Phase 1b Trial of An Ibrutinib-Based Combination Therapy in Recurrent/refractory CNS Lymphoma
Phase 1b Trial of An Ibrutinib-Based Combination Therapy in Recurrent/refractory CNS Lymphoma
Phase 1b Trial of An Ibrutinib-Based Combination Therapy in Recurrent/refractory CNS Lymphoma
DOI: 10.1111/cas.13450
Department of Hematology, Graduate
School of Comprehensive Human Sciences,
Recent sequencing studies demonstrated the MYD88 L265P mutation in more than
University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan 70% of primary central nervous system lymphomas (PCNSL), and the clinical signifi-
Department of Hematology, Faculty of cance of this mutation has been proposed as diagnostic and prognostic markers in
Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba,
Japan PCNSL. In contrast, mutational analyses using cell-free DNAs have been reported in
Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of a variety of systemic lymphomas. To investigate how sensitively the MYD88 L265P
Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba,
mutation can be identified in cell-free DNA from PCNSL patients, we carried out
droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) and targeted deep sequencing (TDS) in 14 consecutive
PCNSL patients from whom paired tumor-derived DNA and cell-free DNA was
Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimoto, Department of
Hematology, Faculty of Medicine, University available at diagnosis. The MYD88 L265P mutation was found in tumor-derived
of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.
DNA from all 14 patients (14/14, 100%). In contrast, among 14 cell-free DNAs eval-
and uated by ddPCR (14/14) and TDS (13/14), the MYD88 L265P mutation was
Shigeru Chiba, Department of Hematology,
detected in eight out of 14 (ddPCR) and in 0 out of 13 (TDS) samples, implying
Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba,
Tsukuba, Ibarak, Japan. dependence on the detection method. After chemotherapy, the MYD88 L265P
mutation in cell-free DNAs was traced in five patients; unexpectedly, the mutations
Funding information disappeared after chemotherapy was given, and they remained undetectable in all
Leukemia Research Fund and Takeda
patients. These observations suggest that ddPCR can sensitively detect the MYD88
Science Foundation for Cancer Research to
S.C. Grant/Award Number: ‘n/a’, Grants-in- L265P mutation in cell-free DNA and could be used as non-invasive diagnostics, but
Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry
may not be applicable for monitoring minimal residual diseases in PCNSL.
of Education, Culture, Sports, and Science of
Japan (Grant/Award Numbers: ‘15H01504’,
‘16H02660’, ‘25112703’). KEYWORDS
cell-free DNA, droplet digital PCR, MYD88 L265P, non-invasive diagnosis, primary central
nervous system lymphoma
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2017 The Authors. Cancer Science published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Japanese Cancer Association.
diagnosis.2 Many genetic alterations identified in tumors have been of an 8-channel disposable droplet generator cartridge (Bio-Rad).
used to detect circulating tumor DNAs in patients with both solid Additional 70 lL droplet generation oil (Bio-Rad) was loaded into
cancers and hematological malignancies.2-4 the oil well for each channel. After droplet generation, droplets were
Whole exome and targeted sequencing studies have determined transferred carefully into a 96-well PCR plate. The plate was heat-
the genetic profiles of PCNSL. Notably, mutations in genes associ- sealed with the PX1 PCR Plate Sealer (Bio-Rad) and proceeded to
ated with the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-jB) and B-cell receptor sig- thermal cycling. Amplification was carried out on the 20 lL reaction
naling pathways are highly frequent in PCNSL.5-12 In particular, the mixture on the QX200 Droplet digital PCR system (Bio-Rad).
MYD88 L265P mutation was found in 38%-85.4% of PCNSL patients After PCR, the 96-well PCR plate was subjected to the QX-200
but never in those with non-hematological brain tumors, suggesting droplet reader (Bio-Rad). ddPCR data were analyzed by QuantaSoft
that this mutation is useful for differential diagnosis of PCSNL analysis software (Bio-Rad) that accompanied the droplet reader. In
among central nervous system (CNS) tumors.5-12 our analyses, MYD88 L265P mutation-specific signals were gener-
Herein, we examined how sensitively the MYD88 L265P muta- ated in the FAM channel, whereas MYD88 wild-type signals were in
tion is detected in cell-free DNAs in PCNSL patients at diagnosis the HEX channel.
and during the disease course.
Reads showing the Reads showing the
VAF (%) mutation/total reads FA (%) VAF mutation/total reads FA (%)
TP73 43.2 8584/19870 ND 0 0/19996 0
TP87 65.5 13070/19954 ND 0 0/19930 0.40
TP89 35.1 6979/19882 ND 0 0/19981 0.19
TP90 40.9 8137/19895 ND 0 0/19980 0.09
TP92 53.3 10534/19763 ND 0 0/19985 0.10
TP94 61.3 12233/19956 ND 0 0/19948 0.38
TP95 36.4 7230/19862 ND 0 0/19963 0.14
TP96 56.1 11122/19825 ND 0 0/19972 0.47
TP98 88.7 17736/19993 87 0 0/19987 0
TP99 56.6 11299/19974 55.9 0 0/19994 0.69
TP100 75.2 15025/19980 79 ND ND 0
TP101 9.2 1844/19988 10.5 0 0/12560 0
TP102 43 7260/16868 38.3 0 0/19991 0
TP103 19.7 3928/19973 17.1 0 0/19989 0
ddPCR, droplet digital PCR; FA, fractional abundance; ND, not done; NGS, next-generation sequencing; PCNSL, primary central nervous system lym-
phoma; VAF, variant allele frequency.
F I G U R E 4 Mutation ratio in cell-free DNAs and disease course. A, Patients who maintained complete remission (CR). B, Patients who
progressed during or after the therapy
in detecting very small numbers of mutation copies, avoiding biases studies have shown that cell-free DNA in several types of lym-
during the PCR procedures that happen in TDS. phomas could also be a surrogate marker for tumor burden.25-27 If
Nakamura et al reported that almost all PCNSL had MYD88 and the tumor burden in our cohort was less than in others because of
CD79B mutations, whereas they were not detected in glioblastomas the early setting of biopsies, the discordance might be explained.
(GBM).12,17 These mutations may serve as a genetic hallmark that Diagnosis and identifying minimal residual diseases (MRD) by
help a differential diagnosis among these two most common malig- using cell-free DNA have also been examined in DLBCL: cancer per-
nant brain tumors.12 sonalized profiling by deep sequencing (CAP-seq) and high-through-
In our analysis, concentration of cell-free DNAs in PCNSL was put sequencing identifying clonotypic Ig rearrangement using cell-free
107-2410 ng/mL. This estimation implies a much higher level than DNA were shown to be useful for early detection of relapse.21,25,26
that of cell-free DNA prepared from healthy volunteers, which were Recently, we showed that gene mutations specific to angioimmuno-
reported to be 1-10 ng/mL.18 Also, the estimated range appears to blastic T cell lymphoma in cell-free DNAs could be useful as sensitive
be higher than that of cell-free DNA amounts in patients with non- markers for circulating tumor DNAs and might be applicable for non-
hematological neoplasms, such as colorectal, lung, and breast cancer invasive monitoring of MRD.27 However, in the current study, the
(range 0.5-1980 ng/mL).19–21 However, this range of concentration MYD88 L265P mutation was not detected in cell-free DNAs even in
was lower than that of cell-free DNAs in patients with systemic lym- the PD state. Our results suggest that circulating tumor DNAs in
phomas (range 100-14 180 ng/mL).22,23 patients with PCNSL may not be applicable to monitoring the disease
In our analysis, the MYD88 L265P mutation was not detected in course of PCNSL, although those in patients with systemic lym-
cell-free DNAs by TDS. However, Fontanilles et al recently reported phomas were shown to be useful for monitoring of MRD.26,27 It
that a variety of somatic mutations specific to CNS tumors, including remains to be elucidated why the MYD88 L265P mutation was unde-
MYD88 L265P mutation, were detected in cell-free DNAs of PCNSL tectable in the PD state. Tumor size may not explain the reason, con-
patients by TDS.24 In their study, VAF of the MYD88 L265P muta- sidering that tumor size in the CNS at the time of disease progression
tion in cell-free DNAs was magnitudinally higher than those in our was bigger than that at diagnosis in a case (TP 90). Moreover, there
study (mean, 4.7% vs 0.34%). The higher VAFs in their study may was a possibility that the MYD88 L265P mutation-negative clone may
be a major reason why Fontanilles et al succeeded in the detection expand in relapsed tumors or that cell-free DNA may not circulate in
of mutations by TDS. In their study, materials used for extraction of peripheral blood after chemotherapy. Unfortunately, we analyzed the
cell-free DNAs were plasma, whereas ours were serum. This differ- course of MYD88 L265P mutation in cell-free DNAs in five cases
ence might explain the discordant VAF, despite the fact that our only. Further analysis will enable us to determine whether MYD88
analysis of one paired cell-free DNA prepared from serum and mutations are applicable for detecting MRD.
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