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Communication Analysis of The Political Image of The Demokrat Party On Social Media

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PERSEPSI: Communication Journal e-ISSN 2623-2669

Vol .6 No. 1, 2023, 58-65

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/persepsi.v6i1.14514
Communication Analysis of the Political Image of the Demokrat Party
on Social Media

Tiara Friska Mauliana1*, Ahmad Sampurna2

Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Koresponden: tiara0603202066@uinsu.ac.id

Technology has infiltrated human life in many ways. One of the most common technological
developments is social media. Not only for the general public, but also the political world is
inseparable from social media in this era. For political actors, social media is a platform to
contain positive support. But with the ease of stemming positive images, it cannot be denied that
social media can also be a boomerang that can damage their political image at any time. This
paper focuses on discussing the Demokrat Party's political communication in shaping its political
image, especially on social media platforms. By using a descriptive method, namely taking
sources from other literature. In this paper, the use of social media by the Democratic Party will
be presented. Furthermore, in terms of the political communication used, it can be concluded that
social media also plays an important role as a campaign platform and in building the party's
Keywords:Demokrat party; political communication; social media

Human beings cannot be separated from communication, communication complements
the human need to interact with other human beings. According to Wursanto (2001: 31),
communication is the process of passing/delivering news / information that contains meaning
from one party (person or place) to another party (person or place) in an effort to gain mutual
understanding. Communication is very important and is used all the time and everywhere.
Communication is further divided into techniques, functions and so on. Communication based
on techniques is divided into four types of communication techniques, namely informative
communication, persuasive communication, instructive/coercive communication and human
relations. (Effendy, 2011: 8) Communication can be used in all age groups, professions and
fields, one of which is politics. The techniques used in politics are generally persuasive
communication. The technique of seducing, persuading and inviting communicants, which is
carried out by communicators without an element of coercion, is a persuasive communication
technique. Politics cannot be separated from communication, without communication politics is
just an ideology of some people who cannot unite. Politics requires many people with a similar
ideology to be successful, therefore communication is needed in the political field to
communicate goals and objectives to the audience so that they can be accepted and supported
by listeners who agree.
Political communication is the communication of political messages by political actors to
people about many things about politics, ranging from government, people, rights and
responsibilities, and government policies. According to Mc Nair (2003), political
communication is not only communication from political actors to voters with the intention of
achieving certain goals, but also communication addressed to politicians by voters and
newspaper columnists, as well as communication about political actors and their activities, as
found in news, editorials and other forms of media political discussion. Political communication
no longer needs to organise meetings and gather as many people as possible in one place to
listen to the communicator. We can say that this is the era of online political communication.
Only through networks and communication tools such as mobile phones and computers can we
still hear communicators deliver their political messages.
Copyright ©2019 Persepsi : Communication Journal. This is an open acces article under 58
the CC-BY-SA lisence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
PERSEPSI: Communication Journal e-ISSN 2623-2669
Vol .6 No. 1, 2023, 58-65
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/persepsi.v6i1.14514
In the era of technology, namely the era of online political communication, social media
has become a new platform for campaigns and images with wide reach and high effectiveness,
one of which is in the political field. Indonesia ranks 8th in the world in the use of social media,
where many people can be reached.Toto Sugiarto (2014) In social media, one man one vote is
no longer valid, but one person can have the power of tens, hundreds or even thousands of
people. It is said to be equivalent to up to thousands of people because of the effectiveness of
social media as a means of exchanging ideas, the spread of various ideas, including campaign
content via social media, is very fast and almost limitless.
According to Chavez, (2012); Stietglitz & Dang Xuan, (2012), even before the era of
social media, politicians in Uncle Sam's country used the internet as a campaign medium. And
it is true that at that time, Uncle Sam's country was the first country to use a technology similar
to social media, namely the website in President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign. Using
websites as a means of campaigning and electioneering is very easy for any party. This success
has made Obama's US presidential campaign an illustration of the current era of online political
Social media is very helpful in many ways, one of which is in the political field. Wide
reach, freedom of speech and the ability to see or hear opinions directly are the advantages of
social media in this field. According to Douglas Hagar (2014) in Campaigning Online: Social
Media in the 2010 Niagara Municipal Elections, social media can contribute to political success.
With the advantages of social media's wide reach, it cannot be denied that social media is very
influential in shaping the image of a political party. However, with this unlimited reach,
mistakes or things that are not in line with the general public's thinking can easily cause
controversy and even damage the image of the political party. And there are traces that are
difficult, if not impossible, to erase and correct. If a mistake or just a question is circulated on
social media, it becomes a digital footprint that can easily be brought up with permanent
evidence on social media. This is what damages the party's image.
The image itself can be said to be the public's perception of the experience, trust, feelings
and knowledge of the community itself towards the company, so aspects of the facilities owned
by the company and the services provided by the employees to the consumers can affect the
consumer's perception of the image (Wasesa, 2006).Imaging may be an inappropriate term to
hear, but this image is very necessary as a form of communication to convey the party's
ideology. It aims to attract people who agree with the ideology to become supporters and
Political parties are groups or collections of politicians who already share the same
ideology and agree to use it as their party principle. Indonesia itself has more than one political
party such as Democrat, Pan, Gerindra, Perindo, PKS. PDIP and so on. In Indonesian politics,
the Democratic Party has successfully won the elections in 2004 and 2009 and is the party that
has the most positions in the current government (Vivanews, 2011).At that time, it was the
heyday of Mr Susillo Bambang Yudhoyono and was still in classic political communication
such as newspapers, television and radio.However, the Democratic Party experienced a drastic
decline after Mr SBY's popularity began to decline. Based on the provisional results of the
quick vote count of the 2014 legislative general election by several survey institutions, the
Democratic Party only received 9.43%. This means that it has decreased in comparison to its
gain in the 2009 legislative elections, which was 20.85%. (Kabar24, 2014).
In this era of online political communication, the Democratic Party has begun to build and
improve its image in the political world. They are using various ways to communicate their
intentions, including social media. This social media has become a new platform for many
political parties, especially the Democrats. Imaging is routinely used to rebuild public trust. In
this era, imaging can be done as often as possible, unlike in the era of classical political
communication. The difference is cost and time; the era of online political communication can
cut a lot of budgets and shorten time. This is in contrast to traditional political communication,
which has to prepare a series of more complex events with high costs for consumption, workers
Copyright ©2019 Persepsi : Communication Journal. This is an open acces article under 59
the CC-BY-SA lisence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
PERSEPSI: Communication Journal e-ISSN 2623-2669
Vol .6 No. 1, 2023, 58-65
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/persepsi.v6i1.14514
and venue rental.
Still, social media only has a big impact on politicians who are developing their parties
and ideologies. It is not a one-off job that comes around every five years. Politicians who are
constantly spreading ideas and discussing in depth in certain areas will see the results during the
elections (Erayani & Arwani, 2020). And the final result of the image that is still being made
still depends on the information or communication that they do. With the political
communication of the image of the Democratic Party as the focus of the problem. The author
aims that his writing can help readers to find out how the political communication of the
Democratic Party on social media. Marusic (2009) The purpose of the journal is to provide
information about the latest research findings that are supported by strong and comprehensive
data to prove that the research is reliable.

The method used is a descriptive or literature review method with a case study approach.
The method is done by taking references from others and combining several trusted sources.
Literature study, according to Nazir (2013, p. 93). The technique of collecting data by analysing
books, literature, notes and reports that have a connection or relationship with the topic and title
of the journal that the author is going to make


The results of the author's research, based on a descriptive literature review, show that
social media plays an important role in communicating political messages. Political imaging
through social media is very effective, especially for the Democratic Party which is improving
its image. The Democratic Party, which has an official account @PDemokrat, which has
followers: 14759 Followers: 865 Tweets: 3379 Twitter age: 3 years 9 days (Erayani&Arwani,
2020). In terms of reach, it is more effective and broader, and the cost savings are much lower.
Social media is easy to reach a lot of people and easy to influence their opinions. For the
Democratic Party's vote after entering this social media era, the author has not been able to find
valid data regarding estimates or surveys of the popular vote in favour of this party. However,
the author has included valid data showing the drastic decline of the Democratic Party at this
time. Due to the lack of data, the author has not been able to analyse the success of the political
communication techniques used by the Democratic Party in social media.

Below is data on the Demokrat Party's vote from year to year:

Figure 2. Graph showing the Demokrat Party votes from 2004 to 2019
Sources: Databox.com
Copyright ©2019 Persepsi : Communication Journal. This is an open acces article under 60
the CC-BY-SA lisence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
PERSEPSI: Communication Journal e-ISSN 2623-2669
Vol .6 No. 1, 2023, 58-65
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/persepsi.v6i1.14514
Based on this data, it can be seen that the drop in votes for the Demokrat Party was very
drastic. In order to revive the name of one of Indonesia's political parties, image building
continues through various media. As the Demokrat Party enters the technological era and heads
towards the 2024 elections, it continues to build its image through social media as a new
platform with a wider reach. One of the party members' ideas is already being implemented.
The DPC of the Surabaya Demokrat Party immediately held a consolidation and social media
training, which required all cadres and administrators to follow "One Day One Post" or one day
one post ahead of the 2024 elections (Jatim.poskota, 2022).
A time when the results of opinion polls are more important than the truth along with the
attractive appearances are more effective than achievements and inspiring social ideas (Tempo
Magazine, 27 July 2008). The truth is hard to win when more and more people are saying the
opposite. This is the weakness of social media as a forum for opinion, it is easy to be led to
believe that this is good and that is bad without seeing the truth first.
The definition of communication given by Gerald R. Miller in (Mulyana, 2008), that is,
communication as "situations that allow a source to transmit a message to a receiver with the
intention of influencing the receiver's behaviour". In imaging or campaigning activities, the
most appropriate communication technique to use is persuasive communication techniques.
According to Malik (1994), persuasive communication is a communication process in which an
attempt is made to persuade others to act and behave as desired by the communicator by means
of persuasion and without coercion.
In the form of communication delivery is further divided into two types, which are verbal
and non-verbal. Some types of communication based on the mode of delivery are as follows:

Table 1. Types of Communication

No Types Definition Example
1 Verbal Direct communication, i.e. direct speech
Speech and text
(face to face) or through media

2 Non-verbal Communication without words Facial

expressions and
Sources: Detikedu.com
Based on the nature of the communication, the most appropriate form of delivery for
social media is verbal communication. A clear explanation is needed both verbally and in
writing to clarify the intent and purpose to be conveyed. This is necessary because
miscommunication is very common and can easily occur on social media. Miscommunication is
very sensitive in the political world, which results in public opinion being led and the party's
image being considered bad.

To find out the type of political communication used by the Demokrat Party on social
media, the author analyses the content published by the Demokrat Party itself. Below is some
content from various social media accounts published by the official Democratic Party account:

Copyright ©2019 Persepsi : Communication Journal. This is an open acces article under 61
the CC-BY-SA lisence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
PERSEPSI: Communication Journal e-ISSN 2623-2669
Vol .6 No. 1, 2023, 58-65
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/persepsi.v6i1.14514

Figure 2. Images posted by the Demokrat Party on social media Instagram

The image above is one of the Democratic Party's posts on the social media platform
Instagram. Judging from the image, persuasive communication techniques are used with a type
of written verbal communication. With an unobtrusive and prominent element of invitation, this
post is made clear as a form of imaging for this party.

Copyright ©2019 Persepsi : Communication Journal. This is an open acces article under 62
the CC-BY-SA lisence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
PERSEPSI: Communication Journal e-ISSN 2623-2669
Vol .6 No. 1, 2023, 58-65
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/persepsi.v6i1.14514

Figure 3.Demokrat's video content on Instagram

The image above is a video post by the Demokrat Party, which is still on the same social
media platform, Instagram. In the picture, some videos still use the same communication, which
is verbal with a combination of oral and written verbal

Figure4.Demokrat Party video content on Tiktok

Copyright ©2019 Persepsi : Communication Journal. This is an open acces article under 63
the CC-BY-SA lisence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
PERSEPSI: Communication Journal e-ISSN 2623-2669
Vol .6 No. 1, 2023, 58-65
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/persepsi.v6i1.14514

The image above is a video posted by the Demokrat Party on the social media platform
Tiktok. In this picture, some videos still use the same communication, which is verbal with a
combination of oral and written. However, it can be seen that the audience reached by this
content is larger than on the previous platform.

The next image is the Demokrat Party's post on the Twitter platform. Similar to
Instagram, the majority of posts on Twitter use written verbal communication, where they rely
more on and prioritise ideology and the realisation of the work they put into words and

Gambar 3.Gambar postinganpartai demokrat di platform twitter

Descriptive research is research conducted to determine the value of one or more

variables, without making comparisons and connections with other variables. According to
Indriantoro and Supono (2012: 26) defines descriptive research as research on problems in the
form of current facts from a popularisation. And the author also conducted a case study to
analyse this topic, Creswell (2014) case study is a research strategy to carefully investigate a
matter with complete information collection using various data collection procedures.
Based on the author's findings, it can be determined that the image political
communication conducted by the Democratic Party on social media is a communication with
persuasive techniques that aims to persuade or invite the audience to vote.The above
communication process needs to be considered when conducting a campaign or seminar so that
the audience can be influenced and persuaded by the message conveyed without coercion.
Therefore, a campaign or seminar will be effective if persuasive communication is carried out
Copyright ©2019 Persepsi : Communication Journal. This is an open acces article under 64
the CC-BY-SA lisence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
PERSEPSI: Communication Journal e-ISSN 2623-2669
Vol .6 No. 1, 2023, 58-65
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/persepsi.v6i1.14514
properly. (Jessica Novia, 2022)
And it can also be determined, based on the case study conducted by the author, that the
communication used in the content of the Democratic Party mostly uses verbal communication,
with an estimated 80% written and 20% oral. This is supported by the data of the author's
findings and the opinion of Muhammad (2005: 95), according to whom communication is
communication that uses symbols or words either expressed orally or in writing (written).
Whether directly or through intermediaries, it is still considered verbal communication.

Based on the results of the research on the influence of brand image in retaining Holland
Bakery's business, the following conclusions can be drawn:
Holland Bakery is a brand for a franchise network of modern, premium quality bakeries. This
company is very concerned about the quality of its products, not only in terms of quality, but
also in the way it serves its customers. These results explain and show that Holland Bakery has
created a good brand image among the general public. Based on the results of the calculated and
processed questionnaire, consumers choose Holland Bakery as their first choice when buying
food products such as the products offered by Holland Bakery, namely bread.
In this case, it proves that the brand image carried out by Holland Bakery in maintaining its
business can be said to be successful, because seeing from the response of the community that
Holland Bakery products are a food business that is quite liked and remembered.


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