 500/=.
The words look like an offer to sell my car. In reality, I am simply espousing
my frustration. I do not have the intent necessary for my statement to
constitute an offer and no reasonable person would interpret my statement
as truly demonstrating that intent.
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d. It must be a final expression-meaning that the offeror leaves no room for
further negotiation it must be a final expression.
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7. Rejection of an offer; An offer terminates if the offeree receives the offer
and rejects it. Once the offeree rejects the offer, she cannot come back
later and accept the offer.
Acceptance of an offer is the assent of the offeree to the demands
contained in the offeror’s offer. It is an unconditional expression of assent
to all the terms of an offer.The person making an acceptance is called an
offeree or a promisee
This means ending an acceptance. An offeree can revoke his acceptance at any
time before the communication of acceptance is complete.
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Consideration is anything of value. A valid contract must include an
exchange of value between the offeror and offeree. The value should be the
inducement or incentive for the other party entering into the agreement.
That is, it must be the subject of the bargain between the parties.
Consideration must be lawful and something of value eg. Money, land,
another promise in return etc.
• Who is to furnish (give) consideration?
the promisee/ offeree
Any other person…….see Section 2(1) d of LCA.
In real life, all people may enter into contracts; minors, people of unsound
mind also enter into contracts. However special rules apply for persons with
no capacity to contract such as minors and people of unsound mind.
Free consent simply means that the parties on their own willingness have agreed
upon the same thing in the same sense. There is meeting of minds. Free consent
only happens when the agreement between parties is not caused by the following;
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1. Coercion- this means the use or threat of force to convince a person to act
according to one’s wishes. This is when a threat of a crime is used to force
someone in a contract. If a party enters into a contract due to coercion
imposed by the other party, the contract is voidable at any time by the
party subject to duress
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The object of the agreement must be lawful. This means that it should not be;
a) Illegal
b) Immoral
c) Opposed to public policy
d) Cause injury to a person or property of another.
Express terms are those which are specifically agreed upon by parties whether
orally or in writing
Implied terms are terms which are not specifically agreed to by parties but they
form a contract due to requirements of law, or custom, or by courts.
Conditions are major terms of a contract. They are so important that the breach of
a condition may bring the contract to an end
Warranties are minor terms of a contract. Breach of warranties does not end the
contract but the party may be entitled to damages.
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VII. The Doctrine Of Privity Of Contract
Privity of contract refers to the relationship which exists between parties to a
contract that allows the parties to sue on it.
The doctrine of privity of contract rule requires that; only a party to a contract
can get benefits under a contract and have obligations under it. Therefore only
parties to a contract can sue or be sued under the contract.
These are exceptions to the rule that only parties to the contract can sue or be
sued under it.
In some circumstances third parties( people who are not parties of the contract)
can sue or be sued in a contract. Such exceptions are as follows;
Agency relationships
Negotiable instruments
Assignment of contact
Collateral contracts etc
1. Discharge by performance
2. Discharge by Agreement
3. Discharge by frustration
4. Discharge by Breach
5. Discharge by operation of the law
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1. Discharge by performance
When the parties perform their obligations under a contract, the contract comes
to an end. An individual is relieved from her duties under a contract once she has
fully performed the duties under the contract. The general rule is that the
performance must be precise and exact.When one party performs his obligations
partially, he will not be discharged from the contract.
2. Discharge by agreement
The parties may form an agreement to release each other from their contractual
obligations. This is done by either forming a new contract which requires parties to
be released of their obligations in the old contract, or one party agrees to release
the other party from his obligation.
3. Discharge by frustration
Parties to a contract may be relieved from their obligation to perform if
performance becomes impossible, commercially impracticable or the underlying
purpose of the contract is frustrated. A contract is said to be frustrated when an
event occurs which make it impossible to further fulfil the obligations in a contract
and therefore brings the contract to an end.
When a frustrating event occurs the contract comes to an end and parties are
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Lapse of time.
5. Discharge by breach
This occurs where one party fails to perform his contractual obligations or decide
not to perform his obligations in a contract without a justifying cause.
They are;
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3. Injunction; injunction is a court ordered remedy whereby the court directs
a party who is breaching the contract to stop breaching the contract. It is
usually a remedy available for a continuous breach of contract. Example:
John and Jane enter into a contract where each party agrees not to cross
plot boundaries that they have jointly fixed. John breaches the contract by
crossing the boundary and is now building over Jane’s plot of land. A court
may order injunction to stop John from further breaching the contract.
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Business associations are legal organizations that exist by virtue of state law.
Owners and managers of a business must understand the important characteristics
of business organizations. They must understand how to choose an organization for
their business, how to operate within the chosen organization, and must comply
with the procedural and substantive laws applicable to that business association.
1. Sole proprietorship
2. Partnership
3. Company.
It is a business organization that is formed by only one person. It is easy to form
and does not require a big capital. The sole proprietor bares all liabilities of the
business and enjoys all the profit.
4. Fewer taxes
IV. ………………………………….
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c. Formation Of Sole Proprietorship
A sole proprietorship is formed by simply beginning business. Sometimes a sole
proprietor may be required to obtain a business licence before starting a business.
At his option, A sole proprietor may decide to register a business name but it is not
compulsory for him to do so.
The law governing partnership is the Law of Contract Act (LCA), Chapter 345 of the
laws of Tanzania[RE 2019]
a. What is partnership?
It is a relationship which subsists between persons carrying on business in common
with a view to make profit. See section 190(1) of LCA.
c. Concepts in partnership
Firm; can be defined as ‘persons who have collectively entered into a
partnership with one another.’
d. Types of partnership
i. General partnership
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ii. Limited partnership
e. Advantages of partnership
• Sharing of risks
• Sharing of capital
• Easy to form
• Combination of skills
f. Disadvantages of partnership
g. Formation Of A Partnership
A partnership is formed or created by a contract between two or more persons.
The contract may either be;
a. An oral contract; or
b. A written contract.
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It is more advisable to form a partnership by a written contract because a
partnership deed is considered to be the most reliable source of information
concerning the partnership and evidence in case of any dispute.
h. Partnership Deed
A Partnership deed is a legal document which is signed by all partners and which
contains the details of all matters concerning the partnership including
management of the partnership, rights, duties and liabilities of partners and how
the business of the partnership will be conducted.
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j. Dissolution of partnership
This refers to the process of bringing the partnership business to an end. A
partnership business can be dissolved in the following ways;
ii. By notice of a partner: this occurs when the term of partnership was not
fixed and one partner give notice to the others of his intention to dissolve
the partnership
iv. Dissolution by illegality: this happens when an event occurs which makes
the business of the firm unlawful
v. Dissolution by court; this happens when one partner applies to the court
for an order of dissolution of the partnership due to various reasons.
A company is one of the forms of business association. A company can be defined
as an association of individuals who contribute capital and employ it in business for
a common purpose of gaining profits. A company can also be defined as ‘an
artificial being, invisible, and intangible, created by or under the law.
Companies in Tanzania are governed by the Companies Act, Chapter 212 of the
laws of Tanzania[RE2019].
i. Characteristics/attributes/features of Companies
Companies usually have certain unique features that are not present in other forms
of business associations. These features differentiate a company from other
business associations. In Tanzania companies only acquire these characteristics
after the companies are registered. The characteristics of a company may also be
referred to as attributes or features of a company. At times they are called effects
of registration or incorporation of a company. They include the following;
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name, its own seal, its own assets and liabilities different from those of
members. See case of Salomon v. Salomon.
b. Capacity to sue and be sued on its own name; this means that a complaint
of the company of a complaint against the company should be addressed by
the company in its own name.
c. Limited liability; this means that incase of company debts, the members
will not be liable to pay them. The liability of members is limited to the
extent of their contribution to the capital of the company only.
d. Perpetual succession; this means that a company does not die or cease to
exist unless it is dissolved. Continuity of a co. is not affected by death or
retirement of its members.
f. Transferability of shares; a co. can issue and transfers shares from one
member to another. When a member looses interest in the co. he can
transfer his shares to another person.
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i. Limited companies – these are co. whereby liability of members is
limited by shares or guarantee
Companies are formed by promoters whose main task is to prepare documents and
register the company
In order to form a company in Tanzania you should follow the following steps;
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1. Name Selection. A proper and appropriate name should be selected for the
co. the name should be unique and comply with the requirements of the law
2. Name clearance. After selecting a name, the promoter has to submit an
application for name clearance at BRELA and it clears the proposed name.
After complying with all the steps, BRELA will register the company and issue a
Certificate of Incorporation as evidence of formation of the co.
Importance of MOA
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1. The Name Clause; this is a paragraph containing the name of the company.
For a private co. the name of the co. must end with the word ‘Limited’ and
for a public Co. the name must contain the words ‘Public Limited Company’
This is a document which contains the rules and regulations of the co. for the
internal management of the co. The AOS helps the co. to achieve its objects by
ensuring proper running of a co. The articles should not go against the MOA
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5. Directors appointment and qualification
6. Dividends
7. Rights and duties of members
8. Accounts, audit and borrowing
9. Winding up.
Compulsory winding up
This is when the court issues an order for winding up of the company. An
application must be filed before the High Court for winding up of the co.
ii. If the co. does not commence business within one year from incorporation
iv. The number of its members falls below the minimum required i.e. 2
vi. The court is of opinion that it’s just and equitable to wind up the co.
Voluntary Winding up
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Notes prepared by Sia, M.
This is when the members or creditors of the company pass a resolution to wind up
the company. It is done without court supervision.
i. When the period fixed for duration of the company has expired.
iii. When the company decides by special resolution too be voluntarily wound
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Notes prepared by Sia, M.